IFMSA – SCOME TMET (Training Medical Education Trainers) Regulations Amended by the Standing Committee on Medical Education Plenary at the March Meeting 2018– Egypt.
TMET Preparations As per the IFMSA Programs, TMET workshops are an IFMSA activity and as such: Shall any NMO call for international certification, it needs to submit an activity description and send it to the SCOME-D to be discussed with the hosting NMO, at least 10 weeks before the event. This activity description should contain at least: ● Activity Name ● Introduction ● Acronyms & Abbreviations used in the document ● Purpose ● Target Group ● General Description ● Objectives & Success Indicators ● Perquisites ● Activity Plan ● Assessment Plan ● Resources ● Budget ● Coordinators/Contact Details These proposals are not to be accepted or rejected by the SCOME-D, but they are to be discussed with the NMO to guarantee the quality for the training sessions and the trainers who will be exposed to the international world. If the hosting NMO only calls for national certification, they are not obliged to submit a proposal to the SCOME-D.
Important Deadlines and Documents to send BEFORE the TMET: At least 10 weeks prior to the TMET send to and
1 month before the TMET send
1. Application Form (Annex 1) 2. TMET Description (Annex 2) 3. Budget (Annex 3)
1. Preliminary Agenda to 2. Names of the proposed Trainers and
1 week before the TMET 1. By participants: TMET Pre-Assessment Form1 starts
2. By Coordinator: Final list of participants and trainers.
Important Deadlines and Documents to send AFTER the TMET: Maximum 6 weeks after the 1. By participants: TMET Post-Assessment + Evaluation TMET
Form.1 2. By TMET Coordinator: TMET Report Form (Annex 5) 3. By TMET Coordinator: Participant’s List (Should include: Name, Email, Gender, NMO, Region, Date of Graduation)
Maximum 6 months after
1. By TMET Coordinator: Training Graduation Follow Up Form (Annex 4) for each participant 2. By TMET Coordinator: Updated Participant’s List (Should include: Name, Email, Gender, NMO, Region, Date of Graduation)
the TMET, send to
Pre, Post Assessment and Evaluation Forms templates will be shared to the TMET Coordinator by the SCOME Development Assistant. 1
TMET Regulations 1. Working hours 1.1 The TMET should comprise of at least 24 working hours, not exceeding more than 10 hours per day. The Workshop is recommended to be held on 3-4 days. The workshop cannot exceed one week since the first day of training.
2. Recommended Training Session Environment 2.1 The place where a training is to be conducted is preferred to be comfortable, without echo, without background noise around but able to accommodate noise from energizers and such. The place should accommodate a space for activities, exercises, energizers. 2.2 The training hall should have movable chairs. U or O pattern seating are recommended for trainings 2.3 The training environment should be fully equipped with needed stationery. Trainers should ask for needed stationery by the deadline provided by the OC. Basic items such as projector, speaker, data show, flipcharts, markers, duct tape, pencils, papers, scissors, and post-it should be available anytime upon the trainer’s request.
3. Number of participants 3.1 An IFMSA training is recommended to be given by 2 trainers. A maximum of 5 trainers and a minimum of 2 trainers are required for the training, depending on the number of participants. 3.2 Training are suggested to have a maximum of 20 and a minimum of 8 trainees. 3.3 A trainer: trainee ratio of 1:5 is suggested. 3.4 A trainer: trainee ratio above 1:8 will not be accepted.
4. TMET Language 4.1 To be internationally certified, two third of the contents of the sessions have to be conducted in English.
5. TMET Trainers2 5.1 The TMET must have: 2
N.B: - A supervisor is someone with extensive experience who is responsible for managerial overview of the workshop, following up on TMET Regulations implementation, and advisory to the general framework, agenda, and TMET details. - Facilitating a TMET doesn’t equal attending two TMET workshops but only equals attending one TMET workshop.
5.1.1 1 TMET Supervisor (either physically present or not) who must be a member of the SCOME International Team. 5.1.2 TMET Coordinator, who will be the main trainer responsible for the organization of the TMET. 5.1.3 Out of all trainers conducting the TMET, at least two must have attended or facilitated a TMET or ESME Course. 5.1.4 By facilitating a TMET, every trainer automatically receives his/her TMET-certification even if he/she hasn’t attended a TMET workshop before.
6. TMET Topics 6.1 Mandatory Topics to include are: 6.1.1 Basic Training Skills As TMET Trainers will be expected to give trainings related to medical education, they should have general knowledge about how to give a training and be a good facilitator for trainings. 6.1.2 Education, Teaching & Learning A TMET Trainer should have thorough understanding on the model of a good teacher and effective teaching techniques that provide a high quality learning environment for medical students. Furthermore, a TMET Trainer should be aware of what education is and how can it be provided to ensure fruitful outcomes (outcome-based education). 6.1.3 Assessment & Evaluation Understanding different ways of assessment & evaluation as well as differences between them is vital for a TMET Trainer. 6.1.4 Curriculum Planning , Development , & Implementation A TMET Trainer should be aware of what should be taken into consideration to plan a curriculum and develop it to be suitable for medical students as well as how to implement such curriculum to reach the targeted goals. 6.1.5 Student Involvement A TMET Trainer should be aware of the role of students in medical education, how to effectively involve them in decision making and medical education system building, and how to encourage them to advocate for their rights as well as build understanding on what those rights include.
6.1.6 Professionalism & Ethics A TMET Trainer should be aware of the professional & ethical code of conduct a good teacher/leader should follow and what to do in different situations where this could be challenged. 6.1.7 Social Accountability A TMET Trainer should understand the concept of Social Accountability, its basic principles as well as the implementation procedures. TMET Trainers should also be very well accustomed with the IFMSA Social Accountability Toolkit and with how Social Accountability can be integrated in a medical curriculum. 6.2 6.2.1 6.2.2 6.2.3 6.2.4
Recommended Optional Topics Evidence Based Medicine. Research in Medical Education. Quality Assurance and Accreditation in Medical Education. Transformative Learning
7. TMET Graduation & Certification 7.1 The TMET participant graduates when they attend the minimal number of hours required (85% of the total TMET hours) and as soon as the 1st training session is delivered. This should happen within 6 months after the TMET has concluded. It is highly recommended to have the first training as soon as possible. 7.2 The topic of the TMET graduation session should be one of the topics included in point 6, excluding “Basic Training Skills”. 7.3 For receiving certificates. 7.3.1 The participants should fill the pre and post assessment forms according to the deadlines stated in section “TMET Preparations” 7.3.2 The TMET coordinator has to fill the TMET Report Form (Annex 5) and send the participants list up to 6 weeks after the end of the TMET. And the TGFU and updated participants list up to 6 months after the end of the TMET.
8. TMET T-Shirts 8.1 The Organizing Committee of the event will be responsible to help TMET Coordinator for printing T-shirts for TMET Participants and workshop facilitators, and should consider the cost of printing within the workshop budget. 8.2 The Designs of the T-Shirts will be provided by the SCOME International Team according to the Corporate Identity Manual of IFMSA. 8.3 The Organizing Committee is recommended to collect names of participants and facilitators as well as t-shirt sizes in advance , and organize printing so that the T-
9. SCOME International Team 9.1 The SCOME International Team will appoint a member from the team to follow-up with the workshop coordinators and organizers and provide them with all necessary support and resources to ensure the success of the TMET. This person will be the TMET Supervisor. 9.2 The SCOME International Team has the authority to make exceptions to the mentioned regulations above, based on individual circumstances and after consulting with the relevant IFMSA Officials and Workshop Organizing Committee.
Annexes • • • • •
Annex 1: Application Form Annex 2: IFMSA Activity Description. Annex 3: IFMSA Budget Template. Annex 4: Training Follow Up Form (TGFU). Annex 5: TMET Report Form