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Extended Practice

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Four Seasons The Brief The market for stationary is very competitive with a large range of stores competing in this sector. Paperchase want your help to make their next range standout as much as possible. The range should be loyal to their house style but push the boundaries of creativity. Paperchase would like the new range to be about the British seasons, showcasing the changes throughout the year and how the UK is still attractive all year round. Your aim is to make the Britain look good all year round.

Considerations -

Concept/Proposition A celebration the Great British seasons (Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter). Create awareness of how Britain looks in each type of season, making use of colour, textures and print methods may enhance the outcome. Background Have you ever wanted to walk into Paperchase, Selfridges, House of Fraser and Waterstones and see your designs, placed on the shelves? Paperchase is a UK market leader for stationary, ranging from cards, wrapping paper to notebooks. Paperchase was founded by two art students, Judith Cash and Eddie Pond, around 1968. The company went through various owners before receiving investment from W H Smith in 1985; it continued to expand and in 1996 became Paperchase Products Ltd


Create a range of products that can develop al year round depending upon the seasons. Colours and aesthetics should connect to the British seasons and not look alien to the consumer. The products should be of a wide select as the range must fit across all of our most popular products. Ability for the range to be developed even further, consider digital and online media. Please consider Women buy more cards then men. The products should be targeted at the buyer but also consider if the product is purchased as a gift. Size, proportions and scales should be considered.

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