The SJLCMinute
Church Events
March 14 6:45 pm Youth Lenten Bible Study: The BIG Questions
March 15 6:00 PM Abbey Dinner with Communion
March 19 4th Sunday in Lent
Faith Formation
March 22 6:00 PM Abbey Dinner with Communion
March 24 Family Ministry “Drive-In” Movie
March 25
Kiwanis Pancake Fundraiser
March 26 5th Sunday in Lent
Faith Formation
Suzuki Violin Recital in Sanctuary
All Team Night
March 28 at 6:30-7:45
Evangelism Diversity, Equity, Inclusion
Faith Formation Community Outreach
*Children & Youth *Habitat for Humanity
*Adult *Highways & Byways
Property *A Place at the Table
*Building *Christenberry Support
*Grounds *Family Promise
March 28
Beer Group*
All Team Night
*Special Projects *Volunteer Ministry
*Safety & Security *Tyson House
Finance *Guatemala Partnership
Personnel Communications
Worship Stewardship
*Seasonal Worship Hospitality
*Worship Leaders *TLC
*Special Emphases *Congregational Events
Office Volunteers
When: March 25, 2023, 7:30am-noon
Where: St. John’s Lutheran Church SFH
Price: $5/person, 12 and under free
How: Tickets available at the door!
Join us for our first quarterly All Team Night where we will learn, plan, and dream about ways we can live into our Mission and Vision Statements.
Here is our schedule: 6:30 Total Group in Sparks Fellowship
6:50 Team Meetings
7:45 Departure
6:00 to 7:00 PM
Sparks Fellowship Hall
Please plan to join us this Wednesday, March 15!
B.E.E.R. (Brother’s Engaged in Enriching Relationships) will be changing it up a bit this month. On Tuesday March 28th we will gather just a couple doors down from the church at Crafty Bastard. Due to the All Teams Meeting at church at 6:30 that same eve, we will meet around 7:45 or so for an abbreviated social at CB..
All are also welcome at the Teams Meeting at the church at 6:30 if you’re interested in participating in other ways at St. John’s.
Please contact Garry Menendez or Jordan Baker if you have any questions. Hope to see you there!
Annual Spring Cleanup
Saturday, April 1
8:30 AM Breakfast
9:00 - 11:00 AM
Please come early for fellowship over coffee and continental style breakfast
Inside: Condition the beautiful woodwork of the Welcome Center and Sanctuary, clean the windows inside and out, clean blinds, clean wax from sanctuary floors and pews, and arrange archive room upstairs
Outside: Trim tree limbs, prepare Courtyard Fountain for springtime operation, waterproof cement wall caps, and other outside beautification projects
Seasoned and New Members alike are encouraged to come help keep our church home BEAUTIFUL! Please bring gloves; all other tools will be provided!
Questions? Please contact Ray Collins at (865) 964-7969 or Darrell Murrell at 865-438-3132.
Holy Week Schedule
(Sunday, April 2—
Sunday, April 9)
Palm Sunday-April 2 9:00 and 11:00 am
Procession with Palms
Maundy Thursday -April 6 7:30pm
Holy Communion Stripping of the Altar
Good Friday -April 7 at 7:30pm
Tenebrae (Office of Shadows)
Easter Sunday - April 9 7:00 am
Sunrise Worship (begins in the Old Gray Cemetery)
9:00 AM
Festival Worship
10:10 AM
Flowering of the Cross Easter Egg Hunt
Festival Worship