Davies & co

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Live Brief

Davies & Co.

Brief 6

Emissions Monitoring Specialists

Emissions Monitoring Specialists

Jason Boyce Team Leader t: 07801 641469 f: +44 (0) 113 276 5759 e: jason.boyce@davies-co-ltd.com

Davies & Co. Challenge Davies & Co, are emission monitoring specialists who tests cremators and large machinery. They feel their existing logo doesn’t communicate their brand, what they do and what they are all about. They feel their logo needs a revamp with additional promotional material to support the brand. Solution

toring Specialists

The branding is based around the nature of the company, the delicate and free spirit of the logo was taken from the idea that healthy emissions entering the atmosphere. The logo forms the letter ‘d’ representing the Davies & Co, brand name. Along with the colors and the 3-dimentional effects the branding has come to life with energy and personality.

nitoring Specialists

59 s-co-ltd.com

t: +44 (0) 113 270 4651 e: info@davies-co-ltd.com w: www.daviesco.com


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