Step 1 The first step to creating this logo was to sketch my initial ideas. The design was created with the shape of the
Step 2 The next step was to scan the design into illustrator and trace over the design using accurate guidlines to create perfect curves and corners.
Step 3 The design was then taken further to create a 3D effect to make the logo look more like the emissions that the company work with. Using the colours creates an enviromentally friendly appeal.
Step Black1
Grey Colour Palette
Full Colour Palette
c: 82% m: 66% y: 43% k: 40%
c: 85% m: 39% y: 43% k: 28%
c: 79% m: 21% y: 47% k: 4%
c: 59% m: 0% y: 44% k: 0%
c: 31% m: 0% y: 26% k: 0%
Primary Font
Secondary Font
Supporting Font
Logo Placement One
Logo Placement Two
Logo Placement Three