Post Newspaper 10 June 2014

Page 1


Tuesday • June 10 • 2014 PHONE: 09 235 78 35 FAX: 09 235 78 34




Weekdays 9am - 5:30pm Saturday 9am - 1pm 37 Queen Street, Waiuku Phone 235 5180

All hands to rescue horse A midnight rescue featured a cast of many in Waiuku last week after a horse slipped into a drain and couldn’t escape. PAGE


Special moments Two local Dads had a proud moment at Waiuku Rugby on Saturday as their sons received their 50-match blazers. PAGE


Dirt trackers ready It’s been going for 25 years, and this weekend the winter spring series returns for dirt track racers through a local forest. PAGE


20 Hall Street, Pukekohe tel: 09 238 3796 free phone : 0800-SEEING Formerly John Kelsey Optometrists





Happy Birthday! The Waiuku Senior Citizens’ Club yesterday celebrated 49 years as an organisation, with a great turnout of members and guests at the Waiuku Cosmopolitan Club. Cutting the celebratory cake were current president Jill Sutherland, and former long-serving president Irene Roff.


Post Motoring

VOL 26 • NO.22

Your fortnightly motoring guide..

Primary School asks Ministry for intervention The controversy and investigation over teacher allegations that the principal of Waiuku Primary School manipulated student data earlier this year took another twist last week, as the school’s Board requested a ‘statutory intervention’ from the Ministry of Education. Teachers wrote to the Board earlier this year, unhappy over the way student data had been treated, and the Board, after taking advice, appointed an independent investigator to address the issues, a process which was anticipated to take a few weeks. However, the Post understands that, after conducting a number of interviews, Wayne Sneddon, the investigator requested to look into the issues, halted his work with the school. The Post attempted to speak to Mr Sneddon to clarify what happened, but he initially said he had nothing to do with the school, then hung up when we asked whether he had been involved at all. Following the end of Mr Sneddon’s work with the school in late May, the Board then met with advisers from the Ministry of Education and the NZ School Trustees Association and agreed to request an intervention as a way forward. At this stage, the Board will continue to govern the school.

Katrina Casey, head of sector enablement and support with the Ministry, says the Ministry is yet to decide the best course of action. “Investigations are initiated by schools when they consider a matter requires investigation by a third party expert. “In the case of Waiuku Primary, the board of trustees informed us that the investigator they originally appointed decided to withdraw from the investigation. He recommended that other skills were needed to fully carry out the work and suggested that the board ask for additional Ministry support,” she said. “The board has now requested a statutory intervention. We are currently in the process of preparing the information required to make a decision about whether a statutory intervention is appropriate and, if so, what the level of support would be. Until a decision has been made the board will continue to govern the school with ongoing support from the Ministry and the New Zealand School Trustees Association. “The board acknowledges its challenges and has been proactive in bringing these to our attention. We are satisfied that the board wants to address the identified issues and, in the circumstances, is doing all that can be expected.”

Councillors say Mayor has ‘lost the plot’ As pressure grows to develop an adequate public transport system for the Franklin region; particularly in view of the anticipated massive growth in the next few years projected for the area, three Auckland councillors have voiced concerns over recent mayoral statements. The councillors say it’s a complete surprise that the Auckland Mayor is now actively pushing another costly rail project without any discussion with councillors nor is a Manukau light rail loop in any Auckland Transport or Auckland Council budget or plan. Howick councillors Dick Quax and Sharon Stewart and Orakei councillor Cameron Brewer believe the Mayor needs to stop promising so much, and focus on delivering existing projects. Their comments follow Len Brown’s sur-

prise comments printed in an Auckland newspaper, where he said: “We want to run light rail from Manukau up through Clover Park, all along Te Irirangi Drive, up to Highland Park, up Panmure Highway and back to Manukau.” Dick Quax says: “This smacks of the Mayor’s 2006 promise to deliver light rail from Bucklands Beach to Mangere Bridge. “He just can’t be taken seriously with these kinds of ridiculous promises which never come with any costings, backing or evidence. “However, the alarming thing here is supposedly some kind of investigation is already underway - no doubt involving a raft a consultants. It needs to be stopped now, before the big bills start coming in.” Cameron Brewer says: “I seriously think the Mayor has lost the plot. He keeps dreaming up all these projects with no idea of where the

money is going to come from. “He’s flaying all over the place. Delivering a funding plan for his City Rail Link is where his focus should be, not dreaming up local light rail projects with the sole hope of winning back some support in the south.” Sharon Stewart has serious concerns about the costs and potential impact on ratepayers. “Rates keep going up and council debt is soaring. “The council is under enormous pressure to cut costs, yet the Mayor is racing around promising to spend even more. “Let’s not forget that communities are already complaining that many of our town centres, parks and streets are untidy. “I think we need to focus on delivering on council’s core business first and foremost before adding to the wish list,” says Ms Stewart.

6kg Washer

5kg Dryer




43 QUEEN ST, WAIUKU • PH 235 9711 • SAT: 9 - 4 • SUN: 10 - 3

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VIEWS & OPINIONS 18 Bowen Street, Waiuku Ph: 09 235 7835 | Fax: 09 235 7834 Email:

Editor Nigel Ward Business Manager Steve Douglas Graphic Designer Lynn Douglas Accounts Ngaire Deed

Published at 18 Bowen St, Waiuku by Waiuku Publishing Ltd. Printed by Horton Media Ltd, East Tamaki. Office Hours: Monday to Friday, 9am - 5pm.

Display Ads Thursday, 2pm Classifieds Monday, 10am

21,200 copies, weekly to Waiuku, Pukekohe, Tuakau, Awhitu Peninsula, Karaka, Clarks Beach, Patumahoe, Kingseat and rural.

Any doubts that Auckland Council, and some of those who staff it, have lost all touch with reality, were dispelled as news came out last week of a few recent decisions. A council which is supposedly tightening its belt and being careful with ratepayer money, decided to hand out a grant to support a conference exploring ‘Queer Polymory’, with the aim of discussing healthy sexual relationships with multiple partners for gay and lesbian Aucklanders. Core council business? Next, Council has put together a project to examine ways to address the barriers facing Pacific people in home ownership. Then, you have council suggesting people shouldn’t be allowed to scatter their loved ones ashes in public without applying for a permit, and paying a fee. Now, you might think that these three issues are unrelated. But they are, in fact, a great indicator of what’s happening in council at the moment. Funding for social issues is not core council business, but Auckland Council is spending a fortune on staff to create, and manage, programmes which have no relevance to the majority of ratepayers. This, in turn, means it needs more money, so you have another division of council looking for anything remotely possible to charge for, whether it be permits, additional inspections, or applications to scatter ashes. Of course, employing the staff to come up with these ideas also costs a fortune, so rates have to rise. Hence Pacifika families (and everyone else), struggle to buy a home in the city. One day it might occur to Council that one of the biggest barriers to home ownership in the city is the costs to ratepayers for senseless spending by an out of control council.

THE POST wants to hear from you! or write to us at P.O Box 374, Waiuku.

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5 4 8 2 6 4 7 6 8 1 2 9 8 5 1 9 7 3 7 2 9 8 1 9 6 6. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 16. 20. 22. 23. 24. 25.

ACROSS Unwieldy (10) Singing voice (4) Scheme (4) Thin (5) Greet (4) Resentful (9) Stormy (9) Animal (4) Mistake (5) Herb (4) Land (4) Brotherhood (10)

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 7. 13. 14. 15. 17. 18. 19. 21.

DOWN Fabric (6) Refrain from (7) Mythical monster (6) Pillar (6) Moor (5) Mark (5) Tune (3) Mild (7) Reason (5) Commotion (6) Boundary (6) Number (6) Strong (5)

Quote of the week! No matter how much pressure you feel at work, if you could find ways to relax for at least five minutes every hour, you’d be more productive. - Dr Joyce Brothers

Puzzle answers in Classifieds

Your platform to share your news, views and ideas...

Reader gets poetic over wi-fi meeting When did people throw caution to the wind, While attacking others for their concern? Why do some bully their way in meetings? It seems some people were not there to learn.

For years I have had a growing concern That technology has dangers unseen. Don’t fall to becoming a statistic Because you didn’t seek the truth to glean.

When a man is open to worldwide facts, And not clouded by his own agenda, He shares with others through a heart of love. Why is he made out as an offender?

Please wake up and take notice of my words. Don’t give away your parental control By ignorance and going with the flow. The price will be to high: so hear the toll !

If you were not at the wifi meeting, I encourage you to do some research. We live in a time greed rules common sense, So climb out of your cage and off your perch.

The part that struck me most in all of this Is that the men that were concerned were shot. While some hold their own opinions above Common sense and peoples health, the whole lot.

Do not assume your health is not at risk. The choices you make today should be wise. Enter into a discussion to learn, Do not just accept someone else’s lies.

Our teen boys were unimpressed with adults, Who’s goal was not to question but dispute. In both the paper and the meeting Mr Waddell and Moncarz, they salute. Michelle Campbell Awhitu

There are certain dangers to smart meters, Especially if you are epileptic. The power company was not aware. Their ignorance on this point is just sick.

Wi-fi article slammed by meeting host... It was unfortunate to see how you disparaged the Wireless Dangers public meeting. Your article employs the classic propaganda techniques (and logical fallacies) of ad hominem attacks (on Mr. Waddell and I), appeal to authority (the one outspoken scientist, though who he is we don’t know), emotive language (throughout) and omission (many). What you failed to highlight is how serious other governments around the world are taking the issue. What you failed to mention is that independent studies overwhelmingly find negative health effects. What you failed to mention is the Precautionary Principle, which only requires evidence of the possibility of harm, no scientific “proof” or an understanding of mechanisms (to which the scientist in the audience later admitted.) What you failed to mention is that organised attempts are being made in nearly every Western country to limit cell-phones, Wi-Fi and smart meters. Furthermore, my comparison to past government failures to act – especially regarding cigarettes – was entirely relevant and a point previously made by many, including in much larger international newspapers and magazines.

But your editorial is understandable, as to admit that there is merit to the issue is to upset the “business community” and the “educators”, who would rather carry on with their hyper-consumerist mindset which ignores the fact that every single life system on the planet is in serious decline (thanks to them, interestingly). So you’ve done your job well to placate and assuage the fears of your public, keeping them oblivious and ignorant, lest it cut into someone’s profits. By labelling Mr. Waddell and I as “scaremongerers” you have taken your place as an apologist for unsustainability, for consumerism, and for the passive acceptance of all that industry concocts to ensnare the public. Whatever our failures as public speakers, Mr. Waddell and I are guided by interest in public health. The same cannot be said for industry, nor for their servants, government. As for me, I keep in mind Gandhi’s famous quote, “First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.” Joey Moncarz Waiuku

...and Post editor responds

How to solve I attended the meeting at the Civic Centre as Sudoku! the issue of smart meters and wi fi usage

is one which has been getting some airtime on social media and around the region. Fill the grid so that It was, and is, a topical issue. I attended every row and because theevery meeting was billed as providing 3x3 square contains ‘need to know’ information on the dangers thewifi. digits 1 to 9 of It didn’t do that. It pitched one point of view throughout, and, I believe, the meeting Solutionoverstated No.1345 vastly risks, and drew outlandish 8 3 1 2 4 6 5 7 9 comparisons between sets of data to sug9 6 4 5 1 7 8 3 2 gest a greater risk than is supported by any 5 7 2 9 3 8 1 4 6 credible evidence. That’s scare-mongering. 4 8 3 7 6 5 2 9 1 is a multitude of scientific research 2 5 There 6 4 9 1 7 8 3 any risks from wifi or 9 8 clearly 7 1which 2 3 4 6states 5

smart meters are negligible. There is also a multitude of one-off internet sites run by people who make all kinds of claims about the dangers of almost everything. There are well over a million sites which come up if you do a search for ‘are fairies real’. New Zealand’s ESR crown research institute is quite clear on the issue. It says exposure to wifi signals is not harmful. It says no health effects are anticipated from smart meters. It’s a message echoed by credible health agencies the world over. I don’t doubt that those hosting the meeting truly believe in their message. But just because you truly believe in something doesn’t make it a fact.

Confession and Forgiveness – His Word

1 9 8 6 7 2 3 5 4 6 2 7 3 5 4 9 1 8 3 4 5 1 8 9 6 2 7

Instruction on confession, Numbers 5:6-7. Can you hide sin? Numbers 32:23, Psalm 90:8, Hebrews 4:13. What happens when you confess? 1 John 1:9. What if you don’t? Proverbs 28:13. Is confession specific? Leviticus 5:5. What do you say in confession? Psalm 32:5. What does God do next? Psalm 32:5, Psalm 51:1, Psalm 103:11,Isaiah 55:7,Micah 7:18, Psalm 78:38, 2 Peter 3:9.

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The spirit invites you today. Go to Him, and ask that He will wash away your sins, and give you a new heart. Come with your whole heart to Jesus, and you may claim His blessing. As you read the promises, remember they are the expression of unutterable love and pity. . . . Yes, only believe that God is your helper. He wants to restore His moral image in man. As you draw near to Him with confession and repentance, He will draw near to you with mercy and forgiveness. {FLB 103} for more info


Midnight drama to rescue horse ‘Think again’, Council told over


charges for scattering ashes

Concerns about impact of new regulations for Hindus Plans to make grieving families seek permission before scattering the ashes of loved ones and charge them for the privilege need to be reconsidered, Labour’s Ethnic Affairs spokesperson Phil Goff says. “Auckland Council’s proposals seem heavy handed, unnecessary and bureaucratic. “There has been insufficient consultation with the public and in particular with ethnic communities before proposing the restrictions. “Nor has the council made a solid case for why the restrictions are necessary. “There are no health considerations because cremations are carried out at 800 degree temperatures and families almost always conduct the scattering of their loved ones ashes with care and consideration. “The last thing we want to impose on grieving families are bureaucratic procedures, long time delays and additional expenses. “I understand that in former Council areas like Waitakere, Papakura and Franklin there were no restrictions imposed for the scatter-

Shed-a me-Timber

Iron Garden Shed

A Waiuku family say they want to offer their sincere thanks and appreciation to the Waiuku Volunteer Fire Brigade after a midnight rescue of their beloved stallion. The drama started when the 12-year-old horse, belonging to Anthea, David and Matthew Adams, went foraging in some rough 3.6m grass and watercress beside a steep bank. Usually, the water in the area is ankle-deep, but the horse, named Yanni, slipped into an area of deep mud. While Yanni struggled, the mudpool became a two-metre deep hole, from which he was unable to climb out. After several hours submerged in water with only his head free, and in 5-degree tem-

peratures, Yanni was in trouble, however help was on the way. As the family said, the assistance of manpower and equipment from both crews of the Waiuku brigade, along with the services of Quality custom built garden sheds, mower staff from the Pukekohe/Waiuku Veterinary sheds, sleep-outs, chicken coops, rabbit Centre, had Yanni gradually winched out. The family wish to thank all those involved, hutches, animal shelters, dog kennels & runs. PLUS garden furniture and more. including their neighbours ‘Robbie and Ken’ which resulted in a happy ending for Yanni ALL AT ULTRA AFFORDABLE PRICES and his friends. Fencing Hurricane Above: a safe and happy Yanni after the EACH Standard Posts Fencing Wire midnight drama, with the neighbours who High Strength 2.5mm x 25kg coils helped that night, Robbie Williams on left FW25HP 1650mm and Kenny Williams on right. In the centre NZ manufactured Wiremarkwire. 7 Hole holding Yanni is his owner Anthea Adams. WAR165HS

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“The Council also seems unaware of Hindu customs about the importance of scattering ashes within a time period after cremation and the impact such restrictions would have on their community. “I have also been made aware of another important and unnecessary restriction of preventing more than two people attending the placing of the casket in the cremator. “This cuts across Indian Hindu cultural tradition where all the deceased’s male children are normally involved. “I have written to the Mayor asking for the Council to think again. “At the very least the Council should consult widely with the public, ethnic organisations and religious and cultural groups before they make any final decision. “The present Council decision is more likely to create problems than resolve any,” Phil Goff says.


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ing of ashes and I have yet to see any evidence of this causing any widespread problem.

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Museum gets an arty new addition The Week Ahead Thurs 12th – Wed 18TH JUN 22 JUMP STREET (R13)

Daily 1.45pm, 6.15pm, 8.45pm

TWO FACES OF JANUARY (M) Daily 1.30pm, 8.30pm (Except Mon)

FAULT IN OUR STARTS (M) Daily 11.15am, 3.30pm, 6.00pm

EDGE OF TOMORROW (M) Daily 1.00pm (2D), 3.15pm(3D), Fri, Sat, Sun, Mon, Tue 7.30pm (2D)

MALEFICENT (M) Fri, Sat, Sun, Mon, Tue 5.30pm (2D)


The Waiuku Museum has recently had a new attraction installed, and one which is particularly apt, given its location to the Waiuku Volunteer Fire Brigade building. Local and international artist Claire-Erica was requested to paint a 1927 Reo Fire Engine in representation of the fire truck that was in service to the Waiuku Volunteer Fire Brigade, established in 1927. The painting has been in progress for some time, and Claire-Erica spent some considerable time researching the subject and looking for images of the type of vehicle. “The truck in the painting is of the 1936 Reo Truck that was actually in service taken from a photo taken at a Christmas parade in Waiuku in the 1960s,” Claire-Erica says. The brightly-coloured mural is just one of many of

Daily 4.00pm (NOT SUN)

GRACE OF MONACO (PG) Thu, Fri, Tue, Wed 11.30am

X-MEN DAYS OF FUTURE PAST (M) Thu 8.00pm, Sat & Sun 11.00am, Wed 5.30pm (2D)

Claire-Erica’s works around the Waiuku area, and she has recently been working on mural commissions in the wider Auckland area, along with her more traditional

canvas artworks. “I am totally self taught,” she says. “My first mural I ever did was for Glenbrook Kindergarten (in about 2008) where both my boys attended. I painted a large sunflower and a monarch butterfly for the shed wall. “It has been a pleasure

to paint for the Museum, I loved every brush stroke!” Costs for the mural were supported in part by Waiuku Rotary, and representatives were on hand to join museum volunteers and the artist with the painting last week, (above). At left is the original photograph which provided the basis for the large mural.

Canada Day correction


Last week’s issue carried a story about a local ex-pat Canadian who is looking to celebrate Canada Day (July 1) with fellow Canadians. Unfortunately, we mis-spelled the email contact, so if you want to catch up and enjoy the celebrations, email

Thu 5.30pm, Sat & Sun 10.30am, Wed 8.00pm (2D)

THE SELFISH GIANT (M) Mon 11.30am, 8.30pm 85 Edinburgh St * Pukekohe *

[ PHONE: 09 237 0216 ]


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Coastguard maintains lifejacket position Coastguard’s Northern Region, representing the largest recreational boating area in the country, says the wearing of life jackets is fundamental to safe boating, as Auckland Council backed away from a proposal to make wearing life jackets mandatory in small craft. Coastguard says it will continue to support the wearing of life jackets but acknowledges that those in charge of a vessel are ultimately responsible to ensure the safety of those with them at sea. Last week an Auckland Council hearing’s panel recommended people heading out to sea on small boats will have to wear a life jacket but with the skipper making the call when they can be removed. Councillors were deliberating the draft Navigation Safety Bylaw which included a proposal that lifejackets would have to be worn at all times on boats of six metres or less. “The purpose of the proposal around lifejackets was driven by concern from our local boards and communities of the number of people drowning who were not wearing lifejackets, so we put it out there to get the public’s views,” said hearings panel chair, Councillor Calum Penrose. Around 80 per cent of the 395 submitters raised concerns around the mandatory wearing of lifejackets proposal, many from the boating community who found the proposal too restrictive. “In the end I think we have come to a good middle ground which puts the responsibility back on the skipper while also reducing the risk of preventable drownings.” The panel’s recommendations will be presented to the Governing Body, who will make the final decision on the bylaw.

Shock over unrestrained child

Beyond unacceptable is how Waikato Police describe a situation where a child was found asleep in the floor well of a car while two other children slept unrestrained on the back seat of the car. District Road Policing Manager, Inspector Freda Grace, said a the incident began when a Police Dog Patrol stopped a car during a routine vehicle stop last week. Mrs Grace said the dog handler was taken aback when he noticed a two-year-old girl asleep between the legs of a passenger in the floor well of the car. “The child’s mother explained the girl


- 7pm





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is a fantastic opportunity to focus on the Waikato River through the imagination and aspirations of our artistic communities.” Tauranga-based artist James Ormsby, who along with renowned carver Fred Graham and arts advocate Barbara Moke selected the winners, said he was humbled to be part of the judging panel and appreciated the diversity of the entries. “The messages in the work are challenging, confronting and honest. It was as if we were experiencing an ordering of our imaginative order. To see that process coming through the work that was submitted is very encouraging.” A total prize package worth over $5,000 will be distributed to the winners and includes a hoe nukenuke by Waikato carver Warren McGrath. An exhibition of all the selected works submitted will be on display at Te Awa and will give the public a chance to view the winners as well as select a winner for the People’s Choice Award. The exhibition will be held in the Atrium at the northern end of Te Awa (The Base) from 11 to 25 June 2014. It is free and open to the public. .


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Waiuku’s internationally-known artist and sculptor, Fred Graham, is one of the judges of an inaugural arts competition aimed at positively promoting the Waikato River and its importance to both iwi and community, which will be announced at a special awards ceremony this Wednesday. Sponsored by Waikato-Tainui and McCaw Lewis, 24 finalists have been selected for the Waikato River Art Awards 2014 and will vie for a series of awards including the Waikato-Tainui Award, Youth Award and the Overall Award. The competitions theme - Tooku Awa Koiora: The River of Life, Each Curve More Beautiful than the Last - is derived from a maimai aroha (lament) shared by Taawhiao, the second Maaori King and also forms part of the vision and strategy to restore and protect the health and wellbeing of the Waikato River. Artists were encouraged to produce art work that conceptualises the beauty of the river, either as it is now or as it could be in the future. “We are very pleased to partner with McCaw Lewis to support this arts initiative,” said Taipu Paki, Implementation Manager at the Waikato Raupatu River Trust. “This

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was there because she had been crying while another two children, aged four and five-years-old, were lying unrestrained, asleep on the rear seat of the car. “Given this incident comes just two weeks after the death of another unrestrained baby who died following a crash in the King Country, to find three unrestrained children is totally unacceptable.” Mrs Grace said while enforcement action resulted in from the vehicle being stopped the only way to really prevent road trauma was to change public perceptions on what is, and what is not, acceptable.


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White Washed Robes

Here is an interesting text for us to examine and to contemplate over, Revelation 7:14

“And I said unto him, Sir, thou knowest. And he said to me, These are they which came out of great tribulation, and have washed their robes, and made them white in the blood of the Lamb.”

If in your laundering you have ever tried to do this, then you will agree that you have failed miserably, for blood stained cloths are never white, and it is a very difficult stain to remove and to do it wrong, well then you can fix it into the cloth permanently, and it will basically never be removed. Question; who are these people, well verse

thirteen answers that, and if you missed the point it sends you back to the start of the chapter, and you find the 144,000. Now playing maths for fun, Israel was in captivity in Egypt (Sin) for 400 years. Let us call that “prophetic years”, so we multiply that by 30 days in a Hebrew month and then multiply that by twelve months in the year. So what is your answer, well 144,000 of course? Who Exodused from Egypt (Sin)? Well God’s redeemed and chosen people of course, his children, those that accepted him as their Redeemer.

Now I love scripture for its multi layers all

saying the same theme. In Revelation we have a whole bunch of people, they are grouped under familiar twelve headings to point us back to Israel/Exodus. Now as there are no other tribes or peoples mentioned but only Israel, we have a direct parallel to the Exodus, where God with a mighty and strong arm brought his people out of bondage and into freedom and into the Promised Land. He is about to do it again and take his children from Egypt/Sin/Earth, home to his big house.

Paul tells us that in Romans 3:20 “Therefore by the deeds of the law there shall no flesh be justified in his sight: for by the law [is] the knowledge of sin.” Paul is very clear that in essence the Law is a mirror, it just points out sin, it cannot wash, remove, cleanse for it is just a mirror. Cleansing is found in Jesus Christ alone, at the Jesus Laundromat.

I think it was one of the Wesley brothers that coined this phrase, I come to the Law and it sends me straight to Jesus, I come to Jesus and he sends me straight to the Law. I like it as it is correct, we come to Jesus and in repentance/ confession for that sin and get the oops washed off our face/robe, then we go back to the law and find that we have something else there that we did not see first time, back to Jesus and confession and repentance and that is washed away as well. Confession, Washing, Growth in grace and wisdom and knowledge all tenderly led by the Holy Spirit as he grows us more and more into the full image of Jesus Christ our Saviour and Redeemer, that is why we are called “Christians,” we live and act and look just like our Saviour, Jesus Christ.

So the question is asked; are you, and am I, washing our robes in the blood of the lamb? The Hebrew gives only two choices, die for your own sin (wages of sin is death) and be lost forever, or use the only heaven acceptable sacrificial substitute Jesus Christ’s death on Calvary.

Sorry but there are no other options, just two. Our text gave us a group that got wise and went to the Jesus Laundromat and came away cleansed. A great ole Hymn asks “Are you washed in the blood of the Lamb?” Well are you?

So when the Holy Spirit prompts us, directly, through Scripture, Prayer or whatever source, that we have a blemish or spot on our robe, we should always instantly Repent, Confess, make right any damage or injury caused to another party, put things right again. Let us have fun and play a bit. Each individual

in this vast sea of faces had one thing in common as our verse portrays shiny clean white robes. Each had been to the Laundromat, in went the robe, pushed the “Jesus Blood” source, “Deep Cleanse/Heavily Soiled” cycle, and let the cleansing begin. Yes we are a bit naughty, but the Hebrew language actually has built into it this allowance.

Now it is time to get very serious; Why blood?

In the Sacrificial System, that pointed our minds to the “Lamb of God that taketh away the sins of the World,” Sin meant a blood sacrifice (wages sin death/bleeding out) so instead of the sinner dying; a substitute was presented to die in the place of the sinner. This pointed forwards to Calvary, and us back to Calvary. Hebrews 9:22 “And almost all things are by the law purged with blood; and without shedding of blood is no remission.”


Accolades for vintage rail group During Queen’s Birthday Weekend the Glenbrook Vintage Railway was awarded two accolades for their recent preservation work. The awards were the Rail Heritage Trust Restoration Award for the work done to repair and graffiti proof Brights Rd Bridge, and the FRONZ Wagon/Service vehicle restoration award for work done to restore two of the goods wagon fleet and the construction of a replica ganger’s hut. The bridge at Brights Road is unusual; there are only three other similar structures in New Zealand. One of these is about 500 meters further up the GVR tack at Kitchener Road, the others are in the Gisborne region. However the bridges on the GVR line are unique in them selves that they cross the line at an angle. The bridges were built as a concrete arch, with each block of the arch be individually cast in place. Brights Road bridge was built in 1921 to provide access to a road that was not built for another several decades. The road that is now James Bright Lane was originally planned to connect to Kitchener Road via the bridge. Headed by GVR member Ross Crook, the restoration of the bridge required injection of urethane resin to stabilise the foundations of the structure and a specialised grout used to repair and strengthen cracks in the bridge caused by the subsidence. The final part of the restoration work


was carried out by the Manukau Beautification Trust, who oversaw the removal of graffiti from the bridge and the application of a graffiti resistant coating. In the wagon set the Ganger’s hut (E 2101) started life on the NZR as a 10 ton sand wagon. In the 1990’s this was retired and found it’s way to the GVR, where it sat until 2010. Headed by GVR volunteer Niall Robertson the wagon was stripped, sand blasted and repainted. Following the restoration of the under frame it was decided that a it would be a great basis for a replica Ganger’s hut, essentially a rail mounted caravan used by track workers operating in remote locations. Original plans were sourced and construction began, led

by the GVR’s Car and Wagon team of Alan Carline, George Trow, and Keith Hamilton. The other two wagon that make up the rake of wagons are YH950, which was the prototype of its class of ballast wagon and LC 44073, a four wheel bulk goods wagon. Both of these were extensively cleaned and repainted by Niall, and mechanical work undertaken on both vehicles to bring braking components by the GVR’s mechanical team. These wagons now get hauled out from time to time for use on special photographic charters. Above: GVR volunteers Alan Carline, George Trow, Ben Jeffcoat and Warwick Turner in front of the award winning wagons and Brights Rd bridge.

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Now it is time to come to Jesus and make it

right there and to leave our sin behind at the foot of the cross, let the Jesus Laundromat wash our robe spotlessly clean once more and get back into life again. Do not fear that the cloth of the robe will be ruined by multiple washings, this is heavenly and everlasting and can stand many deep washings and still come out as great as it was when brand new. Remember this robe is yours for all eternity so it can not ever wear out, so keep it pearly white and washed clean and bright in the Jesus Laundromat.

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Mudlarks thank Students do battle at University the community

The Waiuku-based Mudlarks recently held the AGM of the organisation which they have formed to manage the group, and paid tribute to all those who have helped them over the past 12 months. “A big thank you to all those who attended the inaugural AGM of the Waiuku Estuary Restoration Trust and especially the Waiuku Lions Club for their generosity in providing their clubrooms and a magnificent supper,” Dave Gribble wrote. “It is this type of public support which has encouraged us in what has been a challenging and frustrating year spent trying to comply with all the Council requirements. “It has been made clear to the Council that the Mudlarks are quite willing to start clearing mangroves again as long as there is no 10mtr buffer zone. “During the year a new centre pontoon was built to replace the one destroyed by the fireworks display and the barge has now been returned to its three pontoon configuration. “Planting of rushes to stop erosion will be a priority in the next couple of months and if anyone would like to help they would be very welcome as would any new members wanting to join our Trust for only $10.” People attending the meeting were able to take the opportunity to catch up with local council representatives, Jill Naysmith and Brendon Crompton and also meet Andrew Bayly the National Party nominee for this area. Jim Jackson who is the Chairman of the Manukau Harbour Restoration Society (MHRS) gave attendees a very interesting and informative talk on the history of the Manukau harbour and the plans and vision they have for the future.

Secondary school students from Pukekohe High School and Waiuku College will visit the University of Waikato over coming days for education and competition. Pukekohe High School will be looking to repeat their great showing in previous years at the NZIC Analytical Chemistry Competition. Twenty-four teams of four will be set an analytical task, requiring accurate and careful analysis of an unknown substance. The results will be judged, with prizes and trophies awarded on the day courtesy of the sponsors: the New Zealand Institute of Chemistry Waikato Branch, Hill Laboratories and the University of Waikato. The event will be held at Waikato University’s Hamilton campus, on Wednesday, June 18 from 9.30am–4pm. This week however, both Waiuku and Pukekohe scholars will be testing their innovation at the 28th annual Osborne Physics and Engi-

neering (OsPEn) Days. Talks and practical demonstrations will give students the opportunity see how the physics they are learning at school can be used in the wider world. A highlight of the event will be the Model Car Speed Competition. Participating schools have been sent a 3-volt electric motor and a set of nylon gears for students to work on in teams. Their aim is to design and build a small battery-powered model car that can travel a distance of five meters up a 4° inclined plane. The winning vehicle will travel the full distance up the ramp in the fastest time. Lectures on the days will cover topics such as automotive engineering, the Doppler effect, how ultrafast broadband works and the physics involved when musical instruments make sound. The event is on June 12-13 at the University of Waikato Hamilton campus.

CLM retains Council contracts

New contract arrangements have been finalised for twelve of Auckland Council’s pools and recreation centres, with CLM, operators of pools in Pukekohe and Waiuku, as well as greater Auckland, retaining their roles. Auckland Council Leisure Manager Rob McGee says the new contracts offer exciting opportunities for each facility and the communities they serve. “We were very impressed by the proposals that the operators, YMCA and CLM (Community Leisure Management), put in front of us,” says Mr McGee. “CLM is an experienced supplier

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with a good track record with council. They are particularly adept at providing well-managed and fun leisure space in our region’s pools. We have worked closely with local boards to ensure their community outcomes are well reflected in these decisions and will continue to do so as we monitor the delivery of each contract,” he says. Mr McGee says the contract terms for these facilities were due to come to an end and, as with all council contracts, a full and open procurement process was required. Each contract is for five years, with a three year right of renewal. They will be reviewed annually.




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First time landlords who rent out temporary accommodation are being reminded they have to pay tax on their rental income. Andrew King, Executive Officer for the New Zealand Property Investors’ Federation said accommodation in Christchurch particularly is under pressure with people being displaced from their homes and workers moving to the city to help with the rebuild. “More people are renting out all or parts of their properties. “In Auckland there is a high demand for rentals and a constant turnover of landlords. “Many people renting out accommodation may be first-time landlords and

some may not be aware they have to pay tax. We welcome the work Inland Revenue is doing with first-time landlords and believe this is much needed,” said Mr King. Rental income is taxable, including income received from residential property, a room in your own home, sleep outs, caravans and holiday homes. Inland Revenue Group Manager Investigations and Advice, Patrick Goggin said people on salary and wages may not have completed a tax return before and may not know they need to file an income tax return if receiving rental income. “Inland Revenue is working closely with new and temporary landlords to

help them understand their tax requirements. Taxes help to provide important public services like hospitals, education and the Government’s contribution to the Christchurch rebuild. “People who are thinking of renting out accommodation should find out what tax they’ll need to pay so they can include it in their plans. “If landlords have been renting out property for some time and have not saved their tax payments they may find themselves under some pressure and we would encourage them to speak to us as soon as possible,” said Mr Goggin. Income tax returns are due to Inland Revenue by 7 July and can be filed using myIR on Inland Revenue’s website.

Property market slows Obesity worse than smoking - report

The Auckland residential property market continued to slow down throughout May. “The average sales price during May was $702,966, down less than one percent or $6,000 on April’s figure”, said Peter Thompson, Managing Director of Barfoot & Thompson. “House prices have remained static throughout May, but the market itself has been very active in comparison to April sales. We sold 1,109 properties throughout the month, which is a 37 percent increase on the previous month. However, sales were down 14 percent when compared to the same month last year. New listings at 1,318 were the lowest in three months, and down 19 percent on those in April. At the end of May we had 3,498 properties on our books, the second lowest number in May for more than 10 years. “It is by now a well-worn story; Auckland remains a city with a greater number of people chasing fewer properties. Those properties that are priced sensibly to meet the market are selling quickly. “Vendors are still choosing auction as their preferred method to go to market. The success rate at auction is around 80 percent within a seven day period. This is because we are experiencing a trend towards properties that are passed in at auction either selling later the same day or within seven days of the auction. “Overall the market is in line with seasonal activity, and we are likely to see further cooling with average and median sales prices falling back slightly over the winter months,” said Mr Thompson. The median sales price for May was $645,000, an increase of four percent above that for April.

Home insulation award Grants totalling more than $14 million from the ASB Community Trust have helped insulate more than 15,000 Auckland and Northland homes since 2007. The Trust’s substantial investment in improving the region’s housing was recognised on Wednesday night with a special award at the 2014 Energy Efficiency and Conservation Authority awards. Trust CEO Jennifer Gill says a reduction of illnesses caused by cold and damp living conditions was a real need in the region. “The Trust saw the opportunity to complement the funding available through the Government’s insulation and heating programme and help more people in our region get the benefits of home insulation,” she says.

collected my car from Waiuku, checked and gave it a WoF, and returned my car back to Waiuku later that day. All this after my phone call only that morning explaining I’d been slack enough to let my current one expire and I didn’t want to drive without the new one. Fantastic service!


it Flue K d selecte . rt fires Maspo ends *Offer

There’s been plain packaging mooted for cigarettes, health warnings on packets, and the products hidden away behind screens - but do we need the same warnings on sugar and saturated fats? The prospect of receiving your morning doughnut with a cholesterol warning, or having ‘no snacking’ areas in public s p a c e s has been raised after a new report suggests obesity, not smoking, could soon be the biggest health issue of our time. The NZ College of Public Health Medicine is backing the New Zealand Medical Association’s call for more urgent and coordinated action on the country’s obesity time bomb, claiming it will soon be a bigger problem than smoking. With two thirds of adults and one third of children either overweight or obese, the College says that New Zealand is on track for obesity to overtake tobacco as the leading cause of health loss by 2016. “We can’t afford to overlook the severity and longterm ramifications of this issue and how it will af-

fect children as they grow and develop,” says College president, Dr Julia Peters. “What is needed is a comprehensive approach, including legislative and regulatory controls, similar to what has been applied to smoking over the last 30 years.” P r o grammes designed to address the issue need to focus on prevention, particularly amongst children and communities in which the epidemic is most profound. “We need to be ‘making the healthy choice the easy choice’,” Dr Peters said. “Fortunately, we have lessons from our success with tobacco control that can be applied to the obesity issue and also some examples of successful community-based programmes. “However, as a society, we need to galvanise around a long-term, comprehensive strategy. “This problem has crept up on us over 40 years and it is not going to go away overnight. A good place to start is the list of recommendations from the New Zealand Medical Association,” said Dr Peters.


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It was a special moment for two proud fathers at the Waiuku Rugby clubrooms on Saturday evening, as they presented their sons with blazers marking 50 matches for the premier side. The evening was made even more of a celebration, as the club cheered a thrilling one-point win over rivals Onewhero, keeping the Waiuku side well in the hunt for the semifinals later in the year. The presentations, to Willie Hepari and Michael Raaymakers had another highlight as the moment concluded, with members of the Hepari family performing a vibrant and emotional haka in celebration of Willie, and his father Bill, who also wore a club blazer marking his own achievements for the team. Above right: Willie Hepari and father Bill share a laugh as the blazer is awarded. Right: A proud Art Raaymakers hands the blazer to son Michael. Below: The intensity of the haka.

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Various sites from 0.5Ha 0.5Ha site

Ph Leonie a/h 09 235 9961, 0274 985 722


Country living without the hassle of farming. 2 Rural lots with unimpeded views to the west over the Waiuku River and Manukau harbour. 4836m2 and 5113m2. On the Glenbrook side of Waiuku. Hurry to view, before your friends do.

3 Bedroom low maintenance home and section. Located down ROW on cross lease section. Off street parking and single internal access garaging.





A contemporary double glazed Latitude home consisting of large open plan living with elevated ceiling space. 3 double bedrooms (master with ensuite). Double basement garage on a compact easy care site. Phone Marleen to arrange a viewing. View online: ID: osbh703 Contact: Marleen a/h 09 235 0070, 0274 483 528




Over 1/4 acre section with 4 double brms, open plan lounge/dining with sep kitchen. Fully fenced, kid & pet friendly. May have potential to subdivide. Why delay when you can act today. Phone Marleen to arrange a viewing.


View online: ID: osbh764 Contact: Marleen a/h 09 235 0070, 0274 483 528

Set down a private ROW is this 4 bedroom home with ensuite. Open plan living with heat pump & smart vent. Slider to outdoor decking. Fully fenced backyard. Phone Marleen to arrange a viewing.


VIEWS OVER GOLF COURSE $439,000 View online: ID: osbh764 Contact: Marleen a/h 09 235 0070, 0274 483 528

View online: ID: osbh779 Contact: Marleen a/h 09 235 0070, 0274 483 528

LIFESTYLE STARTER $449,000 1.8Ha's. A great starter well priced. 3 Bedroom Initial Home, 2 bay shed and fantastic views. Currently running sheep and horses. This private property is located approx 10 mins drive from Waiuku. To view please phone Ray.

Vendor wants property sold! Two storey home with 3 double bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, rumpus room with bar. Open plan living + study. Handy to Golf Course & Squash Club. Phone Marleen to arrange a viewing.


View online: ID: osbf596 & osbs534 Contact: Ray a/h 09 235 8599, 021 951 082

EASY LIVING $369,000

Loads of character in this 3 bedroom plastered brick home with views to Karioitahi hills. Loads of outdoor entertaining areas and sunny decks. 3 kinds of heating options for a cosy winter. Be quick for this one. View online: ID: osbh784 Contact: Leonie a/h 09 235 9961, 0274 985 722

View online: ID: osbh787 Contact: Ray a/h 09 235 8599, 021 951 082


BARGAIN IN TOWN $277,000 View online: ID: osbh782 Contact: Julie Quilty a/h 09 235 9324, 0272 292 243

Ray Lever 021 951 082


With the growing demand for Auckland properties, Waiuku is becoming a more desirable place to get value for money. Buy and build now while it's still affordable. Your choice of residential sections with services ready to go, or bare blocks for the larger dream, ready for your builders spade. Right of way section 618m2 Various sites from 500m2 Various sites from 2500m2

Ph 235 7139

Osborne Realty Ltd - licensed real estate agent (REAA2008)


View online: ID: osbf680 Contact: Ray a/h 09 235 8599, 021 951 082

S Y FOCU RT E P O PR trict is D in l Frank

11 Bowen Street, Waiuku

Ph 235 7139

Osborne Realty Ltd - licensed real estate agent (REAA2008)

NEAT AS A PIN $479,000

price reduction

Be the first in! New carpet, curtains & paint. 3 Bedrooms + office/4th bedroom. Large section with not much to mow set on the outskirts of town. Move in and enjoy. View online: ID: osbh776



Contact: Ray a/h 09 235 8599, 021 951 082

IMPRESSIVE - $549,000


4 bedroom + ensuite brick & tile home in an elevated position to reward the owners with spectacular views. The gardens have been lovingly landscaped with raised garden boxes for the keen gardener. Set in a popular street. Call Julie Q to view.

The immaculate presentation of a top quality home invites your immediate inspection. Stunning kitchen, dining, family area, formal lounge, 4 double bedrooms with superior bathroom and ensuite, professionally landscaped grounds with large kwila decking.

View online: ID: osbh786 Contact: Julie Quilty a/h 09 235 9324, 0272 292 243

View online: ID: osbh790




BUILDING FOR SALE $600,000 + GST 1 Building which currently has 3 tenants. Situated right in the heart of Waiuku Town Centre and close to the Manukau Inlet. Motivated vendors would like to move on to other ventures. Phone Marleen to discuss further.

This beautiful two level home is just like new and has four double bedrooms, master has ensuite, plus combined bathroom and a sep wc. Open plan living with water view (tidal). Zoned for Sandspit Road School. Phone Marleen to arrange a viewing.


View online: ID: osbh791 Contact: Marleen a/h 09 235 0070, 0274 483 528

Contact: Julie Quilty a/h 09 235 9324, 0272 292 243


View online: ID: osbb010 Contact: Marleen a/h 09 235 0070, 0274 483 528


WAIUKU RUNOFF OR LIFESTYLE - $650,000 + gst, if any

Set down a private ROW is this delightful Golden Home. Open plan living with family room. 3 Double bedrooms + study. Master has ensuite & walk in robe. Set on 2772m2 private section. Double internal garage plus extra shedding. Phone Marleen to arrange a viewing.

This 16.2 hectares of desirable north facing property is located 6.5km from Waiuku main centre. This property has road frontage on two sides. Allowing access to a number of building sites. To view please phone Ray

View online: ID: osbh772 Contact: Ph: Marleen a/h 09 235 0070, 0274 483 528

View online: ID: osbf680 Contact: Ray a/h 09 235 8599, 021 951 082


Beautiful country views of the land out to Manukau Harbour. This property has beautiful gardens around the home & loads of shedding. Sleepout has own bathroom & kitchenette. Home has 3 double bedrooms, open plan living with a sun drenched deck set on 2.72 Ha (6 Acres). Phone Marleen to arrange a viewing.


View online: ID: osbf703 Contact: Marleen a/h 09 235 0070, 0274 483 528

Open Home: Sun 3.00 – 3.30pm 315 Baldhill Road new listing





Set on 2 acres, this property is ideal for sheep, chickens or even calf club. Heated saltwater swimming pool for the warmer days. Lovely indoor/outdoor flow, open plan living with 3 double bedrooms, master has ensuite. Double garage + office space plus extra shedding. Ph Marleen to arrange a viewing.

216m2 3-4 bedroom home on 1500m2 in one of Waiuku's best streets. Beautifully landscaped gardens lead down to a lovely tranquil duck pond maintained by council. Two living areas open out onto paved areas sheltered by archgolas. Truly a property you need to see.

View online: ID: osbf713 Contact: Marleen a/h 09 235 0070, 0274 483 528

View online: ID: osbh792 Contact: Julie Quilty a/h 09 235 9324, 0272 292 243



Preparing for Arbor Day at Waipipi School Waipipi School celebrated Arbor Day last week, planting native trees and drawing attention to the importance of trees in our environment. The founder of Arbor Day was Julius Sterling Morton - a member of Nebraska’s Board of Agriculture. He asked for one day a year to be set aside for planting trees to help save the Great Western Plains as they had been almost totally cleared of trees. As a result, the world’s first Arbor Day was held in Nebraska on 10 April 1872. Left: Stella Macfarlane readies her tree. Right: Katie Sergeant and Frances Good with their tree. Below: Jackson Coe digs deep as he prepares a home for a new tree.

Congratulations to Taylah Hannam for winning the Waiuku United Video Frozen Rent & Win Competition. She is pictured here with her mum Natasha

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The world of Lego comes to life in this animated movie filled with characters from all kinds of universes. An ordinary Lego mini figure called Emmett, who labours as a construction worker, is hailed as being the “Special”, the prophesied character who will save the Lego universe. He is soon called upon to fulfil his destiny, taking on the evil tyrant Lord Business.

Howick and Pakuranga Times, Howick and Pakuranga Times Monday ... Newspa



Another Hunua candidate named As this year’s Parliamentary election draws closer, another hopeful contesting the Hunua seat has been named; ACT Leader Jamie Whyte announcing the selection of local resident Ian Cummings as the ACT candidate to campaign in the key electorate of Hunua. “I’m delighted he has agreed to do his best to grow ACT’s party vote in the area,” says Mr Whyte. As a husband, father, General Manager of Wiri Oil Services and a Pukekohe School Board Member Mr Cummings said he identifies strongly with ACT’s core principles of freedom, choice and personal responsibility and is looking forward to the campaign. “I am delighted to be given the opportunity to represent the ACT Party in my home electorate.

“Most political discussion is not around whether the government should micro manage or not, but by how much. A terrifying common presumption held by our current crop of politicians is that they believe the government has a higher claim on our property and person than we do. In doing so they claim that the government, in principle at least, has complete control over our property and lives. I want to change that. “ACT is a party of reform. I am looking forward to meeting voters and sharing how ACT policies will raise incomes and spending power by introducing lower and flatter taxation and how ACT’s three strike policy for burglary will also make our communities safer by making criminals pay,” Mr Cummings concluded.

Waiuku still hunt promotion Waiuku AFC’s premiers put last week’s shock 4-3 loss to Onehunga Mangere behind them and get back on track against Warkworth with a 3-0 win. The match keeps them very much in the hunt for a spot in the top three and promotion to the Northern League’s first division at the end of the season. Waiuku started with most of the possession, using good use of their wide players Greg Crestanello and Cody Ralph. The final pass into space

was letting the team down and Warkworth were able to clear their lines. Warkworth were pushing on the break and forcing throw ins and corners where their height was putting pressure on the Waiuku defensive structure but Waiuku were managing to clear and force the ball back into the midfield pairing of Niki Te Miha and Jerry Hubbard. Waiuku went 1-0 ahead when a floated ball from right back Andy Millynn was met by the head of Derek Sinclair whose header looped over the top of the stranded Warkworth keeper. Waiuku continued to dominate but couldn’t get the ball on target. Crestanello went close and Luke Chapman narrowly missed from one of his special direct free-kicks. The second half begin as a more even affair and Warkworth could sniff an equaliser. Justin Baldwin made a great save from the Warkworth striker who connected at the far post. Warkworth forced several corners in a row but Waiuku managed to grab back control. Good work from Sinclair down the left saw a cross go across goal and Millynn’s effort went straight down the goalkeepers gullet. Chapman found some space and his left foot effort came crashing back off the post. Waiuku were seizing con-

trol and Hubbard let fly with a volley at the edge of the area which was well saved by the Warkworth keeper. At the other end, Crestanello put his body on the line with a fine defensive header while facing his goal. Finally Waiuku pressed the relief valve when a fine effort from Chapman took a slight deflection and ended up in the top left hand corner of the goal. T his gave Waiuku confidence and they went in search of another. Sinclair got his second when he latched onto a rebound and made no mistake. Young fifteen year old Jake McCoy got on for the last few minutes and the final score finished 3-0. Jim Evans acknowledged a real battle: “It was a close game and Warkworth really pushed for a result today. Hats off to the Waiuku guys for bouncing back after last weeks loss and getting back on track. Derek Sinclair is man of the match.” The reserves beat Warkworth 5-2 with Karl Addy scoring three and Robert Thornton and John Cook getting one each. Left: Luke Chapman maintained his phenomenal goalscoring record for Waiuku against Warkworth on Saturday, scoring his 16th of the season to help his side to a valuable 3-0 win.


Everything from bulk pet food to the best selection of home brewing to fill your own cleaning products to loads of speciality organic and gluten-free products to even making your own peanut butter! Pukekohe Bin Inn has it all...

Have you Bin Inn yet?

Ever tried making a recipe with hard-to-find ingredients? Well, frustrated shoppers will find all the ingredients they need at Bin Inn Pukekohe, a popular store with a wide variety of specialised ingredients and groceries.

The main draw of Bin Inn, since its inception almost 15 years ago, has been to offer a wealth of bulk and whole foods, at excellent pricing, and enabling customers to reduce packaging waste. Shoppers are encouraged to bring their own containers and can refill from new shuttle bins with external scoops - a major change from the large plastic bins clients may recall from the early days of the brand. While the store has long been a favourite of people looking for great value and a great range of food ingredients, today’s Bin Inn has also responded to its clients’ changing tastes and requirements - offering a comprehensive gluten-free selection. This range includes flours, cereals and baking mixes, all produced by top quality suppliers from New Zealand and overseas. One of the most popular ranges of products available at Bin Inn Pukekohe has been the bulk breakfast cereals from Sanitarium and Hubbards. Muesli is becoming more and more of a popular kick-start to your morning choice for today’s

fast-moving lifestyle. Bin Inn Pukekohe now allows you to mix and match your breakfast choices by creating your own personalised morning muesli, to find the combination that’s just right for you and your family. Naturally, the store offers a great selection of organic produce, and being situated right in the centre of the agricultural hub of the nation means Bin Inn Pukekohe has access to product straight from the growers, and complements these choices with a range of health foods and seeds. Of course, having a brilliant range of cooking ingredients and mixes means

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home chefs want to enhance those flavours with herbs and spices, and this is where Bin Inn offers a range which makes it stand out in the marketplace. And for those who like to snack between delicious meals, Bin Inn carries spicy, sweet, and healthy snack options. Along with the spices, there’s plenty of sauces, condiments and of course a great range of dessert options, either fresh or frozen. Bin Inn has something for everyone - check out their June specials at 4a Harris Street, Pukekohe or give their friendly team a call on 239 3042.

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Pukekohe win for Baird Kiwi motorsport legend Craig Baird put his world renowned expertise in Porsches to good use on the weekend - winning the Mahindra Pukekohe Six Hour race in style. Partnered by Paul Kelly, Baird’s immaculate Porsche GT3 finished 10 laps ahead of its nearest challenger, a 997 Porsche Cup car driven by Simon McLennan and Ross Lilley. Third was the vastly experienced duo of Craig Innes and Mark Maddren in another Porsche 997 while fourth was the Seat Supercopa of Richard and John Billington and Lewis Scott. Rounding out the top five were Sam Fillmore and Danny Stutterd in another 997 Porsche. Earlier in the day Simon Gilbertson took out the Mahindra Pukekohe One Hour race in his John McIntyre run Porsche, from Kel McBeath’s superb Panoz GT car. Round 2 takes place at Taupo Motorsport Park on July.

It’s carpooling week Auckland Transport once again has shown it seems to think every Aucklander lives within spitting distance of Queen Street, as it announces Kiwi Carpool Week which started yesterday, 9 June. Auckland Transport says drivers could save around $10 per day if there are two of you sharing a car and commuting 15km. Their calculations assume people travel 7.5km by car to get to work, something which will no doubt please Franklin residents... However, they say enthusiastically, “Use the cost calculator on the Let’s Carpool site to fund out how much you could save – “You can also visit the site to find people living and working near you who are looking to join a carpool, or talk to you friends and colleagues about setting up your own. You don’t even need to carpool all the way to work. Consider sharing a car to a central place, and jumping on a train or bus from there.”

Council says no to $7.5 million Auckland Council is returning a $7.5 million deposit cheque to Tournament Parking. Council received the cheque on Friday in an unsolicited offer from Tournament Parking to buy the Downtown Carpark for $75 million. Auckland Council Chief Executive, Stephen Town, said the cheque was being returned as council has not made any decision about selling the carpark ahead of developing its Long-term Plan. “The carpark is not currently for sale. If there is to be any divestment of parking assets, a proposal to do so would be included in the Long-term Plan for public consultation,” said Mr Town.


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Post Motoring


Your fortnightly motoring guide..

New speed cameras smarter and more flexible Three sites in the Counties-Manukau area are among the first 12 sites to have new digital speed cameras, which will be able to tell the size of vehicles and identify whether the vehicle is towing a trailer - which means drivers will need to adhere to the towing limits. The $10m project will see 56 new digital cameras in place across the country by the end of next year. The cameras are being supplied by Redflex Traffic Systems, following a contestable tender process, and will be rolled out gradually across the country over the next 18 months. The new camera network will be centrally managed, digital and use wireless technology. The cameras use dual radar system. Signals from the radars bounce off vehicles, back to the camera. The first radar identifies speeding cars by measuring vehicle speed three times in quick succession, and taking the middle speed.

The second radar identifies the lane the car is in and double-checks the speed reading. If the vehicle is speeding, the camera takes a picture. The cameras can monitor traffic flowing in both directions across six lanes. They are able to distinguish vehicles such as trucks and vehicles towing trailers. Assistant Commissioner Road Policing, Dave Cliff, says confirmation of the first six sites in Wellington and six in Auckland represents a significant milestone. The current fixed camera network is almost 20 years old and uses outdated wet film technology. The 12 sites are a mix of existing and new locations. “Announcing the first sites that will receive the new advanced cameras represents an exciting step forward, as we work with our road safety partners to save lives and prevent serious injuries on our roads, particularly in those places where the evidence tells us there

is a high risk of speed-related crashes,” Mr Cliff says. “We have consulted with people in those communities directly affected by placement of the cameras, who were all resoundingly supportive of having them in their neighbourhoods to improve road safety.” NZ Transport Agency Road Safety Director Ernst Zollner says the rollout of the new speed cameras will be welcomed by most New Zealanders. “We know that a clear majority of Kiwis support the efforts of Police to save lives and prevent serious injuries by enforcing speed limits. We are aiming to bring the road toll down by making every part of our transport system safer – vehicles, roads and roadsides, speeds and road users. As part of a separate project, Police will also pilot a small number of newer generation red light cameras before the end of the year, employing similar site selection methodology to the speed camera expansion project.

Auckland v Waikato; car buyers survey revealed A nationwide survey by Canstar Blue has revealed that 20% of new car buyers prioritise technology over safety features, that Aucklanders are most likely to regard their car as a status symbol and that Waikato people are among those least likely to take advice on a purchase. The importance of iPod connectivity, and other new technologies, ahead of safety is highest among Gen Ys and Aucklanders, with one in three Gen Ys and 30 per cent of Aucklanders placing special emphasis on technology features. Derek Bonnar, Canstar General Manager, New Zealand says that for a large minority the survey, when it comes to choosing a new car, looks matter. “Forty one per cent chose their car based solely on appearance, with aesthetics being of particular importance to Aucklanders (52%) and Gen Ys (59%). Men were more likely than women to purchase a vehicle based on how it looks.” Reflecting continuing high petrol prices, fuel economy continues to be big factor in the purchase decision. More than three quarters of new car buyers are concerned

with fuel economy, a small increase on the year before. Bonnar says that third party reviews and internet ratings are a popular source of prepurchase information for car buyers (71%), ahead of seeking advice from family and friends (55%). “Regardless of age group or region, people from all walks of life and backgrounds are consulting online reviews. Women are less likely than men to consult online reviews and ratings and more likely than men to seek the advice of family and friends.” Bonnar urged a note of caution to the (more than) one-in-four new car that borrow money to purchase their vehicle. “While it is a very special thing to be able to purchase a brand new car, owners mustn’t forget that they have – in most cases – bought a depreciating asset. Borrowing money to make the purchase and then paying interest, can make the overall cost of the vehicle very high, once depreciation is factored in. If debt can’t be avoided, then car owners should look to pay their vehicle loan off as soon as possible.” Aucklanders- are most likely to regard their car as

a status symbol (39%), most likely to shop around for the lowest quote when getting their car serviced (43%), most likely to buy their car based on appearance (52%), equal most likely (with Wellington) to factor fuel economy in their purchasing decision (80%), most likely to borrow money to purchase their car (34%), most likely to get advice from friends

New Zealand’s most stolen cars named It’s third time unlucky for the Honda Torneo, after it topped the most frequently stolen car list for the third consecutive year, with older cars most at risk. AA Insurance has announced the 10 most stolen cars, based on its own claims data, and the Honda Torneo has once again made it to the top after debuting on the list in 2010. The Subaru Impreza also continues to be a target, retaining its second place spot since last year. However other Subaru models, Forester and Legacy, have been jostled down the list by new

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and family (69%) and most likely to prioritise technology features over safety features (30%). Waikato people- are equal least likely (with Canterbury) to see their car as a reflection of their personality (50%), least likely to see their car as a status symbol (15%) and equal least likely (with Otago) to not seek advice from any source (22%).


Mazda entries, Premacy and Familia, while the Atenza climbed four places into sixth position. Nissan models also prove a favourite with thieves, with the Cefiro and Sunny making the list once again however, the Nissan Skyline and Honda Integra were both pushed off. The top ten vehicles are: 1. Honda Torneo, 2. Subaru Impreza, 3. Mazda Premacy, 4. Mazda Familia, 5. Subaru Forester, 6. Mazda Atenza, 7. Subaru Legacy, 8. Mazda MPV, 9. Nissan Sunny and 10. Nissan Cefiro. The average value of a stolen vehicle claim from the top 10 list is $4,977. Despite anecdotal evidence of a recent increase in car keys being stolen to access newer vehicles with sophisticated modern security systems, AA Insurance has found that 92 per cent of theft claims for models in the top 10 list were for cars manufactured more than 10 years ago. According to AA Insurance claims data, a car manufactured before 2000 is over four times as likely to be stolen as a car manufactured from 2005 onwards.



Post Motoring



Your fortnightly motoring guide..



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Rattrie Panelbeaters

Dirt trackers head for the forest The Waiuku Dirt Track Club is eagerly awaiting the start of its winter sprint series, which opens in the Waiuku Forest this Sunday, June 15. Among the keen contenders will be Sean Thomson, his son Dylan and local Beaurepaires dealer Nick Speedy, (pictured above last

week with their Subaru race cars.) Dylan is the defending sprint series champion after narrowly defeating his dad Sean last year. The club has been running the winter series for over 25 years, with the last seven years racing in the forest, and events can see any-

thing up to 30 cars from the Franklin region racing their way through the tracks. All classes that run during the dirt track’s regular summer series are eligible to compete in the winter sprints, with the exception of the junior drivers who are not allowed to enter for safety reasons.

The series is run over six rounds, and has proven over the years to be highly competitive, cars being separated by as little as half a second on some of the runs. Further information for racers who would like to compete in the series can be found at the website,

Electrifying roadster on display at show Supercars are a staple part of any automotive show, but at this year’s CRC Speedshow, one supercar – a lightweight, high-performance Tesla Roadster – will not be like the others. With its sleek, low-slung lines and innovative bonded aluminium/carbon-fibre body, the US-built Tesla Roadster certainly looks like a supercar. And its ability to accelerate from standstill to 100 km/h in just 3.7 seconds means it is as fast as one. The difference is that the Tesla is ‘powered’ by electricity, not petrol. “And if you didn’t know the Tesla was electric, it would be hard to tell by looking at it, wouldn’t it?” says Rob McEwen of the Association for the Promotion of Electric Vehicles who’s behind the display of electric vehicles as part of CRC Speedshow, run-

ning 19 and 20 July at Auckland’s ASB Showgrounds. The increasing importance – not to mention rapidly increasing public acceptance – of electric vehicles can be seen in the fact that the sporty Tesla Roadster will be one of at least four electric vehicles on the Association’s stand at the biggest annual automotive and motorsport show in Australasia. The others are all models which are now readily avail-

able to New Zealand consumers, namely the RangeExtended Holden Volt, the Mitsubishi Outlander PHEV and the Nissan Leaf. The display of electric vehicles is a first for CRC Speedshow with show director Ross Prevette predicting a bright future for the ‘zero emission’ sector. “Even just in the past year, major strides have been made both in the electric vehicle technology itself and the uptake by manufactur-

ers, dealers and the buying public. “We’re no longer talking just about hybrids either; we’re talking about genuine, 100%, whisper-quiet, zeroemission vehicles equipped with high-efficiency electric motors and the latest lithium-ion batteries,” says Prevette. “There’s no doubt that some exciting technology is being developed which will continue to flow through to our everyday motor vehicles,” says Prevette. “We’re delighted Rob McEwen and APEV will join us at this year’s show to highlight the practical and exciting electric and hybrid vehicles available to New Zealanders today.”

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One-point, last gasp, thriller

World Cup action There is still time for local rugby fans to catch up on some action from the Junior World Cup, with three matches scheduled for this Sunday afternon ECOLight Stadium. Tickets are $5 kids and $10 for adults on the South Auckland Motors Embankment or $10 for kids and $15 for Adults in the Grandstand for three games of rugby! Matches start from 12.35pm, with three games on the afternoon, although teams are yet to be confirmed depending on results this week.

Waiuku Netball Supporter of the Week If this is you, collect your prize in person from the Waiuku Netball Office on the next playing Saturday or phone the office on 235 8813. Kindly donated by Enchanted Florist, Leonard Street, Waiuku

the last say with a try to hooker Michael Porter from solid forward play. Pukekohe now sit in fourth place on the table. Patumahoe Hotel beat Ardmore Marist 23-3 to sit in second place on the table. Ardmore Marist’s points came via a penalty from AJ Alatimu. For Patumahoe their points came from three tries by Joshua Van Lieshout, Haani Halaeua and Vernon Comley with Riley Hohepa adding the extras with one conversion and two penalties. Bombay Gough CAT had a solid 37-14 win over Manurewa to sit in third spot on the table. Manurewa’s two tries were scored by Amosa Nove and Teisam Faimasasa with Ahsee Tuala converting both of them. Bombay scored five tries with Sam Vaka, Sepuloni Taufa, Shaun Muir, Tulele Masoe and Joshua Allan all crossing the chalk. In the Premier Reserve Bob Chandler Memorial grade Karaka lead the pack after their 60-8 win over Pukekohe. The Counties Power Game of the Week was a true battle with Manurewa just edging out Bombay 27-

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Waiuku Golf Results

25. Patumahoe beat Ardmore Marist 13-6 and Waiuku notched up 50 points against Onewhero. In the Premier Sid Marshall Shield division Drury notched up 40 unanswered points against Te Kauwhata. Taniela Tuivai scored a hat trick of tries with Tevitamamoeaki Pupu, Suliasi Kaufusi and Lisaniasi Kainga all crossing the line and Brett Dahlkamp converting five of the tries. In the other match Papakura beat Weymouth 33-3. Weymouth’s penalty was kicked by Poao Nove. Papakura points came courtesy of tries by Richard Poki, Junior Peilua, Tony Lockwood and Peter Dando. Matthew Thorburn slotted two conversions and three penalties to add the extra’s on the score board. In the Premier Reserve Bill Marshall Cup section Drury Stevenson beat Te Kauwhata 45-7 and Papakura beat Weymouth 24-10. Patumahoe sit on top of the U21 table after their 17-5 win over Ardmore Marist. Pukekohe beat Waiuku 36-13, Bombay Hydraulink edge out Karaka 22-20 and Weymouth defaulted to Manurewa.

It’s been a hectic few days at Waiuku Golf recently as a number of competitons came to a head. Results were: 2-6-14 Queens Birthday Haggle: 1st Kerry Martin 37, 2nd Frank Vander Ploeg 36, 3rd Ivan Van Niekerk 36, 4th Roy Wright 36. Twos: Craig Chambers , Kerry Martin, Roy Wright. 3-6-14 Tuesday Haggle Div One : 1st Jay Williams 43 Div Two :Mike Derecourt 49 4-6-14 Wednesday Ladies Haggle Div One; 1st Lorraine Craig 73 Nett, 2nd Marie Lynch 78 nett Div Two; 1st Yvonne Hunter 74 Nett, 2nd Eunice Clark 77. 9 Hole Ladies Least Puts Div One; 1st Carol Craig 16; 2nd Fae Douglas 18; 3rd Bev Laurent 19. Div Two; 1st Bev Shuker 16 c/b; 2nd Marjan Slappendel 16; 3rd Mona Francis 18. Nearest Pin Gweneth Baird. 5-6-14 Thursday Haggle Div One; 1st Lindsay Russell 41; 2nd Colin Sutherland 41; 3rd Moke Everitt 39; 4thJohn Munro 39. Div Two Cam Fleming 41; 2nd Peter Winchester 41; 3rd Alex Fox 38; 4th Don Paterson 37. Twos; Robert Anderson. 7-6-14 Saturday Haggle Div One; 1st Phil Thompson 42; 2nd Shannon Mc Call 41; 3rd Dave Yandall 4; 4th Kerry Martin 39; 5th John Morris 39; 6th Bruce Whittaker 38. Div Two; 1st Merv Price, 2nd Phil Hunt 41, 3rd Alan Stichbury 40, 4th Les Edwards 38, 5th Ivan Van Niekerk 37, 6th Bryan Johnson 37. Best Gross; Div One Fred Watts 71; Div Two Merv Price 79. Twos: Rory Kimber, Shannon McCall, Jim Cotter, John Morris, Terry Spencer, Phil Thompson, Sid Thornton, Darren Whyte. Vets Cup Winner: Kerry Martin. Murphy Cup Winner: Rory Kimber.

Classifieds CLEANING



Vacant houses, windows, offices, carpet shampooing & exterior waterblasting. Plus maintenance. FREE quotes. Ph Allan or Lynette: 09 235 9333 or 027 272 6249.

FIREWOOD splitter. Ph: 235 7733 or 021 305 111.

Free drop off depot for all your unwanted computers, whiteware, etc. Recycle All Your Stuff Ltd. Unit 1 Waiuku Business Park, 23 Kitchener Rd. Free pick up in Waiuku. Ph: 235 5769.


your pc guy Virus Removal, Repairs, Internet, Broadband, PC Sales, Data backup, Tuition

Bouncy Castle Elephant, Tiger for kids. Sumo, Boxing, Jousting for Adults. Ph: 09 235 5297 or 0274 260 040.

FOR SALE COCKY’S CORNER - For fencing & roofing iron, timber, hardware, plywood, pavers, gates, garden sheds & more. 123 Queen St, Waiuku. Ph: 235 9880 or 235 2386.

Jon 235 5300

Mob 021 111 4122 FIREWOOD FIREWOOD for sale. Dry Mac & Gum mix. $80/m with free local delivery. Ph 235 9668 or 021 412 452. DON & Gaylyn, this season’s pine firewood. $75 per cube, delivered and stacked. Ph. 235 9588

REMOVAL - Any old scrap metal incl. old batteries, expired gas bottles, old cars, lawn mowers, etc. Ph Martin: 021 128 5953 or 238 3005.

GARDENING ROSEMARY and Bay leaf- I will prune your Rosemary Bush or Bay Tree for you, in return for the produce. Ph. Jeanette 09 235 2884.

Great ‘In Your Home’ service . . .



Waiuku Netball proudly supported by


238 5055 0800 10 35 35 Windscreen Repairs & Replacement

auto glass


In the Counties Power Club rugby Premier round, Waiuku continue their form of getting out of jail by a Luke Graham kick in the closing minutes of the match. They have done this in their last three matches and this time it resulted in a one point win over Onewhero when the clock stopped at 24-23. The match started by both sides trading penalties. Waiuku winger Willie Hepari scored from an overlap out wide. Onewhero replied with Alifeleti Fahiua crossing the line which was converted by Nathan Langsford. Waiuku slotted a penalty to take the lead back and Onewhero slotted one to give them a 1311 lead at the break. Nathan Langsford slotted a drop goal just after half time which was followed by Filipe Pau scoring a converted try which gave them a twelve point lead. It was at this point Ronald Raaymakers stepped up the anti and scored two tries down the blindside in the corner. Coincidently Waiuku’s return to form has coincided with the return of Ronald Raaymakers. With two minutes to go Luke Graham slotted the winning penalty to give Waiuku their third great escape in a row. It was another typical Karaka-Pukekohe encounter which this time went Karaka’s way with a 15-10 victory of the Pukekohe Mitre 10 Mega side to keep them at the top of the table. In the low scoring match, Karaka appeared to be the more polished of the two sides. Pukekohe’s George Maka marked his return make from a long term injury with a try. Karaka replied with a try to Josh Rowland to even up the score at 5-all. In the second half Desma Liaina scored from a kick and chase which was converted by Kieron Rollinson to give them the lead which they added to with a penalty. Pukekohe had


SUPER SALE $10 DAY! Thursday, 12th June

Amazing Clothing, Jewellery, Handbags & Footwear Only $10.00 per item!


FIREWOOD - Bargain. Mac/pine. 4 Metres: $300 Delivered. 2 Metres $170. Ph/txt: 021 744 970 or 235 0065.

Doors Open 10.00am 5 Mauku Rd PATUMAHOE

Shed stored guaranteed. Dry pine $75 or old man pine $80/m. Free delivery. Ph: 235 8847/021362 687.

HOLDEN Vectra 2004 Sedan Auto. Exc. Cond. 102Km’s. $7,500. Ph. 239 1019.

HAIR DRESSING THE Cutting Room Hair Salon. 33 Breaker Grove, Waiuku. Ladies cuts from $30, Mens cuts from $25, Colours from $70. Hours: Tues 11-3pm, Wed 9-5pm, Fri 9-til late, Mon & Sat by pre-arranged appts only. Phone Steff: 235 7149.

HEALTH TAI-CHI QIGONG for well being. Church Hall, 43 Queen Street, Pukekohe. Thursdays, 1.15pm - $5; 5.30pm - $8, 7pm - $8. Teaching, practice, green tea. No booking required, just turn up.


Servicing, Repairs & Sales of most woodburner


Buckingham Industries Ph: 235 3900 Mob: 021 270 9454

LAUNDROMAT Open 7 days. Drop off & self service. Detergents incl. Sports clothing, commercial, wash, dry and fold. Laundry 4 U. Betw Video Ezy & Pizza Hut, across parking lot from ED St Rest. Ph: 09 239 2964.

LAWNMOWING LAWNMOWING/ Garden maintenance. Jim's mowing for quality work from reliable, fully insured and police checked operators call:

0800 4 546 546 for a free quote.

LAWNMOWING TOPCUT LAWNMOWING - reliable, clean, tidy job experienced operator. Ph Fred 09 235 5280, 021 902 552. GREEN ACRES - Clarks Beach. Covering Franklin area. Lawn mowing, gardening, garden clearance, hedges. clean, tidy and reliable. Call Brett 021 0211 7777 / 09 232 1276.

Massage Massage & sugar paste hair removal - brow shape/ lash & brow tint. Ph: Moka on 235 0464 / 021 166 9674. (Natural Treatment). Fluffy Ducks Pampering. Relaxation Massage, Reflexology, Reiki (Registered Practitioner) Sue Vlug. Ph: 09 235 2256. Email:

PETS POOCHIE PARK – Holiday home for dogs. Inspection welcome by arrangement. Ph: 09 235 0052 (a/h) or 021 856 555. E: for further information.

PICTURE FRAMING The Framing Shed. Quality custom picture framing. 31 Victoria Ave, Waiuku. Tues - Fri 9 - 5 or by appointment. Ph Allie: 235 0939 / 027 253 4577.




Freeview - Antennas, installations & set up. Ph: Mike & Mike: 235 7059 morngs. Reg.Servicemen.

WAREHOUSE SPACE Waiuku Business Park, 23 Kitchener Rd. Small, Med & Lge. Easy access. Ph Sam: 021 671 960.

Deceased Estate house clearances and cleaning. Ph. 027 277 5026 for free quote. Waiuku Magpies 2nd Hand Dealers.

WORKSHOP SPACE Waiuku Business Park, 23 Kitchener Rd. Easy access. Ph Sam: 021 671 960.



Part-time senior hairstylist req. for Pukekohe salon. Hours neg. but Sat essen. Ph. 09 238 6172 or evenings 027 470 1762.

Drumming Lessons Full set up in Waiuku, no need to have a kit. Beginners to intermediate, theory, rhythm & grooves. Ph: Paul on 021 145 4478.

Deliverers wanted. Columbo Road area. Ph. Mike 09 236 3995.

Looking for

WANTED TREES WANTED - Gum & Macrocarpa. Also tree felling & shelter belt removal. Ph/txt Chris: 027 212 4590 or 235 0065.



Cash Buyer wanting house on large section any condition. Call or txt details. John 021 746 451.

Advertise your situations vacant in The Post. Contact us on

09 235 7835

or Email:

TO LEASE OFFICE SPACE - Waiuku Business Park, 23 Kitchener Rd. Downstairs from $90 + gst p/wk. Ph Sam: 021 671 960. OFFICE SPACE - Waiuku Business Park, 23 Kitchener Rd. Upstairs from $110 + gst p/wk. Ph Sam: 021 671 960.

Good quality used furniture, collectibles, bric a brac, also house lots. Ph. 027 277 5026 for free quote. Waiuku Magpies 2nd Hand Dealers.

Window Cleaning Residential and commercial. Professional Service. Competitive prices, free quotes. Ph: Colin 027 965 2094.




St John Ambulance Hall Constable Road * Waiuku GUEST SPEAKER Tracey Martin NZ First MP ALL WELCOME - Enquiries 09 235 9500



TUESDAY 10th JUNE 7PM in staff room. Everyone Welcome





SUDOKU Beautiful Flowers



Stop Smoking Group Want to be smokefree?

solve group at the Franklin JoinHow a freetoafternoon Flowers & Gifts No.1347 Sudoku!

7 made 3 to 1 6lovingly your personal 5 2 6 1 4 requirements. 2 Call in 8& see 5us!9 52/314Bowen8St, Waiuku 6 Phone 235 0643 or 021 998897 4 3 6 FOR 1 SALE 2 8 3 7 2 9 5 9 3 2 4 7 New book cases solid pine from $195 * New carpet from $5 5 - $280 * New tallboy 4 6 drawers 1 * Bedroom6suite headboard,


x 2 bed sides, drawers & dresser - $60, Lounge suite 3x2x1 - $295 * Students desk - $50 * Picture frames, all sizes from $1 * Lazy Boy 'green' - $65 We buy quality household furniture


Centre, provided by Counties Manukau Health’s Living Smokefree Service. Runs over 7 so weeks, Fill the grid that for 1 hour per week. every row0800 and every Call 569 568 for details. 3x3 square contains the digits 1 to 9

puzzle RESULTS

3 2 5 7 8 4 6 9 1

Solution No.1346 4 1 9 8 7 5 6 6 8 1 5 3 9 7 7 9 2 6 4 3 8 9 6 8 2 5 4 1 5 3 7 4 1 6 2 1 2 6 3 9 7 5 8 4 3 7 2 1 9 2 5 4 1 6 8 3 3 7 5 9 8 2 4

2 4 1 3 9 8 5 7 6

? Answers!

QUICK PUZZLE NO. 7355 - SOLUTIONS Across - 6, Cumbersome. 8, Alto. 9, Plot. 10, Gaunt. 11, Hail. 12, Indignant. 16, Turbulent. 20, Lamb. 22, Error. 23, Mint. 24, Isle. 25, Fraternity. Down - 1, Muslin. 2, Abstain. 3, Dragon. 4, Column. 5, Heath. 7, Stain. 13, Air. 14, Clement. 15, Cause. 17, Uproar. 18, Border. 19, Ninety. 21, Beefy.


•WAIUKU MAGPIES• 3/10 Martyn St, Waiuku, Ph: 09 235 5509

Furniture, Whiteware, Mowers, Antiques, Collectibles TUES–FRI:1-4pm * SAT:10 –3pm



Interested in hosting an international student and involving them in your family life?


BROKEN WINDSCREEN? Have you got a stone chip or broken windscreen? Before you phone your Insurance company phone


Don’t let them tell you to deal with an out of town company. Pukekohe Windscreens Ltd can assist you with your insurance claim. Ph: 09 2388367 or call into 87 Manukau Road, Pukekohe. Email:

If the answer’s yes, we would like to hear from you. Desirable, but not essential, you will have a family member who is already a student at Waiuku College and be living in or near town. Following screening completion & placement, International student board payments are made fortnightly in arrears. Contact Amber on: 09 235 8139 x 241 for further details.

Friday 13th June @7pm Aka Aka School Hall

CASH BAR AVAILABLE * SUPPER PROVIDED $20 ENTRY FEE (pre purchased) $25 DOOR SALES * GREAT PRIZES TO BE WON Phone Hayden 235 8608 or 02102390604 for more info/tickets

Beauty Therapist (Full or Part time) • • •

Would you like every second Saturday off? Do you want to work for a professional company with paid training and development, and outstanding career progression opportunities? Do you want to work for a company that performs a variety of treatments with a strong focus on facials, and train and perform advanced treatment techniques including Microdermabrasion, Caci-Non Surgical, Sonophoresis, VPL Laser and peels? Do you want to want to work with a range of professional skin care products?

Applicants must have CIDESCO or CIBTAC. Prior work experience is preferred but not essential. We would be willing to nurture the right applicant.

Treatment Co-ordinator (Full or Part time)

Are you looking for great company perks • Would you like on-going training and support • Would you like to work with an award winning team If you have a proven history as a sales professional, with a passion for the beauty industry, you could be the next valued member of our team. We would also look at a Beauty Therapist who is looking at taking their career to the next level. To find out more about both vacancies go to and search Caci Pukekohe or, to apply in the strictest of confidence, send your CV to : Jane Chaney, Clinic Manager Email:


40 Queen Street, Waiuku Open Monday to Friday • 8.30am - 5.30pm Sat • 9am - 2pm and Sun • 10am - 2pm Phone : 09 235 9307 Fax : 09 237 0054 Email :


Caci Pukekohe is experiencing strong growth. On the back of this we have the following positions available.



We have positions available for glasshouse workers at our Waiuku operation. People applying need to have a good level of fitness, to be able to work in the heat and at heights. This is a full-time position starting at 8.00am until 4.30pm. During the peak season hours vary with Saturday work a requirement. Immediate start. For more information contact Karen on: 021 390717 or come to 79 Taurangaruru Rd, Waiuku between 10.00am – 2.00pm.

A position is to become available for a general freight and flat top despatcher based in Waiuku, South Auckland. Auckland and local area knowledge will be an advantage. Proven organisational skills and computer literacy are a requirement for this position. This role is 5 days per week, but could involve overtime. Please reply in writing in the first instance to: Graham Dickey, C/O Knight & Dickey Ltd PO Box 49, Waiuku, 2341


Learn Thai Cooking Cook & Learn then Enjoy LIMITED SPACE Call Fon or Jon 235 5300





Rural Specialists Your guide to rural and agricultural services



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Ph Graham 09 238 6405 or 027 285 0045 Pukekohe 238 9991

Waiuku 235 0650


EARTHMOVING & DRAINAGE Truck, Digger Excavations - drains - drives - sand - metal - slag FREE QUOTES

Phone - SHERIDAN 235 8857 Mobile 0274 933 743

Call: Greg 027 493 4037 • Jaz 027 564 5394 a/h 09 537 1231 • Hanger 09 296 5337 FREEPHONE (0508 HELIAG)

Craig Nicholson Earthmoving & General Cartage

600 Buckland Rd, RD 2, Pukekohe

Ph/Fax 09 238 4047 Mob: 021 987 402

House Sites, landscaping, farm races & farm drainage Top Soil - Clay Fill - Silage Hydraulic Post Hole Borer Truck & Bulldozer for Hire

S & J Liefting Contractors

Spraying-Thistles-Broadleaf-Liquid Fertiliser Topdressing-Urea-DAP-Fert ME

Experienced Operator with 28 years exp.


• 580L Twin Hoppers • 29 run, 4 inch spacing

Ph Ian 0274 957 819 or 09 235 9434

For your pet and stock feed requirements Karaka Retail Store State Highway 22 next to Caltex, Karaka Hours: Mon-Fri 8.45 - 5.45 Sat 8.30 - 2

• 20 Tonne Diggers • Low Loader • Tip Trucks & Trailers • Grader • Bulldozers & Scoop • Roading • 5.5 tonne Digger • Drainage • Tree Removal • Dams • Stopbanks • Horse • Excavations Arenas • Demolition • Building Sites • General Cartage Metal / Sand / Slag Supplied




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09 235 0494 Telephone : 09 294 7831

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15 m Long Reach

Livestock Services Rural Supplies Horticultural Supplies Real Estate Finance Insurance Seed and Grain Wool Animal Nutrition Training

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Take My Card Contact us: 09 235 7835

Your A-Z of Trades & Services





•  General Maintenance •  Renovations •  Building Reports •  Bathroom & Kitchens

Ph 09 235 8693 • 0274 912 016

New & Old Floors Phone Roger

0274 986 798

09 235 8364


Len Gore

Painter Decorator Residential & Commercial

• Accommodation needs • Portable ensuites • Ideal extra bedroom

Phone Lynette & Jeff Millen

235 3500

Mobile 021 533 585


Franklin Carpet Cleaning Ltd Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning

Carolyn Foley Mob: 021 886 475  Ph: 09 235 5014 Email:

Chimney Sweep

Your Local Chimney Sweep The longest established chimney sweep business in Franklin

Your local company for all glass repairs and supplies

6 COURT STREET WAIUKU (Opposite Police Station)

Mobile free 0800 226 884 235 2572


PH 238 5055 0800 10 35 35


Ph: Aaron 09 232 1294 or 021 222 0942


For all your water requirements call and see Kevin & Jo Gubb ph 09 235 8268 14 Constable Road, Waiuku SEPTIC TANKS

mind & body connection

Tamara 235 8648 or 021 255 1087 TRUCK RENTAL

Small/Large Trucks/Utes/ Trailers & Cars

Windscreen Repairs & Replacement

(Right next to Bunnings Warehouse)


Franklin Truck Rentals

auto glass * Mobile Service, Franklin wide * 103 Manukau Road, Pukekohe

021 293 6250

Hosking Place, Waiuku


all about


All Sizes

ALL Ages ALL Abilities

Caravan Hire


Value for money guaranteed For a free quote, call Len 021 - 682 028


Counties Caravan Rentals



Give Tai Chi a try …


52 Manukau Road, Pukekohe 09 238 8388 Don’t Delay Call Today Water TANKS

Franklin Water Ltd

Water Tank Cleaning Pumps and Filters

0800 826 525


Home & Office Cleaning • FREE QUOTES • •Regular & One off cleans •Spring cleans •Windows & Ceilings •Commercial & Domestic•Fully Insured, Owner/Operator

238 7701



Take My Card


Do you really want a contractor who can’t afford to advertise working at YOUR place?

•Gutter clearing •Pruning/trimming •Weeding/spraying •Rubbish removal •All property maintenance•Fully Insured, Owner/Operator

238 7701


ACTUAL CONCRETE For all your concrete requirements Phone John 021 501 438


Hedges, Tree Work, Rubbish Removal, Rotary Slashing, Schools, Industrial sites & section clean ups RESIDENTIAL • COMMERCIAL * Free Quotes * WINZ Quotes

Kris Butcher M: 027 247 0084 • A/H: 235 0666



• 7 & 8 Wire Rural Fencing • Post & Rail Fencing • Stock Yards and Loading Ramps

Call Paul 027 435 5333


PAINTING ROOFS & EXTERIOR Textured Ceilings - SPECIALISED COATINGS Hard wearing coatings for most surfaces. Terraces, Garage floors, Block walls etc. Epoxy coatings - Airless Spraying, Roofs Painted

Phone Bruce Cameron 0274 988 412




0800 482 532 027 476 1306


Contact us: 09 235 7835 If you don’t advertise!




NZ Home Builders


are proud to announce the opening of their new show home in Waiuku. It’s open Saturday and Sunday from 10am to 2pm and Wednesday to Friday from 1pm to 5pm. We invite you to have a thorough look inside and outside of this beautiful new show home, meet one of our consultants and discuss some of the benefits of building with NZ Home Builders.

THE ONE STOP HOME BUILDING SPECIALISTS • Seamless Design & Build Service • Turnkey Home & Land Packages • Property Subdivision Experts • A Great Range of Standard Plans • Tailored Financial Solutions • Investment Properties & Opportunities


Wednesday to Friday: 1pm to 5pm Saturday and Sunday: 10am to 2pm

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