Sales Champion A Sales Champion builds connections with guests. She ensures that guests get their immediate and long term needs met by an ongoing relationship.


Excellence Touch point one A beautiful window takes hard work. A Sales Champion strives for excellence in her window by making a plan! Get startedwith your Sales Champion training by goingto building block 29! Think about it What are the benefits of making a window plan ratherthan just running with inspiration? Headback to building block 30 and testyour skills! Tell us about it Now that you’ve checked out the building bock training, head over to the Sales Champion Window Survey to answer the following. What are three things you can do to plan out your window? Explain how you’ll do those things. Sales Champion Window 96

Touch point one Sales ChampionExcellence You did it! Time to move onto your next touch point! Window Time to find your leader. We can’t wait for you to Try It Out! Use the Try it Out Cards and practice what you learned How’d it go? How did you do on your challenge? What did you learn? Time to Grab a partner , discuss your learnings , and show them whatyou learned! C ompletethe 2nd part of the Try it Out Card. I’m sure you rocked it! Whatwas theirfeed backto you? Discuss with your Leader! 97