Newsletter April 2015

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Ty-Mawr ˆ

Spring 2015

Sustainable building materials for healthier homes Deunyddiau adeiladu cynaliadwy ar gyfer cartrefi iachach

Products Manufacturers & suppliers of: • Traditional Fat Lime Mortars and Plasters. • Limewashes and Pigments.

• glaster® - Plasters and Mortars.

• ecoCork Insulating Lime Render.

•N atural Insulation including Tˆy-Mawr Thermafleece® sheep’s wool, Thermafleece hemp, FlexCL recycled newspaper batts.

•F ull range of Singleton Birch (Secil), St Astier and Hanson Hydraulic Limes and Premixed Lime Products.

•W ide range of natural, breathable paints for internal and external walls and woodwork.

•B uilding boards/plaster carriers including Reed Mats, Reed Boards, Wood Wool Boards and Woodfibre Boards. •S pecialist stone repair mortar (Lithomex) and decorative/polished plaster (Decoliss) • Proclima airtightness solutions

• Laths, Wattle and Battens. • Tools and Books.


•S ite visits with condition reports and problem identification. • Product support

• Established courses

• Product information days

• RIBA-accredited CPD seminars

•H istoric Research, Consultancy and Heritage Asset advice • Site supervision and bespoke training

•V isits to Ty-Mawr ˆ farm for interested groups (by prior arrangement)

• Hire of our Grade II* listed Training Centre •L ake-side camping for courses and CPD delegates For details email:

Sustainable Insulation Systems - LABC Registered n Insulated Limecrete and Sublime® floors

nW arm roof systems for new build and renovation / conservation projects. n I nternal and external wall insulation systems for new build and renovation / conservation projects.






n New timber-frame wall systems

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New extended colour range to brighten up your spring! We are pleased to be able to offer the new extended range of Earthborn Clay Paint Colours. The distinctive mellow colours are available in this beautiful matt finish, VOC free paint. To ensure that we can continue to meet orders efficiently as demand increases, we have installed a state of the art, digital paint mixing machine to ensure efficiency, accuracy and consistency as demand grows. We have also employed a new paint technician, James Hoskins dedicated to paint Sales and Support. Please see our website for further information.

Our brand new colour card is now available featuring 16 scrumptious new shades

Order yours – email

the foundations of an international event of historical importance!
 Ty-Mawr ˆ Lime was delighted to be selected last year by the architects to Leicester Cathedral, van Heyningen & Haward, to design the floor to hold the tomb for the reinternment of Richard the 3rd - the last Plantagenet King of England. An event of national as well as international importance. Our brief was to undertake the design of and subsequently supply the materials for our innovative sublime® limecrete flooring system which has now been installed in the Cathedral as part of the £2.5m refurbishment works. The floor, which holds the tomb, is a combination of recycled as well as natural building products for which we are renowned throughout the UK. The floor was carefully excavated by the Limecrete Company (based in Norfolk) who specialise in the installation of our floors. After laying a breather membrane, a layer of 100% recycled foamed glass was installed around the newly constructed tomb,

Courtesy: The Limecrete Company

compacted ready to receive the underfloor heating pipes before the Limecrete was then finally poured and finished.
 Nigel Gervis, inventor and Technical Director said “we are delighted to be involved in a very small way in such an historically significant event. continued on page 2

Distribution warehouse: Units 5 and 12, Brecon Enterprise Park, Brecon, Powys LD3 8BT Tel: 01874 611350 Fax: 01874 622774 Training and Manufacturing: T y-Mawr, ˆ Llangasty, Brecon, Powys LD3 7PJ

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