(+27) 81 4967 506
EDITION 52, 22 - 29 June 2016
“We commemorate the June 16 by reflecting on the struggle for liberation for black young people in our communities” - Staroot Journal Crew
Youth must be at the centre of economic transformation INSIDE
JOBS! PAGE 2 - 5
COVER STORY ON PAGE 2 Internships, Learnerships and Bursaries
PAGE 16 - 17
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Staroot Journal National
JUNE 2016
STAROOT VACANCIES Editor’s pick of the week:
He stressed the need to do more, saying sharper focus, better implementation and greater urgency were required.
Galeshewe – Deputy President Cyril Ramaphosa says South Africa’s youth must be placed at the centre of economic transformation, which is the focus of the new term of government.
“One of the most important factors contributing to youth unemployment is the relatively low levels of skills among young people. This is perhaps the most devastating aspect of our apartheid inheritance. “We need to improve the prospects for today’s youth, we need to develop the skills that the country needs now,” he said. The Deputy President announced that the intake of students for post-school education will be massively expanded over the next five years, with the aim of enrolling the majority of youth aged 18 to 23.
“Government will direct contractors to help increase the number of engineers and artisans, project managers, machine operators and financial managers. State-owned enterprises will need to increase the num“… economic transformation must and will ber of training opportunities offered to take centre stage during this new term of young South Africans. government. Youth must be at the centre of that economic transformation,” said the “Part of this effort includes the establishDeputy President, addressing hundreds of ment of two new universities in Mpumapeople gathered at Galeshewe Stadium langa and here in Northern Cape. We exin Kimberley for the National Youth Day pect that the Sol Plaatjie University will have a profound impact, ensuring that event. skills, knowledge and talent are retained in Government entered into a new term of this province.” office following the general elections and inauguration of a new President. In his In- Government is also proceeding with the augural speech, President Jacob Zuma said implementation of the youth employment the next five years would see the imple- incentive scheme, which aims to lower the mentation of radical socio-economic trans- cost and risk for firms to take on new entrants. formation policies and programmes. President Jacob Zuma is expected to outline the Programme of Action for the new administration on Tuesday during his State of the Nation Address.
Deputy President Ramaphosa said government will continue to monitor its implementation to ensure that it does not result in the displacement of other workers.
On National Youth Day, Deputy President Ramaphosa insisted that if the country can effectively address youth unemployment, not only will it lift millions of South Africans out of poverty, but it will also place the economy on a trajectory of sustainable, inclusive growth.
A major driver of economic growth over the next five years and beyond, he said, is government’s investment in infrastructure development.
“Over the last five years, we have invested R1 trillion in infrastructure. Over the next five years we expect to invest even more. This year’s Youth Day, which commemo- This programme has benefits that stretch rates the 1976 Soweto Uprisings, is being across the economy. It is creating jobs, deheld under the theme: “Youth Moving veloping skills and stimulating manufacturing.” South Africa Forward”. there is a need to focus on special measures to ensure that South Africa’s youth have access to training, work experience, jobs and entrepreneurial opportunities. Progress has been made in a number “Nearly half of the six million work opportunities created through public works and community work programmes were for young people. In the last five years, R2.7 billion has been set aside for youth entrepreneurship finance and support. The amount of student bursaries has doubled,” the Deputy President highlighted.
He said at least 60% of jobs in new infrastructure projects have been set aside for young people. “This will be combined with improved training by FET colleges to ensure that there are enough young people with the necessary skills.” The Deputy President added that youth unemployment must be on the agenda of every government department, every state agency, every corporate and every institution of learning. –
Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Reference Number:CBMD6155 Position:Senior Specialist: Business Engagement Department: Communications and Brand Management Division:Commercial and Business Relationships Salary:Remuneration at the total cost to Council salary (R636 459 - R809 229.2) of which (R384 816 R499 512) is basic salary Minimum Requirements: BCom in Marketing or equivalent NQF Level 7 qualification Specialist capabilities in stakeholder engagement and customer relationship management 5 - 7 years’ experience in a similar environment or parastatal Core Responsibilities: Develop, implement, monitor and review business stakeholder relations strategy and plan Develop a business stakeholder matrix / map for the City Collect data on businesses and key contact and ensure that this information is fed to the relevant division for inclusion in the overall stakeholder database In conjunction with Economic Development and other key department, develop appropriate stakeholder engagement forums Represent the division on related stakeholder management horizontal forums rum by the City Monitor the effectiveness of business stakeholder engagement and management for the City Adapt to and implement changes in policy, laws, regulations, initiatives and relevant industry practices, making recommendations accordingly Interested candidates whose background and experience match these challenging and exciting positions are invited to submit their CV’s by email to Enquiries: Tel: (011) 325 7375 Please quote reference number on application. Note:The successful candidate who does not have the NQF Level 5 Finance Management qualification will be required to obtain it, in terms of the National Treasury Requirement. Applications will not be considered if the necessary copies of the required qualifications are not attached to the application / CV. Candidates may be requested to submit proof of the NQF level applicable to the qualifications they have obtained. Closing date:2016/06/30 Please Note: Staroot Media (Pty) Ltd, is not responsible for the origin, content, quality or truthfulness of any advertisement published. All advertisements are published as subjects to the company ’s standard terms and conditions of trading.
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Staroot Journal National
JUNE 2016
STAROOT VACANCIES Department of Infrastructure Development
Department of Health
Department of Health
FINANCIAL CLERK Reference Number: REFS-001226 Number of Posts: 1 Centre: Bheki Mlangeni District Hospital Directorate: Finance (Revenue & Billing) Salary: R 142 461 per annum (plus benefits)
(plus benefits)
Requirements: Grade 12 with 1 year experience in financial field, 2 or more years of experience will be an advantage. Ability in understanding financial policies and prescripts. Computer literate in MS Office software packages. Knowledge of PFMA and Treasury Regulations. Experience with BAS and MEDICOM system. Knowledge of SCOA. Good communication Skills both writing and verbal. Ability to effectively function as part of a team.
DENTIST/LECTURER Reference Number: REFS-001246 Number of Posts: 1 Reference Number: REFS-001275 Centre: University of Pretoria Oral Health Centre Number of Posts: 1 Centre: Tshwane District Maintenance Hub Directorate: Odontology Directorate: Maintenance Salary: R666 186– R1 138 605 per annum (incluSalary: R156 363.00- R268 824.00 per annum sive package) Requirements: Requirements: BChD or Equivalent. Registration with the An appropriate Trade Test Certificate. A valid driver’s License. The offer is based on recog- HPCSA as a dentist in category independent pracnition of experience after a Trade test certifi- tice. A postgraduate qualification in Paedodontics cate. (Proof of recognized experience must be or Endodontics. Applicants must be willing and attached). KNOWLEDGE: Knowledge of Public Service Regulations, Occupational Health and able to do 12 hours overtime per week.Dental reSafety Act of 1993 and other relevant Legisla- search and lecturing experience. Experience in the tions. SKILLS- Planning and organizing, verbal clinical supervision of dental students. and written communication and computer Duties: lecturing to and discussion classes with, literacy skills. undergraduate as well as Postgraduate dental stu-
Duties: Administer safekeeping of relevant dents. Clinical supervision of dental students in technical documentation. Undertake job as- Endodontics, Paedodontics and Basic Restorative sessments. Determine material requirements. Dentistry. Conducting research in Dentistry. SelecValidate availability of tools & materials tive administrative duties will be assigned to the before commencing. Validate that job requisi- candidate as seen fit by the Head of the Departtions are signed off and handed back. Ensure ment. that areas where work has been carried out are left clean. Keeping record of job cards Notes: and follow up on outstanding work. Report on schedules. Make inputs to specifications. Quoting the relevant reference number, direct Draw up maintenance schedules. Record applications to The HR Manager Ms Ina Swartkeeping of maintenance schedules. Provide University of Pretoria Oral Health Centre PO Box support to Tradesman Aid. Undertake research and literature studies. Apply research 1266 Pretoria 0001 or Hand deliver at Louis Botha findings in the work environment. Assist with Building A, Room 1.28, Dr Savage Road, Rivier, Prebudgeting and expenditure control. Supervise toria. Attach certified copies of your qualifications, subordinate staff. HPCSA Registration, identity book, curriculum viPLEASE NOTE: To apply for the above position, please apply online at Only online applications will be considered and for general enquiries please contact Human Resource on: 076 521 4118 Closing Date: 2016/06/24 12:00:00 AM
tae, and z83 or apply online at: Gauteng Department of Health is guided by the principles of Employment Equity; therefore all the appointments will be made in Accordance with The Employment Equity target of the Department. Preference for this position will be given to people with disability. Enquiries: Prof. FA de Wet, Tel. No: (012) 319 2231
Closing Date: 2016/06/24 12:00:00 AM
Duties: Billing of all customers, Manage Adjustment on accounts, Manage daily cash collection, Daily Banking of money collected for revenue, Control face value books, Daily transacting on IRE, Monitor performance of IRE, Capture manual receipts and deposits on BAS, Request BAS reports for Revenue Identification, Allocate fund received on outstanding accounts, Performing all other duties that may be assigned and authorized by a person in charge. Notes: Applications must be filled on a z83 accompanied by certified copies of certificates and ID documents. Applications may be submitted to Bheki Mlangeni District Hospital, P.O. Box 731, Jabulani, 1868 or apply online at: www. The Gauteng Department of Health is guided by the principles of Employment Equity; therefore all the appointments will be made in Accordance with The Employment Equity target of the Department. Preference for this position will be given to people with disability. Enquiries: Ms. D.N. Sekwale Tel. (011) 241 5811 Closing Date: 2016/06/24 12:00:00 AM
ArcelorMittal: Bursary / Scholarship Programme 2016 / 2017 Closing Date: 30 June 2016 Interested In a global engineering career with the largest steel manufacturer in the world? ArcelorMittal South Africa, Vanderbilpark Works would like to announce the following bursary opportunities: Training as artisans is provided In the, following fields: Welder Boilermaker, Fitter and Turner, Fitter, Millwright, Electrician, Instrumentation, Refractory Mason. Applicants must have been previously employed contributing to the Unemployment Benefit Fund (UIF). Proof of previous employment to be attached Required qualifications are: A full Grade 11 qualification with English, Mathematics (not Maths Literacy). Physical/Engineering Science, relevant trade theory and an additional relevant technical subject – all passed or A full N2 – N6 certificate (Mathematics. Engineering Science, relevant trade theory and an additional relevant technical subject) (Evidence of English on at least Grade 11) — all passed or A full NVC Level 3 or a Technical Learnership NQF Level 3 with related technical subjects Previous recognised formal trade related institution training will be an advantage. A contractual training agreement will apply. The bursary includes specified training cost. PPE,, payment of institutional training, personal insurance as well as a bursary allowance. Permanent employment on completion of trade test is not guaranteed How to Apply Applicants must forward a completed CV including a copy of ID and proof of all qualifications to email Please quote reference VDB-UIFAPPR- 1 and indicate the trade you are applying for in the subject field Please note Preference will be given to previously disadvantaged groups The successful candidates will be subject to a medical examination
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Staroot Journal Includes the following inside : Jobs, BursaRY, Learnerships, Internships Notice, Articles, Profiles, and many more
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Staroot Journal National
JUNE 2016
STAROOT VACANCIES Department of Health HUMAN RESOURCE CLERK Reference Number: REFS-001315 Number of Posts: 1 Centre: Odi District Hospital Directorate: Hrm Salary: R142 461 per annum (plus benefits)
Department of Health
Department of Sports, Arts, Culture and Recreation
SCHOOL SPORT CONTRACT WORKERS (1 POST) Reference Number: REFS-001274 Reference Number: REFS-001306 Number of Posts: 1 Number of Posts: 1 Centre: Johannesburg North Centre: Sizwe TD Hospital Directorate: SCHOOL SPORT (SPORT AND RECDirectorate: Support Service REATION) Salary: R 84 096 – 99 060 per annum (Plus benefits) Salary: R 84,094.00 per annum inclusive of 37% in lieu benefits CLEANER
Requirements: Requirements: A minimum of 3 years National Diploma /De Minimum ABET level 3 / grade 10. Good Requirements: gree in Human Resource Management with 1 physical conditions. Prepare and be able to work The successful candidate should have a Grade year experience. Sounds Knowledge of HR Acts, shift, weekends and public holidays. Rotate to other 12 Certificate, 3 Year Tertiary Qualifications will Prescripts –Interpretation and implementation sections. Cleaning experience will be an advantage. be an added advantage. Relevant experience in thereof .Good knowledge of PERSAL System and Computer literacy. Excellent communications Duties: Cleaning duties in all sections of institution Sport Administration would be an Advantage. and writing skills Good interpersonal relations. i.e. mop, sweeping, scrubbing and polishing of floors. Skills: Interpersonal skills, Project Management, Clean walls, windows, toilets, replace soap and toilet Negotiation Skills, , Planning and Organization papers, empty waste bins. Proper use and manage- Skills , Problem Solving ,Conflict Management, Duties: Conduct Recruitment and Selection process in ment of cleaning equipment, waste and chemicals. Excellent Verbal and Written Communication , line with relevant Acts and Policies. Leave Man- Any other general duties may be required by the su- Leadership , Computer literacy, Report Writing. agement, Capturing of PMDS documents on PERpervisor. Duties: SAL as required by the DPSA.Processing and subSupport the GDE Sport Official in promoting mission of all HR mandates to GDF as required. Notes: Perform all Salary and Personnel related matters. Applications must be submitted on Z83 form with mass participation in School Sport Support the Effective and efficient management of HR admin- CV, certified copies of ID and qualifications to be at- GDE Sport Official in enhancing the participation istrative aspects. Appointments, transfers termi- tached. Applications can be posted to: HR Manager, of Schools in the area and cluster games Provide administrative and logistical support to the disnation, salary administration and management Sizwe TD Hospital, Private Bag X2, Sandringham, trict . Facilitate and record all information with of Condition of service. Assist with PILIR man2131 or hand deliver to Sizwe TD Hospital, Cnr Club regards to program implementation Prepare and agement and reporting thereof. Management of and Modderfontein Road, Sandringham, 2131or apsubmit Monthly, Quarterly, Annual and ganeral overtime. ply online at reporting on recruitment progress. Assist the Notes: Applications can be delivered to: Odi DisEnquiries: GDE Sport Official in coordinating capacity buildtrict Hospital, Klipgat road, Mabopane, HR SecMs. B. D Leso, Tel.No: (011) 531 4460 ing programs in the district. Support SACR school tion orposted to: Odi District Hospital Private Bag Sport Directorate in organizing coordinating the x509, Mabopane.0190. or apply online at:www. Closing Date: school sport program at regional, provincial and regional games. 2016/07/15 12:00:00 AM Enquiries: Mr. LR Sekwele, Tel No :( 012) 725 2460 Closing Date: 2016/07/15 12:00:00 AM
Notes: All applicants must apply online. All applicant who experience difficulty in applying online can apply manually using Z83 form and attached certified copies of qualifications, ID and CV and submit to: NO.35 Rissik Street, Surrey House , Johannesburg, 2000 Enquiries: Christinah. Molubi Tel. No. 011- 355 2606 Closing Date: 2016/06/30 12:00:00 AM
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Staroot Journal National
JUNE 2016
STAROOT VACANCIES Department of Health
Department of Health
Ekurhuleni Metropolitan
ORAL HYGIENIST GRADE 1 Reference Number: REFS-001312 Number of Posts: 1 Centre: Ekurhuleni Health District Directorate: Oral Health Salary: R262 020 per annum (plus benefits)
FINANCIAL CLERK Reference Number: REFS-001226 Number of Posts: 1 Centre: Bheki Mlangeni District Hospital Directorate: Finance (Revenue & Billing) Salary: R 142 461 per annum (plus benefits)
Reference Number:HESD0495N Position:Senior Clerk
Grade 12 with 1 year experience in financial field, 2 or Requirements: more years of experience will be an advantage. AbilGrade 12 qualification Degree or Diploma in Oral ity in understanding financial policies and prescripts. Hygiene BOH Or DipOH Registration with Health Computer literate in MS Office software packages. Professional Council of South Africa (HPCSA) as Knowledge of PFMA and Treasury Regulations. Expean Oral Hygienist and a proof of current regis- rience with BAS and MEDICOM system. Knowledge tration with the HPCSA. A valid Drivers license. of SCOA. Good communication Skills both writing The incumbent should have completed one year and verbal. Ability to effectively function as part of a team. community service.
Department: Health and Social Development Division:Family Health Salary:R109 536 - R142 152 per annum (plus benefits) Minimum Requirements: Grade 12 Computer literacy Typing skills Preferred Requirements: Office administration qualification Customer Care
Core Responsibilities: Receive clients at reception and open new files Duties: Book appointments for different services Duties: Billing of all customers, Manage Adjustment on acThe incumbent will actively participate in all counts, Manage daily cash collection, Daily Banking Alert Clinic Head in case of a very ill client or client in need of emergency community based/programmes held in every of money collected for revenue, Control face value Arrange emergency transport for ill/emersub district within Ekurhuleni. The incumbent books, Daily transacting on IRE, Monitor perfor- gency clients as requested by the Nursing staff or Clinic Head will render clinical services within their scope of mance of IRE, Capture manual receipts and deposits on BAS, Request BAS reports for Revenue IdentificaMaintain facility registers and statistical regpracticein the clinics, dental mobile, institutions, isters tion, Allocate fund received on outstanding accounts,
hospitals and perform the required administraPerforming all other duties that may be assigned and tive duties. Ensure implementation of the Oral authorized by a person in charge. Health Strategy. Provide training to other health Applications or CVs and copies of qualifications, identity document and driver’s license workers and the community. Perform any other Notes: (if applicable), to be submitted to the followApplications must be filled on a z83 accompanied by delegated duties. ing Human Resource Office: Notes: Applications to be sent to Ekurhuleni certified copies of certificates and ID documents. ApHealth District, Hand Post and other means of plications may be submitted to Bheki Mlangeni Dis- Kempton Park Civic Centre, Corner Pretoria trict Hospital, P.O. Box 731, Jabulani, 1868 or apply Road and CR Swart Drive, drop-in box, Main posting, delivery to 40 Catlin Street Germiston online at: The Gauteng Entrance 1400 or Private Bag X1005 Germiston 1400. At- Department of Health is guided by the principles of Postal Address: PO Box 13, Kempton tention: Human Resource Manager.or apply on- Employment Equity; therefore all the appointments Park,1620 line at: will be made in Accordance with The Employment Enquiries: 011 999 3611 Enquiries: Dr F. Moola , Tel No: (011) 876 Equity target of the Department. Preference for this Closing date:2016/06/24 position will be given to people with disability. 1775 Enquiries: Ms. D.N. Sekwale Tel. (011) 241 5811
Closing Date: 2016/07/15 12:00:00 AM
Closing Date: 2016/06/24 12:00:00 AM
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Staroot Journal National
JUNE 2016
STAROOT JOURNAL INTERNSHIPS/LEARNERSHIPS IMSIMBI Business Administration Services Further Education and Training Certificate (FETC) SAQA ID 61595 (L.P. 35928) NQF L4 worth 140 Credits. Meriting Youth Development and Imsimbi Training are offering 30 Bursaries for the above course. All candidates wishing to have a career in administration as a personal assistant, office administrator, secretary, receptionist, legal secretary will find this qualification your stepping stone into a career. This course can be offered as a 12 month or 6 month programme made up of six modules each. The learnership programme will be offered as a 12 month programme, while the National certificate course can be offered as a six month course. Each module is five days long. A module is scheduled every month or every two months. In between the learners need to apply what they have learnt and prepare their Portfolios of Evidence. The programme can be offered to employees in a workplace or as a tertiary student course. This Qualification is for any individual who is or wishes to be involved in the Administration function within any industry, or non-commercial venture/organization. The Core Component of the Qualification offers the learner knowledge and skills in the Management of Records, Comprehension of written and verbal texts, Business Writing, Problem Solving, Ethics, Cultural Awareness, Self Management and Self Development, Project Teamwork and Business Policies and Procedures. The Qualification through its Elective Component enables the learner to specialize in areas of Administration such as Reception, Executive Administration, Financial Literacy, Relationship Management, Legal Knowledge, Communication, Project Administration and Support, Call Centre Administration and Human Resources. The FETC in Business Administration Services: NQF Level 4 is designed to meet the needs of those learners both employed or unemployed, who are already involved or wish to become involved in the field of Administration. Administration is an essential field of learning as Administration competencies apply to all industries and to many non-commercial venture. This means that there is an on-going need for skilled Administrative people to carry out these functions both in the commercial and non-commercial sectors. There is also a need to develop career paths in this field so as to offer people involved in Administration the opportunity to continue with a programme of life-long learning, which will make them knowledgeable and skilled employees with enhanced employment opportunities. The FETC in Business Administration Services at NQF Level 4 allows the learner to work towards a nationally recognised Qualification. The Qualification will allow both those in formal education and those already employed in organisations in the Administration field of learning in any business sector access to a Qualification that can be used as a benchmark to gauge their competence against local and international standards. Qualifying learners could follow a career in the following fields: • Secretarial services • Reception services • Switchboard operations • Financial Administration • Banking Administration • Personal/executive assistant services • Technical assistance • Typing • Data capturing • Systems administration • Human Resources administration • Basic Contracts Administration • Legal Secretarial services • Reception supervision • Change administration and management • Project administration Please submit applications to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Submit your cv, application letter and education certificates Closing date for applications: 23rd June 2016 Course date: 28th June – 2nd September 2016 Venue: Braamfontein FULL HOW TO APPLY
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Staroot Journal National
JUNE 2016
Have you got what it takes to join a revolutionary engineering intelligence provider? GIBB’s bursary programme aims at attracting exceptional young talent to the firm. If you have what it takes to become part of this exciting team, the GIBB bursary programme is ready to change your life. Bursaries awarded are for full-time university students, studying engineering. Job Functions Civil Engineering,Electrical Engineering,Engineering,Mechanical Engineering Industries Building & Construction,Engineering Specification What is offered? A GIBB bursary covers: Cost of tuition at any university in South Africa Books and stationery Travel costs where applicable Accommodation where applicable Vacation employment
Contract Obligation: Employment at any GIBB office in South Africa Vacation work at any GIBB office in South Africa
Application Requirements: Students must be South African citizens with a valid ID Book / Card. Students must be studying towards an Engineering Degree, Honours or Masters, with specialisation in the following disciplines: Civil, Electrical, Rail and Roads. Students must have successfully completed their 1st year of study. For students in University 2nd, 3rd year, Honours or Masters, studying in one of the fields mentioned above need to maintain a 60% average to apply. You must attach certified copies of the below documents in order to be considered: ID, CV, Matric Certificate, Full tertiary academic record Closing Date: 31 August 2016 How To Apply
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JUNE 2016
he Gauteng Enterprise Propeller (GEP) earlier in the month announced that as from 01 May 2016 all applications for financial and non-financial support will no longer be assessed at the regional offices, but at its head office in Johannesburg. This move is geared towards providing equitable support to clients. In 2015 GEP identified barriers that derailed its mandate of supporting small businesses and co-operatives in Gauteng. This affected prospects of SMMEs contributing meaningfully to the provincial economy, but was further exacerbated by poor turnaround times for addressing queries as well as a lack of proper systems to trace applications. GEP has since developed various tactics in order to change negative perceptions and regain public confidence. The agency will no longer accept applications for approval after the closure of a call for proposals. In Addition, all proposals received through the public process will receive an acknowledgment letter within 14 days after the closing date. Decisions related to the outcome of the assessment will be communicated with applicants within six weeks post the last letter. SMMES and cooperatives will, however, continue to receive business advisory support at the regional offices. “Applications for financial and non-financial products will proceed to be vetted and assessed for viability. However, no approvals will be done at the regional offices,” said the agency in a written statement. To gain public confidence and change perceptions about GEP’s failure to assist SMMEs, the following tactics have been adopted: Regional Offices: SMME’s and Cooperatives will continue to receive business advisory support from our Professional Information Officers. Applications for financial and none financial products will proceed to be vetted and assessed for viability. However, NO APPROVALS will be done at the Regional Offices. The support in the form of information requirements to comply with applications, business plans, and related will continue to be provided in the Regional Offices. GEP will no longer accept applications for approval outside the Public Process, that is, after the closure of a call for proposals. Those submitted outside this period will be registered, and only processed in the next round of call for proposal. All proposals received through the public process will receive an acknowledgement letter within 14 days after the closing date. Decisions related to the outcome of the assessments will be sent to all applicants within 6 weeks post the last letter. Ad-Hoc: GEP will process and adjudicate on adhoc proposals under the following conditions: The proponent requires cash flow to service a contract New accreditation requirement to increase revenue i.e. SABS, Health, etc. Expansion as a result of growth of market GEP, an agency of the Gauteng Department of Economic Development, provides financial and non-financial support to SMMEs and cooperatives in the province.
W W W. S TA R O OTJ O U R N A L . C O . Z A
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JUNE 2016
The DaveytonTV Fundrasing Event TO ADVERTISE HERE “CALL” Sbekezelo 081 4967 506 JOIN OUR NEW WHATAPP GROUP AND GET THE LATEST OPPORTUNITIES FIRST. How to be added: 1. Like our Facebook page. 2. Comment with mobile Number. 3. We will add you on our group We bringing Opportunities on your fingertips
Anglo American: Engineering Bursary / Scholarship Programme 2017 Closing Date: 30 June 2016 Anglo Americans coal business in South Africa is offering University of Science bursaries in the following fields: Electrical Engineering Mechanical Engineering Mining Engineering Rock Engineering Requirements: Grade 12 with Pure Mathematics and Physical ScienceLevel 5 (Symbol C) Applicant must be a South African citizen How To Apply Apply Online for the Anglo American Bursary / Scholarship Programme Appointments will be made in line with Employment Equity targets. If you have not been contacted by the 7th of August 2016, please consider your application unsuccessful.
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Staroot Journal National
JUNE 2016
STAROOT JOURNAL FULL PAGE VACANCIES Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Reference Number:HESD0988N Position:Field Worker Department: Health and Social Development Division:Family Health Salary:R132 372 - R171 852 per annum (plus benefits) Minimum Requirements: Grade 12 Health Promotion Diploma/Certificate (NQF 5/6) Relevant experience Core Responsibilities: Provide quality health promotions services Provide community based outreach programmes, awareness campaigns, education and communication Do home visits to give support to families and to trace defaulters Promote Direct Observed Treatment (DOT) program for compliance to treatment Start and sustain support groups, self-help and income generating groups to empower the communities Participate in campaigns, Competitions and food gardens to promote self- reliance Implement effective stock & financial control Implement good governance & risk control processes Applications or CVs and copies of qualifications, identity document and driver’s license (if applicable), to be submitted to the following Human Resource Office: Kempton Park Civic Centre, Corner Pretoria Road and CR Swart Drive, drop-in box, Main Entrance Postal Address: PO Box 13, Kempton Park,1620 Enquiries: 011 999 3611/3619/3608/3612/3615/3616/1742 No faxed and e-mailed applications will be accepted. Please quote reference number on application. Applications will not be considered if the necessary copies of the required qualifications are not attached to the application / CV. Candidates may be requested to submit proof of the NQF level applicable to the qualifications they have obtained. Should candidates not be informed of the outcome of the application within six weeks of the closing date, it should be regarded as having been unsuccessful. The Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality subscribes to the principles of the Employment Equity Act. Closing date:2016/06/24
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Staroot Journal National
JUNE 2016
STAROOT JOURNAL KASIE BUZ PROFILING She wants more than just to be celebrated for her beauty. By: Nomvuyo Sebeko We live in a society where people celebrate blessers more than hard work. Most of the young woman these days don’t want to work hard but they want to be celebrated and be remembered and that is why they want to be blesses instead of being company CEO’s. This week we take a moment and celebrate a young woman who is kicking doors and trying to leave a mark in the universe. She wants more than just to be celebrated for her beauty. A 24 year old business and marketing management graduate Natacia Olivier is her own boss and kicking doors making sure she leaves her name written in the stars. She started in Indoni wich is a skin care product for woman in 2015 and the reason was because she wanted a solution for her skin since she suffered from different skin conditions and that’s how Indoni was birthed. Indoni manufacture skin and hair care L products made from food compounds and essential oils with healing properties. All the products are not tested in animals but real woman have tried them. Indoni is all about allowing woman to treat their skin without damaging their skin with chemicals. As the founder of Indoni Natacia is also interested in empowering young people from disadvantaged backgrounds. Her goal and aim of is to employ less fortunate youths/women, give them skills and also make them ambassadors of the Indoni, her long term goals is to distribute & sell the products in certain retails stores nationally. passionate with being boss lady she have the most powerful event coming up which is called suit and cycles and you can read more about it on
TO ADVERTISE HERE “CALL” Sbekezelo 081 4967 506 JOIN OUR NEW WHATAPP GROUP AND GET THE LATEST OPPORTUNITIES FIRST. How to be added: 1. Like our Facebook page. 2. Comment with mobile Number. 3. We will add you on our group We bringing Opportunities on your fingertips
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Staroot Journal National
JUNE 2016
STAROOT JOURNAL INTERNSHIPS/LEARNERSHIPS Liberty Bursary Tertiary Programme LIBERTY Bursaries are granted for full-time study of Actuarial Science at various tertiary institutions. Applicants must show the ability to innovate and share our passion for people; thus maintaining our competitive advantage. Successful applicants are expected to do a minimum amount of vacation work during the June and December holidays at Liberty Life’s Head Office in Braamfontein, Johannesburg. Bursaries are reviewed after each examination based on the student’s academic performance and are renewed annually. All bursaries are granted on merit, but preference is given to black (African, Coloured and Indian) applicants. Requirements: Excellent overall results including a distinction for higher grade mathematics. A minimum of two distinctions (including mathematics) if higher grade physical science is one of the incumbent’s subjects. A minimum of four distinctions (including mathematics) if physical science is not one of the incumbent’s subjects. At tertiary level, students must maintain continuous excellence in academic performance in all subjects. Good leadership qualities and participation in extramural activities such as sports, debating societies, chess clubs and various Olympiads, etc are an added advantage. Costs Covered: Tuition fees are paid for each academic year of study and reviewed annually based on academic performance. Residence fees/subsistence allowance is paid for shared accommodation at a university residence. A monthly subsistence allowance is paid if the student chooses not to live at the university residence. A book allowance is paid annually for the purchase of textbooks. First year students qualify for a calculator allowance. Applications are open to all students regardless of the year of study. Once approved, the bursar will enter into an agreement with Liberty Life that will be renewed annually. Closing Date: 31 August 2016 HOW TO APPLY
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Staroot Journal National
JUNE 2016
STAROOT JOURNAL INTERNSHIPS/LEARNERSHIPS SA Reserve Bank Bursaries for 1st Year students The South African Reserve Bank (the Bank), as part of addressing the severe shortage of skills in South Africa, provides bursaries to students in relevant fields of study who are from disadvantaged backgrounds. The purpose of the bursary scheme is to assist financially needy students who obtain good results in Matric/Grade 12 and who want to study in fields relevant to the Bank. The bursary is intended for undergraduate studies at a South African university on a full-time basis. Studies for which bursaries will be granted The studies that students intend to pursue shall have a bearing on, and be applicable to, the functions and activities of the Bank. (For more information on the Bank, visit the Bank’s website: This includes, for example, Economics, Information Technology, Finance, Law and Accounting, and excludes, for example, Medicine, Dentistry and Social Work. A bursary will be granted from the first academic year and reviewed annually Bursary holders need not reapply for the bursary each year. Criteria for awarding bursaries Over and above the criteria set out in paragraphs 1 to 3 above, the following will be used as guidelines in the awarding of bursaries: • Bursaries will be awarded to students who obtain 60 per cent in the June Matric/Grade 12 examinations. Final awarding of a Bank bursary is subject to a student’s final Matric/Grade 12 results and enrolment acceptance at a South African university. • Bursaries will be awarded to South African citizens only. • The total number of students and related bursary costs will be reviewed annually. • An annual one-off payment for books, accommodation (university accommodation only) and tuition fees will be made to a student. Post-bursary obligations The Bank will have first right of refusal with regard to funded students, that is, bursary holders will be obliged to work for the Bank for a period equal to their bursary period, unless the Bank chooses not to employ them. Students who choose not to work for the Bank despite the Bank offering them a position after completing their studies will be required to pay the full cost of the bursary back to the Bank. The Bank will provide students who are Bank bursary holders vacation work opportunities that are funded by the Bank. How to apply
The closing date for submission of applications shall be 30 September of each year. Examination results, university enrolment form (student number) and any other supporting documents must be submitted with the application form. Completed application forms must be emailed to: Or posted to: Mr John Legoete P.O. Box 30632 BRAAMFONTEIN 2017 Submission of examination results by bursary holders Bursary holders will be required to submit their examination results before 31 December of each year, regardless of whether or not they will be awarded a bursary for the following year. Bursary agreement Potential bursary students will be required to avail themselves to be interviewed and to be tested. Successful applicants(s) for the bursary will be expected to sign an agreement with the Bank. Closing Date: 30 September 2016 DOWNLOAD APPLICATION FORM ONLINE or like our facebook page Staroot Journal for links
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JUNE 2016
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Staroot Journal National
JUNE 2016
STAROOT FINANCES *the science of money management*
FINANCES 5 Things to Know About Every Cash Flow Statement.
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1. The cash flow statement explains the changes in a company’s cash balance. The cash flow statement is broken into three sections covering the fundamental components of every business: cash from operations, cash from investing activities, and cash from financing activities. In general, the cash from operations section deals with the cash inflows and outflows directly related to the company’s primary activity: selling a good or service. The cash from investing activities section shows how much the company spent (or made) on buying (or selling) assets such as property, equipment, or even other companies. The cash from financing activities shows the inflows and outflows of capital the company uses to fund its operations; this is where one sees the proceeds from equity offerings, for example, or payments on bonds or bank debt.
2. The cash flow statement answers the question: Is this company generating cash or using cash? Not only does it answer this question, it shows the reader what aspects of the business are generating the cash and what aspects are burning the cash. In many analytical situations, there is nothing as important as knowing its sources and uses of cash. For example, the income statement may show an increase in sales, but if a company is burning through the cash instead of retaining it, this could potentially be a sign of trouble. 3. Cash flow is not the same as profit or net income!
Income statements and balance sheets include non-cash expenses, depreciation often being the largest of those. But guess what? Nobody’s actually writing a check to “Depreciation.” It’s a non-cash expense, so the cash flow statement gets rid of it. This is a big reason companies might never show a dime of net income but could be spinning off millions in cash.
4. The cash flow statement doesn’t care whether this month’s cash outflows are for transactions actually associated with next month or next year.
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This is somewhat of a rehash of point #3, but it’s important. One of the beautiful things about the cash flow statement is that, for the most part, it simply tracks the movement of cash. It is not as influenced by accrual accounting methods, which record expenses in the period in which they’re incurred. For example, if the accounting department cuts a check to Allstate for, say, the next six months of insurance premiums, this month’s income statement will only reflect one-sixth of the check amount each month for the next six months. This month’s cash flow statement, however, will show the full amount of the check as a cash outflow, because that’s what actually happened to the cash. The cash flow statement doesn’t care that the bill was for the next six months of insurance. It only cares that cash left the account. 5. The cash flow statement discloses the total amount of cash used to purchase assets or make other capital expenditures. As mentioned, the cash from investing activities section discloses the amount of cash involved in purchasing or divesting capital assets during a certain period. This is helpful for determining how far along a particular project may be, how much a particular acquisition “really” cost when intangible costs are considered, or how much the company got for the sale of certain assets.
Annual Ugu Jazz Festival 2016 Ugu Jazz Arts and Culture Festival 2016 will be staged as a one-day programme at the Ugu Sports and Leisure Centre in Port Shepstone. Friday 24th of June will be the Pre-party at Backline Night Club in Margate, starting at 6pm, and Saturday 25th of June will be the main event which will be hosted in 2 stage venues, both within Ugu Sports and Leisure centre Ugu Jazz Festival 2016 Pre-Party tickets cost as follows : General = R100; Golden Circle R200 and VIP = R1200. Date : 24 June 2016.
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