1 minute read
French Continuers
Task description: Part 1: 20 marks - Candidates will read a text in French write approximately 100-150 words in response to the stimulus text. ● respond to the stimulus text with relevant information and ideas ● write text appropriate to context, purpose and audience ● structure and sequence information and ideas ● demonstrate control of a range of language structures and vocabulary in French Part 2: 10 marks - Candidates will also use this same text to answer questions in ENGLISH to check for understanding and make inferences and summarise the main ideas in the text. Part 3: 5 marks - Students will be allocated 5 minutes one on one speaking with their teacher. Students will answer questions in FRENCH about Technology use as young people and leisure activities.
Type of Task: In-class test/task, including practical tests Method of Submission:
Timing of Task: Week 9 Task date: 6 April 2022 Task weighting: 25%Total. Part 1&2: Reading and Responding 20% Part 3: Speaking 5% Will this task be completed as part of the Assessment Block in Weeks 9 and 10? Yes Time allocated to task: 60 minutes
Task completion details: 55 minutes + 5 minutes reading time Reading and Responding. 5 minute allocations for speaking per student
Task outcomes: The student will: exchange information, opinions and experiences in French uses a range of strategies to maintain communication 1.2 conveys information appropriate to context, purpose and audience 1.3 exchanges and justifies opinions and ideas 1.4 reflects on aspects of past, present and future experience 2.1 applies knowledge of language structures to create original text 2.2 composes informative, descriptive, reflective, persuasive or evaluative texts appropriate to context, purpose and/or audience 2.3 structures and sequences ideas and information
Year 12 Assessment Information | Term 1, 2022 | 15
3. analyse, process and respond to texts that are in French 3.1 conveys the gist of texts and identifies specific information 3.2 summarises the main ideas 3.3 identifies the tone, purpose, context and audience 3.4 draws conclusions from or justifies an opinion 3.5 interprets, analyses and evaluates information 3.6 infers points of view, attitudes or emotions from language and context Instructions for Task Preparation: Review Technology and Leisure activities vocabulary unit associated grammar.
Year 12 Assessment Information | Term 1, 2022 | 16