Programme Book steirischer herbst 2012

Page 1

98 % English


33,3 % tra rts


p sto

100 % non-

33,3 % repo


24 %

arency 3 nsp

100 % art

ustria %A

olitics %p

% research 3,3



54% Styria

58 % in

50 % c o

43 % b a sic 70 % d r

59 % gra

ar-witness %e

ble sem

33,3 % i tive


scul 10 % ptu

ivism act

51 % sou es

14 % utopia

porary m u tem 2


45 % cho

15 % chance ing aw



% process 3,3


Advisory Arts Commitee Cosmin Costinas, Diedrich Diederichsen, Hannah Hurtzig, Berno Odo Polzer, Sergej Goran Pristaš, Georg Schöllhammer, Gesa Ziemer

29 % gu i nd

28 % co n tar

50 % en

ng 17 istli

Sponsoring Eybesfeldsche Kulturmanagement Agentur – Christine Conrad-Eybesfeld / Sponsoring Assistant Katrin Ecker-Eckhofen / Graphic Design – Lies Verheyen, Atelier Neubacher / Photography wolfgang silveri / Website Support Datenreisebüro allation /3Database mus/icNetwork 4 nst ral Kaya Kipcak




41 %

Director Veronica Kaup-Hasler / Managing Director Artemis Vakianis / Festival programming Florian Malzacher / Programming Kira Kirsch / Curatorial Consultant Visual Arts Anne Faucheret / Artistic Assistant Johanna Rainer, Gerda Strobl / Management Sabine Reisner / Office Management Eva Huber / Cleaning Danica Radat / Head of Financial Department Anja Herman / Financial Department Angelika Raffer / Head of Project Management Dominik Jutz / Project Management Roland Gfrerer, Kirsten Patent, Annika Strassmair / Guest & Production Office Kerstin Geder / Technical Directors Karl Masten, 32 % w Adamski, Petra Pölzl, ers Hermann Schapek / Project associate management Theresa Sundl / osChristian nd / Driverh Philipp Forthuber, Matti mp Kruse, Arno Guest Office Assistant Adina Hasler, Andreas Sundl Muchwitsch / Education Markus Boxler, Hannah Ertl, Regina Novak, Sithara Pathirana / Head of Communications and Marketing Andreas R. Peternell / Communications & Media Relations Heide Oberegger / Communications & Information and Ticket Office Susanne Spörker / Communications Assistants Lina Gärtner, Maria Schneeweiß / Editorial collaboration Maria Motter / Information and Ticket Office Lisa Dreier, Vesna Pajičić, Florian Wimmer / Archive Martin Ladinig

art und



gn / 8010 Graz / Austria / ative Publisher steirischer herbst festival gmbh / Sackstraße ic desi17 2 iti ph p +43 316 823 007 / f +43 316 823 007 77 / /

65 % s o


% 33,3 collec

10 %youth

Supervisory Board Heinz Wietrzyk, Alexia Getzinger, Monika Isola, Peter Nebel, Michael Grossmann, Gerhard Rüsch Shareholders Land Steiermark, Stadt Graz

per % ex imen

33,3 %


47 % e x



73 % c o


nostalg i


81 % m

73 % c o

50 % a r


20 % histo

47 % e l


nostalg i


22 % A u



6 % noise


slim mu

% punk 3,3



a stri

wor 23 % ksh

olitics %p

oise 1 %n 5

Status 28/05/2012, subject to alterations. For further information please visit the regularly updated website at

c usi

13 lectronic %e

Photocredits p. 4-11 raumlaborberlin, p. 4/5 Aseem Trivedi, p. 6/7 Absent, p. 8/9 Dan Perjovschi, p. 10/11 Tzortzis Rallis, p. 12 Marcin Kaliński, p. 14 Rabih Mroué & Lina Saneh “33 tours” 2012, p. 17 Blaine Davis, p. 18 Angela Alegria (Dani d’Emilia), p. 19 Klaus Grünberg/Ruhrtriennale, p. 22 Enrico Amici, el puente_lab, STEALTH.unlimited/Centro de Desarrollo Cultural de Moravia “El Morro” 2011, p. 25 Nihad Nino Pušija “Duldung Deluxe” 2010, p. 26 Siniša Ilić “Aftermaths 2”, p. 28 Hilde Mesics, p. 30 Bart Nagel, p. 32 Stefan A. Haring, p. 35 Greg Holm (Ivana Kis), p. 38 Rolf Schöllkopf, p. 41 Damian Beurer, p. 65 & 66 ic 3 “Tavolo Mediterraneo wolfgang silveri, p. 70 Jisun Kim, p. 72 Michelangelo Difference” ronPistoletto rt Love 8 25 ect nce 2003-2007, p. 73 The Kominas, p. 74 Mikhail Guterman, p. 76 Klaus Grünberg/Ruhrtriennale, p. 77 Zach Gross (Guillermo Gómez-Peña & Roberto Sifuentes)

ition 30 hib

apping %m

urban spa

olitics %p


Editors Florian Malzacher, Andreas R. Peternell, Susanne / Graphic Design – tecture Spörker 3 rt 25 chi Watts Lies Verheyen, Atelier Neubacher / Translator Richard / Corrector Ursula Hogan nce / Printing Druckerei Dorrong / Paper LuxoSamtoffset, 80g

3 % Americ 33,

54 % Styria

Content Preface Truth is concrete 24/7 marathon camp raumlaborberlin: Camp Hairdresser / Garden / Radio / Workshops / Graphic design project / Video library / Library / herbst remixed / Blogs Public Movement: Rebranding European Muslims The Kominas Theatre / Performance / Dance Rabih Mroué / Lina Saneh: 33 rounds and few seconds Teatr.doc: 1 hour 18 minutes Doris Uhlich: Come Back Young Jean Lee’s Theater Company: Untitled Feminist Show La Pocha Nostra: The Insurrected Body Heiner Goebbels / Carmina Slovenica: When the mountain changed its clothing Exhibitions Adaptation Alois Neuhold. Not from here Realness Respect Absolute Democracy Cittadellarte. Divide and change Art is concrete. And so is truth? Intolerance / Normality demo graz ya! Reclaiming Identity Fallen imperials / forgotten spaces – reoccupied! Exhibition openings Guided tours


4 6

7-11 13 13

14 15 16 17 18 19

21 22 22 23 23 24 24 25 25 26 27 27

Music Ton Steine Erben: Live concerts No days of innocence!: Electronic concerts


musikprotokoll Between I you I and I me Cage stehlen mit dieb13 ICAS Antichambre Resonating Sculpture Cantus Ensemble / Ensemble Zeitfluss Instrumentarium I. ICAS Kitchen / ICAS Bar missa brevis Arditti Quartet The Silbadores Klangforum Wien Trapist Synaesthetic Enharmony Lehn/Noetinger/Lercher Enharmony. Micro-Lectures

31 32 32 33 33 34 34 35 36 36 37 37 38 38 39 39

Literature Post Jörg Albrecht / Gerhild Steinbuch: Friendship is herbst. Theorie zur Praxis 2012 Services / Education Services Ticket prices Education Documentary films: Who can still change course? Venues / Map Calendar


40 40 41

64 65 66 67 68 70

Veronica Kaup-Hasler


Everything is different this year. No customary opening, no exhibition tour on the first weekend, instead a one-week “24/7 marathon camp” with a round-the-clock programme, an overwhelming kick-off. The fact that steirischer herbst is changing markedly, is the result of rapid global change. The revolutions in many Arab countries, the Occupy movements, the massive upheavals and financial disasters in Europe, all together question the role of art. During the many discussions in the course of our research at places where society is now on the move, it soon became clear that artists had played a major role everywhere and from the outset. But it also evolved that the question as to the role of art itself is much more difficult: Whether or not there can and should be an art that not only observes, comments and documents, but also gets practically involved.

Artistic strategies in politics and political strategies in art And so this year’s steirischer herbst sets out in search of artistic strategies in politics and political strategies in art. Visiting the marathon camp are not only some 150 artists, activists, theorists, but also politicians from around the world who are actively and practically involved in political and social issues. For a week, the aim is thus to draw up a subjective map of activist strategies in art: from Antanas Mockus, the mayor of Bogota in the nineties, who used artistic means to trigger fundamental change in his city, to the activists from the Laboratory for Insurrectionary Imagination, who have dedicated themselves to creative protest against climate change. From theorists such as Chantal Mouffe, who has created a theoretical substrate for political action, to radical artists such as the Russian Voina group, some of whom live underground and intentionally perform their art in the realm of illegality. In addition, steirischer herbst is inviting, through a grant programme, one hundred young artists, theorists and activists from around the world to take part in this discussion. The venue for almost 170 hours of non-stop lectures, performances, films, discussion and concerts – with sleep and rest facilities – is being designed by raumlaborberlin, who designed the festival centre at the Joanneum four years ago. This year’s herbst exhibition, that focuses on social change through “Adaptation” – as the title goes – is on show in the rooms of Thalia, Next Liberty and Opernring 7. Spread out around the city, our associates from the visual arts scene in Graz will be presenting their own view of the relationship between art and politics in their exhibitions.

Truth is concrete The leitmotif of this year’s herbst is a quote from Brecht quoting Lenin quoting Hegel: it serves to look for the concrete in art, for a definition of truth that, while complex and not final, in every case nevertheless enables concrete action. Our search will also continue after the marathon camp: “Rebranding European Muslims” is the title of Israeli artist group Public Movement’s campaign for a different European culture, that kicks off with a big gala in Graz. Through their work, Moscow’s Teatr.doc shows what the public is deliberately kept from knowing, Lebanese Rabih Mroué and Linah Saneh wonder why there is no Arab Spring in their home country, Young Jean Lee from New York takes a look at feminism in America and legendary Mexican theatre-maker Gómez-Peña exorcises capitalism with his distinctive language. steirischer herbst 2012 rounds off by building a bridge between the former Cultural Capital Graz and the current Cultural Capital Maribor: On a big evening at the end of the festival, the composer and director Heiner Goebbels leads us, with 40 young female singers from the Vocal Theatre Carmina Slovenica, through the ups and downs of growing up. One thing is clear even now: this is going to be another unusual, challenging herbst. I look forward to enjoying it with you.


Truth is concrete 21/09 (2 pm) - 28/09 (4 pm) Camp 00.00 - 24.00 Admission free English language // Programme book published Tue 11/09 Livestream // With Hans Abbing (NL), Milan Adamčiak (SK), Ulf Aminde (D), Zdenka Badovinac (SLO), Anette Baldauf (A), Katherine Ball (USA), Ellen Blumenstein / Haben und Brauchen (D), Center for Political Beauty (D), Chto Delat (RUS), Critical Practice (GB), Annie Dorsen (USA), Marcelo Expósito (AR), Eleonora Fabião (BR), Dirk Fleischmann (ROK/D), Free Slow University Warsaw (PL), Isabelle Fremeaux (F), Ganzeer (ET), Federico Geller (AR), The HairCut Before The Party (GB), Paul Harfleet (GB), Stefan Hertmans (B), Khaled Hourani (PS), Iconoclasistas (AR), Janez Janša (SLO), Khaled Jarrar (PS), Anna Jermolaewa (A/RUS), John Jordan (GB/F), The Laboratory of Insurrectionary Imagination (GB), Joana Mazza / Observatório de Favelas (BR), Jeudi Noir (F), Jisun Kim (ROK), André Lepecki (USA/BR), Oliver Marchart (A), Antanas Mockus (CO), Mao Mollona (GB), Chantal Mouffe (GB/B), Michal Murin (SK), 4

A 24/7 marathon camp on artistic strategies in politics and political strategies in art

“Art is a left-wing hobby.” (Geert Wilders) The world is changing too quickly for us to keep up: the rise of the populist right, massive financial cutbacks that threaten the entire European project, structural destruction of education and culture, democratic uprisings, Islamic and Christian fundamentalism, environmental disasters – where to start, where to end? But what role does art play in this whirlwind of events, that we can hardly even follow, let alone understand? We have learned that there are no longer any easy answers. We do not trust ideologies, but we follow the ideology of capitalism. We know that everything is contingent and relative. We replace criticism with criticality, politics with the post-political, modernism with post-modernism and capitalism with added value. But when the answers get too complicated, the need for easy solutions begins to grow. And we – perhaps left-wing hobbyists after all – seem to have lost touch with a broader base. So what’s to be done? Must art help solve those problems that politics and society have ignored for so long? Should art be a social or political tool, can it be useful? “Truth is concrete” was written in big letters above Bertolt Brecht’s desk when in Danish exile – quoting Lenin quoting Hegel quoting Augustine. We use the possibility of concrete truth as a working hypothesis, to search for direct action, concrete change and knowledge. For an art that interferes in specific political and social contexts and for an activism that seeks to find intelligent, creative means of self-empowerment. “Truth is concrete” is a 24/7 marathon camp: around 150 artists, activists and scientists will lecture, perform, play, produce, debate and collect artistic strategies in politics and political strategies in art. Day and night. As part of a grant programme, we will also be inviting some 100 young students, artists, activists and theorists

47 %


48 % m

t 57 % d o


60 % a r

58 % in

33,3 % tra rts


p sto


24 % 59 % gra

65 % s o

scul 10 % ptu

50 % c o

43 % b a sic 70 % d r



spa c

14 % utopia

ivism act

ar-witness %e

ble sem 33,3 % i tive

e cum

porary m u tem

54% Styria

100 % non-

51 % sou es

15 % chance




% 33,3 collec


45 % cho

33,3 % repo

ing aw


allation 3 nst

% process 3,3

4 5%

10 %youth cture

Artistic assistant 9 % gu (A) 2Rainer Johanna i nd

osers mp 50 % en

ng 17 istli

music ral

Concept and idea Florian Malzacher (A/D)

28 % co n tar

32 % w h

arbyt ory Curated 2 und em Anne Faucheret (A/F), Veronica Kaup-Hasler (A/D), Kira Kirsch (A/D) & Florian Malzacher (A/D)



41 %




tive itia


ic design ph


100 % art

ustria %A

olitics %p

% research 3,3



Giuila Palladini (I), Claus Philipp (A), The Piracy Project (GB), Srđa Popović / CANVAS (SRB), Precarious Workers Brigade (GB), Public Movement (IL), Radio Helsinki (A), raumlaborberlin (D), Gerald Raunig (A), Oliver Ressler (A), Reverend Billy (USA), Richard Reynolds (GB), Irit Rogoff (GB), Florian Schneider (D), Gregory Sholette (USA), Kevin Smith / Platform (GB), Laila Soliman (ET), Jonas Staal (NL), Kuba Szreder (PL), Teatr.doc (RUS), Theater im o arency 3 Bahnhof Theis (I/L), the vide nsp (A), Bert vacuum cleaner (GB), Voina (RUS), WAGE (USA), Joanna Warsza (PL), Wochenklausur (A), Stephen Wright (CAN), Salam Yousry (ET), Stephen Zepke (A/NZ), Michael Zinganel (A) et al.

4 % in f

from all over the globe. “Truth is concrete” is a platform and a toolbox as much as a performative statement; an extreme effort at a time that seems to call for extreme efforts. The camp is a temporary habitat: here the sleep areas, there the herbst exhibition, over there the kitchen and next to it the bookshop. The video library alongside the hairdresser’s. Camp radio, speech karaoke, plenum. Open all the time and for everyone, day and night. Some stay throughout, but everyone is invited to drop by any time: for a particular lecture, for an hour or so, perhaps another hour, for a discussion, a performance, a concert, a film – the doors are always open, as long as there is room.

51 % live 49 % work raumlaborberlin (D)

nd night 46 % day a gether to g 22 % bein ing cl cy re 17 % ecture 15 % archit

50 % Islam 50 % punk

ct action 100 % dire


d 77 % soun t l n a o ti re osi 23 % 90 % comp s n a lk 10 % Ba d For raumlaborberlin, 60 % soun s building in an age in which the Holocene era e av way to the man-made Anthropocene era, when % airwgiven has long30since ce public spa 10 % art inof the waste products of civilisation by far exceed the sediments 55 % those of nature, means building with materials that do not need to 45 % be newly produced. With material intended for recycling, t or with c usithe ng quarte m ri h st rc u % things that have reached end of their useful lifecycle. 0 ch 0 1 59 % ronicthis steirischer herbst also means building But building a21camp % electfor al for artists, activists, 16 % ritutheorists, n for visitors, for the city of Graz, for its verberatio re % 4 inhabitants. Building for content, building for the 24/7 enjoyment ography of being there, giving and taking, discussing, thinking for yourself, 53 % chore mory e % body m learning something new, having a different having 4a2place n ioopinion, at ll a st in t e e ll % ba rmataivwhile, so as to be able to5carry where you can be left53alone % perfofor uth tr d sa % 7 on watching, listening, 2singing along, getting tired, fighting it. Get a nce % abse breath of air, go back in,20take a break, moan about everything, grab Festival centre

21/09 - 14/10 Camp 0 % soundfree ss 8Admission n gla 20 % broke By raumlaborberlin (Benjamin Foerster-Baldenius, Andrea Hofmann & Jan Liesegang) (D)unds b so 56 % cluWith EU 23 %(P), Dan es Samuel Carvalho l hero 16 % loca(D), Dorocic (CAN), Anika Neubauer ss ra b % 5 (A) et al. Christian Tonko

re 40 % lectu n ctio e fl re 35 % d 25 % soun

a bite to eat, go to bed. hibition 72 %a exfestival raumlaborberlin, who transformed the Joanneum into tonomy ce n a rt a istic au orm 16 % camp re marathon uthe centre at the 2008 steirischer gives a lt 52 % perfherbst, cu nce n a ca rm ri ive Ame the Thalia and Opernring 12 % perfo 7, 3 % nat flexible form, linking the2two buildings, rg 18 % cybo andgeliving, 45 % dance thecreating xes a landscape for working a landscape that wants nd e of se theatre le % 7 31 % battl to be used. Not a turnkey facility handed over when the festival 37 re 24 % theat 30 begins, but one that is constantly changing during the course of the s e th o cl 0% n io 2 it ib marathon camp. And which will afterwards proudly sport the scars h 82 % ex m is ic y it h of a bustling week pof living and working. p cr ra % g 18 64 % hoto ing programme lternat a rt % a 1 Commissioned by steirischer herbst 2 % 9 7 e Industriellenvereinigung Steiermark, Porr & batT端ren, cs % deund 21 % politi Project sponsors Gaulhofer15Fenster Holzindustrie Schafler

ture 66 % litera r a b 34 %

ssertion 55 % self-a ntation e m cu o d 30 % ice 15 % pract

-20 %


46 % day an d nig)ht ty (GB The ore 22 Bef t %Par rCu Hai being togeth The er 17 % recycl ing 15 % archit ecture Hairdresser

Mobile Salon

51 % live 49 % work

100 % direct


The hairdresser’s as a social place, the barber as a political 21/09 - 27/09 interlocutor – The HairCut Before The Party collective Klosterwiesgasse 5 80 % soundin 2009 while sharing the collective experience of 3 pm - 7 pm formed 20house % broken % sound salons, the barber’s Free haircut squatting. In their 60 temporary glass 30 % airwaves while the haircut is chair acts as a means of communication: 10 % art in 90 % compo publin free, customers are asked to take part anaceopen discussion sition ic sp 10 % Balka ns about society and politics. Everyone is invited to come along, 56 %to club get a ds cut or to simply join in the conversation. soun 23 % EU 59 % church Artsadmin 16 % Production music local heroe 21 % electr s onic 5 % brass 16 % ritual 100 % string 4 % reverber Katherine Ball (USA) quartet ation

of biological 40Garden % lecture 35 % reflec tion ience disobed 25 % sound

53 % perfor mative inst allation 27 % sad tr uth 53 % choreo 20 % absenc graphy e How can nature strike back as a form of civil disobedience? This 21/09 - 14/10 42 % bo dy memory 45 % Camp: Bloghouse emergentdacommon land of disobedient mushrooms, plants and 5 % ballet nce 31 %will battle incubate insects of the sexes ink cap mushrooms (Coprinus comatus) Admission free 24 % theatr 52 % perfor e man(Paratrechina punching through pavement, crazy Raspberry ants ce 23 % native 0 % clothes Am(Amaranthus) sp. near pubens) infesting electronics and18 pigweed erican cultur e 72 % exhibi % cyborg tion sprouting as a Roundup immune weed. It7 also as a natural 16 % artistic % theaserves tre legend au hatchery, seed library, and spawn dispensary to gather and to discuss 12 % perfor tonomy 79 art mance ethical%and ecological ramifications of biological disobedience. 21 % politic s 64 % photog raphy 21 % altern ating progra mme 15 % debate 82 % exhibi 37 % short tion text 18 % criticis 30 % image s m 25 % marke ting 8 % househ 66 % literat older Radio ure 34 % bar 55 % self-a ssertion 30 % docum entati 15station % practiceRadioonHelsinki is broadcasting 21/09 - 28/09 Graz-based community radio Camp: Bloghouse to the world from the Bloghouse outside the camp: together with other international community radio stations and artists of the Admission free marathon camp, the programme will feature news broadcasts and With discussions, interviews and experimental programmes. Radio Helsinki 92,6 (A)

Studio 24/7

-20 %

50 50 %

77 % 23 %

55 45 %

lam 50 % Is k n 50 % pu n

tio irect ac

100 % d

Learning by doing Workshops

und 77 % so time 21/09 - 28/09 While the marathon machine continues to puff away without pause, al re % 23 ion Camp % coone-day mposit practical workshops will offer the hands-on opportunity 90 ans alklearning and trying out very different strategies of direct action Participation is free. 10 % Bof


24 %


p sto

100 % non-

ustria %A

osers mp

50 % c o

51 % sou es

ivism act

ng 17 istli

33,3 % i tive

45 % cho

ar-witness %e

le emb

allation 3 nst

rt nce

73 % c o


nostalg i





urban spa

50 % a r

10 %youth

% 33,3 collec

tecture 3 chi


20 % histo



-20 %


tion lf-asser 55 % se mentation cu 30 % do tice ac r p % 15


14 % utopia

59 % gra

58 % in

54% Styria

tive itia

41 %

Truth in context

olitics %p


in greater depth. From peaceful resistance to temporary squatting, ound Registration from 15/09: es to sustainable systems of permaculture: ition important protagonists of e c airwav li// compos 22 of concrete b c spa %demonstrate u 5 p 5 in artistic strategies in politics the possibility raz t ls % ar % visua By 5 4 action. Enmedio (ES), The Laboratory of uartet Insurrectionary Imagination (GB), 00 % string q ic s u 1 m urch Noir (F), Srđa Popović / 59 % ch troJeudi c nic(SRB), School for Creative le CANVAS e % 1 2 ual (USA) et al. n 16 % rit rberatioActivism phy e oreogra 4 % rev 53 % ch y memory ic design d ph 42 % bo et n 5 % ball tallatio tive ins a m r fo r 53 % pe truth Graphic design project d 27 % sa nce e s 20 % ab 30/04 - 28/09 Truth is concreteibitin ionmany 2 % exh ic autonomy ways, the contexts define the fields of action. 7An t d so With is the t vis % ar ce ual appearance of “Truth 32 %isw concrete” is ce a platform16for pgra rman(RUS), forman Absent (GR), Litvin Anton ure h nd % perfo American cult 2 % er phic designers and artists 1 2 5 who devote their wo Ganzeer (ET), Iconoclasistas (AR), e rk to iv a t soc ial, a po n litic al % cau se. 3 Censor s car toonists, Egyptian Jisun Kim2(ROK),cLeo rg (BR), sprayers, graphic design oLima texted shortSer ers fro37m%the 8 % yb (RO), gend leSeth bia n student movement, Dan 1Perjovschi re t a e e g new h spaper makers from Bel 0 % ima 7 % t(USA), aru 3 s, photo g phers from Tobocman Aseem etingra k r Brazilian a favelas, concept artists m 5 %ine …holder from Pal2est Trivedi (IND), Tzortzis Rallis (GB), se a series to be continued ion u itber o ib h unt h il Sep x % tem e on postcards, as8 advert Josef Schützenhöfer (A) et al. 82 % isements, on posters, on ism ritic… the Int % cet 8ern 1 y h p a r e g o m t m o a 64 % ph rnating progr music 4 e ral 21 % alt ate b e 15 % d

The Mobile Archive Video library

The Mobile Archive of the Israeli Center for Digital Art in Holon is a nomadic, ever-growing video library that has been on tour since 2001. The films – mostly from the Middle East, the Balkans and Eastern Europe – focus on questions of identity, ethnicity, nationalism and hidden power structures. Every host adds their own selection of videos, before the collection moves on. The Mobile Archive is freely accessible and usable throughout steirischer herbst. The Archive-Cinema will be forging its own links to the leitmotif of the festival with the aid of selected films.

21/09 - 14/10 Camp: Video archive 21/09 (2 pm) - 28/09 (4 pm) 00.00 - 24.00 29/09 - 14/10 Mon - Fri 12 noon - 8 pm Sat & Sun 10.30 am - 8 pm Wed 03/10 & Wed 10/10, 9.30 pm Camp: Living room Archive-Cinema Admission free

The Piracy Project (GB)

Camp Library

47 % 48 % m

33,3 % tra rts

p sto


Admission free

o vide

docu 29 %

24 %

29/09 - 14/10 Mon - Fri 12 noon - 8 pm Sat & Sun 10.30 am - 8 pm

arency 3 nsp

100 % art

ustria %A

herbst remixed

olitics %p

21/09 (2 pm) - 28/09 (4 pm) 00.00 - 24.00



21/09 - 14/10 Camp: Library

% research 3,3



The Piracy Project is an international publishing and exhibition activity, exploring the philosophical, legal and practical implications of book piracy through creative modes of reproduction: A collection of modified, appropriated and copied books from artists all over the world as a starting point for conversations around the concepts of originality, authorship and copyright. Before and during the marathon camp, the library will be expanded by the addition of new volumes as part of the search for artistic strategies as political means.



58 % in

54% Styria

14 % utopia

59 % gra

65 % s o

15 % chance

% ba

%d o

xperimen %e

100 % non-

33,3 % repo

% co


2 tar


ivism act

ng istli

% sou

24 % inf


its %h


41 %


If even normal festivals are generally overwhelming, then “Truth is 21/09 - 14/10 Camp & ORF2 concrete” is all the more so: you’re bound to miss things, you make decisions, perhaps regret them, and then you’ve got the next one to By art Ulrich A. Reiterer / make. “herbst remixed” tive ory (A)28 ic design documents anditiaremixes, 2 picks up, observes 2 und em ph Collaboration and this time streams non-stop during the marathon camp. What Stephan Bergmann, Jona Hoier & has been, what is to come? Who was there, where was I? Julian Stampfer (A) In the camp, on the Net and at selected venues, a video record accompanies steirischer herbst and everything that is going on. 21/09 - 28/09 A collection of images in progress, a mash-up, a collage, every day Livestream new, every day more. // 32 % w 29 % gu ents osers h i cum nd nd mp

33,3 % tra rts


48 % m


57 % d o


15 % chance

porary m u tem

47 % e x

60 % a r


50 % c o

40 % e s ws

70 % d r


scul 10 % ptu

on erti

30 %

tos pho

wor 23 % ksh 10

s say

% intervie 30



se 50 % lf-ass

13 lectronic %e

6 % noise


olitics %p

81 % m


apping %m

olitics %p

Naturally we do our utmost to act as politically and ethically correct as possible. To pay fair fees, not to harm the environment, to work sustainably, to create an awareness of the evils of the world. But then along comes pragmatism. There is a lack of money and time. And sometimes simply patience. This blogic is an attempt to question the everyday business of the m festival. Where possible, to change things for the better, but also to take a fresh look at one’s own values, to be honest. The steirischer herbst team examines the various aspects of its own work: travel, fees, advertising, everyday tasks, … urban spac 0%


ivity ect


% process 3,3

ition 30 hib

c usi

43 %

50 % en

oblog, ll t A transparency written by the steirischer herbst team

22/02 - 14/10 //



28 % co n tar


tre hea

65 % s o

Talks with activists, artists and theorists in places of change

xperimen %e



ing aw



How to make things concrete, fair, sustainable – and transparent 20 % c

With 9 % guHamadi 2(USA), Noah Fischer d i n Kaloutcha (TN), Geert Lovink (N), Jeudi Noir (F), David van Reybrouck (B), Laila Soliman (ET), Jonas Staal (N), the vacuum cleaner (GB), Voina (RUS) et al.

43 % b a sic

y mor

Howe to change the world – or at least fight for it Whether in Tunis, in Tahrir Square in Cairo, in Succotti Park in New York, in Japan in the wake of the nuclear disaster, in Moscow under Putin’s semi-democracy, in Brazil’s favelas, in the social unrest of ts enGreece, Spain and everywhere artists and intellectuals are in the cum vanguard of movements. On research trips for this year’s steirischer herbst, numerous interviews have been held that can be read as a subjective map of change.

22/02 - 14/10 //


24 % inf


its %h

art und




47 %

33,3 % repo

The marathon camp leaves traces on the Net even before it kicks off: three blogs widen the ambit of the festival in different ways, engaging in navel-gazing and looking far beyond.

docu 29 %

o vide Blogs

% research 3,3

100 % art

arency 3 nsp


Marginal Notes

How to talk about what’s important

Reports, reflections, diaries

This year, the herbst’s annual Mar ginal Notes blog focuses on the marathon camp – four artists, auth ors and activists record events in their corner of the world. They form ulate fleeting thoughts – topical today and stale tomorrow. They observe themselves and others, negotiate public and private affai rs. They record and invent, think up stories and reflect on reality. They already began their notes in May, and have been constantly adding new notes and will be condensing them during the festival, when all four will be in Graz for one week each – thus creating a parallel prehistory and literary continuation of steirischer herbst.

21/05 - 14/10 // By Federico Geller (AR), Anna Jermolaewa (A/RUS), Josef Schützenhöfer (A) et al.


58 % i

48 %


65 % s o

57 % d o

14 % utopia

28 % co n tar

43 % b a sic

ents cum

15 % chance

14 % utopia

59 % gr

65 % s

15 % chance

58 % in

xperimen %e


29 % gu i nd

50 % en

ivism act

50 % c o




59 % gra

art und




41 %

ivism act

ng 17 istli

51 % sou es

its %h

tive itia

osers mp Rebranding European Muslims Campaign and benefit gala



ic design ph



41 %

Public Movement (IL) 32 % w h nd


32 % w osers Fri 28/09, 7.30 pm d 29 % gui One hundred years ago, Austria wasndthe first h European country n mp Helmut-List-Halle to recognise Islam as an official religion. Muslims have long since 180’ become a visible part of today’s population – yet they still predominantly represent “the others”, while Europe itself is on the verge Cat. I 100 € / Cat. II 36 € / Cat. III 12 € of forfeiting its utopian ideals once and for all. t i s c i a o l u n l a m 20 % co ing 3 4 2 nst ral ll t “Rebranding European Muslims” is an international PR project byaw incl. concert the Israeli performance and research group Public Movement, Revenue from ticket sales benefits who play artistically with the instrumentssic of a political brandingatio the “Rebranding European l u n l a m 3Muslims” campaign. wing 4 2 nst of campaign and the strategies of massralcommunication. Instead a giving answers, the project, being ambivalent, provokes different German and English language standpoints. Backed up by branding experts and with the aid of Shuttle service strategies deployed in official political campaigns, the project Fri 28/09, 6.45 pm u r t e c te experiments withchiartistic 3 possibilities of changing rt 30 Bus stop 25 public opinion. hibitionCamp: e c mic n The campaign examines feelings of belonging and analyses To Helmut-List-Halle and return after the concert such topics as tradition and citizenship based on, and beyond, antagonisms. Well-known writers, scientists, designers, musicians, u r t e c 3 rt 25 Become a supporter! hibition 30 hite nce actors and film-makers support thec campaign with their own // visions and convictions. The image campaign that begins in Graz, to be relayed to other countries, kicks off with a big benefit gala: a political charity event ronic 38 13 30 % rt s 25 and conflict.usic as much as a theatrical enactment of commitment ect nce say Accompanied by food, speeches, entertainment, politics and a concert; reality becomes a theatre event in which everyone plays ronic 38 13 him or herself. c rt 25 ect usi nce e

70 % d r


50 % c o

47 % e x


40 % e s ws

nostalg i

per % ex imen

3 % Americ 33,


81 % m

73 % c o

81 % m

33,3 %

20 % histo

20 % histo


60 % a r

70 % d r


47 % e x


73 % c o


43 % b a sic

50 % c o

33,3 % i tive

45 % cho

50 % a r

50 % a r

73 % c o


73 % c o


nostalg i





33,3 %


nostalg i

nostalg i

6 % noise

6 % noise




45 % cho

10 %youth

47 % e l

wor 23 % ksh

10 %youth

per % ex imen


% intervie 30

33,3 % i tive

% 33,3 collec

22 % A u

wor 23 % ksh

% 33,3 collec


scul 10 % ptu

Fri 28/09, 11 pm Helmut-List-Halle

3 % Americ 33,




47 % e l


on erti

ar-witness %e

ar-witness %e

ble sem

scul 10 % ptu




urban spac 0%

ble sem

51 % sou es

porary m u tem

porary m u tem


lectronic %e

22 % A u

tre hea


apping %m


54 % Styria

The Kominas live the paradox of an Islamic punk rock band and are a prominent part of the so called “Islamic Punk” movement. Whether in Tahrir Square or in Graz, their Clash-style sound combines punk with Asian beats and provocative titles such as “Sharia Law in the USA” and “Suicide Bomb the Gap”.


% punk 3,3


slim mu


olitics %p

% punk 3,3




lectronic %e

olitics %p

oise 1 %n 5


28 % co n tar

olitics %p

urban spa


slim mu

apping %m

olitics %p


oise 1 %n 5

a stri



urban spa

Concert to benefit gala

% process 3,3



The Kominas



% process 3,3


a stri

50 % en

ng 17 istli


Commissioned by steirischer herbst Collaboration with 7th Berlin Biennale

54 % Styria

40 % lectur e 35 % reflec tion 25 % sound Rabih Mroué / Lina Saneh (RL) 45 % dance 31 % battle of the sexes 24 % theatr e 0 % clothes

53 % perfor mative inst allation 27 % sad tr uth 20 % absenc e

33 rounds and few seconds 52 %

Première in the German-speaking region Fri 28/09, 9.30 pm, Sat 29/09 & Sun 30/09, 7.30 pm Dom im Berg 70’ 18 / 12 € Arabic, English and French language with English subtitles Talk following the second performance Text and direction Rabih Mroué & Lina Saneh Set design, graphic and animation Samar Maakaroun Director of photography Sarmad Louis Technical assistant Sarmad Louis & Thomas Köppel Shuttle service Vienna - Graz - Vienna Sat 29/09 see p. 65


performance 23 % native Am 18 % cyborg erican culture 72 % exhib A young Lebanese man takes his own life and, in a farewell letter, 7 % theatre 16 % artist le ge nd to do with declares that his reasons are personal and have nothing 79 % art But his suicide mobilises a society desperately in search of 12 % perfor politics. 21 % politic sinstitutions (official meaning: unofficial, religious and secular, 64 % phand otogra phy 21 %and left-wing and right-wing) alternindividuals ating progra (young and old) find mmdeath 15 e % 82 % their own reasons. Does thedeba young man’s belong toexthe te hibition % hope public or only to him and his relatives? Was he driven by 18 the criticism of an uprising? semi-documentary work, Rabih Mroué and Lina Saneh 66In % littheir erature astutely reconstruct the final moments 34 % 55 % bar self-asserti of a person’s life, at the same on 30 % do time passionately unmasking the of a country in which cumproblems entation 15 have % practifailed last year’s Arab revolutions to strike a spark. Can an act ce of desperation, be it politically motivated or not, revive the hope for change in such a divided nation? The young man is dead but everything lives on, vibrating and communicating in his bedroom: the television, the answering machine, the computer … Time pauses -20 % and begins anew, history is pieced together – never constructed, of course – from so many fragments of communication. Co-produced by steirischer herbst, Ashkal Alwan - the lebanese association for plastic arts (Beirut), La Bâtie Festival de Genève, Festival d’Avignon, Festival delle Colline Torinesi (Turin), Kampnagel (Hamburg), Kunstenfestivaldesarts (Brussels), Malta Festival (Poznan), Scène nationale de Petit-Quevilly - Mont-SaintAignan (Rouen), Stage-Helsinki Theatre Festival & Théâtre de l’Agora - Scène Nationale d’Evry et de l’Essonne

43 % b a sic

50 % c o

60 % a r


50 % c o

70 % d r 47 % e x


81 % m

40 % e s ws

With Anna Kotova, Alexey Krizhevskiy, Askold Kurov, Olga Lysak, Ruslan Malikov, Alexey Maslodudov, Anastasia Patlay, Diana Rakhimova, Alexandra Rebenok, Igor Stam, Irina Vilkova & Alexey Zhiryakov

6 % noise

nostalg i


20 % hist


nostalg i

per % ex ime


% intervie 30


10 %yout


wor 23 % ksh

73 % c o


33,3 % i tive 73 % c o

% 33,3 collec

scul 10 % ptu


on erti

tos pho


33,3 %

urban spac 0%

ar-witness %e

ble sem


57 % d o

ivism act

14 % utopi

porary m u tem

se 50 % lf-ass




ivity ect


slim mu

% punk 3,3


lectronic %e

olitics %p

oise 1 %n 5

a stri

apping %m

urban spa




ronic ect


olitics %p


% process 3,3

Sergey Magnitskiy died in police custody after a year of torture and Première in the German-speaking region abuse in November 2009. His death took one hour and eighteen t i a o l stal n 3 ing 2 and lying on the20 % coll minutes; he ndied with his hands andaw feet tied t Sat 29/09, 9.30 pm, floor, without receiving any medical help. He was not a hero, his Sun 30/09 & Mon 01/10, 7.30 pm Camp: Black Cube death is not an example, not a metaphor and yet he represents 70’ hundreds of others. It is the story of confrontation with a system that seems impossible to resist. 18 / 12 € The Moscow documentary theatre Teatr.doc – a joint project of Russian language with numerous authors, theatre-makers and volunteers – brings on to German and English subtitles the stage whatrt Russian ition 30try to conceal. Their 25 politics and hsociety c e b i i c Talk following n plays are based on authentic texts, interviews and the livesm of the second performance actual people, between art and concrete social analysis. Direction “1 hour 18 minutes” is a trial that never took place. The theatre Mikhail Ugarov becomes a venue for the process denied to the victim. All those Co-direction responsible for Sergey Magnitskiy’s death – the judges Alexey Georg Genoux & Alexey Zhiryakov Krivoruchko and Helen Stashina, the doctor Alexandra Gauss, the Stage version public prosecutor, the medics, nurses and prison guards – appear Elena Gremina 13 30 %Diaries, letters and material by c rt s 25 on the unadorned stage under theirusireal names, speaking their e y c a n s Sergey Magnitskiy, Natalia own words and trite justifications. The court, which Teatr.doc Magnitskaya & Tatyana Rudenko brings them before, is the public.


tecture 3 chi

tre hea

15 % chanc

Documentary production



1 hour 18 minutes

ents cum 43 %

50 % en

Teatr.doc (RUS)

music ral

xperime %e

29 % gu i nd

osers mp

28 % co n tar

32 % w h ng 17 istli


3 % Americ 33, 15

54 % Styria

e sexes


59 21 % electronic 16 % ritual ion 4 % reverberat


100 % string qu

Doris alUhlich lation (A) rformative inst

53 % pe 27 % sad truth 20 % absence

Come Back

hy 53 % choreograp y or em m dy bo 42 % t 5 % balle

Five former ballet dancers return to the stage years after retiring from their active careers.exWhile their contemporaries were changing Fri 05/10, Sat 06/10 & 72 % hibition rmance my sixties, they were training at nothe toof and the world at the end % pe au tic tis Sun 07/10,52 7.30 pmrfo society ar 16 % erican culture Amthe e tiv na ce % an barre. Did they follow this time of new beginnings happening 23 rm MUMUTH 12 % perfo 18 % cy 70’borg around them? Were they aware of the changes taking place outside? gend 7 % theatre leNow, as pensioners, they are establishing their own revolutionary 18 / 12 € xts ort tethe 37 % shwith movement with radical self-irony. Together young Viennese Talk following % imageworked with former choreographer Doris Uhlich, who has30already g the second performance hibition marketin % ex 25 %spent dancers in 82 her piecem“Spitze”, they have a year engaged in ography cis 64 % photChoreography iti householder cr % % 8 e 18 m m ra og pr g in futurist archaeology. Without nostalgia and without personal at rn te 21 % al Doris Uhlich justification, they search for the marks left inside their bodies by the 15 % debate With ballet hierarchy and its rigorous body techniques. They do not look Marialuise Jaska, back, but forward: What mobilising power is here and now inside Susanne Kirnbauer, these disciplined bodies which have been changed by time? Percy Kofranek, Renate Loucky & ion “Come Back” is not a piece about ballet, although it is always present. rt Violetta Springnagel-Storch se as lfse % 55 Dramaturgy collaboration tation Doris Uhlich’s performative modus operandi grapples with the 30 % documen Constanze Schellow bodies, discarded by ballet standards, and sets out into a landscape 15 % practice Spatial concept of motion that perceives its limits as a political opportunity. Alexander Schellow Première

Co-produced by steirischer 0 % brut (Vienna), Göteborgs Dans & Teater Festival, De Internationale -2herbst, Keuze van de Rotterdamse Schouwburg (Rotterdam), Künstlerhaus Mousonturm (Frankfurt am Main) & Festspielhaus St. Pölten Supported by Cultural Department of Vienna Co-presented by NXTSTP, with the support of the Culture Programme of the European Union


Young Jean Lee’s Theater Company (USA)

Untitled Feminist Show

Six charismatic stars from New York’s theatre, dance, neoPremière in the German-speaking region burlesque underground, a far cry from Broadway, perform this show that is somewhere between militant happening, liberating Thu 11/10, Fri 12/10 & 46 and % daycabaret. and night In her most recent work, the Koreanchoreography Sat 13/10, 7.30 pm 22 % being together Camp: Black Cube American director Young Jean Lee once 51 again % livequestions cultural 17 % recycling 50 % I 100 60’ % direct action 49 % work identities and confronts us acutely and humorously with our own 15 % architecture 50 % p prejudices. 18 / 12 € “Untitled Feminist Show” takes us into a world in which female Talk following bodies are not constrained by certain roles, but are instead the second performance free, to embody any identity, to try them out, to change again. Direction The uninterrupted of the protagonists – far from being Young Jean Lee 80 % sounnudity d 60 % sound shocking or20titillating – comically and irreversibly undermines In collaboration with % broken glas 90 % com s 30 % airwaves position 77 % social constructions of gender and makes hard to project Becca Blackwell, World Famous 10 10 % art initpub % Balk ans lic space 23 % *BOB*, Hilary Clark, Faye Driscoll, overhasty categorisations on the cast members, not all of whom Morgan Gould, Katy Pyle, Regina identify as female. The body does not have to determine one’s Rocke & Amelia Zirin-Brown (aka identity. 56 % club sounds Lady Rizo) 59 % churchof Young Jean23Lee musNew ic York as % EUhas taken the feminist movement Scenic design 21 % elec tronic a starting 16 point, means % locawithout David Evans Morris l heroes trying to define what feminism 5 16 % ritual 100 % string quartet today, indeed, not feminist 5 % bras Lighting design s even fighting for a contemporary 4 4 % reverberation Raquel Davis argument. Instead, the aim is to create a common utopian feminist Sound design experience. An experience beyond gender and sex, inspiring and Chris Giarmo & Jamie McElhinney bolstering. Dramaturgy 40 % lecture 53 % performative installationMike Farry Commissioned by Art nCenter (Minneapolis) 35the % Walker reflectio 53 % choreography 27 % sad trut Co-produced by25 steirischer (Brussels), h the % sounherbst, d Walker Art Center (Minneapolis), Kunstenfestivaldesartes 42 % body memory Shuttle service 20 %Onabse Spalding Gray Award (Performance Space 122 New York, Warhol Museum Pittsburgh, the nce Boards Seattle) & Vienna - Graz - Vienna5 % ballet Young Jean Lee‘s Theater Company 45 % dance 31 % battle of the sexes 24 % theatre 0 % clothes

79 % art 21 % politics

66 % literature 34 % bar

Sat 13/10 see p. 65

52 % performance 23 % native American culture 18 % cyborg 7 % theatre legend

64 % photography 21 % alternating programme 15 % debate

55 % self-assertion 30 % documentation 15 % practice

72 % exhibition 16 % artistic autonomy 12 % performance

82 % exhibition 18 % criticism

37 % short te 30 % image 25 % marketin 8 % househo

r 53 % pe truth d 27 % sa nce se b a % 20 nce rforma ulture 52 % pe e American c iv t a n % 23 borg 18 % cy tre legend ea h t % 7

hibition 72 % ex tic autonomy tis 16 % ar rmance rfo p 12 % eNostra (USA/MEX) La Pocha

s ort text The Insurrected 37 % sh Body e ag

From the series ”Psycho for a World Gone Wrong“ % im Actions 30Magic eting % mark older 5 2 n useh xhibitiocan we remain open, 8 % hooriginal, Première 82 % eHow porous, funny and critical all m is criticonce without lapsing into post-ironic jadedness or becoming % at 8 1 y h Thu 11/10, Fri 12/10 & otograp amme one more “packaged product” for international festivals? The 4 % ph ating progrSat 13/10, 9.30 pm n r e lt a legendary troupe La Pocha Nostra answers this question with an Dom im Berg 21 % ebate 90’ 15 % d inimitable, mind-blowing, eclectic blend of ritual, performance 18 / 12 € English andioSpanish language t n lf-asser n following 55 % se mentatioTalk cu 30 % do the second performance actice r p 15 % By and with Guillermo Gómez-Peña, Erica Mott & Roberto Sifuentes

and crass entertainment. Robo-baroque, cyborg-kitsch and acid humour combine to create an exuberant hybrid of a living archive and radical pedagogy that addresses far-right isolationism, xenophobia and the violence of organised crime. For what is extreme if everything is extreme? The audience is invited to take part in this bizarre experiment, -20 %through the dreams and nightmares of our current times to live together and to assist the performers of this strange reality show. “The Insurrected Body” tests what may at times be a clumsy, but always real and radical democratic practice, in which no two evenings are the same. Co-produced by steirischer herbst

Exercises for rebel artists Workshop 05/10 - 09/10 Theater im Bahnhof English language With Guillermo Gómez-Peña, Erica Mott & Roberto Sifuentes Deadline for registration Tue 31/07:


For almost twenty years, La Pocha Nostra has been running workshops for performers, actors, dancers, artists and students from different backgrounds. Shamanism, rituals, dances and experimental forms of theatre are practised and analysed in order to de-colonialise one’s own body, to explore intercultural topics, and to establish a temporary community of rebel artists.

Heiner Goebbels (D) / Carmina Slovenica (SLO)

When the mountain changed its clothing


p sto

58 % in

50 % c o

33,3 % i tive

% 33,3 collec

73 % c o


nostalg i


ar-witness %e

10 %youth urban spa

olitics %p


Shuttle service Vienna - Graz - Vienna rt 25 Sat 13/10 nce see p. 65


24 %

59 % gra

ivism act

51 % sou es

ble sem

54% Styria

45 % cho

14 % utopia

Concept, direction and music Heiner Goebbelsosers mp Stage and lighting Klaus Grünberg Costumes Florence von Gerkan Dramaturgy Matthias Mohr Sound design Willi Bopp Artistic directoraVocal llationTheatre 3 nst Carmina Slovenica Karmina Šilec Music Johannes Brahms, Heiner Goebbels, Sarah Hopkins, Lojze Lebič, Arnold Schönberg & Karmina Šilec

% process 3,3



50 % a r

Talk following the first performance tive 2 itia Shuttle service Fri 12/10 & Sat 13/10, 6.45 pm Camp: Bus stop To Helmut-List-Halle and return after the performance

50 % en


tecture 3 chi


English language with German subtitles


ng 17 istli


26 / 14 €


41 %

m ral

Fri 12/10 & Sat 13/10, 7.30 pm olitics Helmut-List-Halle %p 90’

100 % non-

ustria %A

Produced by Ruhrtriennale Co-produced by steirischer herbst, Festival D’Automne (Paris), Festival Borštnikovo srečanje as part of Maribor 2012 European Capital of Culture, Grand Theatre (Luxembourg), Festival Kunstfestspiele Herrenhausen, Holland Festival (Amsterdam), Maribor Theatre Festival & Kunstenfestivaldesarts (Brussels) With the support of Verein der Freunde und Förderer der Ruhrtriennale e.V. Supported by Graz-Mayors Office & Graz-Cultural Department Project sponsors Legero / & AVL Cultural Foundation usic

Austrian première

100 % art

The old is no more, the new not yet tangible: the forty young singers of the world-touring Slovene choir Carmina Slovenica – all between ten and twenty years old – confront us energetically with stories 22 raz and questions concerning the farewell to childhood. Between sovereignity and dependency, their games only appear harmless. In the texts ranging from Joseph Eichendorff to Marina Abramović, they are constantly testing their own position and adjusting the balance of power amongst themselves and in relation to us, the audience. esignlives The new piece by Heiner Goebbels examines the upheavalhin ic dthe p of the young women in exciting pictures, that are also perspectives of the massive social and political upheaval in the region from which they and the musical culture of their choir hail. Following the changing seasons, Heiner Goebbels weaves the choral music of this renowned choir from Graz’s neighbouring city Maribor, that is this year’s European Capital of Culture, with partisan songs from Tito’s 32 % w a era, classical and pop music and his own compositions, to create h nd grand evening of music theatre.

20 % histo



nostalg i

33,3 %


% punk 3,3

70 % d r 47 % e x


20 % histo

per % ex imen



By and with 13 c Zbyněk Baladrán (CZ), usi Loulou Chérinet (S), Hafiz (ID), Vit Havránek (CZ), Roman Maskalev (KS), Shady El Noshokaty (ET), Lia Perjovschi (RO), Ruti Sela (IL) & Xu Tan (RC)

81 % m

73 % c o

50 % a r

73 % c o



nostalg i

47 % e l

Admission free

6 % noise



29/09 - 13/10 Mon - Fri 12 noon - 8 pm Sat & Sun 10.30 am - 8 pm

wor 23 % ksh

10 %youth ry


33,3 % i tive

% 33,3 collec

scul 10 % ptu

21/09 - 13/10 Camp: Exhibition space ition 30 21/09 (2 pm) - 28/09 hib (4 pm) 00.00 - 24.00

lectronic %e

olitics %p

oise 1 %n 5

bookends, which will also be put to the test. A collection of material put together by everyone will be constantly adapted, with groups arranging and rearranging themselves, anew creating joint and separate output. “Adaptation” creates an open space within the institutional art system, both for the artists and curators taking part and for visitors, who become co-authors. For the freedom of a slim 3 2 stri instrument adaptation is the self-empowering for the unsatisfied mu reader, recipient and spectator, to generate his or her own usable, useful meanings and connections. Like the famous “Merzbau” housing installations, the exhibition will always remain a suggestion, a snapshot, a changing art space and habitat in which utopian rules are adapted for the specific situation, time and place. And in which the art works remain independent, while at the same time forming part of a joint effort.

3 % Americ 33,

54 % Styria

Commissioned by steirischer herbst Enabled by special support from the Culture department of the Province of Styria


apping %m

urban spa

olitics %p


The question as to the relationship between art and politics is not only directed towards the outside. It also addresses the tecture 3 therefore, the Praguert institution itself and its curatorialchipractice: 25 nce based exhibition-makers Zbyněk Baladrán and Vit Havránek see themselves more as inviters in this project: in a communal process, they not only develop the form, but also the main topic of “Adaptation” together with the artists – a laboratory for new paradigms, structures, hierarchies and forms of collaboration rather than an exhibition, a collective process that begins long before the opening and that will continue longoafter it has ended. tr nic 38 rt 25 Alternative models of society andec collaboration are the thematic nce

22 % A u

ing aw


45 % cho

allation 3 nst



herbst exhibition




% process 3,3

music ral

Guided tours Fri 21/09, Fri 05/10 & Fri 12/10 4.30 pm 22/09 – 27/09 12 noon, 2 pm, 4 pm & 6 pm Fri 28/09 12 noon & 2 pm Participation is free. see p. 27 Shuttle service Vienna - Graz - Vienna Sat 29/09 & Sat 13/10 see p. 65


43 % b a sic

50 % c o

70 % d r

33,3 % i tive


51 % sou es

ar-witness %e

ble sem

% 33,3 collec

45 % cho

porary m u tem

10 %youth

50 % a r

47 % e x


81 % m

nostalg i





73 % c o

wor 23 % ksh

20 % histo

47 % e l

scul 10 % ptu

lectronic %e

olitics %p

oise 1 %n 5


nostalg i

per % ex imen

33,3 %

22 % A u


3 % Americ 33,

54 % Styria



With Martin Beck (A), Carola 66 % lite Dertnig (A),rat Christian ure Falsnaes (DK), 34 % bar Claire Fontaine (F), Ilja Karilampi (S), Karen Mirza / Brad Butler (GB), Santiago Sierra (ES), Jason Simon (USA), Franz Erhard Walther (D) et al. Curated by Sandro Droschl (A)

The more clearly we delimit ourselves from the consensus of a 64 % photography democratic society, as delivered to us by the media, the 21 liberal % alternati ng programme 37 % shthat 82 % ort texts stronger forexhib construction of a reality ition 15 % debate seems to be the need 30 image 18 % criticism“Realness Respect” %shows follows its own conventions and rules. 25 % marketing current performative drafts that react to the tangible difference 8 % household between reality as it is subjectively perceived and common reality er as conveyed by the media. But when political art examines the 55 % self-assertion relationship of aesthetics and reality, the question soon arises as 30 % documentati on and status of the art work, based on which artists to the autonomy 15 % practice achieve concrete, critical work on social issues. Even without any clear-cut answers, art creates its own concrete truths here. Graz

Admission free


79 % art 29/09 - 07/12 21 % politics Kunstverein Medienturm Wed - Sun 10.30 am - 6 pm

72 % exhibition 16 % artistic auton omy 3 12 % performance % punk 3,3

Realness Respect

6 % noise


Co-produced by steirischer herbst & Kulturzentrum bei den Minoriten

52 % performance 23 % native Ameri can culture 18 % cyborg 7 % theatre legen d a slim 2 stri mu

apping %m

olitics %p

73 % c o

90 % composition 77 % sound 10 % Balkans 23 The work of Styrian painter Alois Neuhold – who was ordained a % real time priest, only to be suspended soon afterwards, before he began cture 3 – is a blend of political e59 ion 30 studyingchitpainting rt itartistic 25 commitment and % church music hib nce expression21of % aelekind ctronicthat allows the concreteness of truth to surpass % ritual its daily 16 requirement. The provocative potential that Neuhold’s 100 % string quartet 55 % composi 4 % reverb political actions, with eratiotheir n vision of unhinging an entire institution, 45 % visuals unleashed twenty or thirty years ago in the church system, is equally visible in each of his forceful paintings and drawings. The materialisation of the spiritual, a primal theme of art, becomes 53 % performative instal concrete innNeuhold’s monastic existence as a painter, is transferred lation 53 % chore ro ic 2738% sad truth 13 t c ert the 2same sic ograp 5 into thee realm20of the poetic andncat time,42sacralised inhy a % boudy memory % absence subversive, profane manner. 5 % ballet urban spa

45 % dance 31 % battle of the sexes 24 % theatre 0 % clothes



Not from here

ing aw

50 % Islam 50 % punk


Alois Neuhold (A) 60 % sound 30 % airwaves 10 % art in public space

allation 3 nst

% process 3,3



With Alois Neuhold (A) 40 % lecture Curated by 35 % reflPasterk ection& Johannes Theresa 25 % soun d Rauchenberger (A)



29/09 - 18/11 Kulturzentrum 56 % clu b unds bei densoMinoriten 23 % EU Tue - Fri 10 am - 5 pm 16 local heroes Sat &%Sun 10.30 am - 6 pm 5 % brass 4/3€

100 % direct actio


80 % sound 20 % broken glass

28 % co n tar

51 % live 49 % work

music ral

29 % gu i nd

osers mp 50 % en

46 % day and night 22 % being togeth er 17 % recycling 15 % architecture

32 % w h ng 17 istli


Co-produced by steirischer herbst & Kunstverein Medienturm

-20 %

47 %

33,3 % tra rts


48 % m

29/09 - 21/12 < rotor > rtion Mon - Fri 10 am - 6 pm 55 % self-asse tion % documenta Sat & Sun 10.30 am - 630pm e tic ac pr 15 % Admission free With Nicoline van Harskamp (NL), Nikolay Oleinikov / Chto Delat (RUS), Ultra-Red (USA) et al. Curated by Carlos Motta (CO/USA) & Oliver Ressler (A)


tre hea

15 % chance

porary m u tem

58 % in

100 % non-

33,3 % repo

65 % s o


57 % d o

43 %

43 % b a sic


28 % co n tar

50 % en

14 % utopia

50 % c o

raphy 64 % photog e ing programm 21 % alternat 15 % debate

79 % art 21 % politics

its %h





osers mp

18 % cybo 7 % theatre le

the sexes

Absolute Democracy – the concept originally used by the philosopher art ory 28 by the influential 2 Baruch Spinoza, und and 2meanwhile updated em capitalism critics Antonio Negri and Michael Hardt, stands for a e vision: for the vision of a republic founded on a broad collaboration 66 % literatur r of its citizens and on the development of common goods.34It%isbaan idea that propagates the redistribution of wealth and power and the possibility of new, more equitable systems of rule. It denounces the effects of capitalism and thus challenges a normative understanding 29 % gu ents of class, race, gender andi sexuality. cum nd Against this background, “Absolute Democracy” takes a critical look at the concept of democracy, spotlighting the problem of its social, political and economic consequences and offering alternative interpretations of historiography. xperimen %e


p sto

Absolute Democracy

o vide

docu 29 %

100 % art

tive itia

% research 3,3

arency 3 nsp

24 % inf

olitics %p

31 % battle of 24 % theatre 0 % clothes

ble sem

Co-produced by steirischer herbst & < rotor >

60 % a r


70 % d r


50 % c o

40 % e s ws

81 % m


6 % noise


73 % c o

47 % e x


wor 23 % ksh

% intervie 30

33,3 % i tive

% 33,3 collec


scul 10 % ptu

nostalg i

73 % c o

on erti

tos pho


urban spac 0%

se 50 % lf-ass


lectronic %e

nostalg i

33,3 %


apping %m


20 % co ll

ivity ect


Participation is the focal point in all of the artistic works of ition 30 the great exponent of Arte Povera, and he 25 Michelangelo Pistoletto, hib mic has given his ideas a new dimension in the form of the work and research group “Cittadellarte” created by him: an open network that, while dividing work, education, communication, art, food, politics, spirituality and economy, at the same time focuses on production and communal inspiration without rigidly dividing the various spheres. How do artistic interventions in global realities work, and what is the power of the collective? 13 30 % c s 25 “Divide and change” usi brings together very socially active say different artist groups in an organically connected, urban structure, in which artistic participation becomes the starting point for an examination of democratically lived civil society, extending into real urban space.

29/09 - 03/02/2013 Kunsthaus Graz Tue - Fri 10 am - 5 pm Sat & Sun 10 am - 6 pm 8/6/3€ With chimurenga (ZA), el puente_lab (CO), Exyst (F), lovedifference (I), PUF (D), Vitamin Creative Space (CAN) et al. Curated by Katrin Bucher Trantow (CH/A), Paolo Naldini (I) & Juan Esteban Sandoval (CO/I)

Produced by Kunsthaus Graz & Cittadellarte In co-operation with steirischer herbst

% punk 3,3

slim mu

Divide and change

olitics %p

rt nce



Cittadellarte (I)

olitics %p

rt nce

ing aw


% process 3,3

allation 3 nst


3 % Americ 33,


7 % theatre le

raphy 64 % photog e ing programm at rn te al % 21 15 % debate

80 % sound 20 % broken exhibition 82 % glass 18 % criticism

xts 37 % short te e ag im 30 % g 60 % so 25un%dmarketin der ol eh 30 % airw us ho % 8 aves 10 % art in public spac e

Art is concrete. And so is truth? 56 %

90 % compo sition 10 % Balka ns

club sounds 23 % EU “Art is concrete. And so is truth?” the supposedly real 29/09 - 17/02/2013 59 % churconfronts ch music 16 % local h Camera Austria erwith oes its supposedly real world, politics, with the reality of artistic 21 % el ec tronic rtio- n5 pm 5 % brass lf-as - Fri 10seam % se 55Tue 16 of representations – in the words “Art is not the reflection of % riGodard: tu n al tio ta men Sat%& do Suncu10 am - 6 pm 100 % string 30 4 % reverber” reality, it is the reality of this reflection. quartet ation 15 % practice8 / 6 / 3 € In seven successive solo presentations during the course of the photographic images will be related to different fields ure Presentations40 % lectexhibition, 35 % reflof that 0 %transcend as much as constitute the image: research, ectiaction, Sat 29/09 -2 on 53 %public 25 % soun performspace, Anna Jermolaewa (A/RUS) stories, actions, media regimes, the agitation. d ative instpolitical allation 27 % sad tr ut The artists are invited to use part of the exhibition rooms for their 53 % ch h Fri 19/10 oreo 20 % senc e own works, but also for readings,abconcerts, performances and 42 % body subREAL (RO) m 45 % dancelectures. This will create a changing hypothetical space with both 5 % ballet Fri 09/11 31 % battle of the sexes and binding interventions in the regime of allocating concrete Johanna & Helmut Kandl 24(A) 52 % perfor % theatre mance life. meaning between art, politics and everyday 23 0 % % native Am cl Fri 30/11 othes erican cultur 18 e 72 % exhibi Co-produced by steirischer herbst & Camera Austria% cyborg Stefan Panhans (D) tion 7 % theatre 16 % artistic le ge au nd Fri 21/12 12 % perfor tonomy 79 %(A)art mance G.R.A.M. 21 % po 64 % photog Curated by litics raphy 21 % altern Reinhard Braun (A) & ating progra mme 15 % debate Maren Lübbke-Tidow (D) 82 % exhibi 37 % s tion 18 % criticis 30 % im m 25 % m 8 % ho 66 % literat ure Extreme right-wing and populist politics are gaining ground, bringing 29/09 34 %- 24/11 55 % self-a bar ssertion Grazer Kunstverein with them new30forms intolerance. Terms such as do-gooder and % docuof mentation Wed - Sun 10.30 am - 6 pm 15 % pracare political correctness tice used to defame people concerned with the ideal of an open society, while extreme right-wing parties are Admission free

Intolerance / Normality

Curated by Daniel Pies (D)

becoming acceptable everywhere in Europe. But for most people, this does not seem to be a particular cause for concern – that’s just the way it is, it’s normal, it’s becoming a normality. -20 % schafft sich ab” Is the success of Thilo Sarrazin’s book “Deutschland normal? Is everyday Islamophobia in Europe normal? Or the fact that the Norwegian mass murderer Anders Breivik can draw on numerous quotes of renowned politicians, journalists and theorists in his manifesto? So what does it mean when what is considered normal at the same time poses a threat? “Intolerance / Normality” invites artists to carry out case studies on the increasing normalisation of this atmosphere of public intolerance. Co-produced by steirischer herbst & Grazer Kunstverein


10 % art in publ

73 % c o

47 % e x


81 % m

40 % e s ws

% intervie 30

6 % noise





wor 23 % ksh

nostalg i

73 % c o

tos pho

lectronic %e


on erti

demo graz ya!

nostalg i

per % ex i



33,3 %

20 %


% punk 3,3


55 % com 45 % visu

et 100 % string quart 56 % club sounds 23 % EU 16 % local heroes 5 % brass Collective cartographies, new interpretations of social and 29/09 - 14/10 53 % choreography ESC im LABOR architectural spaces, the intersecting use of urban space, in short: ion lat body memory tal ins ve 13 53 % performati 30 % Tue - Fri 2 - 7 pm42 % c rt s 25unofficial interpretations y a usi visualisingnceother, of cities and other s 5 % ballet 27 % sad truth Sat & Sun 10.30 am - 6 pm 40 % lecture communities is nthe approach taken by the % Argentinian artist20 absence reflectio 35 % Admission free activists Iconoclasistas. Above all, they make use of the pictorial 25 % sound languages and graphical strategies used at the various locations. Worklab The workshops in which they elaborate their maps –celike the 20/09 -7223/09 % exhibition an rm y 52 % perfo tonom re artistic auMon Deadline for 10/09: ltu one that precedes the exhibition in Graz – are communication %registration cu n 16 ca 23 % native Ameri 45 % dance ce an rm rfo pe 12 % es laboratories.baStrolling the city, they collect objects and ttle of the sexaround 18 % cyborg 31 %uslim 3 and imaginary memories end experiences, actual feature alongside leg m tre tre ea German and Spanish language ea th th % 7 % 24 real finds0and thes created objects. But the aim of Iconoclasistas’ % clonewly With 37 % short t research, their serious game with the tools of art and sociology, is Iconoclasistas (AR), IEFS (Ursula 30 % image always concrete political understanding and action. & Maki Stolberg) (A), Leo25 % marke exhibition 82 % Kiesling 64 % photography Kühberger (A), OpenStreetMap 8 % house ism tic cri me % art 18 am % gr 79 Co-produced by steirischer herbst & ESC im LABOR 21 % alternating pro Graz (A), Elli Scambor (A) & 21 % politics 15 % debate Sandra Ziagos (A) Co-ordination Reni Hofmüller (A) olitics %p

oise 1 %n 5



se 50 % lf-ass


ition 30 hib 59 % church music 21 % electronic 16 % ritual 4 % reverberation


apping %m

urban spa


rt nce

olitics %p


ecture 3

50 % c o

20 % broken glass

3 % Americ 33,

66 % literature

34 % bar Identity Reclaiming

55 % self-assertion on 30 % documentati 15 % practice

In recent years, Roma-artists have increasingly been dealing with discrimination against and the image of their culture and ethnic identity projected by others. Between art and activism, they focus on the exclusion and violence which Roma have faced for centuries. A difficult and brave path, one significant aspect of which is to explore the manifold cultural identities. The exhibition provides an overview of visual techniques and activist practices in Roma art that are used to unmask the mechanisms of violence and discrimination. Co-produced by steirischer herbst & Akademie Graz

29/09 - 25/10

0 % Graz -2Akademie Mon - Thu 8 am - 4 pm Fri 8 am - 2 pm Sat & Sun 10.30 am - 6 pm Admission free With Damian Le Bas (GB), Damian James Le Bas (GB), Delaine Le Bas (GB), Laďa Gažiová (CZ), Kiba Lumberg (FIN), Tamara Moyzes (CZ/IL), Nihad Nino Pušija (D/BIH), André J. Raatzsch (D/H) & David Tišer (CZ) Curated by Astrid Kury (A)


54 % St

33,3 %

50 % c o

40 % e s ws

81 % m

73 % c o

nostalg i

3 % Americ 33,

50 % a r

47 % e x




6 % noise


73 % c o

nostalg i


% intervie 30




20 % histo 47 % e l

wor 23 % ksh


on erti

Co-produced by steirischer herbst & Pavelhaus / Pavlova hiša In co-operation with Muzej novejše zgodovine Ljubljana & subkulturni azil (Maribor)

tos pho

per % ex imen 54 % Styria


lectronic %e


Shuttle service to the opening Fri 05/10, 5 pm Camp: Bus stop return around 10 pm Registration:

State territory is always historical and contemporary in equal measure; the soil, like the memory, 1is imagined individually or 30 % c rt s 25 usi it by,3 but many of thesayimages, nce conventionally. Time has passed the monuments of the state’s self-production remain: memorials, buildings, images, product designs, advertising graphics, brand names, etc. The time of their public monopolisation at the centre of power has passed them by, and the question now is: what remains? What effect has this art had in the context of its creation? What use is it, what is it capable of today? Instrumentalised art is usually uslim 3but what political art survives after the demise of its easy tomdetect, system? And what about art that instrumentalises politics? What is the significance of art as a means of overcoming the political system, can individual needs create space for themselves and transport personal agendas? % punk 3,3


With Marina Gržinić & Aina Šmid (SLO/D), Siniša Ilić (SRB), IRWIN (SLO), Šejla Kamerić (BIH), Pridigarji (SLO), a Wolfgang Thaler stri (A) &2Vstaja Lezbosov / Lesbian rebellation (Petra Hrovatin/Periklea, Irena Kovačević, Mojca Kozelj, Vesna Vravnik) (SLO) Curated by Elisabeth Arlt & David Kranzelbinder (A)

22 % A u

Fallen imperials / forgotten spaces – reoccupied! olitics %p

oise 1 %n 5

Admission free


se 50 % lf-ass

urban spa

05/10 - 24/11 Pavelhaus o/nPavlova ic 3 hiša 8 pm ctr pm - 6.30 Tue - Sat e1.30 Sun 1.30 pm - 6 pm

ition 30 hib


apping %m

rt nce

olitics %p


tecture 3 chi

Exhibition openings Sat 29/09 Shuttle service 10 am Kulturzentrum bei den Minoriten Vienna - Graz - Vienna Alois Neuhold. Not from here Sat 29/09 11 am Kunstverein Medienturm Realness Respect see p. 65

12 noon < rotor > Absolute Democracy 1 pm Kunsthaus Graz Cittadellarte. Divide and change 2 pm Camera Austria Art is concrete. And so is truth? 3 pm Grazer Kunstverein Intolerance / Normality 4 pm ESC im LABOR demo graz ya! 5 pm Akademie Graz Reclaiming Identity 6 pm Camp: Exhibition space Adaptation Fri 05/10 6.30 pm Pavelhaus / Pavlova hiťa Fallen imperials / forgotten spaces – reoccupied!

Guided tours With Fri 21/09, Fri 05/10 & Fri 12/10, 4.30 pm - 6 pm Education team Meeting point: Camp: Exhibition space Adaptation steirischer herbst

Sat 22/09 - Thu 27/09, 12 noon, 2 pm, 4 pm & 6 pm, Fri 28/09, 12 noon & 2 pm Meeting point: Camp: Exhibition space Adaptation & Truth is concrete. 24/7 marathon camp With Sun 30/09, 2 - 4.30 pm Verein Meeting point: ESC im LABOR demo graz ya! / Camp: Exhibition space Adaptation / KUNST.WERK (A) Grazer Kunstverein Intolerance / Normality

Sun 07/10, 2 - 4.30 pm Meeting point: Kunsthaus Graz Cittadellarte. Divide and change / Kunstverein Medienturm Realness Respect / < rotor > Absolute Democracy

Guided tours in the form of dialogues Sun 14/10, 2 - 4.30 pm allow insights into the festival exhibitions. Meeting point: Kulturzentrum bei den Minoriten Alois Neuhold. Participation is free. No Not from here / Camera Austria Art is concrete. And so is registration required. truth? / Akademie Graz Reclaiming Identity 27



3 % Americ 33,


65 % s o

43 % b a sic 70 % d r

re 47 % e x

op 81 % m

73 % c o

a 33,3 %

50 % a r



73 % c o


nostalg i

20 % histo

47 % e l


per % ex imen



nostalg i


22 % A u

33,3 % rts

p sto

10 %youth


slim mu

% punk 3,3



olitics %p

oise 1 %n 5

a stri

rt nce


45 % cho

33,3 % i tive

% 33,3 collec

urban spa

54 % Styria

Project sponsors spark7 & digitalis

Haight-Ashbury (GB) Sat 13/10, 10.30 pm Camp: Living room 8€

ition hib


olitics %p


Summer of Love, California Dreaming, San Francisco, Beatniks, Hippies: Haight-Ashbury is the home of alternative lifestyle and culture. Although the Glaswegian band Haight-Ashbury is coming to Graz for the first time, girlfriends Jen and Kirsty and their brother Scott pay tribute to the era, the style, the culture of the sixties with psychedelic folk pop – sometimes dark, sometimes lilting – with ronic 38 forceful melodies full of tambourine and sitar sounds. ect

rt nce

c usi

% nois e

ar-witness %e

ble sem



ing aw


ivism act


Die Türen (D) Fri 12/10, 10.30 pm allation 3 room Camp: nst Living


59 % gra

58 % in

29 % nd

50 % c o

14 % utopia

chanc e

8€ osers mp

% process 3,3

The songs of Die Türen walk the line between everyday social life, political observations, digital lifeworlds, anduspop discourse. ic 4 (operator al m Self-deprecating, Dadaist and witty, Maurice rSummen of the Staatsakt label), Ramin Bijan, Michael Mühlhaus (formerly Blumfeld), Chris Immler (Driver & Driver) and Andreas Spechtl (Ja, Panik) rock along in the classical, but always dislocated discourse pop tradition. They are presenting their current album “ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ” for the first time live in Austria at steirischer herbst. tecture 3 chi

art und

Moddi (N) Sat 29/09, 10.30 pm Camp: Living room

50 % en

ng 17 istli

51 % sou es


41 %

He refused a lucrative grant from the Statoil petroleum company for political reasons and Pål Moddi Knutsen, alias Moddi, composes his songs – at least apocryphally – in a little fishing village in Norway on a borrowed accordion, a stolen Russian mandolin and 32 % d firstwh concert in a blue guitar that turned up at some point. nHis Austria will feature some as yet unpublished songs, with his voice – shimmering like the northern lights – effortlessly lighting up the polar night in Graz.


orary m u

24 54% Styria

100 % non-

tive itia

3 % repo

ic design ph


Live concerts

100 % art


Ton Steine Erben

s say

40 % e s ws

81 % m


30 %

tos pho

No days of innocence!

6 % noise

% intervie 30

olitics %p 2%

% punk 3,3


c usi

lectronic %e


Series of electronic music concerts

Curated by Heike Schleper (D)

Electroacoustic music has the reputation of being rooted in purely sonic materiality and trying to evade concrete, social codes at all cost. But as such, it ignores its sociocultural context and throws away its potential of critical participation. But the days of innocence are over: at first glance, Terre Thaemlitz’s and Franz Pomassl’s music is not l’art pour l’art, but very direct and involved.

Terre Thaemlitz (J/USA) Tue 02/10, 9.30 pm Camp: Living room

”No Sound Is Innocent“, Eddie Prévost once titled a book, giving the musician, the material, the performance and the audience a hint of their critical discursive potency. Terre Thaemlitz, the musician, author, intellectual and owner of the comatonse recordings label who lives in Japan, also sees himself as a critical propagator of queer, popular and uncompromising music as a discourse, always insisting on a concept of artistic practice as critical intervention.

3 33, 8€

Franz Pomassl (A) Tue 09/10, 9.30 pm Camp: Living room 8€


Franz Pomassl’s music breathes not discourse, but provocation and revolt. The Viennese pioneer of electronica and co-founder of the Laton label creates arrangements of great force and radical intensity between energetic noise and rhythmic improvisation. Probingly, he dodges technical parameters and simply negates any purported limits of human perception. The performances of this enfant terrible of the electro scene are legendary. And loud.

musikprotokoll An enharmonic change

Sounds rouse us to change the world and to perceive the world in a different way. But the meaning of the world, the meaning of a sound may change without the sound itself changing. The truth of the sound is not absolute – and the twentieth century took advantage of this fact not only by means of a veritably explosive increase in possibilities of sound, but also in the possible meanings of every single sound. The apex of this refinement is constituted by pieces of music that use only a singly produced sound (or, in radical cases, no sound at all), whose meaning, however, constantly changes by means of repetition. So what sounds are still symbols, and thus instructions on how to act today? Instructions for what, in what context and under what social circumstances? A world as sound between iconic commercial sound logos and private ringtones, instrumental avantgarde, abstract electronica, sound design and pop songs. Why and how does the selfsame sound work and function in different contexts as a symbol of different meanings? What effect can music have under these conditions? What produces the pictorial quality of sounds and thus their reference to the world? And how does music take advantage of this relationship?

04/10 - 07/10 Curated by Susanna Niedermayr & Christian Scheib (A) Festival pass 70 / 50 € Day pass 24 / 18 €, 18 / 12 € Live webcast //

Produced by steirischer herbst, ORF Radio Österreich 1 & ORF-Landesstudio Steiermark. In co-operation with ECAS / ICAS – European and International Cities of Advanced Sound, ORF Kunstradio, European Union – Culture Programme 2007–2013, CYNETART, CTM-Festival, MUTEK, Skaņu mežs, Unsound & Insomnia


% architecture

Anke Eckardt (D)

Between | you | and | me

80 % sound 20 % broken glass

Multisensoric installation

Concept and realisation Anke Eckardt (D)

47 %



70 % d r

57 % d o

43 % b a sic

porary m u tem


60 % a r 50 % c o


on erti


15 % chance

14 %

ble sem 33,3

scul 10 % ptu

47 % e x

20 % co ll

se 50 % lf-ass




apping %m

wor 23 % ksh

olitics %p

ition 30 hib

Commissioned by Radio Österreich 1 & musikprotokoll

ivity ect


Day pass



% process 3,3

ing 2 Sat 06/10, aw 7.30 pm Camp: Living room Experimental DJ Set

Story-telling as a means of questioning form ents one minute for each story, and experience: cum with or without musical accompaniment, as suggested by the performing instructions.66 For % literature turntablist dieb13, this accompaniment itself 34 % bar is music in its own right, music for which he exclusively uses records of John Cage. Stories as music. An enharmonic change. 43 %

Thu 04/10, 8.30 pm Camp: Bloghouse Opening



Première 29 % gu d i 05/10 - 07/10 n Camp: Bloghouse 12 noon - 8 pm

28 % co n tar

50 % en


Stealing Cage with dieb132179%%poartlitics Sound installation / DJ set

Admission free

ation 3


xperimen %e

65 % s o




ory em dieb13 (A)

urban spac 0%

33,3 % repo


its %h

art und




45 % dance 31 % battle of the sexes 24 % theatre 0 % clothes

tre hea

33,3 % tra rts

Admission free

docu 29 %

100 % art


% research 3,3

Sun 07/10, 6.30 pm cy 3 arenClosing nsp



Thu 04/10, 7.30 pm Opening

48 % m

05/10 - 07/10 Camp: White Box 12 noon - 8 pm

% club soand This wall does not divide, it joins. Made up of56sound unds light, 23 % EUonly from up it only becomes a wall when actually experienced, 16 % local heroes into close and in motion – and, at the same moment, morphs 5 % brass an experience that unites. Two thin skins of light form a visible frame filled with sound. By means of a multi-channel set-up with extremely directional – hypersonic – loudspeakers, we hear different textures of broken glass in a line of multiple 40 % lectusoundbeams: re an acoustico architecture whose constellation35changes % reflectiodepending n e vid 25 % sound on the visitor’s position.

24 % inf

Austrian première

60 30 10

64 % photogra 21 % alternatin 15 % debate

55 % self-ass 30 % docume 15 % practice



48 % m


65 % s o



15 % chance

14 % utopia

57 % d o

43 % b a sic 70 % d r

60 % a r


urban spac 0%

ble sem

Camp: Laila’s Bar Admission free Bambino Sound Systems (PL) Thu 04/10, 5.30 pm Live on Ö1 DJ Oliver Baurhenn (D) Fri 05/10, 5.30 pm ECAS/ICAS Discussion Sat 06/10, 5.30 pm Presentation Rosa Reitsamer (A) DJ Thomas Dumke (D) Sun 07/10, 5.30 pm

% 33,3 collec

scul 10 % ptu

50 % c o

47 % e x


Enharmonic functional changes of a light sword

se 50 % lf-ass

Resonating Sculpture

on erti

wor 23 % ksh

40 % e s ws

81 % m

tos pho

lectronic %e


What can existing objects be used for? Their function, but not their form is changed, extended temporarily so as to become a transmitting and receiving aerial for electromagnetic waves. But 13 30 c 25 ys usi their form determines how the waves cansaspread. %The composition is sent on an incalculable journey through Hartmut Skerbisch’s “Lichtschwert” monument next to the festival centre that acts as an aerial, is received, recorded and perhaps actively changed at different places around the world and then sent back to Graz. The “Kunstradio” broadcast, three days after the original concert, 1 % live nd nigh–t new material, 5influenced a features the collected responses by the y a d rk o % 46 er 49 % w 3 g togethcannot weather and the ionosphere, be recreated. 22 % bein that cling 17 % recy ct Commissioned by ORF Kunstradio & musikprotokoll part of the “Playing the Building” series ite andure h rc a 15 % 6 % noise

% intervie 30

33,3 % i tive

porary m u tem




73 % c o

ivity ect


Austrian première

n ibitio 30 mic Reni Hofmüller / hChristian Lammer / Jogi Hofmüller (A)

apping %m

nostalg i

73 % c o




43 %



olitics %p

Première Thu 04/10, 6.30 pm Camp Sun 07/10, 11 pm Camp: Living room Live on ORF Kunstradio Admission free action ect 100 % dir

nostalg i


% punk 3,3

slim mu

In co-operation with CYNETART, CTM Festival, MUTEK, Skaņu mežs, Unsound & Insomnia

olitics %p

rt nce

28 % co n tar

% process 3,3

rt nce

tre hea

58 % in

ory em

29 % ghere: ents Every evening begins in the ICAS Antichambre, this year’s ui cum nd musikprotokoll anteroom, curators of kindred festivals play their favourite records, for instance, as on the first evening, sound postcards from communist Poland of the 1960s, 1970s and 1980s. First theory inputs open up spaces for thought. Deliberately small in scale, this already reflects the programme structure of musikprotokoll 2012, that unites theory, practice, different genres, media and formats in many different ways – under the allation 3guiding theme of 0 % co 2project ing nst ll “Networking aw the 2 European network t Tomorrow’s Art For an Unknown Future” by the ICAS festival network (International Cities of Advanced Sound), co-founded by musikprotokoll in 2008.

50 % en

50 % c o



ICAS Antichambre

osers mp

33,3 %


xperimen %e

art und

its %h




tive itia

3 % Americ 33,

nd 80 % sou ken glass ro b % 20

56 % club


nd 60 % sou es av w ir a % 30 space in public 10 % art 33 rch music 59 % chu nic ro 21 % elect al 16 % ritu ation

position 90 % com s an lk a B 10 %


ng quarte

100 % stri

Cantus Ensemble / Ensemble Zeitfluss Camp: Black Cube Day pass Ivana Kis (H) & Aliser Sijaric (BIH) Thu 04/10, 8 pm Yukiko Watanabe (J) Thu 04/10, 11 pm

More than forty years ago, at the time when steirischer herbst was founded, Trigon stood for artistic exchange between Yugoslavia, Austria and Italy. Since then, musikprotokoll has continued to maintain active contact with Zagreb, Ljubljana and Belgrade, and 50 % Islam above all, in recent years, has % invited artists from former Yugoslavia. nk 50 pu actionexchange of experience and music between two leading This year’s ct re di % 0 10 ensembles of contemporary music from Graz and Zagreb follows on in this tradition – with an alternating programme of no fewer than six (world) premières and commissioned works by Yukiko Watanabe and Thomas Amann.

51 % live With 49 % work Cantus Ensemble (H) Conductor Ivan Josip Skender (H) ay and night Thomas Amann (A), 77 % sound ing together e position m co Christian Klein (A) & % 51 23 % real tim 90 % liv e ycling s an lk Marko Nikodjevic (SRB/D) Ba 49 % work 10 %100 % direct actio hitecture 60 % sound 50 % Islam n Fri 05/10, 8.30 pm 50 % punk 30 % airwaves space ic bl With 10 % art in pu Ensemble Zeitfluss (A) tion 55 % composi Conductor s al 45 % visu Edo Micic (A/H) t ch music nd 59 % chur60 string quarte % 0 10 % so un onic d en glass 21 % elec30tr% 90 % composition ual airwaves 16 % rit10 Hegenbart (D) % art 77 % sound ionpublic spacBoris atin 10 % Balkans e 4 % reverber 23 % real time aphy 53 % choreogr y or em unds m dy bo 42 % Hegenbart began a project that picks installation 59 % Première ativ ch rfor chmmu siceSome eight years ago, Boris ballet 53 % peur % 5 21 % ele utich up and elaborates the formal principles of Dub music. In Dub eroes dctrtron Camp: Black Cube 27 % sa 16 % ritab ua studio is an instrument; and the same nc l se 100 % string % pass e music the recording 20Day 55 one % comp quartet osition 4 % reverberationpiece is varied any number of times by changing individual tracks. 45 % visuals hermetik_br Together with Martin Brandlmayr, Felix Kubin, Martin Siewert and n Boris Hegenbart (D) & hibitio 72 % exis y project on stage for the first mthe Marc Weiser, Hegenbart putting no ance to m or au rf Martin Brandlmayr (A) tic pe tis % 52 16 % ar lture concert hall ican cuThe becomes ancea studio, the audience witnesses a Thu 04/10, 9napm tive Amertime. 23 %53 12 % perform % performative ins tal rg lat musical process that usually takes behind closed doors. While bo ion cy % sexes 18 27 % sad truthnd 53 % chplace hermetik_si oreography eatre lege can follow what is happening 7% 42 % 20th Boris Hegenbart & Martin Siewert %(D)absencethe particular instrumentalist bodyonly memory t texts or through headphones, Boris5 %Hegenbart Thu 04/10, 9.30 pm ballet 37 % sh sits in the audience e 30 % imag dissecting its sound and using the separate elements to build a new hermetik_we ting ke n ar tio m bi % hi 25 ex %in real time. composition 82 r de &otMarc (D)rforman 52y% pe ph e sexes Boris Hegenbart ograWeiser 8 % househol 64 % phSun 18 % criticism mme ce 07/10, pmra pr9og in23g % na at tiv Commissioned by musikprotokoll rn e Am te eri al ca % n culture 72 % exhibition 21 te 18 % cyborg 16 % artistic auton 15 % debahermetik_ku omy 7 % eatre legend Boris Hegenbart & Felix Kubinth(D) 12 % performance Sun 07/10, 9.30 pm


Instrumentarium I.

64 % photography ion % self-assert 21 % altern55 ating do tation pro en m gr am cu me % 34 15 % debate30 15 % practice

82 % exhibition 18 % criticism

37 % short texts 30 % image 25 % marketing 8 % householder

30 % airw ave 10 % art in s publ 56 % club sounds 23 % EU 16 % local heroes 5 % brass

ICAS Kitchen / ICAS Bar

In a joint concert with trumpeter Leonel Kaplan, Christof Kurzmann plays acoustic laptop. Reni and Jogi Hofmüller talk about their 40 mur.sat % lecture 35 % workshop at the ICAS partner meeting in Montreal. In hisrefllive ection 25 % soMarc accompaniment to Dziga Vertov’s film “Entuziazm” from 1929, und Weiser weaves new chains of association. Ulf Langheinrich from Granular Synthesis presents his new solo project. Gas of Latvia 45 % danceclub and Pole explore the limits of the functionality of electronic 31 %and battlafter music: curated jointly with a number of ICAS colleagues, e of the se xes 24 % thKitchen eatre appearing in Berlin, Montevideo and Montreal, the ICAS 0 % clothe is now set to be staged in Graz, with a programme reflectings the network’s diversity. Thu 04/10, 11.30 pm Leonel Kaplan (AR) & Christof Kurzmann (A) Fri 05/10, 11.30 pm Ulf Langheinrich (D), Live on Ö1 Sat 06/10 11.30 pm Marc Weiser aka Rechenzentrum (D)

79 % art 21 % politi cs

Fri 05/10, 00.30 am DJ Charlotte Bendiks (N) Sat 06/10, 00.30 am Gas of Latvia (LV), Live on Ö1 Sun 07/10, 00.30 am Pole (D)

59 % churc hm 21 % elect roni 16 % ritua l 4 % reverb erat

53 % perf 27 % sad t 20 % abse n

52 % perfo rm 23 % nativ a eA 18 % cybo m rg 7 % theatre leg

ICAS Kitchen Camp: Living room 64 % photo each 8 € / Day pass gra 21 % altern phy ating prog ramme 15 ICAS Bar % debate Camp: Laila’s Bar Admission free

66 % litera In co-operation with CYNETART, CTM-Festival, MUTEK, Skaņu mežs, Unsound & Insomnia ture 34 % bar

55 % self-a sse 30 % docu rtion mentation 15 % pract ice


nd 80 % sou n glass ke ro b % 20



e sexes

Daniel Lercher (A) b sounds 56 % clu U 23 % E s al heroe 16 % loc ss ra 5%b

missa brevis

Première Fri 05/10, 6.30 pm & Sat 06/10, 9.30 pm Heilandskirche each 8 € / Day pass Concept and realisation Daniel Lercher (A)

y and night ing together ycling hitecture

nd en glass

60 waves 30 % air public space in rt a % 10 c rch musi 59 % chu onic ctr 21 % ele al 16 % ritu eration erb v re % 4


ring qua

100 % st

53 42

allation Breaking with a decades-long tradition, musikprotokoll tive inst focuses erforma p % 3 5 this year on a single venue, the steirischer herbst truth festival centre. 7 % sad Only once does it move out to the nearby2Heilandskirche for Daniel se b a nce 20 %ideal re tu c Lercher’s “missa brevis”. The church is the concert hall for le 40 % ection Lercher 35 % re–fl not just because of its special acoustics, but also because 72 % ex nd it demands Like Mass, 25 % sou quiet and concentration honing perception. ce n a 16 % a ure erform 2 %aprite can cultus eritakes for Lercher the process of creating music 5is that to m 12 % p A e v ti a 23 %anmoment, a place where train of thought breaks off for while the org 18 % cyb e legend ncearound xunite vibrations to form collective music. 45 % daall eatr e se es th th f % o 7 le tt 31 % ba e eatr Commissioned 24 %bythmusikprotokoll es ibition 0 % cloth 82 % exh m icis it cr y 18 % e otograph 64 % ph ating programm ern 21 % alt te 79 % art ba e d tics 15 % 21 % poli

Arditti Quartet

51 % live 49 % work 100 % direct actio 50 % Islam n For more than fifteen years, musikprotokoll been Christian Ofenbauer (A) n following 50se%lfhas pu -assnkertio % Austrian première & on for the ti the career of British composer Rebecca55Saunders. Music ta n e % docum Rebecca Saunders (GB) première 30has grand ORF Radio Symphony Orchestra featured alongside ce ti ture 5 % prac Fri 05/10, 7.30 pm % literaensemble music for the66 little recherche1– and as early as 1995, Camp: Black Cube 34 % baropened musikprotokoll with the première of a the Arditti Quartet on Ö1 60 %Live sound string quartet by Saunders. Another première kicks off this year’s % airwa(GB) Paul30Archbold ves Arditti Quartet cycle,90which % compthen ositionwidens to embrace a small cross10 %première Austrian art in pu&blic space 77 % sound 10British % Balkaand generation jigsaw of Austrian compositions. ns Peter Jakober (A) 23 % real time Austrian première Rebecca Saunders’ composition is a piece commissioned by musikprotokoll & Wigmore Hall London Fri 05/10, 11 pm With support of Fondation Hoffmann & Ernst von Siemens music foundation Camp: 59 Black % chCube urch music 21 % electronic Day pass 16 % ritual 100 % string quart 55 % composition et 4 % revWith erberation 45 % visuals Arditti Quartet (GB) Klassiktreffpunkt live Sat 06/10, 10 am 53 % pe Camp: Living room rformative installation 27 % sad truth 20 free Admission % absence With Renate Burtscher (A) & Lukas Fels (Arditti Quartet) (D)rforman 52 % pe ce 23 % native Ameri can culture 36 18 % cyborg 7 % theatre legen d

53 % choreography 42 % body memory 5 % ballet

72 % exhibition 16 % artistic auton omy 12 % performance

-20 %

43 % b a sic

33,3 % i tive 73 % c o

p sto

70 % d r 47 % e x



50 % a r

0% 100 % non- ce 2 histo


% nostalgi 33,3 % repo 2

wor 23 % ksh


33,3 % tra rts

10 %youth


ition 30 hib


24 %


45 % cho

% 33,3 collec

arency 3 25 nsp

olitics %p

100 % art

urban spa

54% Styria

Klangforum Wien

rt nce

scul 10 % ptu

olitics %p

% research 3,3



ustria %A

t chi

65 % s o


33,3 %

43 % b a sic 70 % d r

33,3 % i tive

81 % m

re 47 % e x


58 % in

47 % e l

ivism act

ar-witness %e

54 % Styria

10 %youth

% 33,3 collec 2%

73 % c o

scul 10 % ptu wor 23 % ksh


50 % c o

ble sem


3 % Americ 33,

per % ex imen

59 % gra

73 % c o


nostalg i

22 % A u

porary m u tem

14 % utopia

45 % cho



ition 30 hib

apping %m

nostalg i


50 % a r

6 % noise


urban spa


15 % chance


With Klangforum Wien (A) Synthesizer Thomas Lehn i(D) ng 2 aw Sound directors Florian Bogner & Peter Böhm (A)




28 % co n tar

Day pass


olitics %p


rt nce



% process 3,3


allation 3 nst

tecture 3 chi

Sat 06/10, 8.30 pm Camp: Black Cube 9% d 2 gui Followed byn an award presentation slim 3 Schulz Prize for mu of the Reinhard contemporary music journalism

% punk 3,3



50 % en



osers mp


ng 17 istli

music ral

olitics %p

32 % w h

a stri


oise 1 %n 5

41 %

51 % sou es


ve art ic design has left distinctitiatitraces 2 at Peter Jakober 2 & Styrian composer Peter Jakober und(A) première ph c i n o r 38 première for erHèctor Parra (ES) t c ct 2 musikprotokoll with his works, from an eintricate 5 usi nc Sat 06/10, 6.30 pm a guitar quartet to a voluminous piece for the brass-blown Camp: Black Cube “molecular organ”. Klangforum Wien presents premières by Eva Marina Khorkova (RUS) première & Reiter and Marina Khorkova, a performance by Hèctor Parra, in Eva Reiter (A) première addition to a new piece by Jakober. nd





% process 3,3


Winning project ECAS call 2012 Within the framework of ECAS ”Networking Tomorrow‘s z Art For2an Unknown Future“ ecture


ing aw

47 %

ar-witness %e

ble sem

By exploring the phenomenon of voice, Heimo Lattner raises Fri 05/10, 9.30 pm Camp: Living room questions of identity and society. To him, the voice is no longer latioon usiclonger part of the stalLive n Ö1 part of the body, nor yet part of language. It risal mno 3 4 n subject, nor yet part of the other, no longer part of biological life, nor Day pass yet part of social existence. It is the point of intersection of both, in a place that is in fact impossible and placeless, a place to which we are led by El Silbo, the endangered whistled language of the Guanches, the aboriginal inhabitants of the Canary Islands.

48 % m

ivism act Part 1: Introduction – Work in progress

porary m u tem

50 % c o

29 % gu i nd


51 % sou es

14 % utopia

15 % chance

osers mp 50 % en

The Silbadores

32 % w h ng 17 istli

Heimo Lattner (A)



20 % histo

57 % d o

50 % c o

43 % b a sic

porary m u tem

51 % sou es

tre hea



ents cum 43 %

50 % en

ng 17 istli

29 % gu i nd

osers mp

28 % co n tar

32 % w h


ar-witness %e

ble sem 2%

60 % a r

70 % d r


50 % c o


45 % cho

33,3 % i tive 73 % c o

47 % e x


wor 23 % ksh

10 %youth



on erti

% 33,3 collec

scul 10 % ptu

nostalg i

50 % a r

urban spac 0%

se 50 % lf-ass

apping %m

urban spa

olitics %p


tecture 3 chi


between “FM” (perhaps from the initials of Morton Feldman) and the composition “Mine Was The Shoulder You Cried On That Day” (certainly after a lyric by Richard Thompson) which demonstrates the band’s grandiose calm and intensity. Fine filters, self-supporting structure, variable thought memories. As fragile, abstracted and chamber-musical as the music may be, the musical history of the rt ition trio 30 remains palpable. 25 bass and percussion hib mic nce guitar,

With Martin Brandlmayr (A), Martin Siewert (A) & Joe Williamson (GB)


ivity ect



% process 3,3



Welcome back to musikprotokoll: the Trapist trio presents another Sat 06/10, 10.30 pm Camp: Black Cube new record. A number of aesthetic cornerstones have become lation 3 Live on Ö1 stalapparent music 4 since “Highway 0 % co ago. This ing My2 Friend” exactly ten 2years n ral ll aw t is illustrated by the use of two pieces, for example: the tension 8 € / Day pass

Synaesthetic Enharmony

20 % histo

40 % e s ws

per % ex imen


81 % m

47 % e l

73 % c o


nostalg i


33,3 %


22 % A u

6 % noise

3 % Americ 33,

tion 72 % exhibi tonomy au 38 ic st ti ar 16 % mance 12 % perfor

% intervie 30

% punk 3,3


54 % Styria

erformance culture an ative Americ rg bo cy atre legend

tos pho



in rformative d truth bsence

graphy 53 % choreo ory em m dy bo % 42 5 % ballet

lectronic %e

oise 1 %n 5

olitics %p

50 % Islam 38 13 30 c rt punk25 s usi a performance nce %Everything say the%musicians’ you see during (including Sun 07/10, 7.30 pm 50 on ti ac ct re di Camp: Black Cube 100 % movements, whose theatrical quality often goes unnoticed), all the images you associate can become another layer alongside Day pass the music. And it can serve as a starting point for your own visual Composition composition, deriving straight from the music. This is not about Orestis Toufektis (GR/A) duplication, but rather complexity – the result is two ways of Visuals and projection d 77 % soun viewing the same structure: a visual and an acoustic, a synergetic Wolfgang Musil (A) a slim 3% real time tion mposimaterial stri mu and23synaesthetic 902 % coVisual change. ns (A) alka Ablinger 10 % BEF Commissioned by musikprotokoll Music Dimitrios Polisoidis (Viola) (GR/A), Lukas Schiske (Schlagwerk) (A), sition Krassimir Sterev 55 % compo s al su vi (Akkordeon) (BG/A) & Olivier 45 % t quarte(F/A) Vivarès0(Bassklarinette) 10 % string ronic ect


50 % a r

70 47 % e x

op 81 % m

73 % c o


With Lehn (D), Daniel ive lThomas % 51 Lercher ork (A) & Jérôme Noetinger (F) w 49 %



nostalg i



33 tive


nostalg i

20 % histo

47 % e l


Lehn/Noetinger/Lercher – part 2 Sun 07/10,10 pm act 25 Camp: nBlack cert Cube rect usi % di 0 0 1 Day pass

olitics %p

oise 1 %n 5


Lehn/Noetinger/Lercher – part 1 Sun 07/10, 8 pm Camp: Black Cube





olitics %p

urban spa

Thomas Lehn plays synthesizer in a wide range of contemporary music contexts. Jérôme Noetinger plays with tape recorders and their materiality. Daniel Lercher plays with microphones, transducers and feedback as well as his own analog material. Together as a trio, they play with the balance of musical noises as a productive, ambivalent blend of noise, sound and music. ronic 38 ect

73 % c o

10 %youth

% 33,3 collec

rt nce


tecture 3 chi



% process



per % ex imen

33,3 %


22 % A u


% punk 3,3

3 % Americ 33,

54 % Styria



ht d nig y an gether a d 46 % being to stria slim 3 2 g mu 22 % recyclin ture Micro-Lectures 17 % architec d 15 % soun s ce 60 % airwave blic spa Sounds rouse us to change the world and to perceive the world u % p 30 art in in a different way. To do so, they require meaning. Meaning may 10 % change without the sound itself changing. Even the truth of d usic sound as meaning and as a call to act is not absolute, lass sounbut rather rch m c 0 % roken g u 8 h c i referential, contingent and dependent on context. musikprotokoll b 59 % electron 20 % % takes a musical, theoretical and artistic look at these mechanisms. 21 ritual ation r The context generates the meaning of the truth to be changed for 16 % reverbe % 4 s d productive enharmonic purposes. musikprotokoll. An Enharmony. soun club % 6 5 EU roes p Thu 04/10, 7.30 pm, Camp: Black Cube Sabine Sanio (D) Admission free 23 % local he 53 % Thu 04/10, 10.30 pm, Camp: Black Cube Susanna Niedermayr (A) Day pass % % 16 brass 7 2 Thu 04/10, 11.30 pm, Camp: Laila‘s Bar Reni Hofmüller & Jogi Hofmüller (A) Admission5 free % 20 % Fri 05/10, 5.30 pm, Camp: Laila‘s Bar Dahlia Borsche (A) Admission free Fri 05/10, 8 pm, Camp: Black Cube Jeremy Gilbert (GB) Day pass Fri 05/10, 10 pm, Camp: Living room Christian Nemec (A) Day pass re lectu on Sat 06/10, 8 pm, Camp: Living room Christian Scheib (A) Day pass 40 % reflecti Sun 07/10, 5.30 pm, Camp: Laila‘s Bar Werner Jauk (A) Admission free 35 % sound Sun 07/10, 6.30 pm, Camp: White Box Gregor Kokorz (A) Admission free 25 % Sun 07/10, 8.30 pm, Camp: Black Cube Enharmony. Micro-Lecture Day pass s e sexe danc e of the % 45 battl 31 % theatre 24 % clothes p 0% 64 % % 21 15 art cs % i 9 7 polit 21 % 39

performance xts 37 % short te 30 % image ng 25 % marketi der 8 % househol


05/10 - 14/10 Forum Stadtpark Tue - Fri 10 am - 6 pm Sat & Sun 10.30 - 6 pm Admission free Presentation and reading Fri 05/10, 7 pm With Ann Cotten (A/USA), Veronika Hauer (A), Gruppe p (Ralf B. Korte & Helmut Schranz) (D/A), Manfred Pernice (D), Ulf Stolterfoht (D) et al. Curated by Andreas Heller & Max Höfler (A)

Does art have the potential to change society? What can fact 40 % art lectuin re 35 % offer? Who are the masses and what can art tell them? What reflectiisonthe role of form? Can there be a common denominator? 25 % sound These questions form the starting point of a mailshot – the mass advertising medium – put together by Forum Stadtpark that is being 45 %herbst: sent to all households in Graz at the start of steirischer dance with % battle of literary texts, drawings and photographs created as31commissioned the sexe % thlarger works for this project, finding an audience that is24far eatre than s 0 % clothes and that of usual art events, an audience that is incalculable inestimable. An artistic, activist intervention between newspapers and advertising, for the kitchen table or the waste-paper basket. 79 % art Co-produced by steirischer herbst & Forum Stadtpark 21 % politic s

Jörg Albrecht (D) / Gerhild Steinbuch (A)

Friendship is A tour of Ponyville Thu 11/10, 9.30 pm Camp: Living room 45‘ Admission free German language Reading Jörg Albrecht (D) & Gerhild Steinbuch (A)


56 % club so unds 23 % EU 16 % local h eroes 5 % brass

66 % literat ure 34 % bar

What utopias do you suppose exist in the homeland of the little ponies from the cartoon series “My Little Pony – Friendship is Magic”? In any case it’s no huge leap from the ponies’ images of the body and society to current protest groups on the world wide web: the Pony Rainbow Dash has already become a symbol of the Austrian Anonymous activists. And besides little girls, it is predominantly men from fifteen to thirty-five who are fascinated by these cute animals. Is that just nerddom or is it already anarchy? What does it mean when a winged cartoon pony supersedes the grand left-wing symbols of the nineteenth and twentieth century? Has it become less important to position oneself emphatically or ironically, is it more and more a matter of taking things apart and overdrawing them together? Or is it simply how some bronies – as the male fans of the pink and pale blue foals refer to themselves – put it: That it’s just a better hobby than terrorism? We will see!

64 % p 21 % al 15 % de

55 % 30 % d 15 % p

47 %

o 48 % m


xperimen %e ents cum


15 % chance

porary m u tem

60 % a r

herbst. Theorie zur Praxis 2012 e


urban spac 0%

70 % d r

20 % co ll




ivity ect


scul 10 % ptu

50 % c o

on erti


se 50 % lf-ass

47 % e x

This is already the seventh issue of “herbst. Theorie zur Praxis”, a publication that accompanies the festival: it is not a programme n ih bitio 30book with the task micof explaining the various works, exhibitions and projects featuring at steirischer herbst. And yet it does provide a close-up: through authors involved in the festival, through portraits and artist contributions, through theory that examines the central leitmotif of artistic strategies in politics and political strategies in art, through diverse essays, reports, series of pictures … “herbst. Theorie zur Praxis” is not a programme book, but a standalone festival project. 13 30 % c s usi say apping %m

wor 23 % ksh

40 % e s ws

Published Tue 11/09 German and English language With contributions by Herwig G. Höller (A), Chantal Mouffe (GB/B), Rabih Mroué (RL), raumlaborberlin (D), Gerald Raunig (A), Michael Zinganel (A) et al. You can order this and past issues at

tos pho

% intervie 30

lectronic %e

6 % noise

81 % m

43 %



ing aw



28 % co n tar

57 % d o

33,3 % tra rts


65 % s o

ory em

tre hea

33,3 % repo


29 % gu i nd

43 % b a sic

24 % inf


its %h

art und

o vide

docu 29 %

% research 3,3

arency 3 nsp



General sponsor

Festival main sponsor

Festival sponsor

Sponsors �When the mountain changed its clothing“

Festival centre main sponsors

Insurance sponsor

Education sponsor

Energy sponsors

Nightline sponsor

Festival carrier

Festival hotels

Wine partners

Festival centre sponsor

Media partners

Gastronomy partners

Club sponsors

Festival taxi



© Ruhrtriennale / Klaus Grünberg

Inserat_Programmheft_2012_263x165_1c.indd 1

Unsere gesellschaftliche Verantwortung nehmen wir auch mit Partnerschaften in kulturellen Bereichen wahr. Mit dem Sponsoring des steirischen herbst unterstützt die Steiermärkische Sparkasse die bedeutende Rolle der Künstler und der Kunst als Träger zeitgenössischer Entwicklungen und Tendenzen.

steirischer herbst 2011, „Zweite Welt“, Nemanja Cvijanović: „The Monument to the Memory of the idea of the Internationale“ Foto: wolfgang silveri

14.05.2012 11:01:53







Weltoffenheit. Tag für Tag den Horizont erweitern. Der Qualitätsjournalismus des STANDARD lässt Sie die Welt immer wieder neu sehen. Zum Beispiel jeden Montag mit der Beilage der New York Times im originalen Wortlaut. Blättern Sie rein.

3 Wochen gratis lesen: oder 0810/20 30 40

Die Zeitung für Leser

Nur mit dem herbst ist das Jahr komplett.

b Mit der Industrie – das bedeutet 285.000 Arbeitsplätze, die direkt und indirekt durch die Industrie gesichert werden. Das sind mehr als die Hälfte aller steirischen Arbeitsplätze.


IV_Kampagne_Inserat 120x82,5_.indd 4

Nur mit der Industrie ist die Steiermark komplett.

29.03.2012 14:23:58

ein Produkt der Energie Graz

24h am Tag in Ihrer Nähe!

„Als Energiedienstleister Nr. 1 sorgen wir dafür, dass die Energie dort eingesetzt wird, wo sie den größten Nutzen entfaltet - bei den Menschen unserer Stadt.“

Service 0-24 Uhr: 8057-0

2012-04-05_EGG_naehe_120x82,5_Steir.Herbst.indd 1

05.04.2012 08:58:45

der wein zum steirischen herbst

WINKLER-HERMADEN Schloss Kapfenstein Weingut Winkler-Hermaden 8353 Kapfenstein Tel. +43(0)3157 2322

AZ Steir.Herbst Programm 5a.09.indd 1

SĂźdsteiermark Ă–sterreich

Weingut LacknerTinnacher 8462 Gamlitz, Steinbach 12 Tel. +43(0)3453 2142

22.05.2009 11:29:51 Uhr

steirischer herbst 2011, CREW: „Terra Nova”, Foto: wolfgang silveri


Als Partner des steirischen herbst wünscht die Kleine Zeitung gute Unterhaltung.



Das hermetische Eremitentum. Das stimmt so alles nicht. So kann, nein, so darf ich das nicht schreiben. Überall sind diese Zweifel, getoppt nur noch von der Angst, den Essay „Die Wahrheit ist konkret“ niemals fertigzubekommen. Aber der Text muss fertig werden. Plötzlich das Zerreißen der Manuskripte, das Streichen der Sätze, die Zweifel. Und dann,

Fenster Für Visionäre

urplötzlich der neue Furor, die brennende Hitze, der rastlose Antrieb. Vor mir liegt die konkrete Wahrheit. Ich schaue auf die Straße, auf der ein Sturm die Blätter des Herbstes wie von Sinnen durch die Luft wirbelt. Ich höre nichts, ich spüre keinen Luftzug. Die Welt da draußen, da draußen vor dem Fenster, ist für jeden eine andere.


GH 18_12 Anz_SteirischerHerbst_120x82,5 RZ.indd 1

bauen Zukunft.

11.05.12 10:56

Niederlassung Steiermark Thalerhofstraße 88 | 8141 Unterpremstätten T +43 (0)50 626-3300 |

KA_120_82_5_sw_steirischen herbst programmheft.indd 1

11.05.2012 11:35:51 Uhr

steirischer herbst is a partner of NXTSTP, an ambitious and long-term project that forms part of the European Union culture programme. Next Step is a network of seven European art festivals, with the aim of fostering the co-production and expansion of the performing arts in Europe. NXTSTP wants to provide impetus to performing artists on the verge of an international breakthrough, by creating access to major theatres and making tours of Europe easier, thus attracting and appealing to new audiences. One example can be seen at steirischer herbst 2012 through the work of Doris Uhlich (A). NXTSTP partners: Alkantara (Lisbon), Baltoscandal (Tallinn), Gรถteborgs Dans & Teater Festival, De Inter-nationale Keuze (Rotterdam), Kunstenfestivaldesarts (Brussels), Mira (Bordeaux), steirischer herbst (Graz)

Services Information p +43 316 81 60 70 Online Tickets Advanced ticket sales 13/06 - 13/10 oeticket Center Stadthalle Graz Messeplatz 2 / 8010 Graz MQ Point / Info-Tickets-Shop at MuseumsQuartier Wien Museumsplatz 1 / 1070 Vienna and at all oeticket advance ticket offices 12/09 - 13/10 Camp: Information and Ticket Office Opernring 5 / 8010 Graz 12/09 - 20/09 daily 10 am - 6 pm 21/09 - 27/09 daily 10 am - 9 pm 28/09 - 13/10 daily 10 am - 6 pm

Box offices Box offices open one hour before the start of events at the venues. In the case of soldout events, uncollected tickets will be made available fifteen minutes before the start of the event. Concessions Reduced ticket prices are available for apprentices and students up to 25 years of age, unemployed, seniors, national / civil service and members of Ö1-Club, Standard Club der Leser and Kleine Zeitung Vorteilsclub. spark7 members receive a discount of € 1 for “The Kominas” and “Ton Steine Erben” tickets. When purchasing tickets, a valid ID must be presented. For concessions, the relevant proof of entitlement must be shown when collecting tickets. Not all reduced price categories may be available for co-operations and pre-sale. Credit cards We accept American Express, Diners Club, MasterCard and Visa. Tickets which have been paid for in advance must be collected at the venue at the latest fifteen minutes before the start of the event. Accommodation Bookings Graz Tourist Office Herrengasse 16 8010 Graz p +43 316 80 75 0


Hunger for art and culture (Hunger auf Kunst und Kultur) People in financial difficulty have just as much right to art and culture. “Hunger for Art and Culture” benefits everyone who wants to take part in cultural life but who cannot afford to. Proceeds from sales of herbst chocolate from the Schokoladen Manufaktur Zotter at the advance booking and box offices will be used to fund tickets that may be obtained free of charge by presenting a “Culture Pass”. Please support this project!

Ticket prices Public Movement Rebranding European Muslims

Cat. I 100 € / Cat. II 36 € / Cat. III 12 €

regular Rabih Mroué / Lina Saneh 33 rounds and few seconds 18 € Teatr.doc 1 hour 18 minutes 18 € Doris Uhlich Come Back 18 € Young Jean Lee‘s Theater Company Untitled Feminist Show 18 € La Pocha Nostra The Insurrected Body 18 € Heiner Goebbels / Carmina Slovenica When the mountain changed its clothing 26 € musikprotokoll festival pass 04/10 - 07/10 musikprotokoll day pass Thu 04/10, Fri 05/10 & Sat 06/10 musikprotokoll day pass Sun 07/10 musikprotokoll single ticket

70 € 24 € 18 € 8€

The Kominas Ton Steine Erben Moddi, Die Türen & Haight-Ashbury No days of innocence! Terre Thaemlitz & Franz Pomassl

8€ 8€ 8€

Camera Austria Art is concrete. And so is truth? Kunsthaus Graz Cittadellarte. Divide and change Kulturzentrum bei den Minoriten Alois Neuhold. Not from here

8€ 8€ 4€

eature DoublrefoFrmances on them)

0p o pe ng at 9.3 Visit tw ne starti (o t. n y a u d o c same 20 % dis and get

reduced 12 € 12 € 12 € 12 € 12 € 14 €

Shuttle service Vienna - Graz - Vienna Sat 29/09, 8 am Wiener Staatsoper / IKEA Bus stop Return: 9.30 pm, Camp: Bus stop Registration: 10 € Sat 13/10, 10 am Wiener Staatsoper / IKEA Bus stop Return: 9 pm, Camp: Bus stop and 9.30 pm, Helmut-List-Halle Registration: 10 €

50 € 18 € 12 €

6€ 6€

3€ 3€ 3€


Theatre / performance / dance

Discussions between you and the participating artists, curators and other people involved are important to us: we therefore offer introductions, workshops, artist discussions, guided tours and discussion forums, to create space for questions and criticism, for an active examination of the projects and productions at steirischer herbst. Our aim is to involve as many different sections of the public as possible in all genres of the festival.

Talks Following selected performances, we invite you – together with the dramaturgical team of steirischer herbst – to discuss, with the participating artists, their work.

Further education & herbst weekend specials steirischer herbst warmly welcomes all scholarship holders, students, clubs or companies to a busy art and culture weekend in Graz and will help you put together a programme and organise meetings and discussions with artists and curators. We will do our best to cater for your individual requirements. For details on all programmes, please refer to our public programme brochure (in German language), that is available free of charge on request. Hannah Ertl: p +43 664 24 500 90 Project sponsor Leder & Schuh


Theatre education programmes & dress rehearsals If requested in good time, we will be pleased to organise special introductions for groups before the performances. It is also possible to attend dress rehearsals for selected productions. In addition, we offer theatre education programmes that focus specifically on the aesthetic devices of theatre and the content of the various productions.

Exhibitions Guided tours On three Sundays, the KUNST.WERK association offers an alternating programme of guided tours of the festival exhibitions. See p. 27 For the “Adaptation” exhibition, in addition to the scheduled guided tours (see p. 21), groups can also book guided tours and discussions specially put together for specific age groups and interests. Participation is a free service of steirischer herbst. No registration required.

Film “Who can still change course?“ Our special film programme for young school groups takes a look at documentary films dealing with social and political action in the everyday world of children and teenagers and explores socio-political principles of inclusion and exclusion in the everyday worlds of young people. Between representation and intervention, the films give insights into the heterogeneous scopes for action, while at the same examining the action of the documentary practice that describes them. With films by Fabio Caramaschi (I), Ventura Durall (E), Susan Gordanshekan (D), Lucian Busse (D), Angeliki Andrikopoulou / Argyris Tsepelikas (GR), Anselm Belser (D), Orlando von Einsiedel (GB), Charlotta Copcutt / Anna Klara Åhrén / Anna Weitz (S), Kyne Uhlig / Nikolaus Hillebrand (D) & Virgil Vernier (F). Curated by Gudrun Sommer (D). With presentations by Stephanie Lang (A), Petra Erdmann (A) and Roman Fasching (A). Please refer to the education brochure for the detailed programme. In co-operation with doxs! Duisburger Filmwoche & Goethe Institute Munich

dox & shorts – Festival films on tour in Styria “dox & shorts” is a hosted film education programme for young people that is screening in co-operation between doxs! and the Diagonale film festival from Monday 15/10 to Friday 19/10 in eastern Styria. In special cinema screenings, this is a media education programme for schools that discusses the content of the films and the film medium. Archive-Cinema Introductions and discussions are available for the various films. See p. 9

Music Together with the organisers of musikprotokoll, we offer introductions to programmes and ageappropriate discussions.

Camp / architecture We are happy to organise discussions and tours for groups of all ages and interests, through the camp, this year‘s festival centre.




Hauptbahnhof Europaplatz

1e Camp: Bloghouse Opernring 5 / 8010 Graz

8 Heilandskirche Kaiser-Josef-Platz 9 8010 Graz

1f Camp: Exhibition space Opernring 7 / first floor / 8010 Graz

9 Helmut-List-Halle Waagner-Biro-Straße 98a / 8020 Graz

1g Camp: Video archive Opernring 7 / first floor / 8010 Graz

10 Kulturzentrum bei den Minoriten Mariahilferplatz 3 / 8020 Graz //

4 Dom im Berg Schloßbergplatz / 8010 Graz


15 < rotor > association for contemporary art Volksgartenstraße 6a / 8020 Graz //

e rst raß

14 Pavelhaus / Pavlova hiša Laafeld 30 / 8490 Laafeld //

ntn e

3 Camera Austria Kunsthaus Graz / Lendkai 1 / 8020 Graz //

13 MUMUTH Haus für Musik und Musiktheater Lichtenfelsgasse 14 / 8010 Graz


2 Akademie Graz Schmiedgasse 40 / 8010 Graz //

12 Kunstverein Medienturm Josefigasse 1 / 8020 Graz //

r rgü rge nbe

1k Mobile Salon: The HairCut before the Party Klosterwiesgasse 5 / 8010 Graz

11 Kunsthaus Graz Lendkai 1 / 8020 Graz // e Egg

1j Camp: Bus stop Franz-Graf-Allee / 8010 Graz (between Stadtpark & Opera)


1i Camp: Library Opernring 7 / first floor / 8010 Graz

r Straße



1h Camp: White Box Opernring 7 / first floor / 8010 Graz


7 Grazer Kunstverein Palais Trauttmansdorff Burggasse 4 / 8010 Graz //


1d Camp: Black Cube Opernring 5 / first floor / 8010 Graz

6 Forum Stadtpark Stadtpark 1 / 8010 Graz //

bergers Baben

1c Camp: Living room Opernring 5 / first floor / 8010 Graz


1b Camp: Laila‘s Bar Opernring 5 / first floor / 8010 Graz

5 ESC im LABOR Jakoministraße 16 / 8010 Graz //


1a Camp: Information and Ticket Office Opernring 5 / 8010 Graz p +43 316 81 60 70 f +43 316 82 30 07 77

rie Ma

1 Camp Opernring 5 - 7 / 8010 Graz


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Mon 17/09

Tue 18/09

Wed 19/09

Thu 20/09 Sat 22/09

Sun 23/09

24/7 marathon camp Start from p. 4

Truth is concrete

2 pm

Truth is concrete. 24/7 marathon camp / Programme book published Tue 11/09 herbst exhibition Adaptation / opening hours p. 21

Fri 21/09

Tue 25/09

Wed 26/09

Truth is concrete. 24/7 marathon camp / Programme book published Tue 11/09 herbst exhibition Adaptation / opening hours p. 21

Mon 24/09

Thu 27/09

p. 22

p. 65

demo graz ya!

Grazer Kunstverein 4 pm

Camp: Exhibition Space


Akademie Graz 6 pm

Reclaiming Identity

2 pm - 4.30 pm

Guided tour

Meeting point p. 24 ESC im LABOR

p. 23

p. 23

p. 21

p. 25

p. 25

p. 24

Intolerance / Normality

Camera Austria 3 pm

Art is concrete. And so is truth?

Kunsthaus Graz 2 pm

Cittadellarte. Divide and change

< rotor > 1 pm

Absolute Democracy

Kunstverein Medienturm p. 22 12 noon

Realness Respect

Kulturzentrum bei den Minoriten 11 am

Alois Neuhold. Not from here

10 am

8 am Shuttle service Vienna - Graz - Vienna

p. 27

Sun 30/09

herbst exhibitions / opening hours from p. 21

Sat 29/09

24/7 marathon camp ESC im LABOR End from p. 4 5 pm

Truth is concrete

4 pm

Fri 28/09

9.30 pm Teatr.doc

Concert to benefit gala Helmut-List-Halle

The Kominas

11 pm

Dom im Berg

33 rounds and few seconds

p. 13

p. 14

Ton Steine Erben Live concerts Camp: Living room


10.30 pm

Camp: Black Cube

1 hour 18 minutes

Talk following p. 13 Dom im Berg

9.30 pm Rabih Mroué / Lina Saneh

Benefit gala Helmut-List-Halle

33 rounds and few seconds

p. 29

p. 15

p. 14

7.30 pm Rabih Mroué / Lina Saneh

Rebranding European Muslims

7.30 pm Public Movement

Talk following Camp: Black Cube

1 hour 18 minutes

7.30 pm Teatr.doc

Dom im Berg

33 rounds and few seconds

p. 15

p. 14

7.30 pm Rabih Mroué / Lina Saneh

Tue 02/10

herbst exhibitions / opening hours from p. 21

Mon 01/10

Wed 03/10

Fri 05/10

Sat 06/10

p. 27

6.30 pm

musikprotokoll Camp

Presentation & Reading Forum Stadtpark


7 pm

musikprotokoll Heilandskirche

missa brevis

6.30 pm

p. 40

p. 36

Opening Pavelhaus / Pavlova hiša p. 26

Fallen imperials / forgotten spaces – p. 33 reoccupied!

Resonating Sculpture

musikprotokoll Camp: Black Cube

Klangforum Wien

musikprotokoll p. 33 Camp: Laila‘s Bar

6.30 pm

musikprotokoll p. 33 Camp: Laila‘s Bar

6.30 pm

musikprotokoll Camp: Laila‘s Bar

ICAS Antichambre

5.30 pm

ICAS Antichambre

5.30 pm

5 pm Shuttle service to Laafeld to the opening of the exhibition Camp: Bus stop p. 26

Camp: Exhibition Space

ICAS Antichambre

5.30 pm

4.30 pm - 6 pm

Guided tour

Klassiktreffpunkt musikprotokoll Camp: Living room

Arditti Quartet

10 am

Micro-Lectures: Enharmony p. 39 Installations: Between I you I and I me & Stealing Cage with dieb13 p. 32


Thu 04/10

p. 33

p. 27

p. 32

Between I you I and I me p. 37 musikprotokoll Camp: White Box

6.30 pm Anke Eckardt

musikprotokoll p. 33 Camp: Laila‘s Bar

ICAS Antichambre

5.30 pm

2 - 4.30 pm p. 36 Guided tour Meeting point Kunsthaus Graz

Sun 07/10

Camp: Black Cube

1 hour 18 minutes

7.30 pm Teatr.doc

p. 15

No days of innocence! Electronic concerts Camp: Living room

Terre Thaemlitz

9.30 pm

p. 30

Camp: Living room


9.30 pm p. 9

p. 34

p. 32

7.30 pm

8.30 pm

musikprotokoll Camp: Black Cube

Arditti Quartet

musikprotokoll Camp: Laila‘s Bar


0.30 am

musikprotokoll Camp: Living room

ICAS Kitchen

musikprotokoll p. 35 Camp: Laila‘s Bar

musikprotokoll p. 35 Camp: Laila‘s Bar


0.30 am


0.30 am

ICAS Kitchen

11.30 pm

musikprotokoll p. 35 Camp: Living room

p. 36

musikprotokoll Camp: Black Cube


10.30 pm

musikprotokoll p. 37 Heilandskirche

missa brevis

9.30 pm

musikprotokoll p. 34 Camp: Black Cube

Klangforum Wien

8.30 pm

musikprotokoll p. 36 Camp: Living room

musikprotokoll p. 35 Camp: Living room

ICAS Kitchen

musikprotokoll p. 34 Camp: Black Cube

11.30 pm

musikprotokoll Camp: Black Cube 11.30 pm

11 pm

Arditti Quartet

p. 34

9.30 pm p. 34 The Silbadores musikprotokoll Camp: Living room

musikprotokoll p. 32 Camp: Black Cube

Cantus Ensemble

11 pm

musikprotokoll Camp: Black Cube


9.30 pm

musikprotokoll Camp: Black Cube


9 pm

musikprotokoll Camp: Bloghouse

p. 16

p. 16


9 pm

musikprotokoll Camp: Black Cube

musikprotokoll Camp: Black Cube

p. 39

musikprotokoll Camp: Living room

p. 33

Resonating Sculpture

p. 38 11 pm

p. 35

p. 34

p. 34

p. 39


10 pm

musikprotokoll p. 36 Camp: Black Cube


9.30 pm

p. 37 musikprotokoll Camp: Black Cube

p. 35

p. 38


8 pm

musikprotokoll p. 32 Camp: Black Cube

7.30 pm


Come Back

7.30 pm Doris Uhlich

Stealing Cage with dieb13 Synaesthetic Enharmony

p. 16 Talk following MUMUTH

7.30 pm

Stealing Cage with dieb13 Ensemble Zeitfluss

8.30 pm

musikprotokoll Camp: Black Cube

Cantus Ensemble

8 pm

musikprotokoll Camp: White Box

Between I you I and I me

7.30 pm Anke Eckardt


Come Back

7.30 pm Doris Uhlich

Come Back

7.30 pm Doris Uhlich

Tue 09/10

herbst exhibitions / opening hours from p. 21

Mon 08/10

Wed 10/10

Thu 11/10

Camp: Exhibition Space

4.30 pm - 6 pm

Guided tour

Fri 12/10

p. 27

10 am Shuttle service Vienna - Graz - Vienna

Sat 13/10

p. 65

Meeting point Kulturzentrum bei den Minoriten p. 27

Guided tour

2 pm - 4.30 pm

Camp: White Box

11 am

Last Brunch

Sun 14/10

9.30 pm

No days of innocence! Electronic concerts Camp: Living room

Franz Pomassl

p. 30

Camp: Living room


9.30 pm

Reading Camp: Living room

Friendship is

p. 40

Ton Steine Erben Live concerts Camp: Living room

Die Türen

10.30 pm

9.30 pm La Pocha Nostra

Talk following Helmut-List-Halle

When the mountain changed its clothing

7.30 pm Heiner Goebbels / Carmina Slovenica

p. 17 Talk following Camp: Black Cube

p. 19

p. 17

Untitled Feminist Show

7.30 pm Young Jean Lee’s Theater Company

9.30 pm La Pocha Nostra


When the mountain changed its clothing

7.30 pm Heiner Goebbels / Carmina Slovenica

Camp: Black Cube

p. 19

p. 17

Untitled Feminist Show

7.30 pm Young Jean Lee’s Theater Company

Ton Steine Erben Live concerts p. 29 Camp: Living room


10.30 pm

p. 29

p. 9 The Insurrected Body The Insurrected Body The Insurrected Body Dom im Berg p. 18 Talk following Dom im Berg p. 18 Dom im Berg p. 18 9.30 pm Albrecht / Steinbuch

9.30 pm La Pocha Nostra

Camp: Black Cube

Untitled Feminist Show

7.30 pm Young Jean Lee’s Theater Company

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