CONCEPT The title I am going to use is "Creating ideas beyond your confinements" This indicates that the audience should produce ideas that stand out and are "outside the box" also a way of getting your ideas out of the confindes of the studio enviroment. The design shall make use of the space provided however have a design that transfers onto the surrounding wall creating a more impactful and meaningful message that supports the concept and slogan I have chosen. The Ribbon will be used to communicate the frredom of ideas and the achievments of their work that will be displayed.
Final Poster
Alternative Poster 505 Studio brief 3
DEVELOPMENT I have created the poster using hand drawn illustration and then made digital. This enabled me to create a 3-dimentional effect using shading and textures. Adding text and content created the finishing touches to my design.
505 Studio brief 3
MOCKUP POSTER This Mockup shows how the design will look realistically. The design will expand over the confines of the frame to stand out and communicate the message seen on the poster design. I will ether use vinyl, print or cut out paper to place on the wall to extend the design.
505 Studio brief 3