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Reasons to Use Feed Efficiency Tested Bulls
• Get more out of your existing resources/ Cowherd Efficiency o Produce more pounds per acre
• Reduce Cowherd Feed Costs
• Improve Profitability/Efficiency- Improve Cost of Gain o Better conversion when backgrounding calves
Better conversion in the feedlot • Stewardship of your resources
100% Angus Living

GUARANTEE: Bulls are guaranteed against breeding injury for the first breeding season. Breeding season is defined as the 60-day period following the first turnout of the bulls. If a replacement bull is available, he will be provided, or a credit toward one bull will be given in the following year’s sale (purchase price minus $1,500 standard salvage value). Please notify us as soon as possible should injury occur and prior to the injured bull being sold for salvage. Replacement bulls are not covered by this guarantee. This does not insure against death.

EPDs – How to read the Byergo Sale Book
CED - Calving Ease Direct - This is an EPD to look at when choosing a bull for heifers. The higher the number, the easier calving the bull is. 7 and up is good for heifers.
BEPD - Birth Weight EPD - A number to look at for birth weight. The lower the number, the lighter the birthweight is expected to be. We typically consider any number under 2.0 fine for heifers. Bulls that are in the 2’s, 3’s, 4’s and 5’s are great for cows. Remember as a breed, Angus calve easy. The difference between a 1 and 6 is 5 lbs. at birth. Start selecting the higher BW bulls for your cows. It will make you more money.
WEPD - Weaning Weight EPD - This is the EPD you look at for weaning weights. The higher the number the better. Remember, breed average is +61. Anything above +68 is in the top 25% percent of the breed. Growth is a must to make this sale.
YEPD - Yearling Weight EPD - This is the EPD you look at for yearling weights. The higher the number the better. Remember breed average is +108. We take great pride in our bulls’ growing ability.
RADG - The residual average daily gain is the feed efficiency EPD we look at. We consider anything above a +.25 as being good. The higher the number the better.
DMI - Dry Matter Intake, expressed in pounds per day, is a predictor of difference in transmitting ability for feed intake during the post-weaning phase, compared to that of other sires. Anything below 1.5 is good. Lower is better.
MILK - The Milk EPD is something to look at if you are retaining heifers. The higher the number, the more they are expected to milk.
CW - The carcass weight EPD. The higher the better.
MARB - The marbling EPD. The higher the better.
RE - The ribeye EPD. The higher the better.
Fat - The fat EPD. The lower the better.
BWT - The actual birth weight.
ADJ. 205 - The adjusted weaning weight. We are very proud of our power. Pounds equal money!
Beef Value $B - an index value expressed in dollars per head, is the expected average difference in future progeny performance for post weaning and carcass value compared to progeny of other sires. The higher the number the better.
Give yourself some Cash Back! Unique with a pedigree that is an outcross to virtually all widely used Angus genetics. ✧ Proven Efficiency. He converted at a 4.79 to 1 with a -1.64 RFI. He has an RADG of +.30 (top15%) with a DMI of +.35 (top 10%). An incredible combination! ✧ Better yet is that he is a carcass king with a +1.60 marbling EPD where he had 203 IMF ratio while still maintain a 109 REA ratio with only a 105 fat ratio. You do not find this level of marbling in such an outcross pedigree.

Long spined and clean made rounds out the package coupled with his perfect uddered dam and his ultra-rare sought after sire.
We have used 1717 and will continue to inject these unique genetics into the program!
Awesome might be an understatement. Just like a pyramid, 1217 is built on an incredible foundation, built from the ground up like a brick house.
Big time spread on this Herd Sire prospect that is an absolute sight to see while putting together added weight while saving you money on conversion. ✧ 217 is the perfection of what we had envisioned when we planned this mating. He comes by it honestly, out of the exquisite Stetson daughter. The combination of data and look make Pyramid the real deal!
Jimmy Kade
Kade is a meatwagon! He is thick all the way through.
cool made brother to the sensation Byergo Smartfeed 9470. Love to see the consistency in efficiency proving once again that it’s in the blood. complete bull that is excels in so many traits. Calving Ease, growth, efficiency, fertility, added milk, carcass traits. He does it all.