Starootjournalmarch9 16

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WE Support TB Awareness Month from 1 - 31 March 2016

Issue 32, 09 - 16 March 2016

Cell: 081 4967 506


JOBS! PAGE 2 - 3


Internships, Learnerships and Bursaries inside

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Staroot Journal Gauteng

March 2016

STAROOT VACANCIES Editor’s pick of the week: Finance Minister Pravin Gordhan announced that more money will be injected in sectors such as education, health, economic affairs and agriculture, social protection and defence public and safety.

Last year, the social protection sector had been allocated R155.3 billion. The old-age grant will receive an injection of R58.9 billion while the child-support grant will receive R52 billion.

He said, “The old age, disability and care dependency grants will rise by R80 to R1,500 in April 2016, and by a further EDUCATION The minister has allocated R297.5 billion R10 to R1,510 in October. At the same for the education sector, an increase time, the child support grant will rise by R20 to R350 in April and the foster care from last year’s R265.7 billion. grant by R30 to R890.”

DEPARTMENT OF E-GOVERNMENT ASSISTANT DIRECTOR: DEBT MANAGEMENT Reference Number: REFS-000387 Number of Posts: 1 Centre: Johannesburg Directorate: Human Resource Salary: R289 761 per annum (plus benefits)


Basic education will get R205.8 billion, Matric or equivalent and 3 year diploma or degree. 3 while university subsidies will be allo- Meanwhile, the disability grant is allocated R20.4 billion. years collection experience or legal collection cated a total of R28.0 billion.


PUBLIC DEFENCE AND SAFETY With the recent police killings and police brutality case, this sector is one of Duties: the few that draws the most attention from Gordhan’s speech, as South Af- Supervising the Debt Collection team, ensuring that rican await to see how the money aldebts and collected and administered within the SLA. To The National Student Financial Aid located to it will be used to make the provide management of accurately and timeous collecScheme will also get an assistance of country a safer place. R14.3 billion - a much-needed injection tion of all debts and amount owing to GPG Departments. following the Fees Must Fall protests by The finance minister has put aside a total of R181.5 billion for public defence Manage performance within SLA. Develop, supervise, students over tuition fees. and safety. This money will be split between police services at R87.5 billion, guide and lead practitioners. Identify continuous imHEALTH The health sector has been allocated defence and state security at R52.3 bil- provement opportunities. Submit monthly transaction R168.4 billion, an increase of R11.1 mil- lion and report with the SLA. Law courts and prisons at R 41.7 billion. lion from last year’s R157.3 billion. Gordhan said, “An additional allocation of R813 million for early childhood development is proposed to increase the number of children in ECD centres by 104 000 over the MTEF period.”

The district health services will receive ECONOMIC AFFAIRS AND AGRICULNotes: R75 billion while provincial hospital ser- TURE vices have been allocated R29.4 billion. The economic affairs have been allocat- It is the department’s intention to promote equity ed a total of R238.4 billion, an increase through filling of all numeric targets as contained in EmThe minister said, “Health financing is from last year’s R206.2. complex, because the demands unavoidably exceed available funds. This is the case even in advanced rich countries.” He added that, “An additional R740 million has been allocated to strengthen TB programmes to encourage early detection and treatment, and R1 billion for expansion of the antiretroviral treatment programme.”

ployment Equity Plan to facilitate this process success-

The science, technology, innovation and the environment will take R19.9 billion fully, an indication of race, gender and disability status from that portion while employment, is required Applications should be delivered to: Gauteng labour affairs and social security funds will get R73.1 billion. Department of e-Government, Imbumba House, 75 Fox Agriculture, rural development and land reform will then be handed R26.4 billion.

Street, Marshalltown or Applicants can apply online at: Enquiries: Ms. S. Rampath Tel No: Tel No: (011) 689 6044

Source: Closing Date: 2016/03/11 12:00:00 AM SOCIAL PROTECTION BudgetSpeech2016-More-money-forThe social protection, which includes old-age grants and child-support grants, education-grants-health Criteria Questions: QuestionText has been allocated a total of R167.5 billion. Do you have Matric plus 3 year relevant Diploma or De-

gree? Do you have 3 years Debt collection or legal collection experience? Please Note: Staroot Media (Pty) Ltd, is not responsible for the origin, content, quality or truthfulness of any advertisement published. All advertisements are published as subjects to the company ’s standard terms and conditions of trading.

Page 3

Staroot Journal Gauteng

March 2016

STAROOT VACANCIES Department of Finance

Department of Community Safety

CLINICAL MENTOR Reference Number: refs-000398 Number of Posts: 1 Centre: West Rand District Health Directorate: HAST Salary: R294 861per annum (plus benefis)

SENIOR HUMAN RESOURCE PRACTITIONER Reference Number: REFS-000346 Number of Posts: 1 Centre: Johannesburg (Head Office) Directorate: Human Resource Management Salary: R243 747 per annum (plus benefits)

Requirements: Basic R425 qualification as a Registered Nurse & Midwife Minimum nine (9) years’ experience as a Registered Nurse, Computer Literacy, valid driver’s licence. NIMART _ trained & experienced knowledge of Hast Programmes. Exposure to PC101 Facilitation experience will be an added advantage. Duties: Mentoring of Professional Nurses on NIMART. Facilitation of PC-101 Guidelines. Report writing skills. Enhance intersectional collaboration with the Hast Programme. Proper financial management skills. Monitoring and Evaluation of Hast Programmes.

Department of Community Safety

Post DEPUTY DIRECTOR: RESIDENTIAL SERVICES Reference Number: REFS-000434 Number of Posts: 1 Centre: Johannesburg Directorate: IKHAYA LETHEMBA ONE Requirements: STOP CENTRE Matric and Three years Bachelor Degree/NationSalary: R 569 538 per annum al Diploma/or equivalent qualification in Human all-inclusive package Resource Management. PERSAL Introduction Certificate. 3-5 years’ experience in human reRequirements: source environment is essential. A valid driver’s license. A relevant B Degree in Social Science

or Criminology. 3-5 years management experience .An excellent knowledge of relevant issues in the victim empowerment sector. Knowledge of nongovernmental sector and criminal justice system. Working knowledge of all relevant VEP policies and relevant legislative Acts. Duties: Duties: Manage professional service unit Facilitate advertising, interviewing and selection processes for recruitment campaigns, prepare within the one stop Centre for vicshortlists of candidates for referral to line man- tims of violence and crime. Manage agers, logistical arrangements, handle job ap- and coordinate service delivery from plicants’ enquiries and provides information on advertised positions. Liaise and organized with NGOs within the shelter .Coordinate service providers to conduct competency assess- and plan therapeutic, recreational Notes: ments on candidates. Conduct reference checks and skills development programme Applications should be submitted directly at the on job applicants. Assess the impact of recruit- within shelter .Manage the recourses West Rand District Health, CNR Vlei and Luipaard ment and selection processes. Prepare job of- of the shelter .manage the administraStreet Krugersdorp or posted to Private |Bag x fer letters and present to successful candidates. tive staff and House Mothers. Ability to manage conditions of service and adKnowledge and skills: knowledge of PERSAL, time management, ability forges relations with the service providers, excellent communication on and interpersonal skills, presentation skills, report writing skills, knowledge of Performance Development and Management System, knowledge of all legislative framework governing Human Resource Management and ability to work under pressure.

2053, Krugersdorp 1740 or apply online at: www. minister termination of service will be an added Notes: advantage, and Supervision of staff. Applicants must apply online at: www. Notes: Applicants must apply online at: www. Enquiries: Mrs. Nonkumbulo Ntozakhe (011) 953 4515 Enquiries: Ms. Nkhensani Manganyi Tel No. 011 Enquiries: Mr Steven Moteme Tel No. 689 3701 011 689 3722 Closing Date: Closing Date: 2016/03/18 12:00:00 AM Closing Date: 2016/03/11 12:00:00 AM

2016/03/11 12:00:00 AM

ADAMS & ADAMS: Application for Articles, Bursary Schemes & Vacation Programmes Only online applications for candidate attorneys, bursaries and/or vacation programmes are now accepted. Candidates who wish to be considered should apply online at CVs must be accompanied by a covering letter addressed to the Professional Development Manager as well as certified copies of ID, National Senior Certificate (or equivalent) and a full academic transcript. Queries should be addressed to the Professional Development Manager using the contact details below: BY POST: PO Box 1014, Pretoria, 0001 BY HAND: Lynnwood Bridge, 4 Daventry Street, Lynnwood Manor, Pretoria, South Africa BY FAX: (012) 432 6594/ 6037 BY E-MAIL: NO closing dates for applications. Applicants are encouraged to apply in their second or third year of study.

Staroot Journal Includes the following inside : Jobs, Bursary, Tenders, Learnerships, Internships Notice, Articles, Profiles, and many more

Page 4

Staroot Journal Gauteng

March 2016

STAROOT VACANCIES Department of Health

Department of Health

Department of Health

PHARMACIST GRADE 1-3 ( 4 POSTS) PHARMACIST GRADE 1-3 ( 4 POSTS) PHARMACIST ASSISTANT (POST-BASIC) Reference Number: refs-000444 Reference Number: refs-000444 GRADE 1( 4 POSTS) Number of Posts: 4 Number of Posts: 4 Reference Number: REFS-000447 Centre: Ekurhuleni Health District (Germis- Centre: Ekurhuleni Health District (Germiston) Directorate: Chronic Dispensing Unit ton) Number of Posts: 4 Directorate: Chronic Dispensing Unit Centre: Ekurhuleni Health District (GerSalary: Grade 1 R 533 496.00 – 566 232.per Salary: Grade 1 R 533 496.00 – 566 232.per anmiston) annum (inclusive package) Grade 2 R 583 num (inclusive package) Grade 2 R 583 341.00 Directorate: CDU 341.00 – 619 131.per annum (inclusive pack- – 619 131.per annum (inclusive package) Grade age) Grade 3 R 637 845.00 – 676 986.per an- 3 R 637 845.00 – 676 986.per annum (inclusive Salary: R 158 832. – 178 920.per annum package) num (inclusive package) (plus benefits)

Requirements: Requirements: Grade 1: Basic qualification accredited with Grade 1: Basic qualification accredited with the Requirements: the South African Pharmacy Council (SAPC) South African Pharmacy Council (SAPC) that al- Post-Basic Pharmacist Assistant qualificathat allows registration with the SAPC as a lows registration with the SAPC as a Pharma- tion that allows for registration with the Pharmacist. Registration with the SAPC as a cist. Registration with the SAPC as a Pharmacist SAPC as a Pharmacist Assistant (Post-BaPharmacist Grade 2: Minimum of five (05) Grade 2: Minimum of five (05) years appropriyears appropriate experience after registra- ate experience after registration as A Pharmacist sic) • Registration with the South African tion as A Pharmacist with the SAPC.Grade with the SAPC.Grade 3: Minimum of 13 years Pharmacy Council (SAPC) as a Post-Basic 3: Minimum of 13 years appropriate expe- appropriate experience as a Pharmacist with Pharmacist Assistant • Proof of payment rience as a Pharmacist with the SAPC. Cur- the SAPC. Current proof of registration with the for current annual fees. SAPC as a Pharmacist. rent proof of registration with the SAPC as a Pharmacist. Duties: Duties: Duties: Verify, validate and dispense patients’ pre- Verify, validate and dispense patients’ prescrip- Receive and record all stock from supscription .Communicate with prescribers tion .Communicate with prescribers with regards pliers. Filling of stock cards. Cyclic stock with regards to the status of the prescrip- to the status of the prescriptions when necestions when necessary. Maintain records/ sary. Maintain records/ statistics as per legal re- counts in the dispensary. Validation and statistics as per legal requirement. Oversee quirement. Oversee prepacking processes in the dispensing prescriptions in the CDU.Proprepacking processes in the CDU.Ensure CDU.Ensure compliance to GPP, SOP and NCS. vide information to clinics and the public. compliance to GPP, SOP and NCS. Procure- Procurement and storage of pharmaceutical Reconcile parcels for distribution. Particiment and storage of pharmaceutical items. items. Provide information/ health advice to the pate in bi-annual stock take. Prepacking of Provide information/ health advice to the staff and the public. Ensure timely submission of staff and the public. Ensure timely submis- reports. Train staff in the unit. Recordkeeping bulk items into patient ready packs. Work

under direct supervision of a Pharmacist. sion of reports. Train staff in the unit. ReNotes: cordkeeping Storage and distribution of pharmaceutiNotes: Please note this post is open to Public Please note this post is open to Public Service cals. Service and Private employees. Applications and Private employees. Applications to be sent to be sent to Ekurhuleni Health District, Hand to Ekurhuleni Health District, Hand Post and othNotes: Post and other means of posting, delivery to er means of posting, delivery to 40 Catlin Street 40 Catlin Street Germiston 1400 or Private Germiston 1400 or Private Bag X1005 Germiston Please note this post is open to Public SerBag X1005 Germiston 1400. Attention: Hu- 1400. Attention: Human Resource Manager. Or vice and Private employees. Applications man Resource Manager. Or apply online at: apply online at: Enquiries: Ms T. Burisch, Tel No: (011) 878 - 8546 to be sent to Ekurhuleni Health District, Hand Post and other means of posting, deEnquiries: Ms T. Burisch, Tel No: (011) 878 Closing Date: livery to 40 Catlin Street Germiston 1400 - 8546 2016/03/18 12:00:00 AM Closing Date: or Private Bag X1005 Germiston 1400. 2016/03/18 12:00:00 AM Attention: Human Resource Manager. Or apply online at: Enquiries: Ms T. Burisch Tel No: (011) 878 - 8546 Closing Date: 2016/03/18 12:00:00 AM


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Staroot Journal Gauteng

March 2016


Department of Health

Department of e-Government

Reference Number:HESD0278E PHARMACIST ASSISTANT (POST-BASIC) ASSISTANT DIRECTOR: INTEGRITY MANPosition:Chief Social Worker GRADE 1( 4 POSTS) AGEMENT SPECIALIST Department: Health and Social Reference Number: REFS-000447 Reference Number: REFS-000469 Development Number of Posts: 4 Division: Social Development Number of Posts: 1 Centre: Ekurhuleni Health District (GerSalary: R296 460 - R384 816 per annum Centre: Johannesburg miston) (Plus benefits) Directorate: CDU Directorate: Security Management Salary: R 158 832. – 178 920.per annum Salary: R289 761 per annum (plus benefits) Minimum Requirements: (plus benefits) • B.A. Hons in Social Work Requirements: • Registered with South African Council Requirements: for Social Services Professions Post-Basic Pharmacist Assistant qualifica- Grade 12 (equivalent). 1 year or more Post • Valid driver’s licence tion that allows for registration with the Matric Certificate (NQF 6 or above) in Se• 5 - 8 years relevant experience in the SAPC as a Pharmacist Assistant (Post-Ba- curity Risk Management. Registration with similar environment sic) • Registration with the South African PSIRA. 3 or more years work experience Pharmacy Council (SAPC) as a Post-Basic in a Security environment. 4 years’ expeCore Responsibilities: Pharmacist Assistant • Proof of payment rience in the Public Services environment. • Manage sub-regional staff, facilities and for current annual fees. implementation of programmes and reExperience in Security breaches / environsource utilisation ment investigations. Duties: • Supervise the Social Workers to ensure Receive and record all stock from supthe execution of comprehensive social pliers. Filling of stock cards. Cyclic stock Duties: work services to the communities counts in the dispensary. Validation and Manage the approval and implementation • Coordinate comprehensive social work dispensing prescriptions in the CDU.Proservices vide information to clinics and the public. of Security Policies and Procedures. Con• Report to the MMC service delivery Reconcile parcels for distribution. Partici- duct Threat and Assessment at e-Governmeetings pate in bi-annual stock take. Prepacking of ment Business Units. Security Clearance • Facilitate the planning of programme bulk items into patient ready packs. Work Certification. Conducting Security Awareimplementation with the task teams under direct supervision of a Pharmacist. • Oversee the development and imple- Storage and distribution of pharmaceuti- ness Session. Investigating of Security Incidence. Risk and threat management mentation of the business in line with SDcals. policies and systems implemented within BIP targets • Advise on constitutional, legislative, Soset timeframes. Security legislation, reguNotes: cial Development strategy, SOPS and Pol- Please note this post is open to Public Ser- lations, policies and prescripts complied icy issues vice and Private employees. Applications with. Safe working environment. Adminto be sent to Ekurhuleni Health District, Applications or CVs and copies of qualifi- Hand Post and other means of posting, de- istrative systems in place and operating to cations, identity document and driver’s livery to 40 Catlin Street Germiston 1400 maximum efficiency. Security- and awarelicense (if applicable), to be submitted to or Private Bag X1005 Germiston 1400. At- ness training sessions held. Security inthe following Human Resource Office: tention: Human Resource Manager. Or ap- spections and audits conducted. Reports Brakpan Civic Centre, Cnr. Elliot & Es- ply online at: compiled containing legible information. combe Streets, Brakpan Assessment of information. Personnel adPostal Address: PO Box 15, Brakpan 1540 Enquiries: Ms T. Burisch Tel No: (011) 878 ministration up to date. Enquiries: - 8546 011 999Enquiries: 7785/7883/7840/7845/7743/8170/7789 Closing Date: No faxed and e-mailed applications will be Ms. Tshepiso Shilabe, Tel No: (011) 689 2016/03/18 12:00:00 AM accepted. Please quote reference number 8919 on application. Closing Date: 2016/03/11 12:00:00 AM Closing date: 2016/03/11

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Staroot Journal Gauteng

March 2016

STAROOT JOURNAL INTERNSHIPS/LEARNERSHIPS Gauteng Dept Of Sports & Culture: Graduate / Internship Programme 2016 Closing Date: 16 March 2016 Location: Johannesburg The Gauteng Department of Sport, Arts, Culture and Recreation is contributing towards skills development by providing opportunities to unemployed graduates to gain work experience in various skills areas. It is therefore inviting applications for an Internship Programme that will run for a 12 months contract period. The internship programme is aimed at enhancing the employability of unemployed graduates aged between 18 and 35 years.

Requirements: Applications must be graduates in fi elds specifi ed below and / or have successfully completed the theoretical part of study and are in need of experiential learning in order to complete the qualification. Audit & Risk Management, Sports Science / Sports Management, Employee Relations, Human Resource Development, Cultural Affairs, Archival Records, Library, Cultural Affairs / Library, Social Sciences, Languages, Military Veterans and Heritage, Corporate Services / Transport, Records Management, Facilities Management, Security Management, Information Technology, Supply Chain Management, Competitive Sports, Sports and Recreation (DORA), Recreation, Communications, Stakeholders Management Media Liaison and Strategy, Research Methodology, Public Management, Public Development and Social Science, Public Management, Social Science and Knowledge Management, Marketing, Communication, Business Management, Governance / Intergovernmental Relations / Communications, Strategic Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation or Public Administration, Office Administration / Sports Management,

REF: DSACR / 35 We welcome applications from persons with disabilities Applications should be accompanied by certified copies of qualifications, ID, CV and Z83 Forms obtainable from government departments. Fazed and e-mailed applications will not be considered. Gauteng Department of Sport, Arts, Culture and Recreation uphold the right to place or reject applications based on service delivery needs and requirements. Successful candidates will receive a monthly stipend for the duration of the Internship contract ote that due to a large number of applications expected, applications will therefore not be acknowledged in writing. Be assured that your applications are acknowledged with appreciation and will go on the database of the department. A very systematic selection process is in place to ensure that we identify appropriate candidates and only a certain number will be selected. Enquiries: Ms. Phakamile Mpofu (011) 355 2973 OR Ms. Vivien Khanye Tel: (011) 355 2720 No applications will be considered after the closing date. Applications can be hand delivered at 35 Rissik Street (cnr. Rissik 8 Fox), Surrey House, Johannesburg or posted to: Private Bag X33 Johannesburg, 2000 for attention Ms. Phakamile Mpofu SAA: Graduate / Internship Programme 2016

Closing Date: 11 March 2016

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Staroot Journal Gauteng

March 2016

STAROOT JOURNAL INTERNSHIPS/LEARNERSHIPS SITA: IT Learnership Programme 2016 Closing Date: 18 March 2016 System Support and System Development Learnership (Ref No: YDP 16/03/18) • North West Province [x50] • Eastern Cape Province [x50] • Mpumalanga Province [x50] The State Information Technology Agency is pleased to announce its System Development and System Support Learnerships, in partnership with the above mentioned Provincial Governments, targeting unemployed youth. Applications are invited from unemployed youth residing in the above Provinces, who meet the minimum requirements, and are keen to pursue a career in Information and Communications Technology. In order to apply you must be – • A South African citizen. • Presently unemployed. • Between the ages of 18 and 35 years. • Be in possession of a valid matric certificate at a minimum • Computer literacy certificate will be an added advantage • Living in one of the above three provinces and wish to participate in the Learnership in that Province. Applications WILL NOT BE CONSIDERED where you have – • A post matric qualification (Diploma/Degree). • Previously participated in any other IT learnership programme. REMUNERATION • A stipend of R3000,00 per month will be paid to Learners. DURATION • The Learnership Programme is offered over a period of 12 months which comprises of 6 months theoretical training and 6 months practical training. HOW TO APPLY? Applicants must apply in writing specifying the relevant programme i.e. System Support and System Development Learnership with reference number: (Ref No: YDP 16/03/18). Applications must be accompanied by an updated Curriculum Vitae, certified copies of matric certificate and South African identity document. Note: • Applications from individual with disabilities are encouraged. • Candidates who do not hear from us within a month of the closing date must regard their application as being unsuccessful. • Correspondence will only be entered into with shortlisted candidates. • Acceptance onto the programme is subject to signing a learnership contract, assessments as may be necessary, verification of qualifications, credential verification and security vetting. Applications can be forwarded using either of the following methods: By Hand: (Gauteng) SITA Erasmuskloof Level 3N459 Tsitsa Street Erasmuskloof Pretoria By Hand: (EC – Port Elizabeth)SITA Port ElizabethIvor Ben Close William Moffit Street Fairview By Hand: (EC – East London)SITA East LondonBlock G, Ocean Terrace Moore Street, Quigney East London By Hand: (MP – Middelburg)SITA Middelburg133 Cowen Ntuli Street Middelburg By Hand: (MP – Nelspruit)SITA NelspruitBateleur Building 16 Nel Street Nelspruit By Hand: (NW – Potchefstroom)SITA PotchefstroomWilge Park 17 Piet Uys Street Potchefstroom By Hand: (NW – Rustenburg)SITA RustenburgForum Building 19 Steen Street Rustenburg By Hand: (NW – Mafikeng)SITA Mafikeng1st Floor Commissioner Place Cnr Carrington & Victoria Road Mafikeng Email address: For any enquiries, contact Koos Kuhn on (012) 482 2407.


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Staroot Journal Gauteng

March 2016

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Staroot Journal Gauteng

March 2016


Speed Dating SA to bring you closer to the one


peed Dating SA is a company that brings hearts together. Their specialise in speed dating services which we host as events where we allow individuals to meet and discover a connection. Many people work and run business an thus have no time or means to meet a number of people in a short space thus minimising their chances of finding a partner to share their life with. Their are currently based in Gauteng and are looking to open a chain of events all across South Africa. Their organise events where we bring individuals together in a relax setup where they chat for 5min and decide from there if they want to go on a date. Their service is aimed at individuals who don’t meet people often but yet want to find a partner, a relationship or those who want to discover what is out there before they decide to date. This service works exceptionally well as it allows people to meet a number of individuals at the same time, thus increasing their chances of finding what they may be looking for. As a business their are at the start up stage. Their have tried to host a few events which have been unsuccessful due to people not showing up. Their have now however worked on a new strategy which will allow us to secure the market and guarantee that we reach more of our target audience. Their market size is very big due to who we are targeting. Thus far their have only captured 0.2% of the market share.

Current team Boitumelo Mpete is the founder and Managing Director of Speed Dating South Africa. She has a financial background gained from working for a Bank as a Credit Analyst and than later as a Acquisition Manager where relationship management experience was gained. From an early age Boitumelo has had a passion for business which was started in her transport while in Gr 5 where she would sell sweets and treats on her way to school and had many other businesses following and today Speed dating South Africa being one of them. Contact Speed Dating SA Tumi: 011 074 8079 / 084 314 9653 Facebook: SpeedDatingSA Twitter: SpeedDating_SA

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Page 10

Staroot Journal Gauteng

March 2016

THE ONLINE OPPORTUNITIES g4s vacanacies x250 post The Ideal Candidate: Grade 12 with PSIRA Strong technical abilities and fault finding skills Computer literate and Drivers license is an advantage Apply here online : index.p…/2016/…/16/g4s-vacanacies/

A Monthly Stipend of R4333.70 by The Dept of Education for students x24 Closing Date: 19 February 2016 Duration - 12 Months Aged between 18 and 35 Years See details>>>http://goo. gl/7MpYXE

DATA CAPTURE NEEDED AT OLD MUTUAL URGENTLY Our company Need to employs of 500 people APPL HERE>>> Requirements: Applicants must have passed Grade 12 and must be currently Email CV to: unemployed. If you do not receive a call for an interMORE DETAILD>>> view, please consider your application as QqjDVi unsuccessful. Busy company is looking for a general typist / administrative assistant, Monday to Friday, 08h00 to 17h00. Basic typing and admin experienced would be a plus. Person MUST have their own vehicle. If you do not have your own vehicle, you need NOT apply. R5 500 net per month.

EMERGENCY CARE OFFICER (80 POSTS) SALARY : R128 949 per annum (plus benefits) City of Johannesburg (16 Posts) >> Sedibeng (16 Posts) >> Ekurhuleni (16 Posts) >> Tshwane (16 Posts) >> West Rand (16 Posts) >>

TELKOM Data capture PRASA: Graduate/Internship TELKOM is currently looking for hard Programme 2016 working and energetic people With or Location: without experience Western Cape, KZN and Gaut- Salary R6500/ R8000 per month Application Closing date 29 Feb 2016 eng Monday For more info

Cashier Department: Transport Division: Licensing Salary: R92 772 - R120 432 per annum (plus benefits) Minimum Requirements: Grade 12 Apply here online OR TAMBO INTERNSHIP OPPORTUNITIES X3 data capture Be South African With matric Passed with computer skills Apply here online :…/…/11/or-tambo-internsh

Apply here online php/…/26/telkom-call-centre/

SHA: Learnership Programme 2016 Closing Date: 31 March 2016 Location: Durban, Johannesburg and Cape Town Stanley Hutcheson and Associates is a Training and Development company who is looking for candidates for our clients to join a 12 month Learnership. There are two Learnerships that we currently offer which is the Contact Centre and Business Process Outsourcing Support (NQF Level 3) and Generic Management (NQF Level 5). REQUIREMENTS • A valid South African Identity Document • Minimum Matric or NQF Level 4 Qualification • Candidates must be between the ages of 18 – 35 years • Must be a person with a disability Candidates who do not meet these minimum requirements need not apply. Successful candidates shall be offered a stipend of R5000-00. How To Apply Detailed CV’s should be sent to or NOTE: Correspondence will be limited to short – listed candidates only. Should you not hear from us within 2 (two) weeks of this advertisement, please consider your application to be unsuccessful. Enquiries: Lenieve Naicker / Ronelle Lyson – 087 236 7777 Office Hours: 08h00 – 16h30

Page 11

Staroot Journal Gauteng

March 2016

STAROOT JOURNAL FULL PAGE VACANCIES Department of e-Government DEPUTY DIRECTOR GENERAL: INFORMATION COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY Reference Number: REFS-000328 Number of Posts: 1 Centre: Johannesburg Directorate: Information Communication Technology Salary: R1 267 806 – R1 428 186 per annum (All Inclusive Remuneration Package)

Requirements: An appropriate B.Com (Information Technology), B.Sc. (Computer Science), or related Information Technology qualification. 6 – 10 years’ experience in a Senior Management position ideally managing an IT Service Unit. Experience in managing and developing employees. Large scale. Project Management experience. Extensive experience in a volume driven. Processing Centre environment will be an advantage. PERSON PROFILE: Excellent time management, report writing, communication Skills, legislative. Good customer relations skills, management skills, analytical and solution orientated. Duties: Rollout GPG broadband network (GBN) to promote service delivery efficiencies and connectivity in the GPG offices, facilities and communities. Facilitate the development of an ICT economy in the province that leverages off the GBN. Ensure coordination, regulation and compliance of all ICT related activity and investment in GPG. Create an enabling environment and systems for sound corporate governance of ICT in GPG. Re-engineer and transform back office processes and improve frontline service delivery. Promote the use of e-Government services to business, government and citizens. Support radical economic transformation in the province. Establish partnerships with the private sector. Facilitate the innovation of entrepreneurial projects. Develop and implement an omni channel CRM strategy. Implement an e-government model including policies, regulations, standards and guidelines to sponsor and drive the implementation of Gauteng City Region GCR. Provide strategic direction on the implementation of infrastructure and applications. Consolidate all GPG computing infrastructure into one data centre with disaster recovery capability. Notes: It is the department’s intention to promote equity through filling of all numeric targets as contained in Employment Equity Plan to facilitate this process successfully, an indication of race, gender and disability status is required Applications should be delivered to: Gauteng Department of e-Government, Imbumba House, 75 Fox Street, Marshalltown or Applicants can apply online at: Enquiries: Mr. B. Ngidi Tel. No: (011) 689 8892 Closing Date: 2016/03/03 12:00:00 AM


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Staroot Journal Gauteng

March 2016

STAROOT JOURNAL KASIE ARTIST PROFILING Dj Master S has a 7 year run on the Dj / Producer and Engineer field.

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Staroot Journal Gauteng

March 2016


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Staroot Journal Gauteng

March 2016

STAROOT JOURNAL INTERNSHIPS/LEARNERSHIPS Bursaries for Human Resources HR or Human Resources focuses on a company or businesses system, policies and people management. The main function of a person in this position is to reach an employer’s tactical intentions, but also to increase the performance of all employees. There are many Bursaries for Human Resources HR available each year within South Africa. Here are some of the companies candidates can consider when looking to study in this field. Afrisam Bursaries Britisch American Tobacco (BAT) Exxaro First Rand Laurie Dippenaar Harmony Gold Multichoice Bursaries Sappi Bursaries SAB Volkswagen Here are the most common study fields if considering a career in Human Resources: Human Resource Manager Human Resource Expert HR Consultant Training and Development Manager International Human Resource Professional Employee Education Consultant Human Resource Executive Executive Recruiter HR IT Specialist Human Resource Entrepreneur All fields of Human Resources play an important role in a company’s success. From start to finish, development and more will be impacted by the HR factor. This is due to the fact that labour is provided by employees. Students who would like to follow any of the fields of study may require the following to be eligible to apply for a bursary in these fields of study. Applicants must be a South African citizen and hold a valid ID document. Applicants must be in need of financial assistance. Applicants must be able to provide an approval letter of acceptance at an Institute of Higher Learning. Applicants must be willing to learn and hold a passion for the field of study chosen, plus have outstanding academic records. To have a better understanding and relationship with workers, companies and organizations make use of RH personnel. Human Resources are a way to build a better environment for workers and bridge the communications gap between the employer and the employees. Human Resources is traditionally viewed as the ideal development and learning section of a company. They aim at achieving corporate objectives by selecting the ideal candidates for each position. Therefore, if you love working with people on all levels of a company, enjoy long hours and complex situations, you may be ideal for this career path.

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Staroot Journal Gauteng

March 2016

STAROOT JOURNAL INTERNSHIPS/LEARNERSHIPS Telkom Bursaries 2016 – 2017 Telkom opens doors with their bursaries, widening opportunities for deserving candidates within the communication fields. This group is offering study at any University as well as the University of Technology. Candidates will be required to work for Telkom for a period equal to their bursary term. Bursaries are made available yearly for candidates from their 1st year of study up until their 4th year of study. The Foundation was established in 1998 but only registered as a trust in 2002; their main focus is to aid talented deserving candidates from disadvantaged communities to reach their goals. They have many educational opportunities yearly while making a difference in many lives. Their bursaries focus mainly on the fields within Engineering and Business. The usual amount of a bursary per candidate is about R95 000, these cover the tuition, the housing as well as meals and transport. Telkom Bursaries Available Telkom Bursaries has the following fields of study available for qualifying candidates: University Undergraduate Studies Engineering Computer & Electronic Eng Light Current Electronic Eng Light Current Electrical Eng Computer Science & Information Technology Computer Science Software Development Information Technology Marketing Information Technology – Marketing Information Systems – Marketing Business Science – Marketing Marketing Management University of Technology Undergraduate Studies Engineering Electrical Light Current Eng Computer Systems Eng Information Technologies Information Technology – Communication Networks Information Technology – Technical Applications Telkom Bursaries Requirements Candidates wishing to apply for one of Telkom’s bursaries will require the following: Candidates must be a South African citizen Candidates in Grade 12 or 11 may apply (Grade 11 will be pre-evaluated) Candidates must provide proof of income and need for financial aid Candidates must have a valid South African ID book / card Candidates must pass English Communication Skills Candidates must provide full academic records Depending on the field of study the NSC rating for candidates will differ ranging from 60% to 80% for specific subject. More Telkom Opportunities Telkom also has a School Grant Program that focuses mainly on rural areas throughout South Africa. The program is in aid of high school education specifically for Science and Mathematics. This program provides aid for Grade 10, Grade 11 and Grade 12 candidates from low household income families. This is only for candidates attending public schools. The program includes the registration, books as well as tuition fees and in specific cases also residence and extra tuition fees. Candidates wanting to apply will require the following: Science with a 60% or higher symbol Mathematics with a 60% or higher symbol Candidates must also pass English Interested candidates can follow the same directions for application as provided for the bursary program. Telkom Bursaries Application Bursaries applications online are not available but the forms can be collected from your nearest Telkom Centre for learning in your community. Fill the form in completely and make sure all documents are certified copies and accompany your application. For more information visit the Telkom Website, their Foundation Website and you can also have a look at the application form here. Completed application forms with all relevant documentation can be posted to the address found on the application. Candidates can also deliver their application forms with relevant documentation to one of the following addresses: Telkom Bursaries Closing Date Applications for bursaries open yearly on the first day of March and closes on the last day of July. Candidates, who have not heard from Telkom by the end of September after submitting their application, can assume their application has been unsuccessful. If you are interested in the fields as mentioned collect your application and apply for a life changing opportunity


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