Star Buzz Magazine January 2021 Edition

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H AV I L L A H Fashion Trends WITH



Jan 2021

EDITOR’S CONNER DAVE D’LIGHT We bless god for this new year 2021, by Gods grace we’ll all SOAR on eagles’ wings in every sector of our lives. Using this medium to thank ya’ll for your consistent love throughout last year. This month’s edition will enlighten you more on the right response to uncertainties as music ministers looking at the year 2020, we made a review during our exclusive interview with TIMMIE ’ KAY behind musically, this month’s issue will open your eyes to Great insight about Worship and everything related, plus you get to meet Timmie’ Kay as he tells us More about himself during our exclusive interview with her. Watch out for all of our other Spirit filled and inspiring content from our dynamic and creative writers... Thanks



EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW 1. W hat is your name sir

efforts would always yield

I am Oluwatimilehin Kehinde

imperfections without the


acknowledgement of God. The best of

Timmie'Kay is a derivative of my first

us is still a man. God's place in the life

and middle names.

of the human race can never be

2. Tell us a bit about yourself

overemphasized, really. We can keep

( Background and Academic

running after shadows, but then we

This guy was born over two decades

will keep running in cycles and will

ago in Ibadan, Oyo State into a

eventually run back to HIM.

conservative, typical Nigerian family. I am the second of five children. I'm an

5. W hat can you say about the

alumnus of Osun State University,

responses of ministries, Gospel

Osogbo where I studied Agricultural

musician and creatives to the


happenings in last year as a whole.

3. W ho's your favourite Gospel

For different ministers and ministeries,

musician in Nigeria?

it has been varying approaches

Folabi Nuel.

towards the common challenge, but the most common approach (which I

Wow, we bless God for this new year

am grateful we are all finally seeing) is

2021... Of a Truth year 2020 was

that the CHURCH is beyond any

superb and strange at the Same Time,

structure or four walled building.

it was filled with Great lesson and as a

Worship without walls is something

start for us at SBM this year we want

that's not new to most people in our

to make something like a review to

age and time and if you ask me, I think

Even help us better in this New year

that's just great!

4. Sir, what is the greatest lesson you learnt personally last year? If there was anything I could pick up fom last year, it is that man's best


EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW 6 . W h at lesso n d o yo u th in k th ey

creatives. Th ere's ab so lutely no th in g

sh o u ld p ick as w e're startin g th is n ew

w ro n g if th e streets o f tw itter keep


q u iet ju st b ecau se a go spel creative

V irtu al optio n s and oth er m ean s o f

cam e u p w ith a tren d th at "Savage

co n n ectin g th e b od y are w elco m e

m asters" w o u ld find h ard to "drag".

resp on ses to th e d au nting ch allen ge

Th ere is m o re!

w e are faced w ith , b ut then , th e

8 . W h at asp ect of ou r read in ess to

extrem ities and excesses o f o u r

U n certainties d o yo u thin k w e sho u ld

resp on se sh o u ld b e curtailed to o .

w o rk o n esp ecially G o spel M u sic

V irtu al optio n s sh ou ldn 't b e grou nd s

w o rld in N igeria?

to sup po rt ind o len ce. Fo lks th ese d ays

Yo u see, o ur stren gth is in ou r u n ity.

take ad vantage o f th e virtu al op tion s

M in isters in N igeria are skillfu l, w e

to say "I can w o rsh ip alon e in m y

h ave an ointed fo lks, w e h ave

ro o m ." Th ey fo rgot th at th e A p o stles

d extero u s an d m u lti-genre m in isters.

w ere m eetin g in th e tem p le every d ay,

B u t, it's tim e w e all realized th at ou r

yet, th ey still h ad h o u se fello w sh ip s.

vo ice h as to b e u n ited . W e co ver m o re

N o V irtual arran gem ent can p erfectly

gro u n d s, w e d o m ore w hen w e can

an d ad eq u ately fill in fo r p hysical

co m e to geth er as on e. I th in k th at's

gath erin gs. W e sho u ld be carefu l to

th e b est w ay w e can p rep are for

en su re b o th m ed iu m s are u sed to th e

w h at's co m in g b ecau se th e b o d y is

b est in their right co ntext.

eq u ip p ed su ch in a w ay th at all w e n eed at every p o int is in th e b od y. A ll

7 . W h at's yo u r m essage to You n g

w e need to do is lo o k inw ard .

G o sp el m in isters an d creatives in th is

Th an k you fo r yo u r tim e

n ew Year Th ere are d eep er d im en sio n s th an w e p resently know. Th ere is m o re! Th e d istractio n s w e h ave all aro u n d sho w s w h at en o rm ou s ch allen ge w e h ave as m in isters o f th e G o sp el, esp ecially

You see, our strength is in our unity. Ministers in Nigeria are skillful, we have anointed folks, we have dexterous and multi-genre ministers. But it's time we all realized that our voice has to be united. We cover more grounds, we do more when we can come together as one.



9. Make a shout out to anyone of your choice A big shoutout to our unseen heroes. Those making huge sacrifices for the cause of the Gospel, but are yet to be seen by the big screen. I'm sure the most effective screen has seen your labour, and you have your reward! Do not give up. You are nearer than you think!

10. What are your thoughts about Star Buzz Magazine Star Buzz magazine is the most consistent magazine I know in a world where consistency is lacking and " trends" is the order of the day. I'm amazed at how you're taking the Gospel to people in a rather unusual way. You have God's help to stay consistent, and you grow bigger, and better. It's such an honour to be on an amazing platform such as yours. Thanks for your Time Sir



Yaay!!! It's 2021 babes!...The beginning of this disruptive decade, expect many paradigm shifts and many more suddenlies and expect Greater challenges too, Because 2021 Is such a year that would be for the strong and yes we are strong by the power of the one who we carry and who carries us. So, I pray for you this year, you will walk in God's divine ordination for you, you will see and cease a new vision, you shall not be swallowed up, yours is the kingdom this year in Jesus name! Amen!

So, it would be a pleasant thing to start the year with you queens by reminding us of every single thing we said to ourselves last year 2020.Many times the wisdom we need to move forward is not merely new ones, but sometimes old knowledge that needed to be reemphasized. So let me say that everything we discussed last year is actually a key and weapon for us as we walk the year 2021.

So last year queens, we started by praying and saying if we must make significant progress, we must have a new kind of eyes and mind, there’s a sort of mindset that brings people into the palace and it sure keeps people in the palace too. I know last year was dramatic for some of us, plans disrupted could barely ace our goals, some of us were just so eager to have that year gone, but the truth is that last year was the year full of big wins for some people, it was the year certain people discovered a potential hidden within them and began to explore, it was last year people had overflow of their financial budget, it was last year some people really placed their visions on tech-Driven platforms and they are all over the world, you see the difference between these two set of people I just described many times is "the kind of eyes by which they see�, you see, many people saw 2020 as a year of ill and unluck but many decided to think and see the goodies in that disruptive year and let me prepare you that more and more disruptions are coming.


ENIOBANKE But here's the deal, every country no

by side with your goals for the year. Be

matter how bad it is houses its own

intentional about this queen!

saviours, every year no matter how bad houses its own goodness, if only we would see differently, we would be

Also, I'd love you to stay in your


purpose, there will be a rise of voices in this decade, there will be seeming form

This year it's time to see things through God's lenses.

of success, where you see everybody doing something but it's a mirage, you see Let God set the trend for you! Let

We also talked about taking up the right knowledge and relationships, you see as we step into this beautiful year, one thing you need to seriously watch for is what sort of knowledge you are interacting with and what relationships are you dropping or tending. These two things are important to phase through this year. You can't see beyond what you

store up in your mind and

subconscious, therefore if you want to get better and walk intentionally like never before you have to be serious about




on,books,messages,podcasts,blogs and materials like this, they shape you.

him be the wind beneath your wings, popularity doesn't equal significance. You have to make sure that God is the one really defining success to you, pursue only God's purpose even when it's not popular, that is where his blessings are. I want you like never before to stand by your convictions, this year is for the strong, be sure you know what you think you know, make sure you know it so well, opinion is what you hold, conviction is what holds you, meaning your opinion could be let go






convictions will not let go of you in tough seasons!

Your friends are important things to

This year let your eye be single do not

check this year, you know those who

be tossed to and fro, gain weight and

can't help you as you look at them side

stay in the bounds of God's love.


ENIOBANKE Finally babes, I want you to guard your Joy, last year 2020(October 20 specifically),in the place of prayers, I saw a release of the spirit of depression, he was named 'suicidal thoughts’, you see many unpleasant thing would come to people around us or even to us, but our anchor is Christ. I want you to be strong in God and in the power of his might! No matter what this year, Rejoice! Rejoice! Rejoice! You overcame already! I really look forward to a mind-blowing time with us this year and I know by the end of 2021, you'd be dancing seeing how blessed you would have been! You are not little; you are mighty on the land! I’m rooting for you! Plenty Love from me to you.

Have a pleasant 2021

Yours in the kingdom, Havilah.

Q5. "Akin'made & Sweet Sound"..... What is the inspiration behind that name?? Akin’Made - Akin’Made is conned from Akinnrinmade actually and I have always been particular about making sweet music, it stirs up a great sensation in me. So when the opportunity to perform at an event with a team came and I needed a collective name, I thought deeply about the major quality about the music that I do and love, it’s nothing but sweetness. This month we'll be looking at Branding in Gospel Music. We understand that as gospelers we're not just into this but this is to us is a Ministry, This has been giving a lot of Musicians out there hard time on what approach to use Q6. What is your understanding about Branding?? Akin’Made - Branding is a term that’s used to identify a product, service, image or person. It is what defines you and shows what/whom you are or what you stand for. Q7. Should Gospel Musicians take Branding Serious Akin’Made - Ha, Yes of course. As serious as every other thing that matters. Your music is likely not to progress or die

without proper branding, emphasis on proper. Q8. What Approach should be given to it?, since this to us is a Ministry Akin’Made - Branding has got nothing to do with religion or whatever. Whether ministry or industry, the public perception of every individual is quite an important thing to pay attention too, especially to attain a reasonable rate of relevance. Q9. What Should Ministers Consider When Branding? Akin’Made - The balance of knowledge and prayers, there are certain principles every artiste need to understand to stand unique and the test of time. That’s why we have some artistes who have been doing music for about 20 years and are still very much relevant. As an artiste, you don’t need to be all over the place. You should be conscious of your growth and be certain you are actually expanding God’s kingdom. Also, If you are going to release a song, it’s pertinent that as you pray or having prayed, you ensure to embark on a promotional/marketing plan, with a good art cover, of course with a professional music production. The fact


............................................................................................... God has been good; He has been merciful and 2020 was such a great year. So your girl is going to go out of fashion and talk about a few things that pertain to Christ and the Man in Christ. Christ, God The Son, came to the world ( the word became flesh) so we might be saved. With salvation, we live by grace, grace is not the liberty to do whatsoever but to do what the word says. As new creatures in Christ, the man in Christ, we have responsibilities. The New Creature has a new commandment and way of life. Christ made himself an example of love and we are to follow suit. A lot of things change at the point of believing. A new creature has a new tongue. The New creature . beginning and what has been planned from the very . he did to us gave to us an assignment spec ifically . ministry. Ministry is the responsibility of a man in . Christ.A Man in Christ, born again, is born into . responsibilities in performing . these responsibilities . watch the examples you follow.

. God does not reveal the sins .of who he has . by faith in the reconciled. We were reconciled . your realities are in Gospel. After being born again, . not your past. It Christ. That is the way you are, . makes no sense to make believers speak of their . past, saints are edified by word . of Truth.

What you keep rehearsing becomes the focus of your Life. What is passed away should be done with as the Bible Says the old is gone, it is gone. You do not have or keep the details of what you have been saved from. You focus on what you've been saved into. Now that you're born again, It is your responsibility you train and protect your mind. There is no need for a believer to talk about things done in darkness. The grace of God makes you a steward and to serve the Lord is to do what matters to Him. Christ loves us just so we live for ourselves and to love the Lord is to love what he does. Serving the lord will affect every area of your Life Till next time which I will make sure to go fashion, I remain your SBM Fashion girl. Have a splendid 2021 dears.

stars top five with Opeyemi Priscillia


My Name is Opeyemi Priscilla, a lover of God and an addicted worshipper of Jesus. Am a graduate of Biochemistry, a fashion designer, a music lover and enthusiast. My Top 5 Gospel song goes as listed 5. Emmanuel by Nathaniel Bassey 4. Elohim by MOG music 3.Be lifted by MOG music 2. Ogo by Fola Eden 1. Moraanugba by Ab Cornerstone.

5 'Emmanuel' by Nathaniel Bassey talks about the Name of Jesus, how the name of Jesus is capable of doing the impossible and how much this name is revered in all the earth. As much as this song helps to connect me to the Father in worship, it also gives boldness and courage to me that all things are possible for me as long as I believe in the Name.

4 Elohim by MOG music describes the awesome nature and excellency of God. There's a .

way this song creates a .desire for me to keep worshipping and desiring that God

. . . . . 3 . Be Lifted by MOG music.. Everything about this song is beautiful; the composition, the . rendition, the instrumentals and all. This is one of the songs that automatically gets me . connected. It describes the . fact that God is lifted above all other gods and that everything He has created. is subjected to Him including humans. . . reigns in my heart.

stars top five with Opeyemi Priscillia


2 Ogo by Fola Eden is a song that opens one's eyes to the glory of God that cannot be absolutely described with words. I love the fact that this particular song shows how much all of God's creation, myself inclusive reflects His glory and splendor.


. Moraanugba is a. song of hope, positive declaration and . . affirmation of God's . mercy over our lives. It is also a song of . prayer that am sure . was received from the place of deep . . fellowship with God. . . . . . .

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