Brand Ambassador When you’re a Brand Ambassador you're a living symbol of the brand. Everything you do shows the brand in a positive light!
another loved you
Touch point one Visionary
Brand Ambassador
Thewindowistheveryfirstthingaguestsees.ABrandAmbassadorusesherpersonal visionto createa storewindowthatsharestheStand Out For Good Inc. story. GetstartedwithyourBrandAmbassadortrainingbygoingtothe Brand Ambassador building block 1.
Thinkaboutit Thinkaboutyourshoppingexperiences.Whatdoyounoticeinstorewindows? What do you assumeaboutastorewhenthewindowiscreativevs.dullandboring? Head back to building block 2 to test your skills!
Tellusaboutit Nowthatyou’vecheckedoutthemoduletraining,whatarethreethingsyou’llpay special attentiontowhenhelpingwiththewindows?
Touch point one Brand Ambassador
Time to find your leader. We can’twait for you to Try It Out! Use the Try it Out Cards and practice what you learned. How’d it go? How did you do on your challenge?What did you learn? Tell us all about it in the Brand Ambassador Touch Point Survey #1!
Time to Grab a partner and show them what you learned! C omplete the 2nd part of the Try it Out Card. I’m sure you rocked it! What was their feedback to you?Discuss with your peer! You did it! Time to move onto your next touch point! 26