Post Newspaper 25 February 2014

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Tuesday • FEBRUARY 25 • 2014 PHONE: 09 235 78 35 FAX: 09 235 78 34




Motoring de

Your Fortnightly Motoring Gui

VOL 26 • NO.07



48 Queen St, Waiuku (above ASB) • 09 235 7455 RISE ACCOUNTANTS - COUNTIES LTD

Pukekohe business wins

Air we go!

A Pukekohe Business is celebrating after collecting the major award at a national conference earlier this month.

The Waiuku race crew of Michael Baird and Craig Vare fly high during the final round of the Thundercat Race Series held at Karioitahi Beach on Saturday. Lifeguards reported around 1200 people took to the beach in ideal conditions as three local crews battled against eight other teams in the high-octane sport. See inside for more pictures.



Life savers for lifesavers Donations of defibrillators bring peace of mind to local pool users and guards.



Classics at a classic A historic hotel hosts a terrific crowd as around 100 classic vehicles meet for the biannual Ironsands Hot Rod and Custom Club mystery drive.



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$50 million plant for Glenbrook Purchase of Pacific Steel assets means new investment, construction jobs for region

A $50 million investment in new plant at Glenbrook’s New Zealand Steel, and the addition of around 70 jobs during more than a year of construction, are two of the boosts for the Franklin region after BlueScope announced last week it was purchasing the assets of Fletcher Building’s Pacific Steel. Andrew Garey, General Manager New Zealand Steel and Pacific Islands, says the $120 million deal is a further step in the creation of a more sustainable steel industry in New Zealand. It will create an opportunity for New Zealand Steel to better leverage local iron sands and better service its customers with a full range of long products, together with its existing flat products. Pacific Steel is the only manufacturer of rod and wire products in the country, and the transaction means BlueScope will own the rolling and wire facilities in Otahuhu, with the raw steel for the products being supplied by Pacific Steel’s billet caster, until the new plant is constructed at Glenbrook. At that stage, expected to be by the end of

By Nigel Ward 2015, Fletcher Building will decommission its steelmaking facilities, and supply of the raw product will come from Glenbrook. Andrew Garey says the deal provides ‘more breathing space’ for New Zealand Steel, and more options for the future of the company, which is the largest single-site employer in the country, with over 1,000 staff. He acknowledges competing in the global steel market has been a difficult one in recent years, particularly with a high New Zealand dollar on the back of a strong economy. Both New Zealand Steel and Pacific Steel export more than 50% of their product, so bringing the two operations together results in a nett saving on manufacture, and Andrew Garey says it will allow the Glenbrook operation to reinvest as it continues to tailor its products to cater for, and service, the domestic market. The deal, which will require Commerce Commission approval, is one

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which will also mitigate some of the international pressures facing not only New Zealand Steel, but the industry in general. Mark Adamson, Fletcher Building Chief Executive Officer, said that having a local operator acquire the business was the best outcome to help ensure that steel manufacturing in New Zealand remains globally competitive. “This is a home-grown solution that secures a sustainable future for the New Zealand steel industry”, Mr Adamson said. Most of the employees in Pacific Steel’s rolling mill and wire drawing facilities will be offered employment with BlueScope subsidiaries on terms and conditions that are similar to their current arrangements. Fletchers said last week that staff who are not offered employment will remain employees of Fletcher Building to operate the steel mill at Otahuhu until it is decommissioned, following which they will be given the opportunity to re-train and move to other roles in the Fletcher Group.

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VIEWS & OPINIONS 18 Bowen Street, Waiuku Ph: 09 235 7835 | Fax: 09 235 7834 Email:

Managing Editor Nigel Ward Business Manager Steve Douglas Office Manager Sarah Lamb Graphic Designer Lynn Douglas Accounts Ngaire Deed Outbound Sales Claire Erica Published at 18 Bowen St, Waiuku by Waiuku Publishing Ltd. Printed by Horton Media Ltd, East Tamaki. Office Hours: Monday to Friday, 9am - 5pm.

Display Ads Thursday, 2pm Classifieds Monday, 10am

21,200 copies, weekly to Waiuku, Pukekohe, Tuakau, Awhitu Peninsula, Karaka, Clarks Beach, Patumahoe, Kingseat and rural.

There are now just a few days left until submissions close on the Auckland Unitary Plan, and there will be thousands upon thousands of Aucklanders who will likely be up in arms later this year as they suddenly realise some of the changes which have been made which directly involve their homes and their businesses. The Plan is a mammoth document, and although it can be trawled through online, it is a major undertaking to attempt to understand it as a whole. However, in terms of its effect on your individual property, a good starting point is to go to the plan section on the Auckland Council website, and type your residential address into the search bar. Chances are you will find there have been a number of changes to the plan which will mean some changes to the conditions under which you might build a pool, extend a deck or deal with a patch of native bush on your farm. Belatedly, it seems, Council representatives have suddenly realised they have a tiger by the tail in some of the provisions and sites inserted into the plan - particularly those which were not in the original versions released to the public. Privately, some councillors are less than happy about the process which led to a number of the heritage provisions being listed in the plan, and one can only conclude that, in some cases, elected representatives are being led by the nose by staff or others with influence with their own agendas. It is even more concerning when Local Board information suggests council staff have been supplying incorrect information to the Franklin Board after requests for information. It is to be hoped sufficient local people make their submissions to address these issues and that our Local Board has the teeth to demand accuracy from council staff and fairness for ratepayers.

THE POST wants to hear from you! or write to us at P.O Box 374, Waiuku.

Weekly crossword with the compliments of

Waiuku Law Office


MASON LAWRIE BARRISTERS & SOLICITORS (Incorporating Mason, Munro & Brough)

74 Queen Street, Waiuku Phone 235 9129 also at Pukekohe


Quote of the week! We should be taught not to wait for inspiration to start a thing. Action always generates inspiration. Inspiration seldom generates action. - Frank Tibolt


Puzzle answers in Classifieds EASY

1 7





2 1 4 9 5 6 3 1 5 3 4 4 2 6 9 5 3 9 2 4 6 3 7 6 5 1. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 14. 16. 19. 22. 24. 25. 26. 27.

ACROSS Fowl (4) Volley (9) Paradise (4) Wound (4) Platform (4) Ticket (4) Royalist (10) Bird (10) Native of Denmark (4) Summon (4) Note (4) Ruffian (4) Odd (9) Joint (4)

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 12. 13. 15. 17. 18. 20. 21. 23.

DOWN Inexpensive (5) Game (5) Meat (6) Wood (6) Dressed (4) Entry (9) Vehicle (9) Complacent (4) Difficult (4) Distant (6) Ploy (6) Wan (5) Bird of prey (5) Vegetable (4)





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Your platform re your news, views and ideas... sha to

Election a time for change Its election year this year and candidates are coming from everywhere to be the new Dr Paul. But how much value does an electorate get from a lapdog career MP? After twelve years of Dr Hutchison he never once voted for his constituents against his party. How many voters agree with him supporting the ETS, Super City, Maori Statutory

Well done to Mudlarks

Board and unprecedented treaty pay-outs, anti-smacking legislation, gay marriage and numerous tax increases? So much for the term electorate representative. This year voters have the choice to be ignored again or have a voice in parliament. It’s time for a change Hunua.

It was pleasing to see the yachts sailing down to the basin by the wharf. If the Mudlarks had not cleared the mangroves from this area this would not have happened.

Kevin Campbell, Waiuku

MR Hook Waiuku

Controversial items on agenda

Some of the most controversial aspects of the Auckland Unitary Plan will be covered in open council meetings this week. Issues covered in the council submission include: • More accurately defining Public Open Space zones • Addressing inconsistencies in the zoning of some parcels of land based on flood risk data • Clarification of how provisions that protect sites of value to mana whenua should be interpreted • Amending some of the extent of Significant Ecological Areas, where these are found to no longer be appropriate • Including new precincts and/or rules as a result of recent Environment Court decisions • Correcting areas of inconsistent numbering • Corrections to some heritage overlays • Correcting zoning errors for some individual sites A draft of the submission will be discussed at the Unitary Plan Committee today. Committee chair Alf Filipaina says the scale and How to solve size of the proposed plan, Sudoku! and the new legislation that guides the submission and hearings Fill the grid process, so that meant a council submission was apevery row and every propriate. 3x3 square contains the“Following digits 1 to 9notification, the next step was to go back and review everything in the Solution No.1329 proposed plan. Our submis5 1corrections 2 8covers 6 9 4the 7 3sion 1 6and 4 5 2 7 9 3 8 found in refinements 7 6not policy 3 1 4 2but 5 8this 9 review, 2 7changes, 6 4 3 1as5 it8is9up to Auck5 have 3 1landers 7 6 4their say on 8 2 9 to 4 9 5 7 8 6 3 1 2 the proposed plan and make 8 2 7 1 4 3 6 9 5 their own suggestions for 9 4 3 6 5 8 1 2 7 changes.” 6 5 1 9 7 2 8 4 3 All submissions on the

plan need to be in by 5pm on Friday 28 February. These will then be coded and published online by the end of May, along with summary reports of the decisions requested in them. There will then be a round of further submissions in mid-2014. Councillor Filipaina says,

“The further submissions phase is all about people having a chance to look at what others have said and respond. It’s especially useful if someone has said something that affects your property – it’s then your opportunity to get what you think across to the hearings panel.”

I would like to nominate Lee Lochore of Tuakau for a WOW Award. Three weeks ago I rang Lee for advice about a badly injuried Tui hopping around my garden. He could not fly and in the winter weather I knew he would soon die of the cold, or hunger, or both. Lee instantly said to catch him but beware of his razor sharp claws and bring him over to her home a.k.a. the Tuakau Bird Rescue. I really thought that the poor bird would We’ve had couple of Inominations for Wows thiscase week, probably dieahowever took him over just in there the first states: “To the couple who picked me up last was hope. week I wouldand justLee likewas to say you forand yourreasurring help and We arrived so thank welcoming I would like to know ifall married & your name please. and heralso present patients looked so contented and You could popI ithad in an & dropleaving it in to the well fed that no envelope qualms about the Post poor Newspaper andAwe’ll passofitdays onto ago the lady bird with her. couple she concerned. rang to say he was alive and well, hopping about, singing but he The second is from ladytowho a package would never fly againa due thehad injuries to hisbeing wing. sent to herO.K. but said the sender wasn’t her address That was Lee, he couldsure liveof“happily everso sent it with to thethe Waiuku Station. Oneresident evening around after” otherPolice two permanent Tuis at 9pmplace. the policeman knocked on her door and delivered the her for deserves her. Ipackage think Lee a WOW Award for her tireless Bird She says she What wants an to send a big thank you to him and Rescue work. amazing person! says she thinks he is a credit to the police force. - Antonia Craig


Farm, Business, House, Contents, Vehicle. Ph 09 238 2222 Mob 027 274 2469 Professional House, 16-18 Seddon Street, PO Box 672 Pukekohe Advertisement

His Word - Faith -

Romans 10:17 - So then faith [cometh] by hearing, and hearing by the word of God. Hebrews 11:1 - Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. John 1:1-3; 1:14 Jesus = Faith Hebrews 11:6 - But without faith [it is] impossible to please [him]: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and [that] he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him. Romans 14:23 - And he that doubteth is damned if he eat, because [he eateth] not of faith: for whatsoever [is] not of faith is sin.

Habakkuk 2:4 - Behold, his soul [which] is lifted up is not upright in him: but the just shall live by his faith. Matthew 23:23 - Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye pay tithe of mint and anise and cummin, and have omitted the weightier [matters] of the law, judgment, mercy, and faith: these ought ye to have done, and not to leave the other undone. Luke 18:8 I tell you that he will avenge them speedily. Nevertheless when the Son of man cometh, shall he find faith on the earth?


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Pool Shutdow



Horror after family pets mauled by dogs A Puni mother who saw three dogs chasing her sheep on her property last Tuesday was devastated when she later found a lamb and a calf club pet sheep mauled. “I saw all three dogs so know what type they were, Michelle Swain says. “We only have two acres so we only have five sheep on the property. Unfortunately I was too late catching them and they ripped apart one lamb and a calf club pet. As you can imagine this was the worst thing the a person can witness and my two children that were home witnessed what these poor animals went through,” she said. Both animals were still alive so a vet was called to put them down. A sheep on the neighbouring property (Attewell Road, Puni), was also killed on the Sunday morning before, so Michelle believes the dogs have killed on at least two occasions. “This thing probably happens all the time but with the attack happening in the morning and Attewell Road being a busy road I was hoping to get someone come forward if

they had seen these animals.” Because the property sits on the border of the Auckland and Waikato Council districts, this complicated the situation in terms of a response, although Michelle says the Auckland council animal control staff were fantastic. “As I had seen the dogs they were able to track them down and impound two of the three.” However, complications between dealing with two different councils made things difficult as all information had to be transferred, and meant trying to contact the right people to deal with. Since the attacks, the two dogs that were impounded were later released to their owners, who, Michelle says, maintain they don’t believe their dogs capable of such an attack. The owners have been told to ensure their dogs remain within their property, but Michelle asks how this is going to be monitored and enforced. She also believes there should be an issue

of compensation, but without a prosecution, she has few legal avenues. “Animal control have said they will do a letter drop but that was only after asking them to do so. I have also done a letter drop myself and have warned the neighbours about these dogs. “What needs to be realised is that these animals were pets. My daughter spent many hours feeding, leading and looking after this pet. “My main aim is to make people in the area aware that this is happened so they can keep an eye out and monitor their own stock,” she says.

Relics found during Waiuku roadworks The Waiuku Museum Society got an unexpected and welcome addition to their collections last week, when Transfield staff delivered a number of historic relics uncovered during roading earthworks. What is believed to have been a wharf piling, some metal attachments and a number of railings were uncovered from around 3 metres below the level of the Kentish Hotel, around 80 metres to the right of the old building. It is believed th items are from the old bridge (pictured below left), which connected Queen Street with King Street in the years before the area was reclaimed from the sea. Also found were a number of hand-forged nails, and local staff working on the roundabout construction are keeping a sharp eye out for any further finds. There is substantial excavation yet to be done as the work progresses and hopes are high that further finds will be uncovered. Above left: Dirk Mooy of the Waiuku Museum Society holds some handforged nails while behind him stands Jesse Karena of Transfield, Chris Wallis, project supervisor for the roundabout project, and Ron Carter of the Waiuku Museum Society.

Vaccines available through chemists

From this week, vaccines for whooping cough (pertussis) and meningococcal disease will be available from selected Amcal, Care Chemist, Life Pharmacy, Radius and Unichem pharmacies throughout New Zealand for a fee, administered by pharmacists who are trained vaccinators - but only to adults. The move is expected to help raise awareness of both whooping cough and meningococcal disease – serious diseases that can be life-threatening. New born babies are at particular risk from whooping cough. In over 70% of cases, new born babies catch whooping cough from their parents or from other close family members. The whooping cough (pertussis) vaccine can be given by a pharmacist who is a trained vaccinator to adults over the age of

18 years and the meningococcal disease vaccine is able to be administered to those 16 years of age and above. Alison Van Wyk, Head of Professional Services at Pharmacybrands believes increasing access to the vaccines is essential in helping protect the community against these life threatening diseases. “We have a network of 250 trained, professional pharmacists who are qualified to vaccinate adults throughout the country. It’s about addressing some of our key public health needs and giving our communities more options. “Giving people the option to get vaccinated in their local pharmacy will help raise awareness of these diseases and the importance of protecting ourselves, our families and whanau,” adds Ms Van Wyk.

Saving of


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Brown & Brown Volunteering around Town Kerry of Brown & Brown Builders donated his time and skills to a South Auckland Kindergarten recently. He had never put a whale up on a fence before, but that didn’t stop him.



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Sat 15 March




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Pukekohe business named Retailer of Year at Stihl conference

Pukekohe’s Stihl Shop has been named Outstanding Retailer of the Year at the Stihl New Zealand annual conference earlier this month. The conference, held in Queenstown, brought together over 100 dealers from around the country. This year it was also a celebration of Stihl’s 30th anniversary in New Zealand. Brad Cathcart and Steve and Katrina Faulkner from Stihl Shop Pukekohe are very proud to be able to say that they and their team received not only the awards for Dealership Pride and the Most Improved Dealer, but also the ultimate award of Outstanding Retailer of the Year. “To achieve this level of recognition requires dedication and a lot of hard work on the part of the whole team,” they said. “Over a four year period this family owned business has been transformed from a small struggling operation into the Best of the Best. The assessment criteria are strenuous, including meeting growth targets, providing the highest standard of retail environment, service, excellence in marketing, training, organisation and planning. Stihl Shop Pukekohe provide a large range of products and services to the Pukekohe community, and has extended widely the range of mow-

Pictured with the awards at the Stihl Conference were Winifred Weida (Senior Export Manager Asia Pacific), Vicky Payet, Dr Nikolas Stihl (Chairman of the Advisory Board of Stihl Holding AG & Co KG), Brad Cathcart (Stihl Shop Pukekohe Manager/Owner) and Steve Faulkner, (Stihl Shop Pukekohe Owner). ers, chippers, barbecues and other outdoor equipment. “Diversification and hard work has been key to building a successful business during hard economic times. Opening seven days a week and also relocating to 50 Manukau Road to achieve higher visibility have proven to be the right moves,” the owners say. “A full service workshop at the rear of the premises, staffed with two experienced mechanics, is vital to provide back up to the sales side of the business.” Eighteen months ago the

business expanded again as Bryce Tribe came on board with Superior Plumbing and Gas Fitting, adding to the range of services already offered. Bryce is a fully qualified plumber, gas fitter and fire installer. “Stihl Shop Pukekohe is now a one stop shop for both your wood and gas fire needs. From applying for Council Permits to the compliant installation of your fire and hearth. Support is also available in the form of spare parts, repairs and they can even fix your plumbing while they’re there! “

Waiuku Cosmopolitan Club Inc 4 Victoria Ave, Waiuku • Phone 235 9131

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Notice to members, guests and affiliates




Entertainment by Gary Cooper 7pm








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Kentish goes back to the future It might be the oldest continually-licenced hotel in New Zealand, but Waiuku’s Kentish Hotel is moving with the times and is now at the cutting edge of the entertainment and functions industry. A sign of that change are forthcoming bookings to cater for same-sex marriages - events which have already seen bookings of up to 200 guests from Australia via a partnership with Mango Travel. Weddings and Functions Co-ordinator Colin Costello says changes to New Zealand legislation have not been echoed throughout Australia, and there is a massive market for same-sex couples looking for a wedding with a difference in New Zealand. The venue is already fast-becoming a key player in the local wedding scene, able to offer something very different with its historic ambiance, links with the harbour and waterways, as well as historic vehicles and the Glenbrook Vintage Railway. And then there’s the price. Colin says the hotel is able to deliver a full wedding function for 200 guests, including a bridal suite and meals, for under $6,000 - a far cry from some of the figures bandied around by city centres. The weddings are just part of an overall function facility which is run on a day to day basis, by duty manager Lani Henare. “Lani has a very strong background in hotel management, hospitality and functions, as well as key links with the local area, and she looks after our community functions and hosting of the many local groups we work with and support,” Colin says. “The pub industry has gone through a massive change - it’s no longer just the shift worker or farmer looking to have a few beers at the end of the day. Today

Above: patron Trish Fenton shares a laugh with Colin Costello and Lani Henare from the Kentish Hotel it’s all about providing something for the whole family, whether that be a kids party with a bouncy castle, a family restaurant, club and social events, or family reunions and birthdays,” Colin adds. Adding to the atmosphere shortly, the Kentish is installing pinball machines, Deer Shoot Racing, Dona Car Racing, Space Invaders and much more. As the social hub of the town, the Kentish is well remembered by thousands of local people, and an example of that collective memory came recently when a couple returned to the hotel for a function, many years after they had been married at the Kentish. Colin says they asked him to show them the

rooms they stayed in, and he says they were just about in tears as it took them back many years. In recent years the hotel, built in 1851, has had extensive renovations both inside and out, with the addition of a dedicated functions area, a totally upgraded restaurant, and in recent weeks the accommodation suite has been refitted to provide 13 historic rooms. The hotel also has a bottle store Mainstreet Cellars - attached to it, and has forged close links with suppliers of party items, ice creams, entertainment, vintage vehicles and more, to ensure any function can have a point of difference and utilise the many heritage connections associated with the town and the pub itself. As Colin says, promotions within the hotel have changed as well - while there is still live music, there are also travel giveaway events, special draws, and daytime events to cater for every sector of the community. On Sunday the pub played host to hundreds of car enthusiasts after a local mystery rally, while families dined in the restaurant and locals enjoyed a beer watching the rugby in the public bar. “In the old days the Kentish was the hub for everything that went on in the town,” Colin says. “Whether it was a business meeting, the formation of a defence force, the creation of a sports club or planning an A and P Show - the Kentish became the venue for every sector of society. I guess, in many ways, the changes have come full circle. Once again, the Kentish is aiming to provide all things to all people, and be able to provide it in an atmosphere which cherishes, respects, and builds on the heritage of the town, the pub and its people.”

The Week Ahead Thurs 27TH - Wed 5th MAR 12 Years a Slave (R16) Thu, Sat, Wed 11.15am, 8pm. Fri, Sun 4pm. Tue 4pm, 8pm Le Weekend (M) Daily 11.30am, 3.15pm, 7pm Lone Survivor (R16) Daily 1.30pm, 5.30pm, 8.30pm Non-Stop (M) 1.15pm, 6.30pm, 8.45pm Mandela : Long Walk to Freedom (M) Fri, Tue 12pm. Sun 8pm American Hustle (M) Thu, Wed 12pm. Fri 8pm A Winter’s Tale (M) Daily 3.15pm Are We Officially Dating? (R16) Daily 5pm Saving Mr Banks (PG) Thu, Sat, Mon, Wed 4pm. Fri, Sun, Tue 11.15am The Railway Man (M) Sun 1pm Philomena (M) Sat, Mon 11am The Book Thief (PG) Sat 12.45pm Frozen 2D (G) Sun 11am Short Term 12 (M) Mon 12pm, 8pm 85 Edinburgh St * Pukekohe *

[ PHONE: 09 237 0216 ]


Buffet Dinner and a show 20% Discount

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Plunket push for immunisation Nature programme reaps rewards at local early learning centre

Plunket says news of a feared measles outbreak in Auckland has prompted it to restate the importance of immunisation. “Immunisation is the most effective way to protect children from the many childhood diseases that can affect New Zealand families today,” says Plunket clinical advisor Allison Jamieson. Allison says these diseases can have serious complications and are often spread by family members or friends. “Immunisation has a profoundly positive effect not only on the individual but on the whole of the population thereby improving community immunity from the disease. ]Immunisation is a free, proven way that parents can protect their children against 11 serious diseases, including measles, mumps and rubella. It is never too late to catch up,

even if a child has fallen behind on the immunisation schedule,” she says. If parents are not sure when their child is due for immunisation they can check the immunisation schedule at nz or call their doctor. The Immunisation Advisory Centre also offers information and advice about immunisation and preventing the spread of infection through its toll-free line 0800 IMMUNE (0800 466 863) and website http://www.immune. Plunket is one of many community groups that give immunisation information to parents and caregivers. For more information about immunisation contact a Plunket nurse or call PlunketLine anytime on 0800 933 922.

Famous tank engine back again Thomas the Tank Engine is back, and will be operating in steam at the Glenbrook Vintage Railway over this coming weekend. And this time he’s brought his friends Rusty (the little narrow gauge diesel locomotive), Bulgy the grumpy double-decker bus (which will be taking passengers for jaunts around the beautiful Franklin (sorry – Sodor!) countryside), Trevor the Traction Engine, and Terence the Tractor. Sir Topham Hatt, the Fat Controller will, as usual, be keeping everything running smoothly. Of course the 12 km train rides behind the steam engines continues to be one of the main features of the weekend, and once again all the engines on the railway will be sporting their ‘awesome’ faces. Thomas will be offering free rides in his

trucks for those who buy tickets for the 12 km train rides. There will also be Thomas storytelling, colouring-in, a bouncy castle, face painting, plaster model painting and much more, all also provided free when you purchase your train ticket. A fantastic array of Thomas merchandise will also be available and the event has established itself as among Auckland’s premiere event for the under-fives, and in particular Thomas fans, and is tremendously popular not only with the little folk but also their Mums, Dads, and grandparents. Entry and parking are free. Train fares are: Adults $25, Children 4-14yrs $10, (Under 4 years – free) Family $65. Visit, or phone 636 9361 for further details.

1st & 2nd March 2014


A new learning programme developed from a highly successful format in Europe is being delivered at Te Akonga Early Learning Centre in Pukekohe. The programme immerses children in nature, as they learn in a forest environment, getting closer to nature while learning about themselves and the world around them “We began our EnviroKidz Programme in October last year after seeing similar programmes run in several other Early Childhood Centres throughout New Zealand,” says Erin Akast. “We immediately recognised the benefits our children and their families would experience from being a part of our Envirokidz programme.” Erin says it is well recognised within their team at Te Akonga and by many researchers and authors, that children are not experiencing nature in the way children did 20 or even 10 years ago – “so we are aiming to ensure that the children attending Te Akonga do not miss out on the great experiences we had as children spending time in Nature.” Each week 10 children are taken out to a local area of bush which has been chosen for its ability to provide children with a safe environment in which they can explore nature, learn about native plant and animal life, dabble in the creek, climb a tree, take risks, push themselves to overcome challenges, and support one another. EnviroKids provides children with an opportunity to further develop many of the skills needed for later school learning such as: • Communication skills including a wider vocabulary and ability to express different ideas and points of view. • Listening skills and the ability to take on new perspectives, follow guidelines and rules, and share in the learning of others. • A greater ability to concentrate over a longer period of time and engage in various tasks. This is especially evident in children who display hyper-activity. • Problem solving, self discipline, taking responsibility for their own learning and developing a love for exploration and enquiry. • Heightened self confidence and a belief in their abilities. Children also learn how to assess risks on their own, support others in need of help, and ask for support when needed. • Fine and gross motor skills, greater stamina, balance and co-ordination – all of which can be directly linked to a child’s readiness to sit still in a classroom and concentrate and participate in school activities. • An ability to become involved in new experiences, take on new challenges and engage in co-operative learning all of which promote a smoother transition into school. • The centre says children will also expe-

Opening Hours: 9am - 3pm We cater for: 0 - 6 year olds

rience a strengthened immune system due to the increase in physical activity, exposure to fresh air and nature’s elements (including the absorption of vitamin D), and will therefore have less days of absence. “Lastly we recognise the amazing ability of our programme to have a positive influence on a child’s wider family. Children’s enthusiasm for the outdoors can lead to changes in family behaviour, as they are encouraged to spend more time outdoors and think of risks in a different way,” Erin says.

Ella-Rose, Karizma and Lillian make their way across the rocks and into the creek. Developing balance, stamina, gross motor skills and supporting one another.

Jemma supports Lily as she makes her way across the balance ropes. Developing communication and language, teamwork, taking on another’s perspective. 71 Franklin Road Pukekohe


First train departs 10am, and every 30 minutes thereafter ‘till 4pm Train Fares: Adult $25, Child $10 (Under 4yrs free) Family $65 (Train fares also include all childrens entertainment)

Preschool catering for all children

3 free days of childcare for 3 & 4 year olds • $4.67 per hour for under 3 • We have a high teacher ratio • Our very stable teaching staff are highly qualified early childhood and early intervention teachers • We offer a high quality, low cost, friendly centre where everyone is welcome. OUR SPECIAL CHARACTER IS OUR FOCUS ON CHILDREN WITH SPECIAL NEEDS

Follow the Drury-Waiuku Route. Turn into Glenbrook Station Road.

For enquiries contact Robyn: 238 8366 or 027 473 3403 • Email:



Local Board asked to backdate approval for legal high views More interaction promised from local council reps

The Franklin Local Board was today (Tuesday) scheduled to consider retrospectively endorsing the Board’s position on the sale of legal highs in the area, as its views have already been sent to the Ministry of Health. The agenda item for today’s meeting stated “Due to tight timeframes, the position paper has been sent to the Ministry of Health to enable it to be taken into consideration as part of the process to draft regulations. The board is therefore asked to retrospectively endorse the position paper to formalise its feedback.’ The position paper sent to the Ministry relates the Board’s position regarding location, operating hours and number of premises selling psychoactive substances. ‘In Franklin, the paper states the products should be sold only in Pukekohe, the largest town, and ensure that approved products are not sold in smaller settlements like Waiuku, Clevedon and Beachlands. It states that sellers should be no closer than 100 metres to a ‘sensitive site’, which includes churches, schools and playcentres, and that no two sellers should be within 500m of each other. It gives, as the reason for this, that

‘this is to reduce harm caused by the clustering of the activity. Clustering can lead to the development of a ‘red light’ zone and could attract other harm activities to cluster in that area... In addition, the greater the availability of a harmful product within an area, the greater the harm. ‘This is generally due to price competition between retailers. Some of the people buying approved psychoactive products are already under the influence of the product and can exhibit anti-social behaviour.’ The Board’s paper also proposes that sales of the product should be limited to between 9am and 2.30pm on weekdays only, and that a ‘sinking lid’ policy be established so that no more of the existing number of interim licences be granted per town centre. Meanwhile, submissions for Waikato District Council’s Proposed Psychoactive Substances Policy closed last Monday and it is estimated around 500 submissions have been received. Council staff are currently processing submissions with the final number and hearing dates to be confirmed once this is complete. However it is expected hearings will be held in early May.

If the Franklin Local Board’s position paper was backed up the Psychoactive Substances Regulatory Authority and Auckland Council under a full Local Approved Product Policy, it would mean there could only ever be one licenced seller of ‘legal highs’ in the Franklin Local Board area. As of February 20, the only seller with an interim licence in the Franklin Local Board region is ‘Land of Mecca’ in Pukekohe, according to the Ministry of Health. Dairies, convenience and grocery stores, service stations, and liquor outlets are already specifically banned from selling psychoactive substances. Police would like to hear from anyone who knows of party pills or synthetic cannabinoids being sold from dairies, convenience and grocery stores and other prohibited premises, or from any premises to anyone under the age of 18 years. People can call the psychoactive substances hotline 0800 789 652 to report a concern or seek advice.

‘Peace of mind’ after donation

An Auckland businessman who a couple of years ago was lambasting Auckland Council for blocking his Erotica Expo and Boobs on Bikes Parade is now one of the faces of a company which on Tuesday donated the two defibrillators for use at local council-operated pools. Steve Crow, along with Simon Johnston, represented DSS Ecotech at the presentation to the Franklin Local Board, and said 11 defibrillators have been imported and donated to pools in Auckland at a cost of over $25,000. DSS Ecotech is involved in water treatment systems and the company has been in discussions with Auckland Council over water treatment in the pools. The two local defibrillators will go to Jubilee (Pukekohe) and Whiteside (Waiuku) pools, as Franklin Swim Sports and Fitness already has one. Local lifeguards have already been trained in their use and facilities manager Kris Edwards says having them on hand will provide peace of mind for staff and users.

Steve Crow says he believes every public swimming pool should have one: “As an ex-commercial diver I have had the unfortunate experience of being involved in more than one drowning or other type of incident where the availability of a defibrillator could have saved a life. “As a parent whose three year old son nearly drowned when he jumped into a public swimming pool and sank straight to the bottom unseen by anyone but me, despite there being dozens of other pool users within a few metres of him, I know from personal experience how quickly tragedy can occur.

Councils at odds over pests Council staff were to report to the Franklin Local Board meeting today regarding progress on the council’s negotiation with the Waikato Regional Council over the Waikato Regional Pest Management Plan. Council says the Waikato Plan does not provide an adequate statutory basis for Auckland Council’s current pest management programmes in the Hunua Ranges and buffer area, particularly with regard to kauri dieback, feral deer, pigs, goats, and possums. An Auckland Council submission over the failings also asked that the organism (PTA) which causes kauri die back be declared a pest in the Waikato Region, and when responses were unsatisfactory, Auckland Council

appealed Waikato Regional Council’s decisions to the Environment Court. A negotiation meeting was held in December 2013 with ‘generally positive outcomes’. An update was scheduled for local board members this morning. The Waikato Regional Council says ‘the proposed plan was released for public submissions on 28 March 2013, and submissions closed on 3 May 2013. Hearings were held in May 2013, and council deliberations in late August. The final plan was adopted by council on 26 September 2013. ‘However, some portions of the plan have been appealed. Therefore, the 20082013 Regional Pest Management Strategy (RPMS) remains in force.’

As an adult New Zealander, I believe every public swimming pool facility in the country should have a defibrillator on-hand. One life lost through the inability to provide such a vital service is unacceptable” Pictured above: Kris Edwards, Facility Manager for Franklin Swim Sports and Fitness, Jill Naysmith (Deputy Chair, Franklin Local Board), Andy Baker, (Chair, FLB), Brendon Crompton (Board Member), Terence Otterson, Aquatics Co-ordinator for FSSF, and Steve Crow and Simon Johnston of DSS Ecotech at the Pukekohe council offices on Tuesday.

Above: Franklin Local Board representatives Brendon Crompton and Jill Naysmith at the Waiuku Business and Development Association’s Mix and Mingle evening last week. More of a ‘can-do’ attitude and a commitment to pushing the wants and needs of the local area was the message from two meetings between local groups and representatives of local government in Waiuku last week - but that message came with a warning that the region is a small fish in a big pond. Local Board member Brendon Crompton and Deputy Chair Jill Naysmith explained their roles and responsibilities to a large group of local businesspeople at a function hosted at Cocky’s Corner in Waiuku on Tuesday evening. They touched on their portfolios within the Local Board, and pushed the message that locals need to be vocal about their wants, encouraging them to make their case to the Local Board over local issues. That theme of consultation was echoed on Friday when Councillor Bill Cashmore joined Brendon and Jill for an informal briefing and discussion with around 20 representatives of local groups and organisations. The meeting, which is planned to be held monthly, was a chance for the groups to air their frustrations in dealing with what is seen as a rising mountain of red tape and petty bureaucracy, although there were a few comments about successful council initiatives. Mainly, however, there was a theme of communication breakdowns, huge expenses in perpetual planning with not much actually achieved, and increasing compliance requirements. The meeting drew ironic laughs from many there as groups recounted being required to have a Tsunami Action Plan for a proposed beach clean-up, or a training course requirement before a retired farmer could use a chainsaw at a working bee. However, the meeting had a sense of positivity about it, as all three council representatives discussed ways they could help local groups work through the new requirements yet still be able to foster the local spirit of volunteers and community action. All three also noted, however, that funding for local initiatives could well become more difficult in the future, with higher population areas in the Auckland region competing for the same pool of available council funds, particularly for big ticket items like swimming pools.

COME RACING Tues, March 4th Pukekohe Park - PUKEKOHE

Commencing at 2pm

Hewes Metals Franklin Country Cup The Franklin Trotting Club acknowledge and appreciate the support of the following sponsors:


Hewes Metals, Malcolm Wrigley Insurance, Woodlands Stud, Tony & Anne Parker, Caduceus Club, Mobil Manukau Service Station, Garrards

Further details contact the Secretary on 238 8731




Awards could be first in 100 years

Above: local Guides are ready for the demand for Girl Guide Biscuits again this year. Front row, left to right: Arlo Cattaway, Zoe Byrnes and Indiana Singer-Denton. Back row, left to right: Caitlin Williams, Alyssa Stratham, Stacey Lord and Caitlin Hartley.

Tasty fundraiser kicks off again It’s quite possibly the region’s tastiest fundraiser and it makes a return again this weekend at the Girl Guide Biscuit campaign begins. From Saturday, Pippins, Brownies, Guides and Rangers will be going door-todoor calling on as many families as possible. However, the biscuits are also available at a number of local outlets (see advertisement below for details). After over 50 years of production, the Guides say their biscuits are more popular than ever, and the organisation has not only partnered with retail outlets, but the biscuits are also available online.

As well as the original biscuits, the range now includes chocolate flavour and a Mini version. Trish Chitty, biscuit co-ordinator for the Waiuku District, says this is the major fundraising event for the year, with all local profits going to local guiding. “We are very grateful for the support our community has always given to guiding in our district in so many ways. This has enabled those involved to continue to foster and promote the ideals of guiding in our area. Thank you in anticipation of your support again this year.”

Guide Biscuits available from this week! Door-to-Door Campaign Waiuku Borough

Saturday 1 March, 9am - 12 noon STALLS :

A ceremony to celebrate Megan Muir and Caitlin Brightwell (pictured inset), gaining their Chief Scout’s Award was held recently. One of the Group’s past Group Leaders, Dick Parsons presented the awards. Supporting them at the ceremony were their proud families, past and present leaders and young scouts who aspire to this level of achievement. This is the highest award that can be gained in the Scout section of the Scouting movement in New Zealand. Megan and Caitlin have had to demonstrate their abilities at a very high level across the four cornerstones of Scouting: personal development; community; new experience; and outdoors. The local group says the girls are great role models for the younger youth in the group and will continue to be valuable members of the Group as they move on

to the Venturer section. Megan and Caitlin could well be the only two Scouts to have gained the Chief Scout’s award in the history of Waiuku Scouting. Scouting has been operating in the Waiuku district for almost 100 years. Group Leader, Jo Brightwell says she is happy to be proven wrong and would welcome any information in regards to previous recipients from the Waiuku Scout Group so their names can be recorded on the Honours Board. The centenary in 2015 will be celebrating Scouting across the entire Waiuku district. The only group still operating is the Waiuku Group, however there have been many groups in the area over the years. Old records and memorabilia are being sought as well as all old scouts, leaders and committee from the area. Any initial enquiries can be sent to:

Speed limit feedback

Helping hands

The Waiuku Museum’s Heritage Barn is getting close to completion, as volunteers Jackie Danes and Barry Gibbon nailed cladding onto the frames last week. When finished, the barn, at Tamakae Reserve, will provide a home for the museum’s extensive range of historic agricultural machinery.

The Waikato District Council has received 16 proposed amendments to the current bylaw and will now undertake a 20-working day public consultation beginning Monday 24 February. Plans and maps showing the proposed changes to existing speed limits, and an online submission form, are available on Council’s website. Hard copy submission forms are also available at Council libraries and offices around the district. Residents wanting to request a speed limit review in other areas will have an opportunity to do so at a later date and the public will be advised at the appropriate stage. All submissions must reach Council by 4pm on Friday 21 March and will be presented at April’s Policy and Regulatory committee hearing.

‘Explosion of soul’ for Sunday concert

Saturday 1 & Sunday 2 March - Glenbrook Vintage Railway “Thomas Weekend” Saturday 8 & Sunday 9 March - 9am - 5pm at Waiuku New World Sunday 23 March - 9am - 5pm at Waiuku New World Biscuits also available from Waiuku RD1, Sunset Menswear, Waiuku Village Butchery, United Video and Mooi Hair * PLAIN per packet $3.50, per carton $52.50 * CHOC per packet $3.50, per carton $63 * MINI CHOC per packet $3.50, per carton $56

or phone Trish Chitty 09 235 8830

The first concert in the Sunday @ St Andrews series kicks off on March 2 with what organisers describe as ‘an explosion of soul’. The Jubilation A Cappella Gospel Choi, based in Auckland, has delighted audiences around the country with their unique mix of gospel and soul, delivered by around 30 unforgettable voices. Now it is Waiuku’s turn to enjoy a group which has entertained at many of New Zealand’s most prestigious occasions including the opening of the Auckland Art Gallery, the Wellington Jazz Festival, Wanaka Festival of Colour and WOMAD where they performed for a crowd of 10,000.

With a repertoire that covers vocal music from the 1840s through to today, the sound encompasses funk, blues, soul, country and gospel, the singers delivering in a dynamic manner guaranteed to “heat the soul and shake the heart” according to a theatre critic. Jubilation also sang the backing vocals on Don McGlashan’s Silver Scroll winning anthem ‘Bathe in the River’, led by Hollie Smith. The March 2 concert starts at 2pm and is followed by afternoon tea all for a $5 entry fee. Sunday @ St Andrews is a community based programme organized by St Andrews Community Trust.



Osborne Realty Ltd - licensed real estate agent (REAA2008)

HOLIDAY FEELING AT HOME DEADLINE SALE: Closes 3.00pm 21st March 2014 (unless sold prior)

WAIUKU OPEN HOME: Sun 1.00 - 1.30pm 10 Heron Place

Close to 500 walkers brave the heat

Stunning vacationer views from lounge/dining and 3 of the 4 bedrooms in this practical, workable family home with two bathrooms & wir. Nestled in a quiet cul de sac on the waters edge its just awaiting finishing touches. Don't dream it, do it!

Almost 500 walkers and a fundraising event which garnered close to $12,000 for Waiuku Rotary’s causes meant the 2014 Sunset Coast walk was an outstanding success. Waiuku Rotary Treasurer Mike Valley said sunny conditions brought out a big crowd, although as the wind got up it caused a few problems with blowing sand. He noticed a few different features

Leonie is born and bred in Waiuku and has been with the Professionals Waiuku for 20 Years. She is proud to be associated with the company and holds numerous corporate awards. Leonie has extensive experience in all matters relating to Real Estate and looks forward to helping you with your next property. Call today for your FREE Market appraisal.

about those attending this year, with a lot of out of town visitors joining the throngs of locals and many people choosing to start the walk very early in the morning to defeat the heat of the day. “We had people arriving at 7.30 in the morning ready for their walk,” Mike said. “We also had the walk featured on a U-Tube video and it was in a national

Commission confirms steel application The Commerce Commission has received an application from BlueScope Steel (NZ) Ltd (BlueScope) seeking clearance to acquire some of the assets of Pacific Steel Group’s (PSG) steel production business. Under the proposed acquisition, Bluescope would acquire PSG’s rolling and wire mill manufacturing operations in New Zealand, along with its long steel distribution, marketing and sales operations. BlueScope is a wholly owned subsidiary of BlueScope Steel Ltd, an ASX listed company. BlueScope Steel Ltd’s New Zealand operations include steel production and iron sand mining. They produce a range of steel products including slab, hot and cold rolled coil, welded steel beams, pipes and hollow sections. PSG is a business unit of Fletcher Steel Limited, a wholly owned subsidiary of Fletcher Building Limited. In New Zealand, PSG comprises three businesses: Pacific Steel, Pacific Wire, and Fletcher Pacific Fiji. PSG also produces a range of steel products including billet, reinforcing bar and coil, wire, rod bar and rod coil. A public version of the application is available on the Commerce Commission’s Clearances Register. When considering a proposed merger (or joint venture), the Commission must decide whether the competition that is lost in a market when two businesses merge is substantial. It says it will give clearance to a proposed merger only if it is satisfied that the merger is unlikely to have the effect of substantially lessening competition in a market.

Restoration progress Members, former members and supporters of the Waiuku Volunteer Fire Brigade turned up at John Churchill’s Churchill Installations business on Friday afternoon for the next stage in restoring the old Bedford fire engine for the brigade. Ian McCall Contracting provided a tractor to hoist the water tank from the engine, and John Churchill has been replacing and repairing the wooden framing inside the engine. Firefighter Geoff McClay says the group has had some great support and has managed to find a siren and flashing light almost identical to the ones that would have been used on the original engine. It is hoped to have the machine in virtuallyfull working condition by the time the restoration is complete.

walking magazine, which attracted a lot of people from around the town.” Mike paid tribute to the Rotary committee, the supportive sponsors, and especially the local landowners who allowed the walk to pass across their land. Pictured above: Shadows of earlymorning walkers pattern the grass high above the West Coast beaches on Sunday. Picture by Tariel Lamb (left).

Still no word on cause of Lions Lake issues

View online: ID: osbh765 Contact: Leonie a/h 09 235 9961, 0274 985 722

Leonie Gillott Mobile 0274 985 722 A/h 09 235 9961 11 Bowen Street, Waiuku

Ph 235 7139

Want Open Space?

There has still be no release of an official answer as to what caused the mass deaths of aquatic life and birds at the Lions Lake in Waiuku a week ago. Council staff were again in Waiuku last week undertaking further tests, although botulism remains the prime suspect. Local residents reported further deaths of eels and ducks in a ponding area a few kilometres away from the lake. Today (Tuesday) a deputation of concerned locals were meeting with the Franklin Local Board prior to the board’s meeting in Pukekohe to highlight their concerns and seek some action on the lake.

Large dry home sites

OCUS F Y RT E PROP istrict D in l k Fran

Our team Waiuku and surrounding districts

Leonie Gillott 0274 985 722

11 Bowen Street, Waiuku

Julie Quilty 0272 292 243

DEADLINE SALE closes 3.00pm Friday 28th February 2014, unless sold prior.

Marleen Ohms 0274 483 528

Ph 235 7139

Osborne Realty Ltd - licensed real estate agent (REAA2008)

Julie Rodgers 0275 516 075

Ray Lever 021 951 082

DEADLINE SALE: Closes 3.00pm 21st March 2014 (unless sold prior)




Dwelling: Spacious 3 double bedrooms with views over Waiuku. Downstairs: Business opportunity or workshop/rumpus with two offices. Shop or workshop: Currently leased (verbal), with own kitchen and toilet. Zoned light commercial. View online: ID: osbb018 Contact: Marleen a/h 09 235 0070, 0274 483 528

DEADLINE SALE.Offers by 3.00pm 21st March 2014 (unless sold prior)


1st home buyers or Rental investment. Spacious open plan living. 3 bedrooms, modern kitchen, bathroom, separate toilet. Single internal garaging & fully fenced.


View online: ID: osbh762 Contact: Julie Rodgers 0275 516 075, 09 235 6075

Open Home: Sun 1.00 – 1.30pm 10 Heron Place


Stunning vacationer views from lounge/dining and 3 of the 4 bedrooms in this practical, workable family home with two bathrooms & wir. Nestled in a quiet cul de sac on the waters edge its just awaiting finishing touches. Don't dream it, do it! View online: ID: osbh765 Contact: Leonie a/h 09 235 9961, 0274 985 722

CONSIDERING BUILDING THE DREAM? With the growing demand for Auckland properties, Waiuku is becoming a more desirable place to get value for money. Buy and build now while it's still affordable. Your choice of residential sections with services ready to go, or bare blocks for the larger dream, ready for your builders spade. RESIDENTIAL

Various sites from 500m2 1339m2 Various sites from 2500m2

$230,000 $350,000 $245,000

osbs429 osbs434 osbs548

From $295,000 $230,000 $230,000

osbs518 osbf642 osbf641



5479m2 gently north sloping block next to 31 hectares of covenanted bush. Build your dream home! Close to school, harbour beaches and within 80mins of Auckland. Call Julie Q to view. View online: ID: osbf681 Contact: Julie Quilty a/h 09 235 9324, 0272 292 243


EASY LIVING - $379,000

A contemporary double glazed Latitude home consisting of large open plan living opening on to a sunny deck with elevated ceiling space. Three double bedrooms (master with ensuite). Double basement garage on a compact easy care site.May qualify for Welcome Home Loan - Contact agent for details. View online: ID: osbh703 Contact: Julie Rodgers 0275 516 075, 09 235 6075

Various sites from 0.5Ha 0.5Ha site 0.5Ha site2

Ph Leonie a/h 09 235 9961, 0274 985 722



Add this property to your portfolio ideal investment currently vacant as on the market, but good return for your money. Tidy 3 bedroom, low maintenance brick home in a group of 15 properties, private row with own fully fenced court yard and playground across the driveway. Why not make this your 1st home interest rates are low so jump onto the property ladder. WAIUKU

View online: ID: osbh760 Contact: Marleen a/h 09 235 0070, 0274 483 528

3 Bedrooms, 2 bathrooms. Open plan living with French doors opening onto decking. Just recently renovated on 539m2 corner site. WAIUKU

View online: ID: osbh749 Contact: Leonie a/h 09 235 9961, 0274 985 722

S Y FOCU T R E P O PR District in l k n a Fr

11 Bowen Street, Waiuku

Ph 235 7139

Osborne Realty Ltd - licensed real estate agent (REAA2008)

Open Home: Sun 1.00 – 1.30pm 17B Valley Rd

BEST VALUE BRICK & TILE $419,000 Modern 4 bedroom brick & tile in a quiet, private setting. Good indoor/outdoor flow from the living areas and a short walk from a local primary school and kindergarten.Call Julie Q to view.


View online: ID: osbh735 Contact: Julie Quilty a/h 09 235 9324, 0272 292 243



Modern open plan kitchen dining & family, sep formal lounge with 3 double brms make this a great place for holidaying or simply retiring to the beach. Deck & small office. Wood burner fireplace & 2 heat pumps. 10m lockable boat storage & fish processing & only a couple of minutes to the boat ramp. Access in the street to a small private beach.

1.8Ha. A great starter well priced. 3 Bedroom Initial Home, 2 bay shed and fantastic views. Currently running sheep and horses. This private property is located approx 10 mins drive from Waiuku. To view please phone Ray.

View online: ID: osbh753 Contact: Julie Rodgers 0275 516 075, 09 235 6075

View online: ID: osbf680 Contact: Ray a/h 09 235 8599, 021 951 082


VIEWS OVER GOLF COURSE $459,000 Two storey home with 3 double bedrooms, and 2 bathrooms, huge rumpus room with bar, open plan living + study. Handy to Golf Course & Squash Club. Phone Marleen to arrange a viewing. NEW LISTING!





Over 1/4 acre section, 4 double brms, open plan lounge/dining with sep kitchen. Fully fenced, kid & pet friendly. May have potential to subdivide. Why delay when you can act today. Phone Marleen to arrange a viewing. View online: ID: osbh764 Contact: Marleen a/h 09 235 0070, 0274 483 528


Tucked down a tree lined drive is this 4 bedroom well maintained home. Double separate garaging plus barn. Private and secluded set on 9870m2. Plenty of room for the kids and the animals.


10 acres of gentle contour land set in a quiet rural location. 3 brms, open plan with 4 bay shedding 5 mins from Waiuku. Phone Marleen to view.

Beautiful country views of the land out to Manukau Harbour. This property has beautiful gardens around the home & loads of shedding. Sleepout has own bathroom & kitchenette. Home has 3 double bedrooms, open plan living with a sun drenched deck set on 2.72 Ha. Phone Marleen to arrange a viewing.


View online: ID: osbf675 Contact: Leonie a/h 09 235 9961, 0274 985 722

RURAL OASIS $675,000

GARDENERS DELIGHT $645,000 View online: ID: osbf703 Contact: Marleen a/h 09 235 0070, 0274 483 528

View online: ID: osbh751 Contact: Marleen a/h 09 235 0070, 0274 483 528


View online: ID: osbf696 Contact: Marleen a/h 09 235 0070, 0274 483 528

Open Home: Sun 2.00 – 2.30pm 3 Annieston Plc



Excellent street appeal, beautiful indoor/outdoor flow. 4 bedrooms, ensuite, spacious walk in wardrobe, open plan living with family room. Plus rumpus, double internal garage, fully fenced, private bbq & spa area also fruit trees & an abundance of vegetables. Room to park the motorhome or boat and plenty of extras. Phone Marleen to arrange a viewing. View online: ID: osbh759 Contact: Marleen a/h 09 235 0070, 0274 483 528

Open Home: Sun 1.00 – 2.00pm 74 Misa Rd



View online: ID: osbf702 & osbh757 Contact: Ray a/h 09 235 8599, 021 951 082

View online: ID: osbh756 Contact: Julie Rodgers a/h 09 235 6075, 0275 516 075 Leonie a/h 09 235 9961, 0274 985 722

Formally the Landston Riding School, 8.39ha property approx 4km from Waiuku. This property with its 38 x 40m arena has hosted Horsemanship Clinics, Corporate Events and a Riding School. Tack room and 3 bay shed have a high stud. To the rear of the shed are 4 calf pens. A short drive to the Pony Club and a little further to the Coast, this will be a sought-after property.



This is an extensive 1980s style home of significant proportions suitable for many requirements and functions. Situated within the new coastal set back plan and with a magnificent view of the Waitangi Falls and the inner harbour you may launch a kayak from the edge of the property. The native planting attracts all manner of native birds and there is never a shortage of peaceful activity to observe. Only 45 minutes to Auckland CBD, 35 minutes to Auckland International Airport and 5 minutes to Waiuku Village is a convenient option for those wanting a private rural life style while still able to take advantage of city life.



Through the lens - the Waiuku College Athletics Day last Friday Savarna Asafo gets a hug from fellow competitor Chloe Kayll after winning the Intermediate 800m Bryan Roberts flies high to clear 11m 68cm in the triple jump. Below, flying just as high was Mali Newman in the junior girls high jump.

Claymore Stringer, better known as ‘Totara Man’ was having a ball on Friday supporting Totara House

Dinosaur costumes were the dress theme for Georgia Rashleigh and Kassy Anderson. Emily Kitson was one of the outstanding junior competitors.

Danielle Seel, Adeline Cox, Lily Jameson and Maddison Beaumont were supporting Matai House.

Kayla Honey and the appropriately-named Bailey Hair showcased the blue of Totara House

se colours as There was no mistaking their hou and Nicholas l), Gir ad (He , bie Kauri’s Nicole Sco went all out ) Whittaker (Deputy House Leader in yellow.

Raven Maxwell, of Matai House, gives it everything in the triple jump.

Trent Thornton wins the intermediaate boys 800m





49 Belgium Street, Waiuku (Next to Cocky’s Corner | PH: 09 235 2777 | Mobile: 027 220 3778 | Email:

One Base over - all eyes on Fish’n Chicks tournie February Fishing Report With Smudge. The Annual Counties Sport Fishing Club One Base fishing tournament is a big deal in Waiuku, it was very well supported this year with over 380 anglers. Thanks to all the sponsors and anglers for supporting this great event. We have another competition coming up on March 8 and it is the Fish’n Chicks competition, where only ladies are allowed to fish and the men can only help with skippering the boat, baiting hooks and such like. One person on each team has to be a CSFC club member. For those who want to try fishing a competition CSFC are holding a Family Day on April 6 which is open to all, the emphasis is on fun, look for more about this in my next report. Of course fishing should be all about fun and there’s plenty of fun to be had right now with the harbour and the coast holding good fish. Once the sun goes down the incoming tides are fish-

ing well for flounder, a real tasty treat and fun to catch but don’t get trapped by an incoming tide, we want you all back safely to read the next issue of The Post! Good snapper are being caught from the harbour if you can avoid all the small fish and gurnard are still being caught. The harbour fishing generally improves from now onwards so I’m hopeful for a few productive months ahead of us. Over the coast there are plenty of fish to be caught too, from snapper and gurnard in close to tuna and marlin a little further out. We caught some nice albacore at 45m recently. The last week has also seen some good numbers of mahimahi caught. These tropical visitors are stunning fish and have the reputation of being one of the best eating fish in the sea. They have been caught at the 70m mark by anglers trawling for marlin and tuna. Enjoy the fishing but stay safe; Smudge.

Who has your back this summer? Become a Coastguard Member today

Become a Coastguard Member today for only only $110. $115. for

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Visit us at or call us on 0508 RESCUE (737283)


Above right: Scott with a day two albacore during the recent CSFC Atomix Boats One Base tournament. Above, there was no need to keep every fish, Aaron Parker releases a nice snapper.

Coastguard responds to boat fire Shortly after 6pm last Wednesday Coastguard’s Northern Region Operations Centre received a cell phone call from a 45-foot launch. The boaties reported their vessel was on fire and they were abandoning the vessel and climbing into their dinghy some half way between Motuhie and Waiheke Island in clear conditions. Two members of the public were alerted by the sight of heavy black smoke emanating from the vessel and responded. Coastguard’s Operations Centre broadcast a distress relay, and responded Howick Rescue 1, Waiheke Rescue and Lion Foundation Rescue. The Fire Service was also notified and transported on Police launch Deodar III. At that stage the vessel was still on fire and the decision was made to take it under long tow to be grounded on nearby rocks to prevent the vessel from sinking. Fire Crews and volunteers on board Howick Rescue 1 continued to douse the flames as the vessel was towed. Meanwhile Lion Foundation Rescue transported the two passengers from the vessel back to Auckland to be checked by Ambulance for mild smoke inhalation. Unfortunately the vessel

Above: Coastguard tries to fight the fire on a 45-foot launch. was lost as it sunk while under tow 300m short of the shore line and then became a job for salvage crew. It was a busy afternoon on the water for the Coastguard team as earlier in the evening Coastguard’s Operations Centre received a call from Team Vodafone via VHF Marine Radio advising they had suffered a dismasting. Coastguard Operations took the information and alerted Police who responded with Westpac Paramedics on board to Team Vodafone’s location. Paramedics stabilised the patient who was transported to Ambulance at The Auckland Marine Rescue Centre.

TIDE CHART Date 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun

MAR 2014




Sun Rise

Sun Set


1131 0042 0125 0206 0246 0327 0412 0505 0613 0729 0835 0929 1014 1053 1129

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Sun Rise

Sun Set






0024 0100 0136 0215 0258 0345 0442 0550 0704 0817 0922 1018 1108 1154

4.1 4.1 4.1 4.0 3.9 3.8 3.7 3.6 3.6 3.8 4.0 4.2 4.3 4.3

1238 1315 1353 1433 1517 1610 1712 1825 1941 2052 2154 2247 2335 -

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Locals in action at Karioitahi The final round of the Thundercat National Race Series hit Karioitahi on Saturday, with three teams of the 11 from the Franklin area. Below: Clayton and Blake Summerville on Family Boats are almost vertical as they chase the Mountain Tyres entry. Right: Bowman Dion Cassidy sways into the turn as Brad Stark runs the motor aboard the Franklin Long Roofing craft. Far right: the Demon Racing team look back as it looks as though Craig Vare and Miachel Baird are about to land on them in the Brian James Contracting entry.

Pool owners reminded new rules not yet in force Proposed changes to pool safety laws have made a splash with pool owners, however the existing laws still apply. The proposed changes to pool safety laws announced by the Ministry of Building, Innovation and Employment last year are not likely to come into force until 2015. In the meantime, pool owners need to follow the existing pool safety laws. Auckland Council Building Control Manager Ian

McCormick says a number of legal obligations come with owning a pool – including a requirement to register any pool with the council. “Before you install a pool you must get a building consent and all existing and new pools – including portable pools - must be fenced,” says Mr McCormick. Auckland Council pool safety inspectors are able to provide free advice to make sure pools are safe and can make advisory visits on Sat-

urdays by appointment. “Those lucky enough to have a swimming pool or spa pool know what a wonderful asset it is during the summer months but it’s important to remember the risks associated with pool ownership, particularly where a pool is used by young children,” says Mr McCormick. While numbers of fatal drownings have decreased in recent years, there is still much to be done to minimise the risk of injury or fatalities around

Risk of roadworks, repairs, and idiots Concern has been expressed over the behaviour of local drivers and cyclists around the large amount of roadworks being undertaken in the Franklin region. With major works on Manukau Road and within the township, and at the Queen Street/ King Street intersection in Waiuku, as well as further work on both the Waiuku Road and the Glenbrook Road, there have been reports of a number of near-misses and risky manoeuvres. The situation has been made worse with the street-side work being done by Chorus to upgrade the telecommunications systems, affecting some footpath areas and

seeing pedestrians crossing into the roads. The distractions caused by the cones, new signage and detours are adding to the risk elements, and on top of this, some idiots are rearranging the safety hoardings in the middle of the road near Waiuku’s St Andrews Centre. (see inset picture), There has already been one report in Waiuku of a collision between a car and a bicycle, luckily with no injuries, but due to the constriction of the road at the accident site and a lack of awareness of other traffic around. On Sunday afternoon a car took a wrong turning at the Kentish Hotel end of Queen Street and dropped a metre or so into the excavated trench.

household pools. Simple precautions can make all the difference, such as appropriate fencing, no running around the pool edge, ensuring gates lock automatically, no glassware used near the pool and active supervision of children at all times. Temporary pools must also be fenced if they contain water above a depth of 40cm as they can pose a significant risk. “In addition to the consent you need, we also want owners to complete annual maintenance of pool fencing and gates to ensure they are compliant between triannual inspections,” says Mr McCormick. People can register their pool or check if an existing pool is already registered by calling Auckland Council on (09) 301 0101. Information on pool fencing and building consent requirements is available through the council’s website Submissions on the proposed changes to the Fencing of Swimming Pools Act 1987 can be made to the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment select committee up until 10 May 2014, Visit for more information.

Fisherman fined after abandoning fish Supercity review

A Coromandel-based commercial fisher has been fined $6750 for abandoning fish at sea and had to pay a further $4679 by way of relief in order to get back ownership of his boat. Neville Peter Lang was sentenced in Thames District Court on Tuesday after earlier pleading guilty to abandoning fish on December 3, at which time his boat was forfeited to the Crown. Mr Lang is the skipper and registered owner and operator of the 12.4m commercial fishing vessel “Vampire 2035” operating in the inner Hauraki Gulf, which specialises in a type of netting called “Danish seining”. The charges relate to snapper, gurnard and leather jacket that were floating from Mr Lang’s boat during a fishing trip in the Hauraki Gulf. A recreational vessel travelling through the area saw a trail of fish floating from the Vampire 2035 and reported this to the Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI).

The fish had been abandoned during the fishing process. In addition, Mr Lang had not declared an estimate of the amount of fish involved on the relevant fishing return. As a consequence the fish was not captured by the Quota Management System (QMS), nor counted against Annual Catch Entitlement. MPI Waikato Bay of Plenty District Compliance Manager Brendon Mikkelsen says this type of behaviour undermines the sustainability of New Zealand’s fisheries and the benefits people get from them. “It is imperative commercial fishers declare species subject to the QMS that are returned to, abandoned in or accidentally lost at sea. “Abandoning quota species and failing to report the estimated amount that has been lost undermines sustainability of our fisheries, and makes it difficult to accurately monitor fish numbers and manage them appropriately.”

Auckland councillors will be asked to approve the draft terms of reference and timeline for a wideranging review of Council-Controlled Organisations (CCOs) at the next Governing Body meeting on Thursday. The draft terms of reference were made public by the council yesterday, (Monday). The CCO review will aim to ensure Aucklanders are getting value for money from the seven council controlled organisations set up during amalgamation, and that they are fully accountable to ratepayers and elected representatives. The seven CCOs are Auckland Tourism Events Economic Development, Auckland Transport, Watercare, Auckland Council Investments Limited, Auckland Council Property Limited, Waterfront Auckland, and Regional Facilities Auckland.

Why the


sounded Due to a computer malfunction, The Post didn’t carry the December callouts in our paper. Now it has been resolved, we can tell you the Waiuku Volunteer Fire Brigade has had a very busy Christmas and New Year period. Incidents supplied by Chief Fire Officer Colin Riddle were: December: 2nd; 00.11 am; Mandalay Pl: Medical Ambulance from Takanini 5th: 23.25 pm, Masters Rd: Medical Ambulance from Middlemore 6th: 11.11 am, Campbell St, Rubbish Fire 7th; 21.09 pm, Norfolk Rise, Street Light on fire 11th: 17.45 pm, Hamilton Dr, Rubbish Fire 13th: 15.26 pm, Breaker Grove, Medical Ambulance from Karaka 14th: 02.26am, Kariotahi Beach, 2 Rubbish Fires 14th: 15.56 pm, Taurangaruru Rd, Controlled fire out of control 14th: 18.54 pm, Valley Rd, Rubbish fire 15th: 01.06 am, Glenbrook Rd, MVA Car rolled 16th: 07.29 am, Riverside Dr, Medical Stood down 16th: 11.36 am, Constable Rd, PFA caused by dust 16th: 3.53 pm, Gleeson Rd, Rubbish fire 19th: 20.21 pm, Awhitu Rd, Medical Assist Ambulance 20th: 21.31 pm, View Rd, Smoke in the vicinity. Car doing burn outs 21st: 07.28 am, Melsop Ave, Medical Ambulance from Manukau. 21st: 15.19 pm, Whiri Whiri Rd, MVA Traffic control 21st: 19.20 pm, Masters Rd, MVA Extracation and set up Landing site 22nd: 01.31 am, Martin St, Rubbish fire causing concern 22nd:12.57 pm, Bird Rd, Scrub Fire 24th: 08.50 am, Kitchener Rd, Car leaking Fuel 24th: 11.01 am, Maioro Rd, Scrub Fire 25th: 11.12 am, Maioro Rd, PFA Alarms sounding 25th: 17.01 pm, Belgium St, Set up landing pad for Westpac Helicopter 27th: 13.57 pm, Thompson Rd, Scrub Fire 27th: 18.58 pm, Waitangi Falls Rd, Scrub Fire 29th: 21.13 pm, Dawn Pl; Medical Ambulance from Manukau 30th: 15.03 pm, Sandspit Rd, House Fire 31st: 18.56 pm, Kariotahi Rd, MVA Wash road down January: 1st: 18.24 pm; River Lane, Grass fire 2nd: 13.25 pm; Kitchener Rd, PFA 3rd: 09.06 am; Kariotahi, Rubbish Fire on the beach 5th: 09.21 am; Miaoro Rd, PFA 6th: 09.04 am; Kitchener Rd, PFA 9th: 08.24 am; Domain St, Medical Ambulance from Pukekohe 10th: 13.29 pm; Kaihau Rd, Medical Ambulance from Pukekohe 10th: 2.11 pm; Church Rd, Bamboo on fire 14th: 15.40 pm; Gilmore Rd, Grass fire 14th: 15.54 pm; Mayhead Rd, Grass fire 15th: 10.31 am; Wilson Rd, Horse stuck in a float. Stood down 17th:16.39 pm; Orua Bay Rd, Grass fire Stood down 19th:10.45 am; Awhitu Rd, MVA Stood down 22nd: 15.10 pm; Victoria Ave, Medical Ambulance from Manukau 23rd: 20.23 pm; Creamery Rd; Rubbish Fire



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Rattrie Panelbeaters

Around 100 classic cars graced the carpark and surrounding area of the Kentish Hotel on a stunning late summer day on Sunday as the Ironsands Rod and Custom Club held its biannual mystery cruise. Club president Dave Harker said the turnout was comparable with previous years and he was delighted by the community support and that of the sponsors. “We have an amazing committee who put all this together,” he said on Sunday as hundreds of enthusi- Above: the carpark was overflowing with rare and valuable machinery, like this Monaro Staasts enjoyed a hot dog and a bever- tionwagon (above right), believed to be one of only four remaining in the country. Below club age at the Kentish Hotel. president Dave Harker at the prizegiving, he was delighted with the turnout. Dave said the mystery trip began at the Glenbrook Vintage Railway and travelled through scenic backroads through Aka Aka and the Awhitu Peninsula, arriving at the Regional Park before a leisurely drive to the Kentish and a prizegiving ceremony. “Our main sponsors of Final Touch car valets, NZ Home Loans, Crown Batteries, American car Maintenance and Enhancement, Autoshop Pukekohe and the Kentish Hotel have been outstanding,” Dave added. The club runs a local run once a month, and encourages people with American-origin cars built prior to 1985 to enjoy the family atmosphere and camaraderie. Anyone keen on further information can contact Dave on 021 935 980.

RSA to benefit from Anzac Weekend Supercars

Safe and precise panel repairs with Waiuku’s most advanced salvage and repair specialists 4 Court Street, Waiuku

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The ITM 500 Auckland V8 Supercars, the biggest annual trans-Tasman sporting event, yesterday (Monday) announced the RSA as their official charity. The 2014 event will be staged over Anzac weekend 24-27 April at Pukekohe Park Raceway. V8 Supercars made a successful return to Pukekohe last year with 117,167 patrons attending across the three days while the independent consultants Covec reported a regional impact of $7.5 million into the economy including over 36,000 visitor nights. The RSA was formed in New Zealand in 1916 by returning Anzacs to provide support and comfort for service men and women and their families. V8 Supercars believes that the RSA


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is the perfect beneficiary to help raise funds for their commitment to returned servicemen and the community. “The bond between Australian and New Zealand is unquestioned and forged over decades of camaraderie and friendship as nations,” said V8 Supercars CEO, James Warburton. “It is an honour to stage this event on Anzac weekend, which holds enormous significance on both sides of the Tasman. With ATEED, our event partners and the RSA we will ensure the legend of the Anzac is respected and remembered.” The RSA and V8 Supercars have been working closely on a number of initiatives for the event. These will include the sale of poppies at the event, with

the annual Poppy Appeal the primary source of funds for the RSA’s extensive provision of support services to war veterans and the ex-service community. There will be some key RSA activities that will be supported by V8 Supercars drivers including a special fundraising ‘Meet the Drivers’ event on Wednesday 23 April at Pukekohe RSA, the Dawn Service at the Pukekohe War Memorial and a Civic Service, also at Pukekohe at 10am. All RSA members and current servicemen and women across all armed forces will receive free trackside entry to the event on Anzac Day, while there are a series of fundraising activities including limited edition merchandise and a framed poster signed by the entire V8 Supercars Championship drivers.

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Great success for young local referees Two Counties Manukau Rugby referees have something to blow their whistle about as they celebrate their latest achievements. Jess Beard from Ardmore has been awarded the honour of refereeing the Six Na-

tions test match between England and Wales women’s team at Twickenham in March. Digital designer, Daniel O’Connell has been selected to join the New Zealand High Performance Referee Wider Training Group.

The young Counties Manukau referee came through the ‘You Make the Call’ secondary school programme where students earn 10 NCEA Level 3 credits for completing a referee short course.

Local sports results in brief Waiuku Golf Results The highlight of the Waiuku Golf Results for this week was a hole in one by Cam Fleming on the 10th hole during the Thursday haggle. 18-2-14 Tuesday Haggle 1st Amando Pereira 41, 2nd Colin Sutherland 39, 3rd Frank McGrath 38. Twos: Louis King. 19-2-14 Ladies Golf 18 Hole Div One: 1st Olive Thornton 36, 2nd Margaret James 36. Div Two: 1st Marlene Scobie 43, 2nd Maria Hodgson 42. Nearest Pin: Jocylyn Paterson. Twos: Jocylyn Paterson. 9 Holes Least Puts Div One:1st Fae Douglas 16, 2nd Ngaire Van Tilburg 17, 3rd Gweneth Baird 17, 4th Jan Whitcomb 17

Div Two: 1st Sharon Paterson16, 2nd Mona Francis 16, 3rd Bev Shuker 17, 4th Marlene Reimer19. 20-2-14 Thursday Haggle Div One : 1st Dennis Baker 39, 2nd Frank McGrath 38, 3rd Cam Fleming 38,4th Kerry Martin 37. Div Two:1st Ken James 41, 2nd Lex Wilcox 39, 3rd Peter Winchester 39, 4th Ross Tindle 38. Cam Fleming, Hole in One. Twos: Frank McGrath, John Munro , Peter Winchester. 22-2-14 Saturday Haggle Div One: 1st Cam Fleming 44, 2nd John Toogood 43, 3rd Ned Niha 42, 4th Fred Watts 41, 5th Brendan Watts 39, 6th Nev Keys 39, 7th Brent Dawson 39, 8th Dominic Olson 39. Div Two: 1st Ian Robb 47, 2nd Simon Andruchow 45, 3rd Owen Yorke 44, 4th Phillip Baird 44,

5th Margaret McAllansmith 43, 6th Marlene Devlin 42, 7th Andy Young 42, 8th John Hamilton 40. Best Gross Div One: Fred Watts 70 Div Two: Owen Yorke 82 Twos: Todd Geayley, Kerry Martin, Travis Miles, Jonathon Morley, Ned Niha, Dominic Olson, Phil Thompson, Malcolm Turner, Fred Watts, Bruce Whittaker, Dave Yandall, Owen Yorke. Waipipi Bowling Club Results of the tournament played on Thursday, February 20: The winners were Hazel Rutherford, margaret Walkley and Alan Starnes of Clarks Beach. Second were Frank Hagenson, Nick Harper and Colin Bryant of Waipipi and third were Alan Ferguson, Graeme Anderson and Paul Miller of Grahams Beach.

Waiuku Golf Club Phone: (09) 235 9489 * E:

• Junior Golf Coaching from February 24th Tues 3.30pm - 4.30pm • Ten round concession cards available $180


mid week opens 2nd Thursday of the month Play All Year Round in a Golf Cart

• Twilight Golf every Wednesday • Online concessions bookings • Full membership for $15 per week • Business House every second Friday

Great win for Waiuku

Waiuku scratched a seven year itch when they put their hands around the Inder Lynch Trophy earlier this month. They last won some premier cricket silverware in 2006/07 when they lifted the Duthie Cup. Waiuku’s six wicket win was well signposted. They qualified for the T20 final before Christmas and recently went the distance with Pukekohe-Metro in a two-day match. Weymouth came second in the pre match scrimmage, initially losing two players, Nick Kelly and Tamati Clarke, to the CMCA Senior Men’s team that made the road trip to Gisborne. Their plans were further disrupted when Harry Lyford had to fly to Gisborne on Saturday morning as a late replacement for Jono Hickey who moved further up the food chain. And then they lost the toss

and they were asked to bat. Weymouth’s in-form player, Liam Hunia (2), was bowled by Ben Naylor with the final ball of the first over. That brought Team Simpson (Brook and Shaun) together and they put on 31 for the second wicket. Their collective effort was ended when Shaun (20) was brilliantly caught in the gully/ point area by Haseeb Ashraf. Waiuku’s performance in the field was outstanding and it won the final for them. Ashraf’s catch wasn’t the only screamer. Later in Weymouth’s innings former rugby international and super rugby player, Orene Ai’i, batting at number eight in the Weymouth line up, made a solid connection with a ball bowled by Simon Gardiner. The industrial strength shot looked for all money to be a big-six over cow corner. Shaun Lovett was stationed on the midwicket



Men - Women - Children - All Ages Excellent Self Defence, Fitness, Discipline Opportunity for international training & competition (Traditional Okinawan Weapons, Sai Bo, Tonfa)

Phone Ray Irving: 021 115 9380 or Denise Walker: 021 354 208 for more information Pukekohe Dojo: 09 239 0272 Dojos in: Pukekohe - Waiuku - Hokitika - Westport New Dojos in: Drury - Maraetai Beach - Whakatane - Rotorua - Sri Lanka and Germany

boundary. and rose and took the catch one-handed just inside the ropes. Ai’i wasn’t the only batsman to be fooled by the Weymouth Oval boundaries. Of international dimensions it takes a very big shot to score a maximum on Weymouth’s prime piece of cricket real-estate. Waiuku brought Ben Naylor and Bayden Morey back to bowl the final overs. They put Haamiora Clarke (23 no) and Matt Hunia (9 no) under a stern test but Hunia and Clarke hung on with Clarke running a three from the last ball of the innings. When the overs ended Weymouth stopped the clock at 105/8. Gardiner, Waiuku’s skipper, impressed with his figures of 4/19 from the standard quartet of overs allowed in short-form cricket. With an asking rate of 5.25 to win the Waiuku batters took seven from the first over and from there on didn’t look back. Haseeb Ashraf and Bharat Dogra (19) put on 27 for the first wicket. Dogra, who has lost as many kilograms this season as the runs he scored in the final, was bowled by Matt Hunia. Ashraf, who six days earlier nailed his maiden century, proved he’s the gift that keeps on giving by getting his team to 88 before taking his leave. Ashraf (44) and David Shine (19) sealed the game with their second wicket gig. The pair put on 61 runs from 48 balls. Ashraf’s strike rate was 140. Waiuku cleared the finishing line with 22 balls and six wickets to spare.







ACCOUNTING & Taxation Services - Call Rise Accountants - chartered accountants. Ph: 09 235 7455.

FIREWOOD - Bargain. Mac/pine. 4 Metres: $300 Delivered. 2 Metres $170. Ph/txt: 021 744 970 or 235 0065.

TOPCUT LAWNMOWING - reliable, clean, tidy job experienced operator. Ph Fred 09 235 5280, 021 902 552.

ACCOUNTING Payroll GST Solutions - EOM/ EOY Financial Reports. Spanner Planner & Xero To t a l Wo r k s h o p Integration. Call Petemarg Enterprises Ltd. Ph: 09 235 0461 or E: petemarg. for a free consultation, www.

COCKY’S CORNER - For fencing & roofing iron, timber, hardware, plywood, pavers, gates, garden sheds & more. 123 Queen St, Waiuku. Ph: 235 9880 or 235 2386.

GREEN ACRES - Clarks Beach. Covering Franklin area. Lawn mowing, gardening, garden clearance, hedges. Clean, tidy and reliable. Call Brett 021 0211 7777 or 09 232 1276.

Gregg’s Drumming Tuition. Beginners to advanced. No drums required. Bookings ess. Theory & practical. Teacher of the winner of Waiuku’s X Factor 2013. Check us out on Facebook. Ph. 021 265 2780 or 238 7980.

1995 Nissan Cefiro, Manual V6 2000, 280,000kms, $2,300 ono. Ph: 021 176 6894.

ADULTS ADULT ACCESSORIES Adult toys, massage oil, lubes, Women’s Health & Sexuality Books & lots more available online:

BOATING REPAIRS - Dinghy or trailerboats; fibreglass or wooden. All jobs considered. Ph Tony on: 235 3545 or 021 598 662.

BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY Need a few key people to help me open a new division in the health & nutrition business. Changing people’s lives. Part time $500-$1000. Full time $1000 - $10, 000. Ph: Marguerite 021 136 5344.

CARAVANS LONG TERM - Free local delivery from $60 per week plus bond. Ph: 09 232 1814.

CLEANING Vacant houses, windows, offices, carpet shampooing & exterior waterblasting. Plus maintenance. FREE quotes. Ph Allan or Lynette: 09 235 9333 or 027 272 6249.

FREE REMOVAL - Any old scrap metal incl. old batteries, expired gas bottles, old cars, lawn mowers, etc. Ph Martin: 021 128 5953 or 238 3005. Free drop off depot for all your unwanted TV’s, computers, whiteware, etc. Recycle All Your Stuff Ltd. Unit 1 Waiuku Business Park, 23 Kitchener Road, Waiuku. Free pick up in Waiuku. Ph: 235 5769.

FREE Recycling. Computer, printers, copiers. 18a Constable Road, Waiuku. Ph: 235 6367.

HAIR DRESSING THE Cutting Room Hair Salon. 33 Breaker Grove, Waiuku. Ladies cuts from $30, Men’s cuts from $25, Colours from $70. Hours: Tues 11-3pm, Wed 9-5pm, Fri 9-til late, Mon & Sat by pre-arranged appts only. Phone Steff: 235 7149.

HOMEKILL Specialising in Lamb $55 each. Hogget $70 each & Beef $1.30 per kg all prices inclusive. Ph: Mike 0800 843 863.


your pc guy Virus Removal, Repairs, Internet, Broadband, PC Sales, Data backup, Tuition

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Jon 235 5300

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HORSES Expressions of interest sought from horse owners seeking good grazing within Waiuku. Will be available in approx three weeks. Separate paddocks available for up to five horses and a loose box may also be available. Please phone 0274 837 952 and leave message or write Horses C/- PO Box 374 Waiuku.

LAUNDROMAT FOR HIRE FIREWOOD splitter. Phone: 235 7733 or 021 305 111. Bouncy Castle Elephant, Tiger for kids. Sumo, Boxing, Jousting for Adults. Ph: 09 235 5297 or 0274 260 040.

Open 7 days. Drop off service and self service. Detergents incl. Sports clothing, commercial, wash, dry and fold. Laundry 4 U. Between Video Ezy & Pizza Hut, across parking lot from ED St Rest. Ph: 09 239 2964. Now also open in Waiuku.

Post C O M M U N I TY N E W SP A P E R


Massage Massage and sugar paste hair removal - brow shape/lash & brow tint. Ph: Moka (Natural Treatment) 235 0464 or 021 166 9674.

PETS POOCHIE PARK – Holiday home for dogs. Inspection welcome by arrangement. Phone: 09 235 0052 (Evenings) or 021 856 555. Email: for further information.

SERVICES FRAMING - The Framing Shed. Quality custom picture framing. 31 Victoria Ave, Waiuku. Tues - Fri 9 - 5 or by appt. Ph Allie: 235 0939 or 027 253 4577. For all your Handy Man needs. No Job too small. Call David 235 2850 or 021 107 6684.

Thank you Dulcie Smith would like to thank family & friends for the cards, flowers, gifts and visits she received when celebrating her 90th birthday.

TO LEASE OFFICE SPACE - Waiuku Business Park, 23 Kitchener Rd. Downstairs from $90 + gst p/wk. Ph Sam: 021 671 960. OFFICE SPACE - Waiuku Business Park, 23 Kitchener Rd. Upstairs from $110 + gst p/wk. Ph Sam: 021 671 960. WAREHOUSE SPACE Waiuku Business Park, 23 Kitchener Rd. Small, Med & Lge. Easy access. Ph Sam: 021 671 960. WORKSHOP SPACE Waiuku Business Park, 23 Kitchener Rd. Easy access. Ph Sam: 021 671 960.

TUITION Drumming Lessons Full set up in Waiuku, no need to have a kit. Beginners to intermediate, theory, rhythm and grooves. Ph: Paul on 021 145 4478.

Advertise all your unwanted goods with us from as little as: $15 for one insertion, $25 for two insertions or $40 for three insertions and get some extra cash.

Learn the art of lost wax casting - Cire Perdue - Glass Enrolments now open for the weekend and one day workshops. Weekend workshops: $280 One day workshop: $150 (includes some materials) 8-9 March * 21 March: One day cold working, learn how to polish your piece of creation 5-6 April * 26-27 April Enrol now! Susan K Louie, 0274862688 or email READING & WRITING 1-1 Tuition. Waiuku and Tuakau. 4½ years upwards. Excellent tutors. Contact Jill at ‘The Frog Pond’. Ph 238 2110. E: LEARN to draw and paint. The fundamentals of drawing and painting techniques. Ph. 021 155 8714.

WANTED TREES WANTED - Gum & Macrocarpa. Also tree felling & shelter belt removal. Ph/txt Chris: 027 212 4590 or 235 0065.

WANTED TO RENT 2-3 Bed house required by 19th March. Open plan, fireplace preferred, pet friendly. Quiet, non-smoking, honest & reliable tenant. Ph: 235 7323 or 021 053 7177 ANYTIME.

Window Cleaning Residential and commercial. Professional Service. Competitive prices, free quotes. Ph: Colin 027 965 2094.

WORK WANTED General Home Maintenance Services. Gardening, external house cleaning services. Txt 021 504 961 anytime.

Looking for


Advertise your Situations Vacant in The Post Classifieds. Contact us on 09 235 7835 or Email:


AGM Waiuku Junior Soccer - AGM

Mon 10th March 14, 7pm, At the Club rooms, Massey Park, Waiuku.

NEW committee members needed. All parents welcome. Come and support our club. Any enquiries Ph: Melissa 021 216 0030.

Waiuku AFC Senior Club - AGM Monday 3rd March, 2014, 7pm, At the Club rooms, Massey Park, Waiuku. For more information:

ALLEY WAY Not in plastic, Queen size mattress new - $175 * oak table , bench seat, 2 chairs - $135 * 3 pce suite - $195(very retro with footstool) * 2 lazy boys & couch - $240, cream & black 3 pce suite - $395 * 1.8 x 1.8 table - $130 * outdoor tables x 2 $50 ea * set of 4 kwila chairs - $120 lot * King single bed, complete - $195 * Queen bed - $195 * pillow top Queen bed - $275 * Office chairs - $50-$75 * Bookcases, washing machines 6 months warranty good novels, new mats ‘n’ rugs. 31/3 BOWEN ST, WAIUKU NEXT DOOR TO MITRE 10, Ph: 235 7715

Please call Senior Club Secretary - Tracie Dunn 235 7252

CHURCH Services

Mainly Music every Monday morning at 10am at the Cornerstone Community Centre, 8 Valley Road, Waiuku Ph: 235 7341 or visit our website:, Sunday Gathering 10am, Waiuku College Hall.


In loving memory RONALD LAWRENCE BATES 28/2/11

Three years have passed and we still especially miss your pockets full of Werther’s, impromptu lunch dates, picking out doubles on a Sunday morning and your endless supply of Jim Reeves. Loved forever Pam, Anne, Ted, David, Debbie, Carolyn & families.



FLOWERS & GIFTS Cut Flowers, Sympathy Condolences Wedding Flowers Table Arrangements Water Features Bromeliads & Palms

Alley Way off Bowen Street, Waiuku

Phone 235 0643


Franklin area

Bill Deed QSM JP. Phone 0274 96 88 02


Otaua School PTA

is having a

MONSTER OF A GARAGE SALE Otaua School PTA is fundraising to purchase some Ipads for the school. There will be lots to sell including a sausage sizzle, homemade cakes and fudges for sale as well. If you have any enquiries contact us on 235 7012

Saturday 1st March Otaua School Hall midday Doors open 8am till 12

Please support us!



Classifieds PUBLIC NOTICES

Interested in playing or becoming a volunteer? Waiuku Rugby League Football Club is taking 2014 registrations NOW!! Hamilton Estate Park. solve Tues How 25th &to Thur 27th Feb, 4pm - 6pm, & Thur 6th Mar, 4pm - 6pm. MEDIUM No.1331Tues 4thSudoku! at Hamilton Estate Community Hall Beginners: 3yrs - 5yrs, Starting: Tuesday 4th March. Primary & Intermediate: 5yrs - 12yrs, Fill the grid- 17yrs, so thatOpen women: 17+ Juniors: 13yrs Every Tuesday & Thursday from 6pm - 7pm, every row and every Senior & Premiers: 17+ for 6 - 1 hour sessions.




7 8 4 available. 5 Limited space1- only 15 places For further please1contact 3 4 information 6 Grace 027 255 7316 or 235 5242 a/h 8 2 Hou Ministries Trust Hosted by Marama 3 8 2 1 8 WAIUKU DISTRICT 1 9 RUGBY FOOTBALL CLUB 1 5 WAIUKU JUNIOR RUGBY REGISTRATION 7 2 4

Waiuku Rugby Football Club

Wed 26th Feb – 4.30pm-6.30pm * Thurs 27th Feb – 4.30pm-6.30pm * Fri 28th Feb – 4.30pm-7.00pm Waiuku Rugby Clubrooms, King St , Waiuku

President: Ariel 02102614603 | Registrar: Emma 0210710641

Under 6 - Under 9 $60 | Under 10 - Under 13 $70 Family Concessions available.


3x3further square contains For enquiries Ph: Secretary on 027 2557316. the digits 1 to 9


Solution No.1330 2 1 7 6 9 4 5 4 3 8 2 5 9 1 6 5 3 1 4 7 2 3 9 2 7 1 8 4 1 4 6 9 8 3 7 7 8 4 5 3 1 6 9 7 5 3 6 2 8 8 6 1 4 2 5 9 5 2 9 8 7 6 3

3 6 8 5 2 9 4 7 1

? Answers!

QUICK PUZZLE NO. 7340 - SOLUTIONS Across - 1, Cock. 7, Fusillade. 8, Eden. 9, Stab. 10, Dais. 11, Pass. 14, Monarchist. 16, Budgerigar. 19, Dane. 22, Call. 24, Memo. 25, Thug. 26, Eccentric. 27, Knee. Down - 1, Cheap. 2, Chess. 3, Mutton. 4, Timber. 5, Clad. 6, Admission. 12, Ambulance. 13, Smug. 15, Hard. 17, Remote. 18, Gambit. 20, Ashen. 21, Eagle. 23, Leek.


PUBLIC NOTICE – OWNERSHIP REPORT The Trustees of Counties Power Consumer Trust give notice that they have now finalised a report in respect of the review of the ownership of the shares held in Counties Power Limited, in accordance with the Trust Deed. The report includes the Trustees’ conclusions having regard to the previous submissions received from consumers, on the most appropriate form of ownership of the Trust’s assets. No hearings were held because no submissions were received. Copies of the trust deed and report on the ownership review may be inspected at the office of the Trust located at Unit 6, 23 Hall Street, Pukekohe. It is advisable to telephone 238 3780 before visiting because the office is not manned 5 days per week. Copies of these documents are also available from the website Please address any queries to the Trust Secretary. Gail Riddell, Trust Secretary, P O Box 580, Pukekohe, ph (09) 238 3780

Situations Vacant

Gleeson & Cox Transport Ltd Trucks could be based at Waiuku

40 Queen Street, Waiuku Open Monday to Friday • 8.30am - 5.30pm Sat • 9am - 2pm and Sun • 10am - 2pm Phone : 09 235 9307 Fax : 09 237 0054 Email :

puZZLE RESULTS 8 7 9 6 5 2 1 3 4


A registered FDANZ Practice

Why not plan and record your funeral wishes The My Life, My Funeral Kit will make it easy for you. Phone for your copy now 235 8380 Anytime

Situations Vacant


This is a relief position for a mature individual for office duties. Must be available to start duties at 7:30 am and be available for rostered weekend shifts when needed. Must have excellent manual maths and money handling skills. Must also be honest, reliable & well presented. Please email your CV or credentials to



10 hours per week (days/times neg) Otaua School Please apply in writing: The Principal 55 Maioro Road, Otaua, RD 2, Waiuku Ph: 09 235 2741 FARM ASSISTANT - DRIVE IN POSITION

Looking for an enthusiastic, honest, reliable farm assistant to help 50/50 share milker, you will be well supported in this role. If you have an outstanding attitude, a desire to be an active learner, an ability to follow systems and keen to progress in your career in dairying, we would like hear from you. At least one year's farming exp. preferable. We offer on farm training and support formal training through Primary ITO. This is a drive in position, 6 days on and 2 days off roster. Email your application incl. a current CV and references, to: with subject heading Farm Assistant Position.

Urgently required Experienced Bulk Tipping Class 5 Truck drivers Busy demanding role

• Do you love truck driving? • Are you available NOW? • Do you have a clean Class 5 full licence? • Can you pass a drugs test? • Are you able to work within a team and on your own? • Do you have clear written and spoken English? • Do you want to be home every night? If you can answer YES to the above, then you could be just the person we are looking for ... This is a great opportunity for people who are Positive and Reliable and get on well with others, follow given instructions accurately, & enjoy a challenging driving role. We need people who: • Are motivated, energetic and reliable • Prepared to work to the maximum legal hours • Must be able to self-manage • Must be able to work co-operatively with others • Must have a good geographical knowledge of the Auckland area • Take pride in their work and works to help meet our customer commitments • Have references from current employers • Have clear verbal and written skills Saturday is part of our working week and a preemployment medical and drug test may be required. Applications MUST be via email NOT in person and

must include your email and phone number. email:

40 Queen Street, Waiuku Retail Pharmacy Shop Assistant We currently have a full time position available Tuesday to Saturday at our Pharmacy in Waiuku. Retail experience, an interest in cosmetics and being able to work as part of a small team is essential.

Please send your current CV to: Retail Manager Unichem Waiuku Pharmacy PO Box 187, Waiuku or email: Applications close: 28th February 2014

Manager – Early Childhood

We have an exciting opportunity for a dynamic and competent full time educator to lead our established community owned childcare centre. You will be instrumental in delivering quality education and have a passion for leading initiatives that realise the potential of the children entrusted in our care. You will demonstrate the ability to lead and motivate a team and have an enthusiastic ‘people’ personality that will impact staff, children and their families, essential for building strong links with the community.

The Essentials:

Minimum qualification Dip Tch (ECE) and full registration. Proven Leadership skills. Knowledge & understanding of ECE legislation and regulations.

We offer:

Excellent remuneration 5 weeks annual leave Professional development opportunities So, if you have a passion for early childhood education, enjoy a challenge and want to work in a well-resourced centre where the development and implementation of new initiatives are encouraged,send your CV and covering letter to: The Governance Committee, Waiuku Childcare Centre, P.O.Box 418 Waiuku 2341 or email

Take My Card



Your A-Z of Trades & Services


Whitehead Ag

027 332 1231

• Conventional hay bailing • Contract mowing • Deep ripping • Hay conditioning • Pasture topping • Hay sales


Counties Caravan Rentals Caravan Hire

• Accommodation needs • Portable ensuites • Ideal extra bedroom

Phone Lynette & Jeff Millen

235 3500

Mobile 021 533 585



Phone Roger 0274 986 798

09 235 8364

From maintenance to makeovers

No job is too small!

Full liability insurance Satisfaction guaranteed Free no-obligation quote


•Gutter clearing •Pruning/trimming •Weeding/spraying •Rubbish removal •All property maintenance•Fully Insured, Owner/Operator

238 7701 GLASS


Len Gore

Painter Decorator Residential & Commercial

Value for money guaranteed For a free quote, call Len 021 - 682 028 PLastering

ALAN DEY 027 534 0035


Home & Office Cleaning • FREE QUOTES • •Regular & One off cleans •Spring cleans •Windows & Ceilings •Commercial & Domestic•Fully Insured, Owner/Operator

238 7701

Textured Ceilings - SPECIALISED COATINGS Hard wearing coatings for most surfaces. Terraces, Garage floors, Block walls etc. Epoxy coatings - Airless Spraying, Roofs Painted

Phone Bruce Cameron 0274 988 412 CONCRETE

LAND SURVEYORS 14 Hall Street, Pukekohe Ph 09 Fax 09 238 2448

238 6369

Your local company for all glass repairs and supplies

TV & Video REPAIRS

6 COURT STREET WAIUKU (Opposite Police Station)

Wa i u k u


Authorised Panasonic Service

Mobile free 0800 226 884 235 2572


Emergency Services 24/7

auto glass Windscreen Repairs & Replacement

* Mobile Service, Franklin wide * 103 Manukau Road, Pukekohe (Right next to Bunnings Warehouse)

PH 238 5055 0800 10 35 35

• TVs & Antennas• Video and Hi Fi Stereo • Registered & Licensed Servicemen

Phone 235 7059 Water

We’re #1 in the No.2 Business

Servicing all aspects of Plumbing and Gas Fitting

09 2352553 021762553




Supply and Installation of Woodburners

REPAIRS: Kent, Yunca, Metro, Natures Flame, Osburn, Masport, Firenzo, Logaire - plus other brands. SUPPLIERS OF: Fire Bricks, Fire parts, Pellets Hearths, Flues

Buckingham Industries | Ph: 235 3900 441 Glenbrook - Waiuku Rd, Glenbrook Laundry

ACTUAL CONCRETE For all your concrete requirements Phone John 021 501 438


For all your water requirements call and see Kevin & Jo Gubb ph 09 235 8268 14 Constable Road, Waiuku SEPTIC TANKS



Diggers * Truck/Trailer Hire * Metal/slag supplied Grass/Maize silage transport * Household water cartage David Grimmond - Ph: 027 629 0114 / 235 2740 E:

Madsen Lawrie Consultants

Email For free consultation contact David Lawrie or Dan Madsen




all about




0800 248 229


Ceilings ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪


Decks • Fences • Painting • Landscaping • Retaining walls • Paths & paving Locks & latches • Roof repair • Pergolas & sheds • Interior renovations And much much more.


Contact us: 09 235 7835

Hedges, Tree Work, Rubbish Removal, Rotary Slashing, Schools, Industrial sites & section clean ups RESIDENTIAL • COMMERCIAL * Free Quotes * WINZ Quotes

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W ord of mout h is good . . .


But pairs of eyes are much better! Don’t underestimate the power of our readers to help you grow your sales. Ph: 09 235 7835 to place your advert here.









*Sale is on Friday 28th February 2014 from midday (12:00 noon) until midnight (12:00 am) at participating outlets only, and stocks will vary by store. The product must be paid for in full or financed on the day of the sale. Quantities are limited and there are no holds or reserves on product allowed. Discounts apply to RRP and apply to selected flooring products only. Carpet is sold in broadloom metres. Offers not available in conjunction with any other offer. For full terms and conditions see in-store or visit **Finance Offer of no interest and no payments for 6 months (Payment Holiday) is available on Q Card Flexi Payment Plans. Minimum purchase $500. Account Fees may apply. A $45 Establishment Fee for new Q Cardholders and a $35 Advance Fee for existing Q Cardholders will apply. Q Card Standard Interest Rate applies at end of Payment Holiday. Offer expires 3rd March 2014. Q Card lending criteria, fees, terms and conditions apply. See in-store or visit our website for full details of the finance offer.

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