SCOME March Meeting 2017 Survival Kit - Montenegro

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SCOME Survival Kit

66th General Assembly

March Meeting 2017 Budva, Montenegro

IFMSA Imprint Standing Committee Director Arij Chatbri - Tunisia International Team Alexander Lachapelle - Canada Katerina Dima - Greece Dino Mehic - Austria Twenda Ongas - Kenya Pablo Estrella Porter - Ecuador Rahoul Gonsalves - India Salma Bouguerra - Tunisia Aleksandra Likonska - Poland Layout Design Firas Yassine - Lebanon

The International Federation of Medical Students’ Associations (IFMSA) is a non-profit, non-governmental organization representing associations of medical students worldwide. IFMSA was founded in 1951 and currently maintains 130 National Member Organizations from 122 countries across six continents, representing a network of 1.3 million medical students. IFMSA envisions a world in which medical students unite for global health and are equipped with the knowledge, skills and values to take on health leadership roles locally and globally, so to shape a sustainable and healthy future. IFMSA is recognized as a nongovernmental organization within the United Nations’ system and the World Health Organization; and works in collaboration with the World Medical Association.

Publisher International Federation of Medical Students’ Associations (IFMSA)

This is an IFMSA Publication


International Secretariat: c/o Academic Medical Center Meibergdreef 15, J0-208

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All reasonable precautions have been taken by the IFMSA to verify the information contained in this publication. However, the published material is being distributed without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied. The responsibility for the interpretation and use of the material herein lies with the reader.

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Some of the photos and graphics used in this publication are the property of their respective authors. We have taken every consideration not to violate their rights.


Welcome Note from the SCOME Director Page 3

About IFMSA Page 4

About SCOME Page 5

Meet the SCOME International Team Page 6

IFMSA Programs Page 8

Meet the SCOME Sessions Team Page 9

March Meeting General Agenda Page 10

SCOME Sessions Agenda Page 11

SCOME Regional Sessions

Page 12

Joint Sessions Page 13

Meet the NOMEs Page 14

IFMSA Code of Conduct Page 14

What to Bring? Page 16

Stay in Touch Page 16

Welcome Note from the SCOME Director

Arij Chatbri Director on Medical Education 2016-17

My Lovely SCOMEdians Worldwide, As the IFMSA 66th General Assembly March Meeting 2017 is approaching and everyone is doing their best to bring you an unforgettable meeting, I would love to welcome you to our first international SCOME sessions of this term. Whether you’re attending these sessions for the first time or you’re an oldie, there is always something new to learn, someone to meet and interesting discussions to follow.

The SCOME Sessions Team are preparing a lot of surprises for you, and can’t wait to meet each and every one of you. I wish you a fruitful and a memorable GA. See you very soon in Montenegro!

Big White Hugs,


You’ll be meeting inspiring medical education activists from all around the world, and you’ll be surprised how much your challenges are somehow alike. When creating the Agenda, we tried to leave space for discussion and sharing, as it’s a lifetime opportunity for many of you to learn from each other’s experience. You will also have the chance to proudly share your work on a national level with us in the Posters fair.

SCOME Survival Kit for March Meeting 2017


About IFMSA The year was 1951. Medical students from 8 countries (Austria, Denmark, England, Finland, Germany, The Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, and Switzerland) gathered in Copenhagen to start a non-political organization for medical students. The purpose was to “study and promote the interests of medical students’ cooperation on a purely professional basis, and promote activities in the field of student health and student relief.” So was born the International Federation of Medical Students’ Associations (IFMSA). Initially, 3 committees are formed: the Standing Committee on Medical Exchange (SCOME), the Standing Committee on Professional Exchange (SCOPE), and the Standing Committee on Students’ Health (SCOSH). A bureau of information was set up in Geneva to establish contact between all members and international organizations. A year later the first General Assembly (GA) took place in London, where 30 students took part, representing 10 countries. This year, in 2016, IFMSA celebrated its 65th anniversary. The 8 founding member countries have been joined by many more. IFMSA is now the world’s largest studentrun organization, representing medical students from 122 countries worldwide. Over the past 65 years, the structure and functions of IFMSA have been changed several times. The IFMSA principles have been further defined in the present constitution, and state: • The Federation pursues its aims without political, religious, social, racial, national, sexual or any other discrimination, • The Federation promotes humanitarian ideals among medical students and so seeks to contribute to the creation of responsible future physicians, • The Federation respects the autonomy of its members.


IFMSA Vision A world in which all medical students unite for global health and are equipped with the knowledge, skills and values to take on health leadership roles locally and globally.

IFMSA Mission IFMSA unites medical students worldwide to lead initiatives that impact positively the communities we serve. IFMSA represents the opinions and ideas of future health professionals in the field of global health and works in collaboration with external partners. IFMSA builds capacity through trainings, projects and exchange opportunities, while embracing cultural diversity so as to shape a sustainable and healthy future.

About SCOME SCOME was one of IFMSA’s first standing committees since its foundation in 1951. It acts as a discussion forum for students interested in the different aspects of medical education in the hope of pursuing and achieving its aim. Today, SCOME works mainly on medical education capacity building. SCOME provides several platforms and methods to educate medical students worldwide on various medical education issues. Through this knowledge, it empowers them to advocate to be a part of the decision-making chain. SCOME believes in medical students as important stakeholders in creating, developing and implementing medical education systems. In this regional meeting you will have the opportunity to: • Get to know what SCOME is and what is done at national and international level; • Communicate with members from different NMOs; • Learn more about SCOME programs and advocacy; • Find out about teaching methods and their particularities; • Learn more about accreditation and the medical students’ role; • Get your full boost of motivation and love for SCOME.

SCOME Survival Kit for March Meeting 2017


Meet the SCOME International Team


Meet the SCOME International Team Director on Medical Education (SCOME-D)

Regional Assistant (RA)

The SCOME-D is elected each year by the National Member Organizations at the IFMSA General Assembly August Meeting. As per IFMSA bylaws, the SCOME-D oversees and coordinates the work being done within SCOME, be it by the National Officers or the International team. The SCOME-D is also in charge of preparing and guiding the Standing Committee meetings during General Assemblies and Regional Meetings. At the start of the term in October the SCOME-D appoints members of the international team to assist carry out these tasks.

The Regional Assistant is appointed by the Medical Education Director. The main task of the RA is to keep in touch with the national SCOME-groups in the other region, provide SCOME members of the region with personal and professional support, encourage and assist the development of the SCOME in the Region, establish priorities and work on the development of a regional plan of action.

Liaison Officer for Medical Education issues (LME) The LME is also elected on a yearly basis by the IFMSA General Assembly, and is tasked to represent both IFMSA and SCOME to externals, such as the World Federation of Medical Education (WFME) and the Association for Medical Education AMEE. The SCOME-D and the LME work closely together during the year and the GAs.

SCOME Survival Kit for March Meeting 2017

National Officer on Medical Education (NOME) Each National Member Organization of IFMSA elects a NOME, whose task is to coordinate and encourage local or national activities in the respective country. Local Officers on Medical Education (LOME) They are in charge of local improvement in Medical Education and related activities at the different local medical faculties of a National Member Organization (NMO). They are elected locally and they are responsible for tackling local problems.


IFMSA Programs IFMSA Programs are developed to centralize the streams of activities which are organized by IFMSA National Member Organizations (NMOs) and IFMSA Internationally. All the programs connect with the work of IFMSA. One of the main goals of the programs is to measure the impact of IFMSA. You can describe one program also as a large umbrella. It’s a broader topic, but covers multiple projects and activities. If you bundle those projects and activities, it’s easier to measure the outcomes and the impact of those projects, alone, but also all together. This way, it’s easier to gather all the work that we’ve done. The IFMSA Programs are not Standing Committee specific, but can overlap within standing committees. Having a centralized stream of work in each field allows our Federation to monitor and evaluate the impact of mutual efforts of all NMOs towards solving emerging global health issues. There are currently five programs involving Medical Education and therefore, we call them SCOME-Related Programs:

Medical Education Systems Program Coordinator: Moshna Bhiri E-mail Address: This program involves activities that aim to have students learning more about medical education topics, in a way they are more involved in the medical education system and in faculty decision making. There are many topics that can be discussed here, such as curriculum, learning theory, assessment and evaluation.

Teaching Medical Skills Program Coordinator: Petra van Pijkeren E-mail Address: The main goal here is to complement the formation students have in medical school. Activities that aim to improve the competences of future doctors on medical related topics, especially practical skills. Even though the medical student and the medical school are the main target, the final idea is having a better healthcare in the future.

Human Resources for Health Program coordinator: Udhayvir Singh Grewal E-mail Address: Activities that aim to engage the medical student to study, discuss and advocate for the improvement of healthcare workforce planning, distribution and 8

quality can be enrolled into this program. Advocacy initiatives and awareness campaigns are examples of what can be developed in order to tackle Human Resources for Health difficulties.

Ethics and Human Rights in Health Program Coordinator: Maria Aleksandra Golebiowska

E-mail address: Medical doctors should advocate for their patients and know how to face ethical dilemmas. In order to do so, activities that involve teaching the medical student about human rights and letting them understand about how they should proceed ethically in different scenarios can be done and added into this program.

Health Systems Program Coordinator: Lisanne Veling E-mail Address: This program is basically for activities that work with health systems in some way, such as WHO Simulations, Policy making discussions, activities regarding Universal Health Coverage and the student engagement on the improvement of the Healthcare. Common Actitivy Enrolment Form: click here. Learn more about Programs: click here.

Meet the SCOME Sessions Team Welcome… Welcome, SCOMEdians we welcome you to the SCOME Sessions of the 66th General Assembly March Meeting, and we salute your courage and your sacrifice. And we wish you Happy Hunger Games! Don’t worry, we will take good care of you. It was just a dramatic introduction. As Game makers of this Assembly (a.k.a. the sessions team), we made a vow to prepare an unforgettable and a life-changing experience for you. With blood, sweat and tears, we have been working hard to make these sessions special with a different taste where everyone gets his fair share of knowledge, experience and fun. Keep in mind that “Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all.” Saving human life - our future life goal - depends on perfect medical education. That is why we, the SCOME Sessions Team, would like to share with you our unlimited passion for medical education during this upcoming GA. Dedicated, ingenious, and energetic SCOME Game makers will do anything to provide you with the best SCOME experience ever. Want some last advice… Stay Alive! May the odds be ever in your favor.














SCOME Survival Kit for March Meeting 2017


March Meeting General Agenda


SCOME Sessions Agenda

Posters Fair Each NMO will design a poster to demonstrate their national program and their main activities and share it with the participants in a fair where they can exchange ideas and get feedback on their work. What’s new this year? The Posters fair is under the theme: Think globally, act locally! We will ask you to combine in your Posters your SCOME-activities and information about your Health System and the situation of the Human Resources for Health in your countries. We will try to guide you through the process with a pre-set questions list that you will receive via mail before the GA, and that you can try to find the answer to them before coming. Open Space The open space will be a Small Working Groups workshop where participants can pitch for their own small discussion groups on topics important to them and that they want to discuss with other NMO. Experienced NMOs can propose topics that they can conduct SWGs about and share their knowledge with other NMOs and try to answer the questions they have. Also, if NMOs agree on a topic that the SCOME SCOME Survival Kit for March Meeting 2017

IT can help with, an IT member will lead the SWG. Outcomes of the SWGs will be shared in the followup kit and made available for all the SCOMEdians. Accreditation of Medical Schools 101 Accreditation is nowadays a challenge that many medical schools are facing. That’s why we thought about providing you with this session “Accreditation 101”, that will be your guide not only to understand what accreditation is and why do we need it but also to know how can you, as a medical student, get involved in this process. Social Accountability (SA) in health Social accountability or how medical schools can be more “society friendly” is certainly one of the most debated issues in the medical education field these last years. So if you are curious and want to know more about this subject, this session is made for you. It will help you identify the key principles of SA, picture how a SA school should be and especially understand the crucial role you have as a medical student. 11

SCOME Regional Sessions AFRICA: TMET Publicity Hi lovely African SCOMEdians, I would first of all like the start by thanking you all for the contribution to the success of the recently concluded ARM that took place in December. Right from when I sent the call from input and the sessions team you have all been so willing to assist and cooperative. Now we have the March Meeting upon us and we are looking to build on what we took from the Regional Meeting and contribute in maintaining SCOME sessions as the most enjoyable of all. A recurrent theme that we encountered was the awareness and participation of TMET and its importance in the region. For the Regional sessions I think it will go a long way in discussing the following 1) What is TMET? 2) Why is it important? 3) How can I plan one in my NMO? I Hope you have an amazing time in the Meeting and please feel free to talk to anyone in the International Team about anything that concerns you, they will be more than happy to help Big white hugs, Ten ASIA-PACIFIC: You, Me, and SCOME Dear SCOMEdians of Asia Pacific, The Asia Pacific region is a wonderfully diverse place, allowing for the development of unique ideas and perspectives across it. However, as a region, we are relatively young and are yet to find a way of expressing ourselves within SCOME in IFMSA. Possible concerns? • Academic pressures, lack of time or know-how. • Can this produce real world change? • What’s in it for me? This March Meeting, regardless of whether you’re a newbie, NOME or any other flavor of SCOMEdian, we need to hear from you! Your inputs are going to determine which areas we focus on in the coming year. Our Session is divided into three parts. Part1: Self-development (You): A quick primer on optimizing our use of time, energy and focus. Part 2: Medical education (ME): We explore the areas of Medical Education and dispel common myths. Part 3: SCOME: Brainstorming exercise, where we identify real world problems from within our region, and use the tools in our arsenal, to tackle them. Really excited to meet you guys at MM17. We’re travelling quite a distance to assemble in Budva, let’s make the most of it! Your neurotic RA, Rahoul!


EMR: Social Accountability Hello my dear EMR SCOMEdians, During this term we have all been working on giving SCOME more visibility by increasing the number of our activities, recruiting new members and giving various trainings. I believe it is time for us now to start looking at the bigger picture. Why are we going through all these activities and what is our main objective? We all know that we are aiming for a better quality of medical education for all students and that’s in order to deliver a better healthcare system to all the patients. In more accurate and technical words SCOME is made to bring to life the concept of social accountability. Therefore, we are going to divide ourselves into four groups after defining the term social accountability. Group 1: Stakeholders of SA (We will take more time talking about who are the organizations that we can collaborate with among the region) Group 2: Criteria of SA Group 3: Target population Group 4: What are the main activities among the NMOs that work directly on this concept We will finish our session by commenting on how we can implement this concept among our universities and our curriculum. I can’t wait to see you all, Salma

EUROPE: Students' Involvement in Medical Education basing on AMEE Aspire Criteria Dear lovely SCOMEdians from European Region! Importance of students’ engagement in medical education I think doesn’t need any explanation. Let’s talk about how to increase our influence at medical universities. An International Association for Medical Education AMEE prepared Criteria that assesses if university is pro-student. Here you can check Student Engagement in the curriculum and in the school. However, we can use them not only to assess universities, but also as indicators of areas that require improvement thus advocacy opportunities. During the session first of all we will work in groups to clarify if all participants understand criteria. Then we will move to discussion, the topic will be to decide if each criterion is a) Possible to fulfil b) Possible in near future (5 yrs) c) Not possible at all to fulfil at universities. Then we will talk about similarities and differences between NMOs, areas that need improvement and solutions. I am looking forward to seeing you in Montenegro! Aleksandra.

Joint Sessions SCOREME: An innovative workshop on OpenAccess & OpenData

LGBTQ+ Health in Medical Education

• Committees: SCOME, SCORE • Keynote speaker: Joe McArthur, Right2Research Coalition

• Coordinator: Carlos Andrés Acosta Casas, Director on Sexual and Reproductive Health including HIV/AIDS

• Facilitator: Alexander Lachapelle, LME

• Contact:

• Contact:

IFMSA has developed on the past year in collaboration with external partners the "Building a LGBTQ+ Health Inclusive Curricula" advocacy booklet in spite of the few information that medical students receive in school about the integration of LGBTQ+ health mainly because of stigma and discrimination. This session aims to tackle and discuss our own stigma and internal LGBTQ+ phobia as well as thinking what are the gaps in our medical education that facilitate this process.

As physicians of tomorrow, our ability to treat patients and practice evidence-based medicine will depend on our ability to access this evidence. With a 400% increase in the price of scientific journals since 1986 (over three times the rate of inflation), it’s no wonder that fewer and fewer libraries and individuals, can afford these costly resources. OpenAccess is defined as the free, immediate, online availability of research articles, coupled with the rights to use the articles fully in the digital environment. More and more institutions are making their research Open – from the NIH, to the WHO – and today there are over 9,500 Open Access journals available, some of which leaders in their fields (PLOS Medicine being an example, with an impact factor of 14).

• Committees: SCOME, SCORA

The first hour of this session will take place during Standing Committee sessions, where the entire SCOME and SCORE groups will join for an introduction to OpenAccess, the role of medical students in the movement, and explaining IFMSA’s past involvement. Interested participants will then be given the opportunity to attend a joint session, given by Joe McArthur and Alex Lachapelle, on how to implement OpenAccess activities in your NMO, and become an advocate for OpenAccess.

SCOME Survival Kit for March Meeting 2017


Meet the NOMEs Do you want to get inspired by other NMOs’ experience or work? You want to know more about a project that an NMO is conducting? Or you simply want to get to know the NOMEs from different countries? Here is the list of our magnificent NOMEs, don’t hesitate to get in touch with them (click here)!

IFMSA Code of Conduct In the IFMSA we care very much about the integrity and safety of our members. It is very important for us that the General Assembly runs smoothly and everybody has fun in a safe environment. Therefore, IFMSA has developed a Code of Conduct, which you signed when you registered to the March Meeting. Signing this means that you are accepting the regulations being set during the GA and we expect you to follow it and to respect all your attending colleagues. We are in a place where the world comes into one and opens its arms to receive different ideas and respect each other. all participants should feel comfortable and safe within the IFMSA, and during IFMSA meetings. Therefore, we expect all delegates, Officials and attendees to follow and embody these guidelines: • Be respectful. Ensure that all fellow participants are able to, and feel safe to express themselves; be professional in speech, actions and appearance during the conference and display respect for the opinions and ideas of fellow delegates. Keep in mind that we are in a multicultural event and therefore respecting our differences is substantial for a good development of the General Assembly. Discrimination based on gender, sexual orientation and gender identity, political orientation, ethnicity, race, age and other social characteristics will not be tolerated by the Code of Conduct Commission

damage the image of a participant, the Organizing Committee or the Federation. All posts that contain threatening, abusive, harassing, defamatory, vulgar, obscene, libelous, hateful, or otherwise objectionable content shall be removed and may lead to disciplinary action. • Clean up. Promote recycling and avoid the unnecessary waste of resources, throw rubbish away and clean areas where you have attended or held a session/meeting. • Be eco-friendly. Act in an environment-friendly way with the capacities of the host (e.g. recycling materials). • Participate. Take an active role in the General Assembly program, contribute, and be responsible for getting the most out of the GA yourself. You are a representative of your nation within the spaces in the IFMSA and therefore all that you learn will be transferred to your people’s knowledge and life. Being here is a great honour. Be considerate of others and ensure that they are able to do the same. Additionally, we have prepared this GA with lots of love and effort and for everything to be on track we ask you to please: • Follow the instructions of the Organizing Committee, Team of Officials, hotel staff or other authorities;

• Care. Be aware of the health, safety and welfare of all other participants.

• Adhere to the terms and conditions of the designated accommodation venue;

Speak no evil. Do not post, share or disseminate any form of media (including pictures, videos and/or messages) on any forum (including online) that could

• Be mindful and considerate of other guests, during daily and nighttime events;


• Do not act in any way that may harm the reputation

IFMSA Code of Conduct of the IFMSA, the hosting NMO, other participating organizations or medical students; • Do not act in any way that may cause damage to the venue (breakages etc) • Be on time and avoid causing distraction when entering a session that has already started. Remember we are in another nation! And so legal policies regarding alcohol and smoking change! Therefore, we need to attain the following rules: • Smoking or the consumption of alcoholic beverages is prohibited in the formal meeting rooms of IFMSA. • Consumption of alcohol should be done in moderation and social program attendance should not affect the participant’s involvement in events and meetings. Since there are large groups of individuals preparing sessions voluntarily, attending sessions in an inebriated state is a lack of respect towards the facilitators and preparation teams. • All participants must remember and respect that there are participants who do not drink alcohol, particularly at social events. • The use of illicit substances (subject to domestic laws) are prohibited. In case of violation of the code; it will lead to removal from the event and may require the involvement of the host country's authorities. Breaking the Code of Conduct: If you encounter any violation of the Code of Conduct please approach any member of the Code of Conduct Committee, which is composed by: Eleonora Frau, Batool Wahdani, and Carlos Acosta, representing the Team of Officials. Marie-Claire Wangari and Malene Sandberg Enevoldsen, representing the NMOs. Zana Pavicevic and Andjela Becirc as members of the MM17 OC In addition, you can approach your NMO president/ Head of Delegation and report any violation, and the NMO president/ Head of Delegation will deliver it to the code of conduct committee. Also, you can WhatsApp, SMS or Call the following number if anything occurs: (+55 51998554123) (SCORA Hot Line 24h Available) All reports will remain anonymous unless specified otherwise by the individual filing the complaint.

SCOME Survival Kit for March Meeting 2017


What to Bring? • A positive attitude, an open-mind and a large smile. • A notebook and a pen. • A poster about your NMO’s Medical Education activities. • Some chocolate or candy for your new SCOME friends. • A SCOME or a white t-shirt for the last day. • Your favorite party songs in a USB drive. • A black/white accessory for our party. You can also come as you are we can’t wait to meet you.

Stay in Touch IFMSA-SCOME mailing list: Do you want to follow all the latest news of SCOME? Do you want to get informed of all the opportunities, deadlines and the events that are happening within SCOME? Join the IFMSASCOME mailing list by sending an empty email to IFMSA SCOME Facebook group: Keep in touch with more than 9000 SCOMEdians from all over the world on the Facebook group by clicking this link. IFMSA SCOME World of Medical Education: In this public Google Drive folder you can find important documents on medical education. You can access by clicking this link. International Team contact information: SCOME Director: Liaison Officer to Medical Education Issues: General Assistant: Development Assistant: RA for Africa: RA for the Americas: RA for Asia-Pacific: RA for Europe: RA for the EMR:


Algeria (Le Souk) Antigua and Barbuda (AFMS) Argentina (IFMSA-Argentina) Armenia (AMSP) Australia (AMSA) Austria (AMSA) Azerbaijan (AzerMDS) Bangladesh (BMSS) Belgium (BeMSA) Benin (AEMB) Bolivia (IFMSA-Bolivia) Bosnia and Herzegovina (BoHeMSA) Bosnia and Herzegovina - Republic of Srpska (SaMSIC) Brazil (DENEM) Brazil (IFMSA-Brazil) Bulgaria (AMSB) Burkina Faso (AEM) Burundi (ABEM) Canada (CFMS) Canada - Québec (IFMSA-Québec) Catalonia (AECS) Chile (IFMSA-Chile) China (IFMSA-China) China - Hong Kong (AMSAHK) Colombia (ASCEMCOL) Costa Rica (ACEM) Croatia (CroMSIC) Cyprus (CyMSA) Czech Republic (IFMSA CZ) Democratic Republic of the Congo (MSA-DRC) Denmark (IMCC) Dominican Republic (ODEM) Ecuador (AEMPPI) Egypt (IFMSA-Egypt) El Salvador (IFMSA-El Salvador) Estonia (EstMSA) Ethiopia (EMSA) Fiji (FJMSA) Finland (FiMSIC) France (ANEMF) Gambia (UniGaMSA) Georgia (GMSA) Germany (bvmd) Ghana (FGMSA)

Greece (HelMSIC) Grenada (IFMSA-Grenada) Guatemala (ASOCEM) Guinea (AEM) Guyana (GuMSA) Haiti (AHEM) Honduras (ASEM) Hungary (HuMSIRC) Iceland (IMSIC) India (MSAI) Indonesia (CIMSA-ISMKI) Iraq (IFMSA-Iraq) Iraq - Kurdistan (IFMSA-Kurdistan) Ireland (AMSI) Israel (FIMS) Italy (SISM) Jamaica (JAMSA) Japan (IFMSA-Japan) Jordan (IFMSA-Jo) Kazakhstan (KazMSA) Kenya (MSAKE) Korea (KMSA) Kosovo (EMSA-Pristina) Kuwait (KuMSA) Latvia (LaMSA) Lebanon (LeMSIC) Lesotho (LEMSA) Libya (LMSA) Lithuania (LiMSA) Luxembourg (ALEM) Malawi (UMMSA) Mali (APS) Malta (MMSA) Mexico (IFMSA-Mexico) Moldova (ASRM) Mongolia (MMLA) Montenegro (MoMSIC) Morocco (IFMSA-Morocco) Namibia (MESANA) Nepal (NMSS) The Netherlands (IFMSA NL) Nicaragua (IFMSA-Nicaragua) Nigeria (NiMSA) Norway (NMSA) Oman (SQU-MSG) Pakistan (IFMSA-Pakistan) Palestine (IFMSA-Palestine)

Panama (IFMSA-Panama) Paraguay (IFMSA-Paraguay) Peru (IFMSA-Peru) Peru (APEMH) Philippines (AMSA-Philippines) Poland (IFMSA-Poland) Portugal (PorMSIC) Romania (FASMR) Russian Federation (HCCM) Russian Federation - Republic of Tatarstan (TaMSA) Rwanda (MEDSAR) Serbia (IFMSA-Serbia) Sierra Leone (SLEMSA) Singapore (AMSA-Singapore) Slovakia (SloMSA) Slovenia (SloMSIC) South Africa (SAMSA) Spain (IFMSA-Spain) Sudan (MedSIN) Sweden (IFMSA-Sweden) Switzerland (swimsa) Syrian Arab Republic (SMSA) Taiwan (FMS) Thailand (IFMSA-Thailand) The Former Yougoslav Republic of Macedonia (MMSA) Tanzania (TaMSA) Togo (AEMP) Tunisia (Associa-Med) Turkey (TurkMSIC) Uganda (FUMSA) Ukraine (UMSA) United Arab Emirates (EMSS) United Kindgom of Great Britan and Northern Ireland (Medsin) United States of America (AMSA) Uruguay (IFMSA-URU) Uzbekistan (AMSA-Uzbekistan)

medical students worldwide

Venezuela (FEVESOCEM) Zambia (ZaMSA) Zimbabwe (ZimSA)

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