May 2020 Edition (Star Buzz Magazine)

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MAY 2020




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from the editor’sEditor desk

Music just like every other major field is characterized with certain principles, Important principles I must say. Before a Person can be tagged as a musician, a vast knowledge in the basics and even in the advance levels must have been observed Gospel music as often refereed to is also an avenue of preaching the Gospel using this instrument: Music. So I must clarify that Music in our hands when it comes to the Gospel of Christ is a Tool. The Question this pose to us is: How Important Should Gospel Musicians take Musical Knowledge? MATTADE:

A man God has really helped will be helping us out in tackling this during an exclusive interview with our Team.

This and Many other insightful, engaging and inspiring contents has been well packaged JUST FOR YOU. You are in for a profitable Journey. I CELEBRATE YOU

Adebiyi Oluwatimilehin Writerr Olamibo Peace Writer Favour Daniel

DAVID WriterFAITH David Favour Chief Editor Graphics designe David Faith

Graphics Design : David FavourChief IEditor WRITERS : - Favour Daniel , - Adebiyi Timilehin , - Olamibo Pece



The music keeps coming to my head it catches me everywhere......

EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW 1- What is your full name sir?? My name is Oguntade Matthew

great privilege to have this kind of responsibility because

outside my church to learn it before I started singing

Oluwaloseyifunmitan Akangbe. Popularly

at my parent’s church we don't use drums or

4-Who are those you

known as Mattade

guitars. I then latter got admission to lautech. I

look forward to in the Ministry? I love every

2Tell us your background (Family/Academic). I came from a music family. My dad is a pastor and a musician, my mum is also a music enthusiast. As the eldest of six children I always mobilize my siblings to sing harmony anytime we are bored. Then being bored was the order of the day in our house because we were not allowed to watch TV we don't even have it, not because we couldn't afford it but my parents believe it’s the 'devils box' back then. So my exposure was restricted to my local church music and the radio. But I started directing music in a student Baptist church in secondary school then. It was a

would say that was my breakthrough, I met great singers that helped shape my skills some were my mentors and contemporaries we worked hard to get here today.

one, and I learn from everyone, I'm just a music scavenger and I listen for difference. I have a wide range of influence so I don't have specific names. But to everyone out there doing good music I dough my cap.


SKILLS 3- How did your Music career start? I started from the children's church. Learning to play keyboard, it was my first passion, guitar was my second i had to go

5- What are some of the challenges you've faced so far.? My major challenge has been finance, the different stages of music production and marketing is overwhelming being an independent artist is not easy but God has been helping me. And at this moment I would say I have a clique of friends and associates that God has used tremendously for me to

have quality sound. I want the best always, I wouldn't mind taking my time to bring out the best. But funds has been my major challenge.

family. They all loved it. They started playing around it and before you know it we did it at Adeleke university. The response was really great and the anointing

6- What are those things that keep you going? The music keeps coming to my head. It catches me everywhere even in

was strong. We had to go to the studio to record. We discovered that many of Gospel Music

Music is dynamic its not static. The sound we

the exam hall, when I'm brushing, when I'm

ministers these days do not really have a sound

had in the 90's is not what we have now. So

walking on the road. So I don't have a choice.

musical knowledge/Training

you need to keep updating learning never

7- Your song LAYE

and even more alarming is their habit

stops in music. But there are foundational

LORUN which was released last year was a great sound. Tell us about it.

of not seeing a NEED for it.

knowledge that one has to develop before getting advance knowledge.

It was early morning I was having our family devotion with my wife and my first daughter then. so I was playing the piano and my wife

necessary for Gospel Music ministers to be well trained musically?? It is Mandatory. Because music is complex there a

was singing. all of a sudden I started singing that song I had to press record so I won't forget

lot of things you need to know and study even if you study music in school you have not

it. Then I took it to church to my music

arrived you still need a lot to add to your

8- Do you think it is

knowledge personally.


9- Why do you think some do not see a need for that.? People don’t see need for training because they lack exposure, which brings about foresight. Some musicians have ego, pride and self-esteem issues. Some are just

lazy they want the easy way out and they try as much as possible to avoid anything that will expose their weakness.

know what they are training people on. You can't give what you don't have and a road you have not journeyed

Some don’t even want to be corrected or trained they just want their status quo If your weakness is not exposed you can't see

you can never discuss it.

the need to get better. Some people also have achieved some level of success and they get satisfied and settled to the point that they don't want to grow. In this ministry stop growing

music minister?? You lack ideas and the creative abilities. You are so stereotyped and rigid. It’s just a one-way traffic.

and start rusting 10- What can be done to help?? Hmmm though you cannot force people but if they are willing, training and mentoring

necessary Training a Gospel Music Minister should have?? Basic knowledge of music, ability to play musical instruments, song writing, song arrangement, music production,

by people that are qualified based on practice and experience will be the best option. So many people are out there

microphone techniques, knowledge of mixing and mastering, stage performance, vocal production, harmony and implied harmony,

training people but they themselves don't even

music business, marketing etc

11- What are the side effects of not having Sound Musical Training as a gospel

12- What are some


13- Make a shout out to someone instrumental to your musical Training. Its really a long list and I'm currently writing a book that covers my story from the beginning. My first mentor Engr Glory Agelebe, Michael word, Pastor Tayo Oladeru, Philstone, the list goes on and on. 14- What can you say about Star Buzz Magazine. Star Buzz keep it up. This is a wonderful platform, I love you guys and the crew is amazing. Just keep it going the sky is the beginning.

ENIOBANKE with HAVILAH Hey Am azons! It's another tim e


you walk the earth w ith great ease, then I

know and still want to know. The reason why

Eniobanke Corner. I’m proud of you and thank

wonder w hat kind of Christianity that is. Jesus

m any people would not get to peaks of their

you for follow ing up.

is our ultim ate tem plate. A m an w ho was

career is m ediocrity. And see, the people of

I hope m axim izing

are lock

balanced and was able to gather know ledge

the world w hom we are sent to overthrow are

dow n period and we are giving all it takes to

and also relate w ith people on earth, no

not people w ho lack know ledge, they are

be developed intellectually, spiritually

wonder the guy was never stranded.

diligent in acquiring know ledge and that's

and m entally.

We would also look at Daniel at som e points

w hy the keep ruling. For instance, you work in

I am ever delighted to share w hat the father

and Joseph too. I intend to m ake this

a firm and about two of you are qualified for a

has placed in my heart again this m onth.

short and com pact Know ledge rules


post. But the requirem ents is m aster’s,

This m onth we w ill be

earth and the Spiritual realm (the m other

one w ho is a c heat and unbeliever has the

talking on Know ledge and Rela tionships and

realm ). You thrive in the kingdom on the level of

m aster's but you have decided to sit w ith your

a need to balance our Spirituality.

w hat you know and you also thrive in the

degree counting.



physical on the level of w hat you've know n and

naturally c hoose the other person because

Christians do nasty stuffs all because they

gained m astery at So, as a Christian

Know ledge positioned him . Christianity does

are ''Christians". Christianity is not a call

acquiring m ore know ledge is key and

not debar you from acquiring know ledge

into m ediocrity or boring lives. Christianity

let m e tell you for free, w hatever opportunity

that can help you leverage on access to

Is not one sided. If all the tongues in your room

G od would be opening before you as you fulfill

heights that you m ake you shine your light,

is not producing in you virtue, c haracter and

purpose would be effective w hen you are

thereby becom ing that city set on a hill that

w isdom that can help


cannot be hidden.


we this



w hat


6 They

years would

This is a lock down period, what courses

consulted them on anything, on books or on

Lords there and he wants to do a kingdom

have you taken!!!Our Jesus is excellent, smell

life, he found them ten times better than all the

takeover, this will not merely be done with

excellence so that him Positioning you for

magicians enchanters

and his

anointing, you’re also going there with a level

GREATER heights would be easier, So you don't

kingdom put together. (Daniel 1:17,19-

of authority in human knowledge. Read about

have to pray in tongues for months when a simple door of excellence and

20|MSG And God wants us to be like this!!!!We are

that sphere you are, that business, that calling, that assignment, read about it.

diligence in what you know could have done

anointed yes, but don't sit down, voraciously

There are levels of knowledge only kept in

that. Look at Daniel, he was

acquire knowledge. Let them not be able to

scrolls! I can talk on and on but

one who added knowledge all the time. Scriptures says: God gave these four young men knowledge and skill in both books and life. In addition, Daniel was gifted in

reconcile your speaking in to guess with the level of mastery you have in human knowledge. And we are in a decade of knowledge, where what you know is what will raise you to

understanding all sorts of visions and dreams. ... When the king interviewed them, he found them far superior to all the other young

heights! Daniel said according to the books, I discovered that Israel was supposed to have been delivered. He birthed a deliverance

men. None were a match for Daniel,

for a nation because he read and knew! Lady,

Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah.And so they

what are discovering?

took their place in the king's service.

You see God is sending you to mountains of

let me move to Relationships You see Jesus, he read the laws, as early as 12, he was interacting with elders because he had by the Jewish laws scaled the 5 books of Moses, he was even teaching them. Leave anointing, he took the step to read the books that was why anointing could flow well and I believe you understand what I'm Saying-We've seen Anointed people who lacked knowledge and sometimes they pissed us off. At times like that it takes the









holy spirit to help you sit under their ministration.

"Why do you look so worried today?"

relationships, they may not look like it but never

Jesus also maintained relationships. When God wants to bless you, he opens us new levels of idea, new Relationships and new opportunities and sometimes the three is

They answered, "Each of us had a dream, and there is no one here to explain what the dreams mean." "It is God who gives the ability to interpret dreams," Joseph said.

ever estimate men by the physical, you’re a Spiritual being. And let me say this, dear tongue sister, please have character! Anointing is good and will take you far, but Anointing with

placed in MAN/PERSON


"Tell me your dreams." ... *But please

character will take you farther.

See, relationship is key and men are gates.

remember me when everything is going well

All these if you give me hot, I’ll give you hot will

And in this decade too, there's a need to know

for you, and please be kind enough to mention

not pay you sisters. Let us see the fruits of

your tribe members and Unite to do exploit for

me to the king and help me get out of this prison.

the SPIRIT and the gift of the spirit would be

God. All these insecurities we have as

(Genesis 8,14|GNB)


sweeter. Some ushers ehn, no character,

ladies, all these nasty feelings, it’s time to

This is Relationship intelligence. People are

ordinary omoluabi sef, they talk back at their

really drop them and run with great minds

around you who God has placed in their

pastor's wife, behave anyhow. The bottom line

God would be linking you with! Look at

hands influence to take you to the next epic

Joseph! -He maintained his sanity in the prison

level in ministry, business, academics and

that he recommended

Spirituality. He is just asking you to

is honour all men! These men will stand at junctions of destiny for you. You’ll reap the good that you sow, Imagine if Joseph began to misbehave in that situation as a prisoner, something he didn't deserve. But he maintained his sanity

was for a

prime minister post. Let me show you in

see and advantage


Genesis 39 "When Joseph came to

Men are gates, they are who God will use for

them in the morning, he saw that they were

you. So take time to be

upset. He asked them,



and he was recommended to pharoah. Even David was recommended to the palace to play harp because he was firstly a good boy before anointing came in. Jesus

far! Have a eyes that see and know when God is leading you in the direction of people, don’t be proud! Men comes for each season, may we see!

had people supporting his visions firstly

I pray for us, our eyes

because he knew how to manage relationships,

sees. Our ears hears

he knew he needed men to achieve his goals and

Our hearts understands The lord God opens

purpose. He maintained relationship with

new Relationships for us and we see it. The lord

Nicodemus who came to ask question one night

God puts a hunger to take up knowledge that

and it was Nicodemus who gave the myrrh for

would place us on high pedestals

his embalming after his death.

We will not play small. Great Shall be our lot

He maintained relationship with Mary

among the gentiles In Jesus name I have

and Martha that was why he could enter their

prayed! Thank you so much for

house to eat. He maintained

having me again this month!

relationship with Joseph of arimathea and that

Remember that you are

was why he was laid in the tomb of one of the

pampered by the king. I am Havilah.

richest men instead of a general tomb for the Jews. I can go on and on, we need relationships to go





Communication in Relationship T h is m o n th I w ill b e sh a rin g w ith yo u , T h e g re a t F ive (5 ) C 's o f a Re la tio n sh ip . * C o m m u n ica tio n * C o m p a tib ility * C o m m itm e n t * C o m p ro m ise * C o n se q u e n ce s B u t, fo r th is m o n th I w ill be ta lk in g about co m m u n ica tio n H e re a re th e th in g s w e a re g o in g to b e lo o k in g a t a b o u t C o m m u n ica tio n in Re la tio n sh ip a ) D e fin itio n b) Ty p e s of C o m m u n ica tio n c) H ow to C o m m u n ica te to e a c h d) Im p o rta n ce of C o m m u n ica tio n a ) D e fin itio n : G e n e ra lly, C o m m u n ica tio n is a sta te of exc h a n g in g d a ta or in fo rm a tio n b e tw e e n e n titie s. It is a lso a n a ct o f tra n sfe rrin g d a ta or m e ssa g e to a n o th e r. A g o o d co m m u n ica tio n is o n e o f th e m o st e sse n tia l in g re d ie n ts o f a Re la tio n sh ip, it h e lp s ke e p a su cce ssfu l and H e a lthy

Re la tio n sh ip . T h e re w ill a lw a y s be issu e s o r co n flicts in Re la tio n sh ip b u t a good co m m u n ica tio n h e lp s re so lve a n d h a ve m o re u n d e rsta n d in g of th in g s h a p p e n in g in th e re la tio n sh ip . S o, C o m m u n ica tio n in re la tio n sh ip is th e p ro ce ss by w h ic h w e ta lk , ex p re ss and sh a re, d iscu ssio n o r w o rd s or co n te n ts b e tw e e n each o th e r. It h e lp s u s k n ow m o re a b o u t each o th e r, b e ca u se w e n e e d to b e a b le to k n ow w h a t's g o in g o n in e a c h o th e r’s m in d in o th e r fo r u s to a vo id m isu n d e rsta n d in g . T h e re a re th re e ty p e s o f C o m m u n ica tio n th a t w e w ill b e co n s id e rin g th is m o n th a n d th ey in clu d e a) Ve rb a l C o m m u n ica tio n b) N on Ve rb a l C o m m u n ica tio n c) W itte n C o m m u n ica tio n Ve rb a l C o m m u n ica tio n : W h e n u sin g ve rb a l

co m m u n ica tio n , yo u m u st b e su re o f th e w o rd s o r co n tex ts th a t e a sily ca p tiva te s yo u r p a rtn e r's a tte n tio n , b e ca u se ve rb a l co m m u n ica tio n is a ty p e o f co m m u n ica tio n th a t d e a ls w ith yo u ex p re ssin g yo u r h e a rt to yo u r p a rtn e r th ro u g h yo u r m o u th . S o yo u m u st b e su re o f w h a t w o rk s b e st in yo u r re la tio n sh ip, th is is w h e re yo u h a ve to a cce p t in d iv id u a l d iffe re n ce . Ju st b e ca u se yo u like ta lk in g d o e s n o t m e a n th a t yo u r p a rtn e r sh o u ld like ta lk in g , A s th e p e rso n ta lk in g yo u sh o u ld stu dy th e re ce ive r to se e if h e o r sh e h a s in te re st in w h a t yo u a re sa y in g . N on Ve rb a l C o m m u n ica tio n : T h is is a ty p e of co m m u n ica tio n th a t is m o stly co m m o n a m o n g la d ie s. Yo u h a ve to lo ve and a cce p t yo u r p a rtn e r w h e n h e o r sh e co m m u n ica te s to yo u n o n -ve rb a lly. S o m e tim e s w h e n yo u g o o n a d a te w ith yo u r p a rtn e r, H e o r sh e m ig h t re q u e st 3 0 % ve rb a l co m m u n ica tio n a n d 7 0 % n o n -ve rb a l co m m u n ica tio n . N onve rb a l co m m u n ica tio n is a

towards them w o rd le ss ty p e without of co mexpecting m u n ica tio nanythingth a in t re qreturn. u ire s bAny o d yRelationship p o stu re, to n without e o f vo iceagape a n d fa cia l Love ex p re ssio n . Som e hardly stands Strong and p a r tn e rs d o n 't k n ow Upright, it will always be w h a t it m e a n s o r to d o shaken. a ny tim e th e ir p a r tn e r Love g iveOther s th etypes m a offa cia l ex pincludes: re ssio n . M o st tim e s w hen a guy co mPhilautia m u n ica teLove: s u sin gThis n o n -is ve rb a ltypeit's w h ethat n ash eto the of Love w a ndo ts towith w o oSelf a laLove. d y. N e ve r th e le ss,Love yo u atm ufirst st Philautia k n ow th e ty p e of might sound negative co m m u n ica tio n th a t because of it deals with w orks fo r yo u r selfishness but, it's re la tio n sh ip . If yo u a re a necessary Self ve rb a l ty p e too f have p e rso n be a n dLove yo ubefore r p a ryou tn e r can is a and n o nable -ve rbtoa give l ty p e receive of p e rso ste a dAnd you of loven frominothers. n e gcan le ctin g ogive n e what fo r thyou e never o th don't e r, M have, ix b o thSoo how f th ecan m to gyou e th elove r aothers n d sewhen e if you it w o n 't y ie ld p o sitive don't love yourself. re su lts. W ritte n Pragma Love: This type C o m m u n ic a tio n : T h is is Love th e of o ld e st isa nsimilar d m o stto co mAgape m o n Love, ty pbecause e oit's f co man m uEnduring n ica tio nLove. th a tAgape has b e eand n Pragma ex istin g arefothe r Love ce nLove tu rie that s. Instillthkeeps e o ldmost en d a yMarriages/Relationships s, W ritte n Com m u n ica tio des Strong andn in clu Healthy. lo ve rs w ritin g lo ve Pragma Love is the m e ssa g e s o r p o e m to opposite of Eros Love. e a c h o th e r e sp e cia lly When Eros love quickly p e o p le in d ista n ce re ladies, tio n sh ipPragma (n o p h o n eLove ). becomes a Matured and S o mDeveloped e p a r tntype e rs ofd Love. o n 't

This k n ow type h ow ofto Love w rite isa n o p e n h e a rthese t m e ssadays g e to missing th e ir p a r tn e r, so mdon't e had because people n e ve r the d o n patience e it b e fo have orre . T h e o n ly m e ssa g e th ey desires to watch love se n d to th e ir p a r tn e r is grow. n e w m o n th o r n e w y e a r o r b ir th d a y m e ssa g e . Storge E ve n ifLove: yo u This d o n 'tisk naow Familiar h ow to type w riteof aLove. lo ve It's similar Philia m e ssa g e to b row se Love. about it o r g e tthis a btype o o kofo Love n lo ve However m elike ssa gParent-Child e s p e n d inLove. g th e is tim e, yo u k n ow ow to This type of h Love co m p o se you ato your lo ve connects m e ssa g e . T h e re a re families, Strong bonds so m e p e o p le th a t it's and Kinship. lo ve, p o e m o r m e ssa g e th a t ca p tiva te s th e m .

it's F o r ex a m p le, a s a g u y th a t like s lo ve p o e m a n d necessary m e ssa g e s, a n d h e h a d to a lw a y have s w ish e d th a t h is p a r tn e r w o u ld b e th e Self o n e se n d in g h im su c h m e ssa g e s obefore r p o e m s. B u t Love u n fo r tu n a te ly yo u a re in a re la tio n sh ip w ith a you la d y th a t like ve rb a l can be co m m u n ica tio n , sh e w ill a lw a y s w to a n t to ta lk a n d able w a n ts yo u to ta lk to o b u t th a t's n o t w h a t yo u give w a n t. T h is le a d s to and M isco m m u n ica tio n , a n d w hen th e re 's receive m isco m m u n ica tio n in a re la tio n sh ip th e love re la tio n sh ip is b o u n d to from fa il. In a situ a tio n like th e ex a m p le I sta te d others a b o ve in ste a d of b re a k in g u p w ith h e r,

yo u ca n try to ex p la in w h a t yo u w a n t a n d se e if c h a n g e s w ill o ccu r. F u nLove: n ie st This p a r ttype is th of a t m o st Ludus o f u s w ro te le tte r to o u r Love is known as the first lo ve w h e n w e w e re Playful Love. This type a t se co n d a ry sc h o o l, b u t of Love can also be a s w e g re w o ld e r w e expressed sa w it as a s infatuation. a c h ild ish th in g Someone to d o, who so m eengages se e it a s if withth ethis of dLove re 's type n o b ig e a l in it... c) it hard to commit H o w to to finds o m m u nThey ic a tederive to e a c h oneCPerson. o thfor e r having more pride than one partner. 1 ) B e B o ld : D o n’t b e shy Relationship is all about o r fe a rfu l a ny tim e yo u Game and Excitement to w a n t to ta lk to yo u r them. They are mostly p a r tn e r. D o n 't ta lk a s if called Players or yo u r yo u a re ta lk in g to Cheaters. b o ss o r e m p lo y e r, b u t

d o n 't b e d isre sp e ctfu l to o Love: . Ta lkThis a s type if yo Mania ofu a re lk in to and yo u rWorst Lo ve r b e Lovetais a gBad b o ld n fid e n t and Love. Its, anco Obsessive u n dLove. Where a typesoof 2 ) A vo id D istra ctio n : A s person is obsess with th e p a r tn e r ta lk in g o r someone or something. liste n in g yo u sh o u ld try This type of Love can turn to a vo id d istra ctio n or w hlead you en co m m uinto n ica tin g something w ith e a c helse o th e r. like A ny tim e Jealousy, yo u Lackaof re controlb e in g d istraetc. c te Most d d u rin g of anger people m m u nfrom ica tio n it's thatco suffers this typeg o in g to re fle ct, infrom th e low w a y yo u of Love suffer a ct to The w h afear te veof r he or self reesteem, sh e is sa y in g a n d m o st losing an Object or tim e s ca u se Issu e s Someone they Love B e ca u se yo u r p a r tn e r makes them go ahead to w ill fe e l ta ke n fo r doing g ra Crazy n te d w things h e n h e ino r sh e order to keep them.

towards them without expecting anything in is talking about somreturn. ething Any Relationship very without m ind agape Love im portant, you it is always andand hardlyadvisable stands Strong healthy forityou be in be Upright, willtoalways a shaken. relationship w ith a person w ith an opposite Other types of Love type of com m unication. includes: W hen two people that have verbal types of Love:people This is comPhilautia m unication date other, ho as is to the eac typeh of Lovewthat going on the do to withbe Self Love. listening side Love w hen at theyfirst Philautia are both talking. might sound negative 3) Be O pen, Plain and because of it deals with Honest: selfishness but, to it's Anytim e you want have Self talknecessary to yourto partner especially on you serious Love before can be things, haveand to first able you to give receive of love all c heck m ood from the others. Andofyou the person. It's the m ood can never give what you of the person that w ill don't have, So how can determ ine he or she you loveBeothers when reaction. honest andyou don't in love yourself. truthful things you say. Be careful of expensive jokes. Pragma Love: This type 4) of Do not be in Rush to to Love is a similar Judge, Attack or Argue Agape Love, because it's w ith your partner: an Enduring Love. Agape Listen attentively and and Pragmato Love your are the patiently Love thatThe still keeps most partner. m om ent youMarriages/Relationships attack w hat he or sheStrong is saying andor been Healthy. judgm ental this w ill give Pragma Love is the rise to argum ent and opposite of Eros Love. disagreem ents. When Eros love quickly This is w here Ego com es Love in, dies, do not Pragma let your Ego becomes MaturedBeand overw helm a you. Developed type of Love. careful

This type of Love is missing these days 5) Appreciate ea c h because people other: Alwaysdon't have tethe patience apprecia your or partner eitherlove desires for to watch talking grow.or listening. It's not easy for som e people to open up, they Storge Love: This is a talk to you because they Familiar type of Love. trust you, so app reciate It's similar to Philia Love. it and don't take it for However this type of Love granted... is like Parent-Child Love. d) ThisIm por tance of ofLove type Com m unica tion connects you to your 1) It helps to have in families, Strong bonds depth understanding of and Kinship. eac h other 2) It helps build com panionship i.e. you can easily walk up to eac h other to talk 3) It helps m akes the Love m ore Strong 4) It helps bring intim acy not sexual intim acy, but you been able to know how to com fort and be com forted in the relationship 5) It helps have an agreem ent on things we both want.

it's necessary to have Self Love before you can be able to give Know ing how to and com m unicate w ith your partner in a clear, receive honest and m indful way is love a tool to help you have a better from relationship. others Thanks

Ludus Love: This type of Love is known as the Playful Love. This type of Love can also be expressed as infatuation. Someone who engages with this type of Love finds it hard to commit to one Person. They derive pride for having more than one partner. Relationship is all about Game and Excitement to them. They are mostly called Players or Cheaters. Mania Love: This type of Love is a Bad and Worst Love. Its an Obsessive type of Love. Where a person is obsess with someone or something. This type of Love can turn or lead you into something else like Jealousy, Lack of control of anger etc. Most people that suffers from this type of Love suffer from low self esteem, The fear of losing an Object or Someone they Love makes them go ahead to doing Crazy things in order to keep them.


TASHAcobbs N a ta s h a T a m e ik a " Ta s h a " C o b b s L e o n a rd (b o r n J u ly 7 , 1 9 8 1 ) is a n A m e ric a n G o s p e l m u s ic ia n and s o n g w rite r. She r e le a s e d th e e x te n d e d p la y G r a c e in 2 0 1 3 w ith E M I G o s p e l (n o w M o to w n G o s p e l). T h e E P r e a c h e d N o . 6 1 o n th e B illb o a rd c h a r ts . A t th e 5 6 th A n n u a l G r a m m y A w a rd s, C o b b s w o n th e G r a m m y fo r B e s t G o s p e l/ C o n te m p o r a r y C h ris tia n M u s ic P e rfo r m a n c e .

S o , th e r e is a p e c u lia rity in h e r s ty le o f f a s h io n w h ic h is o u r fo c u s . P r e s e n tin g , th e s ty lis h Ta s h a .

D o e n jo y th e r e s t o f th e m o n th o f M a y. I r e m a in y o u r S B M FA S H IO N G ir l. A n itN o L a . S e e y 'a ll n e x t m o n th .

Judikay Judikay Biography Judikay, a renowned gospel artist was born as Judith Kanayo, but her stage name has become everyone’s choice. She is a graduate of Theatre Arts from the Redeemer’s University, owned by

Following her hit m usic “More Than Gold”, Judikay releases her debut m usic album titled “Man of Galilee”. Judikay “Man of Galilee” is a 14 track album released this year in November 2019. The album which plays for 1 hour

Redeemed Christian Church of God in Osun state. It’s not known when Judikay

and 4 minutes is available on all streaming platforms and digital

was born as that has not been made public. However, we are pretty sure she hails from an Igbo background. Also, we don’t think she has any relationship with Kanayo O. Kanayo. Judikay is singed to EeZee Concept with the likes

resellers. Judikay was nominated for the Best Praise Song for her song “Idi Mma” in Maranatha Awards USA Awards. She was also nominated for the Best Prophetic Song and Gospel Music Video of the Year, for her song,

of celebrated m usicians such as Mercy Chinwo, GUC, and Chris Morgan.


Judikay aka Judith has been on the gospel m usic scene for quite a long time. Her m usic career began with her being the back-up singer for Akinwunmi Nathan Oluniyi Akiremi better known as Florocka. In 2013, she released her first single titled “Nobody Else”. Ever since Judikay has been a voice to reckon with in the gospel m usic niche. In 2019, Judikay earned her spot in the limelight when she released “More than Gold”, a piece of heart-warming gospel m usic that adores the beauty of God. Judikay’s “More than Gold” features Mercy Chinwo, a star female gospel artist in Nigeria, and by their melody, lives has been blessed

Judikay Networth Judikay was formerly a back-up singer for Florocka until she released her own single. She has shared the stage with renowned gospel ministers and m usicians such as the high pitched Frank Edwards, Chioma Jesus, Joe Praize, Tim Godfrey, and Mercy Chinwo. Judikay’s estimated net worth not been calculated but it’s expected to be around $100,000 – $200,000.





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