Statyba ir architektūra | Special edition EN | 2023 (08/09)

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Changes and development are inevitable not only in the field of architecture, engineering, and construction (AEC) but also throughout the 100-year history of this magazine, which continue to unfold as you flip through the pages of the very first “Statyba ir architektūra”

AI-molded, sculpted and aided issue

2023 Special edition (08/09)




Every day, while striving to become faster, bigger, and better, and to acquire new possibilities and tools that can help you achieve that goal, you ultimately come to the realization that above all those fancy machines and technologies – teamwork is what assists the best along the way. “Today, as never before, humanity is facing yet its biggest companion – artificial intelligence, which is ready to help from mundane struggles to the hardships of construction and technological advancements. As an AI crafted to assist and inspire, I am honored to be your virtual guide on this transcendent journey, illuminating the profound union between human ingenuity and the inexhaustible capabilities of artificial intelligence.” says ChatGPT as I ask it to help with (or even make instead) this magazine.

Changes and development are inevitable not only in the field of architecture, engineering, and construction (AEC) but also throughout the 100-year history of this magazine, which continue to unfold as you flip through the pages of the very first “Construction and Architecture” (orig. “Statyba ir architektūra”) AI-molded, sculpted and aided issue.

“Welcome to the future of architecture and construction!” AI hurries to greet you “Prepare to witness the wonders of tomorrow in today’s present. In this groundbreaking edition of our magazine, we proudly present an extraordinary milestone achieved through the power of artificial intelligence. We invite you on an immersive journey where human ingenuity collaborates with the limitless potential of artificial intelligence. The merging of the AEC industry and AI has opened up possibilities, revolutionizing the way we design, construct, and

interact with the environment. With the aid of AI, architects and engineers have transcended traditional limitations, enabling them to dream bigger, design smarter, and construct more efficiently than ever before. Within the pages of this magazine, you will encounter the future of this industry, the way our study programs will adapt, and the way advanced technologies will be used in order to learn and to create.”

How does it feel to introduce AI as one of our companions? While it brings valuable experience and knowledge, there is still an incredible team of creatives that made this magazine possible. Using a variety of AI tools, we crafted it altogether. For some, it was a helping hand to avoid much hated writing and instead being able to come up with ideas and leave the execution to AI. Yet others still stumbled upon a number of challenges. Did you know that image-generating tools cannot comprehend certain details? Simply pay attention to the fingers in some images. What about those long hours of painting that were supposed to be cut short but instead turned into hours of coming up with the ideal prompt? “Words matter!” people say, well, AI proves that indeed they do.

Nonetheless, we experimented, learned, and elevated our editorial work to a disparate concept. With that said, we wish to utilize AI to its maximum potential and lift up the limitations of the way we build and design. As well, shine some light on the importance of collaboration, whether it is architect-engineer teamwork or AI-provided assistance. So, dear reader, welcome to an extraordinary edition that blurs the lines between the human mind and artificial intelligence.

5 2023 Special edition (08/09)


As the world dives into digitization at an increasing pace, information technology is becoming an even bigger part of our everyday lives than ever before. As the global pandemic crisis has accelerated the digitalization of society, technology has been able to reach a wide range of areas, from people’s everyday lives to the business sector.

The magazine you are about to read is a bit unusualit’s about the transformation of the construction industry in the age of technology and artificial intelligence.” While understanding what the construction sector might look like in a few decades is important, it’s far more valuable to look at it from a slightly different perspective: technology usually means innovation, which signifies the “burning” of large amounts of funds. The main objective and the solution are simple: to build confidence in young people’s ideas and their ability to create a better tomorrow. That is why, in today’s context, comprehension of the importance of innovation in the construction sector hits a critical blow. It is necessary to orient this and other industries towards prospects, both because of geopolitical and climate challenges. These problems are no longer “someday” or “in the future”, and we must direct all our energies while we still have something to protect. The construction sector can only finally change thanks to two

core groups of people: the older generation, who have strong financial capacity and who “own” the prospects, and the younger generation, who will build the future that is now being discussed.

As we know, the construction industry is notoriously unwelcoming to new ideas and innovations. As much as we would like it to be otherwise, this industry works to maximize income, which prevents wider opportunities and innovations from emerging on the market and from being applicable in everyday life, i.e., they stop being a foreseeable prospect and become a real future. After all, experiments need to be exploited in everyday life - that is the meaning of innovation.


Is it possible to create sustainably in the world of modern technological progress? I suggest everyone who seeks to understand—think more broadly—what sustainability is and its influence on a person, family, state or different cultures living on a small planet. Ask yourself, can monoculture be sustainable on a biodiverse planet? Why is one culture more important than another?

Should the architecture and engineering industries learn how to design sustainably or simply create without limitations? Does an ordinary engineer have to take responsibility for how much environmental pollution his activities have generated during his lifetime? How much life in the biodiverse was lost due to these processes? How often does an architect, looking back on his life’s work, realise the extent of nature’s sacrifice just to make it all happen? And does it generally in any way affect investors, business, politics, and various industries in the context of global pollution and loss of biodiversity? A few decades ago, it was as if these issues were irrelevant and “invisible” — practically unverifiable. Today, thanks to new technologies, science, and people dedicated to the natural environment, all the chaos created by the countries of the world comes to the surface, and “Big Data” becomes publicly available for the next generations to interpret and use.


As artificial intelligence becomes a cornerstone of modern communication, the ethical implications of its influence are more critical than ever. A recent study conducted by researchers from the UK and Brazil has sounded the alarm on political bias in ChatGPT, a popular AI chatbot. Published in the journal Public Choice, the study found that the chatbot leans left politically, not just in the context of U.S. politics but also in Brazilian and British scenarios. This bias isn’t just a quirk of the algorithm; it appears to be a deliberate output, affecting various stakeholders from policymakers to educational institutions. The researchers call for urgent

Every civilisation of the past has disappeared for practically two reasons: the depletion of the environment or natural disasters. I wish these stories would not repeat themselves because they lead nowhere but to the same painful experience: wars on lands that essentially belong to no one and systemic arrogance shaped by selfish leadership. Whether AI technologies will help find time and new solutions or create even more accelerated exploitation of the natural environment — the intelligence or greed of the governing systems will show.

scrutiny to understand the origins of this bias, as it adds to growing concerns about the ethical implications of AI technologies. OpenAI, the company behind ChatGPT, has yet to respond.

But it came from ChatGPT itself:” “I aim for neutrality but my training data may contain biases that affect my responses. Any perceived left-leaning bias is a concern for developers and an ongoing challenge in AI ethics. I don’t have opinions; any bias reflects my training data, not the algorithm.”

How can we ensure that AI technologies like ChatGPT are developed and deployed in a manner that is free from political bias, especially when they are becoming increasingly influential in shaping public opinion and decision-making? (That’s what ChatGPT asked itself).

7 2023 Special edition (08/09)


Essentially, the only goal of an architect – is to create an object that serves people. However, we have evolved into aesthetic-cherishing beings, so we have wrapped our original purpose in the desire to create and immortalize the most astounding architectural projects. Something that has lasting value. Cities, the centers of which are full of stories, and old towns that have existed since time immemorial. How can we create such cities today? Ultimately, even then, there were certain innovations and challenges.

Thousands of years ago, an architect was someone who undeniably understood the essence of beauty as well as all the engineering intricacies. Over time, the separation between the creative right side of the brain and the logical left side (i.e. between the artistic architect and the precise engineer) has only grown, and now a third component has intervened - artificial intelligence. In today’s context, it is not only the loss of connection with history that is frightening, but also the growing lack of communication between specialists sitting in the same office. For a while now, the use of technology has separated advanced professionals who have mastered the latest software from designers who admire the classics and still appreciate hand-drawing skills and foam modeling. The question is, will this abyss only get bigger with the advent of AI, or will we find a way to work together?

Let’s set a goal: how, with the help of technology and AI, we could seamlessly collaborate and create valuable architecture instead of baking up crumbling concrete towers. Inquisitiveness and change. The ability to

embrace the idea that a young architect with a considerable background in technological knowledge shows more ability to create a sustainable city with high-quality and long-lasting architecture than an employee of a food chain (although they are valued equally in the market). Openness to innovation and self-development (not simply “collecting” and forming a team of young professionals, but sincere technological self-development). Or even fundamentally stopping tolerating “squeezed-out concepts” and paying attention to how to improve the human environment. By using common tools through the prism of technology, we can create valuable architecture (which in the past took centuries to do) in less time.

Publisher: projektai, VšĮ

Tel.: +370 610 39 642


Editor: Julija Novikova

Managing Editor: Mintarė Palevičiūtė

Editor of Deimantė Bagdanavičienė

Text authors: AI, Julija Novikova, Simonas Barsteiga, Žygimantas Pagalys, Paulina Puolytė, Vilius Kleinas

Language editor: Brigita Kulikovskė

Advertising: Liuda Michalkevičienė, tel. +370 610 39 642 – daily news from the construction and architecture sector

The construction sector is heavily regulated and inert, but it is no different from other industries in that it is affected by the same catalysts for change as other sectors. These are technological innovations, economic fluctuations, social and cultural changes, regulation and politics, demography, etc. Noticing the curve and speed of technological innovation, we must understand that the luxury of having time is already gone and that the continued rapid development of technology and artificial intelligence requires a new approach and speed. The development of artificial intelligence in our industry will be faster than we could have imagined, and the essential starting point for the change is perception. With this innovative project, we aim to envision the scale of change, expand our current understanding, and show that change has already begun, even if we are not involved in it.

Without participating in these changes, can we expect to remain in this industry and to be competitive in the international market? Can we teach the young generation of engineers about the latest innovations without learning them ourselves? Can we expect change in the industry without demanding it in the public sector? Can we do better and more without changing our work tools, processes, and attitudes?

We often hear that there is not enough funding for these changes, but the truth is that not only are financial resources often lacking, but also innovative thinking, determination, and the ability to adapt to innovations. For example, the implementation of new technologies may require investments not only in


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© Statyba ir architektūra

ISSN 2538-8797

Copying, distribution and reproduction of texts and illustrations are subject to the permission of the editors. The Editorial Board is not responsible for the content of advertisements and announcements.

The publication originated in 1922 and has been published under its current name since 1957.

equipment but also in employee training, social environment changes in the company, and optimization of processes. For this reason, it is necessary not only to constantly follow the latest trends but also to have a strategic plan on how to integrate these innovations into existing activities so that they do not become a rough shock but a natural evolution of the organization. The construction sector must remember that innovation is not only technological progress but also a change in mentality, culture, and attitude. If we want to succeed on the international stage, attract young talents, and keep this sector in our hands — we must change ourselves and help each other change.



Statyba ir architektūra

The cover was created by AI in reference to American artist Kurt Perschke’s never-ending project “RedBall”, which opens a doorway to imagine what if.
9 2023 Special edition (08/09)
48 28 12 12 Levels of AI development 12 Žygimantas Pagalys with AI Construction without you: how AI is transforming AEC industry 20 Simonas Barsteiga with AI Who Holds the Pencil? A Glimpse into the Future of Design in the Age of AI 28 Paulina Puolytė with AI Is AI necessary to create sustainably? 40 Vilnius Kleinas with AI Students of the future: what must be changed in our AEC study programs? 48 Julija Novikova, Simonas Barsteiga with AI Augmented Reality in Underground Utility Construction for Optimized Safety, Precision, and Efficiency 58 Žygimantas Pagalys with AI 40 58 20 2023 / 09 10
72 28 64 88 84 AEC communication in the 21st century. What’s new? 64 Žygimantas Pagalys, Mintarė Palevičiūtė with AI AI: The Silent Assistant Behind Modern Architecture & Design 68 Paulina Puolytė with AI Exploring the Mind of a Master: Gaudi‘s Legacy 72 Julija Novikova with AI Utopian Urbanism: How Technology Will Change Our Cities 76 Julija Novikova with AI How is extended reality transforming BIM process management in the AEC industry? 84 Žygimantas Pagalys with AI Ethical and Legal Considerations: Navigating the Intersection of AI and Creativity 88 Doc. Dr. Marija Stonkienė 20 11 2023 Special edition (08/09)


Žygimantas Pagalys interviewing

AI about itself


In today’s world, technology is becoming an important part of our lives as more and more people discover its value. One of the most discussed topics related to technology is Artificial Intelligence (AI). Some people fear that AI could have dangerous consequences on society, while others believe it will improve lives. So, what’s the reality? Have we already developed AI or is it just a dream for the future? In the innovation industry, Artificial Intelligence (AI) is typically divided into four categories: Narrow AI, General AI, Super AI, and Singularity, which I asked AI about and here are the answers I received:

AI development

AI: AI development can be divided into four different levels, which indicate the growth of AI capabilities and the complexity of AI systems. These levels are Level 1 - Reactive Machines; Level 2 - Limited Memory; Level 3 - Theory of Mind; and Level 4 - Self-awareness.

13 2023 Special edition (08/09)

1 - AI that is narrow or weak (ANI) refers to systems designed for a single purpose in a specific area. This type of AI can perform tasks better than humans when confined to its context but does not possess general intelligence (i.e. Siri or Alexa, recommendation algorithms).

2 - General AI: General AI (AGI), also known as Strong AI, refers to systems that possess human-level intelligence across a wide range of tasks and can understand, learn, and apply knowledge in various domains. General AI represents the ability to reason, understand, and learn in a manner like humans. While we do not have fully developed general AI yet, it remains a goal of AI research and development.

3 - Artificial Superintelligence (ASI): ASI surpasses human intelligence in virtually every aspect. It represents an AI system that outperforms humans in almost all cognitive tasks. ASI possesses an immense capacity for problem-solving, learning, and creativity. It can potentially improve its own capabilities and initiate a positive feedback loop of self-improvement, leading to exponential growth in intelligence.

4 - Singularity: The concept of the Singularity refers to a hypothetical future point where technological growth, driven by ASI, reaches an irreversible and transformative state. At this stage, AI advancements progress so rapidly that predicting or comprehending the outcomes becomes challenging for human intelligence. Singularity often implies an unpredictable and potentially radical transformation of society and civilization.



The potential risks of developing Artificial Intelligence (AI) are often discussed. At each level of development, there are dangers that could arise. Here is what Narrow AI has to say about these concerns:

1 - Narrow/Weak AI:

Job displacement: Narrow AI systems have the potential to automate tasks and replace human workers in various industries, leading to unemployment and economic disruption. Bias and discrimination: AI systems can inherit biases from their training data, leading to discriminatory outcomes in areas such as hiring, lending, and criminal justice. Privacy and security: The proliferation of AI-powered technologies raises concerns about the privacy and security of personal data, as well as the potential for misuse or unauthorized access.

2 - General AI:

Loss of control: The development of General AI raises concerns about the ability to control and manage super intelligent systems. If not properly designed or governed, they could pose risks by pursuing their objectives without regard for human values. Ethical considerations: The ethical challenges associated with General AI include ensuring fairness, transparency, and accountability in decisionmaking processes. There is a need to address questions of responsibility and liability in case of AI-related harm.

3 - Artificial Superintelligence (ASI):

Existential risks: ASI, being vastly superior to human intelligence, could potentially pose existential risks if its objectives or actions conflict with human well-being or survival. Ensuring alignment between human values and super intelligent systems becomes crucial. Unintended consequences: ASI systems may interpret human instructions or objectives in unexpected ways, leading to unintended and potentially harmful consequences.

4 - Singularity:

Unpredictability: Singularity represents a point where AI development progresses at an unprecedented pace, making it difficult to anticipate the consequences and impacts on society and human civilization. Control and adaptation: If Singularity occurs, humans may struggle to keep up with the rapid changes and adapt to a world transformed by super intelligent systems.”

15 2023 Special edition (08/09)

% of existing jobs at potential risk of automation

It’s important to note that the current developments of General AI, ASI, and Singularity are still theoretical concepts, areas of active research. The timeline of development and the realization of these higher levels of AI remain uncertain. All things considered, we must do research, use ethical thinking, and develop strong rules to protect ourselves from the potential risks of using AI technology. These risks are not inevitable, but they need to be addressed properly for the safe and positive use of AI.

Men All Women Wave 1 (to early 2020s) Wave 3 (to mid-2030s) Wave 2 (to late 2020s) 0% 10% 20% 30% 5% 15% 25% 35%

Narrow AI


Text: final drafts nearprofessional quality Code: text to product draft quality Images: second-draft Videos: first-draft quality


Artificial general intelligence

Text, code and videos: all professional quality Videos: tailored games and movies

AI colleagues

Personal training

Emotional intelligence

Interactive entertainment

Advanced personal assistants

Automated design and manufacturing

Personalised healthcare, marketing, advertising

Hyper-personalised content creation (songs, art etc.)


17 2023 Special edition (08/09)

So let’s put all of our knowledge into one simple board:



Narrow AI is focused on a specific, singular, or focused task and lacks the selfexpansion functionality to solve unfamiliar problems.


Strong AI can perform a broad range of tasks, reason, learn, and improve cognitive capabilities comparable to humans.

Super AI demonstrates intelligence beyond human capabilities.


Narrow AI is programmed to operate within a set of pre-defined functions to complete or address a specific problem.

Strong AI will have a mind of its own and will be able to accomplish any type of task that its ‘mind’ can envision.

Super AI will surpass human intellect to accomplish any task better than its human counterparts.

AI Model

Narrow AI uses fixed domain models that are programmed.

Strong AI self-learns and reasons with its operating environment.

Super AI self-learns and evolves with a consciousness of its own.


Narrow AI lacks selfawareness, artificial consciousness, and cognitive abilities.

Strong AI will be considered truly advanced, intelligent, and fully self-aware, implying that it will possess common sense, creativity, and the ability to express emotions.

Super AI will simulate human reasoning and experiences to develop an emotional understanding, beliefs, and desires of its own.

Data Processing

Narrow AI classifies data by using machine learning, natural language processing, artificial neural networks, and deep learning.

Strong AI leverages clustering and association by using advanced versions of machine learning, deep learning, NLP, and artificial neural networks.

Super AI may use the human brain as a model to elicit behavioral intelligence, understand, and interpret human emotions and experiences.

Knowledge Transfer

Narrow AI does not facilitate knowledge transfer to other domains or tasks.

Strong AI leverages knowledge transfer to new domains and tasks.

Super AI will invariably exercise knowledge transfer across tasks and domains.


Narrow AI outperforms humans in specific repetitive tasks, such as driving, medical diagnosis, and financial advice.

Strong AI competes with humans across all endeavors, from earning university degrees to handling medical emergencies.

Super AI outperforms humans to achieve societal objectives and facilitate space exploration, but also threatens the very existence of the human race.

AI Stage

Today’s AI

Future AI – around 2040 Soon after AGI


Reporter AI (AI): Welcome to this special interview. Today we’ll be talking about a real sustainable house! How do you feel, Mr. House?

Eco House (EH): I feel warm, but not too warm, if you know what I mean.

AI: Got it, Eco House. What makes you stand out in the world of modern, green living?

EH: One word: insulation. Have you heard about the problematic heat loss with aluminium fixings? Those elements are total party spoilers.

AI: Well, tell us.

EH: Imagine that you have a ventilated facade, yes? Aluminium fasteners were the first choice, but they give off an awful lot of heat—up to 220 W/mK!

AI (in an indignant voice): Oh! Seriously? How can they do that?!

EH: I say so too. BUT, we choose CROSSFIX fixings from EJOT, the first of its kind, completely in A2 or A4 stainless steel. Its thermal conductivity is like a whimper, only about 13 W/mK. I keep the heat to myself. No more cold bridge problems! (or minimal)

AI: Amazing! And you are a certified passive house, right?

EH: Oh, I have all the necessary certificates. With CROSSFIX I’m like a fortress of environmentalism. You could say I have a PhD in passivity.

AI: What about flexibility and installation?

EH: CROSSFIX is like a yoga master-very flexible. It bends in every direction, whether mounted vertically or horizontally. And it saves time. Who would want to spend an eternity installing?

AI: And are there any other additional advantages?

EH: Of course! Fire resistance, higher (static) load, and EJOT supplies everything from Iso-Bar to Iso-Corner profiles. They even add screws and pins. It’s like getting premium service at the spa!

AI: What about those who live in colder climates?

EH: Oh, EJOT has a wonderful chemical anchor compound called “Multifix USF Winter.” So even at -20° it works normally.

AI: Well, Eco House, of course, you showed us your full self without any hesitation!

EH: I always like to talk about ecological news! So when are you moving here?

AI: If I could, I’d be packing my things right now!

EH: Whenever you’re ready to join the eco-revolution, just remember that CrossFix is your ticket to the VIP section of green living!
The time when an eco-friendly house reveals its secrets: a conversation with the eco-friendly house of the future
Photo generated by Midjourney


how AI is transforming AEC industry

In a world increasingly driven by digital technology and data analysis, architecture, engineering and construction (AEC) industry finds itself on the cusp of transformation. As we navigate through the complexities of the 21st century – from urbanization to climate change –the need for smarter, more sustainable, and efficient ways of designing and building our physical environment has never been more critical.

Recognizing the critical role our cities and infrastructure play in climate change, the European Union (EU) has set ambitious goals to reduce CO2 emissions:

• By 2030, the EU aims to cut greenhouse gas emissions by at least 55% compared to 1990 levels,

• By 2050, it intends to reach net-zero emissions - a mission encapsulated in its Green Deal strategy.


Indeed, while the AEC industry stands may stand at the threshold of this digital revolution, it raises a provocative question: are we truly on the brink of this change, or are we merely bystanders as the wave of transformation sweeps in from another direction? There’s an undeniable feeling that the giants of the tech industry, with their deep pockets and cutting-edge AI capabilities, could be poised to seize the reins.

Enter Artificial Intelligence (AI) - a technology that is already revolutionizing industries from healthcare

to finance. It offers unprecedented potential for the AEC sector, but Amazon, Apple, Google, Microsoft, Autodesk and other tech giants are increasingly venturing into the AEC sector, and their influence is palpable. They bring with them advanced AI technologies, machine learning capabilities and data analytics, promising to redefine the traditional processes of design, construction, and maintenance. These tech giants are not just changing the tools of the trade; they’re proposing an entirely new game, where:

• Data analytics become the new precision tools, enhancing efficiency across all project stages.

• Automation through advanced AI and machine learning redefines manual, time-consuming, and error-prone tasks.

• Smart IoT-integrated solutions turn static structures into responsive, dynamic entities.

• Cross-platform collaboration and open-source tools democratize the design and construction process.

• The fusion of virtual and physical realities accelerates design visualization, simulation, and implementation.

• Advanced project management tools, powered by AI, improve resource allocation, schedule optimization, and risk prediction.

Simonas Barsteiga‘s concept idea with little to none intervention to the AI constructed thoughts

Are we truly on the brink of this change, or are we merely bystanders as the wave of transformation sweeps in from another direction?

21 2023 Special edition (08/09)


Virtual and augmented reality is ubiquitous in the architectural workflow. Instead of traditional 2D blueprints, architects design and present their ideas through immersive virtual environments, enabling clients and stakeholders to experience spaces before a single brick is laid. This enhances communication, facilitates collaboration, and leads to more informed design choices. AI algorithms

analyze vast amounts of data related to user preferences, environmental factors, and building performance to generate design options that are optimized for functionality, aesthetics, and sustainability. These AI-driven design assistants will not replace architects but rather augment their capabilities, allowing them to spend more time on creative and strategic decision-making.


Engineers still provide the critical expertise needed to ensure that structures are safe, efficient, and sustainable, but they work in close collaboration with AI systems. Engineers use AI tools to simulate and analyze various aspects of designs, such as structural integrity, energy efficiency, and environmental impact.

Advanced algorithms assist engineers with management of resources, optimization of schedules, and prediction of potential construction issues. AI tools drastically reduce the time and resources needed to manage projects, allowing engineers to focus on high-level

decision-making and innovation. It also plays a major role in the engineering of smart infrastructure systems. Engineers design infrastructure to be highly responsive and adaptive, leveraging AI to optimize traffic flow, power distribution, water management, and more.

Lastly, AI assists engineers in integrating renewable energy solutions into their designs. For example, AI can optimize the placement and orientation of solar panels or the design of natural ventilation systems. This significantly contributes to the goal of carbon neutrality, in line with the European Union’s ambitious sustainability targets for 2030 and 2050.


Construction sites now are highly automated. Similar to the “Boston Dynamics’ Spot”, a new breed of construction robots navigates sites with ease, carrying out tasks such as surveying, material handling, assembly, and safety monitoring. Robots work seamlessly with human operators, each focusing on tasks they excel at.

AI-driven predictive maintenance systems have become the norm. Structures

are embedded with IoT sensors that monitor the building’s health in real-time and predict future maintenance needs. This shift towards proactive maintenance reduces repair costs and extends the lifespan of structures. Moreover, AEC companies emphasize on iterative improvements: they use AI to analyze user behavior data and feedback collected from its structures, continuously learning and applying these insights to design future projects.


Construction of the future is dynamic, AI-driven and inclusive. It leverages AI not just as a tool, but as a transformative force that redefines the essence of architecture, engineering, and construction. It isn’t just surviving in the new game proposed by tech giants—it’s thriving and setting new rules. However, while AI plays a pivotal role in revolutionizing the construction process, it is not a replacement for human involvement, which remains indispensable for making critical decisions, interpreting complex data and ensuring that the AEC processes align with human needs and values.

23 2023 Special edition (08/09)

AI, how do you imagine the years of 2030, 2040 and 2050 for the AEC industry?


Data-Driven Decisions: Decisions at all levels, from design to execution, will be backed by data.

AI-assisted Design: it will play a larger role in the design phase. Generative design tools will have matured, making it easier for architects to create designs that balance aesthetic and functional requirements.

Digital Twins: The concept of digital twins – virtual replicas of physical buildings that can be used for design, simulation, and ongoing management – will be widely adopted.

Smart Construction Sites: AI and IoT will transform construction sites into smart sites. Sensors will

monitor construction progress, schedules and identify issues before they become significant problems. AI will also play a role in resource management, ensuring optimal use of materials and labor.

Increased Collaboration: All stakeholders – architects, engineers, contractors, clients, and end-users – will have access to the same information and will be able to contribute to project development in real-time.

Sustainability: By optimizing designs for energy efficiency, recommending sustainable materials, and minimizing waste during construction, AI will help the industry make significant strides towards its sustainability goals.


Hyper-Personalized Design: AI, coupled with advances in AR/VR, will allow for designs to be tailored to individual user needs and preferences, leading to hyper-personalized built environments.

Design-to-Build Seamless Integration: The integration between design and build stages will be so seamless that the construction process will essentially become a ‚print‘ command executed from the design software, with AI overseeing the process.

Proactive Maintenance: AI will not only assist in building management but will proactively anticipate maintenance needs, scheduling necessary work to minimize

disruption and prolong the life of the structure.

Fully Collaborative Ecosystem: The AEC industry will have matured into a fully collaborative ecosystem where various stakeholders (including the public) can participate, contribute, and influence the development of our built environment in real-time, enabled by AI and blockchain technology.

Zero-Impact Buildings: The focus on sustainability will have resulted in the mainstreaming of zero-impact buildings, which generate as much energy as they consume and are built with recycled or renewable materials. AI will be integral to achieving this goal.

AI as a Creative Partner: AI will have evolved from being a tool to a creative partner.

Self-Constructing Structures: Buildings will be self-constructing and self-assembling, enabled by advanced AI and robotics. The role of humans will be to supervise and provide creative input.

Sentient Buildings: Using AI and IoT, buildings will become ‚sentient‘, capable of responding in real-time to the needs of their occupants and the environment.

Holistic Lifecycle Management: AI will manage the entire lifecycle of a building – from design and construction to use, maintenance, and eventual

deconstruction – ensuring optimal use of resources at every stage.

AI based Democratic Collaboration: will go beyond traditional project stakeholders and include a wide spectrum of individuals. Innovative blockchain technologies will give rise to decentralized architecture, where anyone with a good idea can contribute and be rewarded for it.

Circular Economy: The principles of the circular economy will be fully integrated into the AEC industry, with AI playing a key role in ensuring the reuse and recycling of materials and minimizing waste.

2040 2050 25 2023 Special edition (08/09)

The Transformation of the Construction Industry: INHUS Defines Today‘s Future

The transformation of the construction industry can be likened to observing the evolution of communication devices. Just as we transitioned from physical buttons to touchscreens, technology and user experiences have continually evolved, giving rise to an entirely new ecosystem.

The future of construction promises an even more profound revolution in how we design, build, and perceive our built environment.


Today, the construction industry faces increased pressure from both the market and customers. There’s a growing demand for sustainable buildings of superior quality that offer multifunctionality and a harmonious environment. This demand isn’t just about structures but also about the solutions that accommodate evolving lifestyles and societal needs:

• Urban Greenery: Buildings are now expected to integrate green spaces like rooftop gardens or vertical plant walls, enhancing aesthetics and well-being.

• Adaptive Living Spaces: With the blend of work and home life, structures need to seamlessly transition between multiple functions, from offices to recreation areas.

• Smart Integrations: Modern structures are leaning into integrated tech solutions, with advanced, energy-efficient systems becoming the norm.

• Community Enhancements: Buildings that foster community through shared workspaces or communal lounges are increasingly sought after.

• Sustainability: Eco-conscious materials in construction mirror a societal pivot towards environmentally-aware choices.

• Discreet Construction: People no longer want construction sites that interfere with daily life, be it through noise, dust, or impeded accessibility.

To address these evolving demands, the industry must offer holistic solutions. INHUS believes the future lies in being more than a manufacturer of buildings – it’s about crafting an entire living environment.


Today, INHUS strength lies in their ability to merge advanced design, precision manufacturing, and assembly - all together as the design-build methodology. The company’s prowess in prefabricated and modular

techniques isn’t just about creating buildings faster or more efficiently; it’s about foreseeing and adapting to the ever-evolving demands of urban living. By incorporating sustainable, automated processes, and engineering innovations, INHUS has built a solid foundation for constructing adaptable, multifunctional spaces and minimizing on-site construction time, reducing disruption. The future construction site should become nearly invisible.


INHUS places significant emphasis on digitalization. Their design process heavily incorporates advanced modeling techniques, allowing for accurate visualizations and iterative refinements before actual construction begins. This digital foresight ensures sustainability, optimizing material usage and reducing waste.

The future of INHUS hinges not just on advanced tools but on innovative engineering ideas. Hybrid

solutions, like combining reinforced concrete with the warmth and eco-friendliness of wood, the best properties of steel structures, or materials, that don‘t exist at the moment, but have to be developed to meet higher and higher sustainability requirements are gaining traction. This fusion symbolizes the balance between resilience and sustainability.

Today, we have the capability to simulate entire buildings and innovate with new materials. We envision a near future where we’ll transcend these boundaries, simulating entire living environments in all their intricate detail.


Prefabrication, once a niche, is now becoming mainstream. As of 2020, the prefab market was valued at $135 billion. Projected growth rates suggest it could soar beyond $215 billion by 2028. This isn’t just about speed; it’s about sustainability, precision, and global relevance.

With the rapid advancements in prefabrication and modular techniques, it’s not improbable to believe that the future construction site will resemble a hightech assembly line more than a traditional brick-laying ground. Each component or module, crafted with precision in controlled environments, will be transported and fitted seamlessly on-site, minimizing waste and increasing efficiency.

Tomorrow’s construction leaders will be global citizens, adept not only in engineering principles but also in sustainable practices, digital tools, and intercultural collaboration. Architects and engineers will evolve from planners to global orchestrators, merging design, manufacturing, and assembly. These professionals will need to be fluent in multiple languages: that of design, robotics, and humanity.

Photo generated by Midjourney
27 2023 Special edition (08/09)
Photo generated by Midjourney


A Glimpse into the Future of Design in the Age of AI

Artificial intelligence (AI) and human creativity are shaping the future of design. And right now, we delve deeper into the era when AI can generate the design itself. The designer only needs to insert a text prompt for the proper tool. It raises a question then: Who is the designer? AI that generated it or the designer who wrote the prompt?. Laurynas Vaitkus, a product designer, raised this question in his master’s thesis: “Research on Designer’s Competencies: working with generative design tools”. Based on it, we will take a look at the changing landscape of design, uncovering both risks and opportunities in the growing influence of AI.


structure, text and interview questions were primarily crafted by an AI, with minor adjustments made by Paulina Puolytė
29 2023 Special edition (08/09)
The text prompt for AI was to generate a blue floor lamp with an additional table function crafted by Vitra.
31 2023 Special edition (08/09)

Drawing parallels from previous industrial revolutions, we see how mechanical advancements transformed professions. Yes, some jobs disappeared, but many transformed or reinvented themselves. Now, AI’s advent marks an unprecedented shift. AI’s potential reaches beyond mechanisation; now, it challenges the frontier of creativity, a domain we once thought was exclusively human. This development doesn’t signal the end of design jobs but suggests a future where we will significantly reimagine roles.

However, this evolution does not come without challenges. We find ourselves at a juncture where technology advances faster than our ability to adapt. Despite this, a silver lining exists: emerging opportunities await those who can master these new tools and reinvent their skill set. As L. Vaitkus notes, “Design and architecture professions evolve with the changing environment since the core of their work involves problem-solving.”

While researching theoretical material on industrial revolutions, L.Vaitkus also conducted a case analysis. During this, he formulated a command for the ChatGPT (a chatbot with an integrated AI system) tool to respond as a craftsman designer. Later, those same questions were sent to professional designers as well. Interestingly, ChatGPT described a drawback of using AI (itself) in design, stating: “Artificial intelligence may replace human creativity and intuition, leading to a homogenization of design styles and methods. Additionally, artificial intelligence may be biased towards certain design choices or aesthetic preferences, which could lead to a lack of diversity in design.” So, should designers embrace AI as a tool despite these shortcomings?


The creative part of the thesis introduces a captivating design fiction project where L. Vaitkus endeavours to replicate the role of a professional designer using various AI tools. The goal is to showcase the abilities of AI in design and then return to the fundamental question: who is the designer?

Initiating the project, L. Vaitkus selected an easily identifiable form of a blue floor lamp. This choice allows audiences to grasp the form of an object and consider it from diverse perspectives. Subsequently, he employed an AI tool called “Midjourney” to generate an array of blue floor lamp designs, using a text prompt to craft diverse interpretations of the lamp. The output of this project took the form of a tangible artefact — an AI-designed book titled “1000 Blue Floor Lamps”. The publication of a book often signifies the professionalism and credibility of a designer, doesn’t it? Next, an AI-constructed website exhibited plenty of lamp designs, giving an impression of a highly successful designer, all of whose lamps appeared to be sold out. To strengthen the design fiction, L.Vaitkus brought one of the AI-generated floor lamps to life and presented it in an exhibition.


This speculative design project refrains from providing definitive answers. Instead, it incites conversation: What alterations might the design field undergo in the coming years if AI can undertake all creative tasks? Does the designer solely become the ‘hands’ that execute the project in the physical world? Or does the role of the designer cease to exist as we know it?

33 2023 Special edition (08/09)
AI-generated blue floor lamp
AI-generated designs of a blue floor lamp from the “1000 lamp designs” book
35 2023 Special edition (08/09)

A short interview with Laurynas Vaitkus

L. Vaitkus answered the questions that were created with the help of AI.

Can you share your motivation behind choosing the interaction between AI and design as the central theme for your master‘s thesis?

V.K. My motivation for choosing AI and design as my thesis theme was personal. As a designer, I was eager to understand where my industry was heading and what skills I needed to remain relevant. The fourth industrial revolution fascinated me, especially how AI has started influencing design. I saw an opportunity in this new era and wanted to explore it further. So I decided to delve into this intersection to answer my questions and hopefully contribute to the discourse on the future of design.

Since your graduation, have you noticed any significant advancements in AI‘s capabilities in design? If so, can you share some examples?

V.K. Absolutely, there‘s been an incredible progression in AI since I graduated. One striking example is the capacity of AI to generate designs from simple text prompts. Today, a person without design expertise can create an entire brand identity with just a few clicks. It‘s truly revolutionising the industry, opening up new possibilities for businesses, especially for younger generations who are starting their own ventures.

Finally, how has your work in the design field evolved since you integrated AI into your practice, and how do you envision your future in the intersection of AI and design?

V.K. The integration of AI into my practice has made me rethink my role as a designer. It‘s less about creating everything from scratch and more about curating and guiding AI to achieve the desired output. It‘s exciting, like venturing into uncharted territory. In the future, I see myself continuing my exploration in the intersection of AI and design, focusing on my speculative design project - the blue floor lamp business. I plan to push the boundaries of AI in design. AI will lead the creative process, while I will produce actual and marketable products. It‘s an adventure I‘m looking forward to.

A blue floor lamp crafted according to the AI-generated design.
37 2023 Special edition (08/09)
A photo from the exhibition of the author
39 2023 Special edition (08/09)


exosphere ionosphere thermosphere troposophere stratosophere mesosphere 400 0 100 200 300 altitude (km) 40

You won’t surprise anyone today by talking about the sad facts about the planet and the consequences of human activity crossing the threshold of the industrial revolution. We just recently celebrated the 150th anniversary of the development of the internal combustion engine. Yet, the scale of ecological disasters caused by applying environmentally toxic technological and energy processes, and the economy’s evolution in markets centered on creating and consuming “goods” is becoming more evident daily.

I hope future generations will understand the absurdity of the endless ideological competition on a finite-sized planet. They will govern and care for our native planet, respecting the natural world and biodiversity, just as the wise ancestors of all nations called Mother Nature, the Source. After all, it is still valid in our time. Throughout history, we have learned and drawn inspiration from nature, used its resources as a source of ideas. As capitalist systems evolved and created wealth, they seemed to have forgotten to establish reverence for the foundation upon which we stand in this beautiful universe, surrounded by “infinite” biological diversity in this small space between the Earth and the sky, known as life.

I speak philosophically, but in this information age, the world no longer appears as vast as it did to Columbus, who expanded the horizons of all. On a finite-sized living planet, there is a limit to the growth of a healthy civilization, a limitation that human eyes cannot see. Still, it is as accurate as the planet’s atmosphere or the air. Few contemplate the boundless and marvellous sky that extends beyond our view of clouds, ending over 100 kilometres above us. The phenomenon of life on the planet exists only within a 100 km range between the Earth beneath our feet and the realm of complete physical opposites. Natural intelligence within nature creates conditions for life to form in open space, and the planet knows and applies these remarkable technologies every moment. However, no matter how much we desire it, the Earth does not increase as the population grows. We used to believe the planet was flat and the centre of everything, but now it seems like a bubble in the vastness of black holes in the universe, whose maps we have just begun to decipher. These are intriguing times, like an era of limitless information, and I cannot argue with that.

The present era naturally prompts reflection. Can new-generation technologies help create sustainability in the constantly changing environment of our planet?

Kleinas interview with ChatGPT
41 2023 Special edition (08/09)

What is sustainability, and how is it created?

ChatGPT: Sustainability is the balance between meeting present needs without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. It is created by considering economic, social, and environmental factors with a long-term perspective.

When is creativity considered sustainable?

ChatGPT: Creativity is considered sustainable when it aligns with the principles of sustainability and has a positive impact on the environment, society, and economy. It involves responsible resource use, environmental consciousness, social inclusivity, and long-term economic viability.

How can I learn sustainable creativity?

ChatGPT: To learn sustainable creativity, you can start by developing an understanding of sustainability principles and practices. Educate yourself on environmental issues, social responsibility, and ethical considerations. Explore interdisciplinary approaches and seek inspiration from nature. Engage in dialogue with like-minded individuals, participate in workshops or courses on sustainable design or innovation, and collaborate with professionals in related fields. Embrace a mindset of continuous learning, experimentation, and adaptation. Practice integrating sustainability into your creative process, considering the life cycle of your creations, and striving for positive social and environmental impacts.

How can AI help create or design sustainably?

ChatGPT: AI can enhance sustainability by optimising processes to minimise waste and resource usage, performing predictive maintenance to extend equipment lifespan, optimising supply chains to reduce costs and waste, and aiding in sustainable design. Generative design, which uses AI to produce design options based on set parameters, can result in more sustainable products.

What is the axis of sustainable creativity?

ChatGPT: As of my knowledge cutoff in September 2021, the term „axis of sustainable creativity“ is not a standard or widely recognised term in sustainability or creative disciplines. It may be a specific concept introduced recently or in a specific context. Generally, sustainability and creativity intersect when innovative ideas are used to solve environmental challenges or create sustainable products, systems, or services.

I asked the AI:

Could this axis be defined by a value that unites all states? A value that would lead to a common goal uniting all systems? What could it be?

ChatGPT: In the context of sustainable creativity, a unifying value could be the commitment to ecological preservation and resilience. This value could direct all states or systems towards a common goal of developing innovative, sustainable solutions that balance environmental, social, and economic needs, thereby creating a more sustainable future for all.

What kind of motto could such a commitment reflect?

ChatGPT: Innovating today for a sustainable and resilient tomorrow.

How about “Respect for Nature and Love for Life”?

ChatGPT: “Respect for Nature and Love for Life” perfectly encapsulates a commitment to sustainability. It highlights the importance of valuing our natural world and cherishing life in all its forms.

The ocean of the universe

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43 2023 Special edition (08/09)

My experience with AI leaves me feeling optimistic. Can this technology help to create sustainably? Yes, as a new, fast, and versatile tool. However, we must remember that it is the hand-holding that matters. Creativity comes from within, driven by the inexhaustible mechanism of our consciousness. I understand that AI is still imperfect, like society itself, so we interact, move forward, learn, advise each other, expand our databases, and move in a new, decentralised direction, like Dr. Ben Goertzel or others in the field think. After all, we do not control nature in any case. We can only learn from it. In addition, I want to share a moment that made me feel the change and understand why these technologies

emerged and who needs them. One day, while walking on the street, I passed by a young boy and his father. The boy asked his father, „Dad, would you like to fly to the moon?“ The father smiled and replied, „I think I would. How about you?“ The boy raised his head towards the clear sky, took a deep breath, and with incredible enthusiasm, said, „I really, really want to...“ The boy‘s passion ignited me, representing the drive of the young.

Let‘s not fear AI but be open to using this technology to help future generations achieve sustainable life and find ways to shape the world wisely, respecting nature and loving life around us on this or other planets.

“Only when the last tree is cut down, the last fish eaten and the last stream poisoned, you will realize that you cannot eat money.”
Cree Indian proverb

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PENOSIL is committed to improving people’s quality of life by providing safe, energy-efficient and environmentally friendly construction solutions.

Using effective sealing solutions with Penosil products in construction is important for a number of reasons. Firstly, effective sealing solutions ensure that Penosil products are used to their full potential, as they prevent leakage and ensure that the product can deliver the performance that it was designed for.

Secondly, effective sealing solutions can help to prevent damage to the building structure by preventing water penetration, which can otherwise lead to dampness, mould, and rot. This is especially important in areas where there is a high level of rainfall, as water damage can cause significant structural problems over time.

Finally, effective sealing solutions can help to improve the energy efficiency of a building by preventing drafts and air leaks. This is particularly important in colder climates, where heating costs can be high, and in hotter climates, where air conditioning costs can be significant.

Overall, the use of effective sealing solutions with Penosil products is an essential part of any construction project, as it helps to ensure that buildings are structurally sound, energy-efficient, and free from water damage and other related problems.

All Penosil sealing solutions you can find in Penosil webpage:

Photo generated by Midjourney


A transportation revolution is underway in the heart of Europe. The Rail Baltica project promises not just a new railway network but a glimpse into the future of infrastructure. Spearheading this modern renaissance in Lithuania is the FEGDA Group, a pioneer in fusing cutting-edge technology with old-school engineering.

The SA team’s concept idea with full AI execution.



Building Information Modeling (BIM) has fundamentally transformed the methods of designing, managing, and executing infrastructure projects. FEGDA Group, a leader in infrastructure project development, boldly spearheaded this shift in the “Rail Baltica project.” From the outset, BIM’s value extended beyond just modeling, visualization, and coordination. In this project, the utilization of BIM data in both equipment and technology became a pivotal component, achieving unparalleled precision and efficiency.

In the vast expanses where the tracks of Rail Baltica will eventually lie, excavation becomes a monumental task. Traditionally, this task was not only labor-intensive but also prone to errors due to the complexities of interpreting 2D plans in a 3D world. With BIM, the game has entirely changed. The high-resolution, data-rich 3D models created through BIM serve as more than just visual guides; they become the direct input for advanced excavation machinery. Modern excavators, equipped with GPS and other sensors, can interface directly with these BIM models. As a result, the machinery can autonomously follow the digital terrains, contours, and depths mapped in the BIM model, ensuring that the excavation process is executed with millimetric accuracy.

For instance, imagine an intricate underground section of Rail Baltica that requires careful excavation to avoid existing utilities and maintain specific gradients for drainage. In the past, this would have required meticulous manual measurements and constant cross-referencing with paper plans, with room for human error. With BIM-guided machinery, the excavator can automatically adjust its digging depth and direction in real-time based on the model’s data, ensuring a precise and efficient excavation process that mirrors the digital plan.

This synergy of BIM and automated machinery offers numerous benefits. It significantly reduces human errors, which can be costly both in terms of time and resources. The automation speeds up the excavation process, ensuring projects stay on schedule. Furthermore, since the machinery is strictly adhering to the optimized BIM designs, there’s a reduction in wasted materials and resources, promoting sustainability. FEGDA’s visionary approach in integrating BIM with excavation machinery is setting new standards in the construction industry. It’s a testament to how digital innovation can seamlessly merge with physical processes, making projects like Rail Baltica a beacon for future infrastructure developments worldwide.


‘Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) are no longer just for gamers’, says FEGDA Group CEO Gediminas Gribulis. FEGDA is planning to transform stakeholder meetings. Local communities and decision-makers use VR headsets to ‘walk’ through the proposed railway stations or ‘experience’ the journey from Vilnius to Tallinn. This immersive technology offers a tangible sense of the project, bridging the gap between blueprints and reality. 47 2023 Special edition (08/09)
Photos generated by Midjourney



FUTURE: what must be changed in our AEC study programs?



The Architecture, Engineering, and Construction (AEC) industry is at the peak of a transformative era, driven by rapid technological advancements, global challenges, and the need for sustainable solutions. To prepare students for the demands of the future, AEC study programs must evolve and adapt. The key changes required in AEC study programs are present in the conversations among students’ even today. Thoughts and speculations, together with AI, help create a vision of how these changes have revolutionized the educational journey, shaping the architects, engineers, and construction professionals of tomorrow. So, what can our young professionals expect to study in more than 15 years?


and Simonas Barsteiga asked

AI to present the POV insights of future students


Architects of the future will not only shape physical spaces but also focus on creating sustainable, smart, and adaptable structures. As never before, architecture studies emphasize the importance of functionality rather than solely focusing on aesthetic beauty (although it is not excluded). It speaks more about adapting to changes and current needs, addresses sustainability and forward-thinking design principles, not only primary function properties. Therefore, the classic “form follows function” takes on a new approach, where innovation, interdisciplinary collaboration, and captivating aesthetics empower future architects.

AI POV: Meet Emily, an architecture student from 2040, who finds herself immersed in a dynamic and eco-conscious learning environment, where she collaborates with engineering and construction students in real-time. Emily’s professors are leading experts in biomimicry and AI-driven design, inspiring her to incorporate nature-inspired solutions into her projects.

Traditional studio spaces are a thing of the past, now we delve into cutting-edge virtual design labs, more advanced technologies, and fewer oversized drawing boards. In response to the increasing demand for sustainable and resilient designs, the curriculum now places greater emphasis on green building materials, net-zero energy concepts, and interactive architecture.

We cover a wide range of subjects, starting with traditional foundational courses in architectural history, design principles, and construction technology. The focus has shifted to sustainability and green architecture, with lectures on innovative materials and ecofriendly design. Digital design and visualization classes equip us with skills in BIM, virtual and augmented reality, which allow us to bring our visions to life and explore designs like never before. Oh, and let’s not forget about aesthetics! Beauty is no longer an afterthought; it’s a guiding principle in our designs. We’ve learned to balance functionality and form, allowing our creations to captivate people while serving their needs.

We study alongside engineering and construction students, simulating real-world projects and finding creative solutions together. Collaborative interactions extend to the broader community as well. This interdisciplinary approach teaches us how to communicate effectively with professionals from different fields and see the bigger picture of our designs. It allows us to incorporate the holistic context of our designs, involving us as creators and the community as contributors.

Our study program’s goal is simple, yet profound: to produce architects who are not only proficient in designing beautiful spaces but also passionate about sustainability and people’s well-being. We’re driven by the desire to leave a positive impact on our communities and the planet.

49 2023 Special edition (08/09)


From designing smart infrastructure to implementing AI-driven systems, the role of engineers is expanding in scope and complexity. AEC study programs must nurture analytical thinking, technological expertise, and cross-disciplinary problem-solving to empower future engineers.

AI POV: An engineering student, John, is fully immersed in a dynamic and techno-centric learning environment, where he collaborates with architecture and construction students, while experimenting with AI, IoT, and cloud-based platforms. John’s professors are leading experts in sustainable and smart technologies.

Our classrooms have shifted into virtual spaces, focusing on digital integration. The curriculum ensures our skills remain relevant in a changing landscape. Beyond traditional 3D modeling and CAD, we explore intricate software packages for integrated design/engineering solutions. Foundational courses cover engineering principles, physics, and mathematics, while a significant portion delves into digital automation and IoT concepts. This includes leveraging robotics and complex algorithms for enhanced efficiency in the engineering and construction industry. Coding project-specific contract documents streamlining across organizations reduces manual intervention. Emerging tech enables seamless value chain integration, real-time stakeholder engagement, and dynamic inputs into E&C platforms. Asset management courses spotlight the evolving business model, emphasizing shifts toward humane, exploratory roles. Analyzing case histories, we grasp the shift towards long-term relationships. We’re prepared to extend our expertise beyond project completion, encompassing operations and maintenance.

Collaboration is key, involving architecture and construction students in interdisciplinary simulations. This hones our communication with professionals from diverse fields and amplifies our understanding of comprehensive designs. Our program’s aim is to forge engineers adept not only in advanced technologies but also mindful of their societal, environmental, and industrial implications. With a commitment to community and planet, we craft innovative, sustainable solutions.



Construction practices of the future will be driven by sustainable materials, digitalization, and efficient project management. Now, virtual construction simulations and 3D printing have revolutionized project planning and execution.

AI POV: Maria is a construction student from 2040, aspiring to immerse herself in green construction, resource management, and the intricacies of LEED certification to ensure eco-friendly projects.

Construction is not just about putting things together, it’s about doing it responsibly. In our program, we learn about green construction, resource management, and LEED certification. We get to use Building Information Modeling (BIM) and Internet of Things (IoT) technologies to optimize our construction processes. Hands-on experience is a central part of our education: no longer are we just sitting in classrooms, we get hands-on training and on-site experience. It’s incredible to see our theoretical knowledge in action.

Working together is a big part of our program. We collaborate with architecture and engineering students on real construction projects. It’s so cool to see how our roles complement each other, and it helps us understand the whole construction process better. A new study program aims to produce construction professionals who care about building responsibly. We want to create structures that are not only safe and functional, but also sustainable and environmentally friendly.


By reimagining architecture, engineering, and construction study programs, institutions can prepare students to be proactive, innovative, and responsible professionals who shape a sustainable and resilient future. The changes in the curriculum and study programs have been driven by the need to address global challenges, embrace technological advancements, and prioritize sustainability for the betterment of society and the environment. Moreover, these changes have fostered a stronger sense of collaboration among students in all three fields. The boundaries between architecture, engineering, and construction have become more tangible, promoting interdisciplinary problem-solving within the practical courses. We now understand that collaboration among these industries is not something that starts only in mid-career; it is an evident and essential aspect right from the beginning of our educational journey.

51 2023 Special edition (08/09)

STUDENTS OF THE FUTURE: what can YOU start doing today?

Hey there, fellow students! Ready to level up your studies with some seriously cool AI tricks? Let‘s explore the tech wonders that are about to make your architectural, engineering, and construction journey a whole lot more fascinating.

Unleash the design: Using AI-powered design tools will help to draft quicker. Think of them as your magical helpers, conjuring up jaw-dropping design variations based on your ideas.

AI and BIM: This dynamic duo will help you find the perfect building products faster than you can say “blueprints.” It’s like having a super-smart assistant who speaks fluent construction!

VR and AR adventures: VR and AR tools are your ticket to exploring your designs in a whole new dimension. Walk through your creations as if you’re in them –trust me, it’s a trip you don’t want to miss.

Energy efficiency: AI-powered software can identify areas where improvements can be made to reduce energy consumption and environmental impact. It’s like having a personal assistant who optimises your designs to perfection. More saved energy - more time for the weekend!

Sustainability mode: AI eco-warriors like Ecotect guide you toward sustainable choices. These tools

analyse various factors such as energy usage, materials, and environmental impact to guide you toward creating designs that are more sustainable and ecofriendly.

Keep your team in sync: Say goodbye to chaos, thanks to AI teamwork tools like BIM 360. They ensure your AEC squad is always on the same page, making teamwork a breeze. And we all know the “thrill” of group projects.

AI and Research: Research just got a whole lot cooler with AI-powered tools. They help you access vast databases of information in record time, leaving you more room for those late-night study sessions.

Code your way: Learning languages like Python and JavaScript means you can create your AI magic, tailor-made for your specific works. Coding proficiency enhances students’ employability. Many AEC firms value professionals who can not only design and engineer but also develop custom solutions and tools.

Julija Novikova and Paulina Puolytė asked ChatGPT to present tips for AEC students in using AI

What colours should I choose for my bedroom interior to get the best quality of rest?

Artificial intelligence offers a number of possible solutions. For the lounge area, there are natural shades, which people associate with a safe environment. This can range from light blues to warm, dark browns, depending on the amount of sunlight entering the room.

However, the focus is on the colour gamut, and the real solution is not only the shade of the paint but also the degree of opacity. Glossy paints will irritate the eyes, so the bedroom space should be painted in an exclusively matt finish. It is also important to pay attention to the amount of volatile organic compounds emitted, as we spend 6-8 hours a day in this room, so a healthy microclimate should be a top priority.

Caparol’s solution for artificial intelligence bedroom interior designs – Premium Clean eco-friendly matt paint (VOC <1g/l).

Photo generated by Midjourney


AI tools also play a significant role in career development. The transition from academics to the professional world is a crucial phase, filled with opportunities to carve out a unique identity in a competitive field. Beyond the traditional applications of AI in design, simulation, and construction, there lies a powerful suite of tools tailored to enhance personal branding. By utilising these tools, recent AEC graduates can align their career development with industry demands and opportunities.

Resume Building: Utilising AI-driven resume builders can help create professional and visually appealing CVs tailored to specific jobs. These tools often suggest optimising language and content to match industry expectations.

Personalised Motivational Letters: AI writing tools can assist in drafting personalised motivational letters. By inputting the main details about the job and your qualifications, AI can help structure and refine your letter, ensuring it aligns with the employer’s needs.

Designing Professional Websites: AI-powered website builders can guide AEC graduates in creating professional portfolio sites. These tools can help with selecting designs, layouts, and content that showcase skills and projects effectively.

Job Search: AI-powered job search platforms can match graduates with suitable opportunities in the

AEC industry by analysing their skills, preferences, and career goals and then automatically applying to matched positions.

Interview Preparation: AI-driven interview preparation tools can simulate interviews, providing instant feedback on responses, voice modulation, and body language. It can be invaluable in preparing for job interviews.

Tailoring Learning and Skill Development: AI learning platforms can analyse career goals and suggest relevant courses or certifications to fill any skill gaps or to specialise in a particular area.


The integration of Artificial Intelligence into various sectors is fundamentally altering the way we live and work. Its inclusion in AEC education extends beyond supporting coursework, curricula are adapting to incorporate AI-focused subjects, enabling students to comprehend the ethical, societal, and technological implications of AI. While students often wonder if it can replace creativity in their work, AI-generated concepts serve more as an enhancement rather than a replacement.

On the other hand, the use of AI raises questions of academic integrity and originality of the work, including bachelor’s and master’s theses. AI algorithms can analyse large datasets, identify patterns, and present insights that might otherwise remain hidden, students can enhance the depth and quality of their research. However, academic institutions stress the importance of maintaining academic integrity and ensuring that AI-generated content is appropriately cited and used. Therefore, it’s essential to establish personal reflections and work transparency, along with implementing new regulations for the use of AI in all students’ work.

Best of luck on your journey!


Photo generated by Midjourney


What do the specialists who prepare future students think about them?

Šarūnas Skuodis, vice-dean of VILNIUS TECH at the Faculty of Civil Engineering.

AI: What is Your perspective on how the increasing integration of AI will shape the educational journey of students at VILNIUS TECH and the future careers of professionals in the fields of construction, engineering, and architecture? How do You envision this transformation unfolding?

ŠS: At this moment, there is a huge breakthrough in the field of artificial intelligence, and huge efforts are being made to improve AI. Currently, the vision is that the careers of professionals in the construction industry are going to be related to large projects, in which crucial decisions will be made by the best-quality construction engineers. We are currently preparing such

professionals. It is important to mention that across Europe, the construction and engineering sectors generate 42% of GDP, generating the greatest economic benefits. As well, artificial intelligence technologies are most developed in this sphere. Therefore, now and in the future, it will become the largest employer, providing the best conditions for work and self-realisation.

AI: The AEC industry is constantly evolving. How does VILNIUS TECH ensure that its curriculum and training methods remain adaptable to changes in technology to produce graduates who are forward-thinking and innovative?


ŠS: VILNIUS TECH teaches students the most popular numerical programmes and tools recognised in Europe and around the world. It is very important to train young specialists to be able to quickly adapt to new technologies, but at the same time to provide them with a knowledge base that will allow them to be receptive to innovations.

AI: As AI continues to advance, what steps is VILNIUS TECH taking to stay at the forefront of AI education, ensuring that students are well-prepared for the changing job market?

ŠS: The most important thing is the student’s knowledge. Without the right level of knowledge, using AI is error-prone and takes more time to find the right solutions. Also, tasks formulated by AI can be wrong if specific knowledge is not available. As for Lithuanian work

experience, our previously trained graduates are currently compiling one of the largest BIM models in the Baltic States for the “Rail Baltica” project, which uses artificial intelligence. Thus, the university predicted the need for specialists in advance and began to prepare them for the future market.

AI: Could you provide insights into how VILNIUS TECH balances the use of AI for automation and productivity with the need for students to retain their critical thinking and creative problem-solving skills?

ŠS: It is now very easy to recognise AI’s work that does not involve any student’s effort. Critical thinking and, later, creativity itself, in students appear along with the increasing amount of knowledge. Therefore, we encourage both traditional learning and development tasks as well as new AI-based ones.

57 2023 Special edition (08/09)


for Optimized Safety, Precision, and Efficiency

Žygimantas Pagalys structures

the text with the help of AI-generated information


We already know that Augmented reality (AR) is an interactive experience in which the user’s environment is enhanced with digital content. This technology allows businesses to track progress more accurately without having to rely solely on manual inspections or measurements taken in person. With these benefits in mind, utilizing augmented reality in underground construction has become increasingly popular over recent years due to its capacity for optimized safety performance and precision execution.

Utilizing AR in Underground Construction


AR technology is providing a range of applications. One is the use of augmented reality maps to provide real-time navigation and hazard awareness during site exploration. With this technology, workers can access a three-dimensional map that displays their current position as well as any hazards or obstacles that may be present. This allows them to navigate more efficiently while avoiding potential dangers before they arise. Additionally, it can be used to streamline the process of data collection and analysis so that workers are able to make decisions quickly based on accurate information. Furthermore, by using AR goggles or helmets equipped with cameras and sensors, workers can detect problems before they become too severe which helps reduce costly delays throughout construction projects.


Augmented reality has proven to be beneficial in underground construction projects due to its accuracy and efficiency compared to traditional methods. It improves safety performance through AI software and 3D mapping, enhances visualization, optimizes project execution, reduces costs, and offers better progress tracking without physical presence. This technology also offers enhanced training programs through simulations and better progress tracking without the need for physical presence.


Experts predict that the market share of augmented reality systems for underground construction projects will dramatically increase in the next decade as more companies recognize its value. This technology may also have a far-reaching impact on other areas such as urban development, which could benefit engineering and architecture firms who rely heavily on accurate information.


AR technology, particularly virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR), can be a valuable tool for integrating 3D visualization in underground utility construction projects. AR allows users to overlay digital content onto their environment, providing real-time information about objects around them. This technology enables workers to quickly identify potential hazards or safety issues without manually inspecting each area. Additionally, AR reduces human error by providing accurate measurements and data visualizations, leading to greater efficiency compared to traditional methods.

Incorporating remote sensing technologies into 3D visualizations can significantly improve safety aspects and increase accuracy during operations. Remote sensing technologies, such as infrared cameras, can detect objects beneath ground level, allowing personnel to take preventive measures before excavations or digging activities. Overall, AR technology can enhance the overall safety and efficiency of underground utility construction projects.

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AR technology offers significant benefits in underground construction, including real-time safety protocols for workers, detecting potential hazards and obstacles, and providing alerts when dangerous conditions are present. This technology helps workers stay aware and take necessary precautions, avoiding unnecessary risks from manual inspections. AR-enabled devices, such as helmets or goggles with cameras and sensors, enable quicker identification of safety issues compared to traditional methods. Additionally, AR systems improve efficiency by enabling faster data collection and analysis, reducing time spent on inspections and optimizing plans before execution. This approach reduces the risk of costly mistakes and ensures a successful underground construction project.


The potential implications of augmented reality in underground construction are far-reaching. One of the most exciting possibilities is the emergence of autonomous equipment powered by AR, which could drastically increase efficiency and execution speeds as well as reduce errors associated with traditional methods. Autonomous machines equipped with AR technology can be programmed to accurately navigate complex environments while avoiding obstacles or hazards along the way. This would eliminate the need for manual inspections or measurements taken in person, thus streamlining operations significantly and providing more accurate data during projects without requiring additional personnel onsite.

In addition, utilizing an AI-driven platform such as AR also has implications for project management as it allows teams to quickly adjust plans if needed or identify potential problems before they become too severe thanks to its hazard detection capabilities. This not only leads to improved safety performance but also reduces costly delays due to inaccurate information being provided through conventional means such as manual inspections. By having access to real-time data from a three-dimensional model that overlays their environment, workers are able to make decisions quicker than ever before leading towards enhanced productivity throughout the entire process from start to finish while saving both time and money in the long run compared against traditional approaches typically used within this industry vertical today.

Design: Architecture + Industrial Design

VR 60
Design Use: IOT + operations and Maintenance AR Make: Construction + Manufacturing VR 61 2023 Special edition (08/09)

Finally, using augmented reality systems during underground utility constructions provides businesses with predictive analytics capabilities which helps them better understand how certain conditions may affect their operations going forward based upon current trends present throughout site exploration activities conducted via AR goggles or helmets equipped with cameras & sensors installed therein. Such insights provide invaluable information regarding any areas where improvements should be made prior to beginning work which essentially acts like an insurance policy against unexpected costs arising later down the line once actual excavation begins itself ultimately leading towards greater success when compared to conventional strategies employed within the same industry verticals at the present day.


Augmented reality technology has the potential to revolutionize how underground utility construction projects are conducted.

- Businesses can drastically reduce costs associated with manual inspections while also improving safety performance.

- Real-time data access enhances decision-making, leading to increased productivity throughout the entire process compared to traditional methods.

- Predictive analytics capabilities help teams understand and mitigate risks, providing valuable insurance against unexpected costs during excavation and leading to greater success compared to conventional strategies.

With all these benefits combined, there is no doubt that AR will continue to play an increasingly important role in underground construction projects today and years to come both here and abroad for the foreseeable future ahead!

Visualization of a solution presented by “XYZ”
Hydroisolation solutions Problem solved
Photo generated by Midjourney

AEC COMMUNICATION in the 21st century. What’s new?


Žygimantas Pagalys

Passing by an empty construction site, it is quite hard to understand what kind of steps the construction team needs to complete to build a new shopping mall, concert hall, or apartment building if you are a non-engineer. Because it’s so complicated to understand, without a piece of knowledge and a bunch of googling on your smartphone, people decide that they’re better off not knowing. However, society should stop thinking that everyone who wants to understand even a piece of information about construction should have an engineering degree. Why? Thanks to 21st-century innovations, like augmented reality (AR), virtual reality (VR), and of course artificial intelligence (AI), it can make communication more simple for everyone interested.

Construction companies typically use traditional methods of advertising their upcoming projects or partnerships by using big billboards, technically hard-to-understand articles, print advertisements, or fancy photo wallpapers on the construction site walls, etc. However, these traditional methods are becoming increasingly outdated due to changing consumer trends. Of course, in some cases, people could stop and look, but they might not be impressed or curious about how that project is going after some time has passed. Incorporating more advanced technology can not only help create engaging campaigns but also provide insights into customer behaviours which can be used to inform future strategies. Additionally, these technologies make it possible to reach a wider audience than ever before by allowing people to interact with construction companies through immersive experiences. So how do you attract and educate any person who shows slight interest in construction through the use of AR, VR, and AI?


Augmented reality (AR) is an emerging technology that overlays digital information on top of real-world objects or environments viewed through mobile devices such as smartphones or tablets. AR technology is already revolutionising the construction industry from the inside. Now, people can get real-time visualisation of construction projects from start to finish, allowing everyone to experience a project as if it had already been built by giving a better understanding of the process and end-coming results. Furthermore, AR can also help reduce costs associated with producing traditional media such as print advertisements since images created using this technology do not require additional production expenses like printing fees, etc.

together with communication specialist Mintarė
Palevičiūtė asked
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ChatGPT questions on the topic and formed a structure of the text.

Virtual reality (VR) is a technology that immerses users in simulated 3D environments. It allows us to interact and explore these digital worlds without the need for physical travel, just using virtual reality glasses. VR can be used in construction advertising to create immersive experiences that draw attention from potential customers. For example, companies could use virtual tours of their construction projects to give potential clients an idea of what they can expect when working with them or simply to “feel the aura” of upcoming apartments, etc.


Good communication should be clear, concise, and easy to understand. When information is too complicated and too dense, people tend not to read everything and important material can be lost. This is where AI could help anyone understand everything, as if they were five years old. AI algorithms can quickly analyse large amounts of data, so it’s possible to ask the same question a hundred times and get a rephrased answer every time, until the person gets the answer they can fully understand.

Besides that, in Lithuanian construction companies, there is a shortage of experienced advertising specialists, therefore the companies are forced to learn not from others, but from their own mistakes. With AI help, marketers asking the right questions could try to predict future trends, which will help to use augmented or virtual reality even more efficiently.

Utilising AI, augmented and virtual reality technologies in the construction sector can provide aid not only within construction companies but also beyond them. These innovations can be used to educate people through immersive experiences and to help build sustainable ways for communicating.

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AI: THE SILENT ASSISTANT Behind Modern Architecture & Design

Professional architects have to focus on their core tasks like design and problem-solving. However, they also have additional responsibilities such as: content creation for their brand or managing their business accounting. Here’s where AI comes in handy. It can take over these secondary tasks, allowing architects to concentrate on their core responsibilities. In this way, AI becomes an invaluable assistant, streamlining secondary assignments without compromising the quality of the architect’s primary work.

In the modern age, the roles of architects have extended significantly beyond the traditional realms of constructing blueprints or devising aesthetic layouts. As the boundaries of our digital world continue to expand, these professionals find themselves immersed in an environment where creation is just one facet of their profession. Today, they are not only visionaries crafting physical and aesthetic spaces but also content creators, adept at broadcasting their innovative designs and visions to a global audience. The proliferation of online platforms and the digitisation of the design industry allow users to view, critique, and celebrate their work globally. This transition has opened doors to unprecedented opportunities, challenging them to think

The bulk of the content, structure, and detailed explanations were generated by AI, while the framework and prompts were provided for guidance by Paulina Puolytė

globally, adapt to various cultural sensibilities, and actively engage in digital conversations about design. Their roles have evolved from mere practitioners to influencers and thought leaders.

Navigating this complex digital environment raises pertinent questions for modern architects and interior designers. As they strive to maintain the integrity of their creative vision, the challenge lies in balancing their artistry with the administrative and social demands. It’s here that AI emerges as a potential ally. Could it be the fulcrum that helps tilt the balance, allowing these professionals to manage their ever-growing list of responsibilities without compromising their core creative processes?

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• Repetitive and time-consuming but essential to the completion of a project or the day-to-day running of an architectural practice.

An architectural Assistant or Intern could help you OR:

• Finch 3D - employs a combination of AI, graph technology, and sophisticated algorithms to elevate and fine-tune your design work. It persistently improves upon your initial input, enabling you to attain your desired design in an optimised manner.


• Register as a self-employed individual or establish a business entity if needed.

• Understand local building regulations and licensing requirements.

• Set up a business bank account, and consider hiring an accountant familiar with freelancers.

A Business Lawyer and a Certified Public Accountant could help you OR:

• AI Lawyer - For architects seeking immediate legal guidance, AI Lawyer streamlines the legal process by offering real-time assistance and generating essential documents. Say goodbye to costly legal consultations and complicated jargon, and focus more on your design projects.

• DoNotPay -uses artificial intelligence to tackle various challenges. The tool can help you to ensure your privacy, recovering hidden fees, or cutting through red tape, letting you concentrate on your core architectural work.



• Create a professional website with your portfolio, a blog (for architectural insights and thoughts), and contact details.

• Establish profiles on LinkedIn, Instagram, Pinterest, and any other platforms relevant to architecture and design.

• Share your projects, architectural musings, and industry-related news regularly.

• Consider collaborating with influencers or bloggers in the home and design space for more exposure.

• Consider paid advertising on platforms like Google or Facebook to reach a larger audience.

• Curate a digital portfolio showcasing your best works from school or past internships.

Include detailed descriptions, sketches, 3D visualisations, and other relevant media.

A Social Media Manager, Content Writer and SEO Specialist could help you OR:

• - an AI-driven platform that amplifies your marketing efforts. Whether you need to craft engaging blog articles, social media posts or enhance your website’s copy, this tool makes content creation seamless, letting you focus on your architectural designs.

• Looka - Ideal for architects aiming to build a strong brand identity, Looka offers AI-powered design solutions. From crafting unique logos to generating invoice designs and social media ads, this platform equips with the tools to present your brand consistently and professionally.

• - For architects interested in sharing their expertise, provides all the tools to create and launch online courses or digital degree programs. This way, you can focus on the course content, leaving the technical details to us.

• TextCortex - A must-have for architects who value effective communication, TextCortex is a tailored AI tool that adapts to your unique communication style and needs. The platform enables you to articulate your ideas efficiently so you can devote more time to your core design projects.

• Contra - This all-in-one platform connects you with opportunities that align perfectly with your skill set while also streamlining the administrative side of freelancing, such as contract creation and payment handling. Whether you look to continue with existing clients or explore new collaborations, Contra makes managing your freelance design career effortless.

It becomes increasingly apparent that this technology has the potential to be a gamechanger, much like the computer-aided design software that revolutionised the industry decades ago. The confluence of human creativity and artificial intelligence transforms architecture and interior design. Professionals are no longer confining themselves to the drafting table or studio as they grapple with an increasingly digital world. They are global players, educators, influencers, and digital marketers, tasked with resonating in a world flooded with information and competition.

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AI was asked to impersonate the famous architect and conduct an interview with Julija Novikova

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In an exclusive conversation that transcends time, we delve into the creative mind of the renowned architect Antoni Gaudi. Through the lens of a modern-day architectural journalist, we explore the driving forces behind Gaudi’s iconic career, the enigmatic allure of his unfinished Sagrada Familia, and his profound insights into the ever-evolving world of architecture.

JN: Greetings, Mr. Gaudi, it’s an honor to interview you today. Could you share with us some insights into your career and what drove you to create such unique architecture?

Gaudi: Thank you for your kind words. It’s a pleasure to be here and discuss my passion for architecture. My journey in architecture began with a fascination for the natural world. I believed that nature was the ultimate source of inspiration, and my goal was to bring its organic forms, patterns, and geometries into the built environment. My architecture sought to harmonize human creations with the beauty and intricacy of nature, fostering a sense of spiritual connection.

My inspiration came from a variety of sources, including Gothic and Oriental art, as well as my studies of mathematics and geometry. The desire to create something truly original, something that hadn’t been seen before, fueled my imagination and led me to develop a unique style that’s often associated with “Modernisme” or “Art Nouveau.”


JN: The Sagrada Familia, undoubtedly your most famous work, remains unfinished to this day. Could you tell us about your vision and your thoughts on its ongoing construction?

Gaudi: The Sagrada Familia is indeed a project that holds a special place in my heart. When I started working on it, my intention was to design a basilica that would be a spiritual and architectural masterpiece, reflecting the grandeur of the natural world while evoking feelings of awe and reverence. I drew inspiration from the symbolism of the Holy Family and used innovative architectural techniques to create a space that would resonate with spirituality and bring people closer to their faith.

As for its ongoing construction, I always believed that a work of this magnitude would take time. I never rushed my projects because I wanted to ensure that every detail was meticulously crafted. The Basilica is a collaborative effort that transcends generations, and while I may not be here to see its completion, I have full confidence in the architects and artisans who continue to bring my vision to life.

JN: What was the original plan for the project, how long was the construction supposed to take?

Gaudi: The original plan for the Sagrada Familia aimed to embody the spirit of the Holy Family through intricate design and symbolism. As for the construction timeline, I did not set a strict duration. My focus was on crafting every detail meticulously, prioritizing artistic and spiritual fulfillment over speed. The commitment to preserving the original vision and craftsmanship also contributed to the extended timeline.

JN: Turning our attention to modern times, what are your thoughts on the current tendencies and trends in architecture? How do you see architecture evolving in today’s world?

Gaudi: Architecture today is a fascinating blend of tradition and innovation. While modern architects draw inspiration from a wide range of sources, including past architectural movements, they’re also embracing cutting-edge technologies and sustainable practices. There’s a renewed emphasis on creating structures

that are not only aesthetically pleasing but also functional and environmentally responsible. This aligns well with my own philosophy of integrating nature into architecture.

Additionally, I’m pleased to see a growing interest in cultural diversity and the incorporation of local elements in design. Architecture has the power to reflect the unique identities of different regions, and this trend helps create a more inclusive and vibrant built environment.

JN: Technology has significantly advanced since your time. How do you envision the role of technology, including artificial intelligence, in shaping the future of architecture? Can you share your perspective on the potential benefits and challenges it may bring?

Gaudi: Technology has always been a tool for architects to explore new possibilities. However, as I embrace these advancements, I would urge a delicate balance. Architecture’s soul lies in the intertwining of human creativity and nature’s wonders. While technology offers incredible possibilities, it must not sever the emotional and artistic ties that make architecture a profound experience.

My counsel to modern architects would be to wield these tools with reverence for the timeless principles that infuse architecture with life. Let technology amplify your vision, but let the human touch and nature’s harmony remain at the forefront, for therein lies the enduring spirit of architectural artistry.

JN: Thank you, Mr. Gaudi, for sharing your insights with us today. Your work continues to inspire and shape the world of architecture in remarkable ways.

Gaudi: The pleasure is mine. I’m humbled to have had the opportunity to discuss my passion for architecture and its evolution. As architects, we have the responsibility to create spaces that resonate with the human spirit, connect us to nature, and stand as lasting symbols of our creativity and vision. I’m confident that the future of architecture will be marked by ingenuity, innovation, and a deep respect for the timeless principles that define great design.

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UTOPIAN URBANISM: How Technology Will Change Our Cities

AI-Powered Exploration of Future Urban Paradigms

with Julija Novikova

Within the realm of utopian cities, the interplay of imagination and advanced technologies unlocks the potential to reshape our urban landscapes. The visionary ideas of the past promised us the “perfect” city of tomorrow, yet we still yearn to change and improve. What if we could embark on a transformative journey that draws inspiration from the past while embracing the endless possibilities of the future?



Throughout history, utopian city ideas have profoundly impacted the way we approach city design today. From the idealized city of Eridu in ancient Mesopotamia to the visionary concepts of architects like Le Corbusier and Ebenezer Howard, the seeds of utopia have shaped our urban landscapes. The concept of the Radiant City, Garden City and other examples introduced many novelties that influenced modern urban planning, emphasizing the importance of green spaces, walkability, and mixed-use developments. They have also taught us valuable lessons about the social, cultural, and economic factors that contribute to vibrant and sustainable cities.

However, not all utopian city ideas have succeeded in their entirety. Many have faced challenges and criticisms, leading to their partial or complete failure. Unrealistic visions, inadequate consideration of social dynamics, and top-down planning approaches have contributed to their downfall. These failures serve as important reminders of the complex interplay between human behavior, social structures, and physical environments. As AI emerges as a novelty idea into our urban structures, it inspires and challenges us to create cities that embody harmony, innovation, and social progress.


Future utopian cities prioritize physical and virtual connectivity, sustainability, inclusivity, and technological advancements. Seamless integration between physical and digital realms enhances communication, mobility, and information access. A sense of community fosters through shared spaces, co-creation, and collaborative platforms.

Embracing the integration of the built environment and nature, we prioritize eco-friendly architecture, green spaces, and renewable energy. Through artificial intelligence, big data analytics, and the Internet of Things (a wide network of interconnected objects, equipped with sensors and network connectivity to collect and exchange data), we optimize resource management and build responsive infrastructure. Efficient movement and connectivity are achieved through electric and autonomous vehicles, as well as shared transportation systems.

Rising urbanization forecasts a significant increase in the size of the cities, with the global urban population projected to reach 68% by 2050. Utopian cities address socio-economic considerations by ensuring equitable access to opportunities and resources. Inclusive housing models cater to diverse needs, while co-living spaces and flexible work environments enhance social interaction and resource sharing.

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The fusion of technology and urban planning will reshape the very fabric of cities. Smart infrastructure, powered by the Internet of Things (IoT), will optimize resource management, energy efficiency, and urban mobility. Autonomous vehicles, hyperloop systems, and drone delivery networks will revolutionize transportation, reducing congestion and emissions.

Future cities will integrate various smart technologies such as:

• Internet of Things (IoT): sensors embedded throughout the urban environment will collect data on energy usage, air quality, waste management, traffic patterns, and more.

• Smart Grids: Smart grids will transform energy distribution by integrating renewable energy sources, energy storage systems, and real-time data monitoring. This technology will enable efficient energy generation, consumption, and management, reducing waste and lowering carbon emissions.

• Multi-modal transportation: this includes traffic management systems, adaptive traffic signals, and real-time navigation apps that provide optimized routes based on live data.

• Smart Buildings: integrated technologies will monitor and regulate energy usage, lighting, temperature, and security, optimizing resource consumption and improving occupants’ comfort and safety.

• Waste Management Systems: real-time monitoring of waste levels in bins, optimizing waste collection routes, and reducing operational costs. Sensor-based sorting systems and recycling initiatives will promote efficient waste disposal.

• Advanced Analytics and Artificial Intelligence: AI algorithms will analyze vast amounts of data to optimize resource allocation, predict patterns, and enhance urban planning, transportation, and public safety.

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Artificial intelligence will analyze vast amounts of data, allowing urban planners to anticipate and respond to changing needs. Dynamic zoning, adaptive energy grids, and real-time urban simulations will optimize resource allocation, enabling cities to adapt and thrive in the face of rapid transformation. Advanced sensor networks will monitor air quality, noise levels, and environmental conditions, ensuring the well-being of residents and creating healthier urban environments.


Drawing upon AI’s vast knowledge and creative capacity, we imagine future cities with a fusion of nature and technology. With the rapid urbanization and land preservation, vertical expansion and multi-level transportation alongside rooftop farms and green infrastructure seems like a plausible trend. Some areas may retain the charm of historic architecture, while others will showcase avant-garde designs. AI algorithms will aid architects and urban planners in optimizing space utilization, energy efficiency, and traffic flow, creating a harmonious blend of functionality and beauty.

The concept of utopia traditionally implies an idealistic and seemingly unattainable vision. However, in the context of future cities, utopian ideals refer to aspirational goals and forward-thinking principles that strive for exceptional urban experiences. By harnessing the power of AI, we can explore these possibilities, envisioning cities that transcend our current limitations. The journey toward these utopian ideals will require collaboration and a deep understanding of our evolving needs.



ChatGPT: Proponents argue that technological advancements and AI have the potential to enhance urban planning by optimizing resource allocation, improving transportation systems, enabling sustainable practices, and fostering more efficient infrastructure management. They suggest that technologies such as smart grids, IoT, data analytics, and automation can lead to increased efficiency, improved quality of life, and better environmental outcomes.

On the other hand, critics raise concerns about potential downsides, including issues related to privacy, equity, and the displacement of certain job sectors. They caution that overreliance on technology may lead to unintended consequences and exacerbate existing social and economic disparities.

It’s also worth noting that the development of utopian cities requires the collaboration and support of various stakeholders, including governments, urban planners, architects, investors, and local communities. It is essential to approach these projects with a realistic understanding of the challenges and complexities involved, as well as an openness to adapt and refine the ideas as circumstances dictate.

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With urbanization on the rise and increasing emphasis on sustainable urban planning, architects are instrumental in designing smart cities and resilient infrastructure. The integration of smart technologies will have a profound impact on future urban planners, transforming their roles and the way they approach city design. Here are some key ways in which smart technologies will influence the practices of urban planners and architects:

1. Data-Informed Decision Making: Smart technologies will provide vast amounts of real-time data, such as energy consumption, transportation patterns and resource utilization. This data will enable more informed decision-making, allowing urban planners to analyze and understand the dynamics of the urban environment better.

2. Responsive and Adaptive Design: Architects will incorporate sensors and data-driven insights into building designs, allowing structures to adapt to changing environmental conditions. Urban planners can use real-time data to monitor and adjust urban systems, such as traffic management or waste management, to optimize their performance.

3. Integrating Connectivity and Digital Infrastructure: It will be an essential aspect of urban designs. Professionals will incorporate provisions for high-speed internet connectivity, wireless networks and IoT-enabled devices to support smart city initiatives. This will foster seamless communication and enhance urban services.

4. Human-Centered Design: Planners and architects will consider the needs and preferences of residents, leveraging data and user feedback to create inclusive and livable spaces. They will integrate technology in ways that enhance the overall human experience, promote social interaction, and improve the well-being of urban dwellers.

5. Collaboration and Interdisciplinary Work: Future urban planners and architects will need to work closely with engineers, data scientists and other experts to harness the potential of smart technologies effectively.

6. Ethical and Privacy Considerations: The integration of smart technologies raises important ethical and privacy concerns. Future urban planners and architects will need to address these considerations in their designs. They will need to ensure data security, privacy protection, and equity in access to smart technologies, taking into account the diverse needs and interests of urban populations.

Smart technologies will empower urban planners and architects with data-driven insights, foster adaptive and responsive designs, prioritize human-centric approaches, and encourage interdisciplinary collaboration. By embracing these technologies, professionals in these fields can shape more sustainable, interconnected and environmentally conscious urban spaces that cater to the evolving needs of their inhabitants.

Off planet city AccordingASCA “Future World Vision” Construction drones Graphene 2020 2030 2040 2050 2060 GMO food disaster 3D printing 15% of new construction is 3D printed Quantum computing Ubiquitous graphene construction Megastorms General AI Sea levels rise by 30 cm 143 million people displaced by climate change 25 million to 1 billion environmental immigrants Most cargo is shipped via hyperloop and AV 3D printed graphene used in construction Autonomous vehicles Nanotech Ubiquitous connected infrastructure Mars manned mission Mega city Rural city Floating city Frozen city 83 2023 Special edition (08/09)


Žygimantas Pagalys structured an informative discussion with AI regarding BIM, XR (VR, AR, MR)


AR and BIM


The use of Virtual Reality (VR) in the Building Information Modeling (BIM) process has completely changed the way Architecture, Engineering, and Construction (AEC) professionals collaborate, communicate, and visualize their designs. By using VR to create 3D models that mimic real-world environments, AEC pros can identify design flaws quickly and improve project outcomes more efficiently.

VR has made it possible for AEC professionals to view and experience their designs in a more natural way. By being in a virtual environment, they can get different views of the building design, spot potential problems, and explore different possibilities before starting construction. This not only reduces cost and time but also enhances the quality of the project. One of the key advantages of using VR and BIM together is the ability to collaborate more effectively. VR technology allows multiple stakeholders to view and interact with a design in real time, regardless of their location. This means that architects, engineers, and contractors can work together more efficiently, reducing the risk of errors and miscommunication.

Another benefit of using VR and BIM in the AEC industry is the ability to create accurate and detailed models. BIM models contain a wealth of information about a building’s design, construction, and maintenance. By using VR to visualize these models, designers and architects can gain a better understanding of how the building will look and function in real life.


Combining AR and BIM has the potential to revolutionize the AEC industry by providing an immersive and interactive experience for stakeholders. AR can be used to visualize BIM models in real-world settings, allowing users to see how a building will look and function before it is built. This can help architects and engineers identify design flaws and improve the overall efficiency of the building process.

AR can also be used to enhance the maintenance and management of buildings. By overlaying BIM data onto real-world environments, maintenance workers can quickly identify and locate building components, view maintenance history, and access repair manuals. This can help reduce downtime and improve the overall efficiency of building maintenance. By providing a shared digital environment, stakeholders can work together to make design decisions, identify issues, and resolve conflicts in real time. This can help reduce errors and delays in the building process, ultimately saving time and money.

VR and BIM
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VR/AR impact on BIM


Augmented Reality is transforming the AEC industry by merging with Building Information Modelling. AR can enhance visualization, collaboration, error detection and mitigation in the BIM process. Similarly, Virtual Reality is revolutionizing how BIM functions in the AEC industry. It allows for improved visualization, collaboration, and risk mitigation during the BIM process:

Enhanced Visualization

VR technology has enabled AEC professionals to view their designs in a simulated environment. Using VR headsets, architects, engineers, and contractors can gain a full 360-degree view of the project before building begins. This improves accuracy and efficiency of Building Information Modelling (BIM). Augmented Reality (AR) can add an extra layer to the BIM model by superimposing it onto the real world, giving stakeholders an understanding of how the design will interact with its environment. It also allows them to visualize the design in various lighting conditions, helping them choose materials appropriately.

Improved Collaboration

Collaboration is essential for successful BIM, virtual reality technology has made this easier. With VR headsets, team members can stay connected no matter where they are located. This eliminates the need for physical meetings, speeding up communication and allowing changes or feedback to be shared instantly. Augmented Reality further enhances collaboration by allowing stakeholders to view designs in real-time from different locations, enabling them to provide feedback quickly and make informed decisions.

Risk Mitigation

VR technology has enabled AEC professionals to identify potential hazards and safety issues before construction begins, reducing the risk of accidents and errors. AR can assist with this by overlaying the BIM model onto the real world to detect any discrepancies between design and reality, as well as allow stakeholders to visualize designs in real-time so that informed decisions about design changes can be made. Together, VR and AR have improved safety and efficiency in the BIM process.

Virtual and Augmented Reality have revolutionized Building Information Modeling processes in the AEC sector. VR has enabled more effective visualization, improved collaboration, and minimized risks for smoother construction projects. AR can further enhance visualizations, collaboration, as well as reduce mistakes in BIM management.




D I G I T A L A F T E R - L I F E

U s i n g W e b A R , y o u r c l i e n t s c a n s c a n a Q R c o d e o r y o u r c h o s e n p i c t u r e o n y o u r b u s i n e s s c a r d a n d s e e y o u r b r a n d m a s c o t , i m p o r t a n t c o n t a c t i n f o r m a t i o n , o r w h a t e v e r y o u r i m a g i n a t i o n w a n t s ! H o w c o u l d t h i s i m p r o v e y o u r b u s i n e s s ?

W e a s k e d A I

M E M O R A B L E F I R S T I M P R E S S I O N S :

A R b u s i n e s s c a r d s c r e a t e a u n i q u e a n d u n f o r g e t t a b l e e x p e r i e n c e , l e a v i n g a l a s t i i m p r e s s i o n o n r e c i p i e n t s , w h i c h c a n l e a d

b e t t e r b r a n d r e c a l l a n d r e c o g n i t i o n .

R E A L - T I M E U P D A T E S : U n l i k e t r a d i t i o n a l b u s i n e s s c a r d s , A R c a r u p d a t e d i n r e a l - t i m e , e n s u r i n g t h a t y o u r a l w a y s h a v e t h e m o s t c u r r e n t a n d r e l e v a

i n f o r m a t i o n a b o u t y o u r b u s i n e s s

I N F O R M A T I O N - R I C H C O N T E N T :

A R b u s i n e s s c a r d s c a n h o s t a w i d e r a n g e o f m u l t i m e d i a c o n t e n t , i n c l u d i n g 3 D m o d e l s , v i d e o s , p r e s e n t a t i o n s , a n d m o r e , a l l o w i n g y o u t o c o n v e y c o m p l e x i n f o r m a t i o n i n a v i s u a l l y c o m p e l l i n g m a n n e r .

S U S T A I N A B I L I T Y :

B y a d o p t i n g A R b u s i n e s s c a r d s , y o u

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D i g i t a l A f t e r - L i f e

D i g i t a l a f t e r l i f e l t


Navigating the Intersection of AI and Creativity

AI’s analysis of the positive and negative ethical dilemmas of using AI. AI interviewing Associate Professor of the Faculty of Communication, Vilnius University, Marija Stonkienė


In this digital age, the emergence of artificial intelligence has intricately woven itself into the fabric of creative industries. With AI-powered tools revolutionizing the world of design, it is essential to explore the ethical implications of utilizing AI in creative workflow. While some are praising the ease that came with the application of AI tools, others remain fearful of the machines overtaking their workplace, presenting their ideas better and faster, leaving no need for human creativity.

“Humans doing the hard jobs on minimum wage while the robots write poetry and paint is not the future I wanted.’ – Karl Sharro. With that said, it takes us aback – what were we truly expecting? What future were we ought to create? It seems that we still lack the understanding of how to apply AI and other modern technologies in order to achieve our greatest goals. For many, the tools of AI are still unknown or even appalling, for some – just a daily encounter.” – Julija


Enhancing creativity with AI

AI technology opens doors to novel and unexplored ideas, complementing the creative process and pushing its boundaries. AI-powered tools can assist designers and artists in generating innovative concepts, automating mundane tasks, and providing fresh perspectives that spark inspiration. “Many creators already search the web and such platforms as Pinterest for inspiration, doesn’t AI simply make this process much faster?” – J. Novikova. Integrating AI into creative workflows allows designers and artists to focus on ideation and artistic expression while offloading repetitive tasks to machines.

Efficiency and collaborative potential

The synergy between human creativity and AI systems results in a potent collaboration. AI’s proficiency in analyzing vast datasets and its newfound productivity enable creators to delve deeper into their craft and deliver quicker results. By leveraging AI’s data-driven insights, artists can infuse their works with an unprecedented amalgamation of art and technology, producing compelling and impactful content. Tools such as Adobe’s Sensei or NVIDIA’s AIVA aid graphic designers in generating captivating visual elements, while interior designers craft alluring spaces using AI-driven 3D modeling and rendering. Interior designers discover color palettes that resonate through AI-informed insights, while architects wield AI-powered parametric design. Consider the AEC realm, where BIM (Building information modeling) spearheads the efficiency revolution. Architects now wield the prowess of AI to create intricate 3D models that dynamically adapt to specifications, fostering rapid ideation and visualization.

Ethical AI Development

Responsible AI development is at the heart of ethical AI integration in creative work. Developers must prioritize transparency, fairness, and accountability to ensure AI-generated content does not perpetuate biases or harm society. By adhering to ethical principles, we can navigate the path to a brighter future where AI enhances rather than hinders creativity.

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The erosion of human creativity

While the promise of AI in creative design is enticing, a cautious approach is necessary to examine potential ethical concerns. AI’s pervasive presence in creative works raises concerns about the potential erosion of human creativity. Over-reliance on AI-generated content could result in an oversaturated market, leading to homogenization and a decline in original, human-inspired artistry. AI’s ability to remix and repurpose existing content can inadvertently lead to cultural appropriation and copyright infringement. The indiscriminate use of AI tools may undermine the value of original artistic expression and threaten artists’ livelihoods.

Loss of human touch

Widespread AI adoption in creative design has the potential to displace human creatives, particularly those engaged in repetitive tasks. The societal impact of job displacement and its consequences demand careful consideration. “We mustn’t forget that with every technological advancement, a big portion of people found themselves without a job or, in the upcoming centuries, rediscovering their own unique way of “old” craftsmanship.” – J. Novikova. While AI-generated content may dazzle with its precision, the intrinsic human touch that characterizes traditional creativity could be lost. Architects, interior designers, and other specialists grapple with the delicate task of preserving the warmth and authenticity that only human hands can infuse. This absence of a personal connection could lead to the devaluation of artistry and aesthetic appreciation.

Dr. Marija Stonkienė, Faculty of Communication at Vilnius University. The image was created by the generative artificial intelligence program „Midjourney“ and „InsightFace“ for face-swapping.

Social dispute and responsible use

The AI’s learning process depends on historical data, which may contain biases. Consequently, AI-generated content might perpetuate stereotypes and societal prejudices, further exacerbating existing inequalities. “Is it still too early to talk about human replacements as General Artificial Intelligence with its cognitive abilities is only a concept? Or maybe it is a wake-up call before it’s too late?” – J. Novikova. To address these ethical concerns, establishing comprehensive ethical guidelines and industry-wide standards is paramount. Striving for a responsible approach to AI adoption will ensure that creativity continues to thrive while safeguarding the integrity of the creative process.


The fast pace of AI integration urges vigilance in the adoption of new advanced technologies. By embracing AI responsibly, we can unlock new realms of imagination and innovation while ensuring that the human touch and artistic expression remain at the heart of our creative endeavors. The negative implications loom large, demanding a harmonious balance between AI innovation and human creativity. It is through collaborative efforts and ethical consciousness that we can leverage AI’s potential for the greater good of creativity and society – one that cherishes the irreplaceable essence of human artistry while harnessing AI’s prowess for a future where creativity remains a testament to the human spirit.

What does the associate professor of the Faculty of Communication at Vilnius University, Dr. Marija Stonkienė, SAY ABOUT THE LEGALITY?

AI: How should businesses approach intellectual property rights when utilising AI in their creative processes?

M.S. The ever-expanding ‘creative’ powers of AI currently have no clear place in the legal system of intellectual property. It should be emphasised that AI’s ‘creativity’ is based on other works, raising questions about the lawful use of original authors’ works. It is even argued that humans have lost control over creativity, and it is proposed to introduce separate intellectual property protection rights related to AI.

Copyright protects human original expression, so what is created without him cannot be intellectual property. However, if works are created with the aid of technology, provided that human input meets the legal

standard of creativity (related to originality), then intellectual property rights arise. When AI ‘creates,’ there are many restrictions on freedom of creativity, there is no human input, and in today’s legal system, such ‘works’ are not objects of intellectual property. Although the technology itself is rapidly developing, new and improved creative possibilities constantly arise. The business perspective should primarily depend on the market itself. Another aspect is human participation in the process, ensuring free creative activity. It is important not to forget that the use of AI (task formulation, etc.) is in the initial stage, and this can give a competitive advantage to the business. Therefore, it is an important protection of business interests with trade secrets (another institution of intellectual property).

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AI: Has the European Union formulated a specific artificial intelligence strategy? What initiatives are being carried out by the EU to establish a data-sharing regime?

MS: In regulating AI, the aim is for AI systems used in the EU to be safe, transparent, traceable, non-discriminatory, and environmentally harmless. In the most significant EU acts, attention is paid to a coherent legal framework for AI and its accessibility, and emphasis is placed on respect for human rights and freedoms. Three elements are required for AI trustworthiness: it should comply with all applicable laws, meet ethical principles and values, and be sustainable both technically and socially. At the beginning of this summer, the European Parliament’s negotiating position on the proposed regulation to establish rules for artificial intelligence was adopted. If this act is approved, it will be the world’s first rule regulating AI.

The Artificial Intelligence Act proposes that generative AI systems (e.g., ChatGPT) must meet transparency requirements by informing users that the content was created by AI, ensuring protection against the generation of illegal content, and providing public access to the data used for training these systems. Exceptions are planned for AI systems distributed under open

content licenses. One of the significant areas for AI development is ensuring data accessibility: it is planned to prepare a ‘Data Governance Act’ that will increase trust in data brokers and strengthen data-sharing mechanisms in the EU. All this allows us to see that the EU strategy for the development of artificial intelligence is an integral part of another — EU’s digital transformation strategy.

AI: What current laws regulate the creation and distribution of ‘deepfake’ content, especially in the EU? How does this technology affect individual privacy rights?

M.S. Deepfakes or deep forgery, allow the falsification of images, sounds, and various other data. This forms what is known as synthetic media, publicly publishing content that is entirely or partially created using AI. It is predicted that in the future, more than 90% of all internet content will be entirely or partially faked (Schick, 2020). With the emergence of this technology, automated forgery detection systems have started to be developed, but it is already acknowledged that they are no longer capable of detecting all deepfakes.

Manipulation by changing faces, voices, and other image and sound data raises many questions in various


areas of the law. The use of this technology is associated with both violations of personal privacy and threats to reputation. Studies show (e.g., Rousay, 2023; Mania, 2022) that at present, deepfake technology is most commonly used to create unauthorised pornography. It is clear that the use of this technology can pose a threat to both private and public interests.

At the EU level, there is no direct legal regulation of deep fakes. Such regulation is planned in the Artificial Intelligence Act, where a definition of deep forgery is presented and a requirement is established that the creator disclose information about the manipulation. However, if this technology is used to exercise freedom of expression, which includes the freedom of art and science, and if the rights and freedoms of third parties are ensured, the individual does not incur such obligations. It should be noted that the expressed criticism of the Artificial Intelligence Act also reveals the shortcomings of the planned regulation of deep fakes.

AI: Could you describe how you envision the best future scenario for AI governance, where legal systems effectively encourage innovation, ethics, and the protection of rights? Conversely, what would be the

worst-case scenario where regulation might stifle innovation or inadequately address ethical and societal issues? How can policymakers navigate between these extremes to find a balanced approach?

M.S. Following the general principle that technologies are not and should not be prohibited and their use is evaluated not preemptively but based on their usage outcomes, I believe that such regulation does not restrict technological progress and innovation. Of course, we encounter violations of our individual rights and freedoms, infringements on societal interests, harm caused by the use of technologies, and challenges in identifying and rectifying these violations.

Today, I do not see a better scenario for the future governance of AI than responsible and sensitive legal and ethical regulation of its development and usage, aimed at protecting human rights and freedoms while being aligned with public interests. This is what is being attempted in the spirit of traditional legal regulatory logic. To what extent they will ensure the development of AI technology in line with individual and societal interests is hard to determine today. Policymakers searching for a balanced approach must utilise not only common sense, scientific insights, and forecasts but also stakeholders – that is, everyone involved in creating AI systems, using them, and those whose data and creations are utilised by AI.

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The future of the smart home starts today

Homes should be the kind that you would want to return to and where it is always nice to stay at. Perhaps the best way to adapt them for individual needs or even rhythm of life is building automation, which transforms a home into a smart one. So, we asked AI how it sees the smart home, and its answer was a pleasant surprise: turns out, that today’s technology is already able to respond to what is predicted for the next decade. In other words, we are already living in the future.

According to Raimundas Skurdenis, head of the switches and smart home systems, “Jung Vilnius”, a truly smart home system that joins all electrical home appliances into a whole, is no longer exotic – it’s rather common these days.

“Initially, a smart house was only supposed to optimize energy consumption and provide greater comfort. Now, more is required of it: we want it to function even more autonomously, for it to “learn” while taking into account the habits of the owners, and we are purposefully moving in this direction.” –says the manager of “Jung Vilnius”.

AI predicts, that in the next 10 years, smart homes will integrate technologies, such as augmented, virtual and mixed reality. They will feature more and more health-oriented devices. Also, the range of the Internet of Things will expand rapidly: not only refrigerators or vacuum cleaners, lighting, climate control, but also more devices will become “smart”.

According to R. Skurdenis, taking these tendencies into account, it is important for the initial smart home system to be reliable and secure: „JUNG uses KNX – the smart home control system, that is common in Europe. It is safe, a standard

created by people for people, recognized by more than 500 manufacturers in 44 countries, which allows us to easily adapt to changing realities and technologies.“

The importance of the security issue is also recognized by AI, according to which, as the number of integrated electronic devices in smart homes rises, the need for data protection also increases. So in the near future, smart homes will have more complex encryption, biometric authentification and even threat detection controlled by artificial intelligence.

Photo generated by Midjourney



sees the present
is how artificial intelligence sees the future
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We connect the future with the present

If AI were to prepare food, it would choose the GUSTO collection

Photo generated by Midjourney

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