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R$533 million disbursed by Brazilian Development Bank funds and financing lines to develop the forest sector in 2012
We have extensive knowledge of agrarian law, assisting clients in the negotiation of several types of agreements Our team is fully prepared to deal with all issues relating to timber transactions, including the purchase and sale of timber, due diligence exercises involving timber assets and reforestation companies, title opinions, supply and management agreements, timberland financing, creation of collateral and other security instruments. We have extensive knowledge of agrarian law, assisting clients in the negotiation of several types of agreements, including rural partnership and leasing. We also have expertise in dealing with title and certification matters (including georeferencing) and the rights of indigenous people, the descendants of slaves and landless peasant organizations, in particular as these affect rural properties. Jointly with other TozziniFreire groups, our Timberland Investment practice actively advises on mergers and acquisitions, privatizations and concessions of public services.
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Some Recent Relevant Projects
FIBRIA Regulatory matters involving timberland investments, including government owned land and land claimed by indigenous and slavedescendant communities. We have additionally assisted ARACRUZ in the performance of legal due
diligence in their land bank in the states of EspĂrito Santo, Bahia and Minas Gerais FIBRIA and SUZANO Acquisition of Florestas do Rio Doce, located in the state of EspĂrito Santo
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Vladimir Miranda Abreu São Paulo vabreu@tozzinifreire.com.br Tel.: (55 11) 5086-5555
Professional Experience Vladimir has worked in various capacities on timberland investments in several Brazilian states. He also spearheaded the formation of TozziniFreire’s Climate Change and Carbon Market practice group, which is one of the most experienced in this area in Brazil. Vladimir also has expertise in Capital Markets and Banking transactions, where he is a specialist in domestic and international financing deals involving loans and the issuance of securities, including IPOs. After acquiring extensive experience in structured real estate financing transactions, he became a partner of TozziniFreire’s Real Estate practice group which under his leadership established innovative approaches to structuring transactions.
Recognition Vladimir is recommended in international legal publications such as Chambers Latin America, Latin Lawyer 250 and Legal 500.
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Education LL.M. degree in Comparative Law from the New York University, 1998. Postgraduate degree in Administration at Fundação Getulio Vargas between 1994 and 1996. Graduate of the Law School of Universidade de São Paulo (USP), 1993.
Publications Real Estate and Property chapter from the book Doing Business in Brazil. São Paulo: Britcham Brazil Publications, 2012. Indirect Investment chapter from the book Doing Business in Brazil. São Paulo: Britcham Brazil Publications, 2005.
Several articles published in relevant national and international publications, such as: World Law Group (WLG), Industrial GHG Solutions Magazine, Energy Hedge, Brasil Econômico, Capital Aberto and Gazeta Mercantil.
Languages: English, Spanish and French
Paulo Augusto Furtado Mendonça São Paulo pmendonca@tozzinifreire.com.br Tel.: (55 11) 5086-5341
Professional Experience Paulo has broad experience structuring and negotiating national and international agreements in the fields of real estate, timberland investments and climate change and carbon market, including real estate purchase and sale agreements, real estate development agreements, construction agreements, lease and build to suit agreements, usufruct and mortgages, surface rights agreements, rural partnership agreements, supply agreements and emission reduction purchase agreements. His thorough understanding of the technical aspects of his clients work helps him to identify legal risk in due diligence investigations and find creative solutions to structure sound and safe transactions. Paulo also provides legal advice on arbitration and Court disputes related to timberland investments and real estate transactions and general legal guidance in relation to the various legal aspects of his practices areas. His track record includes providing legal advice to Brazilian and foreign clients in relation to large projects involving both urban and rural real estate, industrial plants, distribution centers, purchase and sale of large commercial office buildings and timberland acquisitions. Paulo also worked in the creation of real estate investment funds and securitization.
Recognition Paulo is recommended by Legal 500, relevant international legal guide.
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Education Specialized degree in Business Management from Business School São Paulo, in 2009. LL.M in Economical, Taxation and Financial Law from Universidade de São Paulo (USP), in 2005. Graduate of the Law School of Universidade de São Paulo (USP), in 2000. Aditional Activities
Professor of the Law School of Praetorium - Instituto de Ensino, Pesquisa e Atividade de Extensão em Direito. Publications Chapter “Applicability of Law 8.884/94 to the Banking Industry of the article Antitruste and Regulation: the banking industry case, by Gesner de Oliveira; EAESP/FGV/ NPP; Núcleo de Pesquisas e Publicações, Relatório Nº /2000.
Professor of the Law School of Fundação Armando Álvares Penteado Co-Author of Brazil chapter of the legal guide Corporate Real (FAAP). Estate Handbook 2011/2012 Professor of the Law School of Centro published by Practical Law de Extensão Universitária (CEU) Company PLC. Instituto Internacional de Ciências Languages: English, and French Sociais.
SĂŁo Paulo Rio de janeiro BrasĂlia Porto Alegre Campinas New York