steirischer herbst 2013 programme booklet

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98 % Eng


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hbourhoo eig

24 % langua

23 % pub


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39 % ani



33 % insigh


12 %

Director Veronica Kaup-Hasler / Managing Director Artemis Vakianis / Festival programming & Curator Kira Kirsch / Curator Visual Arts Luigi Fassi / Festival programming Gerda Strobl / Curatorial Consultant Visual Arts Anne Faucheret / Artistic Assistant Johanna Rainer / Management Sabine Reisner / Office Management Kathrin Lazarus / Assistants Office Paul Habjanic, Elena Huber / Cleaning Danica Radat / Head of Financial Department Anja Herman / Financial Department Angelika Raffer / Head of Project Management Dominik Jutz / Project Management Roland Gfrerer, Kirsten Patent, Annika Strassmair / chamber Karl Masten, Hermann re 27 / Project Guest & Production Office Kerstin Geder / Technical der Directors eat Schapek Associate Management Theresa Adamski, Petra Pölzl, Jakob Schweighofer, Christian Sundl / Drivers Gerwin Hofmeister, Christian Jalen, Matti Kruse / Assistants Project Management Birgit Pelzmann, Barbara Thaler / Education Markus Boxler, Hannah Ertl, Regina Novak / Head of Communications & Marketing Andreas R. Peternell / Communications & Media Relations Heide Oberegger / Communications & Information and Ticket Office Martina Heil, Susanne Spörker / Assistants Communications Adina Hasler, Vesna Pajičić / Information and Ticket Office Veronika Adamski, Gudrun Becker, Lisa Dreier, Caroline Pucher / Archive Martin Ladinig Sponsoring Eybesfeldsche Kulturmanagement Agentur – Christine Conrad-Eybesfeld / Sponsoring re l 39 % tr Assistant Maria Schneeweiß / Graphic Design – Lies Verheyen, / 2 eatAtelier Neubacher ma Pictograms Andreas Siekmann, “Revolving Door Capitalism” / Photography wolfgang silveri / Website / Network Support Datenreisebüro / Database Kaya Kipcak

29 %

24 % info

% Austria 20

lorie % ca s

53 % res i


umentary doc


take 33 %

20 % co




osition mp


Publisher steirischer herbst festival gmbh / Sackstraße 17 3 % 77 8010 Graz / Austria / p +43 316 823 007 / f +43d316 ents 8235007 /





ive %g


63 % film

22 %


raz %G

a yri

Editors Martina Heil, Veronica Kaup-Hasler, Kira Kirsch, Andreas R. Peternell, Susanne Spörker, Thomas Wolkinger / Graphic Design – Lies Verheyen, Atelier Neubacher / Corrector Ursula Hogan / Printing Druckerei Dorrong / Paper LuxoSamtoffset, 80g


61 % g e iew

46 % tech

34 % a b

40 % in

70 % s o


25 % party




ec 33 % onom

20 % natu

50 %


estival %f




ents agm

17 % sound

% 13

% 33


yday life ver

34 % sou


irds %b


60 % save th


% 40

cology %e


44 % m erg



% body 33


33 % f updated 4% Status 31/05/2013, subject to alterations. For further please visit dthe regularly c 4information e r usi n website

litics 2 opo

19 % re v nce


no Michael3 A. Guerrero, p. 3/20/84 st brut Wien / Florian Photocredits p. 2/29/89 Hirohisa Koike, p. 1/2/27/88 Rainer, p. 3/4/89 Gustav Metzger ”Mass Media: Today and yesterday“, 2013, p. 4/16/82 Silvano Magnone, p. 4/18/82 Roland Rauschmeier, p. 4/19 Amund Sjølie Sveen, p. 5/6/83 atelier le balto, p. 5/11 Werner Graebner, p. 8 hoelb / hoeb, p. 10/84 Elisa Teichtmeister, p. 12 Rena Hall, p. 12 Aki Roukala, p. 3/12/13 Greig Jackson, p. 13 Barbara Morgenstein, p. 13 Anders Nydam, p. 14 Kurt Prinz, p. 14/85 Michael Rosenkranz, Nikolaos Zachariadis, p. 15 Stewart Home, Boris Nikitin, Cordula Simon, p. 15/20 Robert Steijn, p. 21 Image: NASA/JPL/University of Arizona, p. 23/85 Alain Roux, Angela Anderson, p. 24/87 Theater im Bahnhof, p. 25/87 Daniel Kötter / Hannes Seidl, p. 26/89 Lupi Spuma Fine Photography OG, p. 28/88 Sebastian Arpesella, p. 30 KennedyBrowne ”Bill Gates’ RockingorHorse“, Yazbeck / Media Farzin ld 2 2013, Alessandro Balteo llation 7 ew ”Eames Derivative“, (Detail) 2008-2013, p. 33/82 Germaine Kruip ”Column Untitled“, sta 2012, Sarah Browne ”Carpet for the Irish Pavilion at the Venice Biennale“, 2009, p. 34/83 Kamen Stoyanov “Future idea”, 2013, Camera Austria 2012, p. 34/83 Pekka Mäkinen: Johanna Kirsch ”My Name Is Ape or The Little Tree Theater“, 2012, p. 35/83 Romuald Hazoumé, p. 36/85 Tamás Réthey-Prikkel: Tibor Horváth ”Kívül Tágas / Outer Space“, 2013, Miklós Sulyok: Borsos Lőrinc ”Immovable Land“, 2010, p. 37/74-77 wolfgang silveri, p. 38/41/87 alien productions, p. 40 Heike Vester, p. 40/41/87 Ritschinik, p. 42 Reinhard Mayr, p. 43/44 Wen Liu, p. 44 Julie C., p. 45 M. Korbel, p. 45 NOVA, p. 46 Wolf Leeb, p. 46 siacus, p. 47 Oskar Ott, Mizzi Ccaro, p. 48 Zachary Formwalt ”Unsupported Transit“, 2011, video still, p. 50/51 Beirut ”Labour in a Single Shot“, 2012, p. 50/51 Brian Biery


22 % theatr

23 % pub

Shareholders Land Steiermark, Stadt Graz

11 % self


Supervisory Board Heinz Wietrzyk, Alexia Getzinger, Monika Isola, Peter Nebel, Lisa Rücker, Gerhard Rüsch

% Schloßb 12

Content Preface 2 Opening Opening steirischer herbst 2013 Festival centre atelier le balto: Ex-Zollamt hoelb / hoeb: Close Link One Night Stands Coffee, Cake, Cinema Modezirkus: Economic Factor Closet Clutter Lisa D.: Taking Things into Your Hands Kudielka / Wimberley: Tableaux vivants Jagwa Music Double Feature Bent Spoke herbst remixed Marginal Notes herbst. Theorie zur Praxis 2013 Theatre / Performance / Dance A Two Dogs Company / Kris Verdonck: H, an incident Anne Juren: Happy End Amund Sjølie Sveen: Economic Theory for Dummies united sorry & friends: the forest project Dewey Dell: Marzo Massimo Furlan: Gym Club Antonia Baehr: Abecedarium Bestiarium Theater im Bahnhof / Gaststubentheater Gößnitz: Operation Wolfshaut Daniel Kötter / Hannes Seidl: Credit Boris Nikitin: Don‘t be Yourself! Ann Liv Young: Sleeping Beauty (1–4) & Sherry Truck Federico León: Las Multitudes Fumiyo Ikeda / Un Yamada: amness Exhibitions Liquid Assets I share, therefore I am


7 8 9 9 10 10 11 11 12 14 14 15 15

Dough Ashford / Trisha Brown / Sarah Browne / Germaine Kruip … What is art? … Unexpected Encounters Beninese Solidarity with Endangered Westerners Measures of Saving the World_Part 3 Out of the Museum and into the Street Exhibition openings Guided tours Curatorial dialogues

32 33 34 35 35 36 36 37 37

19 20 21 22 23

Music musikprotokoll 39 Patrick Hahn: Encores 40 Castelló / Vester: sonic blue 40 alien productions: metamusic 41 Lepenik / Ritsch: Ex Machina Dei 41 Pulsinger / Schimana: Vienna ORF Radio Symphony Orchestra 42 Heimo Lattner: The Silbadores 42 Trio Zebra 43 Klangforum Wien 43 innode 44 Environmental Auditors 44 ensemble recherche 45 Klangwege 45 No Business for Dogs 46 Personal Soundscapes 46 Watch Radio, Listen to Radio 47 Hagemann / Heifetz: Nights at the Bunker 47

24 25 26

Theory / Discourse Conference: Liaisons dangereuses herbst Academy: Workshop 1– 4

27 28 29

Services / Education Services / Ticket prices 74 Education 76 Documentary films for children and young people 77 Venues 78 Calendar 82

17 18

31 32

49 50

Veronica Kaup-Hasler


“Alliances, misalliances and false friends: Liaisons dangereuses”, the leitmotif of this year’s steirischer herbst looks at the nature of dangerous relationship cocktails, of connections which, for all their fragility, are passionate, explosive and always powerful. A “liaison”, from the French perspective, is much more than a flirt or a love affair: it can be applied to connections, relationships and their transformation – in society, art and culture and in both the private sphere and in politics. While one year ago, steirischer herbst focused on the role of art in society-changing moments, we now proceed to look at a number of other questions: what coalitions and compromises are entered into in order to carry through visions and goals? What relations of dependence open up? What scales and disparities are reflected in old boy networks, “forced marriages” of all kinds? What if the line between coalition and corruption gets thinner and thinner? And, in the end, what are the constellations in which we could finally make headway? As always, it is more the questions than the answers that move us. And, as always, these questions will feature recurrently in the steirischer herbst programme – playful, direct – and often associative. This year’s herbst exhibition, for example, curated by Katarina Gregos and Luigi Fassi, examines the changing relationships of a finance industry that take place in virtual space to those real relationships which – committed only to maximum profit and not to the public good – it defines so tangibly and profoundly. Within this context, the conference provides a framework for reflection in which to explore dependencies in politics, the finance industry and society. The festival centre is in a dangerous zone this year: for four weekends we are occupying Ex-Zollamt, the former customs house and the neighbouring Explosiv youth cultural centre. The German / French landscape architect team atelier be balto is transforming what was once the central trans-shipment centre near the main railway station into a vibrant centre for numerous artistic events: along with the herbst exhibition “Liquid Assets”, the “Close Link” installation, a host of live concerts, the artists evenings “One Night Stands”, Lisa D.’s open workshop and much more. Connections and selection criteria are also characteristic of the multiple steirischer herbst opening in 2013 – in a wide variety of ways and at many different venues, featuring performance, visual art and architecture: while the artist Kris Verdonck presents his vision of the universe envisaged by Daniil Charms (Harms), a poet who countered Stalin’s regime of terror within an absurd and poetic world, the choreographer Anne Juren will be premièring her interpretation of Kafka’s “Amerika” and Martin Kippenberger’s America installation.

You’ll come across them again and again and everywhere – these liaisons in and on this year’s leitmotif: for example in Andreas Siekmann’s pictograms, that define the visual image of the festival, at musikprotokoll, that showcases the diverse reference systems in which contemporary music is produced and heard today. Or in visual art – for instance at Grazer Kunstverein, that is focusing on the abstraction of social relationships, at Kunsthaus Graz, that is embarking on new paths of curatorship with the African artist Romuald Hazoumé, while Camera Austria investigates to what extent political questions can be transferred to the institutional framework of art. Or at the < rotor > exhibition, reflecting on a wide range of measures intended to save the world. Or at the Pavelhaus, where curator Adele Eisenstein examines the tense relationship between Hungarian artists and the Orbán government in the context of resistance to the communist regime. Performances include a plethora of (world) premières focusing, among other things, once again on the connection to rural surroundings, thus setting artistic accents at specific points around Styria. While Robert Steijn and Frans Poelstra get up to their theatrical mischief in the woods of Peggau, celebrating nature in song, Theater im Bahnhof joins Gaststubentheater Gößnitz to stage Hans Lebert’s novel “Die Wolfshaut”, with the performance touring various country pubs around Styria. Very different to Ann Liv Young, who offers curative “Sherrapies” to people seeking help as she travels in her truck around Styria and Swiss Boris Nikitin who examines the relationships in elective communities and self-help groups. The transformation and violation of the body in fitness studios based on the career of Arnold Schwarzenegger is the topic of a piece commissioned to Swiss theatre-maker Massimo Furlan. Parallel to this, Antonia Baehr explores the transformation of the human being into an animal in her solo performance. A project realised exclusively by the participation of one hundred Styrians is “Las Multitudes” by Federico León, who develops a theatrical metaphor on the coexistence of different generations at the Helmut-List-Halle. Once again the programme has turned out to be rich and varied and we would be delighted if it tempts you to engage in an enjoyable liaison dangereuse with steirischer herbst lasting more than three weeks.


Fri 20/09, 15.30 Helmut-List-Halle A Two Dogs Company / Kris Verdonck

H, an incident 24 / 14 € (see p. 17)

Fri 20/09, 17.30 Ex-Zollamt / Halle

Liquid Assets herbst exhibition opening with Goldin+Senneby Admission free (see p. 31)

Fri 20/09, 19.30 Helmut-List-Halle A Two Dogs Company / Kris Verdonck

H, an incident 24 / 14 € (see p. 17)

Fri 20/09, 19.30 Ex-Zollamt / Explosiv Amund Sjølie Sveen

Fri 20/09, 22.00 Ex-Zollamt / Halle atelier le balto

Economic Theory for Dummies


8€ (see p. 19)

Fri 20/09, 19.30 Dom im Berg Anne Juren

Happy End 18 / 12 € (see p. 18)


Festival centre opening Admission free (see p. 7)

34 % sou

50 %


% 33


% Schloßb 12

17.25 Helmut-List-Halle to Ex-Zollamt / Bus stop 19.00 Ex-Zollamt / Bus stop to Helmut-List-Halle 19.00 Ex-Zollamt / Bus stop to Schloßbergbahn lower station

Fri 20/09, 23.00 Ex-Zollamt / Explosiv

21.00 Schloßbergbahn lower station to Ex-Zollamt / Bus stop

Jagwa Music Opening concert Admission free (see p. 11)

Shuttles between the venues and the festival centre

21.30 Helmut-List-Halle to Ex-Zollamt / Bus stop Free of charge


ss d 41 % oun



% 13

44 % m erg

25 % party

Shuttles between the venues and the festival centre

ce dan


20 % natu

Special times call for special formats and this year’s steirischer herbst opening breaks all bounds, annexing different venues around the city for more than ten hours and even breaking completely new ground in the evening. You can join in the opening tour in the afternoon when Kris Verdonck’s disturbing language and machine theatre, based on the writings of the Russian author Daniil Charms (Harms), premières at the HelmutList-Halle. Who decides to attend the afternoon performance, has it easier in the evening, with two premières – Anne Juren’s choreography on Kafka’s and Kippenberger’s “America” and Amund Sjølie Sveen’s performance crash course “Economic Theory for Dummies” in public finance – in addition to another showing of “H, an incident”. The herbst exhibition “Liquid Assets” opens in between and focuses on the mysteries and the shady sides of virtualised global cash flows. Later in the evening, steirischer herbst invites everyone to the big opening reception followed by a concert of the fantastic Tanzanian band Jagwa Music at this year’s festival zone around the former customs house and Explosiv near the railway station. As things are coming thick and fast, plan ahead to make sure you’re in the front row.


lost &


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yday life ver

Opening steirischer herbst 2013



33 % f r

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estival %f



44 %



c usi

EX-ZOLLAMT change 34 % ex nce dia 33 % ra on is li % 26 a e 7 % zon

atelier le balto (DE/FR)


Festival centre at the former customs house and Explosiv youth cultural centre

After the revolution comes reorientation, upheaval is followed by times in which future conditions are renegotiated. These are fragile moments that decide whether an agreement is reached and whether new orders come about. Until then, the outcome remains dangerously in the balance. The terrain is unclear and the exception is the rule. The steirischer herbst festival centre is also more a zone in motion than a rigid centre this year, flexibly adjoining Ex-Zollamt, the site of the former customs house in Bahnhofgürtel. An area, neither truly periphery nor centre, that reminds us of times when the globalisation of markets was not so limitless and circumstances more visibly limited. The Explosiv youth cultural centre marks one side of the range of choices in this zone, with a night-spot, concerts and Sunday cinema. Ex-Zollamt marks another: the installation “Close Link” allows visitors to experience intimate, usually hidden relationship systems by using their senses, the herbst exhibition “Liquid Assets” artistically illuminates the opacities of global cash flows, while the great hall serves as a daytime café and herbst Bar, the scene of unpredictable “One Night Stands” and a Sunday crossing-point and meeting-place for alternative trade channels. The landscape architects from atelier le balto, who designed the gardens of the Palais de Tokyo in Paris and the Berlin Kunst-Werke, have arranged a group of strangely floating houses over the whole area between Explosiv and Ex-Zollamt, over the courtyard and garden. At night they light up, reminiscent of fragile summer-houses or greenhouses, forging links to the history of the site and creating places that oscillate between inside and out, public and private, transparent and hidden.

20/09 - 13/10 Ex-Zollamt Thu - Sat 14.00 - 03.00 Sun 14.00 - 21.00 Admission free Opening Fri 20/09, 22.00 Ex-Zollamt / Halle

ture 39 % na ce n a 36 % d l ua it r % 17 enture d a 8% v

Last Brunch Sun 13/10, 12.00 Ex-Zollamt / Halle By atelier le balto, Landschafts­ architekten (Laurent Dugua, Véronique Faucheur, Holger Lindmueller & Marc Pouzol) Light Studio Dinnebier see p. 9 “One Night Stands”

Commissioned by steirischer herbst Project sponsors Gaulhofer Fenster und Türen, Industriellenvereinigung Steiermark & XAL


stall 34 % in s e 34 % illn rt a p % 32

56 % r 29 % 15 %

EX-ZOL hoelb / hoeb (AT)

Close Link

Relationship systems with Liss 1-5, PVS, DLB 27/09 - 12/10 Ex-Zollamt / Halle Fri - Sun 14.00 - 21.00 Admission free Opening Thu 26/09, 18.00 Ex-Zollamt / Halle By hoelb / hoeb (Mario Hoeber & Barbara Hoelbling) (AT) With Jürgen Bigler (AT), Barbara Holub (AT), Nina Hömberg (DE), Andreas Karl (AT), Thomas Kasebacher (AT), Bernd Kräftner (AT), Judit Kröll (AT), Karin und Christian Kruschinsky (AT), Eva Kupfner (AT), Anna Katharina Laggner (AT), Tina Lipsky (AT), Thomas Macho (DE), Claudia Neu (DE), Gerlinde Ofner (AT), Burkhard und Christin Propf (AT), Paul Rajakovics (AT), Isabel Warner (DE), Elisabeth Weiss (US), Chrisdian Wittenburg (DE) et al. see p. 9 “One Night Stands”

The installation “Close Link” by hoelb / hoeb focuses on the extraordinary relationship systems and extreme situations that arise when people find themselves in isolated states of consciousness due to illness. Barbara Hoelbling and Mario Hoeber use an experimental artistic set-up to explore spaces and everyday activities that characterise close relationships to persistent vegetative state patients, to people living with a mental or physical impairment, or to dementia sufferers, demonstrating one’s own feelings rather than those of others. “Close Link” confronts visitors with their own very personal, unexplored relationships, in addition it asks pressing questions regarding the disposition of society: what do we 34 %current exchange repress? What situations do we 33 % radiance expose ourselves to? How did we get into this? 26 % liaison 80 % live concer ts “Close Link” is devised7to benea complex, ever-changing 20 % twspace % zo in packin the dynamic context of art, interdisciplinary research and social practice. An artistically transformed intensive-care unit gives an insight into very specific medical equipment, questioning the limits of what is technically possible and the relationship between research, economy and public welfare. With the aid of film screenings, interviews, image sequences, objects and a personal dialogue 39 % na with different experts onture location – doctors, scientists, artists are 36 % dance here for the duration 45 % th relocating their workplace ofeathe tre festival – 45 % generarelationship % ritua “Close Link” pans17out a l setting that demonstrates tions 10 % cons % adventureemotions and social tellations and systems between 8individual perception opens up new spaces for action.


25 % p 25 % p 25 % fe 25 % th

Project sponsor bene

34 % installatio n 34 % illness 32 % participatio n

56 % resistance 29 % public spac e 15 % power 8

66 % performan ce 19 % east - wes t 15 % science fic tion

65 % megapho ne 20 % music jour nalism 15 % secret

44 % 37 % 19 %

60 % o 23 % e 17 % so

LAMT One Night Stands

100 %

ture litera 70 % hotos p 12 % bservation o % t 0 1 omen % 8 m



s ncert ive co cgroups When two artists 8or who have never crossed Ex-Zollamt / Halle k 0 % lartist a p twin paths before meet 2to an evening together, it can lead 0 %create e g Admission free n excha ce all sorts of things – a non-committal Saturday-night flirt, a ce 34 % diato n finan Sat 21/09, 18.0058- % 22.00 ra h mysterious adventure, a fateful affair. The first of these s 33 % aispassionate, a n c o monochrom (AT) &20 % wspapers ers li e 26 % ounpredictable couplings involves monochrom and Lord Jim Loge, th e n Lord Jim Loge (AT) 16 % n man Bro nce 7 % z the legendary male society profoundly entwined with Grazorm h a e L and 6% perf Sat 28/09, 18.00 - 22.00 25 % op steirischer herbst which was ironically taken over by monochrom p % Rabtaldirndln (AT) & m 5 minis in 2005. Things will be less masculine but not necessarily2 less fedirect Ann Liv Young (US) 25 % erapy e r h t t when Rabtaldirndln meet New tYork The hea performer Ann Liv Young. see p. 27 “Sleeping Beauty & 25 % 5 % nerations 4 third Saturday is reserved for the s artists – Resanita and e landscape n g Sherry Truck” o i t % post a l 45 59 % xc nstel atelier le balto who try to find 0out they are on green terms % cowhether e 1 % Sat 05/10, 18.00 22.00 3 2 ature other. And finally, hoelb / hoeb meet Herr Manfred, with neach % so Resanita r(AT) & 8 39 % ance 1 y ta d who, with tradition, will be mixing mind-expanding (DE/FR) umen le balto 36 % in tukeeping catelier ion t“Ex-Zollamt” ri al ure on the last evening at the herbst Bar, adding 4a4 % do seepp. i s % o “Kalashnikovs” 7 7 t 1 m n o e c v d 37 % ash flow 8 % a of other dangerous consumable substances. number c 19 % Sat 12/10, 18.00 - 22.00 e c an Herr Manfred (AT) & rform st e p 66 % ast - we hoelb / hoeb (AT) e ion 19 % cience fict see p. 8 “Close Link” s 15 % on i t a a l l hestr insta % orc tronics 34 % lness 0 6 c n il ture ele 34 % articipatio 23 % ound sculp p s Three special Ex-Zollamt 32 % premières are set to bill on the Sunday cinema 17 % / Explosiv e phon and a afternoons at Explosiv, with the directors, protagonists topics of m g s i e l a m Admission free journ León, for 65 % usFederico the films screening all closely linked to the festival. m ic 20 % ecret Sun 22/09, 14.30 instance, whose comedy “Entrenamiento Elemental para Actores”, s 15 % e Federico León (AR) & c n a co-directed with%Martín is screening on the first Sunday, resist spRejtman, ace Martín Rejtman (AR) 56 c i l b io with his big generational tableau “Las Multitudes” premièring at the pu “Entrenamiento Elemental ing tr 29 % ower % str p weeks later. Or the three Slovenian artists Helmut-List-Halle two para Actores” 100 15 % who decided in 2007 to assume the name of the then Slovenian see p. 28 “Las Multitudes” sound g n prime minister, as documented in the film “My Name4Is0 %Janez Janša”. i n Sun 29/09, 14.30 liste nding 22 % 2008. u They had their first joint appearance at steirischer herbst Janez Janša (SI) surro The e d % a 0 2 third film is specially themedvofor Jodice’s ome m “My Name Is Janez Janša” ce the Conference – Francesco h i % 18 25 % tude“Dubai_Citytellers” nts n disconcerting documentation about modern s s t n Sun 06/10, 14.30 % ositio 25 erime comp p x slavery in Dubai. % e 0 Francesco Jodice (IT) & 8 25 % ound video s The directors will always be Saverio Pesapane (IT) 20 % 25 %in attendance and will be available for discussion after the performance in a genuine cinema atmosphere. le “Dubai_Citytellers” b see ensem n p. 49 “Liaisons dangereuses” 22 % 24 % 50 %s ompos3itio 22 3 e ry ia c h % d y 0 r 5 o e h t 100 % 34 % clot

take 33 %

lorie % ca s

58 % S t

55 % o l


% 21


live 50 % arty p o 5029%%

ir repa

ive %g

20 % co


% Austria 20 35 %


raz %G


63 % film

Coffee, Cake, Cinema



EX-ZOL 22 %

58 % S t

34 % clot


Economic Factor Closet Clutter

ive %g

Modezirkus (AT)




raz %G

63 % film


a yri

take 33 %

% Austria 20

lorie % ca s

Swapping instead of buying


experim e

50 % t h

hbourhoo eig

47 % v i



34 % c ri

60 % li v

53 % res i



24 % info


ountry %c

33 % insigh

51 % won



umentary doc

osition mp

robotics 25 %

24 % langua

23 % pub

With Sandra Raser (AT) & Jasmin Teichtmeister (AT)


Swap days Fri 27/09, 18.00 - 22.00 Sun 29/09, 14.00 - 21.00

12 %

Admission free Collection days Sun 22/09 & Thu 26/09, 14.00 - 21.00

29 % 20 % co ts 35 % den clutter, deo – in Get rid of closet discover newefavourites and fashion gems a lovingly designed ambience in the customs house. The focus of the fashion circus is about the fun of swapping clothes and outsmarting the consumer and throw-away society while you’re at it. For two days swappers can bring along five fashionable items of clothing that they no longer wear to the swap shop in the Ex-Zollamt and use the coupons theychget these to buy new items on two swap days. The ambefor 33 re r 27 der place eat Sunday first swap takes on Friday evening, is for families,siswhen children’s clothes can also be exchanged.


Ex-Zollamt / Halle

Lisa D. with change team (DE/AT)

Taking Things into Your Hands 39 %

68 % the

50 % t h

39 % ani

55 % o l


34 % clot

61 % g e iew

70 % s o

34 % a b


lorie % ca s

63 % film

40 % in




46 % tech

take 3 % activism 1 33 %


%n design 20 atu

60 % save th

% 21

17 % sound






ec 33 % onom

58 % S t

19 % re v nce

irds %b


% Austria 20





ys 33 %sa


22 % theatr

23 % pub

11 % self


ir repa

29 %


o 44 % de



% 40

ive %g

cology %e

o mp

20 % co




35 %


ts den


21 %

mun com ity

% body 33


22 raz %G

a yri

e atr

We are surrounded by objects whose manner of functioning and form are beyond our control. Their machine-polished surfaces blind us with an image of perfection that brooks no unauthorised change. The open workshop encourages people to chip away at this image – in the field of clothes and other textile objects – and to take things into their own hands. The best time for this is when ion litics 2 ology holes, things fail: ncracks, stains, but salso 3 tract when something becomes opo unwearable this can be used as an opportunity to regain power. In return for defective items, stories and ideas brought along by participants, the change team offers the expertise of experienced designers and craftspeople and instruction in a number of simple techniques (printing, needle felting, sewing, darning, ironing, wild patterns, working with latex and Sugru). 22 % 24 % 33 orld 27hes 15 llation d ew und sta 7%

By and with Lisa D. (DE/AT), Esther-Kaya Stögerer (DE/AT), Carina Brucker (AT), Sarah Kaesmayr (DE) et al.



Admission free Fri 04/10 & Sat 05/10, 16.00 - 22.00 Sun 06/10, 14.00 - 21.00

formation ans

Ex-Zollamt / Halle

re eat


l workshop Open change tr ma

34 % clot

47 % v i

63 % film

60 % li v





58 % S t

% Austria 20

lorie % ca s

ntary ocume 44 % d position 20 % cocm e 37 % osh flow a % 9 1 c osition mp

experim e

53 % res i







12 %

hbourhoo eig

Tableaux vivants

ts 35 % den ance erform 66 % p t - west as 19 % e nce fiction cie 15 % s


Susanne Kudielka (DE) / Kaspartio Wimberley (GB) n stalla 34 % in ess ln 34 % il ticipation ar p % 2 3

raz %G

LAMT ature 39 % n ce an d 36 % itual r % 7 1 e ventur a 8% d


ia eatre yr 45 % th erations en 45 % g stellations on c % 0 1

25 % p op 25 % p inism 22 % m 25 % fe rapy e h t % 25

a rchestr 60 % o ctronics le 23 % e nd sculpture 20/09 - 13/10 re 2177 % sou s eat Ex-Zollamt 34 % c ri


68 % the

50 % t h

50 % t h

34 % a b

22 % theatr


% 13



40 % in

17 % sound

20 % natu

33 % f r

34 % sou

ents agm




% 33

60 % save th

70 % s o

ec 33 % onom



yday life ver


44 % m erg


% 40

cology %e

44 %

61 % g e iew

23 % pub

% body 33


c usi

50 %

51 % won



39 % ani

24 % langua

23 % pub



formation ans

46 % tech


robotics 25 %

% Schloßb 12

Jagwa Music

ountry %c

Residents living in the festival zone will take an active am hand in er ch ber hone events outside their doors at very specific moments. dTogether megap with nalism 65 % ic jourbe the artists Susanne Kudielka and Kaspar Wimberley, they uswill Admission free 20 % m ret c creating surprising spaces andissituations of inverted conditions for tance 5 % se 1 s With e r 56 % ace brief moments during the festival. ublic spThis takes the festival centre out Susanne Kudielka (DE), p % 9 2 the house of the limelight a bit, while wer becomes a stage and the local Kaspar Wimberley (GB) & 5 % po 1 residents, who usually only follow the festival as mere onlookers neighbours trio string 100 % like everyone else, suddenly attract all the attention and present sound themselves to the public. re l 39 % t4r 0 % tening 2 eat s ma at 22 % li rounding r u s % e e 0 ic 2 o ad 25 % v dents ome m 18 % h tu 25 % s eriments xp 25 % e nd ou s % om 25 80 % c Concert and party for the herbst opening id 20 % v le b 23.00 sem 20/09, Jagwa Music is a young band from Tanzania who conjure wild50 % enFri n ion positio ct ry ogyself-made o m l Ex-Zollamt e o c h o t 3 grooves and amazing tempo from traditional and % n stra / Explosiv o 50 100 % instruments. The kinanda, an old Casio keyboard, in Swahili “box that Admission free makes music”, plays a special role: by connecting it to an amplifier, With kinanda musicians take advantage of the feedback and distortion Jagwa Music (TZ) potential of the equipment in such an astonishing manner that you might rightly refer to this music as Afro punk. Rhythm and sound ve 50 % li ty ar p are also reminiscent of minimal or trance music. Largely ignored by % 0 5 tal ld n e m u r r the mainstream in Tanzania, Mchiriku bands as Jagwa t o ssuch 27Music llation 68 % in ctronics e w u sta find their fans on the streets of Dar es23Salaam of them % ele –sisemany r e h t syn for survival in the know the lyrics that revolve around the hard 9 %fight urban jungle, well-known sayings that are even found on dala dala minibus taxis.


EX-ZOL e xchang Double 34 % e Feature e c n ia d DJs after the concerts

100 %

erts ve conc 80 % li ck a p win 20 % t



33 % ra on ais Every Saturday: 26 % li e one ticket, two concerts, a special moment. Bands zon % 7 who have never appeared on stage together before share the evening – on an equal footing and far removed from the two-tier ma system of supporting act and main act. Sometimes opposites meet, 25 % perfor p o sometimes the connections are obvious: concepts contrast and 25 % p minism melodies complement each other. 25 % fe rap eatre e 45 % th erations h t 25 % en Project sponsors spark7 & digitalis 45 % g stellations on 10 % c ature 39 % n ce n a 36 % d al u 17 % rit enture v 8 % ad 44 3 1 rmanceblues: Mirel Wagner comes from Ethiopia, lives in Finland and rfoplays e p % 66 - west that is t s she writes minimalist, clear songs, singing them with a voice a e n 19 % ce fictio Sad as charismatic as it is fragile dark scientopics. tion does not eschew llaand 5% a 1 t s in 4 % above songs they may be, 3but all they are beautiful. illness tion 34 %glamorous Showy, loud, garish, and glitzy, that’s Leslie Hall, rticipa a p % 32 performer and rapper, diva and entertainment queen from Iowa. She dances on many stages, always in gold pants, runsapahogem ne eg rnalism 65 % m sweater museum and is a guarantee for eccentric shows, funny lyrics u jo ic s u m % 20 and catchy beats. ecret e 15 % s sistanc e e r % 6 c 5 a p s c li ub 29 % p er ow 15 % p

Mirel Wagner & Leslie Hall Sat 21/09, 23.00 Ex-Zollamt / Explosiv 8€ With Mirel Wagner (FI) & Leslie Hall (US)

Conquering Animal Sound & K-X-P Sat 28/09, 23.00 Ex-Zollamt / Explosiv 8€ With Conquering Animal Sound (GB) & K-X-P (FI)

ound 40 % s ening st li Every single sound on the album “On Floating Bodies” was specially % g 2 2 oundin s created, recorded, manipulated,% voprocessed and polished20 %byurr made ice 25 ome dents Anneke Kampman and James Scott. that is constantly 18 % h tuElectropop 25 % s eriments reinventing itself, full of loops and filtered, atomised, taken % exp 25 sounds, ound apart and reassembled. 25 % s A band who refer to themselves as an anti-band, who say that their music is created for the live moment and who cite as their inspiration le nsemb 50 % e position “original-electronic-Motörhead-space-trance-spiritual-rocky r o m e o c h 0%t meditation-freejazz-godz”. K-X-P are10drums, bass and synthesiser.50 % Extremely danceable, energetic, transient.



ve 50 % li ty ar p 50 %


Millennium & Barbara Morgenstern Millennium, a band as a project, or rather a start-up and connected with it, a deliberate game of contrasts. Visually designed in a sobersmooth Microsoft WordArt look, Norman Palm, the singer and Ville Haimala from Renaissance Man are already in a new dimension of the electropop heavens with their music. Long melody arcs, cool keyboard sounds and beats that merge into a minimalist-harmonic work. That’s the new sound of the Berlinbased musician Barbara Morgenstern, who is presenting her current album “Sweet Silence”.

Sat 05/10, 23.00 Ex-Zollamt / Explosiv 8€ With Millennium (US/FI) & Barbara Morgenstern (DE)

Pascal Pinon & Anna von Hausswolff Twin sisters Jófrídur and Ásthildur have named themselves after the Mexican Pascal Pinon who exhibited his two heads a hundred years ago. The unity of the two, the harmony, can be felt in all of their folky-indie pop miniatures: the charm of Icelandic home recording coated with a sheen of soft melodies. The church organ plays a key role on Anna von Hausswolff’s latest album “Ceremony”, in which she creates a pop oratory that combines heavenly sounds with crystal clear, expressive vocals. The young Swede’s music is mysterious, hymnic and powerful, somewhere between this world and the next.

Sat 12/10, 23.00 Ex-Zollamt / Explosiv 8€ With Pascal Pinon (IS) & Anna von Hausswolff (SE)


40 % e s


47 % v i

60 % li v

24 % info


30 % phot


53 % res i




s say

umentary doc


35 % p e

34 % c ri


experim e 50 % t h

rmance rfo

buil 33 % din


33 27 series by Interpenetration tr Aeaconcert sis ountry %c

hbourhoo eig

51 % won

29 %

EX-ZOL deo

Bent Spoke e robotics 25 %

chamber der

20 % co

osition mp

12 %




35 %


ts den

53 % d a


48 % in


40 % e s


61 % g e iew

55 % o l

34 % clot

47 % v i

35 % p e

51 % s o


34 % c ri

40 % in

70 % s o



20 % natu



33 % insigh


23 % pub

11 % self

48 % in

d exchan wor

61 % g e



% 33


22 % theatr shari

% 28


ution stit

19 %

litics 2 opo

% bod 33


ction stra

34 % a b

53 % d a

d 41 % oun

68 % the

50 %

25 % party

50 % t h

lo 22 % st & f

% 13


24 % langua

23 % pub

34 % sou

32 % bo

39 % ani



63 % film

60 % li v


50 % t h


hbourhoo eig


ear witne


68 % the

50 % t h

experim e

17 % sound



51 % won

24 % info


58 % S t


ec 33 % onom

53 % res i

19 % re v nce

% Austria 20

34 % a b

lorie % ca s



28 % sic mu


buil 33 % din

isual arts %v

mun com ity


39 % ani

24 % politi

22 % theatr

23 % pub

11 % self

take 33 %

24 % langua

23 % pub

46 % tech

d exchan wor

30 % phot





estival %f

ents agm

formation ans

packed TV advert slot.


6 % tec h


istling wh


ountry %c



60 % save th


umentary doc

irds %b

% 40

32 % und Festival: always means missing things too. You make decisions, perhaps regret them and then you’ve got the 33 next one to make. re rmance 27 is rfo eat also documents “herbst remixed” thingss you may have overlooked,

robotics 25 %

44 % m erg



s say

remixing, reprising, observing, forging new links, manipulating and playing. What has been, what is to come? Who was there, where was I? In the festival zone, on the Net and at selected venues, the 33 % f ce 37 25steirischer herbst and video documentary accompanies r dan everything art nd that is going on. A collection of images in progress, a mash-up, a collage, every day new, every day more. Also, the “herbst remixed” 39 % t TV edition restages herbst projects re selected 21 ORF 2 e on r % 2 (18.57, before eat atr nce “Steiermark heute”): a one-minute video experiment in the tightly

ogy nol

% 21

33 % insigh

32 % bo

29 %




A collection of images in progress 15 llation und sta


yday life ver

l ma

% 28


osition mp

12 %

cology %e

20/09 - 13/10 Ex-Zollamt / Halle & ORF 2 be cham r der By Ulrich A. Reiterer (AT) Collaboration Julian Stampfer (AT) et al. c 44 % e usi

ive %g



herbst remixed


ir repa


% body 33


20 % co

19 %

mun com ity


raz %G




sic mu


formation ans

orld ew

35 %

ts den



“Bent Spoke” is the name of a wondrous series of concerts, organised by marufura fufunjiru, label operator and musician and the musician Peter Plessas, presenting a broad range of fresh live music between Thu 26/09, 23.00 free improvisation, experimental electronics and rock. On three Broken Heart Collector (AT) Thursdays, autodidacts, self-proclaimed experts and non-university Thu 03/10, 23.00 music individualists will meet up in Explosiv, regularly rising above Opcion aka Ab Hinc (AT), re 21 % the all-stars frome Broken l 39 % 28 % Heart 2 The event kicks e themselves. eat ma Bernhardtr Loibner (AT) & atr off with nc Didi Bruckmayr (AT) Collector, perfect examples of the promised interpenetration of styles. When Didi Bruckmayr and Bernhard Loibner meet the versatile Thu 10/10, 23.00 sound creator and destroyer Opcion on the second Thursday and Mecanation (SG/FR) & 22 it’s guaranteed to be an 24 % The Striggles 33 ry ia (AT) 22 when they play for the% first time as a trio, hes d see p. 41 “Ex Machina Dei” evening of heavy-handed house music. Afterwards, Mecanation will try their hand at an improvised interplay of lively electronics Curated by and tunprocessed sound sculptures. Rounding off are the Striggles, marufura fufunjiru (AT) & c ion litics 2 ogy ution 3 Plessas (AT) nol stra opo Peter stit whose advanced monumental noise rock cuts pleasurably to the marrow, brain and heart. DJs after the concerts Ex-Zollamt / Explosiv 8€

% Schloßb 12

LAMT Marginal Notes A virtual diary rprise 100 % su


ture 70 % litera s to o h p % 12 ation rv se b 10 % o nt e 8 % mom

They are diarists and writers-in-residence, minute-takers and observers. They note, sketch, photograph. They formulate passing thoughts – topical today and stale tomorrow. They observe themselves and others, negotiate public and private affairs. They record and invent, think up stories and reflect on reality. They are always subjective. They work with familiarfinmeans nce and grapple with 58 % a the conditions of the sober medium. 0The result, by degrees, is a sh ca 2 % ce pers ormanvirtual multidimensional, diary, a notebook a demo ewspasketchbook, 25 % perf 16 % nand n Brothers tape. A 2map, % Lehma left-overs. Sequels, 5 % poap virtual card index. Casual6jottings, e inism remains of the day. new beginnings. 25 % fem The ations rapy e th % s 5 This year2 again, four authors and artists will be keeping a Net diary ellation for steirischer herbst: British author Stewart Home, Swiss director Boris Nikitin, whose play “Don‘t be Yourself!” is billing at this year’s ialism stcolonin 9 % polives festival, Graz-born writer Cordula Simon, who5now Odessa, nge 3 % excha and Dutch performermRobert entary Steijn, whose 2“the soforest art project”, l a cu ci o d 44 % FranssiPoelstra, 18 % at steirischer co-produced with is also premièring on ti o p m 37 % co nce herbst. flow performa 19 % cash st e w They began their notes in May and will be constantly adding new st a %e fiction notes and condensing them during the festival, when all four % science nd 68 % soua parallel authors will be in Graz for one week each – thus creating tics b ro 20 % o ent pre-history and literary continuation of steirischer herbst. xperim e ra % st 5 e 1 h 60 % orc nics h 7 % churc ro 23 % elect sculpture e n o h d p n a u g 5 % me 17 % so sm c journali 20 % musi et Magazine 15 % secr

14/05 - 13/10 // By and with Stewart Home (GB), Boris Nikitin (CH), Cordula Simon (UA/AT) & Robert Steijn (AT/NL) You can subscribe to receive current entries by email. see p. 26 “Don‘t be Yourself!” see p. 20 “the forest project”

herbst. Theorie zur Praxis 2013

30 % phot

34 % clot

24 % info

63 % film

55 % o l

40 % e s



47 % v i

take 33 %




% Aus 20

lorie % ca s


experim e


umentary doc

osition mp

12 %

60 % li v

% 21




ir repa

ive %g


raz %G

This is the eighth issue of “herbst. Theorie zur Praxis”, a publication Published Tue 10/09 radio 100 %with that accompanies the festival: not a programme book the German and English language 22 24 % 22 33 trhioes task of explaining% the various exhibitions and d projects stringworks, % 0 0 1 und With contributions by 40 % sofeaturing at steirischer herbst. And yet it does provide a close-up: ening Beirut (EG), Dewey Dell (IT), Yuichi 22 % list through ounding authors involved in the festival, through portraits and rr Yokoyama (JP), Annie Dorsen (US), su % 0 2 artist through theory that examines the leitmotif of ade e mcontributions, Marianne Van Kerkhoven (BE), 18 % hom rity a n “Liaisons dangereuses” from different perspectives, through % diverse rdiscipli Maurizio Lazzarato (IT) et al. te in 2 6 ipation essays, reports, series of pictures, etc. “herbst. Theorie zur2Praxis” 7 % particis You can order this and past issues s si not a programme but a standalone project. 11 % ba 3 20 % cbook, sitio2nfestival at 9 o ts 35 % p s % 0 m o o y co 80 % de e sa o e 20 % vid mble 50 % ense sition po 50 % com 15

hbour eig

34 % c ri

t 34 % sou



68 % the

61 % g e iew 70 % s o

nt 50 %

20 % natu

ents agm

% 33

51 % won

50 % t h 40 % in



22 % theatr

17 % sound

% 13

yday life ver

see p. 80 Shuttle services from Vienna and Linz



39 % ani

50 % t h

34 % a b


ec 33 % onom

% 40

cology %e

Concept and direction Kris Verdonck Dramaturgy Marianne Van Kerkhoven Music composition Valdimar Jóhannsson & Jónas Sen llation Creation sta and coaching choir Erna Ómarsdóttir With Marc Iglesias, Jeroen Van der Ven, Jan Steen, Erna Ómarsdóttir, þyrí Huld Arnadóttir, þorunn Arna Kristjansdóttir, Brynhildur Gudjonsdóttir, Katrín Gunnarsdóttir & 33Níelsdóttir Sigríður Soffía %f r nd Costumes An Breugelmans Technical coordination and light design Jan Van Gijsel Sound Valdimar Jóhansson Assistant director Kristof van Baarle Music instruments Decap Herentals Robotics Culture Crew & iMinds/IBCN

l opo



23 % pub


English language with German subtitles ction Talk following stra the fourth performance



24 % langua

46 % tech

e atr

24 / 14 €

% body 33


60 % save th


23 % pub




Produced by A Two Dogs Company in collaboration with Shalala Co-produced by steirischer herbst, Kunstenfestivaldesarts (Brussels), Kaaitheater (Brussels), Göteborgs Dans & Teater Festival, Spring Performing Arts Festival (Utrecht), Théâtre national de Bordeaux en Aquitaine With support of the Flemish Authorities, Flemish Community Commission, Brussels-Capital Region, iMinds Art&D program, National Theatre of Iceland & Zinnema Co-presented by NXTSTP, with the support of the Culture Programme of the European Union Project sponsor AVL Cultural Foundation

Première in the German-speaking region re 2 eat Fri 20/09, 15.30 & 19.30, Sat 21/09, 17.30 & 21.30 Helmut-List-Halle 110’


formation ans

Actors who look like they’ve just stepped out of a cartoon, an orchestra made up of robotic instruments of such technically ingenious design l 39 % tr ma as to be fully-fledged members of the ensemble: an Icelandic women’s choir populates the stage designed by the Belgian theatre-maker and visual artist Kris Verdonck whose work is based on the writings of the Russian author Daniil Charms (Harms) (1905–1942). A masterly language and machine theatre, menacing and yet trapped in a seemingly childlike fantasy. And perhaps that is why it is so close to Charms who, against the background of Stalinism, was an inimitable expert in combining the description of harsh and ogy social 3 nol protagonists political reality with the lightest, absurd gesture. His fall out of windows, dissolve into nothing, suddenly get beset by the mob, vanish without a trace or die. But the way they do all of this in his short texts and plays can cause fits of laughter. Personally, Daniil Charms paid dearly for his writings, getting arrested several times under Stalin and finally starving to death in a lunatic asylum. Kris Verdonck has made reference to works of literature before – for orld e wof the27theatreexample to Franz Kafka (“K, a society”) or to writings maker Heiner Müller (“M, a reflection”). But “H, an incident” is his first piece of music theatre. What interests him about Charms is the relationship of the individual to the group and to society and how this relationship has changed within conditions of increased social and technological control. He is accompanied by a group of robotics researchers, the Icelandic choreographer Erna Ómarsdóttir, 44 % the musician Valdimar Jóhannsson – who together with c Ómarsdóttir e usi is also responsible for the dark metal project Lazyblood – and the composer Jónas Sen, who has worked with Björk. 44 % m erg




re eat

ountry %c

H, an incident

robotics 25 %

A Two Dogs Company / Kris Verdonck (BE)

chamber der

% Schloßb 12

d 41 % oun


lo 22 % st & f

estival %f

ce dan

isual arts %v


Première Fri 20/09, Sat 21/09 & Sun 22/09, 19.30 Dom im Berg 70’ 18 / 12 € Talk following the third performance Choreography Anne Juren With Laia Fabre, Deborah Hazler, Anne Juren, Rotraud Kern & David Subal Set design Roland Rauschmeier Light design Bruno Pocheron Costumes Lise Lendais Sound design Peter Böhm Dramaturgical advice Silke Bake & Sandra Noeth see p. 80 Shuttle services from Vienna and Linz


Anne Juren (AT/FR)

Happy End A choreography on the installation of the novel “The Happy End of Franz Kafka’s ‘Amerika’”, the last big installation created by the artist Martin Kippenberger before his death, is the starting point of the piece by Anne Juren, co-founder of Wiener Tanz- und Kunstbewegung, in which she explores such topics as yearning and failure along with the question as to the conditions to which artistic work is subject today. Kippenberger’s installation claims to have a Happy End for Kafka’s incomplete novel “Amerika”, which deals with the sixteen-year-old Karl Rossmann who is sent by his parents to America after being seduced by a maid who is now expecting his child. After a number of existentialist experiences, Karl finally ends up in the Nature Theatre of Oklahoma, with belonging and rejection being recurrent themes along this journey. Experiences with which Kippenberger was probably familiar and which are reflected in his oeuvre. Fascinated by, but at the same time developing a sceptical relationship to the biographies, successes and failures of these men who wrote literary and art history, Juren and four other dancers set out to lend something like physical presence to the novel of Kafka’s text and Kippenberger’s work in a choreographical manner. A piece that oscillates between rumours and facts, familiar and new territory and that – despite the general mood of crisis – soberly adheres to the belief that the uncontrollable can ultimately be controlled. Produced by Wiener Tanz- und Kunstbewegung Co-produced by steirischer herbst, HAU Hebbel am Ufer (Berlin), Tanzquartier Wien & tanzhaus nrw (Düsseldorf) Supported by the NATIONALES PERFORMANCE NETZ (NPN) International Guest Performance Fund for Dance, which is funded by the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media on the basis of a decision by the German Bundestag Supported by Kulturabteilung der Stadt Wien

Amund Sjølie Sveen (NO)

Economic Theory for Dummies

40 % e s



35 % p e



48 % in

51 % s o

61 % g e iew 70 % s o





53 % d a

68 % the

50 % t h

34 % a b

55 % o l

34 % clot

47 % v i

60 % li v


50 % t h

34 % c ri


63 % film

58 % S t

53 % res i



ec 33 % onom

irds %b



51 % won

22 % theatr

19 % re v nce




24 % langua

23 % pub


% 40

20 % natu

17 % sound

cology %e

40 % in

u stit


hbourhoo eig

23 % pub

11 % self








experim e

39 % ani

33 % insigh


litics 2 opo

% body 33

ction stra


rm rfo


% Austria 20

lorie % ca s


24 % info

21 %

mun com ity



46 % tech

% pho t

e atr

s say





formation ans

% 13


60 % save th

take 33 %

see p. 80 Shuttle services from Vienna and Linz

llation sta



Talk following 29 % the second performance deo By and with Amund Sjølie Sveen


ountry %c

robotics 25 %

orld ew


English language

umentary doc




ive %g


osition mp

12 %

ogy nol

3 Fri 20/09 hes & Sat3 21/09, 19.30 Ex-Zollamt / Explosiv 60’



Supported by Culture Council Norway



raz %G

In times of the global financial crisis, when old answers no longer 22 % need to suffice to describe the world, a let22alone set it right, we may yri reformulate the questions. Or perhaps not leave the answers to the alleged experts. There are in any case very fundamental questions that need to be asked anew. Questions that cut to the core of what we really take for granted: why does money exist in the world? Who needs loans, who needs banks? Why is growth important? Is human nature really made for the liberal market economy? And % co ts 35 %that are not already20ideologically can economists provide answers e den misshapen? So many imponderables, so few reliable solutions. For all those who have come to mistrust professional expertise on this matter, Amund Sjølie Sveen is holding a crash course in economy at steirischer herbst. So that in future we can try to find questions and answers ourselves. With the aid of his entertaining and informative ber made important chamhas re 27 performance lectures, Sveen der eat contributions to people’s education on several occasions in the past. Particularly on the subject of highly complex issues. For example on the link between art, crude oil and happiness in his home country Norway, the richest country in the world. Or on what grounds, war and arms trading have to do with each other. Sveen pulls out all the stops of multimedia presentation art in his performances. Even the musical instruments that he plays are specially (at)tuned to the topic. 39 % t re 2 al r eat Co-produced by steirischer herbst, BarentsmSpektakel Festival & New Theater Institute of Latvia

united sorry (AT/NL) & friends

the forest project Première Thu 26/09, Fri 27/09, Sat 28/09 & Sun 29/09, 16.30 Tannebenstraße 2 8120 Peggau 180’ 18 / 12 € German and English language Talk following the third performance The performance takes place in all weather. Warm, rainproof clothing and good shoes are recommended. With Eun Kyung Lee, Pieter Ampe, Vass Imre, Frans Poelstra, Robert Steijn & Jean-Baptiste Veyret-Logerias Music Steve Heather & Martin Siewert Costumes Anke Philipp

“Nature is simple, Nature is you.” Forests were once places full of magic and wild energy. Temples of the gods in which the marriage of hunter and animal was once fulfilled in ancient times. A playground of lascivious fauns, desperate nymphs and mysterious unicorns. Little is left of all that today. We take our bodies for a walk in the forest to get our fill of fresh air, not to face our innermost demons. And yet at times we do yearn for a more primeval connection with nature. From where does this longing come? Whence, for that matter, this estrangement? The Dutch-Austrian performance duo united sorry – Robert Steijn and Frans Poelstra – are continuing to develop their “green conversations”, surprise 0 %close which they began last year for steirischer herbst, this time10in s rt e conce collaboration with a group of young / performers 80 % livchoreographers ange packwill delve deep into a in % exchwell-acclaimed tw and34two musicians. They % 0 2 diance 33 % raforest secluded near Graz together with the audience in a magical n o is a li % trip, a26shamanistic journey to the roots, a late afternoon with fauns. To 7 % zone experience shared moments of silent contemplation and unbridled energy, to open up the subconscious and the hearts. And, ideally, to achieve a state of green ecstasy together. ormance 25 % perf Commissioned by steirischer herbst p o p Produced by united sorry 25 % atre inism 45 % the tions 25 % fem y ra e n ge rap e % th 5 4 25 % re llations 39 % natu % conste 0 1 ce 36 % dan al 17 % ritu nture 8 % adve

see p. 15 “Marginal Notes”


allation 34 % inst ss ln il 34 % e ation icip 32 % part

ormance 66 % perf est -w 19 % east fiction ce n ie sc 15 %

44 % docu 37 % com 19 % cas

60 %

16 % newspape 6 % Lehman Br

25 % therapy

34 % installation 34 % illness Dewey Dell 32 % pa rticip(IT) ation


66 % performance 19 % east - west 15 % science fictio n

44 % documentary 37 % composition 19 % cash flow

59 % postco 23 % exchan 18 % social a

The scene is thought as a space far away from the real one. It is like a Première crater caused by the impact of a meteorite millions of years ago. As 56 % resistance Thu 26/09, 19.30, if29through or as65if % through megaphonaetelescope, we look at the Fri 27/09 & Sat 28/09, 21.30 % public spaacmicroscope, e 60 %or people like microbes 15 % powewho Orpheum musicmove orc he str journaliaround a r inhabit this crater20as%they sm 68 % soun 15 %are 50’ % electronics secre like planets. Even if we know we looking at someone so far 23 away, t 20 % robot 17 sound scu18lpt/ ure we can understand they are very similar to ourselves. They seem% to 12 € 15 % exper live a story which reflects the impact which the space suffered a long Japanese and English language 7 % church time ago. Talk following We 25 %look voice upon this drama from Earth and the vast space that the third performance 25 % student separates uss from this spectacle40 also stretches time. We cannot place % sound 25 experimen the%action, nor Concept listening era. If the people from ts associate it with22a%particular 25 %crater sound could look at us, they Dell (Agata Castellucci, 20 would % surrounsee the 0 % string triDewey dingonly a prehistoric10Earth o Demetrio Castellucci, Teodora 18 %March home maarrives 100 % radio populated by dinosaurs. And then in this world. March de Castellucci, Eugenio Resta) has forever been the month of war: winter withdraws and spring Assistant director gives the signal to return to the battlefield. Kuro Tanino 100 % theory Since 2007 the Italian artists’ collective Dewey Dell have been Costumes developing their works of dance which create impressive, Yuichi Yokoyama 50 %thanks ensembleto the perfect interplay of With captivating moods and spaces 80 %also 50 % and composition composmusic. Agata Castellucci, Teodora62 % interdisciplin ition For “Marzo” they choreography, costumes, light 20 % video Castellucci, Eugenio Resta 27&% participation work together with the theatre maker and playwright Kuro Tanino Enrico Ticconi 11 % basis and the Japanese drawing artist Yuichi Yokoyama. Yokoyama, whose drawings combine coolness with a depth of space and time unusual 68 % ins trucomics, mental is responsible for the costumes. for 23 % electronics 50 % live Produced 9 % syn thesisebyr Dewey Dell 50 % party (Kortrijk) for NEXT International Festival & Co-produced by steirischer herbst, BUDA Kunstencentrum Centrale Fies (Dro) With the support of APAP - Advancing Performing Arts Projects, Tanzfabrik Berlin, University of Zagreb Student Centre Zagreb - Culture of Change Dewey Dell is part of Fies Factory / Centrale Fies

Choreography Teodora Castellucci Original music Black Fanfare / Demetrio Castellucci Light and set design Eugenio Resta

-20 %





30 % phot rmance rfo



buil 33 % din


35 % p e



32 % bo



sic mu


19 %

mun com ity

Fri 27/09, 19.30, 2829/09, % Sat 28/09nce& Sun 15.30 & 19.30 Heimatsaal im Volkskundemuseum 60’

53 % d a

21 %

d exchan wor

18 / 12 €

48 % in


24 % politi

isual arts %v


ear witne

lo 22 % st & f

nce 5%

estival %f

d 41 % oun




51 % s o

istling wh

irds %b





% 28



Talk following the last performance ution stit Direction Massimo Furlan Dramaturgy Claire de Ribaupierre With Diane Decker, Anne Delahaye, Massimo Furlan, Laurent Gachoud, François Karlen & 32 % Stéphane und Vecchione Technique Antoine Friderici & Philippe de Rham Costumes Cécile Delanoë Make-up Julie Monot ce 37 dan

Massimo Furlan (CH)

Gym Club

It’s usually very simple scenes and pictures from his own childhood that inspire Italian-Swiss Massimo Furlan’s works: the poster of a singer hanging on the wall of his sister’s room; looking forward to the Eurovision Song Contest in the seventies, or the memory of playing football alone in his room as a child while an Italian Series A match was playing on the radio. Furlan uses this as an example, to develop his legendary football theatre, in which he re-enacts historical matches in minute detail – step by step, gesture by gesture. It is long shots like these, shots that take time, which Furlan finds for his memories to stage in very special places. In football stadiums, at the airport, sometimes in the theatre too. In this way personal anecdotes become narratives that touch the collective memory of the viewers and, in so doing, evoke something like a community of memory. For “Gym Club” Furlan now sets out on the trail of another sporting icon from his childhood. Furlan takes Arnold Schwarzenegger’s career, which started out in a weight room in the cellar of the Liebenauer Stadium in Graz, as the background for his study of the culture of bodybuilding. To him, rather than weightlifting, bodybuilding is about body work, bodily transformation, whose true aim is an aesthetic one. The contests are not about demonstrating physical strength, but beauty, a choreography of muscles and bodies trained to perfection. The scene in “Gym Club”: a going-away party at a fitness club, funfair atmosphere, a burlesque situation. The members have come to celebrate a man who will make it further than all of them on his road to becoming a star. The feverish hunt for beauty and power lies ahead of him. A boundless dream. Co-produced by steirischer herbst & Numéro23Prod With support of Pro Helvetia – Swiss Arts Council & Ville de Lausanne



68 % the 50 %

34 % sou


46 % tech

61 % g e iew 70 % s o



20 % natu

ents agm

17 % sound

% 13


% Schloßb 12

Produced by make up productions Co-produced by steirischer herbst, Centre chorégraphique national de Montpellier Languedoc Roussillon – in the framework of the project Jardin d’Europe, with support of the European Commission, ]domaines[ (Montpellier), HAU Hebbel am Ufer (Berlin), Kunstenfestivaldesarts (Brussels), Les Subsistances (Lyon), PACT Zollverein (Essen) & Tanzquartier Wien Creation and residence: Les Subsistances 2012 in the framework of A Space for Live Arts Co-presented by NXTSTP, with the support of the Culture Programme of the European Union

% 33

39 % ani

50 % t h 40 % in


yday life ver

Concept, production and performance Antonia Baehr With compositions by Frédéric Bigot (electronicat), Pauline Boudry, 33 %Valérie Castan, r LucilendDesamory,fVinciane Despret, Sabine Ercklentz, Dodo Heidenreich, Christian Kesten, Keren Ida Nathan (Ida Wilde), Andrea Neumann, Stefan Pente, Isabell Spengler, Steffi Weismann, William Wheeler et al. Artistic collaboration Valérie Castan Light design Sylvie Garot Sound Manuel Coursin & Eric Yvelin



English, French and German language llation Talk following sta the third performance



34 % a b


18 / 12 €

% 40

cology %e

60 % save th

ec 33 % onom


44 % m erg


Sat 28/09 & Sun 29/09, 19.30 Dom im Berg 90’



22 % theatr

23 % pub 7%

Austrian première ction stra 21.30, Fri 27/09,

% body 33

It may seem obvious to consider the startling resemblances, the ogy disturbing correspondences between animals and if 3 nol humans your surname happens to be Baehr and you happen to be born in “Ber-lin” – official heraldic animal: brown bear, unofficial heraldic animal: Knut the polar bear. Do these similarities mean something? Like signs of the zodiac can mean something, even if we do not believe in them. If it comes to that, from where does our deep interest come in the anthropomorphic depiction of animals in art and literature, in baroque drawings and copperplate orldengravings, 27 ew in animal fables? Or the delight in their symbolic interpretation, as in mediaeval bestiaries? In her alphabet of affinities, Antonia Baehr is interested not in fathoming a mystery possibly concealed behind these similarities, but rather in the realm of fantasy, projections and coincidence that may be demonstrated by them. Similar to her solo “Laugh”, that was a resounding success at steirischer herbst in 2009, Antonia Baehr c 44 % efor her. has once again invited artist friends to write compositions usi This time she has asked them to choose an extinct animal with which they feel an affinity and to bring it back to life by means of scores which have to reflect their friendship with the choreographer metaphorically. In Baehr’s evocative “Abecedarium Bestiarium”, D, for example, stands for the dodo, beautiful but flightless and last sighted in the Indian Ocean in the 17th century. S stands for the peace-loving Steller’s sea cow, the last specimen of which was beaten to death near Bering Island in 1768. “The correspondences found therein are disturbing; they undermine categories such as human and animal, man and woman, past and present, dead and alive. They open the door to mad affinities.“ (Gertrude Ferrant)

e atr


Portraits of affinities in animal metaphors



Abecedarium Bestiarium

re eat


Antonia Baehr (DE)

39 % t r

formation ans

l ma

33 % insi

53 % d a

68 % the


48 % in

61 % g e iew

25 % party

34 % a b

70 % s o




lo 22 % st & f


ec 33 % onom

40 % in

51 % s o


d 41 % oun

ear witne

23 % pub

11 % self

19 % re v nce

50 % t h

23 % pu nt


isual arts %v

50 %



24 % politi

istling wh

20 % natu

% 33

34 % sou

d exchan wor



estival %f

ents agm


yday life ver

Further dates Sat 05/10, 19.00 Gasthaus Schwammer / Dechantskirchen Tickets p+ 43 664 4834406

% 28


German language 33 % f r d n Direction Ed. Hauswirth With Andreas Gößler, Pia Hierzegger, Elisabeth Holzmeister, Markus Kohlbacher, Eva Maria Krammer, Helene Krammer, Andreas Schmidt & Klaus Schmidt-Puffing Setting Johanna Hierzegger



Sat 12/10, 15.00 Gasthaus Neuhäusl / Hirschegg

irds %b

% 40

cology %e

Fri 11/10, 20.15 Gasthof Acham / Edelschrott Shuttle: 18.30 Meeting point: Ex-Zollamt / Bus stop o i t a l l n Talk following sta the performance

Two directors undertake the ambitious plan to stage Hans Lebert’s novel “Die Wolfshaut” – not exactly easy-going – with the local ics 2 company in theituwestern amateur Styrian town of Gößnitz. tion littheatre opo st In his book, Lebert, who has been rediscovered as often as he has been forgotten in recent decades, describes how the inhabitants of a fictitious mountain village called Schweigen conspire against the sailor Johann Unfreund, who returns seven years after the end of Nazi rule to discover some dark secrets. For Elfriede Jelinek, “Die Wolfshaut” is the “first radically modern novel of Austrian post-war literature”. 32 % 15 The undertaking of the two directors turns out to be more difficult und und than they had envisaged, the two women’s artistic ambitions collide with the reality of life in Gößnitz. The upshot of the project is not much more than a few roughly sketched scenes and a few mobile phone videos and photos of the rehearsals. The plan has come to nothing. Graz-based Theater im Bahnhof and Gaststubentheater Gößnitz ce –37 fictitious – artistic process. 5 reconstruct thisdanvery rt out 2to have aset One stands for folk theatre in the best contemporary sense, while the other challenges widespread popular theatre with highly committed socially critical productions. So, as you can see, this is a more than ambiguous affair. At steirischer herbst, they will present together “Operation Wolfshaut” in the cosy lounges of selected Styrian country pubs. performa

% body 33


Fri 04/10, 20.15 Gasthaus Steirer / Afling

19 %

Operation Wolfshaut


Thu 03/10, 20.15 tion Gasthof / ts racGrabenmühle Maria Lankowitz

120’ (including break)


mun com ity




21 % 28 % e atr nce Theater im Bahnhof / Gaststubentheater Gößnitz (AT) A reconstruction



32 % b


sic mu

re eat


formation ans


Co-produced by steirischer herbst, Theater im Bahnhof & Gaststubentheater Gößnitz In co-operation with Theaterland Steiermark / Volkstheater 2.13

Daniel Kötter / Hannes Seidl (DE)

Credit (Kredit)

On the foreseeability of future presents

Experimental film-maker Daniel Kötter and composer Hannes Seidl, Première who have been working together closely since 2008, combining Sat 05/10 & Sun 06/10, 19.30 advanced forms of documentary narrative with New Music, have Orpheum set their sights pretty high. In the next few years they are setting 70’ out to study nothing less than the fundamental conditions of 18 / 12 € social action by means of film and composition with their project German language series “Economies of action”. It is to be about love, security and law. In the first instalment they focus on an economy of action that Talk following ture the second performance 70 % litera has come to the fore as highly suspicious in the years of global s to o h 12 % p financial crisis – the economy of action with money, symbolised by Concept, video, rvation se b o % 0 1 the banker’s profession. music and direction ent rprise 8 % mom 100 %ofsu this Daniel Kötter & Hannes Seidl For “Credit”, Kötter and Seidl bring on stages representatives ve concert not only during their Setting and assistance professionanwho they had filmed inliFrankfurt, 80 % e g ch x pack e in % Rahel Kesselring tw 4 3 % 0 2 time. Putting together a film from work, but also ce during their leisure With % radian this33material, although the soundtrack has been deleted. A strange on Michael Zapf, Choir of the German 26 % liais menagerie sets the film to music live on stage. Among them, two Bundesbank et al. 7 % zone noisemakers who use the sound of air-conditioning systems, Noisemakers Peter Sandmann & echoing steps in the corridor or the clicking of computer keyboards nce 58 % fina Sebastian Berweck to create the typical ambience of different film genres and a dubbing cash % 0 2 a ormance actor who gives his voice to the characters. Individual bankers from 25 % perf The performance on Sun 06/1016 % newsp a p m o h p e % the film are on stage too, creating the soundtrack, from subtle25to is included in the musikprotokoll 6 % L inism theatre 5 %accompanied pass. Please get your 25 % fem festival s n totally rackety noise textures. They 4are by the amateur o ti ra e py therareserved-seat 5 % gen 4 % s 5 ticket at the n 2 o re ti tu a choir of39the German Bundesbank singing credos of musical history stell % na 10 % con Information and Ticket Office no ce n a d and contemporary commentaries, chorals and political battle % 36 later than Fri 04/10. ritual against probability, banker docufiction and postanthems.17A%credo enture v d a % 59 8 punk oratorio in a film setting between TV feature and Hollywood. 2 ry menta Co-produced by steirischer herbst & Künstlerhaus Mousonturm (Frankfurt am Main) 44 % docu sition 1 o % comp 7 3 ce n flow orma 66 % perf est 19 % cash -w st a e % 9 1 n allation nce fictio 34 % inst 15 % scie ss e ln il 34 % icipation 32 % part estra 60 % orch nics ro ct le 23 % e re d sculptu phone n a u g e so m % % 7 1 65 sm li a c journ 20 % musi stance t e cr se 56 % resi space % 15 c li b u p % 29 er 15 % pow 25


nd 40 % sou ening st li % 2 2 nding

ng trio

100 % stri

53 % d a


d exchan wor

11 % self

48 % in

61 % g e iew


lo 22 % st & f

19 % re v nce

70 % s o

51 % s o


ear witne

d 41 % oun




33 %


50 %

24 % politi

isual arts %v

estival %f

25 % party


ents agm

see p. 15 “Marginal Notes” Further dates after the festival //




Concept and direction Boris Nikitin Concept and setting Matthias Meppelink Dramaturgy Flori Gugger & Kira Kirsch 2With 5 art Thomas Frank, Adrian Gillott, Lorenz Kabas, Katharina Klar et al.

“The deepest urge in human nature is the desire to be important.” This aphorism of the American philosopher John Dewey forms the ution stit Carnegie’s book “How to Win Friends and Influence basis for Dale People” (1936), a classic of motivational literature. Carnegie observes that communication and community and consequently professional advancement, can only succeed by satisfying this need. By honestly being interested in others, listening carefully and occasionally favouring them with a smile. Based upon this principle are most forms of peer groups and cliques, 32 % elective communities and self-help groups, which are becoming und increasingly important the faster traditional forms of collective meaning dissolve into nothing. “Be yourself!” was yesterday’s mantra, whereas self-fulfilment 2.0 is socially rooted. Recently, in “Bartleby oder Sicherheit ist ein Gefühl” at the Schauspielhaus in Graz, Swiss theatre-maker Boris Nikitin examined the resistance of the individual and set out in search of God, with cecommunity 37 the Mormon at Theater Freiburg. In his latest piece, a dan co-production of steirischer herbst and Schauspielhaus Graz, he calls for communal radicalisation in view of the paradigm shift. “We have the unique opportunity to reprogramme ourselves and radically to let go of our lives, as we have led them up to this point – including our visions of the future”, says Nikitin. “The final belief is to believe in a fiction. We must empower ourselves.” istling wh

irds %b

% 40

Talk following 15 undperformance the second


Don‘t be Yourself! (Sei nicht du selbst!)



16 / 8.5 €

33 % f r

Boris Nikitin (CH)

% 28


% body 33

s 2 & litic07/10 Sun 06/10, pMon oo Tue 08/10, 20.00 Probebühne Schauspielhaus Graz 100’ German language


28 %

From the series: “How to Win Friends and Influence People”, Part 2




19 %


68 % the

21 %

sic mu

e atr

mun com ity



Co-produced by steirischer herbst, Schauspielhaus Graz, Kaserne Basel & Ringlokschuppen Mülheim Supported by means of Fachausschuss Theater und Tanz beider Basel


% 33

Ann Liv Young (US)

Sleeping Beauty (1–4) & Sherry Truck There are not many roles that Ann Liv Young hasn’t tried her hand at on stage as a performer. While it’s not always explicit, sometimes it is. Including sex with fellow performers. She also likes to involve the audience in her works, which she sets with relish somewhere between prose and provocation, pop and porn. One thing that she does try to avoid is letting the audience feel too comfortable when she goes about delving deep into gender roles and stereotypes. That all changes in the first two parts of her new piece “Sleeping Beauty”, in which Ann Liv Young gently and playfully focuses on a figure from the world of fairy-tales, investigating why Sleeping Beauty comes across as so two-dimensional and passive in conventional stories. It’s not until parts three and four, that are premièring at steirischer herbst, that she steps up the pace, introducing into her ambivalent trashy universe Mary, a completely new persona. And a devilishly evil one to boot. 34 % exch angshe e is the exact opposite of another of the performer’s such, 33As % radiance incarnations – Sherry, a southerner with a broad accent and blonde 26 % liaiso n 80 % liveit coher job to make the world a bit 7 perm ncerts % zone who has somehow made 20 % twin methods. healthier with her therapeutic Sherry 1held pack 00 % su surgery riseher briefly at steirischer herbst in 2011, and this time – thanksrpto worldwide, stage-busting success in the meantime – she is bringing a whole therapy truck with her. She will be touring Styria, serving her guests pink caffè lattes, offering manicures and pedicures along with individual and couple “Sherrapies”. 39 % natu re Beauty (3–4) commissioned by steirischer herbst Sleeping 36 % dance 45 % theat 17 % ritua re l 45 % gene rations 8 % adven 25 % perfo ture 10 % const rmance ellations 25 % pop 25 % femin ism 25 % thera py 34 % insta llat 34 % illne ion ss 32 % partic ipation

66 % perfo rm 19 % east ance - west 15 % scien ce fict

Première Sleeping Beauty (1–2) Wed 09/10, 19.30 Next Liberty 100’ 18 / 12 € Sleeping Beauty (3–4) Fri 11/10, 19.30 Next Liberty 100’ 18 / 12 € Sleeping Beauty (1–4) Sat 12/10, 19.30 Next Liberty 200’ 28 / 20 € English language Talk following the second performance 70 % litera Text ture Michael A. Guerrero12 % photos 10 % obse With rvation 8 % mA.ome Lovey Guerrero, Michael nt Guerrero, Stiven Luka, Andrew Whipple & Ann Liv Young Costumes Ann Liv Young & performer Sound design and editing Michael A. Guerrero & Ann Liv Young For tour dates 58of%“Sherry financeTruck” visit our website 20 % cash 16 % new spapers LehStands” see p. 9 “One6 % Night man Broth ers 27

44 % docu


n 33 liaiso 26 % one 7%z

Federico León (AR)

Las Multitudes ture Austrian première Thu 10/10, Fri 11/10 & Sat 12/10, 19.30 Helmut-List-Halle 70’ 24 / 14 € Spanish language with German subtitles Talk following the third performance Text and direction Federico León With Ulises Bercovich, Elsa Bloise, Ricardo Coniglio, Carolina Martín Ferro, Oscar Grilli, Dora Mils, Giselle Motta, Sofía Palomino, Antonella Querzoli, Raúl Schurleim, Julián Tello, Diego Vegezzi, Dalmiro Villanueva, Julián Zuker & more than 100 Styrian actors Artistic assistance Claudia Schijman & Julián Tello Set design Ariel Vaccaro Light design Alejandro Le Roux Costumes Gabriela A. Fernández Music Diego Vainer Choreography Luciana Acuña & Claudia Schijman General production Florencia Wasser see p. 9 “Coffee, Cake, Cinema”


tre thea ns 45 % eneratio ons g i a % l l 5 e t 4 const 10 %

ce rman perfo % 5 2 pop 25 % eminism f 25 % herapy t % 5 2

na n 39 % ance cume d A young and his friends are looking for the young woman he 44 % do pos % l 36 man a m co ritu But is in love ture she adores an older man, a musician, who is also 37 % ash fl 17 %with. c dven a % % 9 1 spoken 8for. Scene by scene, and together with one ce hundred and n a m twenty actors, the Argentinian theatre- and film-maker Federico León erfor 6 % p st - west on a i takes this simple situation to develop an6 extraordinarily poetic and t e 19 % cience fic s touching tableau of generations interlaced1with subtle humour. % 5 n latio León has cast twelve 60 % nstal female and twelve male representatives of i % 34 for essthistioproduction each generation in Graz: children, teenagers, n n 23 l l i 4 % rticipa 17 a young adults,3 adults and senior citizens. To begin with they are p 32 % ne hoand p m cohesive groups, gradually entering into relationships giving a s i g l me journa c 65 % uand rise to new constellations. A band, a swarm, groups m si networks, % 0 t 2 r c a club. Some are formed spontaneously and chaotically, e s e others are 15 % e c well-organised. Some disperse as quickly as they formed. n ta resis space In “Las Multitudes” 56 %León blicraises questions which could not be u p 29 %Antonio more relevant today. ower Negri and Michael Hardt, to whom 5%p León does not refer 1to explicitly, recently raised similar questions ound 0 % s tening concerning the global crisis of democracy, proposing the 4multitude lis ng 22 % urroundi e as a new sovereign. But what is belonging? How do communities s d a % m 0 ome achieve permanence? How are alliances constituted, why 2do%they 8 h ice 1 o v disintegrate? And for all the nts of making compromises 25 %necessity stude iments r 25 % and forging alliances, how can individual liberty and difference be e exp 25 % ound preserved? s 25 % Co-produced by TACEC Centro de Experimentación y Creación del Teatro Argentino de La Plata & Siemens Stiftung mble n ense io With support of IICES Instituto de Intercambio Cultural Ensamble al Sur 50 % omposit c % 0 5 ry theo 100 %

tal men nstru nics i % ro 68 elect er 23 % ynthesis s 9%

live 50 % arty p % 50

Fumiyo Ikeda (BE/JP) / Un Yamada (JP)


40 % e s


35 % p e


53 % d a


48 % in

61 % g e iew

22 % theatr

34 % a b

23 % pub

11 % self



68 % the

50 % t h

39 % ani

55 % o l

34 % clot


24 % langua

23 % pub

ec 33 % onom

19 % re v nce 5%

70 % s o

51 % s o


60 % li v


47 % v i

34 % c ri

63 % film

58 % S t

53 % res i


51 % won

hbourhoo eig


50 % t h

33 % insigh


ear witne

ce dan





experim e

40 % in

24 % politi

32 %



d exchan wor



32 % bo

24 % info

% Austria 20

lorie % ca s

46 % tech



istling wh


17 % sound

20 % natu

% 13

60 % save th

take 33 %

30 % phot



% 28



ution stit

15 irds %b

33 % f r



28 %

19 %





% 40


44 %


% body 33



sic mu

mun com ity


cology %e

c usi

llation sta






orld ew

Choreography and dance Fumiyo Ikeda & Un Yamada Music Bl!NDMAN [sax] (Eric Sleichim, Koen Maas, Roeland Vanhoorne, rman&ceRaf Minten) PietrfoRebel Light and technique Hans Meijer & Koro Suzuki Costumes Yuko Ikeda Sound design Karel Marynissen

buil 33 % din


ountry %c


litics 2 opo



formation ans

ction stra

18 / 12 € 30 ys saTalk following the second performance


umentary doc

osition mp

robotics 25 %


Thu 10/10, Fri 11/10 & Sat 12/10, 21.30 Dom im Berg 60’

% 21



12 %


Produced by Fumiyo & Un / precoq Co-produced by steirischer herbst, Les Théâtres de la Ville de Luxembourg, PACT Zollverein (Essen) & CC. De Grote Post (Oostende) With support of Rosas (Belgium), KAAT Kanagawa-Arts-Theater (Yokohama), Co. Yamada Un (Japan), Japan Agency of Cultural Affaire & The Saison Foundation (Japan)

ogy nol

24 d Première %

ir repa

ive %g


raz %G

22 % 22 a 33 yri The two hes and Un dancers and choreographers Fumiyo Ikeda Yamada have been exchanging one word a day by email for some time. Fumiyo lives in Belgium, where she moved at the age of sixteen, making a career for herself over the past thirty years above all at Rosas, the company run by Anne Teresa De Keersmaeker. Un, a few years younger, lives in Japan and only started working as a 0 % coalbeit with her own 29 % ts 35 % professional dancer later in2life, company. In this n e e d deo way, the two women, who have similar roots but who embarked on very different dance careers, have developed a joint vocabulary of more than nine hundred words which serves as the starting point for the improvisation. The words they exchange – according to their rule – should have neither too much nor too little meaning. Like calamity, secret or colour. chamber and Un aren’t aconcerned 33 on stage. re r 27 about tellingsis stories e d Fumiyo et What counts for them is a common loss of time of unknowns that are known to each other, inter-relating two dance philosophies that include different forms of collaboration. Fumiyo has been involved in almost all major Rosas productions and also developed her own works together with Tim Etchells and Alain Platel. Un has also engaged in a number of more unusual collaborations – with mathematicians and physicists, for example. The duo is accompanied 9%t re 21founded lby 3the 2 BL!NDMAN collective e a rsaxophone quintet by % eat of the m atr Eric Sleichim in Brussels and will play pieces by Johann Sebastian Bach, including amongst others his “Passacaglia”.

ve concerts win pack

Liquid Assets

In the aftermath of the transformation of capital

Things clear up in retrospect, they say. What was eclipsed by the gravity of events becomes visible later: causes, reasons, connections, culprits. But is that really so? Today, for example, five years after the outbreak of the biggest post-war financial and economic crisis, have we really learned anything? Have we understood the pathologies that can be unleashed by an alliance of democracy and market economy that we learned to see as part of the natural order and without alternative after the fall of the Wall? Have we really understood the financial turn, with all its consequences, its devastating effects for the global economy, but also for democracy and human rights, that dramatic shift from real to finance industry, in which assets, concrete and abstract alike, are created and destroyed in fractions of a second? Do we know how to get out of it again? But then why is no end of the calamity in sight? Why don’t we even draw clear conclusions from the sheer violence that goes hand in hand with finance capitalism? And why – despite all the experts constantly explaining the world to us in talk-shows and at roundtable conferences – do we seem to lack words when we try to put what is happening to us in a nutshell? The international exhibition “Liquid Assets” focuses on these literature and the shady 70 %opacities mysteries, the ineffable and the obscure, the 12 % photos sides of an economic and financial system that no longer can explain 100 % surprise 10 % observation itself. In order to explore the secrets and logics of free-flowing global 8 % moment cash flows with the devices of art, in order perhaps to understand a bit better how money and debt morality can define and deform interpersonal relationships. Commissioned by steirischer herbst

heatre generations constellations

% performance % east - west % science fiction

25 % performance 25 % pop 25 % feminism 25 % therapy

44 % documentary 37 % composition 19 % cash flow

58 % finance 20 % cash 16 % newspapers 6 % Lehman Brothers

59 % postcolonialism 23 % exchange 18 % social art

20/09 - 01/12 Ex-Zollamt / Halle 20/09 - 13/10 Thu - Sat 14.00 - 24.00 Sun 14.00 - 21.00 14/10 - 01/12 Thu 12.00 - 20.00 Fri - Sun 12.00 - 18.00 5/3€ Fri 20/09, 17.30 Ex-Zollamt / Halle Opening with Goldin+Senneby With Eric Baudelaire (FR/US), Alessandro Balteo Yazbeck (VE) & Media Farzin (IR/US), James Beckett (ZA/NL), Alain Bornain (BE), Danilo Correale (IT), Marianne Flotron (NL/CH), Zachary Formwalt (CH), Alexandro Georgiou (GR), Goldin+Senneby (SE), Núria Güell (SP), Jan Peter Hammer (DE), David Harvey (US), KennedyBrowne (IE), Gustav Metzger (DE), Anetta Mona Chisa (RO) & Lucia Tkacova (SK), Oliver Ressler (AT), Salinas & Bergman (NO), Visible Solutions (EE) & Wooloo (DK) Curated by Luigi Fassi (AT/IT) & Katerina Gregos (BE/GR) Tours Thu 26/09, Thu 03/10 & Thu 10/10, 21.30 on Sundays 22/09 - 01/12, 16.00 Ex-Zollamt / Halle see p. 49 “Liaisons dangereuses” see p. 75 Long Night of Museums


68 % sound

34 % a b



50 % t h

40 % in

34 % sou

50 % t h

60 % save th

% Schloßb 12

34 % a b

51 % won

22 % theatr

44 % m erg

23 % pub

24 % langua



ec 33 % onom

17 % sound

% 33

34 % sou


60 % save th

40 % in


20 % natu

ents agm

% 13


44 % m erg


% Schloßb 12

Co-produced by steirischer herbst & Grazer Kunstverein


yday life ver

With Dough Ashford (US), Trisha Brown (US), Sarah Browne (IE) & Germaine Kruip (NL/BE) Curated by Krist Gruijthuijsen (AT/NL)

% 40

3.5 / 2 €

o 27 llation ew sta Four exponents of contemporary art, four attempts to make new contexts visible by abstracting social conditions. In his latest works Doug Ashford, former member of the New York Group Material collective, focuses on current events – of a political, in some cases traumatic nature – adding an unexpected formal, metaphorical, indeed comforting dimension to them in his paintings by means of an additional step of abstraction. Dutch Germaine Kruip looks 33 % % c 44artist usi dance eto examine hownd simple,fr at the ecstatic ritual of the Dervish aesthetic interventions can bring about concrete change, while Irish artist Sarah Browne links objects of art, a carpet, for example, with discussions about the economic conditions of their production and about values. There will also be a publication on the early works of Trisha Brown, whose wholly physical studies of the interrelation of body and urban space made avant-garde dance history.

cology %e

21/09 - 24/11 Grazer Kunstverein Wed - Sun 11.00 - 18.00

33 % f

% noise


% 13

39 % ani


46 % tech

60 % li v

53 % res i

hbourhoo eig


% body 33

ction stra

Doug Ashford The Members Library: Trisha Brown The Peacock: Sarah Browne, Germaine Kruip rld




23 % pub



46 % tech

ountry %c

yday life ver


cology %e

formation ans

robotics 25 %

ogy nol

Co-produced by steirischer herbst & ESC im LABOR

llation sta

20 % natu

17 % sound


experim e

chamber re der Turkle, eat how27 The influential sociologist Sherry who examines d l r o 27 digital technologies impact on interpersonal and e w relationships communication, arrives at a tough diagnosis in her latest book “Alone together”: while smartphones, social networks, robopets and the like satisfy our craving for fellowship and community with others – they completely suppress all risk, genuine closeness and serious interaction. ESC im LABOR is now applying this analysis to current art production, creatingl an39experimental set-uptrwhich %t e 2 a r ea 44artists undermines this development: mthe participating choose % c i e us one or more tools from their own production, a tape recorder, Geiger counter or piece of software, and turn it into the object of scrutiny itself, interacting closely with an engineer or art theorist.

Sun 06/10, 18.00 ESC im LABOR Lecture & concert

ction stra




With Christina Clar (AT), Marloes de Falk (NL), Tobias Hoffmann (DE), Wernfried Lackner (AT/ES), Pei-Wen Liu (TW), Diane Ludin (US), Astrid Mager (AT), Donna Metzler (ZA/NL), Femke Smelting (NL/BE), Enrique Tomas (AT/ES), Els van Riel (BE) et al. Curated by Reni Hofmüller (AT)

20 % co


12 %

Surrogate of communication

Admission free





I share, therefore I am 21/09 - 03/11 ESC im LABOR Tue - Sun 10.00 - 19.00

ogy nol

3 % econom

35 %

osition mp

ts den

24 % info



40 % e s


47 % v i

30 % phot


… What is art? …


s say


60 % li v

29 %

umentary doc



20 % co

osition mp


experim e

Resuming fragmented histories

35 % p e


33 % insigh

23 % pub

68 % the

32 % bo

19 %


53 % d a

34 % c ri

50 % t h



sic mu

d exchan wor


mun com ity


50 % t h

buil 33 % din


ountry %c


When a silent womanorthe e mancquestion 3asked re Raša 3 27 Todosijević repeatedly rf sis eat is art?” “What in a series of performances at the end of the seventies, this could not only be interpreted as a particularly forceful reprise of an eternal discourse, but also as criticism of conditions in communist Yugoslavia at that time. Künstlerhaus is now taking this question as the starting-point for a situation analysis, demonstrating exemplary positions in the partly historical Yugoslavian avant-garde, from OHO to IRWIN, and reviewing how the meanwhile radically changed re 21 % impacted on the territorial have production 28 % 2and cultural relations e eat atr nce of art, also in recent times. How do these changed geopolitical co-ordinates affect how gender and political difference is produced locally by art, activism and visual culture? What exactly is the social role of art? “… What is art? …” with question marks, then as now. 23 % pub

11 % self


48 % in

61 % g e iew


51 % s o

d 41 % oun



25 % party

40 % in

70 % s o



20 % natu

50 %

ear witne



isual arts %v

ce dan

lo 22 % st & f

ec 33 % onom

19 % re v nce


32 %


% 33

34 % sou

24 % politi


istling wh


estival %f



ents agm

33 % f r

15 irds %b



With Ana Hoffner (RS), IRWIN (SI), Laibach (SI), Dalibor Martinis (HR), Marko Pogačnik (SI), OHO (SI), Raša Todosijević (RS), Marina Gržinić / Aina Šmid (SI) et al. Curated by Sandro Droschl (AT) & Christian Egger (AT)




% 40

llation sta

ution stit


% 28

litics 2 opo


ction stra

% body 33

34 % a b

Co-produced by steirischer herbst & Künstlerhaus, Halle für Kunst & Medien

21/09 - 21/11 Künstlerhaus, Halle für Kunst & Medien Tue - Sun 11.00 - 18.00 Thu 11.00 - 20.00






30 % phot rmance rfo



buil 33 % din


35 % p e



21/ 09 - 17/11 Camera Austria Tue - Sun 10.00 - 17.00

32 % bo

sic mu


see p. 50 herbst Academy

d exchan wor



24 % politi


32 %

d 41 % oun

ear witne



isual arts %v


estival %f

ce dan





istling wh

irds %b

51 % s o


lo 22 % st & f


48 % in

ution stit

% 28




19 %

mun com ity

8/6/3€ 2 8 % With e nc Beirut (EG), Kontekst collective (RS) & 0gms (BG)

53 % d a



Unexpected Encounters “Unexpected Encounters”, building on questions posed in the 2012 project “Art is Concrete”, focuses on the moment after the uprising: its starting point is the occurrence of and return to a normal state of life following upheaval. The collective desire for normality gives rise to new myths of order, institutions, history and identity. A number of initiatives and groups from various countries that underwent revolutions and political / societal upheaval – in some instances dating back twenty years or more – are invited to collaborate with Camera Austria in creating contributions that reflect and explore these phenomena. How can the indiscernible nuances of these political transformations be transmitted into the realm of cultural spaces without reducing them? How can artistic practice serve as a means of translating the complex political, institutional and social resistances into material forms? Co-produced by steirischer herbst & Camera Austria


24 % langua 50 % t h

39 % ani


By Romuald Hazoumé (BJ) Curated by Günther Holler-Schuster (AT)

34 % a b

ction stra



46 % tech

22 % theatr


re eat

3 % pub

ogy nol


44 % m erg

% Schloßb 12

With Christian Eisenberger (AT), Tue Greenfort (DK/DE), Johanna Kirsch (AT), Lada Nakonechna (UA), Gregory Sholette (US) et al. Curated by Margarethe Makovec (AT) & Anton Lederer (AT)

Co-produced by steirischer herbst & < rotor >


re nd


34 % sou


Admission free

llation sta


% 13 yday life ver

21/09 - 23/11 < rotor c 4>4 % e usi - Fri 10.00 Mon - 18.00 Sat & Sun 11.00 - 18.00

40 % in


% natu

60 % save th

17 % sound

econo m

orld ew

cology %e

The discussion-ending argument of neoliberalism whereby there 50 % live rty no alternative may now be regarded as outdated. “There is no 50 % pais alternative” was yesterday. Today the opposite is true: “There are thousands of alternatives!” Of course, this raises other questions: if all paths are open, what course should we follow to overcome the prevailing economic system and its profound crises? Is it better to bring about small changes step by step? Or, in view of the extent of -20 % the global problems, consider radical change instead? One project seems to be a castle in the air, unfeasible, while the other simply follows well-worn tracks and makes too many compromises. On the other hand, major progress often only becomes possible as a result of radical thought! But how many utopias have never even come near to implementation? The artistic contributions to “Saving the World” oscillate between these two poles.

re eat

% pub

21/09 - 19/01/2014 Kunsthaus Graz 3910.00 Tuel - Sun % t - 17.00 r ma 8/6/3€

formation ans

sound Complex migration conditions require a complex understanding of 68 % tics 20 % roboPostcolonial the postcolonial from Europe’s multicultural societies. ment orchestra 15 % expericriticism of 60 % increasingly here is becoming to denote a fundamental onics ch tr ur ec ch el % % 7 23 e the unitising hegemony the modern knowledge order discourse egaphone sculpturand m 17 % sound As a consequence of this postcolonial usic journalis of Western rationalism. ecret criticism of modernism, we are also observing the emergence of an art that no longer wants to be modern. Instead, it lays claim to global contemporaneity – with no borders or history. The origin of an artist becomes less important, while the question of where%an artist finds 100 radio his or her audience becomes more decisive. With his NGO founded io 0 % string trwith Endangered Westerners”, which is Solidarity 40 % sound in Africa, “Beninese10 ng 22 % listeni atgthe centre of the project at Kunsthaus Graz, Romuald Hazoumé’s ndin ou rr su % 20 goal e is to help impoverished people in Europe. In doing so, he mad e m 18 % ho suddenly reverses the accustomed situation, opening up totally isciplinarity new perspectives on the dynamics of postcolonial relationships. 62 % interd ion ipat 27 % partic Produced by Kunsthaus Graz s on si ti si ba po % m 11 co In co-operation with steirischer herbst80 % 20 % video ble m se en 50 % on ti si po 50 % com

Measures of Saving the World_Part 3

50 % t h

51 % won

hbourhoo eig

Beninese Solidarity with Endangered Westerners

chamber der

robotics 25 %

rmance - west nce fiction

entary 44 % docum on siti po m 37 % co ow fl sh ca % 19

lonialism 59 % postco ge an ch 23 % ex art al ci so % 18

xperim e

25 %



ts 80 % live concer ck pa in tw 20 %

34 % exchange 33 % radiance 26 % liaison 7 % zone

Out of the Museum and into the Street Hungarian contemporary art after 2010 28/09 - 30/11 Pavelhaus / Pavlova hiša Tue - Sat 13.30 - 18.30 Sun 13.30 - 18.00 Admission free With Szabad Művészek / Free Artists (HU), Erika Baglyas (HU), Borsos Lőrinc (HU), Tibor Horváth (HU) & Ilona Németh (SK) Curated by Adele Eisenstein (HU) Project coordination Elisabeth Arlt (AT) & David Kranzelbinder (AT) Shuttle service to the opening Sat 28/09, 15.00 Meeting point: Ex-Zollamt / Bus stop Return 22.00 Registration:

When the Iron Curtain fell in Hungary in 1989, the potential of % theatre revolutionary upheaval of which Hungary had in the past had ample –45 generations 45 % 39 % nature think 1848, 1956 – also seemed exhausted.%Until, that is, Viktor Orbán % constellatio 10 36 dance and his national-conservative Fidesz party came to power in 2010, l ua rit 17 % ure since when they have been pushing through reforms to 8 % adventruthless rebuild the state, constitution and society in a manner which brooks no dissenting opinion, let alone criticism or contradiction. Meanwhile, the new rulers’ attacks have also reached the institutions of visual art, for example Budapest’s arts centre / Műcsarnok and the Ludwig 66 % perform Museum. The artists’ resistance has formed tionin the Szabad 19 % east % installaall 34 above Művészek / Free Artists initiative. The exhibition 15 % scienc 34 % illnesscurated by Adele ation works from rticip Eisenstein for the Pavelhaus is now showcasing the latest 32 % pa this setting, contrasting them with oppositional works from the days of the communist regime. Co-produced by steirischer herbst & Pavelhaus / Pavlova hiša

56 % resistance e 29 % public spac r 15 % powe

65 % meg 20 % mus 15 % secr

Exhibition openings Fri 20/09 17.30 Ex-Zollamt / Halle Liquid Assets

25 % voice 25 % students ts 25 % experimen d un so 25 %

Sat 21/09 11.00 ESC im LABOR I share, therefore I am 12.00 Grazer Kunstverein Dough Ashford / Trisha Brown / Sarah Browne /%Germaine Kruip 100 theory 13.00 Künstlerhaus, Halle für Kunst & Medien … What is art? … 14.00 Camera Austria Unexpected Encounters 15.00 Kunsthaus Graz Beninese Solidarity w ith Endangered Westerners 16.00 < rotor > Measures of Saving the World _ Part 3 17.00 Ex-Zollamt / Halle Liquid Assets tal 68 % instrumen cs ni tro ec el 23 % Sat 28/09 9 % synthesiser 17.00 Pavelhaus Out of the Museum and into the Street 36

40 22 2 1

Guided tours Sat 28/09 & Sat 12/10, 14.00 - 17.00 Meeting point: ESC im LABOR I share, therefore I am / Künstlerhaus, Halle für Kunst & Medien … What is art? … / Grazer Kunstverein Dough Ashford / Trisha Brown / Sarah Browne / Germaine Kruip / Camera Austria Unexpected Encounters Sat 05/10 & Sat 19/10, 14.00 - 17.00 Meeting point: Ex-Zollamt / Halle Liquid Assets / < rotor > Measures of Saving the World _ Part 3 / Kunsthaus Graz Beninese Solidarity with Endangered Westerners

The tours, conceived as dialogues, give insight into the different exhibits of the festival. Participation is free as a service of steirischer herbst. Entrance fees, if applicable, are not included. No reservation is necessary. With Verein KUNST.WERK (AT) & Education steirischer herbst

Tours Liquid Assets Thu 26/09, Thu 03/10 & Thu 10/10, 21.30 on Sundays 22/09 - 01/12, 16.00 Meeting point: Ex-Zollamt / Halle Liquid Assets

Curatorial dialogues Sat 28/09, 11.00 Meeting point: < rotor > with Margarethe Makovec, Anton Lederer & Christian Egger

Sat 26/10, 14.00 Meeting point: Ex-Zollamt / Halle with Luigi Fassi & Reinhard Braun

Thu 03/10, 19.00 Meeting point: Künstlerhaus, Halle für Kunst & Medien with Christian Egger & Elisabeth Arlt

Thu 31/10, 19.00 Meeting point: Grazer Kunstverein with Krist Gruijthuijsen & Luigi Fassi

Sat 12/10, 11.00 Meeting point: Kunsthaus Graz with Günther Holler-Schuster, Margarethe Makovec & Anton Lederer

Sat 09/11, 14.00 Meeting point: Pavelhaus with Elisabeth Arlt & Reni Hofmüller

Thu 17/10, 19.00 Meeting point: ESC im LABOR with Reni Hofmüller & Günther Holler-Schuster

Eight curatorial dialogues propose more detailed information on the exhibitions. Participation is free as a service of steirischer herbst. Entrance fees, if applicable, are not included. No reservation is necessary. Shuttle service to Pavelhaus Sat 09/11, 12.00 Meeting point: Ex-Zollamt / Bus stop Registration:

Thu 14/11, 19.00 Meeting point: Camera Austria with Reinhard Braun & Krist Gruijthuijsen


musikprotokoll Venturing into the boundless expanse of conceivable universes of sound, ORF musikprotokoll explores as yet uncharted acoustic territories and life-forms. Parrots, for example. They are the receivers of the sounds created by the alien productions artist collective, in whose “metamusic” project they radically reconceive the relationship between art and nature: animals – not humans – have control of a sound sculpture at this year’s ORF musikptotokoll. Nature and artefact. Human and object. Art and body. Matter and virtual reality. Universe and ephemera. Heaven and earth. musikprotokoll as a fourty-five-year history of liaisons dangereuses. A number of bold first encounters will be orchestrated in 2013 once again including electronic musician and producer Patrick Pulsinger with the Vienna Radio Symphony Orchestra: along with encounters in Graz of uncertain outcome, when the prize-winning work from the 5th Johann Joseph Fux opera composition competition premières in co-operation with the University of Music as part of musikprotokoll / extended on 12 October: “Asteroid 62” by Dimitri Kourliandskis, a theatrical composition revolving around the idea of metamorphosis. The piece will be performed on the radio, on the Net and in the city of Graz: inside and out, up and down. Roaming the Schloßberg hill, exploring the tunnels below, with robots filling St. Andrä-Kirche with sound. Omnipresence of music. Multicontextuality of music. A theme which musikprotokoll explores together with the European festival network ECAS. But what exactly will happen in the spaceship of musical relationships remains to be seen. After all, contemporary art at musikprotokoll lives in dangerous liaisons.

Festival pass 70 / 50 € Curated by Elke Tschaikner (AT), Susanna Niedermayr (AT) & Christian Scheib (AT) // Kunst im Anthropozoikum Fri 04/10, 18.00 Murinsel Discussion with alien productions (AT), Oliver Baurhenn (DE), Angélica Castelló (AT/MX), Daniel Lercher (AT), Heike Vester (DE/NO), Winfried Ritsch (AT) et al.

Produced by steirischer herbst, ORF Radio Österreich 1 & ORF Landesstudio Steiermark In co-operation with ECAS / ICAS – Networking Tomorrow’s Art For An Unknown Future, ORF Kunstradio, Europäische Union – Programm Kultur 2007-2013, Insomnia (Tromsø), Kunstuniversität Graz, ESC im LABOR & ARGE Papageienschutz


34 34 % illness ation 32 % particip

15 % science


ne 65 % megapho lism na ur jo ic us 20 % m et cr se % 15 hes

a 60 % orchestr ics on tr ec el % 23 ulpture sc d un 17 % so 24 % d

55 % o l

40 % e s


47 % v i

35 % p e


33 % insigh

32 % bo

58 % S t

63 % film

60 % li v



experim e



34 % c ri

buil 33 % din


50 % t h

24 % info

53 % res i

30 % phot

% Austria 20

lorie % ca s




ountry %c

hbourhoo eig

51 % won

take 33 %




umentary doc

osition mp

robotics 25 %


% 21



12 %


Angélica Castelló (AT/MX) / Heike Vester (DE/NO)

sonic blue

ir repa

ive %g


raz %G


34 % clot

Patrick Hahn (DE) resistance % 22 % 2256 a 33 ace yri 29 % public sp er w po % 15 If cities invite writers to live there for a while as writers in residence, Thu 03/10, 19.30 Dom im Berg and to immerse themselves in the literary life of the city, why Encore 1 shouldn’t festivals also employ their own festival columnists? trio Patrick Hahn, opera and concert at the Staatstheater Fri 04/10, 21.00 % sound 100 % string 40 dramaturg ng ni te AK Kammersaal e Stuttgart, music publicist and co-blogger of the “Bad Blog of lis ic % vo 22 25 % 29g% 20 % co 3 30 s entsbe ents 2 5 % Musick”, eooundin % sudrrvery will his very 20 own, personal record ofsaythe e keeping dEncore 25 % stud ade ts m en e m rim ho pe % ex 18 aesthetic essays and hot dog musikprotokoll festival this year. With 25 % Sat 05/10, 19.30 soundcloakroom whispers and instant reactions, Hahn, who 25 %chat, AK Kammersaal stand Encore 3 was awarded the “Reinhard Schulz Prize” for contemporary music publishing last year, plunges into an ocean of letters, delivering Sun 06/10, 22.30 composition live on stage and online preludes, intermezzi and encores of what80 % Kunsthaus Graz, Space 04 ry video eo % e th bl 20 m % 100heard every day. Encore 4 50 % ense he has n amber tio n h a si c c e m po e 3 m r r r co 3 2 t 50 %sis 7 de rfo ea

24 % langua

23 % pub


53 % d a 48 % in

68 % the


51 % s o

ss 41 %

50 % t h

39 % ani


34 % a b

61 % g e iew

70 % s o




20 % natu

50 %

ear witne

ce dan


isual %v




ec 33 % onom

19 % re v nce

40 % in

32 %




istling wh

% sou

24 % politi

22 % theatr

23 % pub

11 % self

46 % tech


17 % sound

60 % save th

d exchan wor

% 28

% 13



19 %


estiv %f

33 % f r



ent agm

yday ver


15 irds %b


sic mu



cology %e

llation sta

% 40

Further rld 2 wodate 7 Mon 23/09,e 20.00 ORF KlangTheater Wien Ö1 Hörbild im Zauberberg By Susanna Niedermayr (AT)

44 %


Commissioned by musikprotokoll In the framework of ECAS – Networking Tomorrow‘s Art For An Unknown Future, working period 3 “Ubiquitous Art and Music. Art, Sound and the Everyday.”

With Angélica Castelló (AT/MX) & Heike Vester (DE/NO)

c usi


% body 33



mun com ity



formation ans


50 % live ental rty % instrum 50 % pawhen It is a68double examination of deep realms Angélica Castelló ics 23 % electron e takes the syaudience on a journey to her imaginary underwater 28 % r r se 21 2 e 9 % ntheeasit atr held %a great fascination nce world “sonic blue.” The sea has always for the composer and musician. And to her it symbolises the subconscious. The acoustic basis of “sonic blue” consists of field -20 % recordings, recordings of natural and environmental noises that Sun 06/10, 21.00 Castelló gathered together with the biologist Heike Vester in the Murinsel Travel report Norwegian Lofoten in summer, where Vester heads Ocean Sounds, Admission free an organisation founded by her which is dedicated to researching y g ction and protecting the litics 2 o ution l environment. Sun 06/10,no21.30 3 marine mammals stra opo marine stit Exploring the omnipresence of music and art in everyday life also Kunsthaus Graz, Space04 Concert implies examining the relationship between culture and nature.

Première l 39 % tr 03/10 - 06/10, 10.00m-a18.00 Murinsel Installation Admission free


51 % s o


40 % in

70 % s o



ear witne


32 %







70 % literature d otos15 12 %unph n 10 % observatio t en om m % 8

istling wh

% 40

20 % natu

cology %e

llation sta 100 % surprise alien productions (AT)

irds %b


50 %

d 41 % oun

lo 22 % st & f

25 % party

% 33

34 % sou

isual arts %v



yday life ver

Ex Machina Dei

estival %f

one urnalism

Robert Lepenik (AT) estra/ Winfried Ritsch (AT) 60 % orch ec el 23 % tronics pture 17 % sound scul

ents agm

nce t ction

Since 1997, alien productions have, among other things, been 33 the ce based questioning 37 % f anthropocentricrt world25view in their projects r dan a nd on communication and co-operation. Always seeing themselves as ce anwhich part of a system, they pan out spaces different intelligences 58 % finin ce an sh ca rm % rfo 20 pe interact: humans, machines, programs and more recently animals. % 25 apers 16 % newspblog pop “Ö1 listeners and metamusic readers were able to 25 % Zeit-Ton” hman Brothers minism 6 % Lefew 25 % fethis follow step by step: over the past months, alien productions erapy 25 % th have been developing interactive sound installations with which not humans, but parrots interact, as you now can see for yourself at the GrazMuseum. In doing so, they not only build a bridge to territory as yet largely uncharted by artists, but nialso alismembark on a 59 % postcolo balancing act between culture and nature. ge ry an ta 23 % exch 44 % documen Commissioned 18 % social art composition % musikprotokoll 37 by Winner project ECAS Artist inwResidence 2012 working period 2 “Bridging” flo sh ca % 19 In co-operation with ARGE Papageienschutz


68 % sound 20 % robotics t 15 % experimen ch ur ch 7%


“Ex Machina Dei” features a meeting of two strands of sound research which are as unique as they are fascinating, in a commissioned work to be developed in St. Andrä-Kirche. In his “poSTepeno” project, Robert Lepenik, who operates in microtonal acoustic universes as 100 % radio sinus sounds, well as in experimental rock settings, has appended g trio sound rin st % 0 10 that gradually change frequency, to the echo of digitalised piano listening sounds. New harmonic structures seem to create themselves, ng di un surro home made incessantly changing, constantly seeming to escape perception. The media artist and researcher Winfried Ritsch in turn, has in recent years repeatedly investigated the potentials of machine-based terdisciplinarity 62 % in“Ex sound production, particularly automatic pianos. Machina ion Dei” 27 % participat arranges a piano, organ, sinus sounds and robots mposition sis ba 80 %a comechanical % 11 video an overarching machine that by means of % ensemble inside the church20to%create % composition constant self-analysis maintains a complex harmonic and rhythmic system throughout forty-eight hours.

0 % live 50 % party

Première 03/10 - 06/10, 10.00 - 18.00 GrazMuseum Installation Thu 03/10, 18.00 GrazMuseum Opening Sat 05/10, 18.00 GrazMuseum Concert Admission free With alien productions (AT) (Martin Breindl, Norbert Math, Andrea Sodomka), Iris Baldinger (AT) & Susanna Niedermayr (AT) // metamusic/blog

Première 03/10 - 05/10, 15.00 - 15.00 non stop St. Andrä-Kirche Admission free With Robert Lepenik (AT) & Winfried Ritsch (AT) see p. 14 “Bent Spoke”

Commissioned by musikprotokoll


56 % resistance 29 % public spac e 15 % power

55 % o l

ir repa

ive %g


Vienna ORF Radio Symphony Orchestra

25 % voice 25 % students 40 % so Première The Vienna ORF Radio Symphony Orchestra is presenting two und 25 % experimen 22 % lisprojects, ts exceptional experimental with premières of the composer, te ni ng Thu 03/10, 19.30 & 25 21.30 % sound % surro unding Schimana and10 performer and radio 20 artist Elisabeth music producer, 0 % strin Dom im Berg g trio 18 % home mad remixer and DJ Patrick Pulsinger. e In her “Virus” series, Elisabeth 18 / 12 € 3 s 0 Schimana pursues what at first appears to be a paradoxical concept: say “Virus #3” for orchestra 100 theory the score to which the musicians play is not visible but audible. A Elisabeth Schimana % (AT) flurry of the productive inaccuracy of playing together puts the “EJECTER 1-3” audience in an acoustic house of mirrors. 50 ensemble Composition for electronics, Pulsinger too places % the orchestra in a relationship with an external 50 % composit 80 composit E-piano and orchestra ion other. The orchestra and theionelectronics transform% the “voicings” 20 % video Patrick Pulsinger (AT) created by a Rhodes piano into an after-hearing and play-along rmanceWith exploration of acoustic possibilities, deriving the power of musical rfo Radio Symphony Orchestra (AT) narrative from difference. 68 %Conductor instrumental 23 % elRabl ectro(AT) The composition by Elisabeth Schimana has been commissioned by RSO Wien nics Gottfried 50 % live 9 % synthesiser The composition by Patrick Pulsinger has been commissioned by Ö1 and musikprotokoll 50 % party see p. 40 “Encores” Shuttle service after the second concert to Ex-Zollamt / Explosiv

33 %



40 % e s


umentary doc


29 %

Patrick Pulsinger (AT) / Elisabeth Schimana (AT)

24 %


60 % orchestra 23 % electronics 17 % sound scul pt

% 21


65 % megapho ne 20 % music jour nalism 15 % secret




buil 33 % din


35 % p e

30 % phot



32 % bo


19 %


Heimo Lattner (AT)

28 %


sic mu

mun com ity

53 % d a

21 %


d exchan wor


Thu 03/10, 20.30 Schloßbergliftstollen

48 % in



24 % politi


Admission free ution stit With Werner Dafeldecker (AT), Heimo Lattner (AT), Judith Laub (DE) et al.

% 28


cs 2

// silbadores/blog

1 nce

32 %

nd 41 %

ear witne



estival %f

ce dan


isual arts %v






istling wh

irds %b

51 % s o


The Silbadores Part 3


0 %the mythological, Against the background of an examination of phenomenological, aesthetic and political connotations of the voice, the artist Heimo Lattner journeyed with cultural and political scientist Judith Laub to the island of La Gomera in order to study the whistled language Silbo Gomero. Gomeran whistlers use the inherent traits of what they need to overcome to communicate messages in barely passable areas: echo carries their whistles over long distances. Metaphorically, the echo – the “voice” of space and time – inserts itself as a corrective between the two figures of whistle and voice. Their interplay forms the basis of the composition developed in collaboration with Werner Dafeldecker. Commissioned by musikprotokoll Winner project ECAS Call 2012, working period 2 “Bridging”. Part 1 musikprotokoll 2012. Part 2 CTM Festival 2013

6 2 1


40 % s ou 22 % li nd stening 20 % s uurerr 9 1%8 n%atho ounding eem cm n a d ade % 36 l a u it r 17 % re entu 8 % adv

eatre 45 % th erations n e g 45 % ions nstellat o c % 0 1

Trio Zebra

100 %


0 % ro p 25 % po inism 15 % botics experim m fe % 25 e erapy 7 % church nt 25 % th



ialism stcolon 59 % po ange ch 23 % ex l art cia o s % 18

y mentar 10044%% docu ition radcoiompos 37 % e ash flow ancSteven % ense m r 19 % cKarttunen. Violin, viola, cello. Ernst Kovacic, Dann and Anssi Premières and fo r e p mble % 6 6 west no two zebras are alike, as every -that compo Austrian premières t s Trio Zebra. Despite the fact a e sition und 19 % ction 68 % so tics tion pattern is80unique, cience fi of zebras gives the impression of a a s stripe a group ll a % t s Fri 04/10, 19.30 5 % bo 1 ro compo % 34 % in ss 0 2 nt sition of their peculiarities allows them to 20 %This esingle organism. merging AK Kammersaal ln perime il x e v % id eo 34 15 % 62leopards, ipatioan strong collective a ic r h t t % r s rc a e make impression on lions, hyenas and u in p h h rc te 32 % 7%c 2 % p rdiscipli6n0a%rito ctronics 18 / 12 € (incl. “Klangforum Wien”) ar most important the audience. However, what is probably the 7zebra’s y le 11 % b ticipation23 % e nd sculpture With compositions by asis opinion. sou characteristic is its refusal to be controlled by public hone 17 %Zebras Wen Liu (CN), megap rnalism 65 %to are the only horses never have been domesticated. They are u usic jo Kaija Saariaho (FI), m % 0 2 we carry simply too stubborn. Could all this new music into the t Miroslav Srnka (CZ) & % secre istance s 5 1 re % 56 world having somewhat similar tendencies? To make an ace Anton Webern (AT) c spwithout li b u p adio 29 %impression on lions, leopards, hyenas and the audience is the aim With 100 % r r e pow 15 % Steven Dann (CA), of the Zebra trio, with a finely woven programme whose consistent trio Karttunen (FI) & tringAnssi concert dramaturgy intermeshes a wide range of individual sound 100 % s Ernst Kovacic (AT) d unfiligree languages of current composers 0 with trio miniatures by 4 % so ning te see p. 40 “Encores” s li Anton Webern. % 2 g 2 undin ro r see p. 47 “Watch Radio, u s e ic % o 0 first “Emil Breisach 20v% ade musikprotokoll 25-% In co-operation with Ö1, the composition by Wen Liu is 2the te Listen to Radio” home m dents u % 62 % in t s 8 1 % composition 25 commission” ents ar p im r % e 7 p 2 x 25 % e d b % n u 11 a ion 25 % so mposit o c % 0 8 eo 20 % vid le b m e s 50 % en position ory 0 % the % com 0 0 1 5 Unirsi al cielo

Klangforum Wien

An ascent to heaven in sixty-six minutes. A serious, artistic examination of Christian philosophy and Chinese cosmology in equal measure. With the five elements as the foundation of the undertaking and the ve constitutive sixth human being driven by the desire for Elysium aslithe 50 % party % 0 5 l a element. The JesuitumCentro Culturale San Fedele in Milan has chosen t n str e 68 % in s six composers from Italy, France, Cyprus and Slovenia to venture on ic n electro er 23 %of is s this conquest heaven together with Klangforum Wien and the e h t 9 % syn audience. “Unirsi al cielo”: maybe not a unification with the celestial, but an approach to heaven. In the framework of San Fedele Prize for youg artists – Musik 2010-2013 In co-operation with IRCAM, Ensemble Klangforum Wien, Festival MITO & musikprotokoll With support of Cariplo Foundation, European Community & Ulysses Network

Austrian premières Fri 04/10, 21.00 AK Kammersaal 18 / 12 € (incl. “Trio Zebra”) With compositions by Pasquale Corrado (IT), Aurelien Dumont (FR), Evis Sammoutis (CY), Antonin Serviere 0 % (FR), Franco Venturini-2(IT) & Vito Žuraj (SI) With Klangforum Wien (AT), Andreas Eberle (AT), Sylvain Cadars (FR), Gunde Jäch-Micko (FR), Alexander Mihalic (FR) & Bernhard Zachhuber (AT) Conductor Jean-Michaël Lavoie (FR) Shuttle service after the concert to generalmusikdirektion


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When everyday life invades music: eight musicians, eight environmental auditors from Austria and Norway invite visitors to listen very carefully when their instruments join in the orchestra of ambient environmental sounds, improvising freely and focusing on the current auditory experience. This forms the starting point for a series of short concerts on the Schloßberg hill, at different sounding locations. Detached from the context of common performance practice in the concert hall, music becomes amenable to a new experience. The ÖNCZkekvist project gave rise to an active exchange between the Austrian and Norwegian improvisation scene, an exchange that is now boosted by and continued together with the ECAS partner festival Insomnia in Tromsø. Commissioned by musikprotokoll & Insomnia (Tromsø) ECAS working period 3 “Ubiquitous Art and Music”

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With Agnes Hvizdalek (AT), Daniel Lercher (AT), Danielle Dahl (NO), Rosi Rehformen (AT), Rudolf Terland Bjørnerem (NO), Vinzenz Schwab (AT), Simon Daniel Tegnander (NO) et al. Idea and concept Susanna Niedermayr (AT) & Christian Hollingsæter (NO) Artistic direction Daniel Lercher (AT)

33 % f r


Admission free (inclusive train journey)

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Sat 05/10, 15.00 Meeting point: Schloßbergbahn lower station


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Ascetic and offensive. In his new project “innode”, Stefan Németh combines several strands of musical development. “innode” recounts Németh’s long-standing love of his analogue synthesisers; of the growing wish to work increasingly with rhythm; of the predilection for hard breaks the 1fascination for noise,d that 32 % llation and sharp edges; of 5 n nd sta can be anything and nothing and uof the search for clarity inu a time when every kind of sound aesthetics seems already to exist. For the first time, Stefan Németh is staging pieces originally created on the drawing-board together with two drummers Steven Hess and Bernhard Breuer, presenting the début album “Gridshifter” for the first time on the same evening. % 40

8€ d l r o 27 With ew Bernhard Breuer (AT), Steven Hess (CA), Stefan Németh (AT) & Kassian Troyer (DE)

% body 33


Fri 04/10, 23.00 generalmusikdirektion Concert & CD presentation




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tion 39 % nature 80 % composi 45 % theatre o e 36 % dance 20 % vid 25 % performance 45 % generations le b m 17 se % n ritu al 25 % pop 50 % e n o 10 ti % si % theory con o ste p llat ions 8 % adventure 25 % feminism 50 % com Premières and Perhaps it has to do with the long-standing loyal relationship of 25 % therapy Austrian premières the ensemble’s nine musicians to musikprotokoll that establishing very special bonds is a central theme of the works on this year’s bill. Sat 05/10, 19.30 The commissioned composition by Katharina Klement, for example, AK Kammersaal 34 whose works often %set out in search of cross-links to the realms of % ins tal e lat v ion 18 / 12 € (incl. “Klangwege”) 50 li 66 % performance 34 % illness ensemble recherche y confronts with 44 % document ntal text, video and performance, 50 % part e m 19 ru % eas st participation of a very differentt - westWith compositions by % in the video artist Doris Schmid. 32 A %confrontation s 37 ic % compositio n o 15 % science fictHans tr ion Abrahamsen (DK), Malin 3 % elec siser kind prefaced the composition of British artist Alwynne Pritchard, 19(AT) % cas e Bång (SE), Katharina Klement & h flow th n 9 % sy who conducted very personal discussions with the musicians based Alwynne Pritchard (GB) on objects charged with private memories. The programme also With -20 % ensemble recherche (DE), features the intimate, filigree music of the Swede Malin Bång and an 56 % resistance exuberant floral tribute from the north, the première of Danish artist 65 % megaphone Åsa Åkerberg (SE/DE), Jean-Pierre 29 % public space Collot (FR/DE), Christian Dierstein (DE), 60 % orchestra Hans Abrahamsen’s “Flowersongs”. 20 % music journalism 15 % power Martin Fahlenbock (DE), Jaime 23 % electronics 15 % secret The composition by Katharina Klement has been commissioned by Ö1 & musikprotokoll González (CL/DE), Barbara 17 % sound sculp Maurer (DE), Melise Mellinger (DE), Shizuyo Oka (JP/DE) & Klaus Steffes-Holländer (DE) Video 25 % voice Doris Schmid (DE) 40 % sound 25 % students 22 % listening see p. 40 “Encores” 25 % experiments 20 % surrounding 25 % sound 100 % string trio 18 % home made Sat 05/10, 19.30 The young composers of the Klangwege programme were faced AK Kammersaal with special challenges this year: the task was to create pieces for 100 % the the eight voices of the NOVA vocal ensemble, who are just as familiar ory 18 / 12 € with renaissance capella music as with works from the 20th and (incl. “ensemble recherche”) 50 % from ensemble 21st century. Clemens Gadenstätter supervised the students With 50 %purely composition Vokalensemble NOVA (AT)80&% composition Graz University of Music and Performing Arts to create their 20 % video vocal compositional explorations and the singers headed by Colin Students of Kunstuniversität Graz Choir conductor Mason will present what new music the human voice can inspire at Colin Mason (GB) musikprotokoll. Compositoral project management 68 % instrumental In co-operation with der Kunstuniversität Graz, Institut 1 für Komposition, Musiktheorie, Musikgeschichte Clemens Gadenstätter (AT) 23 % electronics 50 % live und Dirigieren 9 % synthesiser Shuttle service after the concert 50 % party to generalmusikdirektion

ensemble recherche


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No uBusiness for Dogs y mentar % Schloßb 12

Sat 05/10, 23.00 ance generalmusikdirektion rform e p % 6 6 t st - wes 8€ 19 % ea ce fiction n ie 15 % sc With Bernhard Breuer (AT), Steven Hess (CA), Juun (AT) & Alfred Reiter (AT) ne egapho lism 65 % m rna u jo ic s u 20 % m t cre 15 % se

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c 44 % do osition p drummers Steven Hess and Bernhard Breuer, who two 7 % com 3The h flow s a c % 9 1performed with Stefan Németh the day before, are also the dynamic backbone of the “No Business for Dogs” formation. They und Reiter and pianist are joined on stage by sound engineer 68 % soAlfred botics ro % 0 Juun; although pianist may create the2 wrongeriimpression. For Juun, ment x e 5% p a who is also of the London 1Improvisers Orchestra, has a satrmember e h h rc rc u o % ch 60 % liaison % dangereuse her instrument –7 considering that she plays ctronics with le e re 3 2 lptu und scu which she has cut up with a chainsaw and angle mostly onsopianinos 17 % grinder, along with their entrails. With metal frame, strings and sound-board. “Pianoguts” is what Juun calls these piano skeletons. Such instruments allow her to produce sounds with sometimes dio pleasurable brutality without worrying 1about 00 % ra damage. Eventually her “Pianoguts” fall apart, when Juun simply dismembers another piano. tring trio 100 % s

Personal Soundscapes

linarity terdiscip 62 % in cipation rti 27 % pa As part of an online art project initiated by %musikprotokoll, for Première sis a b 11 n mpositio months school-goers 80 % co throughout Styria were collecting sounds, Sun 06/10, 23.00 video listening in their lives, exploring and recording their Kunsthaus Graz, Space04 & 20 %everyday le b m e personal soundscapes: they have now processed, layered and s ORF Kunstradio n e 50 % y ion omposit arranged the sounds of their lives and translated them into art. The c % 0 5 Admission free result is a kaleidoscope of “Personal Soundscapes” and at the same With time a young sound image of the province, which can be heard and Pupils modified online on the project website. ORF Kunstradio embarks Material by on a journey through the mountains and valleys of these acoustic Sam Auinger (AT), Sabine landscapes. Breitsameter (DE),0Thomas e v li 5 % y t Burkhalter (CH), Reni Hofmüller (AT), r a l Commissioned by musikprotokoll & ORF Kunstradio 50 % p rumenta Susanna Niedermayr (AT), In co-operation with Auphonic, siacus, & Landesschulrat für Steiermark s ic n ctro Caroline Profanter (AT), Christian r e nthesis Scheib (AT), Florian Sedmak (AT), Elke Tschaikner (AT), Fränk Zimmer (AT/LU), Elisabeth -20 % Zimmermann (AT) et al.


// see p. 40 “Encores”




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Watch Radio, Listen to Radio


100 % rad

ng trio 100 % stri und 40 % soNot only are all musikprotokoll concerts broadcast live and recorded, Ö1-Kulturjournal & Spielräume stening 22 % libut Thu 03/10, 17.10 g on occasions inthree soundfestival visitors will have the opportunity d % n 68 u o rr su 20 % of GrazMuseum & Live on Ö1 tics Ö1 broadcasts live from Graz. On the e bo d ro a being right there when % m 20 e rchestra 18 % hom t en arity n rim li pe p ex ci % Kulturjournal” and “Spielräume” programmes opening day, the15 “Ö1 rdis electronics 62 % inte ationÖ1-Klassiktreffpunkt ch ur ch % ip 7 e ic ur Sat 05/10, 10.05 part sound sculpt are relocating their studios to GrazMuseum and making their 27 %radio Murinsel & Live on Ö1 s si a b work public. “Ö1 Klassiktreffpunkt” invites visitors to the Murinsel n 11 % sitio % compo on Saturday morning. This80 programme offers the charming Admission free video 20 %of le b opportunity to get to know some the festival artists off stage or to m se n With 50 % e position get background information and hear backstage stories. Among the Ernst Kovacic (AT) 50 % com guests will be Styrian violinist Ernst Kovacic, who will be premièring o di 100 % ra see p. 43 “Trio Zebra” music by Friedrich Cerha. 00 % string trio

50 % live y 50 % part ion 80 % composit 20 % video

linarity 62 % interdiscip ion at cip rti pa % 27 11 % basis

Vera Hagemann (AT) / Heifetz (AT)

-20 %

Nights at the Bunker S01E07 La Friseuse Dangereuse

A bunker in Graz. A seemingly random group of people waiting together for the end after the disaster which is not named – or which is given many different names. They tell each other about their lives and, under the impression of the imminent end, they forge alliances, friendships and romances for life. In the end it is either over, or you meet up outside again, pretending that nothing has happened. The Apocalypse as a one-night stand. -20 % “Nights at the Bunker” is a quick mystery series developed by Forum Stadtpark which combines elements of performance with experimental music. In episode 7, selected guests join the core bunker team – British songwriter and artist Guy Dale, Slovenian singer and composer Maja Osojnik and performer and director Katarina Romana Schröter. Working together for four days and nights, they set out to create an evening on the border of paranoia, agony and beauty based on an ongoing mystery script.

Wed 25/09, 21.30 Forum Stadtpark 70’ 8 € (evening box office) By and with Arne Glöckner (DE), Vera Hagemann (AT), Manfred Hörmann (AT), Malika Mosu (FR), Johannes Schrettle (AT), Tina Ulrich (AT) & Patrick Wurzwallner (AT) Guests Guy Dale (GB), Maja Osojnik (SI) & Katarina Romana Schröter (DE)

Co-produced by steirischer herbst & Forum Stadtpark 47

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Liaisons dangereuses

40 % so un 22 % lis d tening 20 % su rro 18 % ho unding me mad e

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Seeking emancipatory alternatives in trembling times

“Age of disaster” is the term applied by cultural philosopher and activist Lieven de Cauter to our disastrous age marked by dramatic conflicts, growing inequality and the dissolution of final certainty. But 68 % in strstart to get out of where to start rescuing when liaisons dangereuses 23 % ele umental ctr nicsociety? hand in all spheres – in politics, in the economy and s 9 % syn oin thesissharing In global finance capitalism, the culture of collective is being er marginalised, with egoism and destruction being the dominant driving forces and desperation and melancholy the consequences for the individual. “Melancholia”, according to the philosopher Giovanni Leghissa, is the final consequence of the impossibility of articulating needs other than economic ones or not being able to distinguish between economy and politics at all. What is wrong with the economy? The ratio economica as the sole, generally accepted meaningful principle makes a utopian project of a society which guarantees human rights and allows everyone to share equitably in social profits. Countering such abstract speculations, the sociologist Erik Olin Wright suggests provocative “Real Utopias” that seek to redesign social institutions fundamentally and specifically: education for all, minimum wages and truly democratic decision-making processes. The conference “Liaisons dangereuses: Seeking emancipatory alternatives in trembling times”, sets out to create a space for community healing, a process of social justice that also allows wishes and hopes (Hector Aristizábal). But on the other hand, phenomena such as colonialism and racism are reappearing with great vehemence, phenomena which Alanna Lockward is reconsidering in order to find alternative strategies of resistance or exit. How can art institutions contribute to restructuring the sociopolitical context? Artists and curators from North Africa and Europe will question the institution as a possible space of liberty and creativity. Following on from last year’s “Truth is concrete – a 24/7 marathon camp on artistic strategies in politics and political strategies in art”, the conference is an attempt by steirischer herbst to set up an international discourse platform for philosophical, artistic and political exchange: to get to the bottom of the disaster and to open up new spaces of liberty and practice. In the form of lectures, roundtables and artist presentations, platform focuses on key topics such as participation in post-revolutionary times and decolonialism along with new politics of organising economy and labour.

50 % en semble 50 %14.30 Fri 04/10, comp-o23.00 sition Sat 05/10, 11.00 - 23.00 Sun 06/10, 11.00 - 19.00 Ex-Zollamt / Halle & Explosiv Admission free

50 % lilanguage English ve 50 % pa With rty Hector Aristizábal (CO), Zdenka Badovinac (SI), Beirut (Sarah Rifky (EG), Jens Maier-Rothe (DE), Antonia Alampi (IT)), Ellen Blumenstein (DE), Sarah Browne (IR), Lieven De Cauter (BE), Jeannette Ehlers (DK), Marianne Flotron (CH/NL), Zachary Formwalt (NL/US), Sam Gindin (CA), Katerina Gregos (BE/GR), Krist Gruijthuijsen (AT/NL), Marina Grzinic (SI), Jan Peter Hammer (DE), John Jordan (US/FR), Giovanni Leghissa (IT), Alanna Lockward (DE/DO), Florian Malzacher (DE), Markus Miessen (DE), Saverio Pesapane (IT), Jonas Staal (NL), Wooloo (DK) & Erik Olin Wright (US) Moderated by Lieven De Cauter (BE) & Eric Olin Wright (US) Curated by Luigi Fassi (AT/IT) & Anne Faucheret (AT/FR) see p. 9 “Coffee, Cake, Cinema”


-20 %

herbst Academy Applications and detailed information at Deadline for registration: Wed 31/07

This year again, four workshops bring young international artists, theorists and students to Graz during the festival to explore reslationship and their transformation in society, art and culture and to reflect on the art works on show at the festival.

see p. 49 “Liaisons dangereuses”

Institution as Fiction: What is an Institution? Workshop 1 02/10 - 04/10 English language By Beirut (Sarah Rifky (EG), Jens Maier-Rothe (DE), Antonia Alampi (IT)) see p. 34 “Unexpected Encounters”

When societies are caught up in such radical upheavals as Egypt is at the moment, this impacts on the way in which institutions – particularly of art and culture – need to be conceived. Normative conceptions are of little help here, but perhaps conceptions of ambiguity and movement are. But does that not apply to art institutions in general in times of turbulence? In their workshop for artists and culture workers, Sarah Rifky, Jens Maier-Rothe and Antonia Alampi from the Cairo-based art initiative Beirut, who are also involved in the Camera Austria exhibition, propose a series of collective exercises to reconceive the institution – including its identities, resources and economies – as a fictitious entity.

Neoliberalism as a New Anthropotechnique: Between the Cyborg and the Desiring Machine Workshop 2 02/10 - 04/10 English language By Giovanni Leghissa (IT)


Even though it seems so at times, neoliberalism need not necessarily be seen as the natural, almost inevitable further development of classical liberalism. The philosopher Giovanni Leghissa from Turin University suggests a deconstructive interpretation instead. The workshop will be about demonstrating the origins of neoliberalism in theory and defining a cultural agenda that allows us to conceive alternatives to the prevailing economic model. According to Leghissa, however, what this will also require is a form of rationality which differs structurally from conventional forms.

Afropean Decoloniality in the Art Plantations of Modernity Workshop 3

Three days of film screenings, three days of intense discussions on the Black Diaspora and the work of African video artists in the European context. Together with the Berlin-based curator and author Alanna Lockward, initiator of the Art Labour Archives, participants will try to decolonialise hegemonic narratives of art and forge new alliances based on the works of Teresa María Díaz Nerio, William Kentridge, Ingrid Mwangi, Robert Hutter and Emeka Udemba. The workshop will be held in English, with topics including theories on the subject of decolonialism and discourses on Black Feminism and Critical Race Theory.

07/10 - 09/10 English language By Alanna Lockward (DE/DO)

Theatre of the Oppressed and Radical Transformation: From Desire into Action Workshop 4

What role can theatre play in times of social and political upheaval? Hector Aristizábal, theatre-maker, psychologist and activist against torture, has founded the ImaginAction network in Los Angeles in order to utilise the transformational forces of theatre for community building and in processes of self-empowerment. Against the background of the Theatre of the Oppressed developed by Augusto Boal in the 1960s, Aristizábal will join the workshop participants to develop scenes from concrete life experiences, looking for ways to connect individual modes of acting with global movements for radical political change.

07/10 - 09/10 English language By Hector Aristizábal (CO)



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Nur mit dem herbst ist das Jahr komplett.

b Mit der Industrie – das bedeutet 285.000 Arbeitsplätze, die direkt und indirekt durch die Industrie gesichert werden. Das sind mehr als die Hälfte aller steirischen Arbeitsplätze.

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Nur mit der Industrie ist die Steiermark komplett.

29.03.2012 14:23:58

Reverend Billy, steirischer herbst 2012; Foto: Wolfgang Silveri

DA LOHNT SICH DER BLICK ÜBER DEN ZEITUNGSRAND. Als Partner des sterischen herbst wünscht die Kleine Zeitung gute Unterhaltung.



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16.05.13 10:04

Die Kulturl:

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Mit den nightline-bussen sicher und bequem durch den "steirischen herbst".

der wein zum steirischen herbst

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12.04.13 10:00

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Das Feuilletonmagazin Heft 24, „aber sicher“, 88 Seiten, 6 Euro,

steirischer herbst is a partner of NXTSTP, an ambitious and long-term project that forms part of the European Union culture programme. Next Step is a network of eight European art festivals, with the aim of fostering the co-production and expansion of the performing arts in Europe. NXTSTP wants to provide impetus to performing artists on the verge of an international breakthrough, by creating access to major theatres and making tours of Europe easier, thus attracting and appealing to new audiences. The result can be seen at steirischer herbst 2013 through the works of Kris Verdonck (BE) and Antonia Baehr (DE). NXTSTP partners: Alkantara Festival (Lisbon), Baltoscandal Festival (Rakvere), Dublin Theater Festival (Dublin), Göteborgs Dans & Teater Festival (Göteborg), Kunstenfestivaldesarts (Brussels), Noorderzon (Groningen), steirischer herbst festival (Graz), Théâtre National de Bordeaux en Aquitaine (Bordeaux)

Services Information p +43 316 81 60 70 Online tickets Advanced ticket sales 19/06 - 12/10 oeticket Center Stadthalle Graz Messeplatz 2 / 8010 Graz MQ Point / Info-Tickets-Shop at MuseumsQuartier Wien Museumsplatz 1 / 1070 Wien and at all oeticket advanced ticket offices 11/09 - 12/10 Information and Ticket Office / City Kapistran-Pieller-Platz, Hauptbrücke 8010 Graz daily 10.00 - 18.00 20/09 - 13/10 Information and Ticket Office / Ex-Zollamt Bahnhofgürtel 57 / 8020 Graz Thu - Sat 14.00 - 23.30 Sun 14.00 - 20.30 14/10 - 01/12 Exhibition Ticket Office / Ex-Zollamt Bahnhofgürtel 57 / 8020 Graz Thu 12.00 - 19.30 Fri - Sun 12.00 - 17.30 Tickets which have been paid for in advance must be collected at the venue at the latest fifteen minutes before the start of the event. Credit cards We accept American Express, Diners Club, MasterCard and Visa. 74

Box offices Box offices open one hour before the start of events at the venues. In the case of sold-out events, uncollected tickets will be made available fifteen minutes before the start of the event. Concessions Reduced ticket prices are available for students and apprentices up to 25 years of age, seniors, unemployed, national / civil service and members of Ö1-Club, Standard Club der Leser and Kleine Zeitung Vorteilsclub. spark7 members receive a discount of € 1 for the concert series “Double Feature“ tickets. When purchasing tickets, a valid ID must be presented. For concessions, relevant proof of entitlement must be shown when collecting tickets. Not all reduced price categories may be available for co-operations and pre-sale. Hunger for Art and Culture (Hunger auf Kunst und Kultur) People in financial difficulty have just as much right to art and culture. “Hunger for Art and Culture” benefits everyone who wants to take part in cultural life but who cannot afford to. Proceeds from sales of herbst chocolate from the Schokoladen Manufaktur Zotter at the advance booking and box offices will be used to fund tickets that may be obtained free of charge by presenting a “Culture Pass”. Please support this project! Accommodation bookings Graz Tourismus Herrengasse 16 / 8010 Graz p +43 316 80 75 0

Ticket prices A Two Dogs Company / Kris Verdonck H, an incident Anne Juren Happy End Amund Sjølie Sveen Economic Theory for Dummies united sorry the forest project Dewey Dell Marzo Massimo Furlan Gym Club Antonia Baehr Abecedarium Bestiarium Theater im Bahnhof / Gaststubentheater Gößnitz Operation Wolfshaut Daniel Kötter / Hannes Seidl Credit Boris Nikitin Don‘t be Yourself! Ann Liv Young Sleeping Beauty (1–2) / (3–4) Ann Liv Young Sleeping Beauty (1–4) Federico León Las Multitudes Fumiyo Ikeda / Un Yamada amness

regular reduced 24 € 14 € 18 € 12 € 8 € 18 € 12 € 18 € 12 € 18 € 12 € 18 € 12 € 8 € 18 € 12 € 16 € 8.5 € 18 € 12 € 28 € 20 € 24 € 14 € 18 € 12 €

musikprotokoll festival pass 03/10 - 06/10 musikprotokoll single ticket musikprotokoll sonic blue, innode & No Business for Dogs

70 € 18 € 8€

Live concerts Mirel Wagner & Leslie Hall / Conquering Animal Sound & K-X-P / Millennium & Barbara Morgenstern / Pascal Pinon & Anna von Hausswolff / Broken Heart Collector / Opcion, Bernhard Loibner & Didi Bruckmayr / Mecanation & The Striggles herbst exhibition Liquid Assets Camera Austria Unexpected Encounters Kunsthaus Graz Beninese Solidarity with Endangered Westerners Künstlerhaus. Halle für Kunst und Medien … What is art? … Grazer Kunstverein Dough Ashford / Trisha Brown / Sarah Browne / Germaine Kruip Long Night of Museums, Sat 05/10, 18.00 - 01.00 Forum Stadtpark Nights at the Bunker

8€ 5€ 8€ 8€ 5€ 3.5 € 13 € 8€

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6€ 6€

3€ 3€ 3€ 3€ 2€ 11 €

Education Discussions between you and the participating artists, curators and other people involved are important to us: we therefore offer introductions, artist discussions, guided tours and discussion forums, to create space for questions and criticism. The numerous workshops allow an active examination of the projects and productions at steirischer herbst. Our aim is to involve as many different sections of the public as possible in all genres of the festival. Further education & herbst days steirischer herbst warmly welcomes school classes of all ages, all scholarship holders, students, clubs and companies to busy art and culture days in Graz and will help you put together a programme and organise meetings and discussions with artists and curators. We will do our best to cater for your individual requirements. For details on all programmes, please refer to our public programme brochure, that is available free of charge on request. Markus Boxler: p +43 664 24 500 89 Hannah Ertl: p +43 664 24 500 90 Education supporter Bundesministerium für Unterrricht, Kunst und Kultur Project sponsor Leder & Schuh


Theatre / Performance / Dance Talks Following selected performances, we invite you – together with the dramaturgical team of steirischer herbst – to discuss their work with the participating artists. Theatre education programmes If requested in good time, we will be pleased to organise special introductions for groups before the performances. In addition, we offer theatre education programmes that focus specifically on the aesthetic devices of theatre and the content of the various productions.

Exhibitions Guided tours & curatorial dialogues On four Saturdays, the KUNST.WERK association offers an alternating programme of guided tours of the festival exhibitions. (See p. 37) Eight curatorial dialogues propose more detailed information on the exhibitions. For the herbst exhibition “Liquid Assets”, in addition to the scheduled guided tours (see p. 31), groups can also book guided tours and discussions specially put together for specific age groups and interests. Participation is a free service of steirischer herbst. Entrance fees, if applicable, are not included.

Film Beziehungskisten Documentary films for children and young people Our film programme specially developed for school classes takes a documentary look at the social relationships of young people. Despite the expansion of virtual networks, concrete negotiation of living and working together remains the key factor in the lives of children and adolescents. Eleven films discuss not only the ups and downs of family and friendship ties, but also socio-political questions of belonging and exclusion. With films by Calle Overweg (DE), Susanne Schulz (DE), Roger Gómez / Dani Resines (ES), Annelies de Wit (NL), Saskia Gubbels (NL), Shaheen Dill-Riaz (DE), Anna Wahle (DE), Stéphan Castang (FR), Susanna Helke (FI), Robert-Jan Lacombe (CH) & Bruno Moraes Cabral (PT) Curated by Gudrun Sommer (DE/AT) With presentations by Stephanie Lang (AT), Petra Erdmann (AT) and Roman Fasching (AT) Please refer to the education brochure for the detailed programme.

herbstlichtspiele – Young films for experienced audience Extending conventional art education projects and involving new social contexts are particularly important to us, and so this year’s steirischer herbst outreach programme will be visiting senior citizen day-care centres in Graz with topical short films. New and old conditions, new and old demands, new and old goals. Young film meets an experienced audience in this hosted film programme. Please refer to the education brochure for the detailed programme. Coffee, Cake, Cinema The artists will be attending in person the Sunday cinema afternoons, “Coffee, Cake, Cinema” and will be available for discussion after the film. (See p. 9)

Music Together with the organisers of musikprotokoll, we offer introductions to programmes and age-appropriate discussions.

In co-operation with doxs! Duisburger Filmwoche

dox&shorts – Festival films on tour in Styria “dox & shorts” is a hosted film education programme for young people that is screening in co-operation with doxs! and the Diagonale film festival from Mon 30/09 to Fri 04/10 in Styria. This is a media education programme for schools that discusses the content of the films and the film medium.

Architecture We are happy to organise discussions and tours for groups of all ages and interests, through Ex-Zollamt, this year‘s festival centre.


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4 Camera Austria Kunsthaus Graz / Lendkai 1 / 8020 Graz // 5 Dom im Berg Schloßbergplatz / 8010 Graz

15 Murinsel Mariahilferplatz 1 / 8020 Graz 16 Next Liberty Kaiser-Josef-Platz 10 / 8010 Graz

r Straße



3 AK Kammersaal Strauchergasse 32 / 8020 Graz

14 Künstlerhaus, Halle für Kunst & Medien Burgring 2 / 8010 Graz //

Hauptbahnhof Europaplatz




2 City / Information and Ticket Office Kapistran-Pieller-Platz, Hauptbrücke 8010 Graz p +43 316 81 60 70

12 Helmut-List-Halle Waagner-Biro-Straße 98a / 8020 Graz 13 Kunsthaus Graz Lendkai 1 / 8020 Graz //

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1d Bus stop Bahnhofgürtel, Zollgasse / 8020 Graz


a Zollg

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1c Information and Ticket Office Bahnhofgürtel 57 / 8020 Graz


11 Heimatsaal im Volkskundemuseum Paulustor 13a / 8010 Graz

st Kleist


1b Explosiv Bahnhofgürtel 55a / 8020 Graz



1a Halle Bahnhofgürtel 57 / 8020 Graz

10 GrazMuseum Sackstraße 18 / 8010 Graz

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1 Ex-Zollamt Bahnhofgürtel 57 / 8020 Graz

17 Orpheum Orpheumgasse 8 / 8020 Graz 18 Probebühne Schauspielhaus Graz Hofgasse 11 / 8010 Graz 19 < rotor > Zentrum für zeitgenössische Kunst Volksgartenstraße 6a / 8020 Graz //

7 Forum Stadtpark Stadtpark 1 / 8010 Graz //

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6 ESC im LABOR tba //

22 St. Andrä-Kirche Kernstockgasse 9 / 8020 Graz


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21 Schloßbergstollen Schloßbergplatz / 8010 Graz

9 Grazer Kunstverein Palais Trauttmansdorff Burggasse 4 / 8010 Graz //


20 Schloßbergbahn lower station Kaiser-Franz-Josef-Kai 38 / 8010 Graz

8 generalmusikdirektion Grieskai 74a / 8020 Graz




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Gasthof Acham Fri 11/10, 18.30 Meeting point: Ex-Zollamt / Bus stop No registration required Free of charge


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Vienna - Graz - Vienna Sat 21/09, 9.00 Meeting point: Wiener Staatsoper / Parkplatz IKEA Bus Return: 21.30, Schloßbergbahn lower station / Kaiser-Franz-Josef-Kai 38 and 22.00, Ex-Zollamt / Bus stop Registration: 10 €



Shuttle service Linz - Graz - Linz Sat 21/10, 8.00 Meeting point: Kunstuniversität Linz, Hauptplatz 8 Return: 21.30, Schloßbergbahn lower station / Kaiser-Franz-Josef-Kai 38 and 22.00, Ex-Zollamt / Bus stop Registration: or 30 € / oneway 15 €


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Bad Radkersburg Laafeld

Mon 16/09

Tue 17/09

Wed 18/09

Thu 19/09

Sat 21/09

Sun 22/09

p. 33

p. 32

14.30 p. 34 Entrenamiento

17.30 A Two Dogs Company / Kris Verdonck

Ex-Zollamt / Halle

Liquid Assets

< rotor > 17.00

p. 17

p. 31

p. 35

p. 35

Measures of Saving the p. 17 World_Part 3

Kunsthaus Graz 16.00

Ex-Zollamt / Halle

Tour Liquid Assets


p. 31

Elemental para Actores Beninese Solidarity with Coffee, Cake, Cinema Endangered Westerners Ex-Zollamt / Explosiv p. 9

Camera Austria 15.00

Unexpected Encounters

Künstlerhaus, Halle für Kunst & Medien 14.00

… What is art? …

Grazer Kunstverein 13.00

Dough Ashford / Trisha Brown / Sarah Browne / Germaine Kruip

ESC im LABOR 12.00

herbst exhibition opening Ex-Zollamt / Halle p. 31 H, an incident Helmut-List-Halle

Liquid Assets



H, an incident

15.30 A Two Dogs Company / Kris Verdonck

p. 32

p. 80

p. 80

I share, therefore I am


8.00 Shuttle service Linz - Graz - Linz 9.00 Shuttle service Vienna - Graz - Vienna

Susanne Kudielka / Kaspar Wimberley: Tableaux vivants p. 11 herbst exhibitions / opening hours from p. 31

Fri 20/09

19.30 Amund Sjølie Sveen

Opening concert Ex-Zollamt / Explosiv

Jagwa Music


Festival centre opening Ex-Zollamt / Halle


22.00 atelier le balto


H, an incident

19.30 A Two Dogs Company / Kris Verdonck

Ex-Zollamt / Explosiv

Economic Theory for Dummies

Happy End

19.30 Anne Juren

p. 17

p. 19

p. 18 Talk following Dom im Berg

p. 9

p. 12

Mirel Wagner & Leslie Hall


Talk following Helmut-List-Halle

H, an incident

21.30 A Two Dogs Company / Kris Verdonck

Double Feature p. 11 Ex-Zollamt / Explosiv

p. 7

p. 17

p. 19 Talk following Ex-Zollamt / Explosiv

Economic Theory for Dummies

p. 18 Dom im Berg

19.30 Amund Sjølie Sveen

Dom im Berg

Happy End

19.30 Anne Juren

One Night Stands Ex-Zollamt / Halle

Happy End

19.30 Anne Juren

18.00 - 22.00

monochrom & Lord Jim Loge

p. 18

Tue 24/09

Wed 25/09

Susanne Kudielka / Kaspar Wimberley: Tableaux vivants p. 11 herbst exhibitions / opening hours from p. 31

Mon 23/09

the forest project

16.30 united sorry

Ex-Zollamt / Halle

Close Link

14.00 - 21.00 hoelb / hoeb

Fri 27/09

p. 37 Closet Clutter Ex-Zollamt / Halle

p. 8

the forest project

16.30 united sorry

Heimatsaal im Volkskundemuseum

Gym Club

15.30 Massimo Furlan

Ex-Zollamt / Halle

Tour Liquid Assets


Heimatsaal im p. 22 Volkskundemuseum

Gym Club

15.30 Massimo Furlan


Out of the Museum and into the Street


p. 36

Tannebenstraße 2 / Peggau p. 20

the forest project

p. 31

p. 22

p. 10 15.00 14.30 Shuttle to the Pavelhaus My Name Is Janez Janša Meeting point: Ex-Zollamt / Bus stop p. 36 Coffee, Cake, Cinema Ex-Zollamt / Explosiv p. 9

Meeting point: ESC im LABOR

Economic Factor

14.00 - 21.00 Modezirkus

Guided tour

14.00 - 17.00

Close Link

p. 8 Ex-Zollamt / Halle

14.00 - 21.00 hoelb / hoeb

Sun 29/09

p. 8 Ex-Zollamt / Halle

Close Link

14.00 - 21.00 hoelb / hoeb

Meeting point: < rotor > p. 37


Curatorial dialogues

Sat 28/09

16.30 Tannebenstraße 2 / Peggau p. 20 Tannebenstraße 2 / Peggau p. 20 Talk following Tannebenstraße 2 / Peggau p. 20 united sorry

the forest project

16.30 united sorry

Thu 26/09

Forum Stadtpark

Nights at the Bunker

21.30 Hagemann / Heifetz p. 47

Bent Spoke Ex-Zollamt / Explosiv

p. 14

Broken Heart Collector


Ex-Zollamt / Halle

Dom im Berg

18.00 - 22.00

Rabtaldirndln & Ann Liv Young


21.30 Dewey Dell

Dom im Berg

Double Feature Ex-Zollamt / Explosiv

Conquering Animal Sound & K-X-P


p. 21 Talk following Orpheum

p. 23

p. 22

p. 12

p. 21

p. 23 Talk following Dom im Berg

p. 23

Abecedarium Bestiarium Abecedarium Bestiarium

19.30 Antonia Baehr

19.30 Antonia Baehr

Gym Club

19.30 Massimo Furlan Talk following p. 22 Heimatsaal im Volkskundemuseum

p. 9

Heimatsaal im p. 22 Volkskundemuseum

Gym Club

19.30 Massimo Furlan

One Night Stands p. 10 Ex-Zollamt / Halle

Abecedarium Bestiarium

21.30 Antonia Baehr

p. 31 Marzo Orpheum

21.30 Dewey Dell


Tour Liquid Assets

p. 21 Heimatsaal im Volkskundemuseum

Gym Club

19.30 Massimo Furlan

p. 8 Ex-Zollamt / Halle

Economic Factor Closet Clutter

18.00 - 22.00 Modezirkus



19.30 Dewey Dell

Opening Ex-Zollamt / Halle

Close Link

18.00 hoelb / hoeb

Tue 01/10

Wed 02/10

Susanne Kudielka / Kaspar Wimberley: Tableaux vivants p. 11 herbst exhibitions / opening hours from p. 31 Ann Liv Young: Sherry Truck p. 27

Mon 30/09

Fri 04/10

18.00 18.00 alien productions Opening musikprotokoll GrazMuseum


p. 41

musikprotokoll Murinsel

Kunst im Anthropozoikum

Ö1-Kulturjournal & Spielräume Taking Things into Your Hands musikprotokoll GrazMuseum p. 47 Ex-Zollamt / Halle

16.00 - 22.00 Lisa D. with change team

p. 41

Conference Ex-Zollamt / Halle

Liaisons dangereuses

14.30 - 23.00

Watch Radio, Listen to Radio


musikprotokoll St. Andrä-Kirche

Ex Machina Dei

15.00 Robert Lepenik / Winfried Ritsch

Ex-Zollamt / Halle

Close Link

14.00 - 21.00 hoelb / hoeb

musikprotokoll Installations: sonic blue & metamusic p. 40 / 41 Patrick Hahn: Encores p. 40 Ex Machina Dei p. 41

Thu 03/10

Close Link

11.00 - 19.00

Liaisons dangereuses

Close Link

Taking Things

musikprotokoll p. 41 GrazMuseum


18.00 alien productions

p. 10 Ex-Zollamt / Halle

Taking Things into Your Hands

16.00 - 22.00 Lisa D. with change team

p. 41

p. 10

Lecture ESC im LABOR

p. 8

p. 31

p. 9

p. 10

p. 32

I share, therefore I am


Ex-Zollamt / Halle

Tour Liquid Assets


Coffee, Cake, Cinema p. 49 musikprotokoll Ex-Zollamt / Explosiv Meeting point: Schloßbergbahn lower station p. 44



p. 37 into Your Hands Ex-Zollamt / Halle

14.00 - 21.00 Lisa D. with change team

p. 8 Ex-Zollamt / Halle

14.00 - 21.00 hoelb / hoeb

p. 49

Sun 06/10

Conference p. 49 Ex-Zollamt / Halle

p. 47

Environmental Auditors


Meeting point: Ex-Zollamt / Halle

Guided tour

14.00 - 17.00

p. 8 Ex-Zollamt / Halle

14.00 - 01.00 hoelb / hoeb

Conference Ex-Zollamt / Halle

Liaisons dangereuses

11.00 - 23.00

Ö1-Klassiktreffpunkt musikprotokoll GrazMuseum


Watch Radio, Listen to Radio

Sat 05/10


Bent Spoke Ex-Zollamt / Explosiv

p. 14

Opcion, Bernhard innode Loibner & Didi Bruckmayr musikprotokoll


p. 31

p. 42

musikprotokoll p. 42 AK Kammersaal

Klangforum Wien



Ex-Zollamt / Halle

Tour Liquid Assets


musikprotokoll Dom im Berg

Vienna ORF Radio Symphony Orchestra

21.30 Pulsinger / Schimana

musikprotokoll Schloßbergsliftstollen

The Silbadores

20.30 Heimo Lattner

p. 24

No Business for Dogs


Double Feature Ex-Zollamt / Explosiv

Don‘t be Yourself!

20.00 Boris Nikitin

Personal Soundscapes


musikprotokoll Kunsthaus Graz / Space 04 p. 40

sonic blue

musikprotokoll p. 46 Kunsthaus Graz / Space 04 & ORF Kunstradio p. 46

p. 13

p. 40 21.30 Angélica Castelló / Heike Vester

musikprotokoll Murinsel

sonic blue

p. 26

p. 25

21.00 Angélica Castelló / Heike Vester

p. 45 Probebühne Schauspielhaus Graz

Millennium & Barbara Morgenstern


musikprotokoll AK Kammersaal


19.30 Daniel Kötter / Hannes Seidl p. 25 Talk following Orpheum

ensemble recherche & Klangwege


musikprotokoll p. 44 generalmusikdirektion

p. 43

Gasthaus Steirer / Afling p. 24

Operation Wolfshaut

Gasthof Grabenmühle / Maria Lankowitz

Operation Wolfshaut


p. 9

19.30 Daniel Kötter / Hannes Seidl

One Night Stands Ex-Zollamt / Halle

p. 43 Orpheum

20.15 Theater im Bahnhof / Gaststubentheater Gößnitz

p. 42

musikprotokoll AK Kammersaal

Trio Zebra


20.15 Theater im Bahnhof / Gaststubentheater Gößnitz

musikprotokoll Dom im Berg

Vienna ORF Radio Symphony Orchestra

19.30 Pulsinger / Schimana

Meeting point: Künstlerhaus, Halle für Kunst & Medien p. 37

Curatorial dialogues


18.00 - 22.00

Resanita & atelier le balto

Tue 08/10

Wed 09/10

Susanne Kudielka / Kaspar Wimberley: Tableaux vivants p. 11 herbst exhibitions / opening hours from p. 31 Ann Liv Young: Sherry Truck p. 27

Mon 07/10

Thu 10/10

18.30 Shuttle to Operation Wolfshaut Meeting point: Ex-Zollamt / Bus stop

Ex-Zollamt / Halle

Close Link

14.00 - 21.00 hoelb / hoeb

Fri 11/10

Close Link

p. 24

p. 37

p. 8

One Night Stands Ex-Zollamt / Halle

Herr Manfred & hoelb / hoeb

18.00 - 22.00

Gasthaus Neuhäusl / Hirschegg

Operation Wolfshaut

p. 9

p. 24

Ex-Zollamt / Halle

Tour Liquid Assets


Ex-Zollamt / Halle

Last Brunch

p. 7

p. 31

Sun 13/10

p. 37 12.00

15.00 Theater im Bahnhof / Gaststubentheater Gößnitz

Meeting point: ESC im LABOR

Guided tour

14.00 - 17.00

p. 8 Ex-Zollamt / Halle

14.00 - 21.00 hoelb / hoeb

Meeting point: Kunsthaus Graz


Curatorial dialogues

Sat 12/10

Talk following Probebühne Schauspielhaus Graz

Don‘t be Yourself!

20.00 Boris Nikitin

p. 26

Probebühne Schauspielhaus Graz

Don‘t be Yourself!

20.00 Boris Nikitin

p. 26

Next Liberty

p. 27

Sleeping Beauty (1–2)

19.30 Ann Liv Young

Bent Spoke Ex-Zollamt / Explosiv

Mecanations & The Striggles


Ex-Zollamt / Halle

Tour Liquid Assets


Dom im Berg


19.30 Ann Liv Young

19.30 Ann Liv Young


p. 29 Talk following Dom im Berg

p. 14

p. 31

p. 24

p. 29

21.30 Fumiyo Ikeda / Un Yamada

Talk following Gasthof Acham / Edelschrott

Operation Wolfshaut

p. 27

20.15 Theater im Bahnhof / Gaststubentheater Gößnitz

Talk following Next Liberty

Sleeping Beauty (3–4)

Double Feature Ex-Zollamt / Explosiv

p. 13

Further events and dates after the festival at

herbst exhibition until Sun 01/12 p. 31

p. 29

Liquid Assets

Pascal Pinon & Anna von Hausswolff


Dom im Berg


21.30 Fumiyo Ikeda / Un Yamada

Next Liberty

p. 27

p. 28

Sleeping Beauty (1–4)

p. 28 Talk following Helmut-List-Halle

Las Multitudes

19.30 Federico León

Las Multitudes

19.30 Federico León p. 28 Helmut-List-Halle

21.30 Fumiyo Ikeda / Un Yamada


Las Multitudes

19.30 Federico León

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