Touch point four
Empowers Brand AmbassadorWhen the guest leaves, the associate says good bye A Brand Ambassador empowers a guest to choose to come back by giving her a sincere good bye and invitationto return
Continue to the next part of your Brand Ambassador training by
going to building block 4!
Think about it
Think about a store where you like to shop.
Do they do anything special when you leave? If so, what?
How does that make you feel? Tell us in the Lasting Impression Survey!
Head back to building block 4 and test your skills!
Tell us about it
Now that you ’ ve checked out the on-line training, how important do you think it is to follow Stand Out For Good Inc. standards on goodbyes?
Discuss with your Leader!
Touch point four
Time to find yourleader. We can’t wait for you to Try It Out! Use the Try it Out Cards and practice what you learned.
Brand AmbassadorHow’d it go?
How did you do on your challenge?
What did you learn?
Tell is all about it in theLast Impression Try It Out Survey!
Time to Grab a partner and show them what you learned!
C omplete the 2 nd part of the Try it Out Card.
I’m sure you rocked it!
What was their feed back to you?
Discuss with your Leader!
You finished! Way to go!
We want to celebrate with you!!! #altardstatestar
You are now trained and ready to be a representative of Stand Out For Good Inc!
This means you will always do your absolute best to deliver the best guest experience imaginable to our guests!
You have also earned the the Remember – your enrich many lives! to the success of the being a part