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Music 1
Task description: Composition skills and Aural understanding of the Concepts of Music. Students complete a composition task including portfolio and a written response Aural task on the use of the Concepts of Music
Type of Task: In-class test/task, including practical tests Method of Submission: Canvas
Timing of Task: Week 8 Task date: 21 March 2022 Task weighting: 20% Will this task be completed as part of the Assessment Block in Weeks 9 and 10? No Time allocated to task: N/A
Task completion details: Students will complete on music software and word document the composition task. Students will complete a written style paper for the Aural component of the task. Task outcomes: H3, H4, H5, H7, H10, H11
Instructions for Task Preparation: Canvas lessons including video instruction ,Teacher modelling, Past student examples, Wide range of listening and practise of Aural responses to excerpts of music.
Year 12 Assessment Information | Term 1, 2022 | 28