Brand Ambassador Touch Point 4

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Lasting Impressions

Empowers Brand AmbassadorTouch point four

When the guest leaves, the associate says good bye A Brand Ambassadorempowers a guestto choose to comeback by giving herasinceregood byeandinvitationto return

ContinuetothenextpartofyourBrandAmbassadortrainingbygoingto building block 4!


Thinkaboutastorewhereyouliketoshop. Dotheydoanythingspecialwhenyouleave?Ifso,what?

Howdoesthatmakeyoufeel? Tell us in the Lasting Impression Survey!

Headbacktobuilding block 4 andtestyourskills!


Nowthatyou’vecheckedouttheonlinetraining,howimportant doyouthinkitistofollowStand OutForGood Inc.standards on goodbyes? Whatrolesdoyouthinkthegoodbyeandinvitation

to returnplayintheguestexperience?Discuss with your Leader!



Lasting Impressions

Touch point four

Time to find yourleader. We can’t wait for you to Try It Out! Use the Try it Out Cards andpracticewhatyoulearned.


Howdidyoudo on yourchallenge?

Whatdid you learn?

Tell is all about it in the Last Impression Try It Out Survey!

Brand Ambassador

Time to Grab a partner and show them what you learned! C omplete the 2 nd part of the Try it Out Card.


Whatwastheirfeed backto you?

Discuss with your Leader!

You finished!

Now you can personalize your certificate & get your Leader’s sign off. Way to go!


C ongratulations!

You’re a Brand Ambassador Your Signature Your Store Leader Your District Leader Your Regional Leader Take this page illustrate it, hold it up, selfie time, post ! We want to celebrate with you!!! #altardstatestar Share your success !!! 47


You are now trained and ready to be a representative of Stand Out For Good Inc!

This means you will always do your absolute best to deliver the best guest experience imaginable to our guests!

You have also earned thethe Remember your enrich many lives! to the success of the being a part

we’reso glad you’rehere!

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