ULIS Newsletter for Durrat Al Bahrain Newsletter-March issue

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HOME SECURITY HOTLINE ‫الرقم الهاتفي الذي يجيب على جميع استفساراتك‬ THE NUMBER FOR ALL YOUR ENQUIRIES ......................................................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................................................... POLICE, FIRE, AMBULANCE COASTGUARD TRAFFIC & ACCIDENTS INFORMATION LINE WEATHERLINE

999 17700000 17688888 17236236


36060827 36060827



LIST OF SERVICE PROVIDERS ‫قـــائمــــة بمتعهـــدي الخـــدمــــات‬


LANDSCAPING ‫تنسيق الحدائق‬ ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

‫ بــأسلــوب أهــل الجــزر‬،‫حيــاة عصــريــة‬

Urban Living, Island Style

2010 ‫صحيفـــــــــــــــة | إدارة منتجـــــــــــــــع الـــــــــــــــدرة | مــــــــــــــارس‬ durrat resort management | newsPAPER | Mar-2010

Name of supplier Horti Group SPC Jannusan Exotics Petunia Landscaping & Trading Est. Aida Gardens Gulf Fencing & Specialist Surfacing Est W.L.L Rabya Landscaping W.L.L The Landscaping Ideas W.L.L Al Moayyed Landscapes Lotus Gardening & Landscaping Nanpoo Al Amin Gardens

Contact person Mr. Abdulla Bani Hani Ms. Caroline Al Shehabi Mr. Ayman Al Dakhakhne Mr. Jinesh NG Mr. N. Pugalendi Mr. Mazen Aridi Mr. Patrick Denner Mr. Ajit Raina Ms. Zahra Fakhro Mrs. Mona Al moayyed Mr. S. Murtadha Al Alawi Mr. Roberto G. Ortega Mr. Majed Al Amin

Job Title Tel. No. Fax No. E-mail Address General Manager 17471800 17471881 horti@batelco.com.bh Manager 17594500 17592528 caroline@amasmd.com Project Manager 17491262 17491263 info@petuniaest.com General Manager 17695267 17692524 aidaflor@batelco.com.bh Project Manager 17591197/17590198 17590242 gfss@batelco.com.bh Branch Manager 17668400 17665300 rabyabah@batelco.com.bh Project Manager 77099909 77099909 patricknoel55@yahoo.com General Manager 17404949 17403999 alp@almoayyededcg.com General Manager 17612226 17612571 lotus@fakhro.com Managing Director Managing Director 17611145 17610189 nanpoogroup@hotmail.com Landscaping Designer Director 17732220 17730078 majed.alamin@gmail.com


‫غير عاداتك‬

‫القيادة ببطء تنقذ األرواح‬ Slowing down saves lives

‫الحياة في المسار السريع‬

‫عرض لـ «جينسون بوتون» ساكن درة البحرين‬

A profile of Durrat AL Bahrain resident, Jenson Button

‫في مقعد القيادة‬

‫كانو يحدثنا عن الجديد في عالم السيارات‬

The Kanoos tell us what’s new in the world of automobiles

‫ لألناقة‬. .‫استعد‬

‫نحن ننظر إلى أحدث الموديالت في الساحة‬ We look at the hottest trends at the circuit

JETTY & SUNDECK ‫خدمات األرصفة البحرية‬


Name of supplier Contact person Job Title Tel. No. Fax No. E-mail Address Systems & Technology Enterprises W.L.L Mr. Nick Kennedy Business Development Manager 17691414 17692505 stente@batelco.com.bh BFG International W.L.L Mr. Hasan Ashoor Head of Sales & Marketing 17749641/17727063 17727615 salesdesk@bfginternational.com United Marine Trading Co. W.L.L Mr. Bassam Hajj General Manager 17879180 17783180 hajjbassam2000@yahoo.com Vista Technology Solutions Mr. Ebrahim Abu Hassan Sales Manager 17786614 17786615 sales@vistabh.com CSL Consequent Solutions W.L.L Mr. Abdulla Shukralla BM & CFO 17568157 17567901 as@consequent-solutions.com Mr. Salah Dadi sd@consequent-solutions.com ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

POOL MAINTENANCE ‫صيانة برك السباحة‬ ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ Name of supplier Durrat Business Development

Job Title Sales Executive

Tel. No. Fax No. E-mail Address 36060950 o.abualfath@durratbahrain.com


INTERIOR DESIGN ‫التصميم الداخلي‬ ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ Name of supplier Ligne Roset Plan Concepts Buhindi Trading W.L.L Castillo Furniture & Décor

Contact person Mr. Lauy Khalaifat Mrs. Dorys Massad Ms. Nahed Eshaq Mr. Yasin Jabal Adbulrazak Mr. Thamer Al-Shater

Job Title Tel. No. Fax No. E-mail Address Managing Director 17555033 17555062 info@ligne-roset.com.bh Sales Manager Managing Director 17214600 17216400 Asst. Showroom Manager 17582901 17582902 Managing Director 17717474 17717187 castintr@batelco.com.bh


INTERIOR DESIGN ‫التأمين‬ ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ Name of supplier Takaful

URBAN LIVING, ISLAND STYLE Your ULIS Newspaper is printed using 100% recycled paper

Contact person Mr. Omar Abu Al Fath

Contact person Job Title Miss Noor Al Haji insurance advisor

Tel. No. 39954443

Fax No. 17582886


Visit DURRATBAHRAIN.COM or call +973 1755 6999

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