GAMES PLAYED 32–11 Tied, last by Justin Riemer and James Triantos (2019)
TRIPLES 5–Kyle Hamer (2012) 4–3 Tied, last Bobby Boyd (2011)
APPEARANCES 14–Eric Meleney (2010), Alex Deise (2011) 12–7 Tied, last by Jake Pecilunas (2016)
AT BATS 104–Bobby Boyd (2011) 103–Brody Leftridge (2014) 101–Nick Howard and Justin Korenblatt (2011)
HOME RUNS 8–LJ Hoes (2008) 7–3 Tied, last Scott Silverstein (2008) 5–3 Tied, last Jack Roberts (2017)
GAMES STARTED 10–Jake Steinberg (2016) 9–4 Tied, most recently by Cam Remalia (2016) 8–6 Tied, most recently by Phil Reese (2008)
AVERAGE .538–LJ Hoes (2006) .524–LJ Hoes (2008) .495–James Triantos (2019)
TOTAL BASES 79–LJ Hoes (2008) 76–James Triantos (2019) 68–Bobby Boyd (2011)
INNINGS PITCHED 55 1/3–Keith Moreland (2004) 54 1/3–Jake Steinberg (2016) 53 1/3–Cam Remalia (2016)
RUNS 44–LJ Hoes (2008) 36–LJ Hoes (2007) 35–Charles Flowers (2010)
ON BASE PERCENTAGE .639–LJ Hoes (2006) .620–LJ Hoes (2008) .604–Charles Flowers (2010)
ERA .29–Ryan Olsen (2014) .32–Danny O’Donnell (2012) .43–AJ Lee (2015)
HITS 49–James Triantos (2019) 44–LJ Hoes (2008) 42–Bobby Boyd (2011) and AJ Lee (2014)
STOLEN BASES 32–LJ Hoes (2008) 30–Mike Rozak (2005) 28–Brody Leftridge (2013)
WINS 7–Mike Bowie (2010), AJ Lee (2015), Jake Steinberg (2016) 6–9 Tied, most recently by James Triantos, Luke Schauer, Ian Remalia (2019)
RBI 40–LJ Hoes (2007) 39–James Triantos (2019) 36–Scott Silverstein (2008)
WALKS 29–Cory Beahm (2007) 27–Charles Flowers (2010) 26–Charles Flowers (2009)
SAVES 4–Jack Roberts (2017), Luke Schauer (2018) 3–3 Tied, most recently by Brody Leftridge (2014)
DOUBLES 16–James Triantos (2019) 15–AJ Lee (2014) 12–Mike Bowie (2009)
HIT BY PITCHES 13–Cameron Remalia and Niko Jenkins (2016) 11–Dylan Hunter (2018) 10–3 Tied, last by Zach Tsakounis (2018)
STRIKEOUTS 68–Scott Silverstein (2008) 58–Connor Hoehn (2007), AJ Lee (2015) 53 –Cam Remalia (2016) BATTING AVERAGE AGAINST .106–AJ Lee (2015) .111–LJ Hoes (2008), Brody Leftridge (2014) .123–Mike Rozak (2005)