chocolate final research boards

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Research Through in-depth research I have discovered a lot about the topic of chocolate. I have collected a range of primary and secondary research which demonstrates my understanding into the subject.

subject chocolate. The key areas that I have enjoyed researching are packaging, chocolate moulds and its benefits. Collating all this research could make a really interesting and well-communicated piece of work.


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The Aztecs believed that drinking chocolate. which was the undiluted, unsweetened liquor from fermented cacao beans, would bring great wisdom, understanding and energy.

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chocolate milk is most useful to a cyclist, swimmer, or long-distance runner. Competing athletes need high levels of calories, carbs, and protein to sustain that level of performance.


2 x Ritter Sports = 1200 Cycling - 600 - (6/12) - (1/2) - (36 squares/ 6 rows) Running - 700 (7/12) - (42 squares/ 7 rows) Boxing - 850 (8.5/12) - (51 squares/ 8.5 rows) Horse Riding - 300 (3/12) (1/4) - (18 squares/ 3 rows) Rugby - 700 (7/12) - (42 squares/ 7 rows) Football - 500 (5/12) - (30 squares/ 5 rows) Climbing -550 (5.5/12) - (33 Squares/ 5.5 rows) Swimming - 400 (4/12) - (24 squares/ 4 rows) 9cm wide 18cm high 1cm deep

audience Looking closely into the audience and identifying the key aspect to consider when communicating through visual and written design has been a focus within my research. Also identifying how much energy they burn per sport and then working out the portions that is needed to get

the right amount of energy boost before exercise and after exercise. Looking at the cloths they where has also inspired me to use fluorescent ink to attract their attention.


Existing sports suppliments The Aztecs believed that drinking chocolate. which was the undiluted, unsweetened liquor from fermented cacao beans, would bring great wisdom, understanding and energy. Looking into existing products related to my target audience is inportant to see how to communicate

too my audience and also how to inprove upon this visual communication. Protein shakes and bars are very similar with the same kind of imagery of half naked men and dull neutral colours.


Formats Within product and packaging you have to create Something that stands out to allow the audience to be attracted to it. Creating a unique format/design that is relevant to my concept and audience will be a important so that my products/packaging is functional and at the

same time unique. I will be creating a pack, which will be sold in sports stores and supermarkets. The packaging for this will need to be easily accessible and functional for the active audience. .


Processes Developing an understanding into the topic of chocolate and the specific research relating to my concept has allowed me to develop ideas based on the processes that I want to explore within my designs. Using flouresent ink will show relivance with sports

clothing and provides a contrasting colour against chocolate. Creating chocolate moulds will be a new and interesting process.


Range Creating a range of products will make the brand well-known and create awarness of the new product. Looking into a range of promotional material has allowed me to explore which promotional products will be relivant to my topic and my audience.


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