OMG Magazine Vol 2 Issue 38

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Thursday 10th October, 2013 • VOL 2 - 38

PAGE 2 • OMG Magazine | Thursday 10th October, 2013

open your mind and the rest will follow


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OMG Magazine | Thursday 10th October, 2013 • PAGE 3



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PAGE 38 - 39








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PAGE 4 • OMG Magazine | Thursday 10th October, 2013


Kieron Emmanuel 18, Trincity

Three things you like about yourself and why?

Well, I am on the national water polo team and I play hockey for Malvern and Oueen’s Royal College. I also love my body, my eyes and my drive and determination to do well with everything I set my mind to.

Your OMG moment?

That would have to be when the national water polo team qualified for the world championships in Australia and we arrived at the airport and the press was waiting for the Minister of Sport, Mr Anil Roberts, to greet us. We got stuff to eat while awaiting the minister and we were wearing white T-shirts. Somehow I got ketchup all over the front of my T-shirt. I went to the back line-up and my team shielded my t-shirt from being seen. Lighting/Retouching

Ronaldo Roberts Photographer

Stephen Doobal

OMG Magazine | Thursday 10th October, 2013 • PAGE 5

s n o i s s e f n co

email your

omg @ s n o i s s e f n ns to co confessio

mously y n o n a s t h g u o h deepest t r u o y s s e f n o c A place to

Pee-trified of peeing I know this confession isn’t anywhere serious as many others but I need to get this off my chest. I’ve tried to tell many people but they all think I’m joking or really weird (I’m a girl btw). So here I go. I’m scared of peeing in public bathrooms. When I pee there’s always that noise of the pee hitting the toilet and water and it’s so loud. I feel that everyone outside is judging me for being loud and gross. I always try to pee on the sides to make less noise but it doesn’t work. I am so self-conscious about it. When I come out the stall my face is like a tomato. Especially if my friends are waiting outside the stall and they here every pitter-patter. I hate it. Ok, I’m done.

I’m attracted to a married man... I met this charming, confident man at work shortly after he started working with us. We clicked instantly. He is sexy and beautiful. We both have so much in common. But there are two things that should stop me from being involved with him. First I’m barely legal and he being several years older than I. The second thing is that he is married. I know I shouldn’t be with him. But we’re like opposites that attract and I don’t want to do the right thing. I want to explore this sexy chemistry we have, even though I know it can’t go farther and eventually/possibly someone(s) will get hurt.

i have a very rare form of eczema When I was about 13 or 14 I noticed little red marks appearing on my arms. My mom thought it was a rash and left it alone. A few months later the marks got very puffy and didn’t go away. After trying various medicines and ointments my mother finally took me to a doctor. They had never seen anything like this. During this time I would wear a jacket or long sleeved t-shirt anywhere I went. After a biopsy they discovered it was a very rare disease that affects about one in 10,000. So I had to go in a tanning booth every day after school that was full of UV rays. It was so embarrassing having my family take me there. The marks went away for about a year or two. Now I’m 17 and they are back. I don’t want to go back to the doctors, but I am embarrassed to be seen in school. They said I will have this for the rest of my life.

I steal stuff I’ve developed a stealing habit this year. It’s always small items that slip into my pocket from Big Box corporate stores and I highly doubt I’ll move onto anything larger. I finally felt kinda bad about it today though. I see it as a cheap thrill for a small prize. However, it’s been so often lately it has lost its thrill and become the norm. I felt like a dirtbag for it today and realised how embarrassed I’d be if I was somehow caught. I should probably stop.

My wife doesn’t want to have sex with me For the past 5-6 months our sex life has been nonexistent. Every time I try to initiate foreplay she shoots me down. “I’m tired, not in the mood, it’s not you it’s me” type of excuses. I have resorted to fapping while I touch her and she doesn’t have an issue with that. Being married for 6 years and knowing each other for 11, I know couples hit dry spells, but damn. I’m beginning to feel I don’t satisfy her anymore. I’m a physically fit, handsome fella if I do say so myself and other women have expressed interest in me but I have ignored all of them for the sake of my marriage. I have tried talking to her but it always ends up in an argument. I am running out of ideas and patience.

I feel like an asshole I screw with girls who pursue a LTR with me and when they become too clingy I drop them. Shortly before I know things are getting to the bedroom I tell them that I’m not completely over my ex-gf yet (which is true). They will have false hopes that they could make me forget her. If not, I give them false hopes, but nothing too concrete. They will then have sex with me every time I see them. Then after a while, when they want to get more serious I bail - Some drama happens, I justify this by having told them that I’m not over my ex-gf and then we cut contact. Regular procedure.

PAGE 6 • OMG Magazine | Thursday 10th October, 2013

Overwhelmed? 5 ways to find peace in less than 5 minutes When the daily chaos of life gets to be too much, try these fast-acting techniquesto stay calm. By Corrie Pikul During Rush Hour: Pop a Peppermint What helps a frustrated, worn-out driver (besides vanishing traffic, of course)? Researchers at Wheeling Jesuit University in West Virginia found that pumping peppermint-scented air into the cars of tickedoff commuters helped decrease anxiety and fatigue. Stash a bag of peppermint candies in your glove compartment to help you keep your cool in honking traffic or during a hectic commute. While Trying to Get Dinner on the Table: Stop Listening to the 6 p.m 6 p.m. The oil in your wok has started to smoke, your dog is barking to go out, the vegetables you were planning to stir-fry are too old to be edible—and Brian Williams has nothing but bad news. It’s important to stay on top of current events, but you’re not helping anyone by catching up during one of the most frantic times of your day—least of all, yourself. Exposure to media coverage of upsetting events can not only spike stress levels, but it can also make you feel worse physically. This is the finding of a 2012 Israeli study that assessed 55 chronic-pain patients before and after a local three-week missile attack. Participants who watched more television reports of the attack said that their stress was more acute and their pain felt more intense. Your best bet: DVR the news to watch when the kitchen’s closed for the night and every last fork is in the dishwasher. As You Stare Down 3,572* Unread Emails: Remember to Breathe A few years ago, Linda Stone, a hightech exec-turned-adviser and consultant, noticed that she was holding her breath whenever she sat down at her computer. She observed more than 200 people using computers and smartphones and found that the vast majority of them were doing the same thing—forgetting to inhale (or taking shallow breaths) after logging on. Stone, who calls this phenomenon “screen apnea,” says it can trigger the body’s fight-or-flight response, increase anxiety, interfere with digestion and, when doing it

day after day (while never really making a dent in those 3,000plus emails), compromise your overall health and immunity. You can see the value of a technique to stay calm and clearheaded as you file and delete. Stone personally had success with Buteyko, a form of diaphragmatic breathing—which is what Anne Marie Albano, PhD, director of the Columbia University Clinic for Anxiety and Related Disorders, says is one of the best and most effective stress-management techniques. There are many different types of breathing techniques, but the vast majority of us will benefit from making sure that we simply exhale for twice as long as we inhale. Stone regularly pauses to ask herself if she’s breathing, and then she takes a break to inhale, exhale and stretch.

Leave your phone and your co-worker behind, and find a quiet place to stand and actively observe the world around you. “You’ll feel renewed and slightly rested in just a few minutes,” she says. Trying to be in the moment, as easy as it sounds, can actually be pretty challenging. Orsillo suggests practicing at times when you don’t have as much on your plate, and she offers step-by-step audio meditation exercises at (If you can’t get outside, try the 7-minute Mindfulness of Clouds & Sky meditation at your desk.)

When Researching a New Car Purchase: Snack Like a Hiker Shoppers spend 16 weeks, on average, researching cars on the Web, reports the trade magazine Wards Auto, and by the end of that time, they’re often more confused and overwhelmed than when they started. One way to make the drawn-out process seem less daunting: Eat trail mix while you read reviews and weigh options. Recent experiments have shown that the simple sugar glucose (which is found in raisins) can counteract the negative brain changes wrought by decision fatigue and keep your impulse control (ooh, retractable door umbrellas!) in check. When You’ve Got 4 Hours to Finish 41 Tasks: Take the Right Kind of Break We usually make one of two mistakes when we dash out for a breather, says Susan M. Orsillo, PhD, author of The Mindful Way Through Anxiety: We waste mental energy trying not to think about our to-do list, or we continue to worry about our workload—by complaining to a co-worker or calling our spouse to vent. Both types of response effectively cancel out the break, leaving us still frazzled when we return to our desk. Instead, Orsillo suggests taking a meditative break.

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SoulPancake: Happy Hundred

OMG Magazine | Thursday 10th October, 2013 • PAGE 7

Do you have an unlived life? Most of us have two lives: the life we live, and the unlived life within us. Between the two stands Resistance. Have you ever brought home a treadmill and let it gather dust in the attic? Ever quit a diet, a course of yoga, a meditation practice? Have you ever bailed on a call to embark on a spiritual practice, to dedicate yourself to a humanitarian calling, to commit your life to the service of others? Have you ever wanted to be a mother, a doctor, an advocate for the weak and helpless; to run for office, to crusade for the planet, to campaign for world peace or to preserve the environment? Late at night, have you experienced a vision of the person you might become, the work you could accomplish, the realized being you were meant to be? Are you a writer who doesn’t write, a painter who doesn’t paint, an entrepreneur who never starts a venture? Then you know what Resistance is.

poverty, disease and erectile dysfunction. The more important a call to action is to our soul’s evolution, the more Resistance we will feel about answering it. But to yield to Resistance deforms our spirit. It stunts us and makes us less than we are and were born to be. How many of us have become drunks and drug addicts, developed tumors and neuroses, succumbed to painkillers, gossip and compulsive cellphone use simply because we don’t do that thing that our heart, our inner genius, is calling us to do? Resistance defeats us. If you believe in God (and I do), you must declare Resistance evil, for it prevents us from achieving the life God intended when He endowed each of us with our own unique genius. Genius is a Latin word; the Romans used it to denote an inner spirit, holy and inviolable, which watches over us, guiding us to our calling. A writer writes with his genius; an artist paints with hers; everyone who creates operates from this sacramental center. It is our soul’s seat, the vessel that holds our being-in-potential, our star’s beacon and Polaris.

It is the most toxic force on the planet. It is the root of more unhappiness than

The greatest gift you can give yourself: Meditation By Ed and Deb Shapiro Are you feeling stressed out and stretched to your limit? Give yourself a moment to reconnect and find a deeper sense of inner joy with meditation. Spiritual teachers Ed and Deb Shapiro guide you through a series of meditations that will free your mind and help you become more present in your everyday life. Meditation is wonderful, but it is so misunderstood. In this series, we will explore what meditation truly means, the varied ways to practice it and how to apply it to the daily issues you face such as stress, difficulties at work, self-empowerment and self-love, relationships, forgiveness and even anger. If there is an issue about meditation that you would like us to discuss, let us know by commenting below. For our book Be the Change: How Meditation Can Transform You and the World, we talked to more than 100 respected meditation teachers and practitioners from all walks of life— many you may know—like Marianne Williamson, astronaut Edgar Mitchell and the Dalai Lama. We include their stories in the book, so it has numerous voices and experiences that illuminate this journey. In essence, meditation is simply about calming your chattering monkey-like mind and being aware and present in this moment. It is easier than you think, yet so many people say to us, “I can’t possibly meditate; I can’t sit still.” Or, “My mind is much too busy; I just fall asleep.” Most of us are so externalized and caught up in regrets from the past or worries about the future that our abilities to be completely here and now is challenged. During meditation, you gently let go of the external distractions so you can genuinely be with what is. Being present in this way is actually very natural. Like a child watching an ant walking down the sidewalk carrying a crumb, that is all that exists in the world at that moment. The child is not thinking about what she had for breakfast or what she will do with her best friend at their next playdate. She is only

watching the ant. Although being aware of the moment is so simple, you may have spent years covering it up with all sorts of distractions, so you have to practice in order to reconnect with this concept. That’s why meditation is so important. When we work with corporations we often call it “Silent Space” since we are just being still and quiet. Meditation enables you to stop trying, to let go of your story, the drama and your busy mind, and to discover an inner ease. Some people describe this as a sense of coming home, as if you had been away or out of touch with yourself without having realized it. Others experience it as a huge relief as you release your anxiety and self-centeredness and enter into a more peaceful state of being. In this way, it is the most precious gift you can give yourself because the inner joy and happiness is incomparable. Personally, we don’t know how we would function in this mad, mad world without it! Here’s a simple and effective practice that can be done anywhere and at any time of day. Practice for five minutes, 10 minutes or longer: Sit comfortably with your back straight. Take a deep breath and let it go. Eyes are closed, breathe normally. Begin to silently count at the end of each out breath: Inhale...exhale... count one; inhale...exhale...two; inhale...exhale...three. Count to five, then start at one again. Just five breaths and back to one. Simply following each breath in and silently counting. So simple. Keep Reading from Ed and Deb Shapiro 7 remarkable women making a difference 7 men who are transforming the world Ed and Deb Shapiro are the authors of Be the Change, How Meditation Can Transform You and the World. They are featured weekly contributors to, HuffingtonPost. com and Ed and Deb write Sprint’s The Daily CHILLOUT inspirational text messages. They have three meditation CDs: Metta: Loving Kindness and Forgiveness, Samadhi: Breath Awareness and Insight and Yoga Nidra:

Inner Conscious Relaxation. Deb is also the author of the bestselling book Your Body Speaks Your Mind, winner of the 2007 Visionary Book Award.

PAGE 8 • OMG Magazine | Thursday 10th October, 2013

OMG Magazine | Thursday 10th October, 2013 • PAGE 9

How to make a good relationship between couples

There area unit lots of ways in which to relish your relationship from outlay time along to giving one another a bit house. once it involves methods that build a relationship an honest one, it takes plenty of provide and fewer take from each of you in order that everything balances out and every of you're in a very state of seventh heaven. To upgrade your relationship from barely there to "oh therefore sensible," place in a very very little work to reap a excess of rewards. Step 1

Be yourself. it's going to sound clichĂŠ however it is the commencement to assembling on an honest relationship. get in the connection confidently knowing that you simply area unit ultimately pleased with the person you are with whereas you're being utterly yourself. Avoid the necessity to try to do things or act in ways in which area unit solely to please your partner or that appear to be acceptable to him.

Step 2

Appreciate your mate for UN agency he's. even as necessary because it is for you to be yourself is it for you to permit your mate to be himself well. Do not attempt to amendment everything he says or will to create him match into some kitchen utensil mildew of your good guy. Let him grow and build naturally into the person he needs to be. Love him for UN agency he's and unleash the necessity to alter him.

Step 3

Forget the long run. Let your relationship build and grow naturally. Avoid outlay each waking moment curious wherever things can go and the way they're going to progress. free yourself of expectations that area unit rush or delusive. Have a spoken language together with your partner sporadically concerning however you each feel concerning one another and make certain that your general interests for making a life along area unit identical if that is the direction it results in. stand back from asking her at dinner nightly if she needs to possess children and is willing to quit her job to maneuver across the country if you 2 unify.

Step 4

Have a ball. Do all the items you have invariably wished to try to to. Dodge the humdrum routine couples get into once they area unit in relationships. Go jet athletics ANd fishing with him one weekend or invite him to travel to an art gap and to visualize a musical another weekend.

Step 5

Talk about your feelings usually. Chat concerning your hopes, dreams and aspirations together with your partner and permit her to share her goals with you. Be your mate's supporter and avoid being faultfinding once she says she needs to be a pop singer. Instead supply realistic solutions and encourage her to require categories or undertake for a casting to visualize if it's one thing she extremely needs to try to to. Be validatory in as some ways as you'll.

Step 6

Build the eagerness in your relationship by giving one another time to miss each other. From you progressing to run errands on your own to property him have a weekly guy's night away, wedge to a small degree of natural house in your relationship to assist you each get a breather from being along therefore usually and activate your sensual tension from craving for one another.

PAGE 10 • OMG Magazine | Thursday 10th October, 2013


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OMG Magazine | Thursday 10th October, 2013 • PAGE 11



How to Cope with a Bad Day If you've ever gotten up on the wrong side of the bed, these tips will help calm your irritability and save those around you from your foul mood.

STEP 1 Hit the gym

Hit the gym. Exercise releases the feelgood hormones called endorphins, which can turn a bad day around in no time. Tip - Eating fish can also release endorphins and elevate your mood, thanks to Omega-3 fatty acids.

STEP 2 Watch a favorite movie

Watch your favorite movie or listen to your favorite music.

STEP 3 Complete a project

Complete a household, outdoor, or personal project to feel a sense of accomplishment.

STEP 4 Avoid negative thoughts

Avoid thinking about all the bad stuff that happened in the past. Concentrate on the good things, and on the present.

STEP 5 Talk to someone

Talk to a family member, friend, or even a professional, and tell them what's bothering you.

STEP 6 Go to bed earlier

Go to bed a little earlier than usual. The sooner a bad day ends, the sooner a new day can begin.

PAGE 12 • OMG Magazine | Thursday 10th October, 2013


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Ronaldo Roberts Photographer

Stephen Doobal

OMG Magazine | Thursday 10th October, 2013 • PAGE 13

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PAGE 14 • OMG Magazine | Thursday 10th October, 2013

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The text listings are FREE, flyers you pay for. Just click the OMG EVENTS logo to send us your info.

Click on the event flyers below to see full details S.H.E. (Seven Hours of Entertainment)

Calendar Saturday, October 19, 2013Address with city Club Cruise (formerly Cruise Ship Pub)

TTRC Rally Finale 2013

Calendar Saturday, October 19, 2013 October 20, 2013 Address with city A Secret Location in Trinidad

Blackout: A Libra Affair

Calendar Sunday, October 20, 2013 Address with city The Patio

Wife Material: A White Affair

Calendar Sunday, October 20, 2013 Address with city Club Chocolate

TanLines The Cooler Cruise 2013

Calendar Sunday, October 20, 2013 Address with city The MV Harbour Master

Vecinos... We Are Neighbours

Calendar Sunday, October 20, 2013 - October 21, 2013 Address with city Queen’s Hall

PAGE 16 • OMG Magazine | Thursday 10th October, 2013

5 Places your great ideas are hiding and how to set them free BY STEPHEN KEY

Studying the marketplace is one of the best ways to come up with new product ideas. If you ask the right questions and look closely, you will find opportunities to invent everywhere. When you study the marketplace for ideas, you’re all but eliminating the need to ask yourself whether people are willing to pay for your product and if they need and want it. When you pull an idea out of thin air, you have to find out if there’s actually a need or desire for it. Remember: you don’t have to reinvent the wheel to come up with a great idea. I’ve supported my family for decades by making small improvements to existing ideas.

Here are five places to look for your golden opportunity: 1.With your competition. What do leaders in your industry have planned for the future? Where is the industry headed? These are big questions, but they can be answered in part by checking out your competitions’ patent applications. Many patent applications in the United States are published 18 months after they are filed. I don’t spend a ton of time perusing the USPTO or doing Google patent searches, but I like to know what my competitors are up to. Checking out other innovations can be a great way to jog your creativity. 2. Inside product reviews. Check out reviews on and other websites. What are consumers saying about products in your industry? What are their complaints? What do they wish were different? You may be able to come up with a better solution to a particular, persistent problem you now know people would pay for.

3. At trade shows. Trade shows are great places to discover opportunities for invention. They always have a special section for new products. This is the first place I visit when I arrive. The excitement and energy at a trade show is palpable. It’s impossible not to listen to the speakers, make new relationships, enjoy the special events and not get fired up. There’s always at least one speaker who focuses on problems plaguing the industry. Can you be the one to find a solution? 4. In the aisles of your local retailer. Talk to store managers and employees during a quiet time and ask them what kinds of problems customers are having. What are they looking for when they come in? Are they satisfied? They know what is selling and what isn’t. There is so much knowledge to be gained simply by asking. Form relationships and tap into that knowledge to jumpstart your brainstorming. 5. In your online search results. There are many articles published online by writers who report on the minute ins and outs of an industry. For example, because I am still inventing for the packaging industry, I keep abreast of what’s going on simply by searching for “hot packaging trends” online. Identifying opportunities ripe for innovation is just the first step. You still need to put your creativity to use and come up with solutions to the problems you identified, inspired by the new trends in your industry. All of these tips share a common thread: In order to keep coming up with great new ideas, you need to stay up-to-date and question the industry you’re interested in. Don’t get complacent. Get creative.

OMG Magazine | Thursday 10th October, 2013 • PAGE 17

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PAGE 18 • OMG Magazine | Thursday 10th October, 2013

Are you a risk-taker or just reckless? BY GWEN MORAN

Finding the perfect Co-founder BY JOHN FRANKEL

By nature, business owners are typically risk-takers, choosing to create their own enterprises instead of working for someone else. However, leadership expert Steven Mundahl, co-author of The Alchemy of Authentic Leadership (Balboa Press, 2013) says that the line between necessary calculated risk-taking and reckless behavior is sometimes difficult to determine. By monitoring certain traits, he says leaders can become more self-aware and help avoid destructive decision-making tendencies that can hurt their companies, employees and livelihoods. Here are four traits that risk-takers should keep an eye on. 1. Sensation-seeking. People prone to extreme risk-taking in their professional lives typically crave sensation in their everyday lives. They may seek out physical activities that are or seem risky, like skydiving or bungee jumping, Mundahl says. They may seek out that same “rush” in business settings, thriving when the atmosphere is chaotic or when they’re engaged in high-stakes decisionmaking. In those cases, it’s important to move beyond the adrenaline rush of the moment and consider all aspects of a decision before finalizing it, he says. 2. Concern about consequences. Recklessness may be an issue for people who don’t have a great deal of concern for consequences. Those who shrug off the potential cost or fallout from a failed decision or action may be more prone to make dangerous decisions than those who review all of the possible outcomes and think carefully about what will happen if the worst-case scenario comes to pass. That’s not to say you should be paralyzed by fear, but you should understand what could happen if the outcome of your action or decision is not as you’d hoped and have an idea of what you’ll do in that situation. 3. Impulsiveness. People who have issues with willpower and who tend to make decisions quickly without doing the necessary research or investigation are typically more prone to making reckless decisions than those who are more

disciplined. “They’re the type of people who will follow a plan for a while, but then will throw it all away with a decision that looks good at the time instead of keeping the big picture in mind,” Mundahl says. 4. Denial. Reckless decision-makers have higher levels of denial. They prefer not to face the reality of their choices. Instead, they ignore fallout or make excuses for why a particular decision didn’t work out. They also make light of the potential for failure or choose to disregard it entirely. People who have trouble facing a situation’s facts are more likely to make decisions that are not grounded the best interest of the company. Of course, these traits are not always indicators that an individual has reckless tendencies, says Mundhal. However, being self-aware and understanding your own personality can give you an understanding of areas that could be problematic when it comes to making decisions in your business and personal lives. Understanding your traits can help you offset them and lead to more effectiveness in every area of your life.

Entrepreneur’s ASK the Expert column seeks to answer questions about everything from starting a business to growing one. To follow the column on Twitter -and ask a question -- use hashtag #ENTexpert, or leave a comment below. Your query may be the inspiration for a future column.

Q: What is the best way to find a co-founder? We have tried matchmaking co-founder websites, along with networking, but I can’t find somebody who is really committed. What else is out there? -Jaron Hall Murray, Utah A: This is a tough question, as there is no easy answer. Before I offer up suggestions, ask yourself if you really need a co-founder. If you are seeking a technical cofounder, because you don’t have those skills, you could consider teaching yourself how to code. It is not as insurmountable as most fear. Plus, it empowers you to engage with your technical team, as you hire and build. That being said, if you do need a co-founder for another skill set, you don’t have the time to learn to code or you are just looking for someone to help make decisions, here are a few things to consider: Network. If you are in a major city, especially one with a growing tech community, there are regular events centered around finding co-founders. Go to meetups, startup-cocktail hours, meet people who are a part of accelerators and get involved. Also, collaborating with people you meet on projects can lead to opportunities that didn’t present themselves before.

Compatibility is key.

When looking for a co-founder, the most important attribute is compatibility. Some companies last longer than marriages, so you do not want to be joined at the hip with someone you can’t get along with or won’t pull her own weight. A great way to make sure it will be a good fit, is try each other out. Before signing away equity, see how well you both work together on projects and day-to-day tasks.

Be straight up about equity.

You need to think about how much of the company you want to give to your co-founder, and make sure you have those conversations early on with her. There is no single infallible formula when determining how much equity to give. No matter what that number you choose, it’s pivotal to have frank and honest discussions. Otherwise, you may run into problems down the road.

Keep in mind vesting schedules.

When you offer a co-founder, or anyone equity, you are giving this person a share (stock options) of the company. This person doesn’t receive the options immediately, but rather on a vesting schedule -- they receive a little bit the first year, more the second year and so on. Startup shares usually vest over a period of four years, which means that you (and your co-founder) are making a long-term commitment. But keep in mind, those four years can go by quickly. In some cases, co-founders may wish to part ways once their equity is fully vested. It is important to be aware of all of those dynamics. Just like finding the perfect spouse or partner, seeking out the right co-founder is tough. It’s imperative to be social, get yourself out there and know that the first person you meet with may or may not be the perfect fit.

OMG Magazine | Thursday 10th October, 2013 • PAGE 19



PAGE 20 • OMG Magazine | Thursday 10th October, 2013

We find redman Now famous due to the recent you tube viral movie, Redman was selected out of several candidates as the 2013 Animae Caribe Mascot. “Well I am honoured! This social media thing really worked out well for me” Redman was quoted as saying. Recently hired as the 2013 Animae Caribe Mascot, Redman acquired regional notoriety when a youtube link of a freak tornado in Central Trinidad went viral and span Trinidad and Tobago into a frenzy. Days of searching the country through social media and even on the evening news eventually led to his whereabouts. Animae Caribe festival board members are extremely excited to have him on board ‘Redman represents the kind of character that we are excited to have promote the festival and we look forward to his service

to us the festival director stated. Following in the footsteps of Paco the Robot who crash landed in Trinidad, to Sanjeet the Chicken from Moruga, the festival mascot has been a mainstay at every festival over the years. “Well this is my first time in this amination thing, but I looking forward to spreading the word. It takes a lot to get me out of my Caroni Swamp home but I need the work so I will represent Animae Caribe Festival with pride.” This years festival will continue to celebrate Caribbean animation and digital media. With both local and international animation professionals sharing their special skills with students, filmmakers, graphic designers, illustrators and anyone interested in the subject this year is set to be entertaining and educational at the same time. To view Redmans youtube movie link check

Click The button to view WE FIND REDMAN animation -


OMG Magazine | Thursday 10th October, 2013 • PAGE 21

The Pirates come to Trinidad

This years Animae Caribe Animation festival will host the great Peter Lord, co-owner and Creative Director of Aardman Animation, who has been honoured with two Academy Award nominations for Best Animated Short. Pete will present to excited ‘Wallace and Gromit’ fans in Trinidad and Tobago and the Caribbean for the first time. Aardman’s special brand of animation has also been seen in Cinemas with the popular ‘Chicken Run’ feature animated film. Their first attempt at CGI features saw the development of ‘Flushed Away’, which was produced in collaboration with DreamWorks. He directed his first solo venture: ‘The Pirates!’ In an Adventure with Scientists, a delicious confection of piracy on the high seas, which starred the voice of Hugh Grant. It was released in 2012 to critical acclaim in the UK and internationally. Animae Caribe Festival due to begin on 28th of October is carded for another successful run. This year there will be even more exciting activities with a new board bringing in decades of creative experience to the festival. Celebrating twelve years the festival will continue to provide a plethora of animated activities, which include workshops, screenings and presentations by international professionals from Dreamworks, Disney and featuring Caribbean

professionals who continue to fly the animated flag in the global industry. There will be a screening of Aardmans ‘Pirates: Band of Misfits at IMAX Cinema on Wednesday 30th of October where Director Pete Lord will present on the making of the animated feature. For more information on the festival activities please check

The Heroes Foundation is hosting its 6th Heroes Convention Every now and then there is an event that you MUST attend.......this is one of them... One Friday 11th and Saturday 12th October, 2013, at NAPA Port of Spain from 9:00-5:00 pm. The Foundation exists to "Enable a Cycle of Transformation of our Nation's Youth into a Generation of Selfless Heroes". The Heroes Convention is a bringing together of the best of what over 500 secondary school students from our Youth Development Program has to offer, in the forms of displays, exhibits, skits and presentations done by the youth, for the youth. There is also a presence of the Super-Hero Genre at the Convention, in the form of COSPLAY (Google it, then u can find a costume LOL), comic books and other related activities- Super-Heroes represent to the youth a clear, appealing, and fun perspective of giving of ones self for the greater good. Students in the Heroes Foundation’s Youth Development Programme (YDP) will utilise the creative/visual arts to showcase the altruistic work they are doing in their schools and communities. Their presentations and displays are designed to stimulate and inspire other youth toward the types of Heroism that this country needs – whether it is engaging in selfless acts for the greater good, mentoring, or other forms of volunteerism. One display area will focus on “Heroes of the Differently Abled” where our students will present displays that are designed to bring awareness to the challenges facing these ones in our society. Also, the event will encompass a Comic Fest on both days, with CosPlay taking centre stage on Saturday 12th. Above all, the Convention will serve to educate and inspire people to become a positive force for change in their environment. His Excellency Anthony Carmona, President of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago has pleaded his support and will be in attendance, along with other local celebrities, stakeholders and persons passionate about giving back....

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Makeup Artist

Makeup By Pinky

Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago Contact: 7856132 Lighting/Retouching

Ronaldo Roberts Photographer

Stephen Doobal

Interview Stephen Doobal | Story Amelia C. Ramjarrie

I recently looked at a documentary, ‘The Wonderful Horrible life of Leni Riefenstahl,’ that examined this female documentary film maker. It was interesting because before she became a film maker, she was an actress. At that time, she was considered one of the best and impressed a lot of persons with her artistic expression including Hitler. This week at OMG, we met with Teneille Newallo and instantly I was reminded of Leni as she had a similar journey. Teneille studied and graduated with a Bachelors of Fine Arts in Theatre Performance, as her goal was to be an actress. She has always wanted to an actress ever since she could remember. All those who know Teneille will hold true to that statement. Two of the most noted acting roles were in the films Escape from Babylon and Dubois which will be released for viewing soon. Tenille also spoke about her main and present focus at the moment, the film ‘The Cutlass’ which won the Best Film in Development, 2012 at the Trinidad and Tobago Film Festival. She plans together with her executive producer Darisha Beresford to convert the short film into a feature film. Of course they need funding, therefore they are presently working on this. However, there efforts will not go unrewarded as after viewing the short, I am sure many are patiently awaiting the feature films. For those who haven’t seen it, The Cutlass is a must see! It’s a drama; psychological thriller film which features the life of a girl is kidnapped by a sociopath in the Trinidadian jungle. From the plot outline of the film it’s stated that ‘THE CUTLASS slices a

path through the vines of intellect and delusion to explore the depths of mental strength, unforeseen sympathy, internal freedom and the human spirit.’ So we know that Tenille is an actress and filmmaker but what does she do when she is not doing this? Well she does voice commercials which is no surprise for she is both eloquent and well-articulated in her speech. She likes to write. Tenille was very excited to tell us that had recently finished writing her screenplay’s first draft. Writing she says, creates individual pieces for the person who expresses themselves artistically. She also likes going to the movies, which she says she does almost three times a week. In addition she described each experience similar to that of a child going to Disney world for the first time. Tenille also took the opportunity to thank her parents who has supported her in her journey of both self-discovery and the actual finding herself. She also added that throughout the journey she appreciated the critique she got from authoritative figures for she was able to grow and improve herself. What’s Tenille’s OMG moment was she graduated from University with her a Bachelors of Fine Arts in Theatre Performance. Her dream had become a reality.

The Cutlass will be screening at Regal Theaters LA LIVE, Stadium 14, October 17th at 4pm. The Fort Lauderdale International Film Festival (FLIFF) November 1st, Cinema Paradiso, Hollywood, FL. 1:30pm

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Pumping Parties

lime .tt where the real limers go in Trinbago! Fun on D Sea Cooler Cruise

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Pumping Partie


OMG Magazine | Thursday 10th October, 2013 • PAGE 31

lime .tt where the real limers go in Trinbago! Power Of Beauty By Nina Alcantara

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Race Trac Wheels Interview | Story Stephen Doobal

Anderson Mahabir is the owner and founder of Race Trac Wheels, a brand new concept in car care, which you have to see to believe. It is a dream shop for every guy out there. If you love cars you will love Race Trac Wheels. It is located in Arouca opposite Second Crossing Hardware or you can find them on Facebook at Race Trac Wheels or call 642-1539.

Anderson says this shop had been his life-long dream and he and his wife were totally excited to finally bring the dream to life. He says he intends to bring real customer service to his customers and make sure they are well taken care of. You can even get rims and tyres for $1,000. Yes, that is rims and tyres for $1,000. They accept trade-ins and they have four ramps to set-up your car with brand new shoes while you wait. Race Trac Wheels in Arouca is definitely a place to check out if you are in the market for some new rims.

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Dr. Oz: 5 Ways to Banish Belly Fat for Good A trim midsection is good for many things, like fitting into your favourite jeans or walking the beach in a swimsuit with confidence. But there are even better reasons to work off extra baggage around your stomach. That baggage, known as visceral fat, isn’t just the most annoying kind—it’s also the most dangerous. As it forms between your organs, deep within your abdominal cavity, it secretes proteins that can trigger chronic inflammation, putting you at risk for heart disease, diabetes, and even cancer. One easy way to find out if you’re carrying too much abdominal fat is to wrap a measuring tape around your body at the top of your hipbones. If your number is more than 35 inches, it may be time to take action. The good news: Getting rid of belly fat is simpler than you might think. With the right plan, it’s actually easier to lose than stubborn lower-body fat or the seemingly impossible to tone back-of-the-arm flab. Stick to these diet and exercise guidelines, and you’ll be slimmer— and healthier—by summer.

Fight Fat With Food

Obviously, you want to keep your calories in a healthy range and avoid meals that are high in saturated fat. But research has also shown that eating more of certain foods can help you burn excess visceral fat and pave the way to a smaller middle.

Healthy Fats

In addition to helping maintain heart health and keep inflammation levels under control, monounsaturated fatty acids, or MUFAs, may stop belly fat before it starts. Research in the journal Diabetes Care found that people who got roughly 25 percent of their total daily calories from MUFAs gained no visceral fat over the course of the study, while those who ate less MUFAs and more carbs added fat to their midsections. My favourite MUFA-rich food is olive oil because you can use it in so many meals (check out the belly-blasting breakfast I recommend), but avocados and nuts are other excellent sources. Pine nuts are particularly great because they also contain high levels of polyunsaturated fatty acids. These acids increase levels of two hormones that signal your brain when you’re full. Try snacking on one ounce of pine nuts (about the amount you can fit in a shot glass) 20 minutes before mealtime to avoid overeating.

Low-Glycemic-Index Foods

People with chronically high levels of the stress hormone cortisol tend to carry excess visceral fat. Foods that are high on the glycemic index (GI), which uses a ranking system of 0 to 100, cause more rapid spikes in your blood sugar, in turn triggering the release of cortisol when glucose levels crash. The constant up and down of your blood sugar levels can also lead to insulin resistance—the first step on the road to type 2 diabetes. To help keep cortisol levels stable, choose low-GI foods (with a rating of 55 or less) like beans, lentils, and chickpeas, instead of high-GI options like white rice and potatoes. To find the GI rating of your foods, use the University of Sydney’s database at

Green Tea

A 2012 study in the Journal of Functional Foods found that people who drank one and a half cups of green tea enriched with a total of 609 milligrams of catechins (a group of antioxidants that have been shown to help burn fat cells) every day for 12 weeks lost almost 16 times as much visceral fat as those who consumed green tea without the added antioxidants. To achieve similar results with store-bought green tea, you’ll need to brew two to four cups daily (many varieties can contain 160 to 470 milligrams of catechins per cup).


When your body is low on calcium, it produces a hormone that signals the body to store visceral fat. Meeting your recommended daily calcium needs (that’s 1,000 milligrams for adults) can help reduce levels of this hormone. And a recent study published in Obesity Research found that calcium from dairy has a stronger effect than calcium from other sources. I recommend eating low-fat Greek yogurt as a daily snack (just six ounces contain about 20 percent of your recommended dietary allowance for calcium), though any low-fat dairy will do.

Whittle Your Middle—Without a Single Crunch

Core exercises will strengthen your abs, but they won’t eliminate the fat that lies beneath them. To do that, you have to ramp up your overall calorie burn with cardio (running, walking, biking). A Duke University study found that people who did moderate cardio for 178 minutes per week (roughly 30 minutes of walking six days per week) gained hardly any visceral fat over the course of eight months. Participants who worked out at a higher intensity (jogging) for a similar amount of time saw even better results—reducing their belly fat by almost 7 percent. To maximize your workout, try interval

training, which alternates between high- and low-intensity cardio. Once you’ve established a regular cardio routine, add two or three weight training sessions on nonconsecutive days to your weekly workouts; everyone naturally gains some fat as they age, but building muscle tone can significantly slow the production of belly fat. In a study conducted at the University of Minnesota, overweight women who did twice-weekly strength training routines that included eight to ten exercises of major muscle groups, from biceps curls to leg presses, gained 67 percent less visceral fat over two years than women who didn’t do strength training regularly.

OMG Magazine | Thursday 10th October, 2013 • PAGE 35

Lemon Grass

The many health benefits

Lemongrass has long been widely used in Asian countries for its medicinal properties and also in culinary.

How to reduce your stress Take a scientific approach to soothing your frazzled nerves with these proven methods. STEP 1 - Start exercising

Pick an activity you like, such as swimming, dancing, or riding a bike.

STEP 2 - Meditate

Learn to meditate. Consult a book or CD for techniques on meditation and relaxation, or check your local yellow pages for a class near you.

Tip - In one study, more than half the people who meditated two and a half hours a week for eight weeks reported a whopping 54% reduction in stress. STEP 3 - Get sleep

Get seven to nine hours of sleep every night. The National Sleep Foundation says that anything less could negatively affect both decision-making and interactions with others, leading to anxiety.

STEP 4 - Go to bed early

Go to bed 30 minutes to an hour before your normal bedtime and do something relaxing like read a book or listen to soft music

Tip - Get a professional massage a few times a month. It’s pricey, but people who get regular massages have lower levels of anxiety and fewer headaches. STEP 5 - Reduce caffeine

Cut your caffeine intake, which can make you jittery all day. Instead of coffee, try herbal tea. Reduce your caffeine intake gradually to avoid withdrawal symptoms like headaches.

STEP 6 - Book vacation

Research shows that frequent vacationers are eight times less likely to die of a heart attack than those who rarely go on holiday.

STEP 7 - Consider root of stress

Ask yourself whether your stress has a root problem that should be dealt with. Maybe you need to cut back on your activities for a while, or stick up for yourself more, or try therapy to see if there’s something in particular that’s stressing you out.

What makes it so effective in many medical conditions is that it has certain anti-septic compounds that effectively kill the harmful micro-organisms (bacteria, yeast, fungal, parasites, etc.) in the digestive tract, YET preserving the beneficial bacteria. For a healthy digestive tract, lemongrass is made into therapeutic tea that is drunk regularly to see its efficacy: Anemia: Thanks to its high content in iron, which is essential for the synthesis of haemoglobin (the protein in red cells responsible for carrying oxygen throughout the body) lemongrass is helpful for various types of anemia, especially those resulting from iron deficiency.

Digestive health: Lemongrass helps regulate intestinal function and motility due to its anti-microbial properties. It helps to kill bad bacteria and parasites, repopulate the good bacteria in the colon, thus assisting to improve digestive-related problems like: indigestion, constipation, diarrhea, intestinal bloating, flatulence, stomach spasms, vomiting and cramps. Gastritis or Heartburn: A warm mug of lemongrass tea can be very soothing when having gastritis or acid indigestion. Drinking the tea therapeutically will gradually reduce the recurrence of both gastritis and heartburn. High blood pressure: The high potassium content promotes diuresis, thereby helping to lower and regulate blood pressure. Regularly drinking lemongrass tea is encouraged.

Anti-cancer: A study was done to show that lemongrass contains citral, an anticancer property that could cause cancer cells to die, yet preserves the healthy tissues. However, this does not mean that drinking lemongrass juice/tea alone will heal your cancer; it helps.

High cholesterol: Lemongrass has an anticholesterol and anti-atherosclerosis action. It helps reduce both the absorption of cholesterol from the intestine, as well as the oxidation of LDL-cholesterol in the blood, thus preventing one of the first steps in the formation of atherosclerotic plaques.

Anti-inflammatory and anti-septic: Due to its anti-inflammatory and anti-septic properties, lemongrass juice can be used as a valuable aid for treating arthritis, gout and inflammation of the urinary tract. Bacterial or fungal infection: Thanks to its anti-septic properties, drinking lemongrass tea for a season helps to eliminate the bad micro-organism, detoxify and purify the blood, keeping bacterial, fungal or yeast infections in check.

Skin health: When blood is purified, circulation is improved, skin health will follow suit. Regularly drinking lemongrass tea helps to improve acne problem, eczema and psoriasis.

Balsamic action: Due to its content in volatile oils, lemongrass has a beneficial, balsamic action on the respiratory tract. So it can be used to relieve the symptoms associated with flu, cold and hay fever. Detoxifying: The anti-oxidant, anti-septic and diuretic effect of lemongrass makes it an important ingredient to be included in the diet when detoxifying. It helps to cleanse and purify the liver, kidneys, bladder, pancreas and increases blood circulation. The diuretic effect helps carry out the toxins from the process to be eliminated effectively. Diabetes: The purifying and cleansing effect of lemongrass tea help to cleanse/ detoxify the pancreas and improve its functions, thus lowering blood sugar level in diabetics.

Weight loss: Drinking lemongrass tea helps to melt fats in a detoxifying manner. The diuretic effect helps carry out the wastes in high volume, effectively and quickly, resulting in weight loss.

Nutrition Facts

Amount Per 100 grams Calories 99 • % Daily Value* Total Fat 0.5 g 0% Saturated fat 0.1 g 0% Polyunsaturated fat 0.2 g Monounsaturated fat 0.1 g Cholesterol 0 mg 0% Sodium 6 mg 0% Potassium 723 mg 20% Total Carbohydrate 25 g 8% Protein 1.8 g 3% Vitamin A 0% Vitamin C 4% Calcium 6% Iron 45% Vitamin B-6 5% Vitamin B-12 0% Magnesium 15%

*Per cent Daily Values are based on a 2,000 calorie diet. Your daily values may be higher or lower depending on your calorie needs.

PAGE 36 • OMG Magazine | Thursday 10th October, 2013

Paris Hilton ft. Lil Wayne “Good Time”




Pusha T ft. Chris Brown - “Sweet Serenade”

Diplo (feat. Faustix & Imanos and Kai) “Revolution”

Pitbull feat. Ke$ha “Timber”

Jeremih ft. Chris Brown & Trey Songz – “I Luv This Shit (Remix)”

Tyler, The Creator - “Tamale“

Eminem “Survival “

TLC “Meant To Be”

Justin Bieber “Heartbreaker”

Slash feat. Myles Kennedy“Nothing Left To Fear” Sean Paul “Turn It Up”

OMG Magazine | Thursday 10th October, 2013 • PAGE 37

Take a taste of the hottest movie trailers on the planet...



Rio 2


See our full line-up of movie trailers every Friday @ 5pm and Saturday @ 5:25pm... Exclusively on

PAGE 38 • OMG Magazine | Thursday 10th October, 2013

Ram-Leela song Lahu munh lag gaya: Deepika Padukone kisses Ranveer Singh! by Namrata Thakke Deepika Padukone and Ranveer Singh Sanja Leela Bhansali impresses us with the new song from his desi version of Romeo-Juliet Sanjay Leela Bhansali’s fascination with Navratri continues with the new song Lahu munh lag gaya from his film Ram-Leela. Sung by Shail Hada, this garba song is not fastpaced like Nagada sang dhol which released

last week. The track is quite seductive but not in an obvious way and successfully brings out the never-seen-before sensual side of Deepika Padukone and Ranveer Singh.

we certainly think she has perfected the art of playing garba. She moves gracefully, her looks take your breath away and lastly Leela’s enchanting chemistry with her Ram is oh-so-hot! Though Ranveer is very much in the song and has matched steps with DP perfectly, we just couldn’t take our eyes off from SLB’s Leela. Watch the video and you’ll agree with us!

As soon as the song starts, Dippy and Singh are seen flirting and then there is a kiss between the deeply-in-love couple…of course onscreen. The track has a lot of Gujarati folk touches to it and the instrumental arrangement is quite captivating. Not to forget, Ms Padukone looks gorgeous in her desi avatar and

Thumbs up to Bhansali for coming up with this colourful song which has been shot beautifully. Now we just can’t wait to watch the film and go gaga over it as well, hai na?

Why did Hrithik Roshan turn down Hamlet? by Namrata Thakker

Yes, the honey-eyed actor was approached for the desi version of Hamlet but not by director Vishal Bhardwaj. Besides Vishal Bhardwaj, director Tigmanshu Dhulia is also adapting Hamlet on the big screen. While Bhardwaj’s film is titled Haider and stars Shahid Kapoor in the lead,Dhulia was excited to cast Hrithik Roshan as Hamlet in his film. However, we hear the Krrish 3 actor backed out from the project after hearing the first draft.

Hrithik Roshan

Apparently, he found the whole story about a son seeking revenge for his father’s death similar to his 2012 hit Agneepath. Our khufiya khabroo says Jr Roshan wasn’t keen on playing a similar character and hence opted out. However, there are no grudges between the two and they may soon come together for another project. We loved Hrithik as the new angry young man in Karan Johar’s remake of Agneepathand wouldn’t mind if he played a similar role again. But as an actor there is always a chance of getting typecast, so we totally understand your call Duggu!

OMG Magazine | Thursday 10th October, 2013 • PAGE 39

Why is Sherlyn Chopra chained naked in a bed? by Prathamesh Jadhav

The Kamasutra 3D babe wants to convey a profound message through her naked work of art. Read on to know why the controversial babe decided to sneak into her bed in absolute nothingness this time around! It’s common knowledge that Sherlyn Chopra is comfortable in her own skin. After she posed naked for the Playboy cover a year ago in Hugh Hefner’s notoriously colourful mansion in Los Angeles, Sherlyn has refused let go of a single opportunity that allows her to relentlessly indulge in skin show. From riding a horse in her butt naked avatar to placing a cup of steamy coffee strategically to some titillating effects, Sherlyn surely knows how to be the number one sexy-siren on Twitter by posting pictures of her erotic adventures. No wonder her acts

Sherlyn Chopra

of desperation have made her more popular than Sunny Leone or Poonam Pandey in the online world. The Kamasutra 3D star has done something that she is supremely talented at – dropping clothes and posting yet another nude picture of herself. Though quite aesthetically shot and beautifully framed, this picture is heavily photoshopped. Nevertheless, Sherlyn manages to look sizzling in this one by wearing nothing but an iron chain wrapped around her bare body. “When women go wrong, men go right after them…. ,” tweeted Sherlyn. Now that statement makes us wonder how wrong has Sherlyn gone with her frantic act of seduction for her fans to stalk her endlessl…

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artistof the w

Lighting/Retouching by

Ronaldo Roberts Check outSarah Burrows’ work on facebook

Photo by

Stephen Doobal


OMG Magazine | Thursday 10th October, 2013 • PAGE 41

Sarah Burrows 27, Petit Valley Interview by Stephen Doobal/ Written by Amelia C Ramjarrie

Henry Ward Beecher once said every artist dips his brush into his own soul and paints his own nature into his pictures. OMG was privileged to chat with 27-year-old Petit Valley resident Sarah Burrows who was able to go beyond her art and tell us about herself via words. Her main media are inks, acrylic paints, water soluble pencils, fabric painting and colour pencils. Sarah says she loves incorporating all media as this method not only adds texture but gives her work its own special signature. Sarah’s began her career at St Francois Girls’ College at the age of 15. Her teacher recognised her talent and encouraged the budding artist to enter a competition which she won. After realising her own potential she began seeking, striving in terms of her vision and her craft. She gave herself to her art with all her heart. After studying at

university Sarah entered some of her pieces in the competition for artists seeking to have their paintings placed on the walls of the Queen’s Park Oval. With her fantastic work she was selected as a finalist and her art was on show for all to see. Sarah then decided to join the Art Society. Membership in the Art Society created some great opportunities for Sarah as she was able to hold her own solo exhibition in January 2012. Sarah didn’t stop there. She continued to create and stage exhibitions. She had one in May 2013 and one in August 2013. She spoke about her exhibition in August. Her theme was Eden. People who visited often had to stop and think about her work. That’s a measure of success for an artist, for it means that in some way the pieces have engaged the minds of the viewers. As for Sarah’s OMG moment it was the impact her last exhibition had on persons who visited. The exhibition was in tribute to her mother who died in July, just a month before the exhibition. Everyone received her work well as she got great feedback and reviews. Sarah said it meant a lot that those people truly appreciated her art.

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CEE LO GREEN JUDGMENT WEEK D.A. Decides Whether to Prosecute The LAPD is busy writing up a detailed report that will determine whether Cee Lo Green is prosecuted for date rape ... TMZ has learned. We broke the story ... a woman accused the singer of spiking her drink with ecstasy at a Downtown L.A. sushi joint last year. She claimed the next thing she remembered was waking up in a bed naked with Cee Lo in the room. She also claimed to have a recording of Cee Lo repeatedly apologizing and referencing MDMA ... although sources close to the singer called BS.


Law enforcement sources tell TMZ, LAPD detectives submitted the case to the L.A. County D.A. but prosecutors were not satisfied with the evidence and kicked the case back to the cops for further investigation. The reinvestigation has taken months ... we're told more than 5.

As for what additional info the D.A. wanted ... we're hearing two things. First they wanted additional toxicology information on what, if any, drugs were found in the woman's system. Our law enforcement sources say the process of screening for various drugs often takes months because different labs perform different tests. And the process is also very expensive. We're also told cops may have been looking for additional witnesses to break the he-said/she-said stalemate. Sources close to Cee Lo remain adamant ... the woman's allegations are NOT true. Our sources say when the report is written, the LAPD will personally present it to the D.A.'s office -- that should either happen late this week or the following. One well-placed law enforcement source tells TMZ it's doubtful the D.A. have the goods to prosecute Cee Lo.

Eugene Rakow shoots self in heart with nail gun, survives The Huffington Post | By David Moye Minnesota carpenter Eugene Rakow got nailed -- and lived to tell the tale. On Friday, Rakow, 58, was building a deck for a neighbor when he accidentally shot a 3 1/2-inch nail into his chest. "I was leaning against a board with the gun," Rakow said, according to "I had the gun at an angle, chest level, and it jumped and I still had my hand on the trigger. It impaled the nail in my chest." Although Rakow said the nail didn't hurt "that bad" at first, he knew things weren't good when he could feel it "gurgle" and "crunch" a little. Dr. Louis Louis, a heart surgeon at Abbott Northwestern hospital, treated Rakow. He said that if the nail had penetrated two millimeters further, it would have hit the coronary artery and Rakow would have died on the spot.

"The sternum acted like a 2x4 in that it caught the nail and prevented the nail from going any deeper," Louis told "Once we were able to get a hold of it, we were able to work it out very carefully and then it was a simple two stitches to repair the injury in the heart." Amazingly, Rakow was well enough to leave the hospital on Monday in order to celebrate the 20th birthday of his daughter, Laura, with his wife, Carmen, and six other children. He took the nail home as a souvenir, along with an appreciation of how lucky he is. “The surgeon said most people die right there,” Rakow told the Minneapolis Star-Tribune. “He said nine out of 10 won’t make it.”

Eugene Rakow

Bradley Cooper to produce limitless TV series The thriller Limitless turned out to be a surprisingly good watch when it was released back in 2011. The thought that nootropic drug NZT48 could unlock the true power of your brain was certainly intriguing, and the plot definitely left room for expansion and a second movie. Now the movie’s main star, Bradley Cooper, has decided there will be more from the Limitless universe, but not in the form of another movie. Rather than starring, he will act as executive producer on a new Limitless TV series. Cooper is working with Relativity Television and Georgeville TV to make the series happen.

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No further details have been released yet, including when we can expect a release. What will be interesting is how they tackle different characters in the series. As the movie demonstrated, there are several different levels of NZT use. A single tablet will give the user a short burst of intelligent clarity, injecting it lasts longer, and in the case of Cooper’s character in the movie, you can go way beyond that both in terms of upwards and downwards spirals. Such flexibility in the drug’s use means we could see the series focus on the excapades of a single main character, or go a similar route to Heroes where the stories of multiple characters are intertwined and all have varying levels of success or disaster using NZT.

Bradley Cooper

NYPD biker reportedly attacked suv; 4th suspect taken into custody

The undercover NYPD narcotics officerinvolved in last week's violent SUV attack was one of several bikers caught on video punching and pounding the outside of Alexian Lien's Range Rover, according to areport in the New York Post.

The officer, a seven-year-veteran of the NYPD, initially told investigators he didn't intervene because he arrived after the beating was almost over, but the Post's “disgusted” sources said an unreleased video showed otherwise. The NYPD's Internal Affairs unit hopes the officer will be held responsible for the attack, though last week's decision by the District Attorney to drop charges against Allen Edwards, who was also seen punching Lien's window, might prevent formal charges from being filed. However, the officer will likely face

internal discipline; he's already been placed on modified duty, which required him to turn in his gun and badge. The officer is reportedly one of six NYPD cops who were riding with the motorcycle group during or before the attack; two detectives, one sergeant, and three police officers are being investigated, according to DNA Info. None of the police officers intervened in the beating.

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Scarlett Johansson

Scarlett Johansson is the sexiest woman alive. Again. By Josh Kurp Having “taken care of” formerly not-dead attractive females Jessica Biel, Kate Beckinsale, and Minka Kelly, as well as every other lady in the world, just to be safe, Scarlett Johansson has been named Sexiest Woman Alive by Esquire for a second time. To celebrate this unprecedented achievement, ScarJo called up one of her girlfriends, before remembering. Such is the dark irony of being the Sexiest Woman Alive…in the Twilight Zone.

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Kaye west and Kim Kardashian

Two-headed calf born in Vermont Surprisingly, two heads, two snouts, and four eyes make for one photogenic calf.

According to Kirstin Quesnel, the 75-pound calf, one of eight born on her Whiting, Vt., farm Tuesday, has one brain and would have been a twin if it had split properly inside its mother as an egg. “It just was something different for us today,” Quesnel told WPTZ. “Just like with humans we have some abnormalities with animals and animal births and this just happened to be one of them.” Amazingly, the polycephalic calf -- which moos

and eats with both heads -- appears to be in perfect heath. Although calves with extra heads or limbs have been born before, it's rare. In some cases, deformed calves do not survive. In an exceptional case earlier this year, a dairy farmer in New Zealand delivered a stillborn calf with eight legs, four ears, two bodies and one head. The farmer told New Zealand media that he originally thought he was delivering twins. In January 2011, a two-headed cow was born in Georgia. The farmer said that theanimal ate with both heads -- just like the calf in Vermont. In 2012, a calf with an extra pair of legs was born in Switzerland. Although vets didn't initially think the six-legged cow had much chance of survival, the calf seemed to be doing just fine at two months old.

North West photo shared by Kim Kardashian on instagram Proves She Might Be Hollywood's Cutest Baby Kim Kardashian took a trip to France for Paris Fashion Week for a few days, leaving her 3-month-old daughter, North West, at home for the first time. There's nothing like the bond between a mother and child, and not surprisingly, the 32-year-old reality star missed her baby. On Friday, Kardashian shared the second known photo of North with the public via Instagram and wrote, "I missed waking up with my little angel." North is just too cute with those humongous eyes, and we can't wait to see her in all those adorable designer outfits her parents were gifted last week. The first photo of Nori, as she's been nicknamed, was shared by Kanye West when he appeared on Kris Jenner's talk show in August.

North West

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