Enews Issue 92 Autumn 2014

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eNews Issue 92, Autumn 2014

Top A Level and GCSE Results

St George’s have achieved excellent A Level results again this year, with many individual students gaining outstanding grades, as well as entrance to some of the leading UK and US universities. 89% of papers were graded A*-C, with 72% A*, A and B grades. 33% were awarded A* and As and 10% the coveted A* grade.

Mrs Owens said: “Reflecting on what our students have attained shows what a rounded education we offer here at St George’s. Not only have the girls gained excellent academic results, these pupils have been empowered to achieve personal excellence and really follow their aspirations."

St George’s also gained some outstanding GCSE results. 51% of all exams were graded A* and A, 78% were A*, A and B and 96% were graded A*-C. Mrs Owens said: “We are fortunate here at St George’s that we have some inspirational staff who excite intellectual curiosity and provide a stimulating and happy environment; ideal for learning. Coupled with small class sizes and attention to individual needs, it is not surprising that students here are able to achieve some impressive results and take advantage of the exceptional range of co-curricular activities on offer. 51% of all exams were graded A* and A, 78% were A*, A and B and 96% were graded A*-C

Congratulations to all A Level & GCSE Girls!

St George's invited prospective families to an Autumn Open Day on Saturday 4 October. It was a resounding success, providing prospective parents and pupils with an opportunity to look round the school, view classroom activities and meet the Headmistress, members of staff and our students as well as enjoy some refreshments. Nearly 60 families came to the Open Day to watch various classes and activities including science experiments, fitness training from the Sports Department, previewing Oliver! in the Drama Department, the choir singing for our guests, a debate in History and a French Cafe providing light refreshments. The girls were invaluable in showing off their school; thank you to everyone who helped with the day.

St George's School Choir

Sixth Form girls help park cars

Science Experiements

House Representative Girls

Languages Classroom

Open Day

Open Day

French Cafe Art Classroom

On Friday 26 September 2014, Mr Alok Misra, Consultant at the Heatherwood and Wexham Park Trust, hosted a medical and ethical debating competition at St George's for thirteen schools. The schools which took part included Langley Academy, RGS Guildford, Queen Anne’s School, Caversham, Luckley House, Leighton Park, The Marist, Reading School, The Abbey School, Headington School, Oxford, Ranelagh, Tudor Hall, Langley Grammar, Farnborough College and, of course, host school St George’s. The event was also attended by local MP, Adam Afriyie, who gave a short speech to the students. The event aimed to encourage Sixth Formers from both the state and independent sector in the area, who are looking to go onto study medicine, related medical subjects or university courses, to debate current and challenging issues. Many of the topics considered are similar to those discussed during university medical interviews and the competition aimed to give the students valuable practise sessions as well as provided the opportunity to detail their involvement on their UCAS statements.

Said Mr Misra: “Public speaking doesn’t come naturally to everyone and isn’t easy to teach. A medical debating competition, however, involves arguing the case for or against a controversial medical topic with an audience in front of you. It is a fun way to develop the necessary speaking skills that boost confidence in situations, such as an interview. What is more, it is an excellent way for those who don’t feel so confident about public speaking, to become those that do, by the end of the day!” Mrs Owens commented: “Many of our girls go onto study medically related subjects at university, and, to have the opportunity to debate major issues, will give them a real insight into how they will be challenged. Studying medicine is tough and helping to support students from a variety of different backgrounds is extremely important. Not only do these students have to excel academically, they also have to have a rounded CV, excellent communication skills as well as work experience, all by the time they are only eighteen years of age.”


Medical Day


Departmental Focus Religious Studies Supporting Womens Rights The Amnesty International group has been working on womens rights throughout the world, especially in Afghanistan. St George's has been supporting the Amnesty International Campaign to ensure Afghan women can participate in the peace processes, confirm that tackling violence against women is a key priority for the UK government and make certain that the work of Afghan women human rights defenders is supported and their rights protected. The girls have been making awareness posters and writing to their local MP about the campaign. In particular, the girls have been focussing on the dangers that many women workers, such as teachers and doctors, face in the course of their work. Judaism - Second Year The Second Year has been studying the religion of Judaism which included the girls enjoying some Jewish Challah bread as part of their study of the Shabbat Festival.

'What Makes Me, Me?' - First Year The First Year have been thinking about the world and our place in it. Before Half Term, the girls studied ‘What Makes Me, Me?’ They designed a ‘wee-me’ to show all of the things that make up who they are and also been designing symbols to convey the values that are most important to them.

Divali - Third Year In the run up to Divali, the Third Year have been learning about Hinduism. Recently, the girls have been researching Hindu gods and goddesses as well as the story of Rama and Sita. After Half-Term, we are going to be studying the Hindu idea of ahimsa (non-violence) and how this influenced the preeminent leader of Indian independence movement in British-ruled India, Mohandas Gandhi.

First Years with wee-me display

Hindu God Kali drawn by Kasey Tang

Kew Gardens

Seville Music Tour

Fourth Year girls experiment with group selfie techniques!

Windsor Art Festival A huge congratulations to Christabel Turnbull for winning First prize at the Windsor Art Awards recently. Congratulations Christabel!

The George's Chapel Choir undertook a very successful Music Tour of Andalucía giving concerts in Seville, Cordoba, Carmona and Jerez de la Frontera and impressing large audiences. The girls had a wonderful time performing in some of Spain’s loveliest places. The concert in Carmona Cathedral can be viewed and listened to at www.televisioncarmona.com A superb opportunity, and well done girls!

Pitt Rivers Museum Visit On Tuesday 23 September, the First Year girls went to the Pitt Rivers Museum in Oxford. The girls enjoyed lots of drawing and viewing all of the exhibitions. Student Olivia Clouting reflected on the visit: "We saw lots of interesting things to draw such as masks, patterns and small artifacts from around the world. It was a very good and interesting day."


Arts Life at St George's

School Production of Oliver! The First Year through to the Upper Sixth and the Drama & Music Departments of St George's performed a stunning production of the much acclaimed show 'Oliver!' for four consecutive nights on 13-16 October. The production was very well attended, and proved to be a great success with many audience members commenting on how professional the performances of the girls were. There were some great dance routines, some excellent characterisation, moving solos and spectacular chorus numbers! Congratulations to the Creative Director Mr Carroll, Musical Director Mr Hillier, Technical Director Mr Pearn, as well as Director Mrs Gregan and Stage Manager Miss McCann for all their hard work which made 'Oliver!' such a success. More photos of the production and a video snippet of the show can be found on our Facebook page.


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Whole School Outings Day

On 7 September 2014, the whole school went on an Outings Day to various exciting venues.

Thorpe Park

The First Year visited Marwell Zoo, whilst the Second Year girls enjoyed Bushcraft. Fourth and Fifth Year girls had an exciting trip to Thorpe Park to experience the thrill of the rides and the marketing of a theme park. First Year student Sasha Lemon, reflects on her visit to Marwell Zoo: "When we were there, we saw some animal skins and a stuffed turtle and crocodile. Everybody thoroughly enjoyed the trip and we left definitely wanting to go back!" Anastasia Dmitryuk who is in the Fourth Year commented on her day at Thorpe Park: "On Outings Day the Fourth and Fifth Years went to Thorpe Park and learnt about the marketing of the Merlin group. Overall it was a great day for both year groups that my friends and I really enjoyed. We would like to thank Mrs Collingwood and Mr Carroll for organising such a great trip." Undoubtedly a fun day had by all!

Marwell Zoo

The Sixth Form enjoyed a trip to Williamsburg, Virginia, USA, during the Autumn Half Term break on 18-29 October 2014. The girls (and two boys from a school in Northampton, with whom we have an independentstate school partnership) attended lectures and seminars and made use of the University library as well as visiting Washington DC, Colonial Williamsburg, Jamestown and Yorktown. The girls enjoyed a delicious meal at the Hard Rock Cafe in Washington DC, walked the Mall, and visited Arlington National Cemetry and many of the Mall museums. In Williamsburg, the girls learned about what is involved in mastering the skills needed to perform to a full house, as well as receiving lessons from a dance instructor to learn about dance techniques of the 18th Century in Virginia. They also watched a re-enactment on the street of the turbulent scenes in the days leading up to the outbreak of the American War of Independence. Their visit to Jamestown Island included a visit to an archaeological site and the new Jamestown Museum. The girls participated in a dramatised inquiry into the charges of witchcraft brought against Grace Sherwood in 1706 called Cry Witch. The audience was invited to question the witnesses, weigh the evidence, and determine the guilt or innocence of "The Virginia Witch". Thank you to all of the staff for taking time out of their Half Term to accompany the girls on these excursions.


Williamsburg History Trip

Sports Life at St George's Horse of the Year

Mother & Daughter Netball

Imogen Rodger won the National Pony Society Summer Championship at Malvern in Herefordshire which qualified her for the Horse of the Year Show at Birmingham NEC.

On Saturday 6 September the annual Mother and Daughter netball tournament took place. The girls played in the same teams as their mums and showed some great teamwork.

Her class was the 133 Show Hunter Pony of the Year. After travelling up to Birmingham on Saturday 11 October, for a cosy night in the horse box, Imogen had to be up at 3.30 am to prepare her pony, Lowland Talisman, pet name Nimrod.

The winning team was the Double Deckers which consisted of the Puseys, Pantlins, Thompsons and Haywards.

Imogen rode well and came a well deserved tenth against the best in the country.

Congratulations to Mrs Gregory who was awarded a special award for the best mother, chosen by the girls who took part. Thank you to everyone for attending and making the event a success.

Congratulations Imogen!

County lacrosse tournament Pony Club For the second year running, Mimo Sandford has qualified for the Pony Club National Championships and has recently passed her Pony Club B Test Examination. Her examiner commented that she was one of the strongest candidates they have examined. She will take her final Pony Club and Pony Care Examinations after her GCSEs next Summer, two years before the minimum recommended age. She competes at the Novice level in her Pony Club. In recent competitions she was the only young rider to ride a pony against adults from Australia, New Zealand and Italy. Everyone at St George's would like to congratulate Mimo on her achievements so far in parallel with her academic endeavours at the school. Good Luck for your future examinations and events Mimo!

On Saturday 4 October the U15 played in the Berkshire County Lacrosse Tournament. They played very tough opponents including Downe House, Queen Anne’s and St. Bart’s. Four girls (Jade Pusey, Jenny Wood, Ella Davis and Eleanor Hardie) were selected for the Berkshire County Trials, to take part in the All County Tournament. By the end of the tournament the girls had won two and drew one of their six matches. They were placed fourth overall, with Emma Streatfeild receiving a mention. The girls selected for the Berkshire County Trials were Goalie Georgia Cooper, Anna Mason, Octavia Mason, Caitlin McArthur, and Esme French. Well done Girls!

The Fifth Year girls taking GCSE PE went to the Girls Go Gold Conference at St. Catherine's School in Bramley, which included an inspirational talk by Baroness Tanni Grey-Thompson who competed in five Paralympic Games and won sixteen medals, English netball player, Tasmin Greenway and Olympic Sports Photographer of the Year, Mark Pain. The conference ended with a talk from London 2012 Gold medal winner Anna Watkins, an Olympic rower in the double skulls with her partner Katherine Grainger. Overall the girls felt attending the conference was an amazing experience and would recommend it to the GCSE PE students next year.

Five Feathers International Tournament

U14 South East Netball Tournament

Anna Mason (16) was selected to play in The Five Feathers International Tournament during August by the first team coach of Reading Hockey Club.

On Tuesday 23 September the U14 team entered the SE Berkshire Netball tournament. It was a rush to get started and unfortunately they lost the first game 2-1. The girls then won the next two matches against Heathfield A and Newlands, 5-3 and 5-2.

Anna took part in a three-day tournament at East Grinstead Hockey Club with teams from the UK and Belgium, winning two out of the three matches played. Anna has been playing hockey for 10 years, at both regional and county level and is hoping to take part in the England trials next term. Congratulations Anna!

The girls faced some tough opposition against Wellington and The Abbey; their attacking play was extremely strong and tough to defend. Finally they played Maiden Erlegh and won 8-2. The girls all played extremely well and came third overall. Victoria Wyatt was mentioned for her excellent play as Centre. Swimming Match The St George’s U13 and U12 swimming teams ventured to Heathfield School to compete in their first swimming gala of the season on 1 October. The First Years were notably nervous as they wanted to impress in their first opportunity to compete for St George’s. Both teams started off well with Ella Walker, Amy Selwyn and Christina Vassileiou being the stars of the races and awarded mentions at the end of the meet. As the teams moved into the relays, both teams stepped up to the plate and gave it everything, with the First Years winning their respective races. When the final scores were read out, of the five teams that were competing, the U13 team came 3rd and the U12 team finished first. Well done girls!


Girls Go for Gold

Meet the First Year Students "I met some really nice girls at the sport day, which was the first step to all my nerves fading away. The teachers were all really nice too and soon I knew that this was the school for me." Olivia Clouting, 1EC

Eliza Agosta

Malaika Iqbal

"I felt like I knew the school and know what I’m doing. I thoroughly enjoyed my first week at St George’s. It was great!" Laura Davidson, 1EC

"I didn’t know many people. When I did a "I have made lots of new friends. There are club it was really fun and I got to know some loads of new things to learn like lacrosse and really nice girls. By theLottie end ofCecil the week I wasYuk Yu Cheunggolf andBeau Ruby Carty-Din Clarke Solana Del Azar netball" getting used to everything." Phoebe Pantlin, 1EC Imogen Wigzell, 1EC

"I started knowing no-one in my class and now I am friends with everybody and I am enjoying every part of each day." Georgia Morris, 1MM

Sasha Lemon

Fleur Lewis

Aliya Millns

"I love all the lessons particularly science and my favourite activity is lacrosse. My first week is going well and I love it!" Lucy Rigby, 1MM

Isabelle Murphy

Ruby Nolan

"I am boarding which is a new thing for me. I have met lots of new people and the older girls have really helped me to settle in. I have made lots of friends." Adrienne Silvano, 1MM

"My first week at St George’s has been a blast. I was nervous at first but now I’m really excited for the next week to come. I love coming to St George’s every day, it’s the best school ever." Daisy Tibbatts, 1MM

"When I first started I was very nervous but I had three of my friends with me. I have also made lots of new friends. I am also loving sport and the food is amazing." Olivia Gregory, 1MM

"Our lessons were all lessons for getting introduced to what we were going to do that term. I have enjoyed making lots of new friends." Onaisa Jalali, 1MM

Eve Hayward

Alicia Pallenberg

"I met some really nice girls at the sport day, which was the first step to all my nerves fading away. The teachers were all really nice too and soon I knew that this was the school for me." Olivia Clouting, 1EC

"I didn’t know many people. When I did a club it was really fun and I got to know some really nice girls. By the end of the week I was getting used to everything." Imogen Wigzell, 1EC

"I have made lots of new friends. There are loads of new things to learn like lacrosse and golf and netball" Phoebe Pantlin, 1EC

"I started knowing no-one in my class and now I am friends with everybody and I am enjoying every part of each day." Georgia Morris, 1MM

"I love all the lessons particularly science and my favourite activity is lacrosse. My first week is going well and I love it!" Lucy Rigby, 1MM

"I am boarding which is a new thing for me. I have met lots of new people and the older girls have really helped me to settle in. I have made lots of friends." Adrienne Silvano, 1MM

Katie Rigby

"I felt like I knew the school and know what I’m doing. I thoroughly enjoyed my first week at St George’s. It was great!" Laura Davidson, 1EC

"My first week at St George’s has been a blast. I was nervous at first but now I’m really excited for the next week to come. I love coming to St George’s every day, it’s the best school ever." Daisy Tibbatts, 1MM

Imogen Rodger Blanca RodriguezDias "When I first started I was very nervous but Navarro I

Amelie Roberts

had three of my friends with me. I have also made lots of new friends. I am also loving sport and the food is amazing." Olivia Gregory, 1MM

Avah Rustomjee

Amy Selwyn

"Our lessons were all lessons for getting introduced to what we were going to do that term. I have enjoyed making lots of new friends." Onaisa Jalali, 1MM

Aimee Thompson Alexandra Townsend Elizabeth Trefgarne Ella Walker

Lilly Shortt


First Week at St George's


Boarding Life Social activites enjoyed by our boarders so far this term included a Bowling and Laser Quest weekend, a Scavenger Hunt for First Years and designing fun coasters by Markham boarders.

Bowling & Laser Quest Weekend in Woking

Markham boarders design fun coasters!

Markham boarders took part in a Scavenger Hunt as part of their first week boarding activities!

Papplewick & Eton Socials St George's hosted two major social events this term with local boys' schools. Eton boys joined our Sixth Formers for a ceilidh which all took to with much enthusiasm! St George's First and Second Year girls invited Papplewick to a social evening of dancing, entertainment and food which was enjoyed by all. First and Second Year girls

Sixth Form students

Sixth Form

Tatler Awards Hannah Palmer & Emily Dominey joined Mrs Simpson and Mrs Dourountakis as guests of Tatler at their award ceremony this Autumn following St George's win last year of Best School Food in the UK.

Army Day In September, the whole of the Lower Sixth joined forces on an integration Army Day undertaking projects and team work activites to develop their leadership and endurance skills.

Peter Thompson - Pitchcare Magazine

Peter Thompson St George's groundsman has been featured in Pitchcare Magazine due to his hard work and extensive career at Fort Belvedere in Windsor, Windsor Great Park and Windsor Racecourse. With assistance from Melvyn Kirk, Peter maintains the school's site which covers a total of 30 acres, of which 2.7 hectares are sports fields, two acres are gardens, lawns, amenity and play areas and the rest is woodland, which is left as a conservation area. Thank you Peter and Melvyn for your continued hard work and ensuring the school grounds look as exquisite as they do. School photograph The Annual School Photograph was taken in October. This year's stunning photograph takes pride of place in the main hallway in the school's reception area.

Chess Competition Laura Davidson played chess for Berkshire in the National Youth Chess competition held in Northampton, as part of the under 14 squad on 28 September. Laura, who came first in her last major chess tournament has been invited to play for England internationally again next year. Well done Laura! Annual Thailand Ice Skating Competition Everyone at St George's wished the best of luck to Patcharakamol (Punch) Suwannakit for her participation in the Annual Thailand Skating Competition in Bangkok between 16-18 October. Macmillan Parents Coffee Morning On Friday 26 September Parents were invited to join in The World's Biggest Coffee Morning in aid of Macmillan Cancer Support.

Future Events 6 November - Autumn Concert 8 November - Fireworks Evening 12 November - A2 Drama Performance 19 November - James Cunliffe Headmistress’s Lecture 21 November - Junior Concert 28 November - Parents Forum 2 December - First Year Pantomime 10 December - Carol Service

The morning was a good chance to meet other mums, and exchange thoughts of their daughters over delicious cakes and refreshments supplied by the superb catering department of St George's. Thank you to the support of the staff and parents involved.


News Update


Development Update Our new library, which is to be situated on the eastern side of the South Lawn, is well under construction with the foundation works complete, and the steel structure erected. The work to construct the first floor is almost complete with concrete forming the floor finished. The erection of scaffolding and construction of the walls is now in full progress.

Your Child Your School If all goes to plan, we anticipate the build completion to be on schedule for Autumn 2015. Our Future

Development Dinners Parents and alumni have been attending a series of development dinners throughout this Autumn half term, hosted by the Chairman of Governers, Edward Luker and Headmistress, Rachel Owens. The School is aiming to raise funds for a new indoor swimming pool complex, following completion of the new library. Those who would be interested in helping the School to raise much needed funds should contact Rachel Owens at headmistress@ stgeorges-ascot.org.uk or Edward Luker, Chairman of Governers, at eluker@stgeorges-ascot.org.uk.

+44 (01344) 629900 St George's School office@stgeorges-ascot.org.uk Ascot Berkshire SL5 7DZ www.stgeorges-ascot.org.uk

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