chocolate hitting the wall

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CONCEPT Within this concept, I shall focus on the idea of breaking through the wall or obstacles/ barriers that they need to get through to achieve more. Within sports, at some point athletes will hit the wall. A term for your body becoming too exhausted, athletes train to break down this wall as it not the true limit of your body and you can actually do far more. It is more of a mental block then physical. Chocolate helps rejuvenate the energy levels, making the body feel less fatigued. This concept could be developed by having products that need to be opened by breaking through the seal/ packaging. This then represents the idea of breaking through the wall and getting past it.


OUGD505 Design Practice 2

NAME CONCEPT The brand will be called ‘Level up’ to represent sports is a competition and you should always aim to do better, it represents the modern day trying to do the best you can and leveling up/ getting better to show how good you are, its taking this concept and makes it reality with what you drink and eat.



The brand will represent energy and show vitality via bold, bright colours and tone of voice. This also supports the concept of Mayans believing chocolate is for power and energy. The name ‘Level up’ also refers to sports offering different levels such as climbing and cycling. There is often a advanced, moderate and beginner within these sports, and could represent levels.


LEVELUP OUGD505 Design Practice 2

PACKAGING IDEAS Within this concept I have chosen to produce a range of products that shall help support my idea and concept. The products shall be packaged in a set way to make sure they stand out and make the product attractive as possible. The chocolate bar will be packaged within the shape of a small brick, this means when they are all displayed in stores they create a wall effect. This also supports the concept of when someone purchases the product they are breaking down the wall. A step in the right direction. The other chocolate milk product shall be packaged in a creative way supporting the chocolate packaging idea, as well as supporting the concept idea. The packaging must be durable and reliable as it will be stored in a cold place and get chucked around when at sporting events.


OUGD505 Design Practice 2

PROMOTIONAL MATERIAL I shall develop a range of promotional items that will support my concept. The use of ambient advertising and tranditional promotional products such as booklet, flyer and poster shall all be prodcued allowing me to produce a body of work that supports the idea and concept. Ambient advertising would be created allowing the concept to be developed and targeted at a large audience. These ideas could include a brick wall that splits up a street or path, the public would have to break down this wall to get through it represent "Hitting the wall". Breaking the wall shall represent that once you go through that barrier you are reaching a level, you are achieving. The barrier could also represent the barrier within different people as, people shall reach this barrier at different times dependent on their physical fitness and mental fitness.


OUGD505 Design Practice 2

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