St George's eNews Issue 76 3/5/2013

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eNews Issue 76, Friday 3 May 2013

SL5 Perform at the Lyric Theatre Hammersmith SL5, the St George’s Drama Company, had the extraordinary experience of performing at one of London’s top theatre venues, the Lyric Theatre in Hammersmith, as part of their entry to the National Theatre Connections Competition. The play, ‘We Lost Elijah’, was commissioned for this competition and is set during the London riots of 2011. Their excellent performance was seen by one of the National Theatre judges and we await the results in due course. SL5 will be judged against 60 other youth theatre groups around the country performing the same play, and one of the prizes is to perform at the National Theatre itself.

New Head Girls’ Team Announced Head Girls’ Team and Prefects

A Royal Appointment

Congratulations to the following girls who were announced on the last day of the Spring Term as the Head Girls’ Team and Prefects for 2013-14. HEAD GIRL’S TEAM – 2013-14 Head Girl Deputy Head Girl

Kate Beckitt Natasha Yatsenko

Head of A House Head of B House Head of C House Head of D House

Lucy Sedgwick Darcy Winter Lucy Mackintosh Bella Davis

Senior Prefect Middle Prefect Junior Prefect Boarding Prefect

Pipi McGregor Marija Djacic Celina Brar Kai Rui Zhen

The Chapel Choir and solo instrumentalists Helen Sale and Alexandra Tyan, were greatly honoured to be invited by the Mayor of Windsor, Cllr Colin Rayner, to perform at the Guildhall at a meeting for the Prince Phillip Trust Fund. His Royal Highness The Earl of Wessex, as Chairman of the trust, was in attendance and thanked the girls after their performance.

Second Marathon for Mrs Alexander Charities Prefect School Captain – Art School Captain – Drama School Captain – Music School Captain - Sport

Lorraine Lam Lucy Mackintosh Milly Polley Lucy Sedgwick Lavinia Jones

Head of Chapel Choir Senior Sacristan

Darcy Winter Louise Schofield

Deputy Head of A House Deputy Head of B House Deputy Head of C House Deputy Head of D House

Lavinia Jones Celina Brar Jodi Maguire Aya Belkacem

Congratulations to Mrs Alexander for completing her second London Marathon in 4 hours and 19 minutes.

Georgian Gallop

History Trip to Wales On Wednesday 24 April, the First Year went on a trip to Chepstow Castle and Tintern Abbey.

First of all we visited Chepstow Castle and were greeted by a man dressed in medieval costume. He told us about the history of the castle and who would have lived and worked there. We then walked to the main part of the castle where Kings and Barons would have lived. We looked at half of a spiral staircase that was the original staircase but, over the years, the other half had broken away.

The whole school celebrated St George’s Day in style. At lunchtime, in flag-bedecked Dining Room, we tucked in to Roast Beef and all the trimmings followed by apple crumble and custard. This was much-needed fuel for the Georgian Gallop in the afternoon which saw house teams, staff and even a parent team battle it out in a relay race of the entire school. Congratulations to Darwin House who took the title!

After this, we were shown some rooms of the castle that had recently been renovated to look like they would have originally. We then enjoyed our packed lunches in a small park next to the castle. We hopped back on the coach and were quickly transported to Tintern Abbey. On the way we drove past the fields of Penterry, which was a medieval village struck by the Black Death. On arrival at Tintern Abbey, we were allowed to explore by ourselves and read about the history of each room. Miss Jackson also added information to help us understand more. We entered the main part of the abbey where the monks would have prayed and written their manuscripts. Before returning to school we enjoyed a lovely ice cream outside in the sunshine. The most enjoyable part of the day was exploring Tintern Abbey because we were able to discover the history ourselves. Thank you to all the staff who came and especially to Miss Jackson for organising our trip. Georgia Walker 1X

GCSE Musicians visit Handel’s Home On Thursday 2 May, GCSE musicians travelled to London by train and took the tube to Handel House. On the tour, they learnt many facts about Handel, one of the greatest British composers. They also learnt that Jimi Hendrix lived in the house. After catching an old Routemaster bus, the girls then went to a Lunchtime Recital and heard a piano duo perform 5 pieces with their favourite being a work by Schubert.

New Rowing Club

The Rowing Club, which launched this term, took its first outing on the water this week. The girls, who are training at Eton Dorney, the Olympic rowing venue, were nervous as they took their first steps off the edge of the pontoon but real progress was made under the watchful eye of 2 coaches from the rowing club and we may well have some future medallists amongst the group! There are still 5 places available for this weekly club which takes place on Tuesday at 4.00pm. For more information, please contact Mr Hodges. Experienced rowers also welcome.


House Party

Dance & Jazz Evening

The Cormack Hall was buzzing with excitement on Thursday 2 May for the annual Dance & Jazz evening. Yet again, the Jazz Band set the tone for a fun and lively evening, opening the show with the appropriately named ‘St George’s Blues’, which had the entire audience clapping along. The programme featured some exquisite ballet and pointe work as well as modern dance choreographed by the girls themselves. It was an excellent showcase of the high standard of work that Georgians achieve in performing arts.

Drama Examinations

Congratulations to Mr Carroll and all the girls involved in the excellent GCSE and AS Level Drama examination performances last week.

Duke of Edinburgh Award The DofE girls bravely battled one of the wettest weekends this year for their practice expedition at the start of term. But their positive attitude and tenacity meant that the group had a very successful weekend.

G Music for a



Summer Evening

%%%%%%%%%%% at 7.00pm



on Tuesday 2 July 2013

5 Minutes




with … Name: Miss Annabel Brown Job Title: Marketing Manager What did you do before St George’s? After training as an Actor at a London Drama School and working in the Theatre for a year, I went on to work in Conference Management for 3 years before returning to my old school to work as a Deputy Housemistress. I then went on to lead the Marketing Department. What is your greatest achievement? Getting into Drama School was a really special moment, but I would also class getting my first job and singing for the Prime Minister and Pope Benedict XVI as high on the list.

in the Sue Cormack Hall

How would you describe yourself in 3 words? Thoughtful, loyal and creative.

Refreshments served at 6.00pm. Please RSVP to the School Office on or by telephone on 01344 629903.

Who is/was the most influential person in your life? As a teenager, I was very lucky to belong to a youth group at my local church which was led by an amazing priest called Fr Gary. Seventeen years later, he is still the person that I go to when I need advice.

Forthcoming Concerts

What was the last book you read? ‘There but for the’ by Ali Smith. It is the story of a man who at a dinner party goes upstairs, locks himself in the spare bedroom and refuses to leave indefinitely. It is set in Greenwich where I used to live so I enjoyed reminiscing. What would you do if you won £2m in the Lottery? After paying off my mortgage, I would probably set up a charitable trust fund to help provide education to people in the world who are denied the chances that I have been fortunate enough to have.

Junior Concert

Thursday 16 May 2013 at 7.30pm in the Chapel Featuring Musicians from the First, Second and Third Year All parents and staff of junior girls are welcome to attend

If money was no object where would you travel to? I have friends and family based all over the world from Australia to Finland and Japan to Chile. I would take a year off and visit everyone I know around the globe. What is your ultimate Desert Island Disc? A tough call between the Mozart Clarinet Concerto and Allegri’s haunting ‘Miserere’. Both of them got me through my A Levels and degree and remain personal favourites! Which person alive or dead would you most like to spend a day with? My grandfathers. Sadly both died before I was born and I would love to meet them. What makes St George’s so special? I love that things happen so effortlessly here. You ask someone to do something and it gets done and done well - it’s easy to forget how rare that is.

Monday 6 May 2013 BANK HOLIDAY Boarders Return Tuesday 7 May 2013 Headmistress’ Lecture: Mandy Hickson 7.30pm, Sue Cormack Hall Monday 13 May 2013 Compline 9.00pm, Chapel Thursday 16 May 2013 Junior Concert 7.30pm, Chapel Friday 17 May 2013 Parents’ Forum 8.30am, Old Library Sunday 19 May 2013 Whit Sunday Pentecost Service 7.15pm, Chapel

Headmistress’ Lecture

Looking Forward... MANDY HICKSON

Mandy Hickson 07799 628 540

Dream it. Believe it. Do it.

As a School Governor and Mother of two young boys I recognise the daily challenges that face Head teachers and their staff. All too frequently this has an impact upon the time available to do the very things that are undoubtedly

close to your heart –nurturing your pupil’s hopes and aspirations and inspiring them to the realisation of their dreams and ambitions.

My own dream to become a fast jet pilot started when I was 13 years old and

Tuesday 7 May 2013 7.30pm in the Cormack Hall

despite apparently insurmountable hurdles, I ultimately became the only female Þghter pilot ßying the Tornado GR4 on my front line squadron.

I’ve come to realise that these experiences can act as an inspirational example to ignite the spark of our future adults in terms of self-belief and a

Mandy the firstis female pilots to flabout y multi-million pound fulÞllingwas life. one My of message about conÞdence, overcoming fear and fast jetsworking for thehard. Royal Air Force working in a constantly challenging about and exhilarating environment. If this is something you would like to bring to your pupils, I can promise a

Hear her unique insight into this elite world and the importance unique, memorable and engaging event which includes Þlmed footage and of remaining calm under pressure and leading, quite literally, from which will leave your students with an understanding that they can indeed the front. aim high. Entry is free. Please confirm your place with the School Office on 01344A first 629class 900 or Inspirational performance

Highly relevant

It’s generally recognised that men have preconceptions about women, so how do you make your mark in a male dominated environment? How on earth do you become the only female pilot on a Front Line Tornado

and engaging

environment, Mandy also shares the emotional

Friday 24 May 2013 Half Term begins at 4.00pm

Squadron…. Motivational Speaker, Mandy Hickson, fought hard to achieve her ambition to be an RAF pilot and talks with humour and great passion about making that dream happen despite apparently insurmountable setbacks.

challenges of flying in areas of conflict as the working mother of two young children.

Her story gives a unique view of success and survival in a way that will resonate with those determined to succeed in today’s challenging business climate. If you know a group or organisation that’s aiming high, or a school which is seeking to ignite a spark in their pupils and would benefit from a unique and memorable speaker please get in touch.

Offering a frank insight into the strategies she employed to succeed in an elite and demanding

- Motivational Speaker Scan the QR codes below using your smart phone to go directly to the web pageMandy youHickson need.

School Website


+44 (0)7799 628 540


School Email

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