Environment requirement

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No Trees, No You Without the trees that surround us daily, we could not survive.

Poach Approach There are many different species of endangered animals that need your


Power at its Purest Power we use every day may soon be gone!

Air: The Deadly Pollution Did you know that dangerous chemicals fill our air?

H2oH No! About 70% of Earth’s surface is covered in water-and our water is dirtier than you think!

CRANKIN’ UP THE HEAT! Global warming is more serious than you think!

Do You Live in a Healthy Community? Find out inside!

Protect our beaches! Be cleaner and don’t litter because our trash gets in the ocean and can kill many variety of animals.

(1)Cranking Up the Heat (3) Air: The Deadly Pollution (5) H20H No! (7) No Trees, No You (9) Do You Have a Healthy Community? (11) Poach Approach (13) Power at its Purest

drive further increases in the warming of Antarctica.

In the Antarctic Peninsula, glaciers spread through the land like a blanket and ice caps cover the icy blue waters. Penguins dive deep into the water to munch on some krill and polar bears take naps on the snowy terrain. But, what if their habitat were melted away? The average temperature in Antarctica keeps increasing, making this a possibility. The rapid increase in temperature is

causing much concern. The temperature is rising at a rate far faster than ever before. Some believe the rising temperatures are caused by the activities of the human population over the last 150 years. The Antarctic Peninsula is experiencing air temperature increases of over 3°C in the past years. Although that might not seem like very much; it is 5 times the mean rate of global warming! Even though these rising temperatures seem small, they're causing a huge impact on the animal life, marine life and the landscape. But, what is the cause of this gradual change of climate? Studies show that the increase in greenhouse gases has produced a hole in the ozone layer which has increased temperatures at the North Pole. (Poor Santa) Despite an expected recovery of ozone amounts, the effects of greenhouse gas will likely conquer more. It will

One of the main problems causing this disturbance is the greenhouse effect. The greenhouse effect is the trapping of the sun's warmth in the planet's lower atmosphere. This is due to the greater transparency of the atmosphere to visible radiation. This is from the sun, rather than from infrared radiation emitted from the planet's surface. Greenhouse gases are molecules found in the earth’s atmosphere. They can occur naturally or can be produced by man. This process slowly melts away the frozen surface causing a negative effect over time. This is what is believed to be happening to the Antarctic Peninsula.

The earth’s most abundant greenhouse gases are: • Water vapor • Carbon dioxide • Methane • Nitrous oxide • Ozone • CFC’s (Chlorofluorocarbons)

Although these temperatures rise slowly, the warming of the Antarctic Peninsula is causing changes to the physical and living environment in Antarctica. Melting of essential snow and ice

covers has resulted in increased colonization by plants; this means that groups of plants chucked together are grown. These plants are not essential for survival. Many gigantic glaciers have also retreated, impacting the animal’s habitats. Ice shelves each summer produce significant amounts of melt water on these shelves. Each shelf can tolerate only so much melt water before they weaken and begin to retreat, scientists call this the ‘limit of viability’. There have been dramatic changes in climate over the Antarctic Peninsula. In addition, this climate change is causing a decline in Antarctic krill in the southern ocean. Whales and penguins depend on krill as a main food source. Without krill, how will the animals supply themselves with a plentiful amount of food?

Adélie penguins, a species well adapted to sea ice conditions, have died in numbers, and landscape has been affected. Can we put a stop to this? Or will it simply melt away. We’ll see… British Antarctica Survey, (2014).Climate Change. [Full article] Retrieved from: http://www.antarctica.ac.uk/press/journalists/resources/science/climate%2 0change%20briefing.php EPA, (2014). Climate Change Indicators. [Full article] retrieved from: http://www.epa.gov/climate/climatechange/science/indicators/ghg/index.ht ml Education and Out Reach, (2014). Earth’s Atmosphere. [Part of article] retrieved from: http://www.esrl.noaa.gov/gmd/outreach/carbon_toolkit/basics.html Photo Bucket, (2013). Yesterday Today Tomorrow. [Full picture] retrieved from: http://s557.photobucket.com/user/Dare_2_Dream_4ever/media/Peace/wor ld.jpg.html Congregated, (2011) Rabid Polar Bears, [full picture] retrieved from: http://www.kongregate.com/forums/2438-factionrecruitment/topics/363768-rabid-polar-bears-level-18-8-tokens-daily

Air: The Deadly Pollution

Air pollution is any substance that humans put into the atmosphere that has damaging effects on the environment or living things. Carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas, is the main pollutant causing global warming and air pollution on earth. Carbon dioxide is produced by cars, planes, power plants, and the burning of fossil fuels.

Air pollution is a mixture of solid particles and gases in the air. It occurs when the air contains harmful amounts of gases, dust, and fumes. Air can be polluted both indoors and outdoors. Tobacco and other kinds of smoking are examples of indoor air pollution. Other indoor air pollutants are mold, radon, carbon monoxide and dioxide, dust mites, pollen, and other fumes. Strong perfume is also an indoor pollutant and can be as bad as cigarette smoke. It may be hard to believe but indoor air pollution can be worse than outdoor air pollution.

When most people think of outdoor air pollution, they think of smog. Air pollution around cities is clearly visible from space. Air pollution from China can travel all the way to California. Outdoor air pollution is one of the top 10 killers on earth. Motor vehicles produce more air pollution than any other single human activity. Other outdoor air pollutants are emissions from factories, the burning of fossil fuels, and chemicals from houses and farms. Some of the natural causes of outdoor air pollution are volcanoes, dust storms, and forest fires. More hazardous pollutants are discharged into the air each year than are released to surface water, ground water, and land, combined.

Children breathe more air per pound of body weight than adults and are more susceptible to air pollution. Air pollution threatens the health of human

beings and other living things on our planet. Air pollution causes smog and acid rain, cancer or other serious health effects. Breathing air pollution can take 12 years off of your life. By 2050, 6 million people will die a year because of air pollution.

Electric cars, recycling, conserving energy, and using green products are ways we can reduce outdoor air pollution. One full commuter bus can mean 40 less cars going through your neighborhood. The best ways to prevent air pollution are to walk and ride a bicycle. Air pollution in

Be resolute with your pursuit, DON’T POLLUTE!

Some ways to reduce indoor air pollution are source removal, air cleaning, increased ventilation, removal of allergens, and not smoking.

Help keep our air clean.

New York City has been reduced by half. If other large cities can do the same, then our planet might stop global warming.

*** Dosomething.org, (10-30-14).11 Facts about Indoor Air Pollution. Retrieved from https://www.dosomething.org/tipsandtools/11-facts-about-indoor-air-pollution Conserve-energy-future.com, (10-30-14). Conserve Energy Future. Retrieved from http://www.conserve-energy-future.com/various-air-pollution-facts.php evsroll.com, (10-30-14). Interesting Air Pollution Facts. Retrieved from http://evsroll.com/Interesting_air_pollution_facts.html 1. Bp.blogspot.com, (10-30-14). Shanghai Smog at Epic Hazard Levels. Retrieved from http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-XY-jrw1M3AI/UVCwHxIcbAI/AAAAAAAAA18/nfv-e8oBaw/s400/shanghai_smog.JPG ecofriend.com, (10-30-14). Air pollution. Retrieved from http://www.ecofriend.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/07/polluted_air_gliw3.jpg eschooltoday.com, (10-30-14). Basic Air Pollution Facts. Retrieved from http://eschooltoday.com/pollution/air-pollution/air-pollution-facts.html environment.nationalgeographic.com, (10-30-14) Air Pollution. Retrieved from http://environment.nationalgeographic.com/environment/global-warming/pollution-overview/ trbimg.com, (10-30-14). 1 in 8 deaths linked to air pollution. Retrieved from http://www.trbimg.com/img-53320dea/turbine/la-sci-sn-air-pollution-deaths-world-healthor-001/2048/2048x1365 epa.gov, (11-23-14). Ways to Reduce Air Pollution. Retrieved from http://epa.gov/oaqps001/peg_caa/reduce.html

H2OH NO! E.coli is just one of the many bacteria’s found in water. Now we will talk about pesticides in water and how it affects substantial water. Also how it affects ground water.

Pesticides Today there are many different types of bacteria that can be found in water. There affects can be harmful or helpful. One of the main bacteria’s we will talk about is E.coli.

E.coli E.coli is a bacterium that is commonly found in the feces of warm blooded animals. E.coli is also a member of the fecal coliform group. You can determine how many numbers of E.coli are in fresh water community by counting the number of yellow colonies growing on a micron filtered placed on a incubated area for 22- 24 hours. Lastly, E.coli can cause severe diseases if exposed to and maybe fatal to some small children.

Pesticides can be very bad to a society and a substantial community. A lot of pesticides can be found in ground water. Although, it can take a long time for pesticides show up in groundwater, it still can have a huge impact. The impact that it can have is it can contaminate the water which leads to people getting sick. That is why we need to keep our water clean. Now we will talk about runoff, acid rain, nitrogen, and urban water quality.


Runoff is very important, not just because it fills rivers and lakes, but it changes he landscape with erosion. Now let’s talk about what runoff is. Runoff is when it rains or snows, it doesn’t just not do anything, it sometimes soaks into the ground or runs downhill. Runoff is very helpful to our groundwater and scenery! Also sometimes runoff is a bad thing. It can pollute our water if it gets into an area that has chemicals and goes into a lake, river, and any body of water that we use to drink water.

No Trees, No You Deforestation is a big problem on earth that we need to fix. 30% of the earth is forests and 70% of earths animals live in forests that are being logged or cut down due to new human life. Deforestation is mainly caused by humans. Yet not all deforestation is caused by humans. It is a combination of human and natural factors. Some deforestation is caused by wildfires which can be started by people or naturally. Commercial agriculture is responsible for 32% of deforestation, logging is responsible for 14% of deforestation, fuel wood removals make up 5% of deforestation, and the remaining 48% is due to subsistence farming.

Deforestation has many negative effects on the environment. The worst effect is habitat loss for millions of species. Forests are planted to protect us from

natural disasters. Trees also play a critical role in absorbing the greenhouse gases that fuel global warming. So if we stop deforestation we can cut down on the Earths global warming. Without trees the air that we breathe would not by suitable for breathing. Without forests the regulation of water cycle, production of soil, habitats for animals, oxygen, regulation of temperature, and regulation of air will be affected. In deforested areas, the land heats up faster and reach a higher temperature. Deforestation increases the rate of soil erosion. The quickest way to stop deforestation is to recycle paper and use less paper. This is why so many families are starting to recycle more today. Deforestation has a history to it, and how much it has increased over time. Around 1852 global warming accelerated. Between 1852 and 1947 about 7.5 million kilometers of forests were destroyed out of the 16 million kilometers of forests on earth. In 2005 the United Nation estimated that we would lose a rate of 13 million hectares of forests will be destroyed each year. This estimate in 2005 has now been slowing. In 2002 there was estimation that we would lose 5.8 hectares of forests per year, this is now 23% below the modern rates. This means we have increased our rate of deforestation.

We need to stop deforestation, it is ruining our planet. Scientists predict that only 10% of the forests will remain in 2030, with another 10% in degraded positon. So let’s stop deforestation, because No trees means No you. Citations WorldWildlife.org. World Wildlife Fund, n.d. Web. 20 Nov. 2014. "Tropical Deforestation : Feature Articles." Tropical Deforestation : Feature Articles. N.p., n.d. Web. 19 Nov. 2014.

Save Our Seals

Do You Live in a Healthy Community? A sustainable community is a community that can maintain their environment, economy, and government. A community’s environment should be clean and free of pollution. A community should have good economy and a community should have a strong government. A healthy community will also focus on social equity. Social equity stands for equal work on all of the categories on making a community sustainable. A community should also have clean water, food, and land that make the community a better place to live. Most importantly a community should have people. The people in a community should be happy in order to make the community healthy. In some places the communities aren’t healthy. There are places were the environment that is full of pollution. The economy is so bad that it cost lots of money to do simple things. Plus the government won’t do anything about these problems.

This only happens to a community whose people don’t care that there home is becoming trashed. This could happen to your community if you don’t care.

Imagine living in one of these communities. Every day when you walk to school you walk through other people’s trash. And when you go to by lunch it cost way more than it is worth, and you know that your community will do nothing about this. Try to help your community by donating money so that your community can help the environment and the economy.

CAR FOR SALE!!! New car for sale today right at this moment!!! It’s brand new and not used!!! Buy it now JUST CALL (505)822-5956!!!

Give a big thanks to the following websites and picture urls: http://info madenu.edu Stanford Social Studies htp.dictonary.cim Building Sustainable communities video: Youtube.com WWW.ndrc WWW.Epa.gov/dced/pdf/partnership Yearl.pdf WWW.perservation.org WWW.epa.gov/region2/sustainabilty/greencommunities/ Trid.trb.org./view.ask?id=745366 MediaPolicycenter.org

Poach Approach! With 60 endangered species throughout the world, the Siberian Tiger is one of them. Siberian Tigers, as you probably already know, are known for their fur. As a result of that, they are being poached so their fur can be used for coats and other fashionable things. Siberian Tigers aren’t just used for their fur, but the inside of them as well. Their intestines are used for Chinese medicine, but because they are becoming so endangered, there is now a law against that in China and the USA. These beautiful tigers are also becoming endangered because of their habitat loss. They have to be in vast forest environments and there isn’t that many left anymore. The tigers are isolated, or so we thought. Logging roads, roads that loggers used to access trees, are allowing poachers to get into the tigers’ environment. There are many endangered species and this is just one out of many. Another endangered species in the world is the fennec fox. The fennec fox is a small nocturnal fox that lives in North Africa and Asia. This species has adapted to high-temperature and desert

environments as their large ears dissipate heat. They are also adapted to live without much drinking water. They mainly eat insects, birds, and small mammals. The main predator of this animal is an African variety of eagle owls. The fennec fox is endangered because of habitat loss. Their habitat in North Africa and Asia is being transformed into tourist centers. Also, humans trap fennec foxes for pet trade and fur. This animal lives in dens in the sand that are sheltered by plants, or sometimes they are found in open areas. The dens can be up to 120 square meters with as many as 15 entrances and are interconnected with different families. The animal is endangered, but based on frequent sightings their population is not threatened by extinction. Snow leopards are medium-sized wildcats native to the mountains of central and south Asia. These beautiful animals are also on the endangered species list. As of 2003, the global population was estimated to be 4,080-6,590 adults. Fewer than 2,500 may reproduce in the wild. Snow leopards have long, thick fur that can be from yellowish tan to gray. Their eyes can be pale green, gray or light blue. Snow leopards have stocky

bodies and wide paws that help them travel in snowy terrain.

poachers. The furs are used for rugs, coats and other things. Poachers will especially go for the babies, because even though their fur is smaller, it is softer. Please help these innocent animals!

Snow leopards can be helped by donating to organizations that help save the snow leopards. They help prevent poaching and habitat destruction. Snow leopards are hunted for their soft fur or their paws. This is illegal, but that doesn’t stop the

As you can see, there are many different species of endangered animals that need your help!

~**~ Adam Jones / Photo Researchers / Universal Images Group T.J. RICH / Nature Picture Library / Universal Images Group Rights Managed / For Education Use Only http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fennec_fox http://www.tigersincrisis.com/ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/snow_leopard

Power at its Purest Renewable Energy Oil, gas, coal, fossil fuels, and nuclear fuels are all examples of non-renewable resources. Non-renewable resources are resources in which we have very little supply in. The supply comes from the earth its self and these resources usually take thousands of years to make. Since we are using more than we are getting this may cause a very severe effect in our environment.

Renewable Energy Renewable resources are the resources that can be renewed and we will never run out of. These resources include solar energy, hydropower energy, geothermal energy, wind energy, and biomass energy. These resources do not harm the earth and they are great ways to power energy. Solar energy is one of the renewable resources. This resource can directly be used for heating and lighting a house, or in other buildings, for electricity, hot water heating, and solar cooling. Another renewable resource is using things like windmills. These things are

generated by air which makes energy for specific tasks (such as grinding grain or pumping water) or a generator can convert this mechanical power into electricity. Another renewable resource is water. As we all know, water is very important in everyday life, but water is also the healthiest resource for our Earth. Earth’s water is very natural yet complex. Hydropower is considered a renewable energy resource because it uses the earth’s water cycle to generate electricity . Hydropower often requires the use of dams, which can greatly affect the flow of rivers, altering ecosystems and affect the wildlife and people who depend on those waters. Trees are also very vital for healthy renewable energy. Here are some examples of renewable energy tree

resources: Alder, American Black Walnut, American White Wood, Balsa Wood, Birch, Cedar, Cherry, Elm, European Lime, Fir, Laurel,

Maple, Oak, Obeche, Olive, Pine, Spruce, Teak, Wenge, and the Yew tree. Trees are used for many things, including making paper and furniture. They also clean the air we breathe. The last r-enewable energy/ renewable resource is geothermal energy.

Geothermal energy is the heat from the Earth. It’s clean and sustainable. Resources of geothermal energy range from the shallow ground to hot water and hot rock found a few miles beneath the Earth’s surface, and down even deeper to the extremely high temperatures of molten rock called magma.

Nonrenewable Energy Nonrenewable energy is a resource or energy that is not healthy or clean for Earth. Examples of nonrenewable resources are: Fossil fuels, coal, natural gas, and nuclear energy. Fossil fuels are fuels formed by natural processes such as anaerobic decomposition of buried dead organisms. The age of the organisms and their resulting fossil fuels is typically millions of years, and sometimes exceeds 650 million years. Coal (from the Old English term col, which has meant “mineral of fossilized carbon” since the 13 century) is a combustible black or brownish-black sedimentary rock usually occurring in rock strata in layers or veins called coal beds or coal seams. th

Natural gas is a fossil fuel formed when layers of buried plants, gases, and animals are exposed to intense heat and pressure over thousands of years. The energy that the plants originally obtained from the sun is stored in the form of chemical bonds in natural gas.

Nuclear energy is the generate useful heat and nuclear decay and nuclear

use of exothermic nuclear processes, to electricity. The term includes nuclear fission, fusion.

Renewable Energy World.com,

(November 13, 2014). Type of Renewable Resource. [1 page]. http://www.renewableenergyworld.com/rea/tech/home

Energy.gov, (November 14, 2014). How Do Wind Turbines Work. [1 page]. http://energy.gov/eere/wind/how-do-wind-turbines-work National Geographic, (November 14, 2014). Non-Renewable Energy Resources. [1 page]. http://education.nationalgeographic.com/education/activity/non-renewable-energy-resources/?ar_a=1

Save These long-necked, oddly shaped, adorable animals are going extinct. Their predators are over populated. We can help solve this problem!


When you think of beach you see this…

But in reality you see this …

We had clean air but now…. we are afraid to breath in the oxygen….

Help protect our seals they are being endangered because they are being hunted by polar bears and next thing you know they are extinct.

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