Standing Committee on Medical Education Strategic Plan 2015-2017 Proposed by the IFMSA Standing Committee Directors 2014-2015 Ohrid, Macedonia – August 2015
Introduction As the Standing Committee on Medical Education (SCOME) seeks to develop itself, it is necessary to prioritize and organize its efforts by identifying the strengths and weaknesses of the Standing Committee and build on the vision and mission of the Standing Committee. Building on relevant ideas and having continuity in our work over more than one term is essential for the Standing Committee to truly make an impact and move us closer to achieving our vision and mission. The strategic plan will guide the collective work of the International Team (IT) as well as the Standing Committee as a whole to achieve SCOME’s long term strategic goals, but it is still important to leave enough room for everyone to realize their own ideas. SCOME will seek to achieve the strategic goals through annual working plans that cover the different aspects of the goals and ensure proper handover of what was done and what still needs to be done by the succeeding International Team. These strategic goals were built on input from SCOME members, the SWG on the SCOME strategic plan, the SCOME International Team, the IFMSA Executive Board, and IFMSA members. This document represents the goals that will be the core of the SCOME Strategic Plan. The strategic goals fall under these five topics which will be the main areas that the Standing Committee will work on. → Advocacy & External Relations → Capacity Building → Integration of SCOME activities in IFMSA Programs → NMOs & SCOME Members Involvement → Management & Sustainability
Timeline Oct 2015 Oct 2015 - Sep 2016 Oct 2016 - Sep 2017 Feb 2017 Mar 2017 Aug 2017
Adoption of Strategic Plan 2015-2017 First annual work plan based on the Strategic Plan Second annual work plan based on the Strategic Plan Execution of Strategy 2014-17 finalized Interim Evaluation of Strategy 2014-17 (MM2017) Adoption of Strategy 2017-20 (AM2017)
Advocacy & External Relations 1.
By March 2017, SCOME related policy statements will reflect the needs of the Standing Committee and the members of IFMSA, supported by IFMSA Programs. This will help increase the visibility and impact of policy statements towards SCOME’s external partners and medical education worldwide and help support the members in advocacy efforts.
By August 2017, SCOME’s impact on medical education will be evaluated and publicly available to externals and partners through an annual report with detailed achievements and milestones.
By March 2016, SCOME will identify and build a database of relevant external parties in medical education that will recognize and endorse the activities of the Standing Committee and of the Federation.
Capacity Building 1.
By August 2016, SCOME will have an up-to-date public resource folder with expandable manuals and toolkits that allow the development of different skills needed within the field of medical education.
By March 2017, a framework will be developed based on the continuous capacity building structure which will include all of SCOME’s capacity building efforts during and between physical meetings rather than basing capacity building mainly around physical IFMSA meetings.
Integration of SCOME activities in IFMSA Programs 1.
By March 2017, SCOME’s activities will be fully integrated under the different IFMSA Programs. NMOs will be encouraged to join IFMSA Programs by promoting enrollment of their activities as a part of the Programs and providing resources for algorithms and procedures related to such Programs.
SCOME International Team 1.
By March 2016, tasks of the International Team will be revised in order to incorporate a system supporting more efficient and effective communication with NMOs and ensuring serving their needs and representing their opinions.
By August 2016, SCOME will produce an annual document detailing the work and responsibility of the SCOME International Team as a whole as well as specific tasks for each member of the International Team. The document will also explain and refine procedures for interaction between the International Team and IFMSA Officials, NMOs, and externals.
Management & Sustainability 1.
By August 2016, SCOME will establish standardized assessment strategies for SCOME’s different activities.