Women With Ambition - Issue 1

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alwill leyba An exclusive interview with the bestselling and award winning authoress, podcaster, and master life coach.

An opportunity for female entrepreneurs to be celebrated, and to share their passion and purpose. 1




LETTER Welcome to the first edition of Women with Ambition; a digital magazine designed to celebrate female entrepreneurs, and to share their passion and purpose. I am so inspired by the incredible women’s movement that is happening, and completely committed to the concept of “women truly supporting women.” This philosophy and mindset are the inspiration behind my brand, and have given me the privilege to meet, collaborate and work with some truly remarkable women. Women whom I’m proud to feature and celebrate within the pages of this magazine, and to introduce you to. Although their brands and industries may differ, they share the same dedication to improving lives, possess an insatiable drive and work ethic, and know what it takes to #EarnYourStilettos. Women with Ambition is not just about highlighting one woman, but rather to bring light to all female entrepreneurs who have dedicated their careers to making a positive difference. It’s not just a magazine, but a movement, and an opportunity for women to view one another as inspiration over competition. I believe that we all have a gift and a purpose and this is me living out mine - to empower and encourage women to truly support one another, as we embrace our own unique and beautiful journeys. I support you, applaud you and I’m ultimately here to celebrate you. Standing behind and beside you, cheering you on every step of the way. Because after all, stilettos are meant to come in a pair. Keep shining! With love,

LISA AQUILINA Founder of Stilettos and a Stroller



INTRODUCTION I am thrilled to introduce Cara Alwill Leyba, and feature her as one of my ultimate Women with Ambition! Cara is a bestselling and award-winning author, podcaster, and master life coach, who empowers women to live their most effervescent lives, celebrate themselves every day and make their happiness a priority. She has self-published 6 top selling books on Amazon, led countless life-changing seminars, and continues to share her views and voice on her fabulous podcast; Style Your Mind. Through her social media platforms, Cara continues to leave a little sparkle with every post, and inspire her global following with daily doses of lifestyle tips and empowering advice. Her success, passion, and purpose are truly admirable, and you will soon discover why as we get up close and personal with Cara Alwill Leyba. 4

WHO IS CARA ALWILL LEYBA AND WHAT IS YOUR BUSINESS? I am a woman obsessed with celebration, reinvention, and all things glamorous. By trade, I’m a certified master life coach and author (all six of my books have been Amazon bestsellers!). I’m also obsessed with women on the edge of change, and the work I do is for them. I believe that every single woman deserves to live a life beyond her wildest dreams. I also believe that every single thing is possible for all of us. With a few mindset shifts, a hell of a lot of hard work, and a little champagne, each of us has the ability to be the woman we dream of being. WHAT INSPIRED YOU TO CREATE YOUR BRAND AND BEGIN WRITING? WHAT IS YOUR “WHY”? 9 years ago, my life was literally changed by a glass of champagne. I was working at MTV, which may sound fun, but truth be told I had a not-so-cool job at a really cool company. I was passionless about my work, trapped in an unhealthy relationship I didn’t know how to leave, and in an unhealthy state of mind overall. Miserable, insecure, and burnt-out, I sought change. At the time, I believed the only way to change and ultimately find happiness was through losing weight. Having tried one unsuccessful diet after the next, I found myself at a crossroads. One my coworkers suggested giving up diets for good and instead, just eating healthy (something I had truly never thought about having been so brainwashed by diet culture). She encouraged me to eat organic, whole foods and choose

indulgence over deprivation. When I asked her if I could be mindful of my figure but still drink, she responded with an immediate, “Of course you can, just drink champagne!” Champagne quickly became my drink of choice, and I immediately noticed how different I felt while holding a beautiful, delicate glass of bubbly in my hand. I thought about champagne as a metaphor for my own life, and vowed to begin making real changes. I finally worked up the courage to leave that relationship, I got a different position at MTV, I started treating my body better, and I was determined to find a reason to celebrate every day. From that, my blog, The Champagne Diet was born, and the rest, as they say, is history! WHAT MADE YOU FINALLY PURSUE YOUR DREAM AND REALLY GO FOR IT? I knew that if I didn’t leave MTV I’d never know my full potential as an entrepreneur. I was “side hustling” for years, but still working a full-time job and 5

All the good stuff happens in the middle, along the journey, while you’re experiencing new things and learning about yourself.


commuting over 3 hours a day in round-trip traffic from Brooklyn to Manhattan. I was limited in my energy and my ability to really put my “all” into my passion. I was toying with the idea of leaving while building my business and figuring out finances. It wasn’t until I found myself in Tokyo in 2014 that everything changed for me. That trip woke me up! It was the most terrifying, thrilling, incredible, life-changing vacation. It took traveling across the world to meet parts of myself that were within me all along. After that trip, I walked into my boss’ office and resigned, and I’ve never looked back! If you’re reading this and you’re considering making a huge change in your life, switch up your environment. We get so sucked into routines that we think the monotony of our lives is acceptable. If you can’t swing Tokyo, take a road trip. Go to Florida. Go anywhere. Just get out there and live! It’ll shift you in ways you’d never imagined possible. YOU HAVE AN AMAZING COLLECTION OF BOOKS – EACH ONE WITH A DIFFERENT PURPOSE AND THEME. IS THERE ONE BOOK IN PARTICULAR THAT IS YOUR FAVOURITE, OR THAT YOU ARE MOST PROUD OF? I truly love all of my books. But if I had to pick one, I’d say Girl Code. It has become more than a book, it’s become a movement that is happening right now, all around the world. I get messages regularly from women in places like France, Italy, Miami, Los Angeles, Brazil, and Dubai who have told me that the book has changed their lives. It’s overwhelming and wonderful and I still pinch myself at what is going on. It’s clear that women are starving for support and permission and if my book can help them find that and encourage them to build better lives for themselves, then that makes me the happiest woman on the planet. WHAT WAS ONE OF THE MOST SURPRISING THINGS YOU LEARNED IN CREATING YOUR BOOKS? I learned pretty early on that writing is the easy part, ha! Once you write your book, you have to

live and breathe its message in order to spread the word. You are your own advocate – with or without a traditional publisher. I’ve self-published and I now have an entire team, but I still need to hustle my ass off to get that book in front of people. You become the sales person, the marketing person, the PR person, the social media person, all of it. But I love it and I wouldn’t have it any other way! WHAT IS YOUR WRITING PROCESS LIKE? I’ve always treated writing like it was my job, even before it paid my bills. When I’m writing, I try to stay as focused as possible and cut out all distractions. I text those closest to me to let them know I won’t be near my phone, and then I go put it in another room so I’m not tempted to pick it up. I close out of all browsers on my computer so I’m not tempted to jump on Facebook or email. I light candles, burn incense, and cue up a good playlist to get me in the vibe I need to be in depending on what I’m working on. And coffee. Lots and lots of coffee. WHAT IS YOUR MOTIVATION? WHO AND WHAT INSPIRES YOU TO KEEP MOVING FORWARD? My readers. Hands-down. I have a file on my phone called “Love Letters” and I screenshot all of the emails, messages, and comments I receive and keep them there. The fact that my girls feel like they can reach out to me and be vulnerable makes me know I am doing something right. HOW DO YOU DEAL WITH NEGATIVITY, OBSTACLES AND LACK OF MOTIVATION? All of those things are a part of life, and if you get stuck on them, you’re doing yourself a huge disservice. I am rarely unmotivated because I’ve designed my life and my business to only include things I am obsessed with doing. When I do feel challenged in any way, I get into gratitude mode. I remind myself that I get to do what I do every day. That’s a privilege I worked hard for and I’ll never take it for granted. 7

When I find myself facing negativity from others, I try my best to remove myself from the situation and always think about acting as my “higher self.” It’s easy to slip into old patterns, get caught up in gossip, or want to be petty, but I always ask myself, what would the best version of Cara do? IF YOU COULD CHANGE ANYTHING ABOUT YOUR BUSINESS JOURNEY THUS FAR, WHAT WOULD IT BE? WHAT WOULD YOU HAVE DONE DIFFERENTLY? Absolutely nothing. I believe that every single thing that happens to us is placed in our path for a reason. There are no accidents. Only opportunities to learn and evolve. WHAT ARE YOUR FUTURE BUSINESS PLANS? NEW BOOKS, LIVE EVENTS, COACHING, ETC. I’m working on my next book, Like She Owns the Place, coming out in Summer of 2018 from Portfolio Books. I’m also focusing on my podcast, Style Your Mind, and continuing to put out killer content for my girls. The rest is up to the universe! WHAT ADVICE WOULD YOU GIVE OTHER ASPIRING ENTREPRENEURS WHO ARE JUST STARTING OUT? The winning combination is hustle and patience. Work hard, be humble, remain consistent, and take your time! I see so many girls rushing to this imaginary destination. Success isn’t an end point. All the good stuff happens in the middle, along the journey, while you’re experiencing new things and learning about yourself. Arriving at a goal is fulfilling, but it’s also fleeting. The grind is magical. Allow yourself to be fully present in the process. Be nice to everyone. It’s a small world. And don’t take yourself so seriously! I’M A BIG BELIEVER IN INCORPORATING “LITTLE LUXURIES” INTO OUR EVERYDAY LIVES. WHEN YOU’RE NOT WRITING, WHAT DO YOU LOVE TO DO MOST? WHAT ARE 8

SOME OF YOUR LITTLE LUXURIES? I love taking a break from work and meeting friends and family at a nice restaurant and enjoying a gorgeous bottle of wine and good food. I also love music, so any chance I get to go see an artist I love perform, I jump on it. My life basically revolves around food, champagne, and music, so I love indulging in all of those things – they make me, me! When I’m home, I love taking bubble baths with essential oils. I also love really playing up my loungewear at home, so rather than working from my desk in sweats, I’ll wear a beautiful caftan or silk pajamas. I’m all about elevating an average experience and making it feel as feminine and special as possible. And a Real Housewives marathon with a big fat glass of red wine never hurt anybody! WHAT IS YOUR LIFE MOTTO OR FAVOURITE QUOTE? What is for you will not pass you. WITH SUCH AN AMAZING AND THRIVING CAREER DEDICATED TO EMPOWERING WOMEN IN ALL AREAS OF THEIR LIVES, WHAT DO YOU HOPE PEOPLE TAKE AWAY FROM YOUR WORDS? WHAT WOULD YOU WANT YOUR AUDIENCE TO SAY ABOUT YOU? I want people to know how much I truly care about

Look at Me girls, be a Come With Me girl.” DO YOU HAVE ANY PLANS TO COME TO CANADA IN THE NEAR FUTURE? Nothing on the calendar, but if someone wants to organize something, I’d love to come up! WHERE CAN WE GET MORE OF CARA? WHICH PLATFORM ARE YOU MOST ACTIVE ON? The most intimate way to connect with me is through my email list. You can add your name at TheChampagneDiet.com (scroll all the way to the bottom). I send weekly love letters to my readers – things I don’t share on social media. I’m also on Instagram daily sharing original inspiration and a personal glimpse into my world. I love Snapchat too, you can find me there under GlitterGutsGlam. You can find me there at Instagram.com/TheChampagneDiet. You can also find my podcast on iTunes and Stitcher by searching for “Style Your Mind.” I’d love to meet you!


NOTES It was truly a pleasure to interview Cara and to learn more about her personal and professional journey. For more information about Cara’s books, please visit my blog and select Lisa’s Library to learn more about her collection. them. This is not just about me. I love sharing my personal stories and letting people into my life but I do it to help them learn about themselves. I strive to be an example and a leader, but this isn’t The Cara Show. I want to empower the women who read my books to go out there and do their own thing and be their own woman. And I want us to come together, in power and in sisterhood, and thrive together. My mantra is, “In a world full of

STAY SOCIAL WITH CARA Website/Blog: www.thechampagnediet.com @thechampagnediet



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