SFS Best Practices
Ship from Store (SFS) and Buy Online Pick Up in Store (BOPIS) have become a significant part of the guest experience and sales generation for all the Stand Out for Good Brands. Our guest is busier than ever, and her time is more limited. To exceed the expectations of the guest and to meet the World Class goals of a rejection rate of less than 2% on SFS orders and less than 1% on BOPIS, the store team must have an efficient operational process in place.
There are several new tools and resources to help your store team execute including:
• SFS Stations
• SFS Technology
• SFS Printers
• Minimized Keystrokes
• Geiger Functionality
• Reserved and Damage Workflows
• Mail Innovations Shipping
• Daily Rejection Rate and BOPIS Reporting
• SFS Training on Milo
To assist in achieving the fulfillment goals, please implement the following Best Practices:
1. Designated Associates: Identify 2-3 associates that can consistently execute the SFS process. This associate will not be able to execute every SFS/BOPIS order you receive but having associates that are familiar with the product and the process will help with the efficiency and success. The associate designated to SFS processing should have excellent product knowledge and understand the layout of the sales floor and back room.
Primary Responsibilities of the SFS associate:
• Print all open orders in batches if applicable.
• Utilization of the RFID Scanners and the Geiger Mode.
• Pick and pack all priority/expedited orders first. (Noted with ! on the order list).
• Remaining orders will be picked, processed and packed oldest to newest. Pick all orders first to ensure they are not sold to a guest in the store throughout the day.
• Pick and process efficiently to minimize footsteps and process orders quickly. Print multiple orders to process and if there are additional associates supporting the process, split the picking and packing duties to expedite the process.
• Please note: take the time to make sure the item is perfect before shipping. No ripped seams, missing buttons, make up stains, etc. The in-store guest can choose to make a purchase with a gently damaged item, but our digital guest expects a brand-new item.

• Check the order queue often and process new orders as they are assigned.
2. Effective scheduling: It is important to ensure that SFS fulfillment is a focus every day and it is being scheduled as a priority to process the orders. Each morning, SFS orders need to be fulfilled and throughout the day the BOD must watch the open order queue and delegate immediately the Priority or BOPIS orders that come in. If you have a higher number of daily orders, schedule other associates for support with picking orders or packing. Along with the morning shift based on order volume, scheduling associates for additional shifts later in the day will help with keeping the queue empty at the end of each day.
3. Nightly RFID Inventory: This is a crucial part of the SFS ordering process. Accurate scans of your inventory each night will help with SFS orders only being placed on merchandise you have on hand in the store. This is a big component to maintaining a lower rejection rate.
4. Reserved Outbound and Damaged Workflows: Both processes will immediately take units out of your inventory that will help minimize more orders for the same items and will help with lowering rejection rates. There are training materials on Milo for reference.
5. UPS pickups: The pickups will happen every time they drop off shipment which means you should not have to schedule a pickup but need to be ready with as many processed orders ready go out as possible. If there are any challenges with the local driver, email traffic@altardstate.com immediately for support.
6. Monitor your supplies to ensure you have what is needed to process each order. Poly Mailers, Boxes, UPS labels, etc. must be kept in stock.
Additional Peak Season Operational Practices
• Back Room and SFS Station: Maintain a clean backroom with as much workspace as possible around the SFS station and ensure that the station is organized and set up for efficiency.
• SFS Station supplies: (pictures below)
o Ensure the table is set up with boxes on the top shelf within the dividers
o Tape, stickers, bubble wrap, and paper on the middle bar
o Tissue, boxes, poly mailers, innovations bags on the bottom shelf within the dividers
o Table is set up with mouse, scanner, keyboard, monitor, scale, printer, pens, tape gun and tissue paper.
o Trash receptacle placed near the table
o Mail innovations bag next to the table
o Other boxes and supplies organized and together for easy replenishment to the station as well as ease of monitoring the need to order more supplies.
• Rolling racks and carts: Utilize these resources if available to help with picking multiple orders efficiently while on the sales floor to help expedite the picking process and minimize footsteps.
• Printers: (pictures below) Due to the functions needed and the quantity of printing, larger printers were ordered and due to their size, they consume valuable workspace. They should be placed next to or as close as possible to the SFS station. Utilize a folding cart, small table, or purchase a necessary table (partner with your DL) to place the printer near the SFS station.
• Staging area: (picture below) Picking orders at times can be more efficient than processing and packing the orders. Clear off rolling racks, carts or shelving on a nearby wall or lundia to hold the picked orders. Keep the packing list with the orders and keep them organized in the near by staging area to help with the efficiency of packing the orders. Within the staging area, have a space designated for SFS/BOPIS and Expedited orders so they can be processed first and packaged appropriately.
• Assembly line processing: Depending on how many associates are working, tasks can be divided to help with the workflow. Some ideas to help:
o Associate can pick orders while another associate is processing/packing the orders
o Associate picks orders, another associate is processing orders in the system, another associate is packing the orders.
o Set up the table for efficiency. Create space by putting the scale closer to the monitor and scanner so another associate is wrapping and packing the order.
o If space permits, set up a folding table near the SFS station to assist with more workspace for packing and assembly line processing.
o If multiple associates are assisting with the process and one area gets backed up, associates help each other get caught up in that area and then continue.
• Empty Queue: The goal is to empty the queue each day with every package prepared with love and care to exceed the guest expectations and have the packages delivered on time.

Some additional notes:
o Review the reports daily to assess your SFS and BOPIS rejection rates.

o Web mystery shops are being performed allowing the team to review feedback from the guest and the team can celebrate or review the processes.
o Process damages in the system daily. This will remove those items from inventory, so you do not receive more orders for those items.
o Monitor supplies consistently to make sure you have what you always need.
o Provide feedback to your leadership team or reach out if you need additional support.