1 stand out. for good.

C ongratulations on completing your onboarding and VOG training! You will now complete the next 4 levels of learning in order to give our guest the best experience imaginable! Operations Expert: a whiz in all things technical Guest Experience Star: a masterof the perfect guest experience Style C onsultant: a fashion guru from wearto care Sales Champion: a pro in meetingguest needs now and in the future Never lose sight of where you are going! Your training is just for you to personalize and make yours. have fun! 3

Operations Expert When you’re an Operations Expert, you’ve got the know how. You have the technical side of things down to where it’s as natural as breathing!

If opportunity doesn’t knock BUILD A DOOR


Creativity Touch point one Operations Expert Window Lighting a window and keeping it stocked are key to making it shine. An Operations Expert does thisexpertly and with creative f lair! GetstartedwithyourOperationsExperttrainingby goingto buiding block 5! Think aboutit Inthevisualarts,light,shading,anddetails makeimagescomealive. Howcanthose same conceptsbeused inawindowdisplay? Headbacktobuilding block 6 and testyour skills! Tell usaboutit Nowthatyou’vechecked outthebuilding block,whatarethreethingsyoucandoto creatively lightwindowsandkeep thestyleontrend? Grab your Leader, discusshowyou’llusethem in your work . 12

You did it! Time to move onto your next touchpoint! Touch point one Operations ExpertCreativity Window Time to find your leader. We can’t wait for you to Try It Out! Use the Try it Out Cards and practice what you learned How’d it go? How did you do on your challenge? What did you learn? Go to the Operations Expert Window Survey to tell us all about it. Time to Grab a partner and show them whatyou learned! C ompletethe 2nd part of the Try it Out Card. I’m sure you rocked it! Whatwas theirfeed back to you? 13