Post Newspaper 25 March 2014

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Tuesday • MARCH 25 • 2014 PHONE: 09 235 78 35 FAX: 09 235 78 34




VOL 26 • NO.11

Mass rescue wins national award



48 Queen St, Waiuku (above ASB) • 09 235 7455 RISE ACCOUNTANTS - COUNTIES LTD

Camera Club celebrates Choosing the winners among a selection of fine photographers was something of a challenge for a visiting judge.



Appeal special This Friday and Saturday’s Red Puppy appeal is particularly special for a Pukekohe man whose guide PAGE dog ‘Walker’ has been a lifesaver.


Like cricket? We Lovett! Youngster Blair Lovett snared three wickets for a hat-trick effort to conclude the match and bring a third title to the Waiuku Colts. PAGE



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A dramatic mass rescue by lifeguards at Kariaotahi Surf Life Saving Clubon Waitangi Day has won a national surf lifesaving award. Each month, Surf Life Saving New Zealand selects a winning rescue from each region as well as an overall national winner for the title of BP Rescue of the Month. Kariaotahi Surf Life Saving Club has won the Northern Region Rescue of the Month award for February as well as being the overall national winner. All lifeguards were on their toes on a busy Waitangi Day when lifeguard Guy Hornblow noticed a hand up just north of the flagged area. He alerted Patrol Captain Shannon Benterman who dispatched Rebecca Jackson and Caitlin Browne from the flagged area with rescue tubes while Guy and Jessica Jackson launched an IRB (Inflatable Rescue Boat). Rebecca and Caitlin were making good progress towards the body boarder in distress when two members of the public decided that they would also jump into the rip to try and assist the lifeguards. Guy and Jessica saw them enter the water and made the decision to detour and tell them to return to shore before they got into trouble themselves. The two members of the public listened to the lifeguards and started to make their way back to shore. The IRB collected the body boarder and returned him to shore safely before heading back out to check on the two lifeguards who were still in the water along with the members of the public who attempted to assist. Continued on page three.

Candidates cut tonight The Hunua Electorate National Party’s pre-selection committee will tonight choose the five candidates who will battle out a series of debates to select the final candidate to contest the seat in September. There are nine candidates at present, including current Franklin Local Board chair Andrew Baker, and locally-based engineer Kael Roberts (see profile page five), and tonight’s meeting will narrow that number down to five. After a series of three debates held throughout the district over the next few weeks, the delegates will vote for the final candidate on Thursday April 17. Whoever gets the nod for selection is almost assured of a seat in Parliament, with the Hunua electorate the safest National seat in the country.

Opening night after just a week to prepare A group of local home-educated students aged between 8 and 16 is putting together a theatre performance in the Waiuku Town Hall between 6.30pm and 7.30pm this Friday evening. The group has put the whole show together in just seven days, having an intensive week dealing with all aspects of theatre craft,staging, costuming and effects as well as

performing. ‘Joe Of Arabia’ is a short comedy play about stories and their tendency to be unpredictable. Step forward Joe, an ordinary character who isn’t even destined to leave a footprint in history, but in the play he gets stuck to the sole of history’s shoe instead. Arabian camel traders, ancient mariners, Elizabethan players and a whale all get caught

up in the whirlwind before Joe is flung back where he belongs. Organisers say adults, and children from eight years up, will enjoy this Friday evening’s show, which has an admisssion charge of $2 per seat. Above: Jessamae Aiken, April Reid, Roy Collin and Timothy Aiken take a moment during rehearsals for ‘Joe of Arabia’ last week.

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VIEWS & OPINIONS 18 Bowen Street, Waiuku Ph: 09 235 7835 | Fax: 09 235 7834 Email:

Editor Nigel Ward Business Manager Steve Douglas Office Manager Sarah Lamb Graphic Designer Lynn Douglas Accounts Ngaire Deed Outbound Sales Claire Erica Published at 18 Bowen St, Waiuku by Waiuku Publishing Ltd. Printed by Horton Media Ltd, East Tamaki. Office Hours: Monday to Friday, 9am - 5pm.

Display Ads Thursday, 2pm Classifieds Monday, 10am

21,200 copies, weekly to Waiuku, Pukekohe, Tuakau, Awhitu Peninsula, Karaka, Clarks Beach, Patumahoe, Kingseat and rural.

The launch of an online petition to call for better access to rail services for Pukekohe, (see readers’ letters this week), is another step in the plea for a more equitable focus on public transport in the Franklin region. Even under the ARC, transport for Waiuku and Pukekohe appeared to be an afterthought, and there were hopes that under Auckland’s Supercity concept it may be different. It appears not. Auckland Council, and its subsidiary organisations, are throwing millions of dollars into developing the central city, hosting events in central Auckland and proclaiming the millions of dollars of revenue it brings into the area with increased visitor numbers. The problem for Pukekohe and Waiuku, of course, is that those visitors struggle to access the region because of a lack of adequate transport options. This central focus appears to have extended to funding for the Westpac Rescue Helicopter - an indispensable lifeline for the rural areas of Auckland. This year, the vote was to cut funding for the helicopter, and vastly increase the funding for arts groups based in the centre of Auckland. Len Brown makes much of his southern roots whenever he appears in the Franklin region, but, now in his second term as Mayor of what he aims to make ‘the worlds most liveable city’ Franklin residents can’t get a bus or train from central Auckland on a Sunday evening. The millions of dollars of ratepayers revenue being soaked up to make central Auckland more vibrant are little solace to the ratepayers of Franklin. Like the peasants and landworkers of old, we can look through the windows at the noblemen enjoying their feasts and festivities, knowing our labour provides for their spending, but unable to share in it.

THE POST wants to hear from you! or write to us at P.O Box 374, Waiuku.

Weekly crossword with the compliments of

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ACROSS Remark (11) Thought (4) Fowl (8) Emergency (6) Pinpoint (6) Insect (6) Fix (6) Essential (8) Spoken (4) Deal (11)

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 11. 13. 14. 15. 16. 18.

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Some local tradesmen not meeting expectations Having read Sue Barnett’s letter in the March 18th issue I also wish to endorse her sentiments on Local Tradesmen. We too have noticed a casual attitude by too many tradesmen in Waiuku to take on the smaller jobs. From painters, builders electricians to computer techs. The issues are: mobiles always off and not replying promptly to voicemails, appointments not being kept, delays in visits,quotes seemingly overpriced to avoid the job, and once a quote accepted no contact as to when the job may start. Perhaps the lure of fishing here is too tempting. Perhaps the golf course calls or maybe there is not enough competition. What happened to good reliable service? So

My name is Erica Coyle and I have lived in Pukekohe for the past 22 years and after seeing yet another comment on one the local Facebook groups about the lack of trains running to Pukekohe on the weekend I have decided to do something about it. I have started both an online petition as well as a paper one to Auckland Transport requesting them to increase the service on the weekend to include Pukekohe. This affects me personally as well I am sure many others in the district. From the conversations I have had with people on the street there is huge support for this to happen, and may I add not in 5 10 years time but NOW. Just read some of the comments that have been made on the online petition. In just over a week the combined count is up to 2000. I would like to have at least 5000 - 10,000 signatures before I present it to Auckland Transport. I understand that part of the reason that



Quote of the week! You can have anything you want - if you want it badly enough. You can be anything you want to be, do anything you set out to accomplish if you hold to that desire with singleness of purpose. - Abraham Lincoln

Puzzle answers in Classifieds

Dave and Alison Prouse Waiuku

we do not have trains running to Pukekohe on the weekend is that Kiwirail would have to provide a signalman at the expense of Auckland Transport. I would have thought that this should not present an obstacle as we are now Auckland ratepayers and isn’t that what our rates are supposed to be going towards. Not to mention the increased revenue received from people using the service on the weekend. I find it funny that Auckland Council are asking for submissions from the public on how to reduce our greenhouse gas emissions when providing adequate public transport would help to solve this. If you would like your voice to be heard then please sign and share my petition. Together we can all make this happen. Erica Coyle Pukekohe For more information or to see the petition, go to and type ‘Pukekohe Train’ into the search box - Editor

Harbour users urged to attend Thursday meeting


3 4

come on guys you are part of a major city now. Those of you who do not treat each customer as part of your business are letting yourselves and everyone down. If you chose not to do these jobs let us know quickly so we can find someone who is keen. BUT we do have a list of good service people. e.g.: Allrick Electrical. Simon Brown builders, Neil Autos, Novus, Redline Computers and Gary Hunter Plumbing. Perhaps we should all name and shame those who do not live up to reasonable expectations. They then may find their pockets hurting.

Support needed for petition over better transport

Locals with an interest in S E N E C A the future of the Manukau G R O U P Harbour are urged to attend INSURANCE a meeting at the Waiuku BROKERS Civic Centre this Thursday We tailor With over 20 years in the insurance evening, from 5 – 6pm. insurance solutions to suit industry, we are fully equipped to Tourism researchers exdevelop the right insurance solutions your individual needs for you. ploring the recreation and Contact Mark Davie: 29 Awaroa Stream Drive, Waiuku tourism potential of the HarHow to solve Ph: 09 238 5188 / 021 343 335 E: bour want to hear from as HARD No.1334 Sudoku! many locals and visitors as possible about the way they 9 2 thesoharbour, via both Filluse the grid that anrow online survey and public 9 3 7 every and every 3x3 meetings. square contains 2 9 8 the They digits 1are to 9encouraging locals and people who have 8 1 3 recently visited the area to complete an online survey Solution No.1333 4 1 7 6 9 7 about 3 1 8 4 what 2 6 5 the harbour 1 6 means 8 7 5 2to4them, 9 3 at www.ma6 4 1 2 5 4 6 9 3 8 1 7 8 4 6 Researchers 9 7 5 3 2 1 are also invit7 1 5 3 9 7 2 1 8 6 5 4 ing local residents and busi5 1 2 3 4 6

1 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 12. 15. 17. 19. 20.

Your platform re your news, views and ideas... sha to

9 6 2 5 8 3 7 1 4 8 1 5 6 9 7 7 3 9 4 2 1 5

7 4 3 8

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ness owners to learn about the research study at the public research presentation. The Manukau Harbour Restoration Society (MHRS) has commissioned AUT University’s New Zealand Tourism Research Institute (NZTRI) to conduct the research, with support from the Manukau Harbour Forum and funding from the nine local boards linked to the harbour. Results of the first phase of the research, a review of the online presence of tourism and recreational activities on the harbour, will be shared at public presentations in New Lynn, Waiuku and Onehunga. “To complete the re-

view we put ourselves in the shoes of someone who knows nothing about the Manukau Harbour and wants to find a way to experience it by searching online. It was sometimes hard to find information, and some of what we did find could be easily enhanced. “At the presentations we will offer useful tips on how businesses and communities can boost their online visibility and make themselves easier to find,” says NZTRI Associate Director Dr Carolyn Deuchar. At the presentations, locals and business owners will also have the opportunity to share their experiences of recreation and tourism on the harbour. Advertisement

His Word - The Fruit of the Spirit - Long suffering

Galatians 5:22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, long suffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, Meekness, temperance: against such there is no law. And they that are Christ’s have crucified the flesh with the affections and lusts. If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit. Let us not be desirous of vain glory, provoking one another, envying one another. Long suffering; enduring trouble or unhappiness without complaint (Dictionary.) Matthew 16:24

Visit -

“Then said Jesus unto his disciples, If any [man] will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me.” 1 Timothy 6:12 “Fight the good fight of faith, lay hold on eternal life, whereunto thou art also called, and hast professed a good profession before many witnesses.” Exodus 34:6-7, Numbers 14:17-20, Psalm 86:1117, Romans 2:4, Ephesians 4:1-7, Colossians 1:7-15, Colossians 3:12-16, 2 Timothy 4:2, 2 Peter 3:6-15. for more info



Awards shared throughout district

The major winners in the 2014 Auckland Hauraki Dairy Industry Awards, Onewhero couple Bryce and Rosemarie Costar, have well achievable goals to keep them focused and heading in the right direction. The couple were named the region’s Sharemilker/Equity Farmers of the Year at an awards dinner in Pukekohe on Sunday night. Ngatea contract milker Simon Player was named the 2014 Auckland Hauraki Farm Manager of the Year and Paeroa dairy farm assistant Marion Reynolds won the region’s Dairy Trainee of the Year title. Bryce and Rosemarie Costar are 55% sharemilking 300 cows on a family farm owned by Bill Costar. They won $20,200 in prizes. “The awards give you a much stronger understanding of what drives your business and what areas you do well and what you could improve on. It ultimately leads to running a more efficient, compliant and profitable business.” Mr Costar, aged 49 years, began sharemilking in 1986 and married Rosemarie, aged 42, in 2004. The couple has since purchased a 43ha runoff they plan to develop. They also plan to extend the milking platform to help achieve their goal of farm ownership. As they have a high genetic herd, they have another goal to breed a bull calf for LIC’s Premier Sires team. “Having a high genetic herd gives greater productivity and efficiency and also offers opportunities to sell surplus replacements at a premium.” The Costars were dominant winners in the awards, collecting six of the 11 merit awards on offer. Ngatea 50% sharemilkers Evan and Jan Billington were runners-up in the sharemilker/ equity farmer contest, winning $10,780 in prizes. Third place went to Thames 50% sharemilkers Mathew and Jemma Morrissey, winning $5100.

The winner of the 2014 Auckland Hauraki Farm Manager of the Year, Simon Player, entered the awards for the first time to have his farming practices analysed. “I wanted to get some feedback about my business and how I am doing and how I can improve. I thought it would be a good opportunity to do that.” The 28-year-old is contract milking 250 cows for Gary and Barbara Townshend at Ngatea. He won $11,900 in prizes. The runner-up in the region’s farm manager contest was Thames farm manager Jason Moore, who took home $3100 in prizes. The sole drive and goal of 2014 Auckland Hauraki Dairy Trainee of the Year, Marion Reynolds, is to own her own farm. The focused 25-year-old is also training to climb Mt Kilimanjaro in Tanzania later this year. Miss Reynolds has been an assistant on Mark and Rachel Barker’s 380-cow Paeroa farm since graduating from Lincoln University with a Bachelor of Agricultural Science in 2011. She won $5660 in prizes. To achieve her goal, she is moving to a management role on the same farm next season. She plans to continue progressing up the dairy industry ladder through managing and sharemilking to ownership. After placing third in the contest last year, Miss Reynolds says the awards proved to be a great way to test her ability and meet other motivated farmers. Second place in the dairy trainee contest went to Waiuku herd manager James Manusauloa, who won $1400. Thames assistant manager Leighton Coombe was third, winning $800. Auckland Hauraki Sharemilker/Equity Farmers of the Year, Bryce and Rosemarie Costar, will host a field day on April 15, while Farm Manager of the Year, Simon Player, will host a field day on the Ngatea farm he manages on April 8.

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Camera club winners announced


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Brian loved the story told by Gloria’s image of a goat nibbling the little girls’ ribbon. The simplicity and the beautiful use of light were the reasons he selected Jahna’s photograph of ‘Arum unfolding’. The club is expanding and, with this, the standard improving. Organisers say it’s been great to see the addition of several secondary students this year. Above: The trophy winners for 2014 gather with their awards.

Karioitahi lifeguards honoured Continued from page 1: They had lost their footing and were now in trouble themselves. Rebecca and Caitlin had seen this unfolding and they managed to clip the patients into rescue tubes. Guy now had the challenging job of positioning the IRB within heavily dumping waves, while Jessica pulled in the patient who was in the most distress. To make the situation more complicated, the patient was nearly three times her size and weight.

Once he was in the boat, Guy and Jessica picked up the second adult who was being propped up with a rescue tube. With the IRB maxed out with weight and the surf set period too small to turn the boat around, Guy had to proceed though the bar and wait for a lull in the surf before he could turn the boat around and make his run back to the beach. The club receives a $500 fuel voucher from BP to help with the financial costs of keeping communities safe in the water.




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March’s Waiuku Camera Club meeting saw a large attendance for the annual prize-giving. The club’s top images from the past 12 months were re-assessed by PSNZ judge Brian Cudby from the North Shore Camera Club. He was very impressed with the standard of the entries which at times made his task difficult. Gloria Raven and Jahna Symons took out the supreme awards for top images in prints and projected respectively.

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Hobbies Expo gathers momentum

The Week Ahead Thurs 27TH - Wed 2ND APRIL NOAH (M) Daily 2pm, 5pm (NOT SUN), 8pm

NEED FOR SPEED (M) Daily 12.15pm (2D), 5.30pm (3D), 8.15pm (2D) CUBAN FURY (M) Daily 11.15am, 7pm MR PEABODY & SHERMAN (G) Daily 3.45pm (3D), 5.15pm (2D), Sat & Sun 12pm (2D) MONUMENTS MEN (M) Daily 1.15pm, 8.45pm 300 RISE OF AN EMPIRE (2D) (R16) Daily 3.00pm

Play Truck visits Hamilton Estate programme

12 YEARS A SLAVE (R16) Wed 11.30am

An innovative mobile service bringing a taste of early education to South Auckland communities made a stopover in Waiuku last week as the Play Truck called through the Oscar Rocks programme at Waiuku’s Hamilton Estate. The Play Truck is an outreach service which, as co-ordinator Amber Latimer says, is normally operating in the Manurewa and Takanini areas, but is able occasionally to travel further afield. The truck is partly funded through the Counties Manukau Kindergarten Association, and usually operate for 15 hours per week, but those behind the project are hopeful of sourcing further funding to assist people access early childhood education, particularly for new New Zealand residents who

LE WEEKEND (M) Tue 10.30am SAVING MR BANKS (M) Tue 10.00am THE RAILWAY MAN (M) Thu 11.30am THE BOOK THIEF (PG) Fri 11.30am PHILOMENA (M) Tue 12.15pm FROZEN (2D) (G) Sun 10.15am THE PAST (M) Mon 11.30am, 6.00pm 85 Edinburgh St * Pukekohe *

[ PHONE: 09 237 0216 ]

Waiuku Cosmopolitan Club Inc

may struggle with English as a language. The Oscar Rocks programme is a parentled operation which runs from the Hamilton Estate Community Hall on Mondays and Wednesdays from 10am to 1pm. Also at the Hamilton Estate area this Saturday is a special family day as part of the Auckland Council-sponsored ‘Neighbours Day’. The centre is looking for locals who want to come along and enjoy a free hangi as part of a clean-up day at the Community Gardens. People keen to help are asked to turn up with garden tools, gloves, wheelbarrows and gumboots and enjoy a community day, as well as a delicious hangi. For further information on the project, or other activities, contact 235 5242.

Plans for an expo to promote and develop the many hobby and pastime activities in the Waiuku area are gathering momentum, with a second meeting planned for the event on Wednesday, April 16, at the Waiuku Cosmopolitan Club. The 7pm meeting is for anyone interested in taking a stand position at the Expo, to be held in mid-June at the Waiuku Town Hall, and anticipated to attract a large crowd of exhibitors and attendees. There will be around 50 to 60 positions available for representatives of any local hobby group, whether it be model airplanes, craftwork, woodwork, social and service groups, youth groups or church activities. There will be a small charge for clubs to attend, and half of that charge for people attending as individuals to promote their own craft or pastimes. Organisers are hoping for a good turnout at the April meeting, to begin to put together the final layout of the Town Hall for the expo, and all are welcome. For further information, or to register your interest in attending the expo, contact 0274 953 202, or 235 9566. For email contact, email to bribel@clear.


4 Victoria Ave, Waiuku • Phone 235 9131•Dining 235 8995 • Notice to members, guests and affiliates





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Kael says local knowledge the key to election Local engineer Kael Roberts is among nine candidates hoping to make the cut, firstly to five tonight, then down to the final selection of the Hunua National Party candidate, on April 17, to contest this year’s election. He says, if selected, it will be a privilege to stand for the electorate, which has been represented for many years by Dr Paul Hutchison, who is standing down this year. “This is my home,” says Kael, “It is where my heart is and I know my background is one which the community will strongly relate to.” After growing up in Awhitu and attending Waiuku College, he completed an Honours Mechanical Engineering and Economics degree at Waikato and Otago Universities respectively. Returning home, he now works in Pukekohe with Belcher Industries as their business development manager. Through his work with Belcher Industries over the past eight years, he has worked closely with the farming, manufacturing and construction industries. Kael is a Certified Professional Engineer and has had an interesting career journey, including managing aid

Police Report

by Sergeant Simon Palmer vehicle out of impoundment not to mention any fine imposed. If your vehicle is issued with a green or pink sticker it means that there is something wrong with it and is a safety issue. Generally it is not an invitation to peel the sticker off when you get home. You actually have to get the defects fixed. It is very expensive to remove a sticker when you shouldn’t. And no, they do not fall off when it rains! A 36 year old male was arrested for breaking into his former partners address and seriously assaulting her. This is totally unacceptable and all members of the Police, families, and the public take a very dim view of domestic violence. Domestic violence in general will only end with charges and possible time spent in prison. Take a deep breath, think about things and walk away. Please ensure you keep


projects in Afghanistan with USAID. Kael is the current chairman of the National ANTIQUES & COLLECTABLES Party Pukekohe branch, an elected committee member of the Pukekohe Business Association, and works withLaser engraving on... local schools to promote ca-wood, glass, acrylic, leather, marble, reer paths in science, engipens & more neering and trades. Excited about the opportunity to contest the can-Traditional engraving... didacy, he says “it will be arings, bangles, trophies awards & medals tough challenge. However, I’m confident my knowledge of what our local businesses Quality furniture wanted need to succeed, and my practical background, will Mike and Cheryl: 09 236 9225 make a difference in the seCnr George & Jellicoe Ave, Tuakau lection.”

Laser engraving on... wood, glass, acrylic, leather, marble, pens & more Traditional engraving... rings, bangles, trophies awards & medals


Plea for no Manilow in the cells Hi, I hope everyone survived the storm from the other weekend. I am hoping we will get a bit of rain over the coming weeks. It is amazing who reads this article. I arrested a male the other day and the first thing he said to me was that I better not play Barry Manilow in the cells! Needless to say he told me all that I wanted to know. It is always a good idea to make sure you turn up to court or that you pay your fines. Waiuku Police went to an address looking for someone in relation to not completing community work. As a result we arrested a 44 year old male for having drug related pipes on him in the bedroom. This was not the person we were after, but I suppose you could say was a bonus. We also went to an address to enquire about whether a 38 year old male had paid for some items that he stole. As a result of seeing some cannabis Police searched him and the address and located five tinnies. He will appear in court this week on that matter. The moral of the story is not to give the Police any excuse to visit you. It could end up being a bit of a problem for you. A 53 year old male was arrested and had his car impounded for driving whilst forbidden. This is a costly exercise, day in court, day off work, and costs to get the

OPen 7 Days a WeeK

your vehicles locked when in your drive way, or if you are doing a quick run into the shop to get something. We have had a couple of instances where people have left their vehicles unlocked to quickly go into someone’s address or a shop. And lo and behold something is stolen from them. Lock the doors, and close the windows. Simple preventative measures can safe a lot of time and effort, not to mention expense. Remember if there is an offender present, or has just left, then ring 111. This is the quickest way to get Police attendance. The number of burglaries in Waiuku have been reducing of late. There is a lot of great work being done by the Police in Pukekohe and Waiuku to keep the pressure on our known offenders. It is also good preventative measures by the public in general, by being more alert and paying more attention to the security of their homes. So well done, but…. we need to build on the good work, and not get complacent. Remember that the phone number for Crimestoppers is 0800 555 111 or www. That’s all for this week, once again from the team here in Waiuku: Lorraine, Aaron, Greg, Toby and Rod, thanks for all your help, we rely on your information to make our job easier, and Waiuku a safer place to live, play and work in.


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Red Puppy Appeal special for Pukekohe’s Clem

Friday and Saturday’s Red Puppy Appeal is of special significance to Pukekohe’s Clem Bruce, and his wife Edna. A long-time Pukekohe resident, Clem formerly worked for the council water works as a foreman, and says one day he went for an update on his machine licence and suddenly realised how bad his eyes were. He suffers from a very rare hereditary condition, one which only around another 20 people nationwide suffer from, and the disease eats its way through the optic nerves. “My Dad went blind at an early age,” Clem says, “and after going to the eye centre a Newmarket, they said they couldn’t do any more and sent me to the Greenlane

Low Vision Clinic.” At that clinic, Clem and Edna first became aware that they could qualify for a guide dog, and on November 10, 2011, ‘Walker’ joined the Bruce family. Walker was formerly with another owner, who passed away, and the dog was one of a litter of 10 puppies sired by a dog called ‘Fonz’, one of the stars of the guide dog bloodlines. Four of those puppies went on to become guide dogs and the other six went into other service roles, including acting as a sensor dog for people with epilepsy. Originally Walker joined the family for a short period leading up to Christmas, but the bond between the dog and Clem was immediate. “They go together like eggs

and bacon,” Edna says with a laugh, adding that when the guide dog representative arrived to collect Walker after the introduction period, she decided to leave the dog with the Bruces, as the bond was so clear. Unusually, Walker will bark when people approach the house, something which Clem says is rare among guide dogs, but it is as a support from Clem that Walker comes into his own. “Sometimes my vision completely cuts out, and he senses if I’m about to lose my balance,” Clem says. “He’ll guide me to a fence or something I can hold onto until I come right.” Clem and Edna have a chuckle over one incident, when Clem began losing his

Achievers honoured at Waiuku College

Waiuku College last week held its NCEA Excellence Assembly to celebrate and acknowledge students who gained an Excellence or Merit endorsement at NCEA Levels 1 and 2 in 2013. NCEA 2013 Students who received their certificate endorsed with either Merit or Excellence were: NCEA 2013 endorsed with Excellence in Level 1: Daniel Anstis, Elamae Baldos, Melanie Cave, Abigail Dell’Avo, Natasha EllistonBoyes, Cassie McSkimming, Olivia Peterson, Louise Ruiterman, Shannon Seal, Monique Shuker, Gemma Tobin, Shinae Warren. NCEA 2013 endorsed with Excellence in Level 2: Josh Cleland, Lucy Croft, Julian de Villiers, Adam Kennedy, Jeeah Kim, Abbi Robinson, Jodie Robinson, Nicole Scobie, Apriel Simpson. NCEA 2013 endorsed with Merit in Level 1: Lloyd Agnew, Frances Allen, Courtney Barriball, Benjamin Brown, Caitlin Browne, Kristen Buckley, George Burgess, Shane Burns, Brooke Cassidy, Josh Chamberlain, Shirley Chen, Dean Collins, Jared Cull, Brooke Curley, Brody Dickens-Greenfield, Rebecca-Lee Douglas, Kara Du’Nasemant,

Mikayla Dunne, Daniel Gleeson, Shayla Hagan, Amelia Hamilton, Sharne HardingLoveridge, Robert Hodgkinson, Toni-Jane Hohaia, Hayley Jones, Georgia Kendall, Tommy Kim, Kayla Kong, Aaron Lamont , Gemma Leeson, Sophie Loosemore, Georgia Marriner-Milne, Sinead Maxwell, Nicola McQuillan, Jakobb Mills, Mau Minhinnick, Chrystal Parker, Rose Perry, Jordan Petrie, Devon Phillips, Chelsea Quinn, Samantha Ridley, Rhian Robinson, Dean Sands, Michael Sextone, Casey Sherriff, Scarlett Thomas, Danielle Thomson, Kadia Thomson, Jacob van Winden, Chloe Wallace, Veronica Wood, Sam Yelchich. Waiuku College NCEA Endorsed with Merit at Level 2: Jemma Brock, Naylor Browne, Lyam Buchanan, TianDippenaar, Jemma Flood, Sophie Fraser, Bradley Hagan, Dayna Hair, Oliver Howe, Kayla Jordan, Michaela Livingstone, Zoe MacKenzie, Chelsea Marshall, Alexei Matene, Abby-Rose McCorkindale, Natalie McGlade, Liam Officer, Alyce Parry, Jody Porter, Brooke Quilty, Moana Richardson, Emma Ruiterman, Nikalah Sloane, Matthew Smithson, Raewyn Taupo, Amber Turner, KrytenVlug, Laura Wilkins.

Above: Waiuku College students who achieved NCEA Level 1 with Excellence pictured with principal Tom Vanderlaan. Below: The students who received NCEA Level 2 with Excellence.

balance so Walker guided him to a nearby hedge. “I leaned into it and fell right through it!” One instance though, serves to show the importance of the guide dogs for Clem, and others like him. “He literally saved Clem’s life one day when he was crossing at a pedestrian crossing. Two little old ladies in a silver car drove right through the crossing,” Edna recalls. “Walker got in between my legs and stopped me, just as the car went right by me,” Clem said, adding that onlookers thought the car had struck him - it had passed so closely. The relationship between Clem and Walker is almost telepathic, and the guide dog can pick a safe path around obstacles whether it is road cones on the road, debris on a footpath, or even a crowded room at a funeral, as the couple experienced recently. Walker’s role in the family life is massive, and it is for dogs like this, that the Red Puppy appeal is on this coming weekend. “We don’t charge our clients to receive a guide dog,” says Blind Foundation Executive Director of Supporter Marketing and Fundraising, Alison Wheatley. “All the costs for breeding and training guide dogs are met by public donations. The continued generous support of the New Zealand public enables our puppies to succeed in their vital work.”

Pukekohe artists mentored at Gallery The Pukekohe Community Gallery has started The Incubator Project, which is part of its Young Gifted and Local series. A hand-picked selection of outstanding mostly Year twelve and thirteen Pukekohe Secondary School arts students will participate in a four week residency programme during March - April 2014. Using the Franklin Arts Centre Community Gallery as a live studio space for the creation of new art work the resident artists will be mentored and assisted by art teachers, the gallery coordinator and members of the TEAM collective. Working in their free time (lunchtimes, after school and Saturdays) the young artists will ‘hatch’ the results of their residency in collaboration with mentors. Instead of an ‘opening’ they will be having a ‘closing’ on the 11 April. This will be in collaboration with the closing of the TEAM exhibition in the NZ Steel Gallery space. The first young artist to occupy the space was Estelle Kelly, (pictured left), who was doing free life drawing sketches for the people who visit the gallery.



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8 kilometres


Karioitahi Beach TO MASSEY PARK

Sunday April 6th

Registration from 7.30 - 9.30am at the Lion Station, Belgium Street FREE BUSES leave carpark after registration - LAST BUS 9.30am (Sorry - No pushchairs on buses)

Start 10am from Karioitahi Beach ENTRY FEE : $15 ADULT $5 CHILD/STUDENT

Major Prize + Spot Prizes


Waiuku Cosmopolitan Club, The Post Newspaper, Waiuku Business People, Franklin Local Board, Murphy Buses and Shoe Clinic Manukau


Sandspit racing for the start line




The staff and children at Sandspit Road school are getting ready to run in this year’s Sand to Mud Fun Run. The children are being encouraged to train at lunchtime by running with their principal and teachers. The staff at Sandspit Road School aren’t going to be left out and will once again be entering a staff team. The principal of Sandspit Road School Graeme Newall said: “At Sandspit Road School we want to teach our kids that every person plays a role in making our community strong and we all need to take responsibility for the way in which they live and to find ways in which they can help others.” Graeme also said “The Lions Club responds to our community and provides for Waiuku many valuable projects and activities. This is an event that not only brings the community together it also assist the Lions Club to raise funds that go towards these very projects.” Sandspit Road School is putting out the challenge to all of the other school’s in Waiuku to see if they can get a record participation in this year’s event. This year’s Waiuku Lions Club 38th running of the Sand to Mud Run on April 6th has

more to offer than just the race itself – there’s a Family Fun Day at Massey Park from 10am till 3pm, with children’s games, tug-a-war competition, stalls, refreshments & music along with Lions BBQ to satisfy your dietary needs. Organisers are expecting yet another great turnout for the annual fundraising event. Registration will commence at the Lions Station in Belgium Street from 7.30am and closing at 9.30am to allow the last bus to get participants out to Karioitahi Beach in time for the start at 10am. Organisers encourage participants to register early and catch the earlier busses to miss the last minute rush. Free off road parking is provided in the paddocks across Domain Street from the Lions Station. With Massey Park as the finishing point again this year, runners will travel down Martyn Street into Kent Street and then Domain Street before entering Massey Park for the final sprint across the Park to the finish line. To cater for the families of participants and spectators, from 10am there will be children’s art area, face painting, bouncy castle, etc along with commercial and community stalls operating.



Town Manager reports...

with Sharlene Druyven I would like to thank the public for their patience while the extensive road works are being undertaken at the bottom of Queen Street and Constable Road. Unfortunately this is an inconvenience to both commuters and businesses at present but the 16-week project is well on track and I believe running close to schedule. We are working with Auckland Transport closely to try and advise the community of delays and closures before they occur. I just wanted to clarify a few things with the new toilet block in the Kentish Car park. The Council toilets are to be opened in conjunction with the opening of the roundabout. The WB&DA ,like many of you, believe the toilets are a bit of an eyesore and we are working to try to at least have the outer either reclad or painted to try and blend in to the surrounding and work with the historical landscape of the town. The toilets on the reserve will not be demolished until the new toilets are open to the public. You would have all noticed workers in town digging holes in our footpaths. Unfortunately this is a necessary evil in order to have the Ultra-fast broadband cables laid. Fortunately a little forward thinking by planners earlier have meant that the ducting was previously laid with the street upgrades so only holes are being dug, not the whole footpaths. They have assured us that the paving will be reinstated to its former state and a full pavement clean will be done on completion. We are in full swing organising the 2014 Waiuku Steel “n” Wheel Festival on 11th May. Last year Waiuku hosted an amazing day and welcomed around 17,000 people into the town. Yes this is Mother’s Day but we are catering this year for mothers, wives and ladies with a pamper area where they can be spoilt while the boys enjoy the exhibits. We will have a large assortment of therapies available to make her day something special. Registration forms for the

exhibitors will be out soon so if you have anything you would like to exhibit please let us know. Anything wild, wacky or otherwise, let us know. The market stalls last year were also a hit so if you would like to book a stall please let us or (09) 2356231. The Waiuku Christmas Parade date has been set and the theme is ‘Music and Movies’. We have released this now so many of you are able to plan and get the ideas flowing early. Waiuku has long since boasted the biggest and the best parade in Franklin so come on and join in the fun. A huge thank you to all of you that attended the Movies in the Park. Unfortunately the weather didn’t play ball but Auckland Council was amazed that a crowd of around 400 people weathered the storm to watch the family favourite movie “Grease”. We believe that had the weather been nice our venue wouldn’t have catered for the crowd so if we are lucky enough to have another movie I will have to find another venue! The Local Board representatives Jill Naysmith and Brendon Crompton along with our Councillor Bill Cashmore are holding monthly community meetings in the Waiuku Service Centre. These have been initiated to let the community have their say and bring issues to the floor that are important to you. These people have been voted in to advocate on the community’s behalf so get involved and feel free to come along. The next meeting is April 18. Please contact the Information centre for confirmation of that date sooner to the time. The WB&DA has launched an initiative for 24 businesses to place coupons in the Post newspaper. These coupons are valid for two weeks

and have amazing specials for you to enjoy. This is part of the “Shop Local” initiative that we are running to support our businesses and convince our community to support our local retailers. Please look out for the vouchers in this edition of the Post newspaper and get behind our retailers. The WB&DA has a mascot of sorts. Our family has become a puppy walker for the Blind Foundation and will rear Cade, a black Labrador until he is approximately 14 months of age, (pictured inset). He is currently 13 weeks old and really loves coming to work and visiting all the shops. The Blind Foundation are having their annual appeal on Friday and Saturday in the CBD so please give generously. Many people have been asking about when the markets are going to resume in Waiuku. Unfortunately due to other commitments the previous organiser has been unable to start the market back up this summer. It seems many in the community would like the market to continue so if you would be interested in taking on this business venture please contact the WB&DA. In closing I would like to advise that the Information Centre will host a JP’s service every Wednesday from 11.30am-1.30pm. This service used to be run from the Service Centre but due to the hours the centre is open it has been moved to the information Centre. There is no need to book.

Bombay High Tea on Sunday

Charity garage sale

Franklin Lioness Club invites all Franklin residents to a Garden Party and High Tea to be held at 29 Portsmouth Road, Bombay, on Sunday from 2pm to 5pm. The highlight of the day will be a cooking demonstration by Bracu Restaurant Head Chef, Mikey Newlands, with visitors able to partake of the goodies he will prepare. Also available will be cheeses, salmon, chutneys and pickles from various local producers. There will also be several stalls promoting local crafts. Throughout the afternoon a High Tea will be available, served in fine china, on tables covered with old fashioned cloths. Background music will add to the enjoyment. Organisers suggest people make up a party and come along for an enjoyable afternoon, while at the same time admiring the fantastic views from the property. Tickets are $25 each and are available from Mega Mitre Ten, Town Mouse, Flower and Gift Shop, all in Pukekohe, or Anita’s Flowerbiz and Gifts in Tuakau, or any Lioness club member.

The Karioitahi Konexions Relay for Life team are planning another garage sale, to be held at the Waiuku Fire Station on Saturday April 5, as part of their goal to reach $100,000 in total funds raised since they started. Since the last Relay for Life, the group has added $8,000 in fund raising, and now are just $17,000 away from their goal, which they hope to achieve by the 2015 Relay for Life event in Pukekohe. As with last year’s garage sale, the event will be in the Waiuku Fire Station between 8am and 12noon, and anyone with any items which might be suitable to donate to the sale is asked to contact Jennifer Thompson this week.



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Bombay students learn to survive a disaster Waiuku youngster gets back to basketball after tumour

To survive - that was the ond mock disaster was anchallenge Bombay junior nounced to the students by For more than two years Mrs Twomey, the teacher Waiuku College in student has been look- Amber-Lee getting involved in a team students faced during theirAmber-Lee Lawrieofhas been waiting patiently for aof ing charge school for. Aemergenkeen sportswoman prior to be- sport again and really enjoying it,” Lewweek education outside chance to get back intomock team sport, cies.ever She informed the stuing diagnosed, netball and touch rugby is says of the programme she helped the classroom. From since theto 14-year-old was diagnosed dents that were a serious storm sports of choice. Amber-Lees organise alongside fellow Disability disasters taking a freezing withshower Ewingsfirst Sarcoma on hit herBombay and everyBut having to use a wheelchair for Sport Coordinators Chris Smith (AuckI would like to nominate Lee Lochore of Tuakau for a cold thing (a in tumour the had spine that has caused paralysis below one wouldmobility have to after sleepdeveloping at paralysis, she land and North Harbour) and Stacey morning to sleeping in tents; WOW Award. the waist). has been unable to participate because Roche (Waitakere). Held in collaborathese were some of the expe- school. Three weeks ago I rang Lee for advice about a badly Last month, thanks to Halberg DisThe students were told to sport is on the field tion with the Auckland Wheelbreakers, “much of the school riences the junior students injuried Tui hopping around my garden. He could ability Sport Coordinator Maia Lewis grab whatever they would and is not suitable for a wheelchair”. the wheelchair basketball programmes faced during the week. notAfly and in the winter weather I knew he would reader writes: I would like to nominate Kevin (Counties-Manukau) needcolto survive and as-programme was held were also held at The Trusts Stadium The six-week In preparation for theand two two soon die of cold, or hunger, Maxwell forthe Wow of the week. or both. Lee instantly leagues, Amber-Lee hasStaovercome thein every semble the school Tuesdayhall. at the Auckland Spinal in Waitakere, and at the North Shore mock disasters, Private Wetowere allhim set the before Fish ‘n Chicks said catch butnight beware of his razor sharpcomclaws barriers to participation by joining Students werein Otara. resourceUnit Events Centre. cey Locke from the New Zeapetition our skipper just fuelled at 9pm and bringand him over to herhad home a.k.a. the up Tuakau Auckland’s first-ever wheelchair bas- collected ful and bean It’s notupjust about training though, “The Auckland Wheelbreakers have land army, a parent of one of that night, and was backing the boat in to the driveBird Rescue. I really thought that the poor bird would ketball programme. bags, mats, first aid kits, and as the programme culminated in an really come on board and see it as a the students, demonstrated way and ‘boom’ goes not one,him but two on probably die however I took overtyres just popped in case there their tentsbetween on the great school very special to our students, “I’m really enjoying bassurvival kits. Auckland-wide competition opportunity to grow, nurture and how to survive and staywheelchair alive school our boat trailer on a rock in the driveway! was hope. field and the students slept future parents, and teachers. ketball and and after beingaindisaster. the six-week pro- school The barbeque players from the same programmes be- develop players,” Lewis says. during We didn’t know what we were going to do, especially We arrived and Lee was so welcoming and reasurring the Disability night at school. stu-providing “They quality give the students grammean as Iarmy am finally ableinto fully was parused to ingcook run spaghetti, by the Halberg Sport The“By coaches for Seeing officer at that of night, andall tried a fewsospare tyres from and hertime present patients looked contented and dentsHarbour always look a great to the year by ticipate in a sport with others me,” baked beans, and noodles Foundation in –North and forward programmes in start Counties-Manukau, uniform and responding to like cars, but nothing would fit. Then one of the girls sugwell fed that I had no qualms about leaving the poor Burma giving them opportunities Amber-Lee says. the school hall to the camp concert, Waitakere Waitakere. and North Shore the Wheelcommands was a first for all found in gested weher. called Kevin Maxwell, even then bird with A couple of days ago shethough rang tobysay he trail, spotlighting, eating to establish friendships “It means I am equal with the others kitchen. Nobody went hunAll physically disabled young people breakers are also really helping toand remany students. it was 9.30pm on a Friday night. He said it wasn’t a was alive and well, hopping about, singing but he outside, cookingmove marsh ways toofenjoy the outdoors, on the team, and because in year gry.all The 21 three years students old and under wereand welcome the barrier long distance travel. Private Locke showed thewe’re problem, and for us to drop the tyres over and come would fly again duewould to the be injuries to hisawing. and for the wheelchairs talk about had their to traditional camp take to the courtsmellows. in the wheelchairs “Their experience and parents skills are and also students howI can to make tem- difficulties back atnever 10.30pm and they done. What lifePrincipal and work I have with them and they understand.” at school on Thursday night. That provided and give the sport a go. Paul Petersen a fantasticteachers resourceto formeet physically disaporary shelters, stretchers saver!was O.K. said Lee, he could live “happily ever “These experiences together.” understanding com-and students set up “Amber has beensaid: waiting patiently bledare young people to draw on as we after” with the you’d otherfind twoapermanent resident Tuis at outHer of ateammates raincoat, and how to Parents I don’t think nicer person, as he had just bined with the chance to play sport for an opportunity like this to come up move to establish a really competitive her place. move injured people safely. arrived home, and had a shower before we rang him competitively againthe is stujust what the in her region, so it is awesome to see league in Auckland.” Ito think a WOW Award Bird Later in the week call Lee himdeserves out. It meant we couldfor gether uptireless early and dents were able to design Rescue Whatsoan amazing out on work. the water, thanks fromperson! all of us on board and build their own tempo- Antonia Craig ‘Larnie2’ for the Fish ‘n Chicks! The only Merit Award in New Zearary shelters. land’s only small sculpture prize went The first mock disaster, an to Robin Ranga from Tuakau, (pictured earthquake, was declared on Between August 7 and 23 left). Tuesday. Civil defence posts a BreastScreen mobile unit Her work, a bronze titled ‘One Step were set up and students will be parked at the Waiuku at a Time’ modelled on the famous were given designated roles Medical Centre. photograph of Dame Whina Cooper to carry out. Talk to yourerected doctorfor or accall Each Tuesday morning by Michael Tubberty taken during the Tents were 0800 270 200 for more land march and published in the NZ commodation, a day careinfo; for during term time, from as they say, early detection Herald in 1975. working parents who wereis 9:30-12pm, parents and the besttoprotection. Alexander Bartleet from Pt Chevalier unable collect their chilyoungsters can enjoy the Under screening reis $3000 richer after winning this year’s dren was 50, set up, and food Ph 09 238 2222 Mob 027 274 2469 ducesayour chance of dying fun and games at St Annational Small Sculpture Prize for his from school survival kit from distributed. breast cancerEven by about mixed media work ‘Line Cluster’. was the Professional House, 16-18 Seddon Street, drew’s ‘mainly music’ and 20 percent. Between and The award was announced at Fonterra school milk50 was PO Box 672 Pukekohe playgroup. Held at the 65, that goes to 30 percent. Waiheke Community Art Gallery on 22 utilized. Waiuku centre, organisand women aged March by Craig Little of Davis Funerals, On for Wednesday, the65-69, secit is reduced by about 45 ers say this is a terrific sponsor of the award. percent. Selector Monique Redmond, Senior time of fun, music, comLecturer in Art and Design and AUT munity and play. All famUniversity said she was pleased to see ilies are welcome, with so many different registers of practice children aged under five being submitted for the award; formal investigations, symbolic, metaphoriyears. The cost is $3 per cal, representational, as well as process family, and St Andrew’s and material explorations. Centre is at 85 Queen “It is great that the finalists have risen to the challenge of making small-scale Street, Waiuku. sculpture – whilst this has traditionRight: Leah Wetherell ally sat within the realm of marquettes, with her daughters models or often the craft object (which Portia and Indigo. is well-represented in this exhibition), many have tackled the actual concept of small-scale or the miniature as a central theme or idea in their work,” she said. The exhibition of all 28 works selected from a total of over 70 initial submissions is on until 14 April at the Waiheke Community Art Gallery. A Yorkshire flag flying over the Kentish Ho- stories from a Yorkshire Policeman - a local tel, over 60 people attending a luncheon at version of the “Heartbeat” TV programme ! Pukekohe, and a live Skype link between the Guests are reminded to bring along YorkWaikato mayor Allan Sanson and his coun- shire memorabilia for display, there will also terpart in Skipton, Yorkshire, are just some be items from Yorkshire on sale including Organisers report for a surge in interest schools of the events planned Yorkshire day thisfrom flags of various sizes. One of Franklin’s favourite wanting to compete at the 2014 ActivePost National Secyear. Guests wishing to stay longer areatinvited events takes place Pukeondary Schools Day WakainAma Championships, the loThe Yorkshire New Zealand cel- with to stay and have smorgasbord on evening kohea Intermediate April cal regionwill represented by a team from Tuakau College. ebrations be split bemeal in the Club’s restau6 with Puni School’s annual ThePukekohe Tuakau competitors tween and Wai- will be up against over 1500 rantthe - however booking is event, Callander Constudents at first the event, and will be in action in front of a uku for the time to essential. struction Franklin MulticulCome join us for a fun filled afternoon. We get crowd out expected top 2000 people. provide of areatopeople The following Thurstural Festival. The concert Date: Friday, 28 March 2014 From 25th to to 28th March, Rotorua’s Blue Lake will play to ride on the race track so bring your bike, an opportunity attend is August Yorkshire willday include an 1,impressive Time: 5pm - 8pm host 95 schools asprothey paddle for the national title on and toto provide a new Day, of andtalent will befrom celebratline-up local scooter or skateboard for games and fun! their Waka Ama( outrigger canoe). More than 1,500 stugramme of activities. Location: Pukekohe Park Raceway, ed atKiShires schools. o rahiRestaurant is the feaThere will be fun activities to take part in and dents from schools the country are expected On Sunday July 28throughout the in sport Waiuku to tured withfrom Puni6pm School 222 - 250 Manukau Road, the race track provides a safe space to ride. to line upCosmopolitan in various boat classes in the Under 19 and Pukekohe 7pm with a Skype link Principal Haydon Brill slightPukekohe. This event will include: Under divisions. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause. Club will16play host to the with Skipton in Yorkshire ly altering the game to fit the Enter through Gate 3. Collins,noon Chiefand Executive of Waka Ama New ZeaDayLara between where the civic conditions of the day. parade • Fun races and race track wheels riding If you have an questions please do not hesitate to land, said that the ActivePost Waka Ama Championships 4pm. festival being conheld Asand well as theissports • Cycle obstacle course and Treasure hunt had into onewill of the largest Secondary School The grown afternoon Likelineup, last year’s Thiscontact is a free event testthis and year. concert visiusbrought on to09 238•Bike 5240 website safetyor skills visit tutorials our and demos sports eventswith in New Zealand – second only to the Maadi commence regiswhen awill link torsevent, to the festival bewith able you by Auckland Transport and • Walking & Cycling information stand Cup. at noon and then into the restau- Scarborough was trations made ait selection will feature to enjoy of local mulregistration is not made hugemeal strides these pastand thirteen years council to rant“We’ve for a traditional of fish chips people, officials, food. returned serviceticultural There’ll be A great way to spend a summer take Waka as many schools possible. mushy peas.Ama The into guests will then retireasto men, Each community leaders and and youthgames, from bouncy castles afternoon in Pukekohe. year we get schools taking the sport up and, theof theaslink. the main hallmore for some short Yorkshire movbothfor ends well as Franklin’s famous very first time the screen. Christchurch Earthquake, we’ll ies projected on since the large Finger food will servedAnna and Molineux, for those facebe painter, Find out more: Franklin Sport Swim & Fitness have schools from the Island at these Activities including theSouth cutting of thecompeting York- wishing to stay on a full will andafterwards plenty more formeal families 29 Franklin Rd, Pukekohe, Auckland Ph: 09 238 5240 championships.” shire cake, singing, a raffle and a quiz with be available. to enjoy on the day. Yorkshire prizes will follow. One of the new Bookings for either event are requested as inclusions this year will be a presentation of soon as possible, call 235 7050 for details.


Tuakau artist wins merit award Breast test Tots enjoy music at St Andrews

Farm, Business, House, Contents, Vehicle.

Pukekohe Cycle Event

Pool Shutdown

Ride the Raceway

The pool area of the facility will be closed for maintenance from: Monday 15th July to Sunday 28th July to carry out essential maintenance work

Yorkshire Day comes to Franklin Tuakau College in action Puni festival

The Stadium floor area will also be shut down for re-sealing and re-marking from: Monday 22nd July to Sunday 28th July



Phone: 09 235 7835





Introducing Darryl…

Sad story produces evocative oil painting The Pollok Co-op’s latest art exhibition and competition on March 14 saw the winning entry telling a tragic tale, and one which had an unusual twist just a few days ago. Members of the Co-op decided to bring forward their annual Easter competition this year to coincide with the Pollok 150 year reunion, as both a gesture of solidarity with a local community event, as well as an opportunity to contribute in an artistic sense. Entitled, ‘Beginnings’, the competition attracted 38 entries with works ranging from paintings, photography, textiles, through to glassware and assemblages. Guest judge this year, Vicky Moore (HOD Art, Pukekohe High School), had the unenviable task of choosing just one winner of the $500.00 first prize. After much deliberation, and a cup of the gallery’s fine coffee, she awarded first prize to Deborah Illingworth’s

oil painting, ‘Sarah’s Vision’, (pictured above). Vicky commented that the painting drew her into its wistful mood, and evocative atmosphere. Interviewing Deborah later on, the reason for the painting’s sad allure became apparent. Deborah herself is an avid historian, and has had much to do with the Pollok celebration as a long time resident. In researching Pollok’s history she had come across the sad story of Sarah Duncan McWatt McEwen. Not only had she lost an infant on the boat crossing to New Zealand, but lost both her first husband and brother in a mining accident at Mangawai Heads, circa 1865. Then to compound the tragedy in her life, she lost her youngest daughter, Elizabeth, in a drowning accident. The mystical bird in the painting represents the spirit of Elizabeth. In one further connection, she noted that Sarah’s second husband, Robert McEwen,

was also one of the group who initiated the building of the Pollok Church. In a final piece of serendipity, Deborah was attending the reunion dinner and dance and ended up selling her work to a direct descendant of Sarah’s first husband, Laurence McWatt. Judge Vicky also awarded several ‘Highly Commended’ certificates. These went to: Tracey Majurey, for her assemblage, ‘Thomas and Hannah’, Anna Rees, for her painting, ‘Thought to Form’, Airdrie Hamilton, for her painting, ‘Supercity’, Phil Jordan, for his multi-media piece, ‘The birth of Imagination’, Leonie Richardson, for her photographic study, ‘Spring flower burst’ and Anna White, for her photographic image, ‘Earth, air, water, fire’. The exhibition will run until Easter, and visitors are invited to make their ‘Viewer’s Choice’, a prize for which will be awarded at the closing of the exhibition.

I've just joined the great team at Osborne Realty Ltd (Professionals Waiuku) My strong sales background, commitment to excellent customer service and getting things right could be just what you're looking for. I'm more than keen to get started so please give me a call today to arrange a no obligation market appraisal and to discuss finding your next address. If you are thinking of selling I would love to help you achieve the best possible price for your home. Similarly if you are looking to buy I would love to share in the search for your next home. They say you never forget the first house you sell; I want that to be yours!

Daryl Walker Phone a/h 09 235 7177 mob 027235 7016.

Osborne Realty Ltd - licensed real estate agent (REAA2008)

11 Bowen Street, Waiuku

8 Kitchener Road Waiuku • Ph 235 8507 •


Ph 235 7139

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Our team Waiuku and surrounding districts

Leonie Gillott 0274 985 722

11 Bowen Street, Waiuku

Julie Quilty 0272 292 243

Marleen Ohms 0274 483 528

Julie Rodgers 0275 516 075

Ray Lever 021 951 082

5479m2 gently north sloping block next to 31 hectares of covenanted bush. Build your dream home! Close to school, harbour beaches and within 80mins of Auckland. Call Julie Q to view.


View online: ID: osbf681 Contact: Julie Quilty a/h 09 235 9324, 0272 292 243





View online: ID: osbs549 Contact: Leonie a/h 09 235 9961, 0274 985 722

View online: ID: osbs429 Contact: Leonie a/h 09 235 9961, 0274 985 722

618m2 fully fenced section down right of way in a good location. Build your dream home. Won't last long, be quick!

3 bedroom brick and tile on a low maintenance section close to local primary school. On a shared driveway and an easy walk to town. Don't delay, not many in this price range.

Contact: Leonie a/h 09 235 9961, 0274 985 722


View online: ID: osbh770 Contact: Julie Quilty a/h 09 235 9324, 0272 292 243

Open Home: Sun 1.00 – 1.30pm 8A Warriston Ave



Country living without the hassle of farming. 2 Rural lots with unimpeded views to the west over the Waiuku River and Manukau harbour. 4836m2 and 5113m2. On the Glenbrook side of Waiuku. Hurry to view, before your friends do. Titles pending


A superior residential subdivision, great building sites, close to township. Phone Leonie for further information. Only 2 sections left in first stage.



View online: ID: osbS458




Nestled in a quiet peaceful valley on edge of township are these 5 prime building sites ranging from 1/2 acre to 3/4 acre. All sites fully serviced. Well priced.


Daryl Walker 027 235 7016 RESIDENTIAL


price reduced

Ph 235 7139

Osborne Realty Ltd - licensed real estate agent (REAA2008)

1st home buyers or rental investment. 3 bedroom home with modern kitchen & bathroom in modern colours on an easy care section.

View online: ID: osbf596 & osbs534 Contact: Ray a/h 09 235 8599, 021 951 082




View online: ID: osbh771 Contact: Julie Rodgers 0275 516 075, 09 235 6075


EASY LIVING - $369,000


Over 1/4 acre section with lovely 4 brms, open plan lounge/ dining with sep kitchen. Fully fenced, kid & pet friendly. May have potential to subdivide. Why delay when you can act today. Phone Marleen to arrange a viewing.

View online: ID: osbh703 Contact: Julie Rodgers 0275 516 075, 09 235 6075

View online: ID: osbh735 Contact: Julie Quilty a/h 09 235 9324, 0272 292 243

View online: ID: osbh764 Contact: Marleen a/h 09 235 0070, 0274 483 528


A contemporary double glazed Latitude home consisting of large open plan living opening on to a sunny deck with elevated ceiling space. Three double bedrooms (master with ensuite). Double basement garage on a compact easy care site.May qualify for Welcome Home Loan - Contact agent for details.


Modern 4 bedroom brick & tile in a quiet, private setting. Good indoor/outdoor flow from the living areas and a short walk from a local primary school and kindergarten. Call Julie Q to view.






Modern open plan kitchen dining & family, sep formal lounge with 3 double brms make this a great place for holidaying or simply retiring to the beach. Deck & small office. Wood burner fireplace & 2 heat pumps. 10m lockable boat storage & fish processing & only a couple of minutes to the boat ramp. Access in the street to a small private beach. View online: ID: osbh753 Contact: Julie Rodgers 0275 516 075, 09 235 6075

Massive price reduction. Vendor wants property sold! Two storey home with 3 double bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, rumpus room with bar. Open plan living + study. Handy to Golf Course & Squash Club. Phone Marleen to arrange a viewing.


Tucked down a tree lined drive is this 4 bedroom well maintained home.Double separate garaging plus barn.Private and secluded set on 9870m2.Plenty of room for the kids and the animals. View online: ID: osbf675 Contact: Leonie a/h 09 235 9961, 0274 985 722


View online: ID: osbh751 Contact: Marleen a/h 09 235 0070, 0274 483 528

S Y FOCU T R E P O PR District in l k n a Fr VIEWS NORTH

11 Bowen Street, Waiuku



A 'must see' 10 Acres (approx) just 4.5km from town. Great views. Handy to the Pony Club. Excellent hay country. 2 road frontages.




Dwelling: spacious 3 double bedrooms with views over Waiuku. Downstairs: business opportunity or workshop - rumpus -office x2. Shop/ workshop: currently leased (verbal), with own kitchen and toilet. Zoned light commercial. View online: ID: osbb018 Contact: Marleen a/h 09 235 0070, 0274 483 528



price reduced


28.9Ha of land in fabulous ocean side location with spectacular views of the Tasman Sea and easy access to Kariotahi Beach. The land also has access to a fresh water lake stocked with trout and is a refreshing place for a summer dip. The west coast is an awesome playground for fishermen, equestrians and is world renowned by kite surfers. View online: ID: osbf655 Contact: Julie Rodgers a/h 09 235 6075, 0275 516 075

GARDENERS DELIGHT $645,000 View online: ID: osbf703 Contact: Marleen a/h 09 235 0070, 0274 483 528




Set down a private ROW is this delightful Golden Home. Open plan living with family room. 3 Double bedrooms + study. Master has ensuite & walk in robe. Set on 2772m2 private section. Double internal garage plus extra shed 10 x 7m with a 3.2 stud. Phone Marleen to arrange a viewing. View online: ID: osbh772 Contact: Marleen a/h 09 235 0070, 0274 483 528

Open Home: Sun 3.00 – 3.30pm 17 Westhead Road



Excellent street appeal, beautiful indoor/outdoor flow. 4 bedrooms, ensuite, spacious walk in wardrobe, open plan living with family room. Plus rumpus, double internal garage, fully fenced, private bbq & spa area also fruit trees & an abundance of vegetables. Room to park the motorhome or boat and plenty of extras. Phone Marleen to arrange a viewing. View online: ID: osbh759 Contact: Marleen a/h 09 235 0070, 0274 483 528

FABULOUS HILLTOP SITUATION $679,000 5.3 ha block fenced into 8 paddocks with an acre of bush and a stream. This is a pleasant four bedroom family home with a lovely north facing deck with views over most of the land. Ranch slider access from the deck too three of the four bedrooms. A spacious lounge with a wood burner and country kitchen/dining room complements the setting. Bathroom with sep shower bath and vanity, sep toilet and master bedroom has ensuite. A four bay implement shed and a 3 car size garage (double door and workshop). Call now for an appointment to view.

new listing!


Open Home: Sun 11.00 - 11.30am 106 Waitangi Falls Rd





Extensive 1980s home of significant proportions.Situated within the new coastal set back plan with a magnificent view of Waitangi Falls and the inner harbour. Native planting attracts all manner of native birds and there is never a shortage of peaceful activity to observe. View online: ID: osbh756 Contact: Julie Rodgers a/h 09 235 6075, 0275 516 075 Leonie a/h 09 235 9961, 0274 985 722

View online: ID: osbf707 Contact: Julie Rodgers 0275 516 075, 09 235 6075

SELDOM SEEN $699,000 incl GST

D L O S price reduced

View online: ID: osbh769 Contact: Marleen a/h 09 235 0070, 0274 483 528

Open Home: Sun 3.00 – 3.30pm 112B Colombo Road

Beautiful country views of the land out to Manukau Harbour. This property has beautiful gardens around the home & loads of shedding. Sleepout has own bathroom & kitchenette. Home has 3 double bedrooms, open plan living with a sun drenched deck set on 2.72 Ha. Phone Marleen to arrange a viewing.


Fabulous indoor/outdoor flow with a rural outlook, all the works been done. Modern kitchen with granite bench top, gas hob & hot water. Single carport & double garage, set on a fully fenced 997m2 section.Loads of fruit trees, plenty of room for kids & pets to play. Close to Patumahoe Township.

View online: ID: osbf708 Contact: Ray a/h 09 235 8599, 021 951 082


Ph 235 7139 Open Home: Sun 3.00 – 3.30pm 47 Kingseat Road

Osborne Realty Ltd - licensed real estate agent (REAA2008)

Desirable, gently rolling 24 acre block with bore water. This bareland is directly opposite the Waiuku Pony Club located approx 4km from Waiuku. The land lends itself to horses, with the West Coast not far away, and the Waiuku forrest within an easy drive. Bare blocks this close to Waiuku are seldom seen. View online: ID: osbf704 Contact: Ray a/h 09 235 8599, 021 951 082

FERTILE OTAUA LAND $1,200,000 incl GST 52 Acre desirable block with 2 bedroom home that has been owned by the same family for many years. The flats are divided up into paddocks running off a central race. The flats lead to gently sloping land that faces the East. Located approx. 5km from Waiuku this land has 2 road frontages. The home is in good condition & currently rented. Contact agent for details.


View online: ID: osbf705 Contact: Ray a/h 09 235 8599, 021 951 082



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ComplEmentAry dessert & coffee with lunch or dinner from Sunday to Thursday 47 Queen Street, Waiuku Ph: 235 2502 email:




Auto Electrical MTA Auto Electricians

Post Motoring Your fortnightly motoring guide..

Plunket on track for helping hand Waiuku Plunket has been the leading charity of choice for local motorists this month as the Waiuku Z Station continues its ‘Good in the Hood’ promotion. Petrol purchasers have been given a token to drop into the collection boxes, with a total of 4000 tokens representing $4000 to be divided between four local charities; Victim Support, Waiuku Family Support, Waiuku Plunket and the Waiuku Food Bank. Each charity will receive a share of the $4000 in the promotion, which concludes at the end of this month. Left: Z Station manager Kapil Sharma with the collection boxes in Waiuku last week.

3 Leonard Street, Waiuku

PHONE 235 8522 Stockist of:HELLA ENDURANT BATTERIES - Guaranteed for 2 years


Rattrie Panelbeaters

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Waikato has a long and proud history of success on the national motorcycling scene. From nine-time former superbike champion Andrew Stroud, to multi-time former national champion and two-time former world motocross No.2 Darryll King, to former 600cc road-race champion Nick Cole, to name a few, the region has much to be proud of in terms of two-wheeled achievements over recent years. And now it can boast another very special championship win. Hamilton teenager Josiah Natzke took his CMR Red Bull KTM 125 to win the New Zealand Motocross Championships in the 125cc class at the final round in Taupo on Saturday, that feat writing his name into the history books as nation’s youngest ever senior national motocross champion. He is still eligible to race in junior competition, but opted instead to make the bold step into the senior ranks this season, and he sensationally tasted im-

Upgrade for Waiuku road Three cars, three busts A rural Waiuku road which has been a concern to residents for many years looks set to get a major upgrade with the announcement it is now in the 2014/15 council work plan. An upgrade for Taurangaruru Road was initially estimated at almost $290,000, which was well out of budget abilities, but a revised pro-


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mediate success. Aged just 15 years and 81 days, the Te Kura School year 11 pupil arrived at Taupo’s series finale with more than a race win up his sleeve and, when he scored another hat-trick of wins in the three 125cc class races on Saturday, he capped off his overwhelming dominance of the competition this season. Natzke finished the series a whopping 74 points; nearly three race wins ahead of his nearest rival, his own CMR Red Bull team-mate Hadleigh Knight, of Atiamuri, with Te Puke’s Logan Blackburn settling for third overall but still a massive 25 points behind Knight. “I wouldn’t say it was easy,” said Natzke afterwards. “Most people didn’t see the hard work I put in off the track to ensure that it was easier for me on race days. “I have won junior motocross titles in the past but this senior win was special. There were a few tears shed after I crossed the finish line.”

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ject of around $65,000 has now been put together, which means the upgrade is far more likely to be progressed. Councillor Bill Cashmore has met with Auckland transport executives recently, and the result has been an improved process for rural road repairs. The addition of experienced roading staff to look at rural situations in the area is also helping achieve positive outcomes for rural roading, which it is hoped will allow not only more repairs, but also that these repairs will be progressed more quickly than in the past. It is expected Taurangaruru Road will be widened by around a metre, the water table and outlet alignment improved, the surface will be lime stabilised and then resealed. The work is expected to occur from the roading area extending from the Tauragaruru Road intersection to the top of the next brow, an area which residents have said for years is dangerous for local motorists and for school transport.

Proactive work by frontline Police officers in Counties Manukau resulted in three separate drug and stolen goods hauls after vehicle stops. A vehicle was stopped by officers from Counties Manukau West on Atkinson Ave, Otahuhu when a man recognised by the officers as a forbidden driver and a manufacturer of drugs was seen in the passenger seat. Over 250 grams of methamphetamine, with a street value of a quarter of a million dollars, was located in the vehicle and the two occupants were arrested. Further enquiries lead to a search of a property in Mangere, where additional drug paraphernalia and a number of cellphones were located. Later on the same day a suspicious vehicle without registration plates was stopped near Mobil on Wiri Station Road. A glass meth pipe was found in the car along with various branded clothing items, shoes and grocery items that the occupants admitted recently stealing. A stolen credit card with which the driver had attempted to obtain petrol was also recovered. “It transpired that the intention of the two people was to steal petrol from the Mobil station, which is why the registration plates had been removed from the vehicle,” says Detective Inspector Dave Lynch, Crime Manager at Counties Manukau CIB. Later that evening, a woman was arrested for traffic infringements but upon a search of her vehicle over 30 grams of cannabis, some LSD, Contact NT and drug paraphernalia a along with a shotgun cartridge were located. The driver and her male passenger were then arrested on various drug charges. “These three incidents highlight the great proactive work that is happening throughout the District on an ongoing basis. Staff are deployed to areas where intelligence indicates they will have an impact on the criminal environment and these results are proof of this,” says Detective Inspector Lynch.



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FROZEN BAIT 49 Belgium Street, Waiuku (Next to Cocky’s Corner | PH: 09 235 2777 | Mobile: 027 220 3778 | Email:

‘Ultimate game fish’ captured by local crew

Thank You!

The Counties Sports Fishing Club thanks our great sponsors We have had some great events this year, and they would not have been possible without the outstanding support of our sponsors. Please support those businesses that have supported our club this season. Atomix Boats Dkm Fishing & Marine Mitre 10 Waiuku Okuma / CD Rods WRS Refrigeration Waiuku New World Dave &Maureen’s Thirsty Liquor 321 Fun Ace Exterior Plasters Alan Wilson Plumbing Allsubaru Partsworld Asap Vehicle Deliveries Austin Autobody Autolec Beaurepaires Waiuku Big Bay Holiday Park Bonze Lures Brian James Contracting Castaways Resort Colin Riddle Bricklayers Counties Locksmiths Counties Sandblasting Dbuild Ltd Designmax Egan Bricklayers Fogdog Franklin Long Roofing Gj Weck & Sons Griffiths & Co Hall & Hyland Machinery Holmes Flooring Hornell Industries Jsm Electrical Keith Walker Construction Kerry Jones Engineering Kitchen Dynamics Lamont Builders Larry Murphy Panelbeaters Lipscombe Developments Makepeace & Henderson Menzies Carpainteres Mcwatt Group Nils Mcgee Roofing P James Maintenance Services Platinum DJ & Photography PPG Wrightson Premium Bait & Berley Prestige Catering Pro Sheetmetals Pukekohe Diesel & Turbo R&B Contractors Rad Electrical Rattrie Panelbeaters Repco Pukekohe Roger Burns Builders Sth Auckland Cranes Square Engineering Summerville Bros Taupiri Engineering The Barn Company The Kentish Hotel The Mad Butcher (Pukekohe) The Post Newspaper The Tractor Centre Tom Kane Electrical Trade A Boat TrailLite Motorhomes

Waiuku Automotive Waiuku Decorating Solutions Waiuku Motor Court Waiuku Radiators & Mufflers Waiuku Rental Cars Waiuku Waste Disposal Water Projects D B Short Builders & Kitchens Angelic Hair Doddy’s Diggers Art Cookie DW Homes Ltd Auckland Marine Erikson Engineering Auckland Inground Pools Faber Glasshouses Nz Ltd Bakers Shoes & More Fatheadz Sunglasses Bee Enterprises Ltd Bnz Waiuku Frucor Bradley Smokers G J Contracting Caci Medispa Pukekohe Gary Hunter Plumbing Ltd Gary Pyes 100% Electrical Haines Landscaping Coresteel Buildings Counties Power Hair Café Hair Salon Ian Wildman Carriers Inside Out Art R D 1 Pukekohe Invites Plus John Bernasconi Motors Ltd Rush 2 It Keith Walker Construction Seclusion Beauty Kentish Hotel Smithies Nurseries Kevin’s Amcal Pharmacy Stonex Jewellers Stonz Jewellers Sunset Surf & Turf Mainstreet Cellars The Beauty Spot Marlin Hotspots Mcwatt Group Ltd Methven Nz Limited Totalspan Counties Nestle Nz Ltd Nick’s Cafe Tyre Shop Waiuku Uniform Works Outlook For Life Vanilla 2007 Ltd Pacific Biofert Waiuku Commercial Cleaners Ltd Plumbing World Ltd Preview Prodottid’italia Water Projects Ltd Prosheet Metals Ltd Pukekohe Travel—Vanessa Hornell Pure Indulgence

For information about the CSFC contact: Karl Sutton, 021 1709840 or visit our website

Counties Sport Fishing Club’s annual Fish ‘n Chicks tournament went off without a hitch, drawing in the biggest entry for this popular competition yet. The weather was great, the organisation was great and likewise for the fishing. The ladies fishing on my boat did well with a limit catch of snapper from the harbor and a couple of trevally and a gurnard as a bonus. We didn’t quite make the prize list though with some awesome fish weighed in from both the harbor and the coast. Heaviest fish overall was a marlin for Marie Windsor. There was a huge turnout the day after the ladies competition when a

boatload of local expert game fisherman set out for a broadbill drift at the Kaipara Trench, a journey of several hours on the night following the Fish ‘n Chicks competition. While many have tried for a west coast broadbill I can’t recall any being caught in recent years from the west coast. Troy Hughes and Carl Hill and Kehan Stephens on Whiplash changed that however when they weighed in a 95.2kg broadbill the next day. Arguably the ultimate game fish, broadbill are one of the hardest fighting fish in the ocean and are very difficult to target as they generally spend their days in very deep

water. They are supposedly very good eating too and are generally found in very deep water, this one was caught in 700 metres. So while we can’t all set out to catch such a magnificent fish, the harbor and coast are certainly fishing very well for the usual species. Gurnard will appear in the harbour in bigger numbers as autumn progresses and the smaller snapper should move out leaving some bigger models behind for the lucky anglers who can catch them. Lots of options right now so stay safe on the water and enjoy the fishing! - Smudge

Fish ‘n Chicks images: Far left; Joanne Udy showing off her catch. Left: Sarah Parkinson with a great albacore tuna. Below left: Jodie Sutton looks happy with her skipjack tuna. Below: A well deserved catch for Vicky Dear

Serious injuries after boats collide on harbour Just after 1pm last Friday, Coastguard’s Operations Centre was informed by a charter vessel that a 45ft launch had collided with a small 14ft aluminium runabout on Auckland’s Hauraki Gulf. The informant reported two people in the water clinging to debris from the runabout which had sustained substantial damage. Coastguard volunteers onboard Waiheke Rescue

responded to the incident. The two persons from the runabout had been recovered from the water by a long serving Coastguard volunteer on board a private vessel. Coastguard volunteers then assessed and stabilized by the two persons who had sustained serious injuries. Police Launch Deodar III, responded from the Auckland Marine Rescue Cente,

TIDE CHART Date 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed




Sun Rise

Sun Set

0020 0101 0140 0218 0255 0235 0322 0423 0535 0645 0743 0832 0915 0955 1034 1114

4.3 4.3 4.2 4.0 3.8 3.6 3.5 3.3 3.3 3.3 3.5 3.7 3.8 4.0 4.1 4.1

1237 1317 1355 1433 1511 1454 1546 1653 1808 1915 2010 2057 2139 2219 2258 2337

0734 0735 0736 0737 0737 0638 0639 0640 0641 0642 0643 0643 0644 0645 0646 0647

1915 1914 1913 1911 1910 1808 1807 1805 1804 1803 1801 1800 1758 1757 1756 1754

with a Westpac Helicopter Paramedic and Doctor onboard. The two, one male and one female in their 50’s were treated for back injuries and fractured pelvis and transported to the Auckland Marine Rescue Centre where they were met by Ambulance. Waiheke Rescue remained on-scene and tended to the other launch involved which sustained minor damage,

including a fouled prop and disabled engines. Both occupants of the launch were shaken by the experience but otherwise alright. The injured couple in their 50’s had departed Halfmoon Bay earlier in the day to enjoy a day out fishing. They were drift fishing just to the north of Sergeants Channel when they were struck by the launch sending both people into the water.

APR 2014 Date



17 Thu 1154 4.1 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed

0017 0059 0144 0234 0332 0437 0547 0654 0757 0853 0944 1030 1113

4.2 4.1 4.0 3.9 3.8 3.7 3.7 3.8 3.9 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.1


Sun Rise

Sun Set




1236 1320 1408 1502 1604 1714 1824 1930 2030 2124 2213 2257 2337

0649 0649 0650 0651 0652 0653 0654 0655 0656 0656 0657 0658 0659

1752 1750 1749 1748 1747 1745 1744 1743 1742 1740 1739 1738 1737




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Waiuku take Pat Walsh Memorial trophy Juniors dominate tennis Waiuku are now the Counties Power Cup holders after beating Manurewa 31-17 in the Counties Power Game of the week at the Pat Walsh Memorial Day. The Waiuku boys were keen to retain the Pat Walsh Memorial trophy after an inspiring talk from iconic Counties man Alan Dawson

Waiau Pa indoor bowling The Waiau Pa Indoor Bowling Club is ready to commence activities for the new season, with an opening night to be held on Tuesday April 1. Club nights will be held weekly on a Tuesday evening thereafter leading up to the ‘Crazy Bowls’ and closing night at the end of September. New members are always welcome, with play commencing at 7.30pm each evening. For further in formation email maxlorna@

during the week, explaining the importance and character of former All Black Pat Walsh to the region. Waiuku started off with a hiss and a roar. The visiting loose forwards were dominant, and the hot weather made it a real fitness test. Waiuku forwards got on top and got some go forward ball for first five-eighth Armyn Sanders and Toetu David scored tries in the first half. In the second half Waiuku were up by 31-0 thanks to tries by halfback Joe Dawson and Toetu David who crossed for his second of the match. Fullback Luke Graham also had a day of 100% accuracy with his boot, slotting four conversions and a penalty. To their credit Manurewa never gave up and with about fifteen minutes of the clock sized the opportunity when Waiuku emptied their bench and, took the foot of the gas with a late comeback. Peter White, Italia Hunt, Ahsee Tuala scored three tries in quick succession

with Tuala converting one to give the hosts their 17 points. The PGG Wrightson player of the day was Waiuku flanker Conell Bromwich who had a strong game. In other matches in the Counties Power Club Rugby competition, Drury picked up their second win in the Premier grade when they beat Te Kauwhata 38-7 to happily sit in third place on the table. Karaka sit at the top of the table and remain one of three unbeaten teams after round two with their 48-14 win over last year’s Champions Ardmore Marist. The scoreline sent out a warning sign that they are already serious top four contenders. It was a physically torrid game with Karaka going out to an early lead. Their defence in and around the rucks proved to be a handful for Ardmore Marist. It was probably one of the most complete performances by a Karaka side over the last couple of years which was assisted by a flat performance from Ardmore where their backs were not given

the opportunity to fire up. Bombay got their first points on the table after beating Onewhero 33-24 on the hill. Patumahoe had the biggest score of the week when they beat Weymouth 76-7 to move up to fourth on the table. Pukekohe had a convincing win over their hosts Papakura with a 51-8 scoreline and also remain unbeaten in two rounds and sit in second place on the table. In the Premier Reserve grade Manurewa and Waiuku battled it out with Manurewa securing the 25-18 win, Karaka made it a double for the club with a 20-12 win over Ardmore Marist, Pukekohe racked up 65 unanswered points against Papakura, Bombay defeated Onewhero 43-10 and Puni defaulted to Drury.

The Waiuku Tennis Club senior championships saw the club’s juniors dominating the singles titles, taking out both senior trophies. 14 year old Megan Muir took out the ladies singles beating last year’s defending champion Anna Volz. Jordan Petrie (15) defended his men’s singles title, easily accounting for Nigel Bradley. Megan Muir and Anna Volz combined to take out the ladies doubles final in three tough sets over Frances Fowlie and Jacqui Brady. The men’s doubles final was one-sided with the club number one pairing Jordan Petrie and Frank Lieder easily accounting for last year’s champions Jon Taylor and Nigel Bradley. For the seventh consecutive year the mixed doubles title was won by Nigel Bradley and Frances

Fowlie. They were victors over Gary McPike and Linda Macgregor. Results: Men’s singles Jordan Petrie over Nigel Bradley 6-2 6-2. Men’s Doubles: Jordan Petrie and Frank Lieder over Jon Taylor and Nigel Bradley 6-2 6-0. Ladies Singles: Megan Muir over Anna Volz 6-2 3-6 6-4. Ladies doubles: Megan Muir and Anna Volz over Frances Fowlie and Jacqui Brady 6-1 3-6 6-4. Mixed Doubles: Nigel Bradley and Frances Fowlie over Gary McPike and Linda Macgregor 6-1 6-2. Jordan Petrie has been chosen to represent Auckland under 16s in the national teams event in Christchurch. A club representative said “This is a fantastic achievement for Jordan as there was tough competition for selection in this team.”

scored a well compiled 170, being bowled out with one ball remaining in the 30th and final over. Opener Oscar D’AgostinoCassie led all scorers with an aggressive 50 off only 29 balls. Declan McLeish scored 24 batting at number six to be next highest scorer.

Waiuku then bowled out Tuakau for 120 to secure title number three in the last three years. Tuakau’s openers were looking in control and keeping up with the run rate until Zack Robinson came in to bowl - he removed both openers, finishing with the outstanding figures of three for 15 off his allotted five overs. Captain Samuel Danes bowled in tandem with Zack and got two for 18 from five overs. Blair Lovett cleaned up the tail with his three for three off 1.5 overs. Waiuku only lost three games all season, going undefeated after the Christmas break. Team players were: Samuel Danes (Captain), Sam Saunokonoko (Vice Captain), Blair Lovett, Oscar D’Agostino-Cassie, Joseph Bradshaw,Declan McLeish,Michael Sextone, James Naylor, Robbie Hodgkinson, Zack Robinson, Nick Rattrie, Callum Wadek and Jayden Panchia.

Lovett hat trick secures third title

Waiuku Golf Club Phone: (09) 235 9489 * E:

• Junior Golf Coaching from February 24th Tues 3.30pm - 4.30pm • Ten round concession cards available $180


mid week opens 2nd Thursday of the month Play All Year Round in a Golf Cart

• Twilight Golf every Wednesday • Online concessions bookings • Full membership for $15 per week • Business House every second Friday

A Blair Lovett hat trick of wickets cleaned up the Tuakau tail and secured a great win for the Waiuku Colts Year ten and eleven cricket team on Saturday. The side was chasing their third title in three years. Waiuku won the toss and decided to bat first and



Men - Women - Children - All Ages Excellent Self Defence, Fitness, Discipline Opportunity for international training & competition (Traditional Okinawan Weapons, Sai Bo, Tonfa)

Phone Ray Irving: 021 115 9380 or Denise Walker: 021 354 208 for more information Pukekohe Dojo: 09 239 0272 Dojos in: Pukekohe - Waiuku - Hokitika - Westport New Dojos in: Drury - Maraetai Beach - Whakatane - Rotorua - Sri Lanka and Germany


Historic trophy goes to Glenbrook School






ACCOUNTING & Taxation Services - Call Rise Accountants - chartered accountants. Ph: 09 235 7455.

House 3 BRM in Waiuku. Single garage. Large section, lawns mowed, large kitchen with dishwasher. Recently renovated. $350 per week. Ph: 027 4490 896.

TOPCUT LAWNMOWING - reliable, clean, tidy job experienced operator. Ph Fred 09 235 5280, 021 902 552.

WORKSHOP SPACE Waiuku Business Park, 23 Kitchener Rd. Easy access. Ph Sam: 021 671 960.

GREEN ACRES - Clarks Beach. Covering Franklin area. Lawn mowing, gardening, garden clearance, hedges. Clean, tidy and reliable. Brett 021 0211 7777 or 09 232 1276.


GST Payroll Accounting EOM & EOY Financial services. Can we assist? Call Petemarg Enterprises Ltd. 09 2350461 or E-mail: for a free consultation

ADULTS The annual Knight Memorial Cup was held recently at the Waiuku Tennis Club and the winners were Glenbrook School. This is a competition between all of Waiuku and District Primary Schools and has been running since 1947. It consists of the top male and female players from each school. This Cup was first awarded by the residents of Karioitahi in 1947, and is in the memory of RB Knight and

Sgt Pilot J M Knight – who gave their lives in World War II. Above: top row: Waiuku Primary (2nd)– Shameel Mohammed/Kimberley Chetham: Glenbrook Primary ( Winners) Dylan Muir /Breanna Lieder: Pukeoware Primary Joshua Potman/Brieana Mercer Front Row: Otaua Primary(3rd) Kadia Thornton/ Nathan Lowe, Aka Aka Primary Finn Rattrie/ Charlotte Cooper.

Local sports news in brief Waiuku Bowling Club Club Championships Singles Men: Peter Sinclair. Women: Marama Onehi. Pairs Men: Braden Lowe and Grahame Andersen, Women Marama Onehi and Joy Sinclair. Triples men; Braden Lowe, Grahame Andersen and Jackie Greig. Women; Joy Sinclair, Bette Holmes and Lois Hull. Fours men: Braden Lowe, Bruce Robinson, Grahame Andersen and Jackie Greig. Women: Marama Onehi, Andrea Williams. Jenny Palmer and Ila Hair. Waiuku Golf Results 19-3-14 Tuesday Haggle 1st Graham Hira 41, 2nd Graeme Miller 41, 3rd Lex W1lcox 40, 4th Peter Winchester 39. 19-3-14 Ladies Haggle Div One:1st Louisa Lowe 42, 2nd Mary Hull 38. Div Two :1st Maria Hodgson 45, 2nd Eunice Clark 40. Twos: Jocylyn Paterson Nine Hole Ladies Least Putts 1st Jeanette Hargraves 16, 2nd Fae Douglas 16, 3rd Ngaire Van Tilburg 16. Div Two: 1st Nolene Letcher 16, 2nd Bev Shuker 16, 3rd Nancy Rae 17 c/b. 20-3-14 Thursday Haggle Div One 1st Terry Yorke 41, 2nd Nev Keys 41, 3rd John Munro 38. Div Two: 1st Sid Thornton 44, 2nd Mike Derecourt 43, 3rd Alan Stichbury 41, 4th Danny Lynch 39 Twos: Frank McGrath (2), Terry Yorke , Louis King. 22-3-14 Saturday Haggle Div One: 1st Paul King 43, 2nd Todd Geayley 41, 3rd Jim Cotter 39, 4th John Morris 39, 5th Courtney Maddern 39. Div Two: 1st Andrew Hodgson 43, 2nd Graham Hira 41, 3rd Peter Johnson 39, 4th Cam Fleming 39, 5th Owen Yorke 38. Best Gross Div One Courtney Maddern 73, Div Two Graham Hira 83. Twos: John Ferregel, Todd

Geayley , Kerry Martin, Ned Niha, Dave Yandall. Duff Cup Winner Graham Hira, Runner Up John Munro. Ohlson Cup Winner Roger Read, Runner Up Evan McPhee. Waipipi Bowls March 20 tournament

winners were Tom Bracken, Yvonne Irwin and Pat McArthur of Pukekohe. Runners up were Sheila Faucett, Pam Howe and Colleen Miller of Patumahor, and third were Frank Hangenson, Eric Gillott and Jan Harrison of waipipi.


ADULT ACCESSORIES Adult toys, massage oil, lubes, Women’s Health & Sexuality Books & lots more available online:

BOATING REPAIRS - Dinghy or trailerboats; fibreglass or wooden. All jobs considered. Ph Tony on: 235 3545 or 021 598 662.

CARAVANS LONG TERM - Free local delivery from $60 per week plus bond. Ph: 09 232 1814.

CHIMNEY SWEEPING WINTER is coming - get it cleaned now. Inspection report - insurance receipt. Phone or txt 235 9212 or 021 147 0158. All calls returned.

FOR SALE FIREWOOD - Bargain. Mac/pine. 4 Metres: $300 Delivered. 2 Metres $170. Ph/txt: 021 744 970 or 235 0065. COCKY’S CORNER - For fencing & roofing iron, timber, hardware, plywood, pavers, gates, garden sheds & more. 123 Queen St, Waiuku. Ph: 235 9880 or 235 2386.

FREE REMOVAL - Any old scrap metal incl. old batteries, expired gas bottles, old cars, lawn mowers, etc. Ph Martin: 021 128 5953 or 238 3005.

A romatherap y Massage with essential oils plus Reflexology and Reiki. Ph: Janene Cert & Dip (09) 2381928 or 027 3155 025.

Free drop off depot for all your unwanted computers, whiteware, etc. Recycle All Your Stuff Ltd. Unit 1 Waiuku Business Park, 23 Kitchener Road, Waiuku. Free pick up in Waiuku. Ph: 235 5769. Recycling. Computer, printers, copiers. 18a Constable Road, Waiuku. Ph: 235 6367.

Garage Sale

Vacant houses, windows, offices, carpet shampooing & exterior waterblasting. Plus maintenance. FREE quotes. Ph Allan or Lynette: 09 235 9333 or 027 272 6249.

29th March. 9am - 1pm. 95 Sandspit Road, Waiuku. Couches, coffee tables, baby gear, clothes, dive gear, wet suit, childs quad bike, household goods & assorted items.

yo u r p c g u y Virus Removal, Repairs, Internet, Broadband, PC Sales, Data backup, Tuition

Great ‘In Your Home’ service . . .

Jon 235 5300

Mob 021 111 4122 w w w. y o u r p c g u y. c o . n z

29th March. 8am start and not before. 96 Kitchener Road, Waiuku. Bric a brac, furniture and bird cage. Stocktake Clearance. Milking machine, water parts, tools and much more. Plus clothing, toys, household items. 1 Martyn Street, Waiuku. 7am12pm. Sat 29 March. Linen, dress fabrics, clothes etc. 29th March, 8am start. 60 Edgewater Parade, Waiuku.



FIREWOOD splitter. Phone: 235 7733 or 021 305 111.

THE Cutting Room Hair Salon. 33 Breaker Grove, Waiuku. Ladies cuts from $30, Mens cuts from $25, Colours from $70. Hours: Tues 11-3pm, Wed 9-5pm, Fri 9-til late, Mon & Sat by pre-arranged appts only. Phone Steff: 235 7149.

Bouncy Castle Elephant, Tiger for kids. Sumo, Boxing, Jousting for Adults. Ph: 09 235 5297 or 0274 260 040.



One bedroom semi - furnished flat. Suit single person. Glenbrook Beach $150 pw. 021 497 454.

Open 7 days. Drop off service and self service. Detergents incl. Sports clothing, commercial, wash, dry and fold. Laundry 4 U. Between Video Ezy & Pizza Hut, across parking lot from ED St Rest. Ph: 09 239 2964.

Two Bedroom house plus office and garage in Awhitu. $250 per week. Ph: 027 711 6058.

Massage and sugar paste hair removal - brow shape/lash & brow tint. Ph: Moka (Natural Treatment) 235 0464 or 021 166 9674. F luff y Ducks Pampering. Relaxation Massage, Reflexology, Reiki (Registered Practitioner) Sue Vlug. Ph: 09 235 2256. Email:

Concrete Pipes for sale. Various sizes. Ph: Brian 0274 942 170 for pricing, located 10 Domain Street, Waiuku.




PETS POOCHIE PARK – Holiday home for dogs. Inspection welcome by arrangement. Phone: 09 235 0052 (Evenings) or 021 856 555. Email: for further information.

SERVICES FRAMING - The Framing Shed. Quality custom picture framing. 31 Victoria Ave, Waiuku. Tues - Fri 9 - 5 or by appt. Ph Allie: 235 0939 or 027 253 4577. Painting, wallpapering, waterblasting, spray painting. Free Quotes. Experienced Trademen. Ph: 0274 969 794.

Situations Vacant Caregiver wanted to look after young adult (Waiuku) after school, holidays and some weekends. We are looking for an enthusiastic, honest and reliable person. Must have full licence and own transport. 021 2216742. Deliverers wanted. For local paper & pamphlets deliveries. Waiuku area. Ph Colleen 09 235 6163.

TO LEASE OFFICE SPACE - Waiuku Business Park, 23 Kitchener Rd. Downstairs from $90 + gst p/wk. Ph Sam: 021 671 960. OFFICE SPACE - Waiuku Business Park, 23 Kitchener Rd. Upstairs from $110 + gst p/wk. Ph Sam: 021 671 960. WAREHOUSE SPACE Waiuku Business Park, 23 Kitchener Rd. Small, Med & Lge. Easy access. Ph Sam: 021 671 960.

Gregg’s Drumming Tuition. Beginners to advanced. No drums required. Bookings ess. Theory & practical. Teacher of the winner of Waiuku’s X Factor 2013. Check us out on Facebook. Ph. 021 265 2780 or 238 7980. Drumming Lessons Full set up in Waiuku, no need to have a kit. Beginners to intermediate, theory, rhythm and grooves. Ph: Paul on 021 145 4478.

WANTED TREES WANTED - Gum & Macrocarpa. Also tree felling & shelter belt removal. Ph/txt Chris: 027 212 4590 or 235 0065. LEASE LAND for dairy support. Anything considered, references available. Ph: Andrew 021 271 345. FLATMATE Pref Female. $120 per week plus expenses. Free water, nice house and good garden. 25yrs +. 021 138 5086. Glenbrook.

Window Cleaning Residential and commercial. Professional Service. Competitive prices, free quotes. Ph: Colin 027 965 2094

WORK WANTED General Home Maintenance Services. Gardening, external house cleaning services. Txt 021 504 961 anytime. Young girl looking for a hairdressing position as either an apprentice or junior hairdresser. Completed 2 years at Cut Above Academy. Contact Nicole on 021 029 54775 or 09 235 7776.

Advertise all your unwanted goods with us from as little as: $15 for one insertion, $25 for two insertions or $40 for three insertions & get some extra cash. Phone: 09 235 7835






Waiuku Primary PTA




Tuesday 1st April, 7:30pm Waiuku Primary School Office. Cnr France St and George St. All Welcome. CHURCH SERVICES



Lovingly made to your personal requirements.

Call in and see us

Looking for


Advertise your situations vacant in The Post Classifieds. Contact us on 09 235 7835 or Email:

Situations Vacant




9 3 2 4 5 1 6 Grazing 5 3 1 8 7 8 2 3 7 8 2 5 9 2 8 8 3 4 7 9 4 5 Up to6 six horses 6 5 3 9 1


Grazing available

Mainly Music every Monday morning at 10am at the Cornerstone Community Centre, 8 Valley Road, Waiuku Ph: 235 7341 or visit our website:, Sunday Gathering 10am, Waiuku College Hall.

2/31 Bowen Street, Waiuku Phone 235 0643 or 021 998897

Pukeoware Table Tennis Club Black leather lounge suite with 2 recliners $595. 2014 Opening Night White bookcase $250. Set of 6 dining chairs - oak $50 each.Extendable table and 4 chairs Tuesday April 8 • 7:30pm $150. Dressing table with mirror $40. Blue Pukeoware Hall ~ All welcome single bed $50. Solid Bookcase x 2 $65 each. How to solve Contact: Neville 235 0197 VERY Student desk $75. EASY No.1335 Sudoku! ALWAYS NEW FURNITURE & BEDS


• • Waiuku town area • Fenced into six paddocks • Easy access

Ph: 235 9385 In Memoriam

DAWSON, Tom. Passed away 3 years ago on the 24 March. Still loved and sadly missed by your wife and family. Love Lan.

Fill the grid so that every row and every 3x3 square contains the digits 1 to 9

puzzle RESULTS

9 2 4 7 8 3 6 5 1

Solution No.1334 7 3 1 6 4 8 5 1 6 9 8 5 3 7 5 8 3 2 7 9 1 9 1 2 4 8 6 3 6 5 7 3 1 2 4 4 2 6 5 9 1 8 8 7 4 1 2 5 9 3 4 8 9 6 7 2 2 9 5 7 3 4 6

2 4 6 5 9 7 3 1 8

? Answers!

QUICK PUZZLE NO. 7344 - SOLUTIONS Across - 6, Observation. 7, Idea. 8, Cockerel. 9, Crisis. 10, Locate. 12, Hornet. 15, Settle. 17, Integral. 19, Oral. 20, Transaction. Down - 1, Assassin. 2, Precis. 3, Cancel. 4, Give. 5, Intent. 6, Order. 11, Catholic. 13, Ornate. 14, Thrush. 15, Select. 16. Learn. 18, Exam.

Services THE

Learn the art of lost wax casting Cire Perdue - Glass

@ 51 Queen St Waiuku

CUTS $15

OPENING HOURS MON, TUE & WED: 9:00 - 5:00 THU: 10:00 - 6:00 FRI: 9:00 - 5:00


Enrolments now open for the weekend & one day workshops. Weekend workshops: $280 One day workshop: $150 (includes some materials) 5 & 6 April * 26 & 27 April. 10th & 11th May $300 Intermediate to Advanced (materials not included)

Enrol now! Susan K Louie, 0274862688 or email

NEW ZEALAND MODERN SCHOOL OF MUSIC. Waiuku area. Tuition is available for Violin, Theory & Recorder Ph: Alison 09 235 7156 or

021 0816 4939 after 6pm.

PUBLIC NOTICE A registered FDANZ Practice

Community Road Safety Funding – 2014/2015


Why not plan and record your funeral wishes The My Life, My Funeral Kit will make it easy for you. Phone for your copy now 235 8380 Anytime

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Auckland Transport provides funding for community groups to deliver road safety initiatives that are aligned to Safer Journeys, New Zealand’s Road Safety Strategy 2010 – 2020. Community organisations are invited to submit their applications for funding assistance. For a funding outline and an information pack please contact Kaye Davey in Community Transport on 09 447 4123 or email The documents can also be downloaded at Closing date for the application is 30 April 2014.

40 Queen Street, Waiuku

Open Monday to Friday • 8.30am - 5.30pm Sat • 9am - 2pm and Sun • 10am - 2pm Phone : 09 235 9307 Fax : 09 237 0054 Email :


Deborah & Grant 30 Years

Situations Vacant

R&E Electrical

is looking for a registered electrician to join the team Please email CV to: by 27th March.

Your family are all so proud of you.


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Madsen Lawrie Consultants

LAND SURVEYORS 14 Hall Street, Pukekohe Ph 09 Fax 09 238 2448

238 6369

Emergency Services 24/7

We’re #1 in the No.2 Business


Authorised Panasonic Service • TVs & Antennas• Video and Hi Fi Stereo • Registered & Licensed Servicemen

Phone 235 7059

Servicing all aspects of Plumbing and Gas Fitting

09 2352553 021762553


Windscreen Repairs & Replacement

* Mobile Service, Franklin wide * 103 Manukau Road, Pukekohe


(Right next to Bunnings Warehouse)

PH 238 5055 0800 10 35 35




Mobile free 0800 226 884



All Sizes

Wa i u k u

6 COURT STREET WAIUKU (Opposite Police Station)


Home & Office Cleaning


TV & Video REpairs


The longest established chimney sweep business in Franklin


Email For free consultation contact David Lawrie or Dan Madsen

Chimney Sweep

Your Local Chimney Sweep



Whitehead Ag

Counties Caravan Rentals

Contact us: 09 235 7835


Supply and Installation of Woodburners

REPAIRS: Kent, Yunca, Metro, Natures Flame, Osburn, Masport, Firenzo, Logaire - plus other brands. SUPPLIERS OF: Fire Bricks, Fire parts, Pellets Hearths, Flues.

Buckingham Industries | Ph: 235 3900 441 Glenbrook - Waiuku Rd, Glenbrook Laundry


For all your water requirements call and see Kevin & Jo Gubb ph 09 235 8268 14 Constable Road, Waiuku



0800 482 532 027 476 1306



HOUSEHOLD WATER Sweet Water Anywhere in Franklin Ph: Ricky Holmes 236 3408 or 0274 937 889


your business with us from just $35 +gst



Counties Heat Pumps & Air Conditioners HEAT PUMP DEALS Mitsubishi MSZGE42VA inverter high wall heat pump

Mitsubishi MSZEF35VA inverter high wall heat pump

Heating 5.4kW Suitable for a medium size living area

Heating 4.0kW Designer series in black silver or white

Fully Installed PRICE

Fully Installed PRICE

$2199.00 incl GST* Mitsubishi MSZGE25VA inverter high wall heat pump

Heating 3.2kW New Zealand’s quietest heat pump, Great for the Bedroom

Fully Installed PRICE

$1890.00 incl GST*

$2297.00 incl GST* 2x Mitsubishi MSZGE25VA inverter high wall heat pumps

Heating 3.2kW

Keep the kids warm

Both fully Installed PRICE

$3380.00 incl GST* 7 Crosbie Road, Pukekohe 09 239 0905 *Prices are strictly based on simple back to back installations, double heat pump offer at the same site only. Prices include electrical connection to nearest supply and an electrical certificate of compliance. Offer expires March 31st or while stocks last. Easy Finance Terms Available.

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