Star Buzz Magazine October Edition

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So October 2020 has been characterized with Striking events all around the World. It's has been crazily busy but we've tried all our best to making sure we deliver this Month's issue. Thanks to God for the strength This Month we'll be going another dimension by taking look at Gospel Music in Nigeria in the context of History. Also we're featuring a very exclusive and dynamic group of wonderful women known as The Chosen Vibes. They did well in exposing us to Gospel Music: where it's coming from and a lso you got to know more about This wonderful team of women. This and many more awaits you.. Thanks

SBM: .Who are the Chosen Vibes? Chosen Vibes is a group of Christian Women committed to worshipping God and spreading the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ through music SBM: What brought about that name? The name Chosen Vibes came about by inspiration. Initially we were called Victory Melodies and when there was misrepresentation of identity, the group was re christened "CHOSEN VIBES". SBM: What is the driving force or what inspired the formation of this Music Group? Passion to serve God is the Driving force for the group. We all got inspired after a leadership training at the headquarters of our Church. We shared our feelings among ourselves thereafter and that was the beginning of the journey.

SBM: Has the group released any Album or Track yet? Yes by the Grac e of God. We released our maiden Album tagged "Divine Announcement" in year 2012. In August 2020, a single track was released as well tagged "Sing His Praise". We are currently working on another Single Track titled "Atabatubu Olodumare", which by God's Gr ace will be followed by a Music Video to mark the group's tenth anniversary. SBM: Has there been any Challenges so far? Yes, there are higher heights and deeper seas but God is always giving us breakthroughs. We are always experiencing several challenges in terms of finances, career and family demands. But in all of these, God is always proving to us that He has called us and is on our side. This month we’ll be considering Gospel Music in Nigeria History wise.

SBM: Who can you recognize as the Father and Mother of Gospel Music in Nigeria? We recognize Panam Percy Paul and Evangelist Bola Are as the Father and Mother of Gospel music in Nigeria respectively. SBM: Has there been any Change in what Gospel Music was compared to this present age? A lot has chang ed, although God is ever the same. In the past, we used to experience raw manifestation of God's power during song ministrations by Gospel Artists which has drastically reduced. The cause of this experience is traceable to nothing but Impatience. Majority of Gospel Artists find it difficult to wait on God for inspiration and to draw power at His presence. So what you experience during such performances is nothing but entertainment.

SBM: Looking back at Gospel Music then, what can you say is responsible for the growth in those days? Genuine salvation experience, commitment and dedication to serving God without necessarily for monetary gains.

edifying songs. 2. Originality, i.e., Gospel Ministers of this generation should learn to draw their inspiration from God thereby singing composed songs as received from the Holy Spirit, rather than copying other Artists' songs.

SBM: As Much as we do not want to Make comparisms between those days and this present time, Do you think there are some important foundational principles that Gospel Musi cians of this present age should learn from our father's and mother's in ministry? Gospel Musicians of this present age should learn from the following foundational principles which helped our Fathers and Mothers in the ministry 1. Spirituality, i.e., focusing on God and things of God, living a holy and non compromising lifestyle, spirit filled, singing the truth of the gospel, signify more of soul winning and

SBM: Thank you mas, What are your concluding words to Young Music Ministers out there? Our concluding words are not far-fetched. Young Music Ministers should remember the 2 "Ps" which are Principles and Principal. For Principle, they should remember the slogan of "No Pain No Gain" Seed times and harvest times as put by the scriptures. Seed times are the moments of sacrifice to pray, study the scriptures, living righteously, not compromising for any immediate gain. When this is adhered to, they shall have rewards for their labour which is massive exploits for God (harvest

time). For Principal, they should not rule out the importance of Mentorship. They are to look for those who have succeeded in their areas of calling and seek guidance. They should also bear in mind the importance of Incubation time. To jump incubation time as a result of impatience and over confidence could be disastrous. SBM: What can you say about Star Buzz Magazine. Star Buzz Magazine is doing a great job by keeping people informed about Kingdom things. You are fulfilling the divine mandate of " How will they hear if there's no one to tell them" and it is our prayer that you will not miss your reward. Above the sky is the limit for Star Buzz Magazine. Keep up the good work and God will prosper you in Jesus name.

Q5. "Akin'made & Sweet Sound"..... What is the inspiration behind that name?? Akin’Made - Akin’Made is conned from Akinnrinmade actually and I have always been particular about making sweet music, it stirs up a great sensation in me. So when the opportunity to perform at an event with a team came and I needed a collective name, I thought deeply about the major quality about the music that I do and love, it’s nothing but sweetness. This month we'll be looking at Branding in Gospel Music. We understand that as gospelers we're not just into this but this is to us is a Ministry, This has been giving a lot of Musicians out there hard time on what approach to use Q6. What is your understanding about Branding?? Akin’Made - Branding is a term that’s used to identify a product, service, image or person. It is what defines you and shows what/whom you are or what you stand for. Q7. Should Gospel Musicians take Branding Serious Akin’Made - Ha, Yes of course. As serious as every other thing that matters. Your music is likely not to progress or die

without proper branding, emphasis on proper. Q8. What Approach should be given to it?, since this to us is a Ministry Akin’Made - Branding has got nothing to do with religion or whatever. Whether ministry or industry, the public perception of every individual is quite an important thing to pay attention too, especially to attain a reasonable rate of relevance. Q9. What Should Ministers Consider When Branding? Akin’Made - The balance of knowledge and prayers, there are certain principles every artiste need to understand to stand unique and the test of time. That’s why we have some artistes who have been doing music for about 20 years and are still very much relevant. As an artiste, you don’t need to be all over the place. You should be conscious of your growth and be certain you are actually expanding God’s kingdom. Also, If you are going to release a song, it’s pertinent that as you pray or having prayed, you ensure to embark on a promotional/marketing plan, with a good art cover, of course with a professional music production. The fact


Q5. "Akin'made & Sweet Sound"..... What is the inspiration behind that name?? Akin’Made - Akin’Made is conned from Akinnrinmade actually and I have always been particular about making sweet music, it stirs up a great sensation in me. So when the opportunity to perform at an event with a team came and I needed a collective name, I Temitope known as Tope thoughtPatricia deeply aboutAlabi the also major quality was born on the 27th of October about Alabi the music that I do and love, it’s 1970 to Pa Joseph Akinyele Obayomi and nothing but sweetness.

without proper branding, emphasis on proper. Q8. What Approach should be given to it?, since this to us is a Ministry Akin’Made - Branding has got nothing to do with religion or whatever. Whether ministry or industry, the public perception of every individual is quite an important thing to pay attention too, Tobe Alabi's career startedaofficially when rate especially to attain reasonable she came back into the Theatre Art of relevance.


Madam Agnes Kehnde Obayomi. She is the only daughter out of three. She This month we'lland beraised looking at Branding in was born in Yea, Imeko of Ogun GospelState. Music. We understand that as She we're attended Memorial gospelers notOba justAkinyele into this but thisHigh is Bashorun Ibadan and a to us isSchool, a Ministry, ThisAnlugba, has been giving obtained her West Africa School Certificate lot of Musicians out there hard time on (WAEC) in the year 1986. She then what approach to use proceeded to the Polytechnic, Ibadan where she studied Mass Communication Q6. What is your in understanding and graduated the year 1990. about She joined the then "Jesters International" Branding?? (Jacob,- Papilolo & Aderupoko) group at Akin’Made Branding is a term that’s Ibadan, 1982 to 1984 during her secondary used to identify a product, service, school days where she got her initial image training, or person. It is what defines you exposure in drama. and shows what/whom yousheare Right from an early age, hasor hadwhat that you stand for.for music. passion After completing her University education, she worked briefly with the Nigeriantake Q7. Should Gospel Musicians Television Authority (NTA) Ibadan as a Branding Serious correspondent under the supervision of Akin’Made - Ha, Yes of course. As serious Mr. Yanju Adegbite. She also worked at NTA as every other thing that matters. Your Channel 7 Tejuosho(Now NTA Channel 10, music Lagos) is likely not 1990 to progress between & 1991. or die

profession in 1994 as she joined the prestigious "Alade Aromire Theatre Q9. What Ministersabout Consider Group." She wasShould taught everything Whenand Branding? drama her acting profession grew rapidly and became as she Akin’Made - The popular balance of gained knowledge prominence in the Contemporary Gospel and prayers, there are certain principles music in Nigeria. everyindustry artiste need to understand to Since the beginning of her singing career, stand unique and the test of time. That’s she has been able to release several Yoruba why we have some artistes who have songs in Makossa, Salsa and hip hop beats. been doing about 20 years One of her mostmusic popluarfor album is and are still very much relevant. "Agbelebu", it was launched in 2012 and still airplay till don’t date. She has to be all As enjoying an artiste, you need successfully releasedYou couple of albums over the place. should be conscious making it 8 albums all together in one of your growth and be certain you are decade. actually expanding God’s kingdom. What give her edge and makes her unique is her voice as well as her ability to create Also, Ifmelodies you arewith going to release a song, several different traditional and modern beats. it’s pertinent that as you pray or having Tope Alabi isyou happily married his prayed, ensure totoembark on a husband Mr. Soji Alabi and they are blessed promotional/marketing plan, with a with four children.

good art cover, of course with a professional music production. The fact

ENIOBANKE hub Hello and welcome to Eniobanke corner for this month. I believe you're safe? You're a beam of light in the darkest, you’re the world's answer, you matter to God and your life is a sweet Melody. Such a great privilege to speak to God's own daughter's this sacr ed season in the history of Nigeria. If you're a Nigerian reading this, I believe you're safe and if you're not, I hope you're praying for us. I'll be talking on Convictions this month and I promise a great ride in this article. Convictions: what holds you! Over the time, I feel like it’s easy to belief something, it’s easy to go for something, it’s easy to pick up a course, it’s easy to follow a person, it’s easy to want to run a vision. But as time goes on it looks like the motivation has gone and demotivation sets in. I mean it happens to virtually everyone at each

point. I remember while I was writing Phenomenal Birthing and by the way I released my first book 2 months ago and it has blessed many all over different nations, you would not sleep on getting your FREE copy too at So, when I got to chapter Four of the book, I just wanted to throw the book away. I was officially tired because the situation around me wasn't just fueling my positive energy. Yet, I know God told me to do it, I knew it was burning in my heart but I was demotivated. That means, it’s not enough to receive a new vision, or revelation about yourself, it’s not enough to pick a vision to run with. It is also important to know your WHY and know it well. I didn't throw that book away because my WHY came back to face me! That night! Literally, my convictions about the book started to dance in my mind, because it has been registered in my

subconscious mind. So, it’s not enough to know God sent you to be the next fashion icon in the world, it is also about knowing your why and knowing it well. Been grounded in your why. What is conviction? the feeling of being sure that what you believe or say is true. Many people have opinions they hold but not all of us have Convictions that holds us. Yes, You are the one who holds opinions but it is Convictions that holds you. So, if I ask why are you a believer? Why? Are you truly convinced that this path is the truth? What if a more 'appealing' way comes, would you not try to check it out? Why do you believe in Jesus? Do you truly think he's not a fluke? I mean when someone who can tweak your brain or our brains comes around would we not give way? Your purpose/ministry. Are you sure you can't be talked out of it? Your

ENIOBANKE identity are you sure yo u are convinced it is who you truly are? Does your identity resonate so well with you that if someone were to sell something else to you, would your inner most being respond and say NO? Or anyone can define you? And I'm not talking as one who has had it al l together about convictions in all things that I'm doing. I mean there were times I wanted to say I'm not going to do something just because a certain person or situation was against me. It takes Convictions to stay in opposition. Do you think divorced people didn't love each other when they married? Smiles. I've heard some stories and I've seen that sometimes it's a conviction issue. They didn't have a strong why to hold them. Note, I said *sometimes* What is your truth? Is your truth true to you? So me ladies wear trousers and they can't even tell you why trousers/earrings/makeup

is not a sin. So when someone who can argue well comes, they'll ask God for forgiveness for wearing trousers, that they know they are a wretched sinner. The conviction questio n for you is do you know why you are doing what you're doing? Sometimes why people follow the trend is because they don't have deep seated convictions. If you follow the trend, you cannot get your gold. Let me explain that well. If today you see that adire tees is the reigning thing and you enter. Tomorrow it is event planning that is the gold. And you're in all these things without convictions, you would have wasted energy where you ought to have sit to dig the gold in your own sphere and gain influence. Do we get this well? Daniel said “We know that he will save us'' and even "if he doesn’t”, he is still our God!!! Hahn You see, I remember the earlier months of this year was a time of reaffirmation of a certain through until I was literally brainwashed

into it, I mean my subconscious mind can't even repel it again. The truths are. God is good, God loves me., God is my father. You see ethnic remember Roman 8:28 became one with me this year! Remember I sent it in one time. The TPT version The Passion Translation Romans 8:28 *So we are convinced that every detail of our lives* is continually woven together to fit into God’s perfect plan of *bringing good into our lives*, for *we are his lovers who have been called to fulfill his designed purpose. * You see those tr uths has become my fall back on. So when I see opposite situations. I can actually begin to dance into those truths. Infact I noticed that when I'm going down my heart begins to bring this to me and I rejoice! Now, this is Paul saying We oooo. We! Are convin ced! It's a thing we know. My question is Do you know?

Do I know? You see we don't know by saying we know; we know by facing what can test our knowing. So, it’s easy for Daniel and the three Hebrews to be singing " Jesu, Jesu my love!" But here comes the furnace that was 3* hotter and their hearts were still singing "Jesu Jesu my love!!!!" Oh my God. Can you just say a word of prayer here! So we know our level of love for God not by the degree of bible verse we know in our head or by the number of love songs and chants we sing. But by the number of fires we will willingly walk in with our hearts still Loving. Paul was convinced of his MINISTRY. I see Paul still write out Letters from the prison, this man was beated, was thrown outside of the cities. Yet, he stands up and say woe to me if I preach not the gospel. He was convinced of his identity. Each letter he'll start by saying Paul, an apostle not by the will of man. I want it to be said of me that I knew what I knew and I stayed true to it!. Daniel said gi ve me

some time, I will bring back the dream and its interpretation to you oh king. You think he was trying to go and test it? Sometimes the reason we don't see the desired results in situations and people is because we want to try if it will work!: Someone says I played hands and he was healed. You're going there not because you KNOW it is in your DNA to heal but because you want to try to heal him too. Hearing from God is not an option you try, it is a mechanism you stand with by Conviction. may the Lord help us to come to a place where It is either God or God. Some people leave prayers and fellowship on days they don't feel it! Because they see never convinced there was a God who is ever present. That business, are you convinced? That ministry are you convinced? That vision are you convinced? That relationship are you convinced? That person you say you are, are you convinced? Convictions

can't be imparted, it is birthed! I can brainwash you to hold a belief or opinion about certain things. Only Conviction can hold you when the going gets though. Do you know God for yourself!? Or you know the God David or one man of God pictures to you? Have you experienced God in an aspect of your life that can make you know that if it is this issue, I know God on it? Are your convictions strong or they are just based on what you see and feel or they are merely opinions? I'll stop here for this month and I'll definitely conclude on this issue next month. Here's the deal, as we Brace up for a new 2021, are your convictions strong enough to step into greater levels of your purpose, vision and desired outcomes? I call you blessed. See you next month! Your friend, Havilah.

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