eNewsletter Issue 108, Summer

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Upper Sixth Valedictory Service and Prize Giving

From the Headmistress Welcome to the final edition of eNews for this year. I think it is the fullest one yet! The girls have continued to work characteristically hard in lessons and have all had either public, or internal School, exams this term. However, in the typical St George’s manner, they have also found time to participate in a huge amount outside the classroom. You will see in the enclosed pages that there have there been individual and group successes, determined sports, challenging drama, entertaining music performances and numerous educational trips during the term. We have groups of girls and staff exploring classical Italy and the depths of Borneo on exciting trips during the summer holiday and we look forward to hearing all about their adventures next term. Prize Giving at the end of term was a wonderful celebration of all that the girls have achieved this year, and a lovely

occasion to say a fond, and at times emotional, farewell to our capable and confident group of Upper Sixth leavers. We wish them all the very best as they take their leave of St George’s and look forward to hearing of their future successes in the wide range of opportunities they will be embracing. The summer holidays are an important time for all girls, and staff, to rest and re-charge, and I look forward to seeing you all in September for another exciting year at St George’s. Liz Hewer Headmistress

End of Term Celebrations 2017 Upper Sixth Valedictory Service, Prize Giving and Upper Sixth Leavers Ball

Upper Sixth Valedictory Service 2017

Prize Giving saw the Upper Sixth Form girls enjoy a memorable and emotional final day as pupils at the School. The Valedictory Service was led by Reverend Sistig and pupils, staff, parents and governors were able to enjoy the singing of the Chapel Choir along with readings and reflections on the girls’ time at the School. During Prize Giving each of the girls was presented with a Leaver’s Certificate by the Headmistress who spoke to all those present about the achievements of every Upper Sixth girl leaving St George’s.

In the early evening the girls returned with many parents and staff to enjoy a champagne reception with photographs taken of the year group together for the final time. At 8.15pm the girls and staff then made their way to the Sue Cormack Hall for the Leavers’ Ball. The usual fantastic food was laid on by Mr Cornish’s team whilst Mr Pearn played the music which kept the dance floor busy all evening. It was a meaningful and happy day for the girls who have now continued their connection with the School as Old Georgians.

Prize Giving 2017 with Dr Emma Hawkins

Upper Sixth Leavers Ball 2017

Upper Sixth Prefects Announced The summer term saw the appointment of the new prefect team for the next academic year. All those who wished to be considered as a potential prefect were required to write a letter of application demonstrating why they were suited to the role as well as being qualified for the specific position desired in the group in the light of the job descriptions for each role. Those girls wanting to be Head Girl also had to speak in front of the pupil body in assembly to explain their suitability before a School vote and a panel interview. After this process the pupils listed below were successful in their applications.

Mr Wright, Assistant Head (Sixth Form) commented that ‘the standard of the applications was extremely high and all the girls should be very proud. I was particularly impressed with the speeches given by those aiming to be Head Girl which were delivered very impressively. I look forward to working with all the pupils in the Upper Sixth Form next year and I am excited to see the impact they will have on St George’s'.

Head Girl Lily (right) Deputy Head Girls Chloe & Seraphina House Captain – Alexander Megan House Captain – Becket Isabella House Captain – Churchill Scarlet House Captain – Darwin Jade Art Prefect Georgia Charity Prefect Helen Drama Prefect Charlotte Library Prefect Grace Marketing & Admissions Prefect Eleanor Sport Prefect Ella

Summer Awards 2017 On Tuesday 4 July, the Summer Awards took place in the Sue Cormack Hall to celebrate the girls who have performed well academically and also as part of their extracurricular activities and for recent events at the School. Some of the awards given were music and LAMDA certificates, individual achievement cups and Duke of Edinburgh's Awards. Well done girls on all of your hard work this term.

National Boarding Week To celebrate National Boarding Week 2017 (1925 June) St George's boarding staff organised a boarding party and a 'Colour Run' to raise money for the children's charity Bernardo's. The evening began with a takeaway supper on the lawn, followed by a bouncy castle and then on to the Colour Run on the fields. All the girls were enthusiastic and weren't afraid to get fully involved.

Summer Term Trips Fourth Year Geographers Visit Juniper Hall and Leatherhead On the 5 and 6 June the Fourth Year Geographers' visited Juniper Hall Field Studies Centre to carry out data collection for their GCSE examination. On Monday the girls visited 5 sites along the River Tillingbourne and worked in groups measuring the width and depth in order to see how these characteristics changed as they moved downstream. They carried out field sketches and analysed their data using scatter graphs once back at the centre. On Tuesday they visited Leatherhead and the girls carried out a study on the need for regeneration in the area, carrying out questionnaires, environmental quality surveys and using an app called ‘skitch’ to take photos and annotate observations. The girls worked really hard and gained some excellent results which they will refer to in their GCSEs next year. Second Years at The Living Rainforest On Wednesday 7 June the Second Year went on a Geography trip to the Living Rainforest, Reading. The girls received a tour in which they learnt about the ‘Amazing Adaptation’ of plants and animals in the rainforest and they came up close and personal with a bird-eating spider, an armadillo and huge butterflies amongst many other things. There was time for the girls to explore the glasshouses in small groups after having a lunch and a quick ice cream in the garden. The girls then went on to compete to design a new species of rainforest plant or animal and prizes have been won for the most imaginative. Science Trip to the Royal Holloway University On Monday 3 July, Lower Sixth and Fourth Year girls visited the School of Biological Sciences at Royal Holloway, University of London. The pupils carried out two DNA technologies; PCR and gel electrophoresis, in the laboratories at the university. It was an excellent opportunity for the girls to get a better understanding of how these technologies are used and how they have shaped modern Biology. Photo by David Iliff. License: CC-BY-SA 3.0

Duke of Edinburgh's Award On 17 and 18 June, the Fourth Year Bronze DofE Assessed Expedition took place at Ashdown Forest in Sussex. Despite the very warm weather, the girls showed great teamwork, had consistently positive attitudes and all passed with flying colours. Well done girls.

On 29 to 30 June, a huge number of Third Years travelled to the New Forest for their Bronze DofE Expedition. This is an exciting new venture as DofE have now decided that Third Years can embark upon their Bronze Award rather than waiting until their Fourth Year to start it. The Expedition was extremely successful. The girls found it challenging but rewarding and their progress was great to see. They really took to the camping experience like ducks to water and thoroughly enjoyed the beautiful setting of The New Forest with its gambolling ponies.

Normandy Trip On Sunday 4 June the excited Third Year girls and 4 intrepid teachers set off for the overnight ferry from Portsmouth to Caen. Miss Jackson worked out that it must be about the 30th year that St George’s Third Years have done this trip. The overnight ferry was calm and in the morning the group awoke in France. The first day was an introduction to the Battle of Normandy and D Day in Arromonches and then in the afternoon they made their way to the great hotel Bon Sejour in Merville-Franceville. It is right on the beach and has a great swimming pool with slides which the more awake members of the year group took full of advantage of straight away. The next day started at the market in Courselles and then on to Bayeux, first to the Tapestry and then to meet the veterans in the British Cemetery. St George's have had a link to the 47 Commando veteran association for the last 5 years and it is an honour and a privilege every year to meet with the remaining veterans and their families. The girls attended a memorial with them and then had the opportunity to converse, asking questions and listening to stories of the war and their lives afterwards. The veterans remember the St George’s girls and are always keen to talk to them. Each trip this is always the highlight and the part the girls remember most clearly and this year was no different.

Ladies Day at Royal Ascot On Thursday 22 June, girls in the Second Year excitedly lined the streets of Ascot to witness the passing by of HM The Queen and other members of the Royal family, a tradition that is upheld every year on Ladies Day.

On Wednesday morning the girls visited a number of sites including the American cemetery at Omaha beach and Ponte Du Hoc gun emplacement. They then went to Port-En-Bessin to lay a wreath at the memorial to the 47 Commandos as this is the town they liberated on the 7 June 1944. In the afternoon the girls were able to explore the amazing Caen Peace museum which gave a comprehensive view of the war both in France and further afield. In the evening the girls were treated to a disco, before heading off to bed. The last day started with a walk to the Merville battery, which was captured from the Nazis by about 150 Paratroopers and includes a great interactive exhibition. The trip gives a comprehensive overview of the war and in particular D-Day. By the end of the trip the girls gained an impression of the war that complements their classroom learning, furthermore, it is a nice way to end the Third Year spending lots of time with their friends. Miss Jackson has run the trip for the last 5 years and this was her last one. She thoroughly enjoyed it and next year hands over the reins to Mrs Soni.

Classics Trip to St Albans On Wednesday 28 June, First Year girls visited the Verulamium Museum and Roman Theatre in St Albans. The girls spent the morning on a guided walking tour of the ancient site of Verulamium. In the afternoon the girls visited the museum and enjoyed a teaching session based on archaeology and Ancient Roman society.

'Half a Sixpence' On Thursday 29 June Second Year girls travelled to the Noel Coward Theatre by coach to see the matinee performance of the musical comedy, ‘Half a Sixpence’. Based on the Novel Kipps, by H. G. Wells, the play follows the life of young impoverished man who inherits and unexpected wealth. The girls had a fantastic time watching the performance.

Visit to Jane Austin's House On Monday 19 June, girls in the Fourth Year visited Jane Austen’s House Museum and Chawton House Library. The trip was designed to complement their study of Pride and Prejudice. The girls enjoyed exploring the 19th Century house where Jane Austen lived and wrote. They were able to view the many Jane Austen artefacts that are on show, as well as explore the bakehouse and gardens. This trip helped the girls to visualise the life and work of Jane Austen, and is a fantastic accompaniment to their studies.

Primary School Sports Afternoon On Monday 27 June, the Sports Department were excited to host twenty four Year 2 children from Windlesham Village Infant School for a fun multi-sports afternoon as part of our Partnership Programme with local schools. The children were divided into 4 coloured teams and were assigned pupils from Form 1X to lead them through the activities. They were able to try some pop lacrosse and rounders, and the afternoon finished with a mini Olympics. There was a lot of encouragement and fun had by all the children and it was a great chance for Georgian girls to practise their communication and leadership skills whilst leading the younger pupils. Well done to 1X for being great ambassadors for St George's.

Holocaust Survivor Visit On Monday 26 June, girls in the Third Year to Upper Sixth, staff and parents heard testimony from Holocaust survivor, Rudi Oppenheimer, as part of a visit organised by the Holocaust Educational Trust (HET). Mr Oppenheimer travels to many schools and universities giving moving speeches about his wartime experiences. The girls were given an incredible insight into this period in history and were able to meet and speak with Mr Oppenheimer about his life after the talk.

International Women in Engineering Day Friday 23 June is International Women in Engineering Day. To celebrate the furthering accomplishments of women all around the world in fields that were once mostly male dominated, the girls have been learning about specific women who have made fantastic advancements in key areas of engineering. As part of their 3D printing module, Second Year IT pupils have been learning about Jemma Redmond; a female engineer who has made significant strides in the field of 3D bio-printing.

Pupils have also been learning about Jamie Garcia, a female materials scientist who discovered a new kind of plastic which is fully recyclable and extremely strong, and the First Years have been exploring the work of female astronauts at NASA. Girls in the Fourth Year worked in teams to engineer paper bridges in Mrs Alsop's Science class and then tested the strength and durability of their designs with weights.

Honeywell Space Academy, USA On 16 to 23 June Mrs Radley, a Science teacher at St George's won a trip to Honeywell Space Academy in Huntsville Alabama; a professional development programme created in partnership with the US Space & Rocket Center (USSRC). The programme is designed to help Maths and Science teachers from around the world become more effective educators in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Maths. The programme takes place at the USSRC Alabama, which is recognised as one of the most comprehensive U.S. manned space flight hardware museums in the world. During the trip, Mrs Radley received simulated astronaut training and had the chance to meet and speak with working astronauts, as well as have actual NASA training. There were around 100 teachers selected to attend from all over the world. Mrs Radley stayed at the University of Alabama halls of residence for 5 days and was able to witness some fantastic talks from academics including Clayton Anderson and author, Homer Hickman who read from one of his acclaimed books. We are looking forward to Mrs Radley sharing more of her enthusiasm and expertise from this trip next term.

River and Rowing Museum On Thursday 22 June, girls in the First Year visited the River and Rowing Museum in Henley. An important part of First Year Geography is the study of rivers and flooding and this also comes up in the GCSE course in the Fourth Year. The girls carried out a river walk to identify river flood defences in the area, they then took part in an activity in the museum gallery looking at causes and impacts of flooding locally. Finally, the girls enthusiastically participated in a workshop with interactive activities to illustrate river processes and river landscape changes due to flooding.

Classics Trip to Cirencester To follow is an account written by pupils in 2AF. 'After our journey to Cirencester, we got off the coach and worked our way around the museum with a questionnaire. We really enjoyed finding out new things about the lifestyle of the Britons during the Roman occupation. After our visit to the museum, we went to Chedworth Villa which nestles in the beautiful Cotswold countryside and boasts an impressive collection of mosaics. At the Roman villa there was a lovely shrine built around a spring. The inhabitants used this shrine to pray and to wish that the water would never stop, and there it was almost two thousand years later, still flowing. Once they had prayed, they put a gift on the altar such as food or money. When we went inside the villa, we saw the baths. It was really interesting to see how they looked and see the

different rooms which we had learned about in class. There was a very lifelike pigeon depicted on the floor of the apodyterium. We went into the caldarium and the frigidarium. You could see how the hypocaust system worked and how it heated up the water and the floor. The hot air went up the walls through tubes called flues. The mosaics in the triclinium all had different stories about the seasons. We also found the toilet quite interesting; the Romans didn’t have toilet paper so they used a sponge and re-used it by washing it in vinegar. The sewage flowed out down a pipe outside the villa. Overall, the trip was really interesting because we learnt a lot about Roman society and how the wealthy British people lived during the Roman occupation. We really enjoyed looking at all the ancient objects and buildings'.

Latin and Classics: Kallos Gallery Visit On the 14 of June, the GCSE Latin and Classics pupils went on a trip to visit the Kallos Gallery in Mayfair. The girls were introduced to Paul and Hayley, a former Georgian, who were the curators of the gallery. Firstly, the girls had the opportunity to handle some ancient artefacts, including some very early examples of coinage, some worth tens of thousands of pounds. The curators explained that coins were an early form of propaganda, used by the emperor. Following this, the girls tried on some beautiful ancient rings, which had some interesting engravings and then were given some time to look round the remainder of

the gallery where Hayley and Paul showed them some of the most interesting pieces, including theatre masks and classic examples of Greek vases. The most expensive item in the gallery was one particularly interesting vase, worth up to ÂŁ900,000. All of the girls found the day very enlightening and they would like to thank Hayley and Paul of the Kallos Gallery, for hosting this extremely enjoyable visit.

House Quiz 2017 On Tuesday 5 July, representatives from each House competed in a House general knowledge quiz. Mr Naeem did a brilliant job of running the event, keeping girls and staff entertained and captivated throughout. Each House had buzzers which they used liberally to ensure they were the first team to answer each question. Each House had their strengths however it was Becket that won with 180 points. Well done girls on your efforts.

Music for a Summer Evening

On Tuesday 5 July, St George's hosted the annual Music for a Summer Evening concert in the Sue Cormack Hall. The evening began with refreshments in the South Lawn marquee with girls, parents and staff preparing excitedly for the show to begin. Impressive performances from the Chapel Choir included a version of Collect of St George by William Harris,The Lord is my Shepherd by Haward Goodall and three pieces written by the Director for the evening, Mr Hillier. The St George's Jazz band delighted the audience with renditions of Hallelujah (featuring a solo performance from Alanah), La vie en rose (featuring Mimo), Tequila and Fever (featuring Georgina). Overall, the girls showcased their immense talent and level of professionalism , and it was both a memorable and emotional final concert for the Upper Sixth girls leaving St George's this year.

First Year Charity Fete Monday 26 June marked the beginning of the First Year charities week. The whole Year joined together to put on a charity fete on the South Lawn on Tuesday 27 June. There was an array of activities and colour, including soaking some of the teachers in water whilst they were confined to the stocks! The girls worked really hard and raised over ÂŁ207 for their chosen charities.

St George's Angels On Sunday 11 June, five Third Year girls (Phoebe, Alicia, Adrienne, Isabelle and Daisy) donned pink t-shirts emblazoned with 'St George's Angels' and went boldly into the mud to complete the 5k Race for Life 'Pretty Muddy' to raise money for the fight against cancer. The event is part of a number of campaigns set up by Cancer Research UK, to help raise money and awareness to aid in beating cancer. The girls had fun in the mud and were proud to have taken part in such a fantastic cause.

Fund-raising Initiatives Three Georgian girls were so moved by the sad events that have taken place at Grenfell Tower in London, that they decided to start a fund-raising campaign to help the families that have lost their homes, possessions, and in many cases loved ones in this tragic accident. Rosie, Robyn and Izzy have shown great initiative and compassion in setting this up and many parents kindly donated at House Athletics. Well done girls, the total raised was ÂŁ185.62.

St George's Mock General Election To coincide with the national vote, pupils took part in a St George’s mock General Election. Many passionate discussions of the issues were heard around the hallways of the School and enthusiasm was high on the day. The result saw conservative gain 63% of the vote, Liberal Democrat 19%, Green party 10% and Labour 8%. The girls gained a sense of the democratic process that will impact on their lives for decades to come.

On Monday 4 July, the Staff leavers’ lunch took place on the South Lawn to honour the staff that will be leaving St George's this term. We wish all of the staff all the very best for the future and we hope they will stay in touch.

Australian Exchange Farewell On Thursday 15 June, the Third Year girls said goodbye to the two Australian exchange pupils who really have become part of the St George's family. A farewell tea was hosted on the lawn, with delicious cakes and snacks, and it gave the girls a chance to say their goodbyes and reflect on the friendships and memories that have been created over these weeks.

Second Year Drama

The Second Year Plays this year were both comedies based on William Shakespeare’s ‘Macbeth’ and ‘Hamlet’, and the girls really did them justice on Wednesday 28 June at 7.30pm, when they performed to a group of family members, school friends and teaching staff. The productions were both set in traverse, in the Cormack Hall, where the audience were seated on either side of the stage. The dedication and commitment of the girls over the last few months certainly had paid off, as the girls really rose to the occasion and both plays were performed to an almost professional standard, with the audience enjoying a more traditional portrayal of ‘Hamlet’, and a more contemporary version of ‘Macbeth’. Highlights in ‘What Was The Question?’ (Hamlet) included the charismatic, suave ‘playboy’ leading man, Hamlet, played by Jacqueline and his loyal best friend Horatio who was performed by Lucy, with a naturally brilliant comic timing. The final and dramatic fight scene – with ‘wrestling style’ commentary (Annabella and Katie) - created the perfect climax to this witty comedy, culminating in a stage littered by the dying characters in the final moments. The conniving, self-serving Queen Gertrude was played by Maia with great flair and comic skill, mirrored by the evil, sneaky

Claudius (Mannat). An excellent effort from this ensemble cast to create fun and humour onstage. Highlights in ‘The Day the Woods Came to Dunsinane’ (Macbeth) were the three witches (Thea, Megan and Molly) who used outstanding physicality and vocalisation, and created a humorous and entertaining portrayal of 21 Century Witches. The use of effective multi-rolling by Rosa changing from Macbeth to one of the children who was lost on a camping trip in Scotland, with relative ease was outstanding. The mood was beautifully lightened by the three Trees – Balsa, Yew & Bush (Naomi, Carmen and Kanwulia) who were extremely humorous and entertaining to watch. It was really special to see every pupil in the Second Year performing on-stage performing with real conviction, and working collaboratively like a professional theatre company. Drama teacher Mrs Condliffe, would like to say well done to the girls for all their hard-work, and she hopes the girls have not only enjoyed the experience, but learnt a great deal from the process too! It was a truly memorable evening each girl who performed on that stage tried their hardest and produced two truly stunning plays.

Sports Awards 2017 With Guest Speaker Laura Merrified, England Lacrosse Captain

On the 9 June we were delighted to welcome parents, pupils and staff to the annual Sports Awards Evening. This year Laura Merrifield, the England Lacrosse Captain, was our guest of honour and many of the guests enjoyed having the opportunity to speak to her during the drinks and canape reception. Prior to the awards being handed out Laura gave us all a wonderful speech that was both inspiring and motivational. During her speech she mentioned that she had at one point in her career suffered a serious injury setback, and it was therefore very fitting that Esme our outgoing sports captain picked up the Community Award from her following the difficulties that she has had with her injury over the last 18 months. As well as the many colours and individual awards

that were handed out on the evening, the other major prize winners were Stephanie for 'Unsung Hero', Scarlet for 'Services to Sport' and Emily for 'Outstanding Leadership on the Field'. Finally, having stood on the side-lines at St George’s for the last 8 years, Mr & Mrs Hughes and Mr & Mrs Mason, to their shock, got one of the loudest cheers of the evening when they were awarded the parents prize in recognition of their support and commitment. Congratulations to all of the prize-winners on the evening, and we are looking forward to presenting more awards for the summer sports at the end of term.

House Athletics 2017

On 16 June we were blessed with glorious sunshine for the House Athletics Competition. The girls were a rainbow of colour as the wave of anticipation and excitement filled the Sports field. The parent supporters appeared suitably relaxed with their picnic hampers overflowing, and with team mascots in the form of four-legged friends adding to the buzz and positive atmosphere. As always, the team of teaching staff were fabulous in their roles and were pivotal in the smooth running of the events. All girls were competing in at least one event and a large number of girls competed in many more. The First Years showed great enthusiasm at their first Sports Day and the Lower Sixth girls certainly led by example with many of them competing in their less-favoured events to gain points for their House; it was brilliant to see such involvement and provided a great reflection on St George’s sport. There were some outstanding performances on the day with School records being broken by Joanna in 100m, First Year A-House relay team and Isabel in the Junior discus. The quality of races were high with great sprint-starts from all the girls and some fluid relay-baton changeovers that Team GB would be proud of! The field events were of equal calibre and it was wonderful to see so many girls gain personal bests for their Houses. The overall results were fourth place – C House, third place – B House, second place D House and overall winners with 226 points were A House. It was a wonderful afternoon of athletics that fully captured the Georgian team spirit of participation, enjoyment and achieving your best!

Summer Term Sports News On three Saturdays this term, Cyle Carty an ex-GB sprinter, came in to deliver his athletics coaching sessions. A charismatic and talented individual, Cyle always manages to motivate and inspire the girls whilst ensuring they work hard and improve their techniques. He focused on sprint starts, sprint phases, stride pattern, hurdling, long jump, relay changeovers and also throwing techniques. The enthusiasm and work rate from our girls was fantastic to see and they were fully engaged the entire time. It is definitely something in the Sports calendar to sign-up for next year! Watch out for Cyle making an appearance in the winter months too for some sprinting and endurance sessions with the lacrosse teams‌

On Thursday 8 June the U12 girls were entered into the District Athletics Competition. The girls were excited to compete and approached the day with a very positive attitude. There were some fantastic performances both on the track and in the field events. Ruby qualified for the final in the 75m Hurdles and Ella scored a PB in High Jump with a jump of 1.29m. Joanna also did a great job in the 150m. She came first in her heat and then came second in the final. When all the scores were added together the team they came fifth overall. Well done to all the girls who competed!

All of the juniors turned out in force on Monday 3 July to take part in their annual House tennis competition. There were some very close fought matches throughout the duration on the tournament and plenty of enthusiasm was shown by all players. The following girls deserve a special mention for being unbeaten. India and Adrienne, Lara and Daisy, Katie and Isobel, Keira and Eve, Alicia and Isabelle and Tabitha and Honey. Overall the results were as follows. First Churchill Second Darwin Third Alexander Fourth Becket

16 wins 12 wins 11 wins 9 wins

Rounders Rounders on has been very promising as St George's this year on the whole. The U12s have made an excellent start and both the A and B teams have had strong performances against tough opposition. Good batting has enabled to team to score well in several games, however the girls have also played very well in the field and have got more than one player out in the same phase on several occasions, showing some quick thinking in order to achieve this. The U13s have also had a good rounders season, although several games were rained off early on in term. Both the U13 As and Bs have scored well with the bat and have often reached scores in the high teens or even in the twenties. Both teams have had a positive year and hope to continue this next season.

Ascot Schools Rounders The Ascot Schools Rounders competitions have been heavily affected by rain this year and unfortunately the U18 and U16 was called off due to heavy rain, as was the U13 and U12 competition, however the U15 and U14 competitions went ahead. The U15s saw outstand performances from Lily and Catherine, however both the A and B team were knocked out in the group stages after some very tough matches. The U14 tournament saw St George's lost some very close games and despite strong performances from Isabel, Adrienne and Imogen, both the A and B teams were unable to progress from the group stages. Both the U14s and U15s were very unlucky in this competition and hope to progress further next year.

Staff vs Pupils Rounders The Sixth Form took on the staff at rounders this term. In two close games Iona, Tilly and Alice stood out as the staff team won 24-17 and 19-13 ½.

Admissions News

Admissions News Freshers Day 2017 On Thursday 15 June, we were delighted to host a very full Freshers Day for our new First, Second and Third Year girls. Activities for the First Years included decorating cookies, rounders and a bouncy castle slide. The Second and Third Year Freshers participated in a drama workshop with Miss Johnson and all girls enjoyed the opportunity to have a photograph in our SGA Photo booth. We hope the girls have a restful Summer and we look forward to welcoming them in them in September.

IT Education Workshop Saturday, 23 September 2017 9.45am - 2.00pm Join us at St George’s for an exciting day of Computing and IT activities. Program a micro:bit with messages; display emotions; write your name in LED lights, before finally making it play Happy Birthday, or be really creative and program your own musical composition!

No previous experience is necessary, just bring your enthusiasm and creativity and we will supply the rest!

You will also create your very own animated e-card for that someone special in your life and learn how to create your own computer game using Kodu.


For more information and to book a place, please email the Admissions Department, or visit our website.

+44 (01344) 629900 St George's School, Ascot Berkshire SL5 7DZ office@stgeorges-ascot.org.uk | www.stgeorges-ascot.org.uk

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