March Edition Star Buzz Magazine

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A monthly publication of Starlight music group

STARBUZZ Magazine March Edition




OMOOBA T’AORI Talks about her musical journey,and how music Ministers can form good CHARACTERS



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Dear Readers, Thank you for following us all through so far this year we give glory to God for the grace and enablement. Glory to God!!!! Have you ever witnnessed a conversation like this: I love that minister of Godwheneber HE\She Ministes in Songs, Like I respect the anointing But He’s too Proudyeah!! that BUT: The Character defects Often Observed in some Music Ministers is our Focus for this Motn’s publication. We ‘ve got with us a dynamic Young minister of the Gospel in Songs as our Star of the month . OMOOBATAORI described her musical journey right from the earliest days and did well in doing justice to our focus for this month during our exclusive interview with Her As usual our very talented and Divinely inspired writers have done their best in giving you a fullling reading time you will, learn, be enlightened and Adebiyi Oluwatimilehin be inspired to be and do more

from the editor’sEditor desk

Writerr Thanks, Olamibo I am glad to have you Peace Writer Favour Daniel

DAVID FAITH Writer David Favour Chief Editor Graphics designe David Faith

Graphics Design : David FavourChief IEditor WRITERS : - Favour Daniel , - Adebiyi Timilehin , - Olamibo Pece



Young ministers should not


groe with the that they’re ministers but with the

mindset that they’re called unto God but sent unto men



hat is your full name ma? My Name is Ariyo

Opeyemioluwa Helen Tell us about your educational background I had my primary education at St williams international Nursery& Primary school in Akure in ondo state and my secondary education at St Louis Girls Grammar School, Akure in Ondo State before i proceeded to Adeyemi college of Education, Ondo where i obtained a Nigeria Certificate in Education in Religious studies and English ,then proceeded to Obafemi Awolowo University where I obtained a Degree certificate (B.Art&Education) in English Education.

How did your Music journey start From my young age, I have been dedicated to singing and sacrificed all my time to it. Most times i follow my biological father to meetings where

sometimes opportune to minister in song. I became a choir leader in my teenage years in my father's church(Christ Highway Church International Akure) .I led the choir and do composed some songs for the choir, especially themes for services, conventions etc. even till date. I was dedicated to the choir unit of the church I attended during my NCE days, in which I was also made the youth music coordinator of the church (Christ Holy Crossing Ondo).

anytime I sing this song God always move powerfully and I keep wondering why In year 2013 September precisely. I formed a group then that involved both the teens and youth where I taught them songs and we rendered

them in services and special programs. During my degree days I was one of the praise and worship leaders in one of the RCCG parishes (RCCG world changers sanctuary precisely) How did you come about the name 'OmoObaTaori The name Omobataori was an inspiration given to me by the Holy Spirit. Through a song I love singing, this common song Oba ta ori ta nri se owo re osuba re re o, anytime i sing this song God always move powerfully and I keep wondering why, until the Holy Spirit spoke to me reason behind it . So since then have been bearing this name. What has been the driving force behind your ministry so far God and my Spiritual Covering, Apostle Olopade Elijah Have you encountered any challenge so far... will you mind sharing with us The truth is that there is no time challenges will

not come to a mortal man; only the dead has no challenges facing them. Glory to God for Grace who has been helping me to overcome and view challenges from the right perspective and having faith in God to overcome them. Have been able to see challenges as part of life, and the life promotion determinant. Our focus for this month’s publication gears towards the attitude defect often noticed among Gospel Minister' much as we believe that we're all going and growing to perfection... But we noticed some attitudes and characters that found among Minister's negates clearly the message they're conveying What do you think give rise to this character defect in the Gospel Music industry? Character is a manifestation of the nature embedded in men. Whatever character a man manifest is a product of the nature embedded in a man. A man can be so anointed but have an

adamic nature that manifest in various characters that are not God life. Therefore music minister knowingly and some unknowingly to them can fall into character flaws because they are subscribed to certain nature.

Character is a manifestation of the nature embedded in men. 1 Corinthians 10:12 [12] Wherefore let him that thinketh he standeth take heed lest he fall. The nature you subscribe to has a Spirit and the spirit responsible for that nature controls you. A minister who does not have a retreat or an authority over him is easily susceptible to character flaws. A man who has an authority over him and truly submit to and has constant retreat will find it hard to fall into certain character

flaws because he will watch himself (The bible says be watctful and prayerful) Many don't know how to watch because they pride themselves in the anointing and in the glory of God made manifest in their ministrations , for they don't know that they are not called to men but called to God and on the strength of their relationship to God they are sent to me. How do you think we can eradicate that amidst young gospel Minister's coming up? Young ministers should not grow with the mindset that they are ministers but with the mindset that they are called unto God but sent unto me, by this they we know that their work for God is birthed out of their walk with God,when you work for God is birthed out of your walk with God ,you will trend carefully because you will not do things like a natural man.Therefore every minister must have a good relationship with God. Your ministration should not determine the

life but your spiritual life should determine your ministration. Music ministers are called to take men to where God has taken them to. Retreat is important Having an authority is also expedient. How can we form Good and Godly character? The place of Godly character is determine by a nature and that nature is governed by a spiritual force which is a spirit. Paul spoke about the Fruit of the Spirit and gift of the Spirit . Many ministers are hungry for gift, they don't know that what will bring the excellency of their gift is the fruit of the Spirit(Galatians 5:22-23) A balance Christian is the one who operate in both the Fruit and Gift if the Spirit, through a relationship with the Holy Spirit,the place of retreat, the place of constant communion with the Spirit. The more you have an intimacy with the Spirit the more you take the nature of the Spirit. Spirit dictates the nature of a man, the

manifestation of that nature is Character . A nature is born within us as we have an intimacy with the Holy Spirit . That nature does not have capacity to sin, 2 Corinthians 5:17 Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.. A man who has a godly character is a man who has an intimacy with the Holy Spirit and has allowed the workings of the Holy Spirit in His life. What are your advices for young Music ministers? Every minister must have this mind in them that they are not called to men but to God but sent to men.

what will bring the excellency of their gift is the fruit of the Spirit

No where in the scripture is written that men is called to men, men are called to God but sent to men. If this mind is in them they will know that the first assignment they have is not to minister to men but to minister to God on the strength of their ministrations to God they can bring men to where they have been with God. By knowing this ,their walk with God will be a pioneer force behind what multivate them. Who will you like to make a shout out to? To my Papa,Apostle Olopade Elijah 12. Say something about Star Buzz Magazine Firstly I want to say thanks for this opportunity. Star Buzz magazine is an awesome way in which certain issues especially in ministry are sailent and Gospel music ministers are celebrated and also encouraged to do more for the propagation of the Gospel. Thanks for your time ma'am!!!!



ey Q ueen out there, I hope you've been putting things together since we last talked? I am still HAVILAH and I'm here again, ever passionate about seeing you become a rounded woman and I'm not backing out of this, for this cause I live!

This month we would be talking about FRIENDSHIPS, over the years of interacting with ladies and mentoring them and people generally, I’ve discovered that many people have Friendship issues and to a large extent I am one of those who have gained mastery of keeping friends and knowing when to let go, my life is a prove of right friendships because I determined on time that my closet friends are going to be G IFTS to me and I'll be gift them. Friendship is as strategic as any other 'Ships' in our lives or any decision in our lives. Friendship for me should be a sort of support system that is not a oneway thing anyway, set of persons who pours into you

and you in turn pour into them, they are power circles who would push you to your utmost potential. You look like them to a large extent either in mindset, mentality or physically. They are great influencers. They do to a

purpose partnerships and strategic friendships are not merely done like just any other Friendship very large extent influence your outcome. You Think like who you follow or look at, there’s a thought conditioning they give you. For example, some thought patterns were learnt or we got conditioned to them by our Parents who were our first friends that's if they tried been friends anyway(Smiles) Friendships

with HAVILAH are most time chosen by Corresponding Values. I admire a person as my friend because I see the values that I cherish so m uch them either good or bad values. M ost times you attract your type, although sometimes there is a flip to that. So how do w e sieve the good friends from the bad friends? Really, we know what we want, we know values that we see in people that we know can birth us into a new version of yourself, so when you constantly and repeatedly see toxic attitudes in people around you, wisdom would teach you to begin to plan an exit, sometimes it's not an abrupt exit but it could mean putting suc h persons in an arm’s length. There are levels of friendships, so if you want a significant change, your close friends and power circles should have the right vibes Let me also establish the truth that purpose partnerships and strategic friendships are not merely done like just any other

call acquaintances. These people are not merely linked to you by inspiration but by Destiny, I always say many people would have gravitated faster on their lane of destiny if they prayed so well and kept calm about their close friendships like they did or would do in regards to marriage. How to maintain good friendships? So, maintaining good friendship is work, I mean hard work, it doesn't just fall into your laps. Sometimes it's God telling you to gravitate towards a person and he gave you words, sometimes, there is a process to go through with that person to bring the person to become what God has said such person should be to you. So one of the things that has over years helped me keep good friendship is been *established in the reason that person was brought to my life or my path at that season*(some friendships are seasonal), simply put, I know the why you are in my life, so I relate with you according

to the why. It is wise to have a mutual understanding of your friendship with the other person so that his/her heart is involved too, to avoid one party getting exhausted if the same passion is not reciprocated.

trust yourself enough to trust others, there are real friends ,not everyone wants to hurt you.

Another thing is be passionate about growing together Have Hangouts, attend conferences together, take up courses, keep up with the person’s goal, be sincere in your feelings, talk things out and do not assume, it’s the lowest level of Knowledge. Thirdly, Trust the person/people I know we've been hurt many times, people just always have friendship issues, but make sure you trust the person especially when it is God telling you to stay with the friendship. I say it always when a person breaks your heart or disappoints you on the friendship path, the person just showed who he/she was not who you are. So trust yourself enough to trust others, there are real friends, no everyone wants to hurt you. Be healed of that mindset Lastly, Pray for them There is a way prayer conditions your heart towards been true to your friends. That's the peak of your love for them. Let me also say that

friendships are sometimes seasonal, God brings people to you according to what season in your life you both are, so when he is telling you cool off, withdraw some informations which I've experienced a lot of time, obey the stirrings and nudging. He might just be showing you something bigger. Huh, Queen, There's Still so much, but I think these are important to me to maintain friendships, I could talk all day long about friendships. Maybe next time we will delve more into friendship issues and we will gist more practically, thanks for checking this month's edition. Can we pray? Dear Lord Jesus, the best friend ever. Thank you for been a template of friendship and love, thank you for oozing out so much peace to us. Lord I pray for people who have friendship issues, please bring them to yourself, teach them wisdom, open their eyes, heal their mindsets in JESUS name.

Lord help those we should have left circles to do so boldly in Jesus name. Help us to be Davids so that we can receive men of David in our lives. In Jesus name I have prayed. Amen

I LOVE YOU,Stay firm in ABBA'S grip till next edition. Bye ya!!! ABBA'S courier, Havilah. Whatsapp-08166960437 Email-

Step 1: Wet Hands. Wet your hands and apply enough liquid soap to create a good lather. Step 2: Rub Palms Together. ... Step 3: Rub the Back of Hands. ... Step 4: Interlink Your Fingers. ... Step 5: Cup Your Fingers. ... Step 6: Clean the Thumbs. ... Step 7: Rub Palms with Your Fingers.




Dave D’light

Only You


TabithA talks RELATIONSHIP Love is an Intense feeling or affection and care towards another person or something (English Dictionary). Love endures, Love is patient and kind, Love never envious or boil over jealousy, Love is not boastful or vainglorious, Love does not display itself haughtily (1st Corinthians 13 vs 4). W ithout Love in this world, hardly will people survive. Most people love one another so as to share their bounds, minds and thinking with that person and that person can either be your partner or close friends. Some set of people only love to survive while some thinks because it's normal. Never love for your personal needs, that's been selfish or self-centered. Love is not conceited (arrogant, inflated with pride), it's not rude (unmannerly) and does not act unbecoming, Love does not insist on its own way for it's not self-seeking, it is not touchy or fretful or resentful, it takes no account of evil done to it (pays no attention to suffered wrong) 1st

Corinthians 13 vs 5... Love is Permanent, it never fades

Types of Love Here are the types of Love


Eros Love: It's named after the greek god of Love and fertility. Eros love is the type of Love that aim at Sexual desires. It engages mostly with Romantic, Intimate and Sexual Passion. Eros Love is the type of Love most Relationships engage in today. It's similar to infatuation and Lust. This type of Love is the most dangerous, because it can easily control your physical and sexual acts.

without love no one can survive in this world Philia Love: Love is Affectionate type of Love

This type of known as Love. It's the you have for

your friends, it can also be called Brotherly Love. It as nothing to do with Romance or Sexual activities. It involves showing affection, appreciation, sacrifices and nobility. To be able to express your love to your friends, you must first of all love yourself. Philia Love it's what makes friendship grow. Agape Love: This is a Real, Altruistic, Selfless and Unconditional Love. Agape Love is the most expensive Love because it takes courage and strength to be capable of feeling and expressing it for a long term. Agape love can also be described as a spiritual love, for example: The kind of Love Jesus Christ exhibited on all humans. He suffered for the happiness of others (humans). This type of Love is nothing compared to Eros Love that deals with sexual desires. Agape love is a type of Love where you help others, show care and good deeds

tow ards them w ithout expecting anything in return. Any Relationship w ithout agape Love hardly stands Strong and Upright, it w ill alw ays be shaken. Other types of Love includes: Philautia Love: This is the type of Love that as to do w ith Self Love. Philautia Love at first m ight sound negative because of it deals w ith selfishness but, it's necessary to have Self Love before you can be able to give and receive love from others. And you can never give w hat you don't have, So how can you love others w hen you don't love yourself. Pragm a Love: This type of Love is sim ilar to Agape Love, because it's an Enduring Love. Agape and Pragm a Love are the Love that still keeps most M arriages/Relationships Strong and Healthy. Pragm a Love is the opposite of Eros Love. W hen Eros love quickly dies, Pragm a Love becom es a M atured and Developed type of Love.

This type of Love is m issing these days because people don't have the patience or desires to w atch love grow. Storge Love: This is a Fam iliar type of Love. It's sim ilar to Philia Love. How ever this type of Love is like Parent-Child Love. This type of Love connects you to your families, Strong bonds and Kinship.

it's necessary to have Self Love before you can be able to give and receive love from others

Ludus Love: This type of Love is known as the Playful Love. This type of Love can also be expressed as infatuation. Som eone who engages w ith this type of Love finds it hard to comm it to one Person. They derive pride for having more than one partner. Relationship is all about Gam e and Excitem ent to them . They are mostly called Players or Cheaters. M ania Love: This type of Love is a Bad and Worst Love. Its an Obsessive type of Love. Where a person is obsess w ith som eone or som ething. This type of Love can turn or lead you into som ething else like Jealousy, Lack of control of anger etc. Most people that suffers from this type of Love suffer from low self esteem , The fear of losing an Object or Som eone they Love m akes them go ahead to doing Crazy things in order to keep them .



o, on this month's edition of Star Buzz Magazine's fashion corner, we will be going through Spaghetti Records' gallery of their 7th year anniversary.


Spontaneous shots by Mike Abdul, Monique and A'dqm songbird as Spaghetti Records celebrates her 7th year anniversary.

So, from the 12th day of June, 2012 to the same day, 2019, Spaghetti Records makes 7 years of establishment which will make 8 years by the 12th day of June, 2020. Happy Anniversary in advance to them.

I know you like what yo u saw. Spaghetti Records' style of fashion is not bad after all. I care about how you look. See you next Month.


GUC, as he is popularly known, was born Gift Ugochi Christopher in Port -Harcourt in Rivers state. He hails from Emohua LGA, Port-Harcourt, a local government area in Rivers State, Nigeria. It has not been made public his birth year, but we are certain GUC was born on 8th October. The young minister is either in his late 20s or early 30s. GUC is a graduate of the University of Port -Harcourt which he enrolled in 2013 and speaks Ikwerre Igbo fluently. GUC Ministry GUC is a multi -genre gospel music minister based in Port -Harcourt but has crossed its borders spreading the life -transforming gospel through music. Gift Ugochi Christopher ’s ministry started in Port-Harcourt. He began his gospel music

ministry alongside his friends – Baruch Okeoghene and Emma Wele Samuel, to mention but a few. GUC ministry can be likened to that of Lawrence Oyor and it is focused on revival, he adds a spice of Nigerian native pidging English to bring it home. He has ministered in major gospel events all over the states in Nigeria. H e ministered in “Excel season ‘8 and ‘9 ” (a gospel event organized by Presbyterian Church of Nigeria, first aba parish (PYPAN). GUC has also ministered in Synod of Worship ’19 – cross heart ministries. Gift Ugochi Christopher (GUC) runs an online forum f or young music ministers on telegram, where he shares tips from his experience in the field. 2019 was his year of major upliftment as he landed a record deal with EeZee Conceptz, joining the likes of Mercy Chinwo, Judikay, and Christ Morgan. On landing th e deal, he was gifted a car by CEO of the EeZee Conceptz – Ezekiel Thankgod. GUC has released a series of gospel singles which many Christians testified to be divine. Here’s the list of songs by GUC. Desperate Emimimo Alabo Thank you The Promise You know Truth Precious








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