StarBuzz Magazine February edition

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STARBUZZ M a g a z i n e

s bm February Edition ‘ENIOBANKE’ Ladies Corner with Havillah

Biography of DUNSIN OYEKAN ---------------------

How to arrange songs like a pro


5 Gospel songs

of the MONTH


AB CONERSTONE . Relantionship Nuggets with Tabitha

. FASHION Trends

with AnitNoLa

A monthly publication of Starlight music group

s b m January Edition From the Chief Editor’s desk Greetings to us all in the name of our lord Jesus Christ, yay! It’s our season to Emerge We thank god for last month’s issue which witness a very massive turnout. Thank you for believing in this dream. This month’s publication is on a different level as new will be having Osun state fellowship of gospel minister’s president Pastor A B Cornerstone as our Star of the Month We are focusing on the challenge of youth in the gospel music scene getting into the front scene, I was speaking with a friend one day and she lamented how the gospel music industry is full of ‘old people’ (this got me laughing tho) But this is one issue that should be taking into full consideration …. Read more about this in our exclusive interview with Pst AB Cornerstone and lots more like our fashioner corner with anitola, Eniobanke with Havilah, and relantionship nuggets with Tabitha amongs others Thanks and God bless.

David Faith Chief Edito Favour Daniel

Adebiyi Oluwatimilehin

Writer David Favour

Writerr Olamibo Peace

Graphics designe


r A monthly publication of Starlight music group

s b m February Edition EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW WITH Pst AB Cornerstone

Q4. What is the story behind your music career your Music career? AB Cornerstone: . At a tender age I had developed passion for music, putting bowls &cups together to play drums, dance too. My Grandmother also influenced me, She was a founder of a C&S church, my mum, aunties & uncles were all in the choir as Singers &Instrumentalists. Growing up from that background set me on the path of Learning how to make music first as a drummer beating local drums, later as singer, songwriter, W orship leader, Multi-Instrumentalist, Music Director, recording artiste, Vocalcare Coach etc. I have always been involved in Kingdom Service since I became a believer in Jesus Christ in 1996 majorly in Music department. I have a few albums to my credit (Albums with songs &Voice training content) Q5. What is your most treasured moment so far in the course of your career?

Q1. What is your full name sir? AB Cornerstone: Abraham Olusegun Ifeanyichukwu Cornerstone Q2. Can you tell us more about your background and education? AB Cornerstone: . I studied as a Missionary in the University of the Nations, Hawaii. DTS 2010 Set. I finished my High School Education at Laro Grammar School where I was the Senior Prefect for my set. I had attended Daystar Leadership Academy, Lagos, Egomatics Consulting Course on Site Management Course in Telecommunications Field. I have also attended Deking's Navigation Center 2016 where I studied more as a Project Management Professional. I have served as a Missionary in Ghana, Volunteered in an Orphanage in Lagos, worked briefly as a Charity W orker before leaving for Ministry Studies outside the Country, I served as an Associate Pastor afterwards for a few years.

AB Cornerstone: W ell, I have a few of them. But then for this occasion I would say it was when I had the privilege of ministering during a crusade by CFAN (Evangelist Reinhard Bonke organization) that was the first time I led hundreds of thousands as a W orship Leader, also the first a mass choir of 1500 people performed the song I co-wrote with a friend of mine. (2001). Q6. What are those things that keep you going... What inspires you? AB Cornerstone: Understanding my purpose and calling in life plus the consequences of the briefness of life &time. It keeps me going whether day is good or rough. Q7. Who are those you look up to in the gospel music industry. AB Cornerstone: . Dr. Panam Percy Paul, Tolucci, Dr Asu Ekiye, Kirk Franklin, Dr. Sonnie Badu, Dr. Tim Godfrey, Hillsong United, Planet Shakers, Joyous Celebration, Dunsin Oyekan, Nathaniel Bassey, Frank Edwards, Sinach, etc

Q3. What else do you do outside Music? AB Cornerstone: W ell I do Music Ministry full time now. But I have developing interests in one or two places. Time will reveal these.

Our focus for this month's publication is the issue of teens not gaining enough ground in the gospel music scene..... It has been observed that we have our daddies

A monthly publication of Starlight music group

s b m February Edition and mummies to much in the industry which is of course not a bad thing.. But the thing here is just a few Teenagers or youths in the front scene ... We made a research about the Hip Hop world and noticed that many of these young folks find it easy for them to relate with Hip-hop songs because they're been done by their peers.... We don't seek to make a comparison but, Q8. What exactly do you think is the reason we have a few of young folks in the front scene in gospel music world AB Cornerstone: . I think we have a developing Gospel Music Industry in Nigeria, we are not yet as developed as compared to Gospel Music industry in other nations. Those in front can make room for upcoming artistes and as a result keep expanding in influence. We don't have that culture sufficiently yet in Gospel Music industry. But like i said in another interview while responding to this same question, Upcoming Gospel Artistes in this case Teens &Youths also have to be patient and not say its a right to be pushed into the lime light. Keep doing your thing, find someone to collaborate with, become the best you can, your time is yours. Finally, another reason is that platforms in the Gospel music industry are quite few as compared to the secular music industry. So we need more sponsors, donors, investors who can invest in raising platforms &initiatives where these teens can express themselves with adequate coverage & maximum marketing following. Q9. Is it that there is a need for an attainment of a maturity level before shooting out? AB Cornerstone: Yes! Maturity is very needed. That's why I mentioned Patience earlier. Yes you are good, but there are other good hands out there. The competition is very thick. People doing all kinds of things to get ahead. No wonder we have so much junk content in certain circles, compromise of faith principles to suit carnal desires. To avoid this ,Spiritual &Emotional Maturity is needed.

Q10. What can be done to train up young ministers then to stay and understand what gospel music implies AB Cornerstone: I appeal to Front line Music Ministers to use there influence, resources and success to provide access to young Gospel Artistes for mentoring &training. A few are doing this already, but we need more celebrities to do this Q11. What is your message for young ministers in Nigeria ? AB Cornerstone: . I advise my fellow young music ministers (Smiles, my late 30s) Let's pursue knowledge, character development, capacity building in other areas asides music. Its a multitasking generation we are in. We can't afford to only rely on making music as a primary source of income. So while you are waiting to have your big break! Work on yourself inside out. Tolucci said, we don't blow in the kingdom, we grow. Finally don't insult the privilege given you to minister and develop by seniors or church leadership. Q12. Do you think we should promote more of our young ministers to the front scene. AB Cornerstone: . YES! Absolutely

I appeal to Front line Music Ministers to use their influence, resources and success to provide access to young Gospel Artistes for mentoring &training

A monthly publication of Starlight music group

s b m February Edition Q13. What is your advice to churches regarding young ministers rising AB Cornerstone: Asides raising us in spiritual matters, the Church can equip more talented folks in their space, empower them through needed guidance &counselling in areas touching professionalism, purpose of the gift, relevance of the gift outside church walls, Personal leadership and growth as a potential successful acts. Spend some time helping them to understand their craft &profit with it professionally, not just debate on whether to pay or not pay musicians. Things has passed that level. We can give them platforms to perform too &not just big names in our special programs. The church can have a proper welfare structure for music ministers serving in their midst, these can include training in relevant institutions. Q14. We have noticed your impacts on young ministers especially in FOGMMON.... Tell us a bit about what the fellowship stands for AB Cornerstone: FOGMMON is Fellowship of Gospel Music Ministers of Nigeria. A vision founded by Dr. Asu Ekiye 6years ago (August 2014) in the Federal Capital Territory. Its a global body now with chapters all over Nigeria and beyond. Its a fellowship where Music Ministers (Choristers, Recording Artistes, Producers, Sound Engineers, Etc) meet once every month in a Congress to pray, network, discuss issues affecting Musicians, Music Career/ Ministry, etc. The vision statement include promoting unity among Gospel Music Ministers,

Encouraging Excellence in delivering our craft, Support one another in areas of need, provide platforms for members to minister, Educate ourselves in doing Gospel Music Ministry acceptably and purposefully. I am privilege to serve as the Chairman for the Chapter in the State of Osun.

Asides raising us in spiritual matters, the Church can equip more talented folks‌‌ Q15. What can you say about Star Buzz Magazine. AB Cornerstone: Starbuzz Magazine is a growing influential phenomenon in the society. The media space will soon feel the impact of this vision /organization, i do not just see a magazine, I see an Institution in the making. Thanks for your time sir.....

A monthly publication of Starlight music group

s b m Febryary Edition

Eniobanke Havillah

[Dress Up] it requires a level of consistency, consciousness and diligence.

Hey Amazons! It's another time to share with you the mind of our king. Remember you are a queen and a woman under authority of the heavenly king. I believe you have been working on becoming a better version of yourself since we last talked through this platform, Don’t give up on been a better you. we are in it together and I toast to your greatness! This month, I’ll be talking to us on an important aspect of our lives as females generally and it involves dressing up. Your identity determines how you are dressed. I love people who have a great sense of dressing and It also pushed me to exploring so much in the aspect of fashion and bringing in the kingdom view. W e recognize a nurse by her outfit and so how you are dressed Is the way you will be addressed. Dressing is what we do virtually every day and it shows that in building a great repute,

So this month, I’ll be talking on what aspect of our lives to dress and work on beyond the physical that will actually imprint great virtues on us and will bring out what exactly He intends. I will be talking on 5 aspects of our life that we should be intentional about. Dress your Words Amazon, not every word should be heard from you, because there is a building ongoing in your soul that requires a tenacity and strictness on what you say.Darling,you are from a royal line and every thing you say carry life and power,your words are spirit and they are life.You cannot say 'Moku'(I'm dead) because you are a life giving SPIRIT.Your words has the capacity to heal,to kill, to destroy,to moulds,to inspire and makes someone inspired.You don't just talk anyhow because you must speak out of the abundance of what is in your heart,so if you are a zionite and have been feeding on the word of God,you will consciously speak the work each day.Your words are capable of building your Spiritual atmosphere.That is why you must confess words that affirms your identity with Christ,you talk from the unseen realm.

A monthly publication of Starlight music group

s b m February Edition Dear,Each day, deliberately by the spirit dress your words,as you come across men each day,there should be a flow of Grace from your words.Let your words be graceful.Be gracious in your speech. The goal is to bring out the best in others in a conversation, not put them down, not cut them out. (Colossians 4:6) Dress your Appearance The king's daughter is all glorious within: her clothing is of wrought gold. (Psalms 45:13). Hello Amazon,you are the king's daughter and you should dress physically so.Real royalty isn't associated with nudity.When you are so rooted in the truth that you are of a realm that is royal in nature,you'll be able to dress in such a way that would present to the world that you know your father well enough. There is no basic prescription of what to wear really but the Bible's prescription is modesty.When you are wearing your dress each day do that with the help of the holy ghost,even when you are selecting styles at your Tailor's place,he will tell you when you're leaving the template of the kingdom. Avoid see through clothes, Be smart, if you're on heels make sure it's comfortable. For Aaron his cloth distinguished him from the

Eniobanke Havillah

cloud.Babe,who is your model for dressing,kin Kardashian?then you should know you're moving out of the kingdom that way.True beauty is of God,glorify God with your dressing. Dress your personality That ye may be blameless and harmless, the sons of God, without rebuke, in the midst of a crooked and perverse nation, among whom ye shine as lights in the world; (Philippians 2:15|KJV) Queen,personality is a great deal.Personality is a set of qualities that makes a man distinct from another.Wutg the consciousness that you're in a process of becoming a greater version.Your personality shouldn't be placed on a mood,you are from above and you are above all including the possible mood swings we likely are wired to experience,we should Lord over this emotions so that they don't debar is from livingam as true children of God.Your personality is what attracts men(humans) to you and thereby help you show them Jesus in his true state.You build your personality by reading books,listening to people of great personalities,Have godly mentors or models and also attend valuable meeting and conferences.Let your light so shine!!!

A monthly publication of Starlight music group

s b m February Edition Talks Tabitha Dress your CLIQUE Hey babe,I could talk the all day on the issue of friendship.Your life values and identity determines your clique.You need to be intentional about your circle of friends.They should be those who will be committed,who will enhance, encourage and build you up,not merely gossip mates but prayer gangs.You need friends who will help you build your repute,those who will correct the deficiency in you. Iron sharpeneth iron; so a man sharpeneth the countenance of his friend. (Proverbs 27:17|KJV).To surely be a better person,you must have great friends and remember it's not a one way thing.You attract who you are! Dress your soul. In all the dressing,dress your soul!Baby,there's no point in dressing all other aspects of your life if your soul is rotting away.For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul? (Matthew 16:26|KJV).Dear ,it isn't enough for you to keep dressing your body when your soul hasn't come to experience and know light.Your soul is God's eternal gift to you and he wants you to dress it,with the word of God. He died for you and he requires your soul as a gift to him.God is interested in your heart and the first step to give him your soul is accepting his love into your heart.If you have. Hour glass shape without a well kept soul, it's all vain. Amazon,I long to talk to you again soonest.I hope you were Blessed?Till next month,stay firm in Abba's grip.i love you. Abba's Courier, Havilah.

Facts about Valentine’s Day You Should know : Valentine's Day is a platform for expression of Affection, Love, Care and Strong feelings for someone in various form ( Cards , Text Messages, Gift items, songs and many others means of expressions.

Valentine's Celebration is not compulsory but it's necessary. In a Relationship where love is fading, Valentines can surely help renew it. In a situation where you don't usually appreciate or present gift to your partner or a relative, Valentine’s season is one of the best moments to do it. Valentine is not only meant to be celebrated with your partner it can can also be celebrated with family members. Valentine helps resolve conflicts. In a situation, where you don't have gift to give that person, an Open letter can be written showing how much you are grateful and you appreciate the person, make it a remarkable one. Most people think Valentine's Day should not be restricted to just a Day that you should be able to celebrate your loved ones any time... While they may be right I am of the opinion that Valentine's Day should be treated specially ,because you don't get to be give your partner and loved ones gifts everyday, it's not everyday you tell your families how much they mean to you.. Everyone is entitled to celebrate Valentine's Day as long as there is someone special in their heart.... This of course a Truth ( Everyone has someone so special in their heart) , So I hope you make this year's Valentine's Celebration a memorable one.

A monthly publication of Starlight music group

s b m February Edition Biography Dusin Oyekan

Dunsin Oyekan is a Nigerian gospel singer, songwriter, producer, instrumentalist, and recording artist. He is popularly known as – The Eagle. Dunsin Oyekan is also the convener of the Code Red Worship Experience. Dunsin Oyekan was born on the 5th of November 1984, in Ilorin, Nigeria, as the only son of the Gbadebo Oyekan’s family. He passed through Airforce Nursery and Primary school Ilorin. After his primary education, he proceeded to the Federal Government College Ilorin, for his secondary education, and later left there to continue his studies at the Baptist Model High School, Ilorin. Afterwards, he proceeded to the University of Ilorin, Kwara State, where he studied Industrial Chemistry. Although his wife is late, Dunsin Oyekan was married to Adedoyin Oyekan, and is blessed with two lovely children. Dunsin Oyekan is a music producer who plays different musical instruments including the guitar, keyboard, and drums.

Dunsin was once the music director of the award-winning choir – Avalanche of the Common Wealth of Zion Assembly (COZA), In 2016, Dunsin released his 14 track debut album – Code Red. Thus far, he has released over thirty songs, including the popular Na You, which featured Kim Burrell, an American gospel singer. Dunsin has ministered on the same stage with notable musicians including Tasha Cobbs, Kurt Carr, Don Moen, Byron Cage, Tye Tribbett, William Murphy, Kim Burrell, Sinach, Tasha Page-Lockhart, Frank Edwards, and Freke Umoh. Dunsin performed Na You with Kim Burell at The Experience Concert. He is the convener and founder of the Code Red Worship Concert and the Healing Room Worship Event. Albums §

Code Red – 2016


You Are Good – 2016


Na You – 2016


Amazing – 2016


We Worship You – 2018


If All I Say Is Jesus – 2018


Hallelujah (Live at Code Red) – 2018


Song of Angels (Live) – 2018


Imole De – 2018


God – 2018


I Proclaim – 2019


Open Up – 2019


Kingdom Now – 2019

A monthly publication of Starlight music group

s b m February Edition



Topn 5 Songs Of the Month



1: SETTLED BY ADA A monthly publication of Starlight music group

s b m February Edition HOW TO ARRANGE SONGS LIKE A PRO Arranging involves creating something new from something old. You will take an existing piece of music and change it in some way. Some common reasons for arrangements are to: • Simplify. You want the Junior High Orchestra to play Beethoven Symphony #5. • Make harder or elaborate on the original. You are going to make a simple folk song into an interesting piece for the UW orchestra. • Change the style. You create a swing version of the march American Patrol (Glen Miller did this) • Added elements such as intro, transitions, key changes, ending. What is not arranging— • Having four saxes play a string quartet. (That is a transcription) • Finding a piano version of a pop tune, and assigning instruments to an existing arrangement (That is plagiarism). Arranging also involves orchestrating—so all the things you did in the “Transcription Section” above need to be considered here. Ways to Make an Arrangement The following points are ideas you can use as you work on an arrangement Manipulate texture • wide/close • dense/transparent • solo/tutti •polyphonic/homophonic/homorhythmic/unis on/etc. • can melody be heard? --consider changes to facilitate melody

Focus on expressive qualities of the music • Where are phrases? • Where is the peak of the phrase? • Where is the loudest and softest point in the tune? • What do words or title have to contribute to musical possibilities? • Emotional connection you have with the music Color/Timbre • Style • Melody vs. accompaniment • Feature soloist or section • Solo or “combined” color • Contrast Dynamic Contrast • Phrases • Sections • Dynamic contour of entire piece • Relationship of volume to the number of instruments playing Harmony • Add harmonic interest • Simplify harmony • Unison can be a surprising and strong effect • Mode—change to major or minor • New key for different effect or ease of playing Meter • Change meter for variety (e.g. change a waltz into a jig in 6/8) Form • extend/compress sections • new sections • overall balance Style • Making a Bossa Nova out of a folk song • Changing a tune from swing to rock o Similar or Parallel o Oblique—One part moves and another is stationary

A monthly publication of Starlight music group

s b m February Edition


with AnitNoLa

HILLSONG UNITED Hillsong worship and Hillsong united of Hillsong church started making music at 1983 and 1998 respectively. Hillsong united started as part of Hillsong's youth ministry consisting of several rotating worship leader from the church.

So, we bring you their style of fashion.

You may want to try out Hillsong's worship team's Fashion they really are a model you know.

Till next time, I say, have the right fashion style.


A monthly publication of Starlight music group

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