OMG Magazine Vol 2 Issue 37

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Thursday 3rd October, 2013 • VOL 2 - 37

PAGE 2 • OMG Magazine | Thursday 3rd October, 2013

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what’s inside

OMG Magazine | Thursday 3rd October, 2013 • PAGE 3

PAGES 24 -27 PAGE 38 - 39





s confession

PAGE 12-13




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PAGE 28- 31



PAGE 4 • OMG Magazine | Thursday 3rd October, 2013


Renee Charles 21, Diego Martin

Three things you like about yourself and why?

I like that I am intrigued by challenges and I love the feeling of accomplishment. I have the ability to show unconditional benevolence to the people I care about even when I’m not on best terms because I truly want the best for others. I am an artistic person- I use art as a form of stress relief and connecting with my inner self.

Your OMG moment?

That would have to be the day I opened my very own beauty salon. Lighting/Retouching, Photographer

Ronaldo Roberts

OMG Magazine | Thursday 3rd October, 2013 • PAGE 5

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nymously o n a s t h g u o h t r deepest u o y s s e f n o c o A place t

My rage makes me want to hurt other people I’ve had social problems my entire life. I’m 21 now and have come a long way but still lack a lot of social skills that most people have. It is believed by some I may be on the higher end of the autism/Asperger’s spectrum. I do have some friends, but I have a lot of social problems and have spent much of my life extremely isolated. I’ve tried to learn how to connect with others but it’s very hard. Sometimes I have a lot of anxiety, especially in romantic situations because I really don’t know what to do or how to connect with people.

I wasn't actually on birth control

Last year someone I love hurt me very badly. Despite that I wanted to be with him. Even though I knew he did a lot of terrible things to me and others, I still associated myself with him to the point of living with him and having regular unprotected sex with him. He was never the type to pull out before ejaculation and I never did much to stop him. I knowingly got pregnant even though told everyone I was on birth control. While I am ashamed of what I did, I’m proud to have my child and to no longer be with his father.

I still spy on my ex's facebook, her phone is syncing sexy pics My ex from a couple of years ago – I broke up with her and hurt her a lot – remained my friend for a while but it was making things worse so on her request I stopped contact completely and permanently. Since then I have missed her. She was a good person and great in the sack but she was a shit magnet and pretty dull. I just couldn’t see a long term future with her so it was with reluctance that I ended it and it’s not a decision I regret. Thing is, she was never technically gifted and gave me her Facebook password ages ago. I would sporadically stick my nose in to see how she’s doing. There was very little movement in it, the odd email and stupid share but there was also a phone photo synching page that the odd boring photo would appear in. Well, last weekend that all changed. It’s been synching more and more risque selfies, mostly of her but also of a guy. I feel terrible about spying on her but I’m also getting a serious voyeuristic thrill.

I act like a I just good guy broke up I act like a gentleman. I open doors for people. I say “sir” and “ma’am” and I am polite and gracious to those I meet. If I woman or child was ever struck or threatened, I’d take the hit for them and defend them and have done so before. But I am addicted to porn. I am disgusted by it but I am also trapped by it. I do not look at women in general like that but when I look at the girl that I am attracted to, I only picture her like the airbrushed fake girls on my computer screen. It prevents me from pursuing any type of relationship because I fear my lack of self-control.

with my girlfriend It was probably the best thing to do but I was with her for almost one and a half years, and so I’m hurting pretty bad right now. Feels like I’ve lost a part of my life. Like I said, I still think it was the right decision but damn, my heart is suffering all because my head made a rational decision.

PAGE 6 • OMG Magazine | Thursday 3rd October, 2013

Let go and find your miracle angle by Rod Stryker

We are attached to our memories and to our resentments. We are attached to our political preferences, heartaches, clothes we don’t wear anymore, our version of the facts, habits, anger, fears, and heartaches. We are attached to the past and to our hopes for a better future, attached to our last argument with our spouse. We hold on to bad relationships and low self-esteem, and because of attachments we find it difficult, if not impossible, to stop doing certain things or being attracted to people who are not good for us. However, despite all that we might have heard about the value of “letting go” or non-attachment, we have all, at times, found that it’s difficult to actually do it. Even when holding on is painful, oftentimes we do it anyway. I think about non-attachment in terms of stages, like the stages of a rocket launching from earth. With each successive stage -- one, two, and finally three -- a rocket rises farther and farther away from earth’s gravitational pull. Similarly, the more completely you apply non-attachment, the more you move farther and farther away from the pull of all the things that keep you from living your life to the fullest. We’ve all applied some measure of stage I of non-attachment -- if not, we’d wind up buried under the weight of past hurts and resentments, disappointment and loss. Stage I of letting go is critical to reducing our grief, pain, and anguish to at least a level that is manageable. At stage II, surrender ripens and becomes an instrument of change and growth. At this level, non-attachment allows us to abandon non-constructive beliefs and behavior and thus make it possible to achieve things (and to live a life) of which we would otherwise not be capable. Stage III is its ultimate expression. Non-attachment at this level opens us to the most profound heights of spiritual awakening, fearlessness and freedom. In this post, I’ll explore stage I of non-attachment. In my next two posts, I will examine how to apply stages II and III. Please take a moment to recall an experience from your past that has had a significantly negative impact on you. Reflect on any circumstance or condition that was emotionally, physically and/or spiritually hurtful. You can reflect on a childhood event -- your parents’ divorce, financial stress in your family, or the death of a close family member. It can be something contemporary -- a disappointment at work or with your family or a strained financial situation, the aftermath of which has caused you to feel, think, or act in ways that have made it harder to trust or, in short, to be fully yourself. Consider the specifics of how this event negatively affected you, your relationships or any other area of your life.

remind us that we are each capable of creating productive and even glorious lives despite having to live through dire events. Everyone who has ever overcome hardship or adversity has done so in large part because he or she has chosen, consciously or unconsciously, to “let go” of their past hardship and pain by embracing, what I call, a Miracle Angle -- a way of seeing their circumstances that allowed them to transform their circumstances into a spark for positive change. How is this possible? How, for example, was Nelson Mandela able to transcend apartheid and three decades of imprisonment when some of us struggle to forgive someone who cut us off in traffic? The key rests in your willingness to surrender your attachments to your perception. In other words, can you let go of a less than constructive point of view for a different one that empowers -- instead of debilitates -- you to live more freely and fully? I call this empowering point of view a Miracle Angle, precisely because it creates the opportunity for growth, healing, and freedom where previously there may have appeared to have been none. The basis for this kind of acceptance is the knowledge that there is no single perspective on any situation that can be said to be absolutely true. One of the central tenants of most Eastern contemplative traditions is that life is essentially “empty.” This means that our responses to our life circumstances -- good, bad, and indifferent -- have nothing to do with the conditions themselves and everything to do with our projection or interpretation of those events. An extreme example of this is death. Most of us assume that there is only a single way to view it; death is loss, something to mourn, something that should evoke profound dread. However, in some parts of the world, death is seen less as a loss and more as something sacred, an auspicious time or doorway that, if walked through consciously, is an opportunity for spiritual awakening. If death has no single meaning -- no one particular angle from which it can be interpreted -- then there is no single way to view any experience. The ancient traditions tell us that every perspective on “reality” (good, bad, or indifferent) is just that, one perspective -- one degree of what is actually 360 degrees of reality. The mind of enlightened sage sees this inherent emptiness of all things and thus, accept everything equally -- think of Christ on the cross and his response vs. how most of us would react. The result is that an enlightened mind remains free by remaining unattached to false projections.

Reflecting this way should make it clear that your past can (and invariably does) influence your present and, thereby, your future. Circumstances do not need to be traumatic to significantly affect you and the way you respond to the world. But, they don’t have to.

On the other hand, most of us, consciously or unconsciously, assign meaning to everything. The point is that since your way of seeing and responding to all situations is necessarily arbitrary -- no perspective is right or wrong -- then you might as well choose a point of view that can help you and your life. There will always be more than one way to respond to any circumstance, but most importantly, there is only helpful and non-helpful to see and respond to life. The fact is your freedom and ability to live fully and free from suffering is entirely dependant on you learning to do just that.

History is full of remarkable individuals who -- although they endured extremely hurtful and potentially debilitating things like the loss of loved ones, war, prejudice, abuse, disease and severe poverty -- did not allow circumstance to prevent them from living inspiring and even extraordinary lives. The lives of Anne Frank, Victor Frankel, and Nelson Mandela, for example,

The easiest way to gauge whether you are seeing circumstances in your life from a Miracle Angle is whether or not it is causing you to suffer. If something from your past is causing you pain or if you have become stuck in a non-constructive point of view, it means that either you are not living from your Miracle Angle or you have not fully embraced it. If it is the first -- if you

are struggling to find a perspective that lifts your spirits and empowers you -- it is vital that you open yourself to another view of it. Remember, every situation has at least one Miracle Angle. The following exercise will allow you to find yours. Take a moment to write or think (it is more powerful if you write) about the experience you considered earlier. However, this time decide how this experience has helped you -- or how it could help you, contributing something to your life. This may require you to dig deep and can be easy or quite challenging, depending on the circumstance and whether or not until now you’ve been able to come to terms with it. If you’ve dwelt on the pain associated with the event without ever having achieved any resolution about it, finding a way to look at it from a viewpoint that focuses on its potentially positive effects may take a while. If the circumstance you chose to write about earlier was particularly tragic or extreme, it may be a struggle to find anything redemptive about it. It may be that its only positive impact is that it taught you that you could survive, or that your experience could be a living testament to others that they too can survive difficulty/tragedy. It’s important not to start writing until you have given yourself whatever time you require to find that new perspective and a way of relating to the experience or event that is authentic to you. Once you have an understanding of the potentiallypositive effects of the incident, start writing. Write only about how it was or could be helpful, how it empowered or could empower you. Here are some questions to ask yourself to help you decide what to write.

What has the experience or event taught you? How has it strengthened you? How has it helped you in your relationships with other people? Has it helped you to become more compassionate, more ethical, more inspired, more capable? After you have written a paragraph or two from this new perspective, ask yourself if it would help you to start viewing it from this new perspective from this point forward. Once you have found what you think is a Miracle Angle, if you still feel less than at peace with your situation, it means you are not yet living from it. Once you detach yourself from your “grievances,” however justified they might be, and you abide within the perspective of your Miracle Angle, you will find yourself embracing the gift of life and living it more fully. This is, in fact, where stage II of non-attachment comes into play. I strongly urge to find your Miracle Angle as often as possible. Don’t sleep on your resentments, pain, and suffering. Make it a habit to find the Miracle Angle from which to look at any circumstance that may be troubling you. You might not instantly feel uplifted by the change in perspective, but it will provide you with the understanding and acceptance from which you can move forward with a clearer sense of purpose and ultimately, the freedom to live fully. Excerpt adapted from The Four Desires by Rod Stryker. Copyright © 2011 by Rod Stryker. Excerpted by permission of Delacorte Press, a division of Random House, Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this excerpt may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from the publisher.

OMG Magazine | Thursday 3rd October, 2013 • PAGE 7

The high cost of always being ‘right’ by Rory Vaden After years of coaching successful professionals in a variety of disciplines, I’ve come to see that when conflicts arise, many of us tend to care more about being “right” than we do about finding the best course of action. I’m sure you’ve experienced this in your own life, at the office and perhaps at home too. A disagreement arises, and we’re so afraid of “losing” that we won’t even admit there’s a possibility that there might be more to the situation than we can see. In our determination to “win,” we refuse to acknowledge the other person’s perspective. As is often the case when we let ourselves be guided solely by our emotions, there are substantial consequences. Here are the three biggest ones. 1. We Stop Listening. It makes sense that if I already “know” what’s true, I don’t need to

entertain the idea of another perspective. At Southwestern Consulting, we see this happening both at home and at the office in the lives of the people we coach. Instead of having a dialogue about the best possible solution, there are two people simply doubling down in their positions. Tip: Any time you’re in a fervent disagreement with someone, remind yourself to focus on what’s right rather than who’s right. 2. We Stop Exploring. Many of us hold onto beliefs, even about our own lives, that aren’t accurate. We tell ourselves “I’m good at , but I have never been good at ,” or “I could pull off, but I could never pull off.” These unexamined mantras often turn into self-fulfilling prophecies, because we subconsciously seek to validate our position. Yes, we want to be proven “right,” even if what we’re right about keeps us from growth and change. Tip: Whenever you catch yourself thinking “I can’t do that” or “that isn’t possible,” stop and ask yourself how much energy and commitment you’ve ever really put into trying.

3. We Stop Learning. Everyone believes that his or her view is the right one (otherwise, they probably wouldn’t have it). While a person’s view may not be optimal or even fully accurate, it’s always useful to try to understand how they came to it. Even if we don’t agree with their position, we can learn a great deal if we simply seek to understand where they’re coming from. Conversely, when we dismiss an idea out of hand, we never get the chance to expand our own perspective, and that’s a high price to pay. Tip: Resist the urge to write people off as uninformed or just plain wrong, and instead ask yourself, “What can I learn from this person?” We don’t have to agree with someone to learn from them. The ultimate impact of righteousness is that we stay trapped in our current mindset. If we are always right, we never get to be different. And if we never get to be different, then we will always get more of what we have right now. Let go of the need to be right, seek first to understand, and you’ll discover a new sense of growth and possibility. Am I right?

Guide to finding your intention Clare Munn We often hear calls and initiatives for self-growth, but what I have come to realise is that we cannot truly understand what self-growth means until we understand separately what self means and what growth means. And I believe that before we can even consider these questions, we must understand what our intention is and begin to prepare ourselves for that conversation. A conversation with one’s self is a rather inexpensive exercise. You just need time, space and the right questions for an invaluable conversation to occur. By asking yourself the right questions and being ready to listen, you can engage with your intention and better understand why you do what you do. Then, by understanding your intention and what drives you, you will have the clarity to accomplish your intended

purpose. It doesn’t matter what that is -- from being a/the leader of your household, or a great employee or a CEO -- in the end it is all the same; it is about the mindset.

Questions for discovering intention behind what you do:

Without thinking about your next year’s goal, think only about your next hour. 1.

Why are you about to do what you are about to do? For payment? For growth? For enjoyment? For ego? For practicality? Because you feel no one else can or will? To alleviate your anxiety? Other?


What interests you about it?

3. 4.

What would you rather be doing? Why?

5. 6.

Who are you doing this for? Even if it is yourself, what have you

Do you have to do this?

promised to deliver? 7.

Do you understand you’re deliverable fully?


What makes you think you understand?


Why did you promise to deliver? Job? Moral obligation? Ego? Other?

Discovering how you first spend your time will aid you enormously through how you do or don’t naturally tap into yourself. By taking this first step, you will be ready to realise your intention. Is your intention to feel better? Is it to do better? Only you can discover your intention, and there is not one right answer. Just remember: Once you find the way to check in/tap in to ask yourself why you are about to do what you are about to do, and begin to make this your hourly/daily mantra, stick to it and carry it through everything that you do. Next blog we will discuss how to measure your progress once you’ve begun to use this process. Personally, I’ve found it remarkable. And believe me, I still find my old habits of just “doing” often present and have to remind myself to walk my talk. It isn’t easy to be awake. It certainly isn’t easy to not be distracted. Enjoy your process.

PAGE 8 • OMG Magazine | Thursday 3rd October, 2013

OMG Magazine | Thursday 3rd October, 2013 • PAGE 9

How to build a long-lasting relationship

A careful study of relationships today among youths shows that they hardly thrive. Many crash before leaving the ground. The main factor here is that the basic ethics of relationships are not followed. I will be sharing here on the four basic ways we can build a long-lasting relationship that can last for a lifetime. But before we get to that, we have to underscore the meaning of a healthy relationship. A healthy relationship can be one of the best ingredients in your life. Good relationships improve your life in all aspects, strengthening your health, your mind and your connections with others as well. In the same vein, it could be one of the greatest drains if things are not working out. We need to see relationships as an investment; the more we add to them the more strong and productive they would be for us. Love and relationships take work, commitment, and a willingness to adapt and change as a team. Everyone’s relationship is unique, and people come together for many different reasons. But there are some things that good relationships have in common. Knowing the basic principles of healthy relationships helps keep them meaningful, fulfilling and exciting in both happy times and sad. What makes a healthy love relationship?

Step 1

Step 3

Stay involved with each other. Some relationships get stuck in peaceful coexistence, but without partners truly relating to each other and working together. While they may seem stable on the surface, lack of involvement and communication increases distance. When you need to talk about something important, the connection and understanding may no longer be there.

Keeping outside relationships and interests alive. No one person can meet all of our needs, and expecting too much from someone can put a lot of unhealthy pressure on a relationship. Having friends and outside interests not only strengthens your social network, but brings new insights and stimulation to the relationship, too.

Step 2

Communicate in an honest, direct way to your partner. When both people feel comfortable expressing their needs, fears and desires, trust and bonds are strengthened. Critical to communication are nonverbal cues—body language like eye contact, leaning forward or away, or touching someone’s arm.

Get through all your conflicts with your partner. Some couples talk things out quietly, while others may raise their voices and passionately disagree. The key is a strong relationship. You need to be safe to express things that bother you without fear of retaliation, and be able to resolve conflict without humiliation, degradation or insisting on being right.

Step 4

PAGE 10 • OMG Magazine | Thursday 3rd October, 2013


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OMG Magazine | Thursday 3rd October, 2013 • PAGE 11



How to make an all natural air freshener

Commercial air fresheners just make your home smell like a public restroom, but there is a simple— and natural—way to keep your house smelling sweet for weeks.



Tie the cinnamon sticks and cloves together in the cheesecloth to create a spice bundle. If you like, add whole spices like cardamom or star anise to your bundle.

Carefully remove the hot spice bundle from the saucepan, and allow it to cool.

Make bundle


Put bundle in pot

Drop the bundle into a saucepan containing four cups of water.

STEP 3 Simmer

Bring the water to a boil. Reduce the heat and simmer gently for an hour and a half. Your home will fill with fragrance as the steam dissipates. Be sure to check the water level periodically. Add more water if it threatens to dry up--you don’t want a scorched smell.

Remove bundle


Turn the spices out of the cheesecloth into a decorative bowl.


Add peels and petals

Add dried fruit peels and flower petals to the bowl and mix them in with the spices. Dry your own peels and petals by leaving a thin layer of them in a sunny spot for several weeks.


Enjoy fragrance

Place the bowl in your bedroom, bath, or living room--and enjoy the natural fragrance for weeks!

PAGE 12 • OMG Magazine | Thursday 3rd October, 2013

e l y t s

OMG Magazine | Thursday 3rd October, 2013 • PAGE 13



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Ronaldo Roberts

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Stephen Doobal

PAGE 14 • OMG Magazine | Thursday 3rd October, 2013

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PAGE 16 • OMG Magazine | Thursday 3rd October, 2013

Are you too old to be the next Mark Zuckerberg? BY DEBRA KAYE

I was at a local networking event when a woman in her mid-40s approached me. “I think I’m overthe-hill in the creativity department,” she sighed. I was about to give a talk to the group about identifying new growth opportunities in traditional businesses. A couple of other women overheard and chimed in. “Mark Zuckerberg was 19 when he founded Facebook. Larry Page and Sergey Brin were 23 when Google popped into their heads. Bill Gates was only 20 when he founded Microsoft,” said one. At that moment, I knew I had to switch gears and address what seemed to be a pressing concern of these women, and probably a lot of other people who haven’t been 20-something for more than a decade. The age factor is an important question. The population is aging: By 2030, the average age will rise from 37 to 39 in the United States, from 40 to 45 in the European Union, and from 45 to 49 in Japan. If innovation is truly the domain of youth, we could be in trouble. The good news is: it isn’t. Here are some of the facts I laid out about age and innovation that turned their thinking around: 1. Older entrepreneurs are more successful than younger ones. Generally speaking, the Zuckerbergs of the world are the exception rather than the rule. The average age of tech company founders is closer to 40, according to Duke University scholar Vivek Wadhwa, who looked at 549 people who started successful technology companies. Wadhwa also discovered that older entrepreneurs success rates are higher than their younger counterparts. That’s because they bring more experience to the table, as well as a broad and deep network of relationships and a comprehensive knowledge of their field. The Kauffman Foundation, a Kansas Citybased group that studies and encourages entrepreneurship, found that people older than 55 are almost twice as likely to found successful companies as people in their twenties and early thirties. Female entrepreneurs, in particular, tend to start businesses as a second or third profession, and as a consequence, they tend to be older -- between 40 and 60 -- and better educated than right-outof-college entrepreneurs, making their odds of success pretty good.

Mark Zuckerberg

2. Older brains work better. Gary Small, director of the UCLA Center on Aging and author of The Memory Bible: An Innovative Strategy for Keeping Your Brain Young (Hyperion Books, 2003), says our brain circuitry actually works better in our 40s and 50s than it does in our 20s and 30s. We think better

and are better able to make innovative connections. Small also notes that older people can have greater insights than young people because they have more knowledge and memories to draw on as they unpack and synthesise new information. The ability to both anticipate problems and use complex reasoning skills improves as we age. 3. Creativity self-germinates. Stay actively engaged in your business and you will naturally be better able to innovate ideas to make it better. Lars Nyberg, professor of neuroscience at Umea University in Sweden, found that brain maintenance is the primary determinant of successful cognitive aging and that includes maintenance at all levels: cellular, neurochemical, gray and white-matter integrity, and systems-level activation patterns. While various genetic and lifestyle factors have an effect on brain maintenance in older people, consistent “interventions” such as social, intellectual and physical stimulation “reliably show greater cognitive performance with a brain that appears younger than its years,” Nyberg says. 4. Competitive behaviour peaks in your 50s. Older people are better at taking competition-oriented risks to achieve a bigger payoff. “Competitions are really important as people go after resources, political positioning, college admission, jobs and the like,” said researchers from the University of Oregon who studied people ages 25 to 75. “How well you perform in them determines your success. Maybe it’s all about choices people make. Seeing competitive risk-taking going up to age 50 was surprising to the researchers, but reassuring to those of us past 40. We can still compete effectively for many more years. Maintain your brain health through the proven methods of eating well, exercising regularly, and consistently engaging in stimulating intellectual and artistic pursuits, there is no reason you can’t come up with your best business ideas at any stage in life. Reading about wunderkinds and their multimilliondollar businesses, not to mention the emphasis on youthful images in advertising and other media can lead us to think only the young have something new to contribute. But we should know better. If you’re still not convinced, consider the average age at which 20th century Nobel Prize winners made their greatest innovations: 39. According to Kellogg School of Management economist Benjamin F. Jones, the largest number of great technological and scientific advances – a whopping 72 percent -came during an inventor’s 30s and 40s. Only seven per cent of them came before the age of 26. No matter your age -- if you’re in entrepreneurship for life, you’ll likely succeed.

OMG Magazine | Thursday 3rd October, 2013 • PAGE 17

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PAGE 18 • OMG Magazine | Thursday 3rd October, 2013

Get your battle plan ready


In his new book Die Empty, Todd Henry explains how even bright and skilled people can become stagnant in their career and introduces approaches to help them create work they can be proud of. In this edited excerpt, Henry outlines strategies for identifying your priorities and your passions. Die Empty was released on September 26. No army would charge into battle without understanding the battlefront. It would be mass suicide. Yet, many of us do this daily with our work. While most people have a good sense of the tasks and projects they’re accountable for, they haven’t taken the time to consider what they really care about and how it will find form in their work. They are lost in the fog of war. Priorities are difficult. When you choose one thing to focus on, you automatically choose not to focus on others. You cannot fight on every front. You must choose your battles wisely and

win them every time. These questions I’ve outlined below help you establish those all-important battle lines.

What will you stand for today? What will you refuse to compromise on, no matter what? What will define your terms of engagement? One of my favourite mission statements is from the Boca Restaurant Group: “Blow People Away.” It gives everyone from chefs to managers to servers an actionable operating code by which to approach their work. “Did I blow them away?” The question becomes a frame for evaluating every customer interaction, every meeting and every decision employees make. It’s their chosen battle line. What’s yours? Your battle plan: Look at your calendar and your task list. Think through potential challenges you may face, and how you will deal with them if they arise. What will you refuse to compromise on? What battles will you be required to fight? How will you blow them away? What do you know you should be doing, but have been ignoring? Frequently, entrepreneurs and creative professionals have an idea in the back of their mind that excites them when they consider it but they fear will become overwhelming and fail once they work toward it. One young entrepreneur that I met had been tossing around the idea for a business without even taking the smallest steps to make it happen. Every time we got together, he’d

mention the idea and how great he thought it could be. Finally, I told him, “I don’t want you to say another word about that idea. I think it’s great, but it’s not real. It’s just an idea. Unless you’re going to take a step toward making it happen I don’t want to hear about it again.” He looked at me with wide eyes. I don’t think anyone had spoken to him so honestly before. By all indications, most people just told him how great the idea was, and how it was going to be huge – someday. We agreed that rather than talking about it, he would take one small step each day toward making it happen. Action defines reality, and “potential” is nothing but unproven, hypothetical value. Your battle plan: Make a list of the things you know – deep down – you should be doing, but haven’t taken action on. What are the logical next steps and what can you do right away? Where are your “open loops”? These are the unfinished projects, the halfhearted efforts, or the unreconciled relationships. They are the projects that you’re afraid to say no to, but deep down you know that you can’t commit to. These must be either acted upon and made a priority, or immediately closed and put aside. If you have too many open loops in your life, your ability to focus on mission-critical things is diminished. You must become good at pruning your projects and commitments so that you have energy available for your most important work. Your battle plan: Make a list of your open loops and be as exhaustive as possible. Examine your list and dedicate fifteen to thirty minutes today to act on an open loop and make progress in a meaningful way to close it. The key takeaway is this: To avoid aimlessness, you have to stand for something. Don’t allow aimlessness to rob you of years of your life. You will ultimately be remembered for – and your body of work will be built upon – the battles you chose to spend your time fighting. Act with urgency and diligence today to define your throughline and your battles, then carefully allocate your focus, time, and energy on things that matter to you. There are battles that only you are equipped to fight, and while I can’t tell you what they are, I suspect you probably already know at least some of them. You need to act, and you need you to do it now. Run to the battle.

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Coco presents their Fifth Annual Dance Festival and Second Annual Dance Awards The Contemporary Choreographers Collective, better known as COCO, will present their fifth annual season of dance at Queen’s Hall from Thursday, October 10 to Sunday, October 13. The first night of the festival will also feature a short awards ceremony honouring a few of the many individuals and institutions which have supported the development of local dance in different ways. The collective was founded by Sonja Dumas, Dave Williams, Nancy Herrera and Nicole Wesley in 2009 and serves as the premier festival for contemporary dance in the country.

The main aim of the festival is to provide talented local choreographers with a platform for experimental and cutting edge choreography. Among the local choreographers this year are Allan Balfour, Anika Marcelle, Afiya Huggins, Jélae Stroude-Mitchell, Zhané George, Jillia Cato and newcomer Anaïs Hinds. In the past, the festival has also hosted guests from Jamaica, Canada and the United States. This year, Jacob Cino of Canada will again present a work and the festival will also host a United States contingent in the form of dance works by Nicole Wesley, Genevieve Durham DeCesaro and Ali Duffy of Texas Tech University and one by Brittany Williams.

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The Noble Douglas Lilliput Foundation for the Arts presents ‘Vecinos’ The Noble Douglas Dance Company and the Venezuelan Dance Company, Coreoarte, unite in a ground-breaking collaborative production In its commitment to positively contribute to the cultural landscape of Trinidad and Tobago while developing the performing arts, Noble Douglas’s non-profit organisation, the Noble Douglas Lilliput Foundation for the Arts (NDLFA) will present the Noble Douglas Dance Company Inc. (NDDCI) and the Venezuelan dance company, Fundación Coreoarte, in Vecinos…We Are Neighbours. The collaborative production will feature some of the iconic works of two neighbouring contemporary dance companies that have pioneered the art form to develop a unique expression in Caribbean dance. The production will open on Saturday October 19, 2013 at 7:30 p.m. and will continue on Sunday October 20, 2013 at 5:30 p.m. at Queen’s Hall.

Coreoarte is an artistic foundation that was founded in 1983 in Caracas by Profs Carlos Orta and Noris Ugueto with a vision to define a Latin-Caribbean body language that would be identified in a contemporary context. Employing an investigative platform that merges the media of dance, culture and tradition, the company has emerged as a leading force in Latin-Caribbean dance with its intensely dramatic performances and highly trained dancers. The internationally renowned company has performed on stages in Germany, Italy, Greece, Macedonia, Austria, Chile, Mexico, Aruba, Qatar, Guadeloupe, Trinidad and Tobago, Colombia and the USA. Vecinos will signal the return of Trinidad and Tobago’s Terry Springer, who has shone as a dancer, teacher and rehearsal director with the Spanish company for many years. In Trinidad and Tobago, Springer established his name in dance with performances in the annual Best Village Folk Competition and later with the Astor Johnson Repertory Dance Theatre of Trinidad and Tobago; the NDDCI; Caribbean School of Dancing; and the Bentley Potter School of Dan Terry Springer is captured in this expressive posture as he performs with the Venezuelan dance company, Coreoarte. Photo courtesy Coreoarte. As part of the NDLFA’s Arts Recruitment Training (A.R.T.) Programme, which aims to provide training in key areas of the performing arts and theatrical production, the NDLFA will also host an advanced dance workshop on Saturday October 19, 2013 and Sunday October 20, 2013 from 10 a.m. to noon on the Queen’s Hall stage. The NDDCI and Coreoarte will facilitate each two-hour workshop for intermediate and

advanced levels of dance. Participants will be charged a fee of $80 per workshop and registrations will run from Monday October 7, 2013 to Friday October 11, 2013 from 4:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. at 26 Petra Street, Woodbrook. Each day following the workshops, lovers of dance and the arts can look forward to the cross-cultural performances of NDDCI and Coreoarte in Vecinos. Tickets are priced at $250 for lower house seating and $200 for upper house seating and are available at Crosby’s Music Centre; and from October 14, 2013, at Queen’s Hall box office. For more information, visit the NDDCI Facebook page at or email or call (868) 367-5295. Leading male dancers, Kevin Jack and Kwasi Romero, perform Allan Balfour’s piece, Ties, during NDDCI’s 2012 dance season, Transition. Photo courtesy Mark Gellineau for the NDDCI. WHAT: Vecinos…We Are Neighbours WHO: Noble Douglas Lilliput Foundation for the Arts presents the Noble Douglas Dance Company Inc. and Fundación Coreoarte WHEN: Saturday October 19, 2013 at 7:30 p.m. and Sunday October 20, 2013 at 5:30 p.m. WHERE: Queen’s Hall, St. Ann’s TICKETS: Lower House - $250 and Upper House - $200. Tickets available at Crosby’s Music Centre, St. James – (868) 622-SOCA (7622) and members of the NDDCI. From October 14, 2013 at Queen’s Hall box office – (868) 624-1284 The NDDCI in the re-staging of Jeffrey Carter’s 1993 choreography, Rhythmic Souls, during the 2012 dance season, Transition. Photo courtesy Mark Gellineau for the NDDCI.

The Lion King Auditions for Singers and Dancers The Chancellor Hotel, 5 St. Ann's Avenue, St. Ann’s, Trinidad and Tobago Registration: Wednesday, 18 September 2013, 9.00 am - 11.00 am

Disney Theatrical Productions are seeking ...


Seeking strong male and female singers who move very well to be in the ensemble and cover principal roles. Be prepared to sing one brief standard R&B, pop or rock and roll song that shows off your voice and range. Please do not sing material from THE LION KING. No standard Broadway theatre music.


Seeking strong male and female dancers with a modern/ballet dance background-late teens to early 30’s. Some male dancers require strong acrobatic skills.

Singers & Dancers

All singers and dancers must be prepared for possible recalls on Thursday 19 September 2013. IMPORTANT! See links to requirements and guidelines below. Audition Preparation ...

Requirements • Guidelines • Contact

The Lion King Auditions for Singers and Dancers (Flyer PDF): lionking/lionking_flyer.pdf FaceBook Event:

Video including cast members from T&T

OMG Magazine | Thursday 3rd October, 2013 • PAGE 23

open your mind and the rest will follow


Building 33, Central Warehousing Complex Charlieville, Republic of Trinidad & Tobago




studio rental

MAKE THE JUMP | | 868.223.4PIN (4746) | 868.223.0111 | 868.223.4111

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PAGE 26 • OMG Magazine | Thursday 3rd October, 2013

Interview Stephen Doobal | Story Amelia C. Ramjarrie

Sunny Bling (Keron Sealey) is a 28-year-old who possesses a charismatic persona that you can hear from 6 a.m. .to 9:00 p.m. on the radio station, Slam from Monday to Friday. You can also see him on b-Mobile advertisements, cooking shows, and game shows. He even promotes Japs Fried Chicken. Obviously he is very versatile and has mastered the essential skill of marketing oneself in the entertainment industry. However, in 2002 he would have never thought of himself being in the entertainment industry. Why? He was attending the Hotel School where he pursuing culinary management. While there, Bling met Chef Peru who really liked his comedic personality and persuaded him to audition for a comedy tent. It’s only after landed a one-year job at Synergy that the name Sunny Bling appeared. One day Keron made rings and chains with foil. There was a woman from Xtatik, a Ms Simone, who saw him and his antics. She then said to him, “Sunny you real blinging today!” Hence, the name Sunny Bling.


Ronaldo Roberts Photographer

Stephen Doobal

Sunny worked hard at his craft and many were impressed with his skills, including Glen Howard who had launched his new radio station, Boom Champions. Bling earlier in his career had done shows for Glen at Club Caribbean. Although the shows at the clubs weren’t big, Glen remembered how talented Bling was and hired him. Bling was able to work on the Morning Drive and Evening Drive and at a certain period handled both prime time slots. But after the birth of his second child, he gave up the evening prime time show so he could spend more time at home. Many people like to change environments because they like to face new challenges and meet new people. Bling, like one of those persons, decided that he wanted to change environment, he left

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Boom champions and went to work at Slam. He accepted the new offer as he wanted to be a part of something new and grow with the organisation. What’s in store for Sunny Bling? He plans to develop a training centre in entertainment and broadcasting. Very soon, Sunny is opening the first soca tent which will be launched at Amnesia on the Avenue. He wants to extend the season of soca. His soca tent will begin in the first week in November at 6-12 p.m. and will feature soca’s new and old artistes. Bling also plans to have an Amateur Monarch competition. This will feature up-and-coming soca artistes looking for a stage where they can show off their talent. As part of the competition, every night two artistes will perform and the crowd will get to choose the better of the two until there are ten finalists who will battle for the first prize. As for Sunny’s OMG moment, he stated it was the birth of his son. He was in the delivery room for several hours. “It was the same day that I had my last shooting of the show sponsored by Carib.” Bling says he was very fortunate to see the birth of his son. He says that the experience was “different”. He held the new-born infant in his arms and prayed, after which he left to do his show.

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Pumping Parties

OMG Magazine | Thursday 3rd October, 2013 • PAGE 29

lime .tt where the real limers go in Trinbago! Red October- 28th Sep 2013

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Pumping Parties

OMG Magazine | Thursday 3rd October, 2013 • PAGE 31

lime .tt where the real limers go in Trinbago!

WeTT Republic Music Festival - 23rd Sep 2013

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How to get rid of a sore neck Have you ever had a really sore neck that seemed almost impossible to get rid of? If you have, this is for you! Sore necks can be caused by a variety of things, including uncomfortable sleeping positions, injuries, and ergonomically lacking workstations. Whatever the cause is, sore neck can be cured with a little work. Here’s how.

Step 1

Exercise the muscles slowly. Slowly rotate your neck in a circular motion to help stretch out the agitated muscles. This may be somewhat uncomfortable at first, but it ultimately helps to alleviate the pain. Move your neck slowly back and forth. Stop the movement if and when you begin to feel any pain. Your range of motion should improve the more you flex your neck back and forth. Move your neck from side to side. Stop the movement if and when you begin to feel any pain. As in the first exercise, your range of motion should improve the more you flex your neck. Move your neck in a figure-8 pattern. This means moving it side-to-side while you simultaneously move it up and down. Do this slowly and stop if you feel any pain.

Step 2

Take over-the-counter drugs such as acetaminophen or ibuprofen. These drugs should help relieve pain in the neck. Do not, however, give aspirin to children below the age of 18, as aspirin in children has been linked to Reye’s syndrome, which causes severe swelling of the brain.

Step 3

Take a shower. Let the lukewarm to hot water run over your neck for at least four or five minutes. Keep your neck straight as you do this, and do not turn it.

Step 4

Soak with bath salts. Bath salts can help improve circulation, relieve muscle tension, and reduce stress. Experiment with different bath salt additives for added pain relief.

Epsom salts may be used in a warm bath. Epsom salts are made of magnesium and sulfate, and offer a go-to remedy for many health ailments in addition to relaxing the mind. Magnesium helps regulate the activity of numerous enzymes, as well as raising serotonin levels in the brain.

comfortable position. If pain is severe seek help. If you have been in an accident, are experiencing illness, or think you might have whiplash, see your doctor about getting a proper medical neck brace.

Step 9

Step 5

Get a massage. Consult with your doctor before getting a massage if the pain has been persistent for a long period. Go get a massage at your local spa. Massages are costly, but shop around for good service.

Step 6

Acupuncture may be effective for chronic neck pain. Tests in the past decade have corroborated the effectiveness of acupuncture.[1] Acupuncture and massage both offer intense pressure inside muscles, but acupuncture may be better suited to offering a higher intensity pressure inside the muscle.[1]

Use a heating pad. Apply a heating pad for a couple of minutes to help to stimulate blood flow in your neck.

Use an ice pack. Apply an ice pack, or something from the freezer wrapped in a towel to the affected area. Ice will dull the pain better than heat will.

Step 7

Apply a balm to the sore neck. Balms come with many different applications; they can be herbal, analgesic (pain relief), or rubefacient (increase circulation). Know which kind of balm you are using. Balms such as IcyHot or Namman Muay (an herbal balm from Thailand) help heat or simulate heat on the skin. IcyHot purports to dull the pain with cold, after which it heats the ache away. Massage or rub these or similar balms into the neck area for mild pain relief.

Step 8

If neck pain is severe, a neck brace may be needed to support the neck. Only use a brace if you feel your neck is unstable and the pain is severe. To do this at home, roll up a bath towel and wrap around your neck so that your base of your skull rests on top of the towel. Sit in a

Hydrotherapy, or water therapy, may also be effective. [2] Hydrotherapy may be done at home in the shower, and offers a different kind of massage. Target the neck with warm water for three to four minutes. Turn the water to its cold setting and target the neck for 30 seconds to a minute. Repeat as many times as necessary. Get a massage with different essential oils or rubbing alcohol. Essential oils such as lavender, tea tree, or citronella oils can impart healing properties in addition to stimulating the sense of smell. Rubbing alcohol starts off cold and gradually gets warmer, offering the same effect as some balms.

The easiest way to live longer

OMG Magazine | Thursday 3rd October, 2013 • PAGE 33

By Dr. Mehmet Oz and Dr. Michael Roizen

Chia Seeds

The many health benefits Chia seeds are native to South America and have been a staple in Mayan and Aztec diets for centuries. Today, they draw the interest of many people for their health benefits and uses in cooking. It turns out the South American staple is a rich source of nutrients and antioxidants.

A raft of sobering reports released in July 2013 reveals some surprising facts underlying the overall health and wellbeing of Americans today. We’re here to give you the good news, the bad news—and a little more good news at the end. Here’s something to make you jump for joy: Americans are moving more than ever before. Over the last decade, the number of women in this country meeting their minimum physical activity requirements (150 minutes of moderate activity or 75 minutes of vigorous activity per week) has increased 4.7 percent. Now, just over half of women in the U.S. are getting what they need—and they’re catching up to men, of whom 56 percent meet the recommendation. But we can do better than half, can’t we? We have to, because even this positive upswing in biking, hiking, jogging and swimming isn’t doing enough to stem the tide of obesity. (Heres the start of that bad news we were talking about.) Obesity is still on the rise. More than 36 percent of women are obese, up 6.4 percentage points since 2001. Of course, a lack of activity isn’t the only thing that leads to obesity. There’s another obvious cause, and that’s what and how much we eat. The bad news continues: According to a nationwide report from the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation, our diets are the number one cause of death in this country. More than cancer, more than heart disease, more than tobacco. If you have any question whether what you choose to put in

your body really matters, consider this: The 678,282 premature deaths in 2010 attributable to dietary risks is significantly greater than the totals for smoking, alcohol and drugs, combined.

Omega-3 Fatty Acids Chia seeds are rich in polyunsaturated fats, especially omega-3 fatty acids. Chia seeds’ lipid profile is composed of 60 percent omega-3s, making them one of the richest plantbased sources of these fatty acids -specifically, of alpha-linolenic acid, or ALA. The omega-3s in chia seeds can help reduce inflammation, enhance cognitive performance and reduce high cholesterol.

So what does this mean? Well, that’s the other bit of good news. It means there’s a simple, easy way you can take control of your health. Eat better food. Limiting processed and fast food, incorporating fresh or frozen fruits and vegetables into every meal, and cutting down on sugar (especially in beverage form) is a cure-all for better health and wellness. And you don’t need a prescription.

Fibre Fibre is associated with reducing inflammation, lowering cholesterol and regulating bowel function. Chia seeds are an excellent source of fibre, with a whopping 10 grams in only 2 tablespoons. That is one-third of the daily recommended intake of fiber per day. Antioxidants Chia seeds are rich in antioxidants that help protect the body from free radicals, aging and cancer. The high antioxidant profile also helps them have a long shelf life. They last almost two years without refrigeration. Minerals Two tablespoons of chia seeds contain 18 percent of the DRI for calcium, 35 percent for phosphorus, 24 percent for magnesium and about 50 percent for manganese. These nutrients help you prevent hypertension and maintain a healthy weight, and are important for energy metabolism and a part of DNA synthesis. Gluten-Free Chia seeds contain no gluten or grains. Therefore, all of the nutritional benefits of chia seeds can be obtained on a gluten-free diet.

Egg Replacer The outer layer of chia seeds swells when mixed with liquids to form a gel. This can used in place of eggs to lower cholesterol and increase the nutrient content of foods and baked goods. To make the egg replacement, mix 1 tablespoon of chia seeds with 3 tablespoons of water and let sit for 15 minutes. Can Be Digested Whole Unlike flaxseeds, which are also high in omega-3 fatty acids, fibre and minerals, chia seeds do not need to be ground in order to obtain their nutrient or eggreplacement benefits. Dyslipidemia A study published in the British Journal of Nutrition showed that chia seeds as a dietary fat source can lower triglycerides and cholesterol levels while increasing HDL or “good” cholesterol. The study also found that when substituting chia seeds for other fat sources, such as corn oil, the ALA was able to prevent high triglyceride levels and reduce central obesity. Blood Sugar Regulation Chia seeds can play an important role in regulating insulin levels. They can reduce insulin resistance and decrease abnormally high levels of insulin in the blood.

PAGE 34 • OMG Magazine | Thursday 3rd October, 2013

Rihanna - “Pour It Up”




Ylvis “The Fox”

Tyler, the Creator, Hodgy Sia Feat. The Weeknd & Diplo Beats, Domo Genesis, & - “Elastic Heart” Earl Sweatshirt - “Look”

DMX Feat. Rakim, Shontelle & Aleks D “Don’t Call Me”

Meek Mill Feat. Nicki Minaj, French Montana & Fabolous “I B On Dat “

Britney Spears Work B**ch

Agnez Mo feat. Timbaland & T.I. “Coke Bottle”

Lupe Fiasco “Pound Of Flesh”

Ciara “Overdose” Keyshia Cole “I Choose You”

OMG Magazine | Thursday 3rd October, 2013 • PAGE 35

Take a taste of the hottest movie trailers on the planet...


Ender’s Game


Seventh Son

See our full line-up of movie trailers every Friday @ 5pm and Saturday @ 5:25pm... Exclusively on

PAGE 36 • OMG Magazine | Thursday 3rd October, 2013

Sonam Kapoor: I love beautiful lingerie and corsets by Rashma Shetty Bali

She is the style diva of B-town and is more famous for her fashion appearances than her roles onscreen. Sonam Kapoor in a recent interview confessed how what is inside matters as much or more than what is out, “I love beautiful lingerie and corsets are a part of that. What you wear underneath matters. It gives you confidence and makes your clothes stand out. Even if I’m in a tee and denims, I feel sexier. I’m constantly making so many fashion faux pas. But I am so comfortable in my skin so it’s not easy to spot those moments. Or else I could end up looking stupid. So it’s just a matter of owning up to your look, loving yourself and what you wear. I don’t care about people judging me.”

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Warning 3D movie review: Stay away from this film! by IANS Click the button to view Warning Theatrical Trailer

The underwater thriller generates more laughs than thrills! Film: Warning; Cast: Santosh Barmola, Suzana Rodrigues, Varun Sharma, Manjari Phadnis, Jitin Gulati, Sumit Suri and Madhurima Tulii; Director: Gurmmeet Singh Water waste of time! Slasher movies work best on terrafirma where girls in a state of disrobed desperation make a dash for safety. Alas, here the characters have nowhere to run to. Neither do we. In Warning, the entire slasher genre is shifted to the aqua splendour of the Fijian water where true to its genre, characters start getting killed/wounded/ slashed/maimed. The ladies of this uproariously funny slasher movie get to wear swimwear most of the time. No censor objection since they are in the water. And surely you can’t swim in a burqa! But yes, you can get killed in the azure acres of silence. Water runs deep when it is marred by killer fish. Koi shark?! The 3D format is used here in a strangely eccentric and miserly way. When you expect the water to surge towards you, there is just a flat silence on the screen. You are left wondering why those silly glasses were required in the first place. Sigh, Life of Pi in the high seas was so much more eloquent. In Warning, the water just seems to invite violence and not of a very convincing kind. The young actors seem to be in it for the all-expenses paid Fijian holiday with a bit of amateur shooting thrown in to legitimise the vacation costs.

Everyone connected with the film does a lazy, if not altogether a lousy job. One does like to encourage new talent and one would like to give these newcomers the benefit of the doubt. There is very little plot, only a whole lot of deep water to sink one’s teeth and other body parts in. The intended tension gets suffocating after 20 minutes. And 3D be da**ed! How much and how many times can you watch the actors jump into the deep end without losing their bearings? Some of the intended terror is plainly bland. And worse – when you are supposed to be trembling in fear, you actually find yourself shaking with laughter. Very honestly, there are seeds of a killer thriller somewhere in this watery mess. But what to do? While leaving for their Fijian holiday, the crew forgot to take along the script. Be warned. Undersea thrillers don’t work. Anthony D’Souza’s mega-disastrous Blue should’ve been warning enough. The last and only really successful water scarefest was Steven Spielberg‘s Jaws. Warning comes too late and with too little, in fact, almost nothing to offer. If you like horror films, please watch ground level slasher films. If you dig girls in bikinis, please watch Baywatch. But if you like to torture yourself with mid-ocean inertia, you know where to go!

Shabana Azmi, Rampal, Sanjay Dutt – Bald and the beautiful! by Namrata Thakker Films have often looked to larger than life historical figures for inspiration and Mahatma Gandhi has been the answer more often than not for filmmakers Mahatma Gandhi’s non-violence philosophy has been foundation of many Bollywood films. But the father of our nation has inspired Bollywood in more ways than the obvious. Many B-town celebs have been inspired by Gandhiji’s look and have gone bald for their movies. So on the occasion of Gandhi Jayanti, we look at some B-town stars who took the ‘bald’ step and pulled it off effortlessly. With all due respect to our Mahatma, of course!

actor went hairless and that’s what made his character look more realistic, menacing and dreadful. Sanju baba not only won accolades for his performance, but his bald look made the new Kaancha an iconic character. Arjun Rampal – After Ra.One, this handsome actor proved that pulling off any look for him is a cakewalk…hair or none! Arjun looks dashingly delicious, with or without his lovely locks. B-town ladies who went bald

B-town actors who dared to take the bald route Feroz Khan – The veteran actor shaved off his mane for Anees Bazmee’s Welcome and we are glad he did. Not everyone can pull off this look, but Fardeen Khan’s papa carried off his bald avatar with great élan, wethinks!

Shabana Azmi – The actor-cum-activist shaved off her tresses for Deepa Mehta’s controversial film Water. Though the film was not shot in India but in Sri Lanka due to protests, Shabana Azmi looked amazingly sexy in her bald avatar. Antara Mali – After playing glamorous roles in most of her films, this B-town babe went the bald way for her movie And Once Again. She played a monk in the film and the bald look complimented her sombre role quite well.

Sanjay Dutt – For Karan Johar’s Agneepath, the Munnbhai

Nandita Das – Like Shabana Azmi, Nandita too shaved her

head for Deepa Mehta’s ambitious project Water. And this dusky lass sure made the ‘bald’ look beautiful. B-town stars who refused to take it all off Shilpa Shetty Kundra – She got the rare opportunity to go bald and beautiful for her film ‘The Desire‘, but Shilpa had no desire to lose her hair. She chose to let prosthetics do the job instead. Amitabh Bachchan – For the sequel of Welcome, Big B was supposed to step into Feroz Khan’s shoes and even sport the same bald look. But the superstar refused to do away with his mane. Even in R Balki’s Paa, the now-famous bald Auro look was make-up! Shahid Kapoor – He is the latest on the I-am-not-going-bald list. Sasha is working in Vishal Bhardwaj’s desi version of Hamlet titled Haider but, contrary to reports, the Kapoor lad will not be chopping off his tresses to make his character look authentic. Or so he insists…

PAGE 38 • OMG Magazine | Thursday 3rd October, 2013

Richard Taylor 26, santa cruz Interview by Stephen Doobal/ Written by Amelia C Ramjarrie

Richard Taylor is 26 years old. He was originally from Santa Cruz but has migrated to St Augustine. Richard is a pop-art surrealist illustrator, a fact that intrigued me, as he has combined in his work totally different time periods and trends in art. Surrealist art is inspired by dreams and unusual things whilst pop art utilises bright colours and focuses on mass market images and ideas. Richard’s story began by him drawing stick figures and comic strips. After some time and a lot of practice these simple drawings evolved. He was heavily influenced by his four older brothers in terms of anime and games. Soon he began to design pieces that were heavily influenced by these activities. Over time his vision and technique developed. He was able to do work for Abovegroup Ogilvy, Lonsdale Saatchi & Saatchi, Kernrosefilms, CCN

TV6, Machel Montano, Kes The Band and b-mobile. Currently Richard is a freelance motion graphic designer. He owns his own business, One Rabbit Creative Force. He sees himself as a creative force as he does a range of things such as illustrations, photo manipulation, motion graphics and layout design. What are Richard’s future plans? Well, they include his passion for art. On November 12 he wants to sell some of his prints at the Heroes Convention that is being held at the NAPA. Richard eventually wants to put together a team to do what he does as he stated that there aren’t many people trained in motion graphics. In the next year he also intends to have a joint exhibition and a web comic online. As for Richard’s OMG moment, well it hasn’t happened yet. He said that it would be meeting and chatting with Skottie Young who is a Marvel Comics artist. Some of Young’s work includes illustrating the Spider-Man Legend of the Spider Clan mini-series as part of the Marvel Mangaverse as well as the Human Torch and the New X-Men for which he also wrote.

OMG Magazine | Thursday 3rd October, 2013 • PAGE 39

Lighting/Retouching by

Ronaldo Roberts Photo by

Stephen Doobal

artistof the week

Check out Ellij Nicholas work on facebook and tumblr

PAGE 40 • OMG Magazine | Thursday 3rd October, 2013

Juicy J: 5 new things to know about Miley Cyrus’ alleged baby’s dad You may know his songs, but do you know Juicy’s favourite juice? Get the juicy scoop on Juicy J right here. Juicy J, 38, has a major musical legacy and devoted fan base behind him, but when reports of him allegedly announcing a pregnancy with Miley Cyrus broke, lots of people discovered him — and his music! — for the first time. Brush up on your Juicy J trivia, or learn all about him here! Juicy J: 5 Things To Know About Miley Cyrus’ Alleged Baby’s Dad 1. His real name is Jordan Michael Houston. Juicy J’s stage name is pretty cool, but it isn’t as fun as the fact that his name is basically Michael Jordan’s name backwards. Appropriate, because he rapped on Mike WiLL Made It and Miley Cyrus’ new track, “23,” which pays homage to the basketball legend’s jersey number.

Juicy j and miley cyrus

2. He was one of the founding members of Three 6 Mafia. In 1991, Juicy J founded the

Derek Nance, Kentucky man, has eaten only raw meat for 5 years Derek Nance has a bone to pick. Constantly. For the last five years Nance has eaten only raw meat from animals he slaughtered. He consumes almost the entire carcass -- the innards and fat included. The nearly exclusive flesh diet makes us queasy, but Nance believes it cured his own nausea problem. Five years ago, Nance was vomiting constantly. He began to experiment with several diets, including vegan. Then he went to the other extreme, excluding almost anything without a heartbeat, as part of his own interpretation of the Paleo diet (also known as the caveman diet). "I've physically gotten stronger and more physically robust," he told The Huffington Post. And no expiration dates for this committed carnivore. Rotting meat is OK. Someone else's rancid is Derek's USDA choice because it's probiotic, he told in a story that

sparked viral interest in the 30-year-old Kentuckian. Dad doesn't approve, but his vegetarian girlfriend understands. A father of four, he also admitted that his eating habits "kind of led up to" his previous marriage ending in divorce. It's complicated. Nance's unusual meal plan (lamb is his preference) has been documented from time to time over the past few years. A 2012 YouTube entry shows him cracking open a lamb leg that's been aging in the fridge and sucking out the marrow. "I wash it all down with a good cup of blood," he says, and does so. But perhaps our favourite raw video comes at the beginning of "Extreme Animal Obsessions," a short film posted on Vimeo in 2011. Spotting rabbit roadkill, Nance slices a piece and eats it right off the knife.

group withDJ Paul and Lord Infamous. Members Crunchy Black, Gangsta Boo, and Koopsta Knicca all joined the project later. From an underground project started in Memphis, Three 6 Mafia expanded into a huge empire. 3. He won an Oscar! Three 6 Mafia won the Academy Award for Best Original Song, “It’s Hard Out Here For A Pimp,” in 2006. The song was featured in the film Hustle & Flow. 4. Juicy J’s favourite juice is … orange juice. He frequently posts Instagram pics of his breakfast mimosas, featuring the flavourful citrus juice. 5. He ran a $50,000 college scholarship video contest. Juicy wants ladies to go to college — and ran a video contest encouraging young women to get creative with their video submissions! According to, Juicy J and musical collaboration partner Miley announced that they were expecting a baby together at the BET Hip Hop Awards in Atlanta.

Derek Nance At least one dietitian has a beef with Nance's lifestyle, even if he occasionally indulges in an avocado or coconut. "Although in theory this may seem like a sensible diet, particularly when removing sugar and salt, it has eliminated several food groups like dairy and grains, which provide essential nutrients such as calcium, vitamin D, magnesium and phosphorus in dairy and B vitamins, fibre and antioxidants in grains," Joy Dubost of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics told HuffPost in a previous report on the Paleo diet.

OMG Magazine | Thursday 3rd October, 2013 • PAGE 41

Robyn Rihanna Fenty

Rihanna wants kids someday, but she doesn't have a 'potential baby daddy' yet Rihanna looks absolutely stunning on the November cover of Glamour. The fashion mag followed the singer to her home in Barbados, where Rihanna discussed fear and having kids some day. Ri talks vaguely about being "fearless" again, but we knew the Barbadian badass would find

her strength. Perhaps more surprising were her comments about being a mom. When it comes to having kids one day, the "Diamonds" singer's mind is made up: “One day I will have kids. I look forward to the day when I’m gonna be a mom. But I’m nowhere close. I don’t even have a potential baby daddy!” When it comes to the maternal instinct, it seems no woman is immune.

Man named ‘Fudge’ arrested for stealing desserts Having a suggestive adjective as a first name can lead to a lot of teasing. Think of Conor P. Fudge, the man accused of stealing ice cream and cakes from a Cold Stone Creamery store in Iowa City, Iowa. 25-year-old Fudge will never live down the fact that he was caught on camera stealing all sorts of ice cream, cakes, cash, and hopefully some mix-ins (the good mix-ins, not the gummy bears that freeze the second they hit the ice cream) from his former employer.

Check out Rihanna’s Raunchy performance on her latest music video Pour It Up (Explicit)

The cameras captured Fudge opening the safe and taking money, and then caught him taking cakes and containers of ice cream. All told, he allegedly stole $501 worth of cash and ice cream . The reports make no mention of what he did with the multiple ice cream cakes, but hopefully he brought them to parties because more parties should have ice cream cakes.

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Master Nau


Master Nau is 16 inches tall and aspires to be named world's shortest man An elderly Nepali villager who stands just 16 inches tall has lofty aspirations to be named the world's shortest man. Master Nau, 73, claims to be the shortest man in the Guinness World Records' immovable category, which measures people who can not walk. Nau recently flew to Kathmandu, where he lobbied for the honor, according to the Telegraph. To obtain the distinction, Guinness officials will have

to acknowledge his tiny feat. If he's named as the shortest man, he'll beat out his rival, a Taiwanese man who stands 27 inches tall. "Our records management team received a formal application and they are currently assessing the proposal," a representative from Guinness said in an e-mail to HuffPost Weird News. Nau lives with his younger brother's family in Bhairahawa, 217 miles southwest of Kathmandu. "I am very happy," Nau told the AFP.

Five o’clock video: Usher’s ‘Sesame Street’ abcs is the most charming thing ever The Popdust Files: Five O'Clock Video, Math, Sesame Street, Television, Usher, Viral Videos After the dark emotional turns of Looking 4 Myself and “Climax,” sometimes we forget that Usher has the best smile in the business. Thanks, Sesame Street, for reminding us.

Tyra Banks sues:

Wigmakers stole my very, very famous name You can't go slapping Tyra Banks' name willynilly on wigs -- not without her slapping back with a massive lawsuit for 10 million dollars ... TMZ has learned. Tyra just filed a lawsuit in L.A. County against 10 companies that make wigs ... and in the suit she claims they're all biting her "name, photograph, image, and identity" -- as well as her trademarks. We know squat about wigs ... but some quick research revealed several of the companies do have Tyra's photos and Tyra inspired wigs on their websites. A few examples: The Yaki straight[Tyra-Banks style] wig, the Tyra Banks custom lace wig #046,

and our fave -- the Tyra Banks inspired human hair wig. We're guessing it's not actually TB's hair you're buying ... although it does cost $300! Several pages of the lawsuit are spent on spelling out how valuable her trademark is because she's a huge star ... and to prove it her IMDB profile -- all 11 pages -are attached to the suit as Exhibit A. To be fair, the suit also refers to Tyra as a "former supermodel." TB is suing for an injunction to stop the sale of the infringing products -- and at least $10 million in damages. Fun fact: Tyra's first acting credit was Jackie Ames on "The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air" in 1995. Thanks Exhibit A.

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JUSTIN BIEBER: I SHALL NOT WALK THE GREAT WALL OF CHINA... Carry me, bitches! Like a real life King Joffrey, Justin Bieber ordered his goons to carry him up the Great Wall of China today ... and, lucky for us, someone took a picture.


Couple having sex on railroad tracks fails to notice oncoming train A couple who stopped to have relations on railroad tracks in an effort "to spice up their sexual life" were subsequently run over by a train. Authorities in the Ukranian city of Zaporizhia say the 41-year-old man and his thirtysomething girlfriend "failed to overcome their natural passion...and wanted to experience an extreme sensation near the railroad tracks." While in the throes of ill-advised passion,

the couple also failed to notice the switcher locomotive barrelling down upon them. Ukraine's Interior Ministry said the woman was killed instantly, but the man survived. He did, however, lose both his legs, and remains hospitalised in critical condition. A local news outlet is reporting that the man will likely be charged with a crime for violating the country's rules governing railroad usage.

Biebs is in the middle of a tour in Beijing -- and in between shows, he decided to check out one of his fellow wonders of the world.

But, alas, Bieber didn’t feel like stretching his royal legs (or he just wanted a goofy shot to post on his Instagram) ... so he chose to traverse the stone steps by the old “man-mule” method. Kinda par for the course these days with Bieber. Still, we gotta ask ...

Saw-swinging attacker apologises after mistakingvictims, flees A north Texas man allegedly attacked a father and son before realising he mistook the pair for someone else. The alleged attacker then apologised before fleeing. Jose DeLeon, 50, was with his 25-year-old son, Jose Avila, at a gas station Sunday when a man approached them. The StarTelegram reports that the man was wielding an ax and threatening them with violence. “Avila said he could not remember what was being said but only understood ‘You took’ while he was raising the ax at him,” a report by the Fort Worth police department said. “Avila feared for his life and felt the male was going to harm him with the ax.” DeLeon then attempted to help his son, yelling at the man to stop. This prompted the attacker to put the ax down and take out an electric saw from the back of his pickup truck, according to the police. “The male is grabbing it from the saw end and swings it at DeLeon and strikes him with it on the left side of his head, causing a laceration,” the report said. Father and son managed to wrestle the saw away from the attacker, who allegedly realised his mistake, apologised, and got back into his truck before driving off.

“I’m sorry. I thought you were somebody else,” the attacker reportedly told the father and son before leaving the scene. Police are still searching for the man, according to the Associated Press. The report describes the assailant suspect as white, about 5 feet 11 inches and 180 pounds. He was wearing an orange Whataburger T-shirt and jeans and was driving a primer-coloured mid-’80s pickup with a possible partial license plate of BB3. In Florida, police are still looking for a man who allegedly threw an ax through the window of a teen's car while yelling racial slurs in June. Two of the three teens in the car suffered minor cuts. In August, a Utah man was caught on video swinging an ax at a teenage boy. The boy received minor injuries in the attack, and the alleged attacker faces aggravated assault charges.

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