Star Buzz Magazine June 2020

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StarBuzz Magazine

Akin'Made JUNE,2020.


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Exclusive INTERVIEW with

Akin'Made s bm

Q1. Can we meet you sir?

Q3. What else can you do Aside Music?

Akin’Made - I am Adigun Akinrinmade popularly known as Akin’Made

Akin’Made -I’m quite a man of many parts hence I can do anything I derive an interest on, so I’d rather rephrase this as what else do I do..*smiles*. Well, music isn’t a full time thing for me, I work in the state civil service too.

Q2. Tell us about a little about Yourself (Academic/Family) Akin’Made - I was born into a family of six (6), I have three (3) elder sisters (all married with kids) so that makes me the last child and only son. Academic wise, I had my early school days in Ilesa and then proceeded to the prestigious Bowen University for my tertiary education, where I graduated from the department of Computer Science in 2014, all in Osun state.

Q4. Why Music?.... How did it all start? Akin’Made - While I was growing up, I played a bit of the recorder for pleasure and in my school at random occasions. Sometime later, my Dad travelled and bought me a small 2 octave keyboard, more like a toy but I saw it as a very really big instrument. I would take the Baptist hymnal and play the songs behind with the solfas written on it. I developed keen interest and began to create sounds in my head then transfer to my fingers and make melodies from it. I furthermore looked for people around who could play asking them to show me a few basic things, I already loved listening to music so I suppose the passion was there.

Q5. "Akin'made & Sweet Sound"..... What the inspiration behind that Q5. is "Akin'made & Sweet Sound"..... name?? What is the inspiration behind that Akin’Made name?? - Akin’Made is conned from Akin’Made - Akin’Made is conned from Akinnrinmade actually and I have Akinnrinmade actuallyabout and making I have always been particular always particular about making sweet music,been it stirs up a great sensation sweetSo music, it stirsthe up aopportunity great sensation in me. when to in me. So when the opportunity to perform at an event with a team came perform at an event with a team came and I needed a collective name, I and I needed a collective name, I thought deeply about the major quality thought deeply about the major quality about the the music that about music thatI do I doand andlove, love, it’s it’s nothing butbut sweetness. nothing sweetness. This This month we'llwe'll be be looking month lookingatatBranding Brandinginin Gospel Music. understand that that as as Gospel Music. WeWeunderstand gospelers we're intothis thisbut butthis thisisis gospelers we're notnot justjust into a Ministry, This beengiving giving aa to ustoisusaisMinistry, This hashasbeen lot Musicians of Musicians therehard hardtime time on on lot of outoutthere what approach to use what approach to use Q6. What is your understanding about Q6. Branding?? What is your understanding about Branding?? Akin’Made - Branding is a term that’s Akin’Made Brandinga isproduct, a term service, that’s used to- identify usedimage to identify service, or person.aIt isproduct, what defines you andorshows what/whom youdefines are or what image person. It is what you stand for. andyou shows what/whom you are or what

you stand for.

Q7. Should Gospel Musicians take Branding Serious Q7. Should Gospel Musicians take Akin’Made - Ha, Yes of course. As serious Branding Serious as every other thing that matters. Your Akin’Made - Ha, Yes of course. As serious music is likely not to progress or die

as every other thing that matters. Your music is likely not to progress or die

without proper branding, emphasis on proper. proper branding, emphasis on without Q8. What Approach should be given to proper. it?, since to us isshould a Ministry Q8. Whatthis Approach be given to it?, since this to us is a Ministry

Akin’Made - Branding has got nothing to Akin’Made - Branding got nothing to do with religion or has whatever. Whether do with religion whatever. the Whether ministry or or industry, public ministry or industry, the public perception of every individual is quite perception of every individual is quite an important thing to pay attention too, an important thing to pay attention too, especially to attain a reasonable rate especially to attain a reasonable rate of relevance. relevance. of Q9. What What Should ShouldMinisters Ministers Consider Q9. Consider WhenBranding? Branding? When Akin’Made of of knowledge Akin’Made- -The Thebalance balance knowledge and are certain principles andprayers, prayers,there there are certain principles every to to every artiste artisteneed needto tounderstand understand stand testtest of of time. That’s standunique uniqueand andthethe time. That’s why we have some artistes who have why we have some artistes who have been doing music for about 20 years been doing music for about 20 years and are still very much relevant. andanare still very muchneed relevant. As artiste, you don’t to be all As antheartiste, you should don’t be need to be all over place. You conscious over thegrowth place.and Youbeshould conscious of your certainbe you are of your expanding growth and be kingdom. certain you are actually God’s actually expanding God’s kingdom. Also, If you are going to release a song, it’s pertinent that going as you to pray or having Also, If you are release a song, prayed, you ensure a it’s pertinent that as to youembark pray oronhaving promotional/marketing plan, with a prayed, you ensure to embark on a good art cover, of course with a promotional/marketing plan, with a professional music production. The fact

good art cover, of course with a professional music production. The fact

Q5. "Akin'made & Sweet Sound"..... that is we the are not in a competition race What inspiration behindor that isn’t an option to do below or become name?? mediocre.- Akin’Made If we refuse to get/apply Akin’Made is conned from knowledge we are simply saying we do Akinnrinmade actually and I have not want to be relevant because no spirit always been particular about making or angel will come do for us what we sweet music, it stirs up a great sensation ought to do by ourselves. in me. So when the opportunity to perform an event a team came Q10. at What's your with advice for Gospel andMinister's/Producers I needed a collective Out there?name, I thought deeply- Iabout the major quality Akin’Made see quite a number of people out there copy others about the music thattrying I do to and love, it’s and inbut thesweetness. process lose their own identity, nothing

this isn’t healthy neither is rivalry, please yourbeidentity be unique Thismaintain month we'll looking and at Branding in with Music. your We sound, brand that yourself Gospel understand as properly and be patient. We should gospelers we're not just into this but this is also be ready to support others and to us is a Ministry, This has been giving a help raise them, it’s one of the major lot of Musicians out there hard time on problems in this arm of Music.

what approach to use

Also, strive to attain excellence. Yes, it Q6.will What is your understanding stretch you but its pains areabout much Branding?? sweeter than the shame of indolence Akin’Made - Branding is a term that’s and mediocrity.

used to identify a product, service, Mostorimportantly, whatever weyou do image person. It isifwhat defines reflect Christ you or announce him anddoesn’t shows what/whom are or what a total waste so do well to put youmore, standit’sfor. HIM first.

Q7. Should Gospel Musicians take Q11. After the release of the covid'19 Branding Serious inspired song "Don't Give Up" Akin’Made - Ha, Yes course. serious What should youroflovers outAsthere be as every other thing that matters. Your music is likely not to progress or die

without proper branding, emphasis on healing proper.expecting next? Are you currently on given any to Q8. What Approachworking should be project? Yesto Tellusisismore about it it?, sinceIfthis a Ministry Akin’Made -Oh, yeah I am currently Akin’Made - Branding has got nothing to working on a song titled Ìrètí ń b฀ L do with religion or whatever. Whether talks about all the menace we currently ministry as or industry, the some public undergo a people and society, perception ofthat every quite certain wrongs haveindividual one way oristhe an important pay attention other becomething a to norm, this songtoo, especiallya to a reasonable highlights fewattain of them but in the endrate encourages everyone to stay hopeful. of relevance. It's really a huge one and i am pretty sure would be a blessing to many. Q9. itWhat Should Ministers Consider

When Branding? Q12. Make - aThe shout out toof Someone Akin’Made balance knowledge special to you! and prayers, there are certain principles every artiste need to understand to Akin’Made - Just one person alone smiles stand unique and the test of time. That’s I’d like to make this shout out to my team why SweetSound. we have some who have then. Y’all artistes are amazing. been doing music for about 20 years and are stillcan very relevant. Q13. What youmuch say About Star Buzz As an artiste, you don’t need to be all Magazine? over the place. You should be conscious Akin’Made - This a you veryare of your growth andisbequite certain impressive and encouraging. actually expanding God’s StarBuzz

helping to set the right orientation out there showcase bright aand Also, If and you are going to release song, upcoming music people. On the overall, it’s pertinent that as you pray or having it’s a beautiful development and this is prayed, you ensure to embark on a showing Christ to the world. More grace. promotional/marketing plan, with a Cheers

good art cover, of course with a professional music production. The fact

Miaro ESE Oghenemairo Okechukwu Ese otherwise known as Mairo Ese was born in the early eighties in Lagos State, Nigeria. Mairo accepted Christ in his teenage years and discovered his passion for music and later his calling as a worshipper. He is known for an eclectic blend of R&B and Soul, transforming songs into a true worship experience. His interpretation and expression of music is dynamic and fresh, it has set him apart. Mairo has served in various capacities in different churches. Starting as a chorister and then progressing to worship leader and music director in different parishes of the Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG), House on the Rock (Jos) and also in different expressions of The House of Freedom. He is currently the Music Director of This Present House under the tutelage of Pastor Tony Rapu.

Over the past years, Mairo has shared the stage with music greats like Ron Kenoly, Lionel Peterson, Cobhams, Lara George, Nathaniel Bassey, Sammy Okposo, Tosin Martins, PITA, Glowreeyah Braimah and a host of others. He is associated with a number of worship movements including "Euphoria Worship Team and True worshippers and has ministered in Uganda, Tanzania, Ghana, The UAE, Lebanon, United Kingdom etc. In 2015, Mairo released his first album titled "The Worship of Yahweh" , a collection of songs that has blessed countless people with amazing testimonies. What many don’t know is that the album was a 10 year journey .

TABITHA talks RELATIONSHIP COMPATIBILTY IN RELATIONSHIP. I dqd-!` qd!sgd!sghmf r!v d!v hkk!bnmrhc dqhmf !` ant s! Compatibility in Relationship. a) b) c) a)

Definition Types of Compatibility How to know if you are Compatible DEFINITION

First of all what’s the general definition of Compatibility, It is a situation in which two or more things or people are able to perform together without conflicts or problems. After love as establish a relationship, it is Compatibility that keeps the relationship going and growing. When you find yourself Compatible, you find it easy to understand each other. So Compatibility in Relationship is when two people from different background and different environment finds it easy to connect with themselves. When you are not compatible understanding each other will be kind of very hard. Lack of compatibility is the reason for most people divorce or break up, because they are not ready to accept each other’s difference, what you like is different from what the other person like, things are essential to you might not be to your partner e.g. Some ladies like going out and exploring such a Lady will want to date a guy that will be taking her out, but if eventually she ends up with someone that counts it unnecessary and it’s what she wants, she will have to break

up with him. Compatibility helps boost Love in the Relationship more. Now, why is it that after discovering that we are compatible, we still have misunderstanding? Compatibility in Relationship does not necessarily mean that we should both agree on the everything at all times, there will still be something that interest one than the other, so we should be able to work together well and accept our difference. “WORK TOGETHER NOT INDIVIDUALLY”. When you and your partner are compatible you will always enjoy the Relationship. b) TYPES OF COMPATIBILITY IN RELATIONSHIP. I will be talking about three (3) types of Compatibility in Relationship. Physical Compatibility: This is one the most important type of Compatibility in Relationship you must be physically attracted to each other; you must like his or her voice, manners of approach, dressing, eyes, nose etc. You must be sure that it’s what wants in your partner. It’s when you are not physically connected to someone that you find another person attractive and this will make you cheat. Physical intimacy is what helps Sexual attraction and intimacy when married. Mind you you’re your partner is trying to spice up something’s in you try to do it because, he or she knows what they want in the relationship and they don’t want such things to be missing

1) wear trouser or makeup or earrings but your partner likes and wants you to be wearing it, it is advisable for you to do it. As a man, if your lady is trying to spice you up, just accept it. It’s because she loves you and does not want to cheat on you, so don’t be argue with her just look at it from her angle and do it, even if she says polo fits you more than T-shirt don’t say it’s say you want you will wear. 2) Emotional Compatibility : It’s easy to be connected or attracted to someone physically, but emotional connection is usually hard. And when you are not connected the relationship as a high risk of breaking. In this situation you tend to trust your partner and tell deep things about yourself. Naturally, there are some people that does not like to talk when something is wrong so that they won’t be considered weak, this mostly happens to men. They believe that you should be able to look through them. With this type of compatibility, you should be able to c onnect to your partner easily, you should be able to connect to your partner connect to your partner with easily; you should be able to figure out their pain, sadness or depression and help them resolve it. When you are emotionally connected with your partner and you are not physically connected, you can through the emotions build physical compatibility. But, when you are physically connected and emotionally down the relationship is like a lifeless being. Your partner must be able to talk to you about anything brothering them and you should be able to listen and understand him/her. You should be able to know how to calm your partner down when he or she is angry. Don’t

neglect or argue with them, let them feel safe in your hands. Don’t say ‘he is a Man, he is strong he can handle it ’, Men have emotions too they don’t just show it. Emotional Compatibility is about comfort and expression; it also helps in both of your future plans and visions since you are both speaking from your heart. Don’t place importance on other things before your partner. Always make sure that you say Sorry, Thank You and I Love You, this three helps strengthen Relationship more. 3) Spiritual Compatibility: This is also an important type of Compatibility like Physical. You and Your partner mu st have the same belief, you must be able to pray and study the bible together. It should not always be the lady that prays, it should not only be her duty. It’s both of your duty, it should be both of your duties. We should always pray for the Growth and Success of the Relationship. You and your partner should be filled spiritually, one might be greater than the other but, you should still help and build each other for the Joy of the Relationship. a) HOW DO YOU KNOW THAT YOU ARE COMPATIBLE? 1) Acceptance (Unconditional Love) 2) Easily Connected 3) Feeling Safe around each other 4) Enjoy Spending time with each other 5) Having Common Interest 6) Fighting and Working it out together 7) Been Comfortable 8) Discovering a new you through him or her 9) Sharing the same Vision Been 10) Been Truthful to each other

Fashion Trends with AnitNOLA

s bm

So fams, for the month of June we will be meeting Mr. John Adefisayo a bespoke Tailor and Saxophonist. And he will be speaking with us on how well he has been managing his ministry and his fashion career. AnitNoLa - Good Day Sir, we'll like to meet you. Mr John: I am John Ademilekan Adefisayo From Ile ife In Osun State. My Brand name is EXCELLENCE CREATIONS AnitNoLa - So sir, How's fashion designing? Mr John: I've been sewing as a hobby since I was 10 AnitNoLa - For how long now, have you been in this?

Mr John: Eventually got established out of love and passion up to the extent of getting a shop. It's been 14 months now. Every blessed day is noted for adding knowledge... Thank God... AnitNoLa - A lot of people are quick to saying they don't have role models; they don't need models. They can handle whatever they do all by themselves. So Sir, any Model? Mr John: Can I really call them role models? Actually I have people who motivate me a lot... I knew them via the Internet and social media. One of them is Seyi Adekunle (seyivodi) AnitNoLa - So what are the challenges you've had so far? Mr John: Everyday has

got its own challenges, thank God all the way

AnitNoLa - So, our main question for you is, how is your ministry with fashion designing? Mr John: I play music in the church as a steward in the house of God. I love music and I so much believe in the supernatural effect’s music has. Healing, breakthrough, etc., It's a very good tool in the preaching the gospel of peace to men especially youths. I play sax, and drums too. I sew and I'm very good at it, In short, playing music is the work in the church, Tailoring is the personal business. God has been faithful. I pray He gives us strength to do more for him...

Glory!!! AnitNoLa - Thank you very much Sir for having us. And yes fam we've got to know Mr. John of EXCELLENCE CREATIONS. You also get to see pictures of him doing his things.

And till next Month when we get to meet again, I remain your SBM fashion girl AnitNoLa.

And I say, do well to balance well your career with the work Christ has given you.

ENIOBANKE ?! >KKK It's the 6th month of this great year. It doesn't matter what the year is looking like globally, our portions are kept and still so significant. All you need to do is ask your father where is mine in all of these, open my eyes to see ideas, relationships and Opportunities, because as daughters of Zion, we live beyond the dictates of the cosmos! Glory! I am Havilah, your host on ENIOBANKE CORNER and I believe that you are getting blessed from this corner each time. I am always so delighted to pen the father's heart to his daughter. So this month, we'll be talking around

this PURPOSE THINGY and how you should now begin to view and perceive yourself. The Questions of WHO AM I?,WHY ON EARTH AM I HERE? WHAT AM I TO DO? are to be answered for every human being who wants to be significant. Especially, as a Queen that you are, if you do not know who you are, you won't be able to know who you are, you won't know where you're headed and you'll constantly feel a void within you because there is a reason you were made. So there's this unwholesome strain about unveiling your precise purpose and over the years of

relating with young ladies and youths generally, I have seen that many have their precise purpose staring at them, shouting their names but they've not been sensitive because they believe unveiling purpose is something that must be discovered in a spooky way or through a special encounter. This month, I'll briefly talk about how to begin to take note of a particular pointer to purpose that many people have ignored and it is the power of your strength, where your highest self is unleashed effortlessly. Queen, in your quest to unveil your purpose take note of your strength, that aspect where people compliment

you most. Your Strength isn't merely a compliment. Don’t ever joke with that people say you do so well or what you derive great joy in doing so effortlessly, you might be sitting on a gold mine, pay attention to what you're complimented for, it could be the way you connect easily with people, or the way you are so resourceful, or the way you literally expand the mind of people when you talk, the way you ooze wisdom with spontaneity or the way you have a way of gathering people, or the way you play on words, or the way you accurately perceive people, or the way you calm others in unease (Don't merely say, what did I say/do bayi)Yes we know it's almost

effortlessly, but begin to pay attention to how you release energy from your deepest core almost effortlessly, you might be so close to something bigger than you are now, Your purpose is not so far away, God is not doing a hide and seek game with you, he wants you to discover yourself and the potentials in you more than you think you want to. So on your way to debut the first phase of your unique and precise purpose, prayerfully pay attention to you than you are paying attention to others around you, do not merely allow someone else's baby to disrupt your own process of birthing. Look into you rather than around you. And just in case you

discover that you were made for something you can call common or popular, like for me I never ever wanted 'women/ladies’ thingy’, my first stories were like God it is popular already and I started to mention names of ministries and initiatives and even visionaries who are doing this thing well. But you know my answer has always been that Your own uniqueness will always smell differently, there is a way I will connect with you that no one else can maybe because I have experienced your reality, so your story is real to me. In purpose, your fragrance is different and your expression is uniquely significant,

so for someone who doesn't want to do that thing because it's popular, begin to ask deliberate Questions in line with your precise purpose and begin to gather strength to reach out to those God has predestinated to get help from you, your tribe is waiting for you. We Shine our lights differently! As purpose begins to unveil, Never let the 'small you' hinder the 'significant you’. God himself placed Significance and relevance on the people of Israel, the reason he told them to show up with strength in order to take over the land of Canaan, truly they physically looked small but they were significant enough to

take over the land. The loudest voice in your whole being should be your Significance, not your smallness, the yeast is always smaller compared to the dough, yet it is just the ingredient every baker needs for better outcomes, the salt looks always insignificant until you taste a saltless meal...You might look small but you are extremely significant, there’s a void when you're not there!...Come out of the grasshopper mentality and let begin to see you through the lens of the spirit FOR YOUR DREAD AND FEAR HAS RESTED UPON THEM. Remember, Until you see with a new eye you cannot enter a new reality. You're not useless, there’s

more to you. I believe this month's message has blessed you, please do well to commit to this. See you next month and do not forget that you can always reach out to me on WhatsApp on 08166960437. I gat you always. So much love from here฀P



the father's courier.


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