SCOME March Meeting 2018 Survival Kit

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SCOME Survival Kit IFMSA General Assembly 67th March Meeting 2018 Hurghada, Egypt

SCOME Survival Kit | MM 2018 Egypt



1. Message from the SCOME Director and Message from the Sessions Team 2. Meet the SCOME sessions team 3. About IFMSA 4. About SCOME 5. SCOME Structure 6. SCOME Programs 7. GA Agenda 8. SCOME Sessions Agenda 9. Regional SCOME sessions 10. Joint Sessions 11. Meet the NOMEs 12. What to bring 13. SCOME related Policy Documents: 14. Stay in touch with SCOME! 15. Code of Conduct

SCOME Survival Kit | MM 2018 Egypt



Message from the SCOME Director

Pablo Estrella IFMSA SCOME Director 2017/18

Dearest SCOMEdians. And here we are, getting ready for new SCOME Sessions, at the magical Egyptian lands. An IFMSA General Assembly (GA), is a unique opportunity that medical students from around the world have, to bring together health advocates full of ideas, passion and experiences to work, collaborate and learn. In this GA, we have prepare sessions focused on the regional needs of medical students, the main areas of work of IFMSA and SCOME, the impact assessment of our activities and the new Medical Education Strategic Plan. With these crazy people, know as the Sessions Team, we are aligning all our efforts to bring you the most useful knowledge, skills and learning environments. In this way we can want you to enjoy a multicultural and diverse experience with SCOMEdians from the different corners of the world. Huge panda hugs, Pablo Estrella SCOME Director


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Message from the SCOME Sessions Team

The following message is brought to you by the wisest Pandharaons SCOME has ever witnessed: Dear SCOMEdians Worldwide, Years go on, and we see our Standing Committee of Medical Education, as well as SCOMEdians grow as a more knowledgeable and skillful stakeholder in Medical Education. SCOME has put, since many years ago, it’s SCOMEdians empowerment as its number one priority. Therefore, the SCOME Sessions of the upcoming March Meeting 2018 in Sahl Hasheesh, Egypt, is a step further to make all of us together, taking SCOME to a whole new level. The MM18 SCOME Sessions Team has been working for weeks to make sure you live the ultimate IFMSA Medical Education experience; whether you are a newborn to our SCOME universe or an experienced citizen of the Medical Education realm, the sessions have been tailored to all your needs and expectations, covering topics from how to effectively handle your most impactful local SCOME Activities, to advocacting on a global levels for a better future for Medical Education and all medical students. So, ladies and gentlemen, we urge you to buckle up and prepare to be as passionate as we are for Medical Education, because we will show you that SCOME is about far more than you might have heard. You should also brace yourselves for the many surprises that the team has tirelessly planned for you. We hope you enjoy your time in attending the sessions as much as we enjoyed our time planning them. Let’s start making a real change in the world. Leave your print with SCOME. SCOMEleciously yours, The MM18 SCOME Sessions Team. SCOME Survival Kit | MM 2018 Egypt



Introduction to the MM18 SCOME Sessions Team



Welcome Everybody! If you are reading these words, you are probably passionate about SCOME, so am I. Call me M, my name is Mindaugas Galvosas and I am from LiMSA, Lithuania. I am here to be a part of something important, innovative, interesting, valuable and fun, and so are You! SCOME Sessions changed the way I see things in Medical Education, improved strategic planning, advocacy and networking skills, and made me new friends. Come and enjoy the process of invaluable improvements! Keep in mind - SCOME is Your Personal Update!


Hey guys! My name is Katerina Dima (you can call me Kat if you prefer it), I‟m from a small town in Greece and for 2017/18 I‟m your Liaison Officer for Medical Education issues. For me, it all started in SCOME sessions 4 years ago, when I had no idea about IFMSA or its work! But there I found the inspiration I was looking for and didn‟t stop for one second; I hope SCOME sessions can be such an eye opening moment for you as well and if you‟ve been with us for quite some time, I hope you get to see things from a new perspective! We‟re waiting for you :)


Hello everyone, My name is Mohamed ElBadry, you can call me Badry for short, I am a freerunner from Egypt who somehow found his way to med school. My greatest fear is my life being meaningless, this is exactly why I am very passionate about SCOME. As a SCOMEdian, you get the chance to be the core of an actual improvement in the system, you get the opportunity to do something that matters, to make a change, or in other words, be the change. I hope SCOME sessions help you become more passionate and eager to inspire others towards medical education. I can‟t wait to meet you all. :)


Hey there! I‟m Catarina, from Portugal and I‟m the SCOME Regional Assistant for Europe. For me SCOME is about ackowledging your „stake in the game‟, ackowledging you, as student, are part of the education process and you can change and improve the system. My first SCOME Sessions were the moment I found myself welcome and happy amongst people that I barely knew, but in some way shared my passion to be a changemaker. From that point on, I‟ve just been keenly involved with SCOME and IFMSA every chance I get. I hope you‟ll enjoy what we‟ve prepared for you! Até já! (translates to see you soon!)


Hello everyone! I‟m Jiarui Xiao from China. You can call me Gary. I became fascinated with medical education when I was a sophomore. As medical students, we‟ve always been in the system. But have you ever wondered to change and improve? Not only for the benefit of ourselves but also the world health development. I‟m lucky enough to be a member of SCOME for two years. The future of medical education is like a mystery that I want to explore more. Together, we SCOMEdians can make it better and brighter:) Can‟t wait to meet you all. Please enjoy the marvelous SCOME Sessions!


Ciao amici! I‟m Matteo from SISM Italy and I am extremely excited about this new March Meeting. These few days together are going to be packed with new experiences, more knowledges, old and new friends and the usual SCOME passion and love! Le‟ts count the days to this!

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Hello, guys! I am Anelia from AMSB Bulgaria, but you can call me Annie. I am really looking forward to meeting you and exchanging ideas, inspiration and knowledge with you during the SCOME sessions! I hope the sessions and the March Meeting itself will meet and even exceed your expectations and will fuel your passion for medical education and making a change in your faculties, countries and, why not, the world. :)


Aloha! I‟m not from Hawaii but from IFMSA-Morocco actually, from a land where Hawaii is a national drink side by side to our famous Mint Tea! My name is Marouane AMZIL (but everyone calls me Marou) and I am the SCOME Regional Assistant for the EMR. I am looking forward to meeting all the enthusiastic SCOMEdians from the different NMOs present at the March Meeting, since you can be all a source of inspiration, whether you are an experienced SCOMEdian or a newborn to the SCOME magical world. MM18 SCOME Sessions are a great sharing moments among all participants in order to upgrade SCOME to a whole new level. So don‟t take any of your ideas and thoughts for granted!


Marhaba ! (hello) I‟m Alaa Dafallah from MedSIN Sudan and, SCOME Regional assistant for Africa ! I‟m so excited for the SCOME Sessions this MM, and you should be too ! Get ready to have 5 days of wonderful, highly informative, fun sessions that shall take you through the world of medical education..! I always say, we are the change we wish to see in our medical education system, so yes ! Take charge, share, interact, enjoy, and most importantly apply ! See you all in Egypt !


Hola SCOMEdians!! I am Pablo Estrella from AEMPPI Ecuador. I am the SCOME Director, and with this amazing team, you will understand, share and increase your passion for medical education. Are you ready to meet students from all the corners of the world? Well, we are really close to our amazing SCOME Sessions!


Hola Pandamigos! I‟m Ximena, NOME of IFMSA Paraguay and SCOME RA for Americas. Finally another chance to share our love for medical education, and what better way to do it that going to SCOME Sessions. Come and rock SCOME sessions with us! Panda love from Paraguay


Greetings from sunny Egypt, This is Linah Hassanein, IFMSA-EGYPT NOME and SCOME Development Assistant. ARE YOU GUYS EXCITED? Are you ready for 5 days of pure undiluted fun, innovation and motivation? SCOME sessions team is waiting for you. All the hugs in the world.


As Salam U Alaikum Yoo Pandas, Aqsa here fron IFMSA-Pakistan, TSDD and RA SCOME for Asia Pacific region. Loads of positivity and love from my side to you all. I hope this MM fills your hearts with passion and you all take home an excited and high heart :p

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It all started 66 years ago. A group of Medical students from Denmark, Sweden, Finland, Norway, Germany, Switzerland, England, The Netherlands and Austria sought out to change the world after WWII, with this vision in mind: “A world in which all medical students unite for global health and are equipped with the knowledge, skills and values to take on health leadership roles locally and globally.” They gathered in Copenhagen to start a nonpolitical organization that would represent medical students. The purpose of such an organization was to “study and promote the interests of medical student cooperation on a purely professional basis, and promoting activities in the field of student health and student relief.” Hence, the International Federation of Medical Students’ Associations (IFMSA) was born. Initially three committees were formed: Standing Committee on Medical Education (SCOME), Standing Committee on Professional Exchange (SCOPE), and Standing Committee on Students’ Health (SCOSH). One year later the first General Assembly (GA) took place in London, 30 students 8

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participated, representing 10 countries. Over the years, the original eight member countries have been joined by many more. IFMSA is the world’s largest and oldest student organization representing medical students, maintaining 127 National Member Organization (NMOs) from over 5 regions. With over 1.3 million members, IFMSA is recognized as a non-governmental organization within the United Nations’ system and the World Health Organization. It is also the student chapter of the World Medical Association. IFMSA unites medical students worldwide to lead initiatives that impact positively the communities we serve. IFMSA represents the opinions and ideas of future health professionals in the field of global health, and works in collaboration with external partners. IFMSA builds capacity through training, project and exchange opportunities, while embracing cultural diversity so as to shape a sustainable and healthy future. The core purpose of IFMSA is to bring together the global community of medical students at the local, national and international level on social and health issues.



Standing Committee on Medical Education (SCOME), gathers medical students from all the globe, who are interested in taking an active role for creating and implementing an optimal learning environment for medical students by sustaining different activities outside the classroom that will form Integral doctors. SCOME offers an international platform for medical students to come together, for empowering and receive capacity building trainings that can be used for increasing the local and national impact of projects and activities. In addition, tools may be provided for advocacy and for representing the voice of medical students in several national and international levels, such as the Medicine faculties, World Health Organization, World Federation for Medical Education, among others. SCOME aims to impact positively in the medical education quality for making better future doctors that improve the world health care by working in curricula modifications.

Assemblies, one in March and another on August, a huge opportunity to meet other members and to improve your knowledge in medical education, and to acquire even more motivation for you, and all the members in your NMO. Other online meetings, Webinars and Small Working Groups are available for medical students to participate actively any time of the year, so don’t miss the chance to be part of this amazing team from any place around the globe. And remember, you can be that change the medical education system needs in every country just by doing something more and making the difference.

During the year, you can participate in different SCOME Sessions as there are several international IFMSA Meetings. The 5 Regional Meetings in each Region and 2 General SCOME Survival Kit | MM 2018 Egypt



SCOME Structure


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SCOME Structure Director on Medical Education (SCOME Director) The SCOME-D is elected each year by the National Member Organizations at the IFMSA General Assembly August Meeting. As per IFMSA bylaws, the SCOME-D oversees and coordinates the work being done within SCOME, be it by the National Officers or the International team. The SCOME-D is also in charge of preparing and guiding the Standing Committee meetings during General Assemblies and Regional Meetings. At the start of the term in October the SCOME-D appoints members of the international team to assist carry out these tasks.

Each National Member Organization of IFMSA elects a NOME, whose task is to coordinate and encourage local or national activities in the respective country. Local Officers on Medical Education (LOME). They are in charge of local improvement in Medical Education and related activities at the different local medical faculties of a National Member Organization (NMO). They are elected locally and they are responsible for tackling local problems.

Liaison Officer for Medical Education issues (LME) The LME is also elected on a yearly basis by the IFMSA General Assembly, and is tasked to represent both IFMSA and SCOME to externals, such as the World Federation of Medical Education (WFME) and the Association for Medical Education AMEE. The SCOME-D and the LME work closely together during the year and the GAs. Regional Assistant (RA) Regional Assistant is appointed by the Medical Education Director. The main task of the RA is to keep in touch with the national SCOME-groups in the other region, provide SCOME members of the region with personal and professional support, encourage and assist the development of the SCOME in the Region, establish priorities and work on the development of a regional plan of action. National Officer on Medical Education (NOME) SCOME Survival Kit | MM 2018 Egypt



SCOME Programs IFMSA Programs

Teaching Medical Skills

IFMSA Programs are developed to centralize the streams of activities which are organized by IFMSA National Member Organizations (NMOs) and IFMSA Internationally. All the programs connect with the work of IFMSA. One of the main goals of the programs is to measure the impact of IFMSA.

Program Coordinator: Nuñez

You can describe one program also as a large umbrella. It’s a broader topic, but covers multiple projects and activities. If you bundle those projects and activities, it’s easier to measure the outcomes and the impact of those projects, alone, but also all together. This way, it’s easier to gather all the work that we’ve done. The IFMSA Programs are not Standing Committee specific, but can overlap within standing committees. Having a centralized stream of work in each field allows our Federation to monitor and evaluate the impact of mutual efforts of all NMOs towards solving emerging global health issues. There are currently five programs involving Medical Education and therefore, we call them SCOME Related Programs: Medical Education Systems, Teaching Medical Skills, Human Resources for Health, Ethics and Human Rights in Health and Health Systems. Medical Education Systems Program Coordinator: Aleksandar Veselinov Farfarov E-mail Address:

This program involves activities that aim to have students learning more about medical education topics, in a way they are more involved in the medical education system and in faculty decision making. There are many topics that can be discussed here, such as curriculum, learning theory, assessment and evaluation. 12

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E-mail Address:

Ximena Alexandra

The main goal here is to complement the formation students have in medical school. Activities that aim to improve the competences of future doctors on medical related topics, especially practical skills. Even though the medical student and the medical school are the main target, the final idea is having a better healthcare in the future. Ethics and Human Rights in Health Program Coordinator:

Mary Adaeze Obi

E-mail address:

Medical doctors should advocate for their patients and know how to face ethical dilemmas. In order to do so, activities that involve teaching the medical student about human rights and letting them understand how they should proceed ethically in different scenarios can be done and added into this program. Health Systems Program Coordinator: E-mail Address:

Christina Kefalidi

This program is basically for activities that work with health systems in some way, such as WHO Simulations, Policy making discussions, activities regarding Universal Health Coverage and the student engagement on the improvement of the Healthcare. Enrolment form: Link Do you want to know more about the IFMSA Programs? • IFMSA Programs – Toolkit can be found here: Link • IFMSA - From idea to impact Manual here: Link


GA Agenda


SCOME Session Agenda

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SCOME Session Description Session


Welcome Session + TB

This is where you start your journey with SCOME in the MM18. It is where you get to know each other better and get introduced to the committee if it is your first time. This session is filled with lots of ice breaking and team building activities that we guarantee you, will help you call each other family by the end of the MM.

Meaningful Students Representation

This is where things get interesting. Did you know that as a medical student, you play a vital role in the medical education system? With this session, you will get to know your role better as well as understand the steps of how to achieve it - plus, you will understand better if your school truly values your opinion or if you are only an accessory to them!

Filling the learner’s gap The primary goal of this session is to give you the knowledge and the skills to devise a strategy in order to respond to a specific gap in your medical education. If you ever wanted to make a change in your curriculum, but you didn’t feel capable enough or didn’t know how to do it exactly, this session will help you contribute to the development of medical education on a local and national level.


Global Health Education

This session will open a discussion on Global Health Education in Medical Training, the need for it and our responsibilities and roles within the field. Whether we have consciously chosen to or not, we, as future health professionals, are all working in the field of global health.

Human Resources for Health

Human Resources for Health (HRH) have a critical role in strengthening health system performance and improving the health outcomes of society. As part of the health workforce, in this session we will discuss its importance and the role youth can play in the field of HRH. The session will not only open a discussion on this topic, but will also empower you with the knowledge and skills to take part, work and start projects on this area.

IFMSA Medical Education GEFAs

This session will give you an overview of the Medical Education Global External Focus Areas (GEFAs) for this term – Social Accountability in Medical Schools, as well as the Medical Education Overarching Concept – Transformative Learning. It will also open a discussion on the medical education global priorities for the next term. The input gathered during this session will help the International Team develop the next year’s Global Priorities.

Social Accountability

You have probably heard about it several times if you have been up to date with SCOME. As not only one of IFMSA Medical Education GEFAs, but as well as a focus area of our actions on a local level. During this session you will learn more closely about Social Accountability and how to take your first steps towards its implementation on a local level. You will also have the opportunity to meet a surprise guest!

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SCOME Session Description SCOME Regulations Amendments

The moment when the changes of our Standing Committee Regulations will be made. You will be able to actively participate, vote and improve the documents that guide our entire Medical Education work. Will you like to propose some changes? Check the SCOME Server to learn how to do it. (Check Section 13)

Programs Sessions

IFMSA Programs are centralized streams of activities organized by NMOs and IFMSA and were created in order to better measure the impact of our work on local, national and international level. This session will give you more knowledge about the mission of IFMSA Programs, and the many implementation strategies you can develop in order to increase the IFMSA impact on its numerous communities.

SCOME Strategic Plan

The SCOME International Team will present the updates of the new strategic plan for the next 3 years. We will collect your input, in a way we can assure that the new strategy is inclusive with all the regions and with the needs of SCOMEdians.

TMET Regulations Amendments

This session will focus on the improvement of the TMET Regulations and the results from the input regarding them, gathered before the March Meeting. We will work together in order to ensure better TMET Regulations.

Team Management and Motivation

Have you ever struggled with team management or keeping your team members motivated? Or are you looking for ideas on how to be a better leader? If yes, this session will give you the opportunity to improve your team management and give you tips on how to motivate those around you!

SCOME Open Space

A set of activities has been prepared for everyone in order to share new ideas and discuss it in details with other like-minded people. It is where you channel and train your inner Panda into developing with your fellow SCOMEdians new paths for SCOME to be taken in the future.

Posters Presentations

This is your time to share your SCOME activities and projects with the rest of us! You will have the opportunity to present what you do in SCOME in your NMO and share your experience with the others, as well as learn from them.

Closing Session

Just like everything else comes to an end, so do the March Meeting and the SCOME Sessions. Well, it’s actually not an end, but a continuation of your journey in the infinite world of medical education and a panda promise to see you again very soon!

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Regional SCOME Session African SCOME Regional Sessions

Asian Pacific SCOME Regional Sessions

As flawless as it may seem, Medical education in Africa is still far from the ultimate ! As students it’s our responsibility to play a role in its development to suit our needs and the needs of the health sector ! Join us in our Regional sessions to learn more what medical education is, participate in lively discussions on where different NMO’s are currently particularly in curriculum & educational strategies, and discover how you can advocate for more student involvement and curriculum improvements..!

The Regional Session for the Asia Pacific Region will include:

So Yes ! Lets Activate ! Americas SCOME Regional Session Empowering Education!




The Americas Region has an amazing amount of potential in medical education, and we need to take advantage of it. During regional sessions, we will work with the resources we have in SCOME in order to explode this potential and have amazing outcomes through Policy Documents, projects and activities in the region. All the results we get out the sessions will fit with the recently adopted Regional Strategic Plan, and its 5 pillars. So come and rock SCOME with us!


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• Awareness regarding SCOME itself. The guide to not just be SCOME active but to bring in momentum a step ahead. • Program Activities and details. • How to conduct a TMET and How can one prepare to be able to conduct one. • Focus areas • Social Accountability • Accreditation (hot topic nowadays) • Educational Strategies • Learn the art of taking feedback and evaluating sessions on any level. For AP local and national level. • Videos for guidance instead of written documents - by RA AP. • Short courses on specific topics mentioned above. As brainstorming OLMs for NOMEs. And follow up trainings by them on local level(can be via OLMs with their LOMEs). (Explanation of this in terms of a chain process, the same is expected of the LOMEs then) • SRT in India and Pakistan this year. • Motivation from RA to attend as many of Training programs IFMSA provides especially through SCOME be it on a regional or an international level, be there and you won’t regret.


Regional SCOME Session Eastern Mediterranean SCOME Regional Sessions Medical Education is an everlasting developing scientific field that needs a solid ground in order to evolve towards its contemporary goals. Therefore, to develop Research about Medical Education itself is very vital to this previously mentioned goal. The following session focuses on the importance of Research in Curriculum Development and Design, and other aspects as well of Medical Education. Participants would not only be introduced to the importance of Medical Education related Research in Curriculum Development and Advocacy, but most importantly to work together in developing long-term strategies in order to implementing Research Projects about Medical Education on a regional level.

European SCOME Regional Sessions Europe is truly a melting pot. From every NMO you get a new angle, a new perspective on how we can improve medical education and what our role may be in it. As mesmerizing as it is, it makes up quite a challenge when you want to focus on one particular topic. After all, what would that topic be? This March Meeting we’d like to take you to the basics of Medical Education. How do we have access to medical school? And once we’re in, how can the curriculum provide us the necessary support to withstand the long hours, the hard work and the pressure we are under? The challenge is set! Let’s go talk about what does it take to be a medical student in Europe.

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Joint Sessions During the MM18, SCOME will be working together with 3 Standing Committees to bring you some amazing Joint Sessions: SCOME/SCORE: Medical Students




Research is the mainstay of scientific and medical development. Medical students often lack the opportunity to learn about and be exposed to medical research through their medical curricula, which can affect their future ability to appraise published reports and conduct projects on their own. In such cases, it is important for medical students to take initiative and make opportunities for themselves. This joint session between SCORE and SCOME will introduce the basics of research and how to develop research through IFMSA, in order to empower the participants to start their own research projects. It will also provide an opportunity for participants to discuss and brainstorm ideas for research projects with medical students experienced in research with published papers.


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SCOME/SCOPH: Public Health in Medical Curricula SWG

Public Health is essential to future Healthcare professionals’ knowledge. Yet, the curricular of many Medical Schools does not include basic sufficient knowledge about Public Health (Health Systems, Social Determinants of Health...).SCOPHeroes and SCOMEdians have been advocating to increase the depth of knowledge and application of Public Health topics in their medical curriculum. It is a priority for both SCs and thus we have a functional SWG on the topic, to provide resources, advocate and build capacity within IFMSA to promote and enable medical students to act regarding this topic. This sessions is one of the session in a series of sessions on PH in MC.


Regional SCOME Session SCOME/SCORP: Ethics and Human Rights in Medical Curricula SWG

Hello SCOMEdians and SCORPions, Have you ever encountered situations where you have pondered over “saving the few or saving the many”? or have you come across those news stories where doctors are sued for malpractice or treatment without consent?

lock horns with each other, we will see how medicine and science in general, manages to persist in the face of such challenges. This session will be a reflection of what to expect from the SWG on Ethics and human rights in medical education and the toolkit that we’ll prepare. And so we invite you to attend our session, to tell us how you would face some of these ethical challenges and help us shape a more inclusive medical education for everyone around the world. This session will be more that just talks and discussions, it will be a journey around the world. Hope to see you in egypt!

Today, in our increasingly diverse and modern world, we as healthcare professionals and scientists of tomorrow, have already witnessed the importance of medical ethics and malpractice in medicine as well as the issues of bioethics surrounding those infamous researches as well as the innumerable instances of human rights violations in our wider world and we have been time and again told of the importance of bioethics and of human rights. This session is for all of us SCOMEdians and SCORPions, the future doctors and scientists, where we will gain knowledge into what actually is bioethics and how it affects the healthcare around us today and how it will affect medicine tomorrow. We will get to know how ethical and moral dilemmas and principles differ across the regions and also how different cultures across the world tackle these ethical challenges. We will see how human rights are going to change the face of the world tomorrow by affecting change in medicine today. In a time today where the modern society and fundamentalism constantly SCOME Survival Kit | MM 2018 Egypt



Meet the NOMEs You want to get inspired by other NMOs’ experience or work? You want to know more about a project that an NMO is conducting? Or you simply want to get to know the NOMEs from different countries? Region


Africa Africa Africa Africa Africa Africa Africa Africa Africa Africa Africa Africa Africa Africa Africa Americas Americas Americas Americas Americas Americas Americas Americas Americas Americas Americas Americas Americas Americas Americas Americas Americas Americas Americas Americas Americas Americas Americas

Burkina Faso Burundi Ethiopia Gambia Ghana Kenya Malawi Sudan Rwanda Nigeria Sierra Leone South Africa Tanzania Uganda Zimbabwe Bolivia Brazil Brazil Canada Canada Canada (Quebec) Chile Colombia Costa Rica Ecuador El Salvador Grenada Guatemala Haiti Haiti Honduras Jamaica Mexico Panama Paraguay Peru Perú Rep. Dominicana

Americas Americas Americas Asia-Pacific Asia-Pacific Asia-Pacific Asia-Pacific Asia-Pacific Asia-Pacific Asia-Pacific Asia-Pacific Asia-Pacific Asia-Pacific

United States of America Venezuela Santa Lucía Bangladesh China Hong Kong Hong Kong India MSAI - India Indonesia Japan Pakistan Taiwan



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Here is the list of our magnificent NOMEs, don’t hesitate to get in touch with them! Just ask your Regional Assistant their email or personal information.


NOME Toguyeni rihanatou Prisca Aloys Kamwenubusa Robel Tedla Jainaba Emma Quarshie Antony Karanja Yankho Alaa Dafallah Jonathan Al mustafa Mohammed Bell Jalloh Jackson Ramifikeng Elton Roman linda Pride Gwandomba Jose Antonio Coca Torrico Gabriel Ferreira Lima André Ferreira de Abreu Jr. Ruth Habte Dhruv Pandey Chérine Zaim Gabriel Esteban Zuñiga Martinez César Andrés Moreno Babilonia Fabián Rodriguez Palma Ximena Núñez Flor Ruiz Dina Jaber Juan Pablo Mack Alvizures Charlemagne CHARLORIN Laury Joseph Edwin Osmar Chinchilla Castillo Nikolai J. Nunes Alan Patlán Valentín Morán Torres Ximena Paredes González Maria del Carmen Tejada Trujillo Brayan Bazan Elena Gonzales Amber Liu Freddy Alberto Gómez Fernández-Oliva Urnell Ford Farzana Siddique Riju Jiarui Xiao Evelyn Chan Sophie Yau Ishan Desai Hansel Misquitta Ariana Maharani Tenshin Ohtsuka Fatima Sakhawat Fan, Cheng-Yi Chan, Yen-Kuang


Meet the NOMEs Asia-Pacific Asia-Pacific Asia-Pacific EMR EMR EMR EMR EMR EMR EMR EMR EMR EMR EMR EMR EMR Europe Europe Europe Europe Europe Europe Europe Europe Europe Europe Europe Europe Europe Europe Europe Europe Europe Europe Europe Europe Europe Euope Europe Europe Europe Europe Europe Europe Europe Europe Europe Europe Europe Europe Europe Europe Europe Europe

Philippinies Kazakhastan Bangladesh Iraq Iraq Oman Yemen Qatar Jordan Syria Lebanon Egypt Libya Tunisia Morocco Kuwait Austria Azerbaijan Belgium Bosnia and Herzegovinia Bosnia and Herzegovina (Rep. of Srpska) Bulgaria Croatia Cyprus Czech Republic Estonia France Georigia Greece Germany Hungary Ireland Italy Latvia Lithuania Luxembourg Malta Moldavia Norway Northern Cyprus Poland Portugal Romania Russian Federation Russian Federation (Tatarastan) Serbia Slovakia Spain Spain (Catalonia) Switzerland The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (Macedonia) The Netherlands Ukraine United Kingdom

AMSA - Philippines IFMSA - Kazakhastan BMSS - Bangladesh IFMSA-Iraq IFMSA-Kurdistan MEDSCO (Oman) NAMS (Yemen) QMSA (Qatar) IFMSA-Jo SMSA-Syria LeMSIC (Lebanon) IFMSA-Egypt LMSA (Libya) AssociaMed-Tunisia IFMSA-Morocco KuMSA AMSA Austria AzerMDS BeMSA BoHeMSA SaMSIC

Gerardo Felipe O. Diza III (Nickname: Ping) Ramina Talgatkyzy Farzana Siddique Riju Zena Hassan Shewaz Tariq Latif Ruwaina Al Riyami Ahmed S. Maknoon Sara Tariq Alareed Obada Nahawi Ghait Alzaim Omar Zmerli Lina M. Hassanin Mohamed Juan Mohamed Bilel Kouki Rim Kaoua Waleed Al Mansouri Lisa Kelm Rena Aliyeva Eline Dejans Adnan Šabić Arijana Knežević


Maria-Teodora Hristova Marija Vrdoljak Jiro Ezadgian Alena Stolínová Mariliis Jukk Héloise Fauchon Rudiko Rusia Emily Bilalis Jil Weigelt, Pauline Lieder, Luca Salhofer Dede Onisoyonivosekume Aaron Blake Matteo Cavagnacchi Laura Bajares Mindaugas Galvosas Frédéric Schwarz Denise Gatt Mihaela Turcanu Havard Ulsaker İrem Tekin Michal Cholubek Vasco Mendes Elena-Victoria Manea Maria Shaldina Ramil Gabdulkhaev Danilo Markovic Johan Filo Pablo Labandeira, Pablo Garcia Rafa Terol Angela Berni, Lisa Alfare Jovana Prisagjanec


Fleur Zijlstra Dima Nestor Iain Doig

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What to Bring • First of all, yourselves! • Your SCOME t-shirt, or any white t-shirt for the final SCOME collective photo! • Any taking notes materials: pen, notebooks, notepads, laptops… • Some candies (or food) for the last day of the meeting that you will like to share with the other SCOMEdians • Black & White clothes for the long-awaited SCOME Black & White Party (more info coming soon)


SCOME Survival Kit | MM 2018 Egypt

• Any promotional material about what you do in SCOME in your NMO to share at the Poster Presentation (email to participants coming soon) • Comfortable clothing, we are going to move around a lot! • Or come as you are, we’ll love you anyway!


SCOME related Policy Documents For the MM2018, we will have 2 Medical Education related Policy Documents shared for input. They will be submitted by February 1st. During the GA, there will be a policy discussion where you can ask questions and discuss the implementation of the policies. Below you can find the introductions of every policy along with the link where you can find the complete policy. For more information, please contact Katerina Dima: A reminder from the IFMSA Bylaws: Policy statement: Short and concise document highlighting the position of IFMSA for specific field(s). A policy statement does not include background information, discussion related to the policy, a bibliography and neither does it quote facts and figures developed by outside sources. The maximum length of a policy statement is 2 pages, including introduction, IFMSA position, and call to action.

and understanding the importance of including medical students in the conversations. After the success of the WSSA and the student declaration in Tunisia, the need for IFMSA to produce its own policy document became evident. Link to the policy where you can provide your input: 2. Global Health Workforce: In September 2016, the final report of the United Nations HighLevel Commision on Health Employment and Economic Growth projected a global shortage of 18 million health workers by 2030, primarily in low and lower-middle income countries. IFMSA, as a body comprised of future health workers, believes in the importance of implementing the 2030 Global Strategy and in the importance of having an official stance, as action is urgently required across all regions and stakeholders. Link to the policy where you can provide your input:

Position paper: A detailed document supporting the related policy statement that contains background information and discussion in order to provide a more complete understanding of the issues involved and the rationale behind the position(s) set forth. A position paper must cite outside sources and include a bibliography. 1. Social Accountability in Medical Schools: Social Accountability of Medical Schools is defined as the obligation to direct their education, research and service activities towards addressing the priority health concerns of the community, region, and/or nation they have a mandate to serve. Social Accountability has become, in the past few years, a major area for focus in Medical Education worldwide with many of our partners becoming engaged SCOME Survival Kit | MM 2018 Egypt



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IFMSA SCOME Facebook group:

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IFMSA-NOME server: A space just for NOMEs to open and follow discussions, share unique opportunities and start new streams of work. Are you a NOME and are not yet subscribe to the server? Do it today with your official email, sending an empty email to:

IFMSA SCOME World of Medical Education: In this public Google Drive folder you can find important documents on medical education. You can access by clicking this link.

The SCOME International Team




Contact Information

SCOME Director

Pablo Estrella Porter

LME RA Africa RA Americas RA Asia Pacific RA EMR RA Europe

Katerina Dima Alaa Abu Sufyan Ximena Paredes Gonzรกlez Aqsa Shafique Marouane Amzil Catarina Pais Rodrigues

General Assistant Development Assistant

Matteo Cavagnacchi Linah Hassanin

SCOME Survival Kit | MM 2018 Egypt

IFMSA Code of Conduct for meeting participants


Preamble This code of conduct has been created for the Federation and its members. It aims to formulate the parameters of behaviour: • to be in accordance with the principles and values of the Federation • to create a comfortable and safe environment and atmosphere for all participants of every cultural background • to achieve the best outcomes for the meetings Principles and Values of the Federation Each participant is expected to take responsibility for themselves, and to act in accordance with the constitutional principles and values of the Federation at all times. All participants are expected to treat each other with respect and consideration, and foster tolerance, dignity and equality. In order to ensure productive and inclusive meetings, all participants should foster cooperation and show appreciation of each others’ contributions. Taking part in IFMSA meetings should be a meaningful, fun, and safe experience. Any form of discrimination, including but not limited to political, religious, social, racial, national, sexual or disability-based discrimination, will not be tolerated from any participant of the meeting. General rules and behaviour All participants should feel comfortable and safe within the IFMSA, and during IFMSA meetings. Therefore, we expect all delegates, Officials and attendees to follow and embody these guidelines:

• Be respectful. Ensure that all fellow participants are able to, and feel safe to express themselves; be professional in speech, actions and appearance during the conference and display respect for the opinions and ideas of fellow delegates. • Care. Be aware of the health, safety and welfare of all other participants. • Speak no evil. Do not post, share or disseminate any form of media (including pictures, videos and/or messages) on any forum (including online) that could damage the image of a participant, the Organizing Committee or the Federation. All posts that contain threatening, abusive, harassing, defamatory, vulgar, obscene, libelous, hateful, or otherwise objectionable content shall be removed and may lead to disciplinary action. • Clean up. Promote recycling and avoid the unnecessary waste of resources, throw rubbish away and clean areas where you have met or held a session/meeting. • Be eco-friendly. Act in environment-friendly way with the capacities of the host (e.g. recycling materials) • Participate. Take an active role in the General Assembly program and contribute. You are responsible for getting the most out of the GA for yourself. You are a representative of your NMO within the spaces of the IFMSA and therefore it is important that you consider how to act and behave accordingly. Being here is a great honour. Be considerate of others and ensure that they are able to do the same. SCOME Survival Kit | MM 2018 Egypt


• Protect yourself to protect others. In order to gain the most from the sessions and rich intercultural environment, it is important that each participant has sufficient energy. Be mindful of your needs (food, sleep,...) so you can benefit and contribute the most from and to the whole meeting. It is not the Sessions’ Teams duty to energize participants.

• Consumption of alcohol should be done in moderation. • Consumption of alcohol and social program attendance should not affect the participant’s involvement in events and meetings.

In order for the event to run smoothly, it is also necessary to:

• All participants must remember and respect that there are participants who do not drink alcohol, particularly at social events.

• Follow the instructions of the Organizing Committee, Team of Officials, hotel staff or other authorities;

• The first hour of the National Food and Drink Party is alcohol free, and no alcohol consumption is allowed during this hour.

• Adhere to the terms and conditions of the designated accommodation venue;

• The use of illicit substances (subject to domestic laws) are prohibited. In case of violation of the code; it will lead to removal from the event and may require the involvement of the host countries authorities.

• Be mindful and considerate of other guests, during daily and nighttime events; • Do not act in any way that may harm the reputation of the IFMSA, the hosting NMO, other participating organizations or medical students; • Do not act in any way that may cause damage to the venue (breakages etc.) • Be on time and avoid causing distraction when entering a session that has already started. • Be aware and respectful of the cultural differences of the hosting country and other participants. Substance abuse Every participant should promote safe behaviour for the sake of health and wellbeing of themselves and others. • Smoking or consumption of alcoholic beverages is prohibited in the formal meeting rooms of IFMSA. Smoking shall be prohibited indoors within all public areas of the facilities hosting the General Assembly Meetings regardless of the facilities’ smoking policy. Smoking is only allowed in the designated 26


SCOME Survival Kit | MM 2018 Egypt

Laws and other restrictions Every participant must respect and comply with all applicable National, Federal, State, and local laws. Any illegal activity will be reported to the proper authorities and subject to the applicable jurisdictional actions. The following actions or behaviours are forbidden at all IFMSA events: • Use of illegal drugs • Damage of property • Underaged drinking (defined by local legislation) • Violence or threat of violence, intimidation or harassment to any party • Discrimination towards any other person, sexual harassment, SOGI based discrimination or racist slur • Consuming alcohol in formal meeting rooms • Smoking inside any formal or informal meeting room (including during all social programs) • Stealing from any other delegates

Financial Liability Delegates will be financially liable for any damage to equipment, facilities, constructions and environment at the Conference venue that should result from their actions. Code violation Violation of this code of conduct will be met by sanctions, which will be proportional to the severity of the violation, including, but not limited to:

The head of delegation will be notified in case of a sanction is put in place. Repeated violations will result in escalation of sanctions. We wish all participants the best possible experience. We kindly ask you to bear the content of this Code of Conduct in mind at all times to help achieve this goal. I, the Undersigned, hereby accept that failure to conform to this code of conduct, will be subjected to disciplinary action as described above.

• Warning by the Organizing Committee/ Code of Conduct: • Report to the NMO President • Warning by the IFMSA Executive Board/ Supervising Council • Report to local authorities and police • Removal from the event

Location, date


Print Name

• Ban on attending all IFMSA and IFMSAassociated event(s) in the future. This sanction must be taken by the IFMSA Executive Board and Supervising Council. • Any sanction involving the police should be consulted with the IFMSA Executive Board, Supervising Council and the Organizing Committee unless it prevents timely action. • For violations regarding any form of racial, ethnic, gender based, SOGIE (sexual orientation and gender identity and expression) based, discrimination and or any type of violence • The participant will receive only one warning, after which further actions will be taken. • In case of rape or sexual abuse, the participant will be excluded from the meeting immediately and reported to local authorities.

SCOME Survival Kit | MM 2018 Egypt


Algeria (Le Souk)

Latvia (LaMSA)

Senegal (FNESS)

Argentina (IFMSA-Argentina)

El Salvador (IFMSA-El Salvador)

Lebanon (LeMSIC)

Serbia (IFMSA-Serbia)

Armenia (AMSP)

Estonia (EstMSA)

Lesotho (LEMSA)

Sierra Leone (SLEMSA)

Australia (AMSA)

Ethiopia (EMSA)

Libya (LMSA)

Singapore (AMSA-Singapore)

Austria (AMSA)

Fiji (FJMSA)

Lithuania (LiMSA)

Slovakia (SloMSA)

Azerbaijan (AzerMDS)

Finland (FiMSIC)

Luxembourg (ALEM)

Slovenia (SloMSIC)

Bangladesh (BMSS)

France (ANEMF)

Malawi (UMMSA)

South Africa (SAMSA)

Belgium (BeMSA)

Gambia (UniGaMSA)

Mali (APS)

Spain (IFMSA-Spain)

Bolivia (IFMSA-Bolivia)

Georgia (GMSA)

Malta (MMSA)

Sudan (MedSIN)

Bosnia & Herzegovina (BoHeMSA)

Germany (bvmd)

Mexico (IFMSA-Mexico)

Sweden (IFMSA-Sweden)

Mongolia (MMLA)

Switzerland (swimsa)

Montenegro (MoMSIC)

Syrian Arab Republic (SMSA)

Morocco (IFMSA-Morocco)

Taiwan - China (FMS)

Namibia (MESANA)

Thailand (IFMSA-Thailand)

Nepal (NMSS) The Netherlands (IFMSA NL)

The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (MMSA)

Nicaragua (IFMSA-Nicaragua)

Tanzania (TaMSA)

Nigeria (NiMSA)

Togo (AEMP)

Norway (NMSA)

Trinidad and Tobago (TTMSA)

Oman (MedSCo)

Tunisia (Associa-Med)

Bosnia & Herzegovina – Republic of Srpska (SaMSIC) Brazil (DENEM)

Ghana (FGMSA) Greece (HelMSIC) Grenada (IFMSA-Grenada)

Brazil (IFMSA-Brazil)

Guatemala (IFMSA-Guatemala)

Bulgaria (AMSB)

Guinea (AEM)

Burkina Faso (AEM)

Guyana (GuMSA)

Burundi (ABEM)

Haiti (AHEM)

Cameroon (CAMSA)

Honduras (IFMSA-Honduras)

Canada (CFMS)

Hungary (HuMSIRC)

Canada – Québec (IFMSA-Québec)

Iceland (IMSA) India (MSAI)

Pakistan (IFMSA-Pakistan)

Turkey (TurkMSIC)

Catalonia - Spain (AECS)

Indonesia (CIMSA-ISMKI)

Palestine (IFMSA-Palestine)

Chile (IFMSA-Chile)

Iran (IMSA)

Panama (IFMSA-Panama)

Turkey – Northern Cyprus (MSANC)

China (IFMSA-China)

Iraq (IFMSA-Iraq)

Paraguay (IFMSA-Paraguay)

Uganda (FUMSA)

China – Hong Kong (AMSAHK)

Iraq – Kurdistan (IFMSA-Kurdistan)

Peru (IFMSA-Peru)

Ukraine (UMSA)

Peru (APEMH)

United Arab Emirates (EMSS)

Colombia (ASCEMCOL)

Ireland (AMSI)

Philippines (AMSA-Philippines)

Costa Rica (ACEM)

Israel (FIMS)

Poland (IFMSA-Poland)

Croatia (CroMSIC)

Italy (SISM)

Portugal (ANEM)

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (SfGH)

Cyprus (CyMSA)

Jamaica (JAMSA)

Qatar (QMSA)

Czech Republic (IFMSA-CZ)

Japan (IFMSA-Japan)

Republic of Moldova (ASRM)

United States of America (AMSA-USA)

Democratic Republic of the Congo (MSA-DRC)

Jordan (IFMSA-Jo)

Romania (FASMR)

Uruguay (IFMSA-URU)

Kazakhstan (KazMSA)

Russian Federation (HCCM)

Uzbekistan (Phenomenon)

Denmark (IMCC)

Kenya (MSAKE)

Venezuela (FEVESOCEM)

Dominican Republic (ODEM)

Korea (KMSA)

Russian Federation – Republic of Tatarstan (TaMSA)

Ecuador (AEMPPI)

Kosovo - Serbia (KOMS)

Rwanda (MEDSAR)

Zambia (ZaMSA)

Egypt (IFMSA-Egypt)

Kuwait (KuMSA)

Saint Lucia (IFMSA-Saint Lucia)

Zimbabwe (ZiMSA)

medical students worldwide

Yemen (NAMS)

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