Development Brochure

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Your Child Your School Our Future

Our Vision Over the years, Governors and Headmistresses of St George’s have committed to building the outstanding facilities that support the work we do. It is now our responsibility to build a legacy for the current and future girls of St George’s. The school is flourishing but we must not stand still. After careful consideration, we believe the time is right for us to channel our energy and resources into a major development that will benefit not only your daughter, but our school and the wider community for years to come. Holistic education, encompassing all areas of life, is fundamental to a successful school and, to that end, we aim to build new facilities at St George’s to transform both the academic and sporting provision. We are delighted to announce we have received planning permission for a new Library building and an indoor Swimming Pool Complex. We plan to complete the Library, the first element of this exciting development, in late 2015 and are delighted to share the plans with you.

Mr Edward Luker Chair of Governors St George’s Ascot

Mrs Rachel Owens Headmistress St George’s Ascot

The Library Our new Library, situated on the eastern side of the South Lawn, will not only provide state-of-the-art educational resources and facilities for our girls, but will serve as a place of inspiration that enriches our ethos of independent learning. The new Library will be located at the heart of the campus and will create a central hub for both girls and staff: the place to meet, discuss, research and learn. The focus of the building will be the stunning, bright, openplan Library on the first floor. This will have distinct zones for books, learning resources and studying space as well as a dedicated IT suite for use by individual girls and classes. The ground floor will be host to the Modern Languages Department in a range of new classrooms. The entrance lobby will provide a gallery for our outstanding student art work and, in addition, there will be a generous number of smaller tutorial rooms, perfect for A Level classes and one-toone teaching. This development will also enable us to make more effective use of our current buildings. We will convert the top two floors of Knatchbull into a home for the English Department. The Art Department will expand into vacated space in Beharrell, bringing the Art Faculty together in one building something we have wanted to do for many years. This is a bold and exciting venture for St George’s, which will make a tangible difference to the academic life of every girl.

The Swimming Pool The Olympic legacy leaves no doubt of the value that sport plays in the future of our nation. A healthy body supports a healthy mind and we want to not only encourage this in every girl but also to give them the chance to excel in the sport of their choice. We have a current rolling programme to ensure that the sports facilities across the school are kept up to date. In the recent past, we have invested in a new Pavillion (2006), resurfacing of the courts (2007), new floodlighting (2009) and significant upgrading of the pitches (2010). We have an outdoor pool that has been used by generations of Georgians and whilst it is enjoyed by many, the cost of upkeep and the inability to cover the current pool means it is a facility which no longer fully meets our needs or aspirations. The new indoor 6-lane Swimming Pool will be half-Olympic size (25m) and will adjoin our existing Sports Hall. This new pool will enable all girls to become more confident swimmers and allow our swimming teams to practice and host fixtures ‘at home’. Girls will have the benefit of using the pool in the evenings and at weekends throughout the year - it will be a wonderful place to relax and have fun. The plans include magnificent panoramic windows that will open onto a large deck area for use in the summer months. As an important part of the local community, we are also hoping to make these facilities available to other local schools, clubs, parents and staff.

Giving Levels and Recognition We hope that our parents, alumni and friends will join us in supporting this significant development and so, through their investment, guarantee a richer future for generations of Georgians to come. While we are always delighted to receive unspecified gifts, it is always a pleasure to connect our donors with projects that they find personally appealing and that best match their own priorities and philanthropic preferences. We have designed a number of such opportunities into our building plan. Donor names can be attached to individual areas, for example the Library, the Swimming Pool, a suite of teaching rooms, the language laboratory, tbales, chairs and other dedicated equipment. We would be happy to discuss these or any other options with you in more detail. The Headmsitress and Chairman of the Governors may be contacted direct via the details given below. Edward Luker | Chairman of the Governors Rachel Owens | Headmistress 01344 629904 St George’s School, Wells Lane, Ascot, Berkshire SL5 7DZ

Costs Library £2.4m Swimming Pool £2.8m Associated Works & Contingency £300k

Tax effective giving As St George’s is a registered charity there are many possible ways for you to support our appeal in a tax-efficient way. They include the following: 1. Cash gifts using gift aid – For every £1 donated, St George’s can claim an additional 25p of Tax from HMRC. Where applicable, a donor can also use higher rate tax relief to reclaim a further 20%-25% in their tax return. You Give

Value to St George’s

Cost to You 40% Tax Payer

Cost to You 45% Tax Payer

£1000 £10,000 £25,000 £100,000 £500,000

£1,250 £12,500 £31,250 £125,000 £625,000

£750 £7,500 £18,750 £75,000 £375,000

£687 £6,875 £17,188 £68,750 £343,750

3. Gifts of shares – such donations receive income tax relief based on 100% of their market value; and also entitle the donor to full exemption from CGT on any prior gains. 4. Giving via CAF – we are fully eligible to receive gifts via the Charities Aid Foundation. Visit for more information. 5. Company ‘matching gift’ schemes - many companies will match an individual employee’s gift. 6. Structured gifts over time – making a pledge over a period of years can have cash flow attractions for both the donor and the school. 7. Legacies - all bequests to St George’s are exempt from inheritance tax. And since April 2012, if 10% or more of the value of an Estate is given to charity, the rate of IHT on the balance is now 32%, compared to the standard rate of 40%.

Use this form to make your donation Contact Details Name: Maiden Name (if a Georgian): Address:

Post Code:


Email: Telephone:

Gift Aid Declaration I am a UK tax payer and wish St George’s School to treat all donations I make from the date of this declaration as Gift Aid donations, until notified otherwise. (See Terms and Conditions) Signature:


Relationship to St George’s Ascot Current Parent

Former Parent


Current Staff

Former Staff

Other: Donor Permission I am happy for my name to be included in the list of donors

Please specify name to be credited if different from above:

I wish for my donation to remain anonymous

Donation I would like to give the following amount:





Other £

I enclose a cheque/CAF voucher made payable to St George’s School Ascot Trust Ltd OR I wish to make my gift by


Visa Debit



Name on Card: Card Number: Start Date:

End Date:

3-Digit Security Code:



OR I wish to make my gift by Bank Transfer using the following details: Barclays Bank PLC, 17 High Street Ascot | Sort Code: 20 02 53 | Account Number: 20774782 | Reference: DEV-[insert your surname] I wish to make payment:

Terms and Conditions


Over 2 Years

Over 3 Years

Thank you for your donation

In order to Gift Aid a donation, (including donations to churches and community amateur sports clubs) you must pay an amount of income tax and/or capital gains tax at least equal to the tax that the charity reclaims on your donations in the tax year. Taxes such as VAT and Council Tax do not qualify. You can cancel this declaration at any time by notifying the school. If in the future your circumstances change and you no longer pay tax on your income and capital gains equal to the tax that the charity reclaims, you can cancel your declaration. If you pay tax at the higher rate you can claim further tax relief in your Self-Assessment tax return. If you are unsure whether your donations qualify for Gift Aid tax relief, ask the Bursar, or ask your local tax office for leaflet IR 65. This data will be kept securely on an internal computer system. For the purposes of the Data Protection Act 1998 (the Act) by completing this form you consent to the ‘processing by the Trust of ‘sensitive and ‘personal data relating to yourself, as such terms are defined in the Act, and that your data may be used to assist the future development of the School. Please notify the Front Office if you change your name or address.

Once completed, please return this form to The Bursar, St George's School Wells Lane Ascot Berkshire SL5 7DZ Tel + 44 (01344) 629900 August 2014

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