STEMATIX Magazine | Issue 6

Page 48

Fictional Story


Coming out of school, I anxiously run to my house. My

newscaster, Jimmy Smitter. The television keeps

absolute favorite show, Billmore Boys, is premiering the

flickering every 3 or 5 seconds, so I assume that CNM

34th season on the show. When I open the door, I see the

cut into everyone’s electronic device, making this an

chaos that is in my family. My mom is in the living room,

emergency public broadcast.

chasing my two-year old brother who is shirtless (probably because he does not want to take a shower).

“Good afternoon citizens of the United States.

My 17-year old sisters, who are twins, are sitting on

Excuse us for this disturbance, but we have an

opposite ends of the living room, of course, on their

emergency broadcast. Today, at 11:31 am, the

phones. My deaf grandma is on the island in the kitchen,

President announced yet another government

knitting and singing at the top of her lungs. My grandpa is

shutdown. This is the 5th time the President has

probably in his room, taking a nap. Not seeing my dad, I

announced a shutdown. Federal workers have had

know that he is at the police station, working.

enough of this and are finally revolting. Many of these

As I escape my family, I squeeze into my room, and turn

workers have completely quit their jobs and refuse to

the television on. I glance at my clock, and there is only 7

have anything to do with the federal government. This

minutes until the premiere starts.

group of workers call themselves the FFP— Former

I unconsciously flip through the channels, but suddenly,

Federal Pawns. There are many leaders all around the

the screen starts snowing and making an ear-piercing

US leading boycotts, marches, rallies, and becoming


media advocates on the subject of the tyranny of the President."

From upstairs I can hear my sisters complaining that the YouTube video they were watching turned off. All of a sudden, the TV turns on with the national


Many of you might be thinking that this is not a reason for an emergency broadcast, but it is. If there

● Without Federal Employees


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