Boarding Life
Tailored Boarding Boarding is what makes St George’s such a special school and has many benefits for your daughter: she will have more time to concentrate on her work without the added time and stress of a daily commute; she will experience the full extent of the provision on offer in the school community; she will become more independent, resiliant and self sufficient; and most importantly, she will learn to live with, get on with and respect other people. Approximately half of the girls at St George’s are boarders and the houses are lively and welcoming. Each girl is under the care of a Housemistress and a team of resident staff who live in the boarding house with the girls, take responsibility for their wellbeing and who create an environment that promotes a good work ethic and is caring, happy and fun. Our location also means that girls are educated in a safe environment but are not isolated and can easily go home or further afield for weekends and holidays. Mrs H Simpson | Deputy Head (Pastoral)
St George’s has a unique boarding structure known as Tailored Boarding, which allows you and your daughter to find the best combination for her needs, which can adapt to the demands of school activities on a termly basis. In addition to the traditional Full Boarding and Day places, St George’s offers girls the option of boarding four, five or six nights a week, choosing the nights depending on her commitments in school. Tailored Boarding encourages girls to get the best out of school and home life. A weekly bus service to and from Central London departs from St George’s on Friday evening and returns on Sunday evening, allowing London boarders the opportunity to maximise time at home over the weekend. For more information about Tailored Boarding at St George’s please contact the School Administrator, Mrs C Reader, on or by telephone on 01344 629 900.
First, Second, Third & Fourth Year Boarders
Fifth Year & Lower Sixth Boarders
Markham House comprises First to Fourth Year boarders. The First and Second Years share one floor in the original Victorian house whilst the Third and Fourth Years have their own separate areas which have purpose built facilities. The girls feel very much part of a community, coming together for weekly House Meetings and joining up for weekend activities; they all know each other and look out for each other. They do many things at the weekend that include educational visits, artistic workshops, music, dance, theatre and sightseeing. The girls take part in many evening activities: lacrosse, fitness, netball, cookery, sewing, art. For those not wishing to take part, they may relax in their dorms or in their common room, each of which is equipped with a kitchen, television, DVD player and computers. Girls often like to relax in these areas in their pyjamas at the end of the day with hot chocolate and toast! Everything the girls do puts the emphasis on integration and enjoyment and the girls feel part of one big family; home from home.
Knatchbull is home to the Fifth Year and Lower Sixth boarders. There is a big emphasis on study in the house as girls work towards their GCSE and AS exams at the end of the year. We are lucky enough to be adjacent to the library. Most evenings groups of girls are to be found in the library helping each other in their studies. However, we also ensure there is a good work/life balance with plenty of fun to be had as well. With weekly outings to the cinema as well as shopping, theatre visits and some more physical activities, there is something for everyone to enjoy. We also have an on demand games evening with team games that are open to all; enthusiasm is the only criterion. In House, girls are encouraged to be independent. Each common room has a kitchen where girls are allowed to cook. They are also able to wash their own laundry and are expected to keep the common rooms tidy on a rota system. Knatchbull has a wonderful community atmosphere and with staff operating an open door policy, girls can rest assured there is always someone to talk to.
Resident Staff: Housemistress: Mrs S Hetherington, BSc (OU) Assistant Housemistress: Miss O Kellaris, BA (Durban) Artist in Residence: Miss E Swingler, BA (Falmouth) Resident Lacrosse Coach: Miss K Flynn, BA (Iona USA) Resident Lacrosse Coach: Miss I Spilde, Ba (Marywood USA)
Resident Staff: Housemistress: Mrs H Dorey, BA (Wales) PGCE Assistant Housemistress: Dr A Tieanu, PhD (BabesBolyai, Romania) Director in Residence: Miss R McCann, BA (Warwick)
Loveday Upper Sixth Boarders
Loveday houses the Upper Sixth girls. Being in a separate house helps them to prepare for university life, ensuring they organise their everyday chores such as cookery, doing their own laundry and booking travel arrangements. The Housemistress encourages their sense of independence by allowing them to make their own appointments: academic, medical and dental. She, along with the Head of Sixth Form, is also there to help to support them during what can be potentially a stressful time while they study for external exams and organise school activities. Loveday provides a relaxing home from home environment so that girls are able to enjoy their last year at St George’s; with a listening ear and clear guidance. Resident Staff: Deputy Head (Pastoral): Mrs H Simpson BEd(Hons) (Exeter) Housemistress: Mrs A Farmer-Mason
“As a London based family we
find the accessibility to Ascot such an important part of being involved in our daughters’ school lives. The school is extremely welcoming to parents and we love the fact that the girls are being educated in the country and not in London, but that we can see them and feel involved in St George’s. For us, it provides the best of both worlds.” Mrs C Hughes Parent of two Georgians & former Head Girl of St George’s
Activities & Trips Weekday Evening Activities • Monday Arts & Crafts • Tuesday Cookery • Wednesday Tea & Chat • Thursday Fitness • Friday Cinema Tea and chat
Saturday Morning Activities • Sports Fixtures • Horse Riding • Visiting the Elderly • Art Masterclass • Prep clinic with the Resident Tutors
Trampoline Park
Sunday Afternoon Workshops • Candle making • Creative Bag making • Zumba • Baking • Eco-fashion Weekend Activities planned for 2015 - 16 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Clothes Show Live Thorpe Park Ceilidh with Eton Windsor Castle Fireworks Display Snow Tubing Paint a Plate Christmas shopping Ice Skating Sightseeing in Oxford Bowling / Laserquest Churchill War Rooms Rock Climbing Theatre trip to Stratford-upon-Avon Sightseeing in Salisbury & Stonehenge Chocolate Workshop Guilford Spectrum Blenheim Castle / Bicester Village Duck Tour of London Kayaking Regents Park Open Air Theatre London Musical Winter Wonderland, Hyde Park
Winter Wonderland, Hyde Park
Thorpe Park