Forest live

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Extended Practice

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Forest Live The Brief You should aim to produce a range of promotional items for the 2014 Forest Live festival. As the festival changes every year its important to create a new identity that people can connect with but still reconise it’s the same festival. Connecting people, places and nature is what it is all about, with big names helping to create awareness of these fantastic places in the UK.

Considerations -

Consider your target audience as well as sub audiences. Ethical values of the forestry commission need to be adhered to. Typography and house style should be considered. How can you create excitement for the event? Context of the promotional items. Is it an cost effective method of publicity? Expansion and creativity of the brief would be beneficial.

There are no limits to what can be produced, but consider the budget for advertising, printing and production methods. Concept/Proposition Attract more people to the festivals spread around the country, allowing people to see major artists in outstanding locations. Producing a range of promotional items shall allow for the festival to become more widely known and anticipated. Generate excitement for the next up and coming festival. Background The forest tour was launched in 2001 with Jools Holland and the Levellers performing at four participating Forestry Commission sites – Sherwood Pines, Dalby Forest, Bedgebury Pinetum and High Lodge, Thetford Forest. The concept was to attract major acts for a series of concerts in outstanding locations.

The Forestry Commission is committed to taking the importance of woodlands to new audiences, and making them relevant to people in new ways. We have to encourage people to enjoy woodlands, to feel at home there, and to learn about them through experiencing them and looking at them in different ways.

2012 artists included: 2012 Plan B, Will Young, Ed Sheeran, Madness, Alfie Boe, The Darkness, Steps, The Wanted, The Wombats

The best way of getting people to engage in the importance of woodlands, and to teach them about respecting their environment, is not to preach at them, but to ensure they value and feel for the environment around them.

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