Final bear final

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Leeds college of Ar t

Natalie Dyson & Stephanie Pickard

B ack Design a n d L ayout 532.5 192




B B E area





Alphabites ingredients 5 tasty multigrains high in fibre ground oats

wholegrain wheat coarsely ground corn ground wholegrain ground arley

ground rice coconut blossom nectar *

*for natural sweetness instead of sugar. Find out more on the other side

No nonsense breakfast

...and absolutely no added nonsense

Alphabites are a delicious healthy breakfast, high in fibre with no added sugar or salt. Instead of adding refined sugars, we use coconut blossom nectar, the deliciously sweet sap from the flowers of the coconut tree to make them naturally sweet and crunchy.

added sugar

cereal letters

BEAR FACT Coconut blossom nectar comes from the flowers not the fruit, so it doesn’t taste like coconut at all.



Leeds college of Ar t

No bears were harmed‌ our cereals are suitable for vegans.


Please recycle your BEAR box.




BEAR, The Big Cave, Deepest Darkest Woods, PO Box 70712 London EC1P 1GL

Any allergies? Contains gluten, may contain traces of milk and soy.


For a bear hug visit: or give us a growl on

serving with 125ml semi Per 100g skimmed milk serving 719 kj 1562kj 170 kcal 373 kcal 8.7g 7.1g 29g 77.4g 11g 18g 2.7g 1.5g 1.5g 0.3g 2g 6.5g 0g 0g *contains naturally occurring sugars

*Coconut nectar has a low GI of 35 vs 70 for refined sugars. Find out more at


Nutritional information



artificial colours or flavours

Because coconut blossom nectar has a much lower glycaemic index than sugar it prevents crazy sugar highs and grizzly sugar crashes, keeping kids fuller for longer, and fingers out of the biscuit jar.



BEAR B ack Design

cereal letters

Th e i l l u s t rat i o n s co mmu n i cate v i su a l l y t he c ult ure of t he count r y allowing t he childre n to gues s which co u nt r y t h e y a re expl o r i n g, ea ch box will foc us on a different count r y and b ear.



Leeds college of Ar t

H idd en Fac ts

Wi thi n each s qu are fo r th e i l l u strati o ns t here will b e a fl ap / fl ap s, whic h will reve a l t h e fa c t s abo ut var io u s e l ements o f th e desi gn and t he count r y giving t he c hild ren a lear n i n g e l e me nt to ex p lo re t h e co u ntr y, a s wel l a s a collec t ab le c ard.



Leeds college of Ar t

Craf ted Let ter s

Th e i l l u s t rat i ve d e si gn w i l l te a r away from t he m ain b ox , t his will reveal a let ter that will the n be craf ted and produced as a 3D l e tte r. E ach b ox i n th e ra n ge w i l l have a d ifferent let ter in t he alp hab et so c h i l dre n c a n co l l e c t a w h o l e a l p h a b e t a n d p hysi c al ite m . A sel ec ti o n o f th e box will tear away keep ing t he b ox as a func t ion s to ra g e i te m fo r p a re nt s.



Leeds college of Ar t

Ex tended range ideas




Arc tic

Leeds college of Ar t

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